
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
ovidiu-florinhow does qapt output the package install process in a konsole like view? does it use kdialog?07:02
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RiddellScottK: right I get that but what are the use cases these days beyond skype for 32 bit on 64 bit? presumably there's other proprietary software people want to run in 32bit mode?07:58
RiddellI can't recrate the crash in bug 135239708:01
ubottubug 1352397 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update to libkscreen 1.0.5" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135239708:01
Riddellworth reading kevin kofler's reply to my packaging blog post, they seem to have much the same issues https://blogs.kde.org/2014/08/13/upstream-and-downstream-why-packaging-takes-time#new08:15
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=== valorie is now known as bookzilla
Riddellapachelogger: so.. horizontal volume controls, why why? the metaphone is clearly higher and lower volume meaning it should be vertical!09:02
* bookzilla sits down to watch the flame-war09:05
bookzillaexcept no harald exists yet09:05
Riddellgo and wake him up with a very high volume so demonstrate why volume is a vertical concept09:05
bookzillahe was investigating how to have sex in outer space when I went to bed09:05
bookzillaand there was more bad wine in the bottle09:06
bookzillaRiddell: I'm not sure where his room is09:06
bookzillaperhaps I should just parade up and down the halls playing .....Tool, perhaps?09:06
bookzillathis would make me many friends, I'm thinking09:07
Riddellget some pans from the kitchen and hit them with a variety of spoons09:09
RiddellScottK: bug 1308931 ready for SRU promotion09:09
ubottubug 1308931 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "[KDE] Ubiquity side bar is broken on the initial page for the KDE UI " [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130893109:09
Riddellgod that one took ages :(09:09
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 609:33
RiddellScottK: bug 1352397 for SRU approval09:37
ubottubug 1352397 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update to libkscreen 1.0.5" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135239709:37
kdeuser56does the kubuntu-next iso work for anyone in virtualbox?10:29
Riddellnot tried today, what happens kdeuser56?10:29
RiddellI do have a local problem with sddm so it could be that if you just get a screen with a cursor and nothing else10:30
kdeuser56Riddell: yesterdays iso simply only shows colored lines10:30
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 610:33
Riddellwell that could mean anything :(10:37
Riddellbut I'm going to blame sddm10:37
kdeuser56Riddell: I'll try to investiage ...10:38
kdeuser56Riddell: do you know where the svg's of the ticks are stored, when you tick something in plasma, like in networkmanager? they do not seem to be in /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme10:39
Riddellkdeuser56: no idea sorry you'd need to ask in #plasma I guess10:39
kdeuser56Riddell: splash screen shows, then the aspect ration changes and only colored lines10:53
kdeuser56Riddell: 3d enabled, enough ram, two cpus ... so I can't do more about it10:53
kdeuser56Riddell: screenshot: http://tinypic.com/r/j8lce9/810:55
Riddellhmm so probably not sddm10:57
Riddellthat's spooky, maybe X is crashing10:57
jmuxkdeuser56: Do you have the virtualbox vM tools installed in the vm? The std VGA emulation of VBox is very basic.11:20
kdeuser56jmux: which tools? I do not want to use proprietary stuff11:20
jmuxWe always recompile vbox for the latest HWE, so it runs a linux with HWE flawlessly11:21
kdeuser56jmux: which tools do you mean?11:21
jmuxkdeuser56: virtualbox-guest-additions11:22
kdeuser56jmux: that would have to be installed inside the vm ... how would I do that if I do not get any sensible ui?11:22
jmuxkdeuser56: ah - no - the current package name is virtualbox-guest-utils11:23
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
jmuxkdeuser56: well - you could use ssh or select it during the installation.11:24
kdeuser56jmux: virtualbox-guest-utils  is for non x11 guests ....11:25
kdeuser56jmux: https://packages.debian.org/sid/virtualbox-guest-utils11:25
jmuxkdeuser56: ok - then go with virtualbox-guest-x11 ;-)11:26
shadeslayer_I'm full of food11:48
shadeslayer_so full11:48
shadeslayer_I want to sleep11:48
Riddellhere have a free beer11:49
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Octopii Fan Club | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Kubuntu 5 Test ISO http://goo.gl/nn2Zej | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas - 4.14.0 U: WIP
Riddellturns out the free beer is 0% alcohol so you can have it at lunch11:49
shadeslayer_is it?11:49
Riddellyep, it tastes mildy better than Estrella11:49
shadeslayer_most certainly doesn't feel like 0% alcohol last night11:50
Riddellyofel: ooh we're not duplicating work are we?11:50
yofelnope, thankfully kubotu does the status information nowadays ^^11:51
Riddellgood good11:52
yofelRiddell: on that note: are you working on kdepim? If not I'll drop the 2 revert patches that shouldn't be there anymore11:52
yofelah, stuff didn't even build yet, good11:53
yofelshadeslayer_: actually, do you remember why you added those to utopic? They were supposed to be trusty-only11:55
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shadeslayer_yofel: where be patch page11:55
Riddellyofel: not looked at kdepim11:55
yofelon your work computer like your script :P11:55
yofelshadeslayer_: or well, they are on http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/patches/ubuntu-patch-status.html11:56
shadeslayer_history ftw11:56
yofelanyway, I'll drop them unless you have good reason to keep them11:57
shadeslayer_not really11:58
yofelFWIW, that status page is what made remember them in the first place, so good work :P11:58
santaRiddell: I'm going to lunch soon, but I think I will be here this afternoon, if you have some minutes then we could talk a bit about what you wrote in your blog and specially about the shared git repository11:59
santanote that siduction's kde packaging has kubuntus packaging as upstream and I made some custom changes12:00
Riddellsanta: sure12:00
santawhat you are trying to do with the shared git repository:"been there done that" I have my own solution to deal with you (=kubuntu) as upstream and the way it works it would work even if you were extremely uncooperative with me (which is not the case fortunately)12:04
santasee you this afternoon12:04
ScottKRiddell: libkscreen is still verification needed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkscreen/+bug/135239712:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1352397 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update to libkscreen 1.0.5" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:09
apacheloggeryofel: there's no kdelibs on your status page btw12:10
apacheloggernoticed last night12:10
RiddellScottK: fixed12:11
yofelbecause I piped the output of the utopic package list into the script, which means it searched for kde4libs and kde-workspace (and others) aren't even on that list12:11
yofelshadeslayer_'s script (which is in barca) does that right12:12
yofel(I assume)12:12
ScottKRiddell: released.12:13
Riddellgreat, thanks12:14
shadeslayer_did I mention I'm sleepy12:16
shadeslayer_so sleepy12:16
ScottKHot too?12:16
Riddelltoo much beer?12:16
shadeslayer_ScottK: hah no12:16
shadeslayer_swiss food12:17
shadeslayer_I can stay here forever12:17
shadeslayer_mountains, food, awesomeness12:17
shadeslayer_except the internet12:17
shadeslayer_the internet is shit12:17
Riddellit's a bit like barcelona but without the internet?12:19
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* Riddell looking at phonon12:30
Riddellapachelogger: new phonon in utopic, what are your thoughts on where it should be backported?13:08
yofelRiddell: do we have a TODO list for discussion at Akademy yet?13:08
apacheloggerRiddell: needs SRU imo13:09
Riddellhmm.. I started it13:09
Riddellyofel: https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-akademy13:09
Riddellnot much on it13:09
Riddellapachelogger: on what grounds? are there known bugs13:09
apacheloggerRiddell: all the ones that I fixed13:10
apacheloggerand yes there are known bugs in whatever snapshot we had in trusty13:10
apacheloggerphonon and phonon-vlc even are basically stable updates13:10
apacheloggerno features at all13:10
Riddellok I'll try and do that and see what ~ubuntu-sru say13:13
alleeRiddell: you asked in #plasma ;-)  Not much change lately.  I've played/tested digikam: only the management functions, not the editor, not the kipi-plugins) not problem yet. 14:04
alleeRiddell: the few necessary changes to push to my launchpad account (linked from bugreport too)14:05
Riddellallee: let me know when I need to look/upload14:07
alleeWhen you check the backlog of this channel you see that I've tried to figure out why kdepimlibs is not enabled.    I remember that you could associate a tag with an addressbook.   Now no menu entry :-(14:07
alleeRiddell: will do so14:07
alleeRiddell: a look never hurts.  Maybe you spot easily stuff that also need to be done14:08
Riddellovidiu-florin: hi?14:17
Riddellovidiu-florin: silent phone call?14:17
apacheloggerbookzilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSe38dzJYkYf14:18
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ovidiu-florinRiddell: I'll send that mail after today's meeting, to see first how things go14:37
ovidiu-florincan you recommend me any other people that would be right for this?14:38
Riddellovidiu-florin: I'd post to the kde-community list14:38
ovidiu-florinRiddell: it will be in 17-19 Oct.14:38
RiddellI've done this sort of thing with [ade] before in nigeria and various people in india14:39
ovidiu-florinunfourtanetly, I don't think KDE promotion won't be one of the main activities. But I'd like for it to be, and I'll do I'll I can to achieve this.14:41
Riddellmostly it's a case of pinging anyone you can to see if they'll be interested14:41
ovidiu-florinthe main point of interest is software development and IT startups14:41
Riddellbut first you need to say what the event is, what's it called, what's the topics, what's the format etc14:42
ovidiu-florinyeah, but I only know about 3 people, that I think will be right for the job, people that I've seen that make lot's of KDE promo online14:42
ovidiu-florinRiddell: yes, all those will be set in time, currenlty they are just a sketch14:43
ovidiu-florintodays meeting should fill in a lot of that sketch14:43
Riddelltwo months before the event is leaving it tight if you don't even know what sort of event it is you want14:44
ovidiu-florinit is know, just not by me. I mean I don't know all the details yet14:44
ovidiu-florinI'm not the main organizer14:45
ovidiu-florinI'll most likely be the main organizer of the OpenSource part14:45
ovidiu-florinI hope14:45
ovidiu-florinit is known*14:46
Riddellis there a venue? what sort of venue? is there a website? are there sponsors? will entrace be free or cost money?  lots of questions :)14:46
Riddellhmm libokularcore has an soversion change14:48
apacheloggerbookzilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26Uxgb-Boh414:49
ovidiu-florinRiddell: let me write those down14:49
Riddellwill speakers get stuff like a hotel and meals sorted for them?14:54
Riddellwill speakers get a free canoe hire to go on the danube?14:54
Riddellall these questions14:55
ovidiu-florinRiddell: keep them comming (the questions)14:55
bookzillathe latter question being the most important, obviously14:55
ovidiu-florinRiddell: the Danube is pretty far from where the event will take place14:56
Riddellis there easy travel to get there?14:57
ovidiu-florinTimișoara, Romania14:57
ovidiu-florinwe have an international airport here14:57
Riddellwho's the audience? at promo type conferences I've done before in canary islands, india and nigeria there's a university group that supplies the majority of the audience so people are guaranteed14:57
RiddellScottK: lintian moans about pykde4  python3-pykde4: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt4/uic/pykdeuic4.py15:00
Riddellknow anything about that?15:00
Riddellpresumably it needs the #! line changed to python315:00
ScottKDoes that have a python shebang?15:00
ScottKNot sure why the doesn't get rewritten.15:02
* Riddell takes off for the evening15:08
Riddellleaving smokeqt to be fixed some other time15:09
bookzillahow can you leave for the evening when it is afternoon here in Switzerland15:17
bookzillaRiddell: I would like us to offer the Fira font recommended by Eike Hein: https://github.com/mozilla/Fira15:18
bookzillafedora already offers it and I'm jealous15:18
yofel@§(§/&"/("§=))$) upstart15:33
yofelcould someone with trusty please run this:15:39
yofelqdbus com.ubuntu.Upstart /com/ubuntu/Upstart com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.version 15:39
yofeljust curious15:39
apacheloggerbookzilla: ^15:41
bookzilla$ qdbus com.ubuntu.Upstart /com/ubuntu/Upstart com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.version15:42
bookzillainit (upstart 1.12.1)15:42
yofelthanks valorie15:42
yofelso I *again* don't have suspend15:43
yofelguess why15:43
yofel$ qdbus com.ubuntu.Upstart /com/ubuntu/Upstart com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.version 15:43
yofelupstart 1.13.115:43
yofelapachelogger: do you have a better idea than this?15:43
yofel-    QRegExp exp("init \\(upstart ([0-9.]+)\\)");15:43
yofel+    QRegExp exp("(?:init \\()?upstart ([0-9.]+)(?:\\))?");15:43
apacheloggeryofel: didn't we patch that?15:45
yofelwe patched the number parsing, now the "init(...)" stuff is gone15:45
yofeland we use excactMatch() for the pattern15:45
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:51
yofelapachelogger: with context: http://paste.kde.org/pmviozowt - tested with http://paste.kde.org/pqhltg14m which prints true.15:55
yofelIf you don't come up with something better I'll throw it up on RB later15:55
apacheloggeryofel: .......................................16:05
apacheloggeryofel: regex probably is the way to go16:06
ovidiu-florinopen folder from downloads in firefox still broken16:06
ovidiu-florinin kubuntu 14.0416:06
shadeslayer_most curious 16:41
shadeslayer_Service 'com.ubuntu.Upstart' does not exist.16:41
debfxprobably got eaten by systemd16:54
yofelapachelogger: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119791/18:15
santahi Riddell18:24
santaI have been preparing a reply to your post18:24
santaadditionally I would like to ask you a couple of things: what about splitting the monolithic script to prepare new released into smaller ones?18:26
santafor instance I have a separace script to bump all the build depends and having it separated might work better to shared them among kubuntu debian and siduction18:27
santaalso I found that approach easier to debug18:28
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://imgur.com/0tXiQ2019:36
yofelshadeslayer_: getting into black and white photography? ^^19:46
bookzillaI <3 B&W film, and working in a darkroom19:48
bookzillabut no darkroom access any more19:48
yofelhm, after reading kevin and raymond's responses to the packaging post I do wonder what happened to updating bluez...19:48
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=== bookzilla is now known as valorie
soeegimmp using ~850 mb for single file editing .. not good :|20:02
jmuxShould kubuntu-backports for trusty contain 4:4.13.97? Thought that would be in kubuntu backports beta...20:54
yofeljmux: it shouldn't, jr copied it to the wrong archive, but with 4.14.0 imminent we rather fixed all issues instead of deleting it21:08
soeeuhm drkonqi crashes when i want to raport a bug21:22
apacheloggershadeslayer_: ^21:28
shadeslayer_that's a feature21:35
shadeslayer_not a bug21:35
shadeslayer_developers hate bugs21:35
soeebtw is there some translation server for KDE ?21:36
soeei see some/ a lot of / missing translations 21:36
soeei would like to add some but dont know where -.-21:37
shadeslayer_soee: plasma 5?21:39
soeeshadeslayer_: crash / translations ?21:39
soeeshadeslayer_: yes, though i wonder if it might be related to the crash type i want to report -> the System Settings -> Multimedia21:40
apacheloggersoee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/132846621:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1328466 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc package should refresh plugins cache after installing" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:58
apacheloggerkameloso^^^^^^^^: can you please fix your connection21:58

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