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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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mfa298jamespage: looks like success. I used the ceph tool to remove the mon and osd in ceph and removed the node from maas. Then added it back into maas and used juju add-unit and it seems to have setup the monitor. I'm not sure it's got the OSD yet but that could be due to bad gpt partition table.10:31
mfa298next bit will be waiting for it to come up properly (currently has clock skew) and for the osd's to rebalance then I'll try the next node.10:32
=== bloodearnest_ is now known as bloodearnest
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lazyPower_natefinch: wrt: reviewboard - whats the question being proposed? teh charm has been accepted to the store. https://jujucharms.com/precise/reviewboard-114:29
natefinchlazyPower_: sorry, I should have given more context.  we're trying to set it up for use with juju core and github, with a plugin so we can log in with our github usernames.14:40
lazyPower_natefinch: ah ok. I thought it was with relation to teh service not having been charmed yet or something. *hattip* ok glad its nothing thats pending on ~charmers14:41
natefinchlazyPower_: thanks for pointing out my email was too vague :)14:42
mattywstokachu, ping?14:54
stokachumattyw, hey15:06
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zirpuis it possible to 'expose' a service to a specific IP or set of IP addresses?17:16
zirpuor is that a planned feature? (i haven't search the issues list yet.)17:16
sarnoldzirpu: I think the solution would be preparing a subordinate service that runs appropriate ufw or iptables commands yourself; the different cloud providers have different granularities on their "security groups"17:36
natefinchjcastro, marcoceppi: do you guys have time to talk about charmer pain points today?17:37
zirpusarnold: agreed. i'd already thought about that. just was hoping it was included as a possible parameter to 'expose'.17:37
sarnoldzirpu: agreed :)17:38
=== lazyPower_ is now known as lazyPower
marcoceppinatefinch: I do!17:58
natefinchmarcoceppi: for a minute I thought you guys didn't have any complaints, and I was just going to stay home for the rest of the week :)17:59
natefinch....the joke is funnier when you don't work from home :/18:00
marcoceppinatefinch: hah, you wish. was otp18:00
marcoceppinatefinch: what you want to know?18:00
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
natefinchmarcoceppi: have you seen this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZC76hkbxDF7idcSbU9DI-homfom224q484HOLNFSIM8/edit#gid=018:03
marcoceppinatefinch: not yet18:03
natefinchmarcoceppi: take a look, let me know what you think about the charmer stuff... my team will be working on those.  Mostly, I need details on how you'd like it to work.18:05
ayr-tonGuys, is possible to make a charm that deploy and setup other charms?18:05
natefinchmarcoceppi: meeting time for me18:05
marcoceppiayr-ton: technically, yes, but it's not a very clean and pretty thing18:05
marcoceppinatefinch: want me to just dump them here? or email? or?18:06
ayr-tonmarcoceppi, What is the best practice for do something like this? For example, if I want to setup a jenkins master, 4 runners, a gitlab server, a sonarquobe and integrate this. Like, calling a script with all the steps.18:07
natefinchmarcoceppi: let's hang out later today if you have time18:07
ayr-tonLike, I want to setup this enviroment in my development machine, with a script. And then, push this to another juju environment.18:08
marcoceppinatefinch: i have time for this18:09
marcoceppiayr-ton: that's a bundle18:09
ayr-tonmarcoceppi, hmmm18:09
marcoceppiayr-ton: a bundle is a static representation of a deployment with configuration and relations coded in18:09
natefinchmarcoceppi: cool... in a meeting for the next 30-60mins but any time after until 5 is  cool18:10
marcoceppinatefinch: I've got a standup at 3p, I'll ping after that18:10
ayr-tonmarcoceppi, this: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-bundles.html?18:10
marcoceppiayr-ton: yeah, that's the doc page, I'll link you to a few examples too.18:10
marcoceppiayr-ton: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maarten-ectors/charms/bundles/presto/bundle/view/head:/bundles.yaml is an example and here's a bunch more: https://code.launchpad.net/charms/bundles18:12
ayr-tonmarcoceppi, thank you very much (: It is enough to get started.18:12
jcastronatefinch, marcoceppi, let's hop on a G+18:14
marcoceppijcastro: he's in a meeting, we should sync post-our-daily18:14
jcastromarcoceppi, that link nate showed you is the addition of all the feedback from our team, plus others.18:14
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, it's awesome18:15
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
sebas5384uhuuu! https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1315428 "fix commited"18:29
mupBug #1315428: Review needed: Drupal Charm <drupal> <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by sebas5384> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1315428>18:29
sebas5384what that means? :P18:29
marcoceppisebas5384: it changes nothing, justsome testing with the new review queue18:33
sebas5384ahhh :(18:37
sebas5384marcoceppi:I run to the charm store to see if the charm was recommended hehe18:37
marcoceppisebas5384: fix released is when it gets promulgated18:46
sebas5384ahhh ok marcoceppi thanks :)18:59
lazyPowerhey hatch - http://blog.dasroot.net/the-power-of-community-charming/19:05
hatchyour blog looks so good19:06
sebas5384awesome post hatch :)19:16
sebas5384lazyPower: sorry now that i sow it was yours hehe19:17
hatchhaha THANKS19:18
lazyPowerThanks :D19:20
lazyPowerif you dont mind, syndicate that. We need to get the word out about personal namespaces being the recommended path for starting - i've got a todo item to updat the docs as well19:20
lazyPowerWe should see that land sometime by early next week.19:20
marcoceppiyo natefinch19:23
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
natefinchmarcoceppi: sorry, stepped out for a bit.  Want to talk now?19:48
marcoceppinatefinch: yeah jcastro ^^19:54
jcastroI have a call, but pass me the URL19:54
jcastroI'll join after19:54
natefinchmarcoceppi: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=119:56
=== wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld
MrDanHi to all.  Can anyone help me get my head wrapped around the differences between Salt and Juju?22:12
MrDanAre they simply two different approaches to the same problem, or are the complementary tools.  I'm obviously a noob.22:15
thumperMrDan: I'm not really familiar with salt22:32
thumperMrDan: juju is not just about setting up environments, but also making sure the different services communicate22:32
thumperand keep communicating as things change22:32
MrDanthumper: my understanding is that Saltstack has been adopted by LinkedIn among other large sites.22:39
MrDanthanks for the reply, though.22:39
thumperMrDan: sure, there are many users of all the deployment tools22:43
MrDanthumper: One of the differences I see from just a very cursory reading of Salt - it provides remote execution management.  Am I correct in thinking this might make a good complement for Juju?22:52
thumperMrDan: juju has some now, and gaining more with actions22:53
MrDanAh.  Interesting.22:53
MrDanI just came across the "salt-master" charm.  Looks like I need to do some more digging.22:54
MrDanthanks for the feedback.22:55
MrDanOne small rant about this space.  The cheeky vocabulary used by tools like Chef, Puppet, Salt, etc.... is more hurdle than help (IMHO).23:00
MrDanAs an example, since I've been talking about Salt, it has "minions", "pillars", "grains", etc....23:03
MrDanMore thematic than helpful.23:03
MrDanmaybe "cheeky" is the wrong work.23:03
lazyPowerMrDan: Salt is very much a config management toolchain. Juju is a layer above that23:12
lazyPowerjuju can orchestrate a salt stack, and push salt to the limits of its capabilities by providing information outside of salt that juju then plugs into a remote (salt, chef, bash, python, puppet, etc) CM framework to perform operations.23:12
lazyPowerJuju is like the all powerful all knowing oracle of your deployment infrastructure23:12
lazyPowerand it makes things dead simple when you combine that with the simplicity of the Juju GUI23:13
lazyPowerso to think of Juju as just config management of machines is only the first step, its also responsible for scaling, relations between services in a SOA approach, and has some capacity to do more with the use of juju-run and well scripted tasks.23:13
MrDanlazyPower: that's helpful.23:15
lazyPowerMrDan: a bit wordy in terms of adverbs - but juju really is an amazing tool with what it brings to the table when you consume well written charms.23:16
lazyPowerare there any specific questions you have about juju that I may be able to answer for you?23:16
MrDanUnfortunately, my inquiry is still at the forest level.  I have a lot more digging to do, but am impressed with the responsiveness of this group.23:19
lazyPowerWe try to be. Community is our biggest winner when you go with juju - the charm store is an amalgamation of a community of effort.23:21

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