
SamwiseGamgeeno process found00:01
wxlSamwiseGamgee: what process ar eyou trying to kill?00:01
wxli would imagine (could be wrong) that's the python process00:02
wxlyou might want to approach this a different way00:02
wxlrun `xkill` and click on the window00:02
wxlremember, too, the terminal is case sensitive00:02
wxlif you start it with `pychess` then `killall PyChess` will not work00:02
wxlyou can do `ps aux | grep -i pychess` and see if it comes up with anything00:03
SamwiseGamgeeoh, I can try the same command line again, with pychess all lowwer case?00:03
wxl!info pychess00:03
ubottupychess (source: pychess): chess graphical user interface for several chess engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12~beta3-1 (trusty), package size 3078 kB, installed size 9081 kB00:03
SamwiseGamgeeor what if I just restart the whole PC?00:03
wxli would guess it's lower case00:03
wxlrestarting is osmething you should only do in linux if you get a new kernel :)00:04
SamwiseGamgeeit worked00:04
anarkhoswait what00:04
anarkhoscase sensitivity=?00:04
SamwiseGamgeewhen I changed it to lower case00:04
wxlanarkhos: case sensitivity means that upper case and lower case are different things i.e. PyChess != pychess00:05
anarkhosyes i know, but i wondered whether that was the issue00:05
anarkhosseems it was00:05
* wxl nods00:05
anarkhosi have some shutdown problems with lubuntu00:05
SamwiseGamgeePyChess sometimes freezes, but usually it's easy to fix by just exiting it and restarting00:06
anarkhosshutting down via the gui lead to a persisting "lubuntu" logo with a progress bar-like thing00:06
anarkhossimilar to the boot screen00:06
wxlSamwiseGamgee: you should file a bug00:06
holsteinanarkhos: what messages? what command are you using?00:06
wxl!bugs | SamwiseGamgee00:06
ubottuSamwiseGamgee: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:06
anarkhosthe shutdown button00:06
anarkhossomething similar happened a while back when i typed "shutdown" i think00:07
anarkhosbut typing "init 0" worked fine00:07
holsteinanarkhos: what happens with "sudo shutdown -h now" or "sudo halt"? what messages?00:07
anarkhosmaybe im not up to date about the finer nuances of how lubuntu works00:07
anarkhosill test that in a while00:07
holsteinanarkhos: how lxde works? you mean?00:07
holsteinanarkhos: in a while?00:07
anarkhosyeah im logged on with windows xp on that computer at the moment, running spybot s&d00:08
holsteinanarkhos: if you are not at the machine, ready to troubleshoot, just come back when you are ready..00:08
holsteinxp is EOL00:08
anarkhosis what?00:08
holsteinend of life00:08
anarkhoshaha, so i guessed right00:08
holsteinyou shouldnt be using xp, not online00:08
anarkhosit's having some problems. not sure whether it is my fault or more a matter of getting worn out00:09
anarkhostaking a while to make the network devices page appear for instance, or the battery status window. no such issues with lubuntu00:10
wxlanarkhos: at this point, it's a honeypot, e.g. a great way to collect malware00:10
holsteinlinux/lubuntu/ubuntu isnt magic... if you have hardware problems, it wont fix them00:10
anarkhoswxl: right00:10
holsteinto be clear, you shouldnt be online with any EOL, unpatched os's.. if you want to use windows, you need to move up.. or you could virtualize xp.. that would help you save a snapshot, at least00:11
nosoundHow can I bind a key to undecorate a window?00:50
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anarkhosholstein: spybot soon finished. will test your suggested command then01:03
ianorlinnosound that would be by editing the  http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions#undecorate into ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml01:22
nosoundAh good, I'll switch my xfce box to lxde then, as xfce doens't seem to have that capability.01:23
nosoundRight now I run KDE+LXDE+XFCE on my 3 systems.01:23
anarkhosok, gonna test it now, holstein01:24
nosoundCan't wait for a LXQt Ubuntu, Qt domination!01:24
nosoundLXQt is going to be 15.04?01:24
nosoundI know 14.10 is too soon.01:25
nosoundAs long as it's done by next LTS i'll be happy. :P01:26
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anarkhosholstein: "sudo shutdown -h now" worked perfectly. i had to enter the password. that did not happen when i shut down via the gui i think01:26
anarkhosholstein: "sudo shutdown -h now" worked, "sudo halt" seems to make it freeze02:37
holsteinanarkhos: i would search around for shutdown issues with that hardware if you want to "fix" it.. otherwise, you can just create a shortcut to that command02:40
anarkhosyeah ill just use shutdown -h now, for now02:47
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cart_manikonia_, So about that gui and Upstart07:14
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cart_manSo Ikonia and I had a discussion yesterday about using "Upstart" to switch ON and OFF the GUI on the FLY basically...anybody have ideas on how I can do that... Im not quite clear on what he meant with UPSTART :/09:24
cart_manok soo09:54
cart_manikonia,its relatively simple...but figuring it out wasnt soo simple09:54
cart_mansudo service lightdm stop   --> sudo sevice lightdm start09:55
cart_manstartx will fail misserably on all my lubuntu machines09:55
rafaellagunacart_man, why do you use startx?11:45
cart_manI didnt...I tried12:24
cart_manI mean12:24
cart_manI dont12:24
cart_manI tried though12:24
cart_man--> avoiding a stoning12:24
rafaellagunaor "sudo lightdm"12:24
cart_manapparently I need the service though12:25
anarkhosis there a way to disable hibernation? i don'thave a swap partition, so it wouldn't work anyway13:36
anarkhosi suppose suspend mode still works13:36
holsteinanarkhos: what i do is, i'll use a live CD as much as possible to see how all that works first hand13:36
holsteinit really can depend on how the hardware supports linux13:36
anarkhosyeah. i downloaded and tried gconf-editor, but the folder structure showed in the guide doesn't correspond to what i see in my gconf-editor13:37
holsteinotherwise, if my expectations or needs are "high", i'll go with xubuntu or main ubuntu.. i find taking one of the lighter DE's like lxde and making it do more advanced tasks can just make it heavy13:37
anarkhosso i can't find the values relating to the hibernation button13:38
holsteinpretty much, if i cant use lubuntu/lxde basically more "as is", i'll move on to something that promises more features13:38
anarkhoswhat kind of advanced tasks do you h?ave in mind13:38
holsteinlxde realy promises "light".. thats what the l is.. its not the place i go to for a lot of customization.. though, it can be done, of course13:38
anarkhosyes, obviously, because there is a guide for it. however, i suppose there've been some changes since that guide was written13:39
holsteinanarkhos: i dont expect the buttons (any buttons) to be triggering much like that13:39
anarkhosthe guide is from june 201113:39
holsteinanarkhos: sure.. all the ubuntu wikis are publically editable, if you need to add information. even if that information is "this doesnt work"13:40
holsteinanarkhos: *all* of gtk is changing.. lxde is trying to go qt, etc.. there are many things going on13:40
holsteinanarkhos: if i wanted a well developed desktop where all my buttons work, etc, i might look at xfce13:41
holsteinif i want light, and im OK working with a changing environment with a lean team, then lxde lubuntu would be fine13:41
anarkhosim fine with lubuntu, it looks very nice so far. im just trying to explore it, get more familiar with it13:42
anarkhosit doesn't matter if the hibernation button is there, ill just avoid it13:42
anarkhosbut again - suspend mode works regardless of swap partitions, correct?13:43
anarkhosill test suspend right now13:44
holsteinanarkhos: suspend to ram does that..13:50
cart_manTo all the PRO DRIVER writing people on this channel14:12
wxl(get it? it's a wave. a sine wave, but a wave none the less)16:32
wxlyeah that's boring16:32
wxland technically not a wave :)16:32
rafaellagunait's almost silence :P16:32
wxl👋 is ideal but it is often not rendered for most folks16:33
wxl(works for me) :)16:33
rafaellagunanot for me, ugly square with hex code16:33
wxlgotta get your upper unicode dude16:33
wxlyou need source sans/serif/code pro16:33
rafaellagunaI use Ubuntu, it's fully unicode, and has sans, but not pro16:34
anarkhosi was able to enter suspend mode, but now it's stuck. ill have to disconnect the power cable and the battery17:00
anarkhosi came across a suggestion concerning noapic boot code. maybe that'll fix it17:01
wxlanarkhos: possible. you should look up your exact same system on google and see if there's any advice17:05
wxlanarkhos: just to be clear apic is not acpi17:06
rena_Hello all. After last night kernel update from 33 to 34 my shutdown splash is gone. Anyone else getting this issue? Anyone knows the fix?18:46
wxlrena_: don't necessarily have the same problem but have you checked your grub parameters?18:49
wxlrena_: see /etc/default/grub18:50
wxlrena_: you should have "splash" in there somewhere18:50
rena_Thank you wxl. I checked the /boot/grub/grub.cfg and there was a splash parameter set there19:06
rena_Just checked in /etc/default/grub and it's there too19:08
rena_And, out of nowhere, just tried shutting down right now to try to boot into previous kernel, and the splash is back. Crazy stuff19:12
jlfhi all, can someone point me to the way to configuring my alt key as the meta modifier?  alt-backspace in an urxvt is currently producing ÿ19:54
wxlrena_: is that also true in /boot/grub/grub.cfg? look specifically for the entry for your current kernel.20:02
wxlrena_: if not run `sudo update-grub` and you should be good20:03
juanantoniohello everybody. i installed lubuntu without cheking any compatibility list into my old laptop i encountered a sound problem. i have not sound. i searched internet and i found that for my model (toshiba nb200) i may have to use oss instead of alsa. May someone guide me to disable alsa and install oss. may this be a real solution?20:52
juanantonioi think i have the same problem of the following bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/880376 im using the same chip20:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880376 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[C4100/C5100, Realtek ALC272, Speaker, Internal] Playback problem - no sound (except for headphones)" [Undecided,Invalid]20:55
juanantonioi read the posible solution here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=83804 i have the same laptop, but i dont know how to proceed is explained for people with more experience20:57
wxljuanantonio: first archlinux != ubuntu. in fact they're quite different.21:06
wxljuanantonio: oss is pretty well abandoned by the linux community. i wouldn't suggest it at all.21:07
wxljuanantonio: give me the results of `lspci | grep -i audio`21:08
wxljuanantonio: read here for more reasons why you should avoid oss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sound_System#Free.2C_proprietary.2C_free21:10
juanantoniowxl: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)21:23
jlfhi all, can someone point me to the way to configuring my alt key as the meta modifier?  alt-backspace in an urxvt is currently producing ÿ21:46
juanantoniohello on a clean install of lubuntu 14.04 i have no sound. lspci | grep -i audio shows: Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02). i have the same laptop with and old ubuntu that sound is working on this last one lspci | grep -i audio shows Intel Corporation 82801G (ich7 family) high definition audio controller (rev 02). how can i solve the audio problem in the first laptop wich has the same sound card21:48
wxljuanantonio: those are not the same sound cards21:49
juanantonioso lspci in lubuntu is wrong21:50
juanantonioor is a known problem and i should use this other driver21:50
wxllspci in lubuntu is lspci in ubuntu21:50
juanantoniothe case is that i had to identical laptops working, i updated one with lubuntu but has no sound21:50
juanantonioi still have the other one working to use it as help to solve the problem21:51
wxljuanantonio: you mean they're identical models. that does not mean they have identical hardware.21:51
juanantonioi had about ubuntu 821:51
wxljuanantonio: they're not the same.21:51
juanantoniothey are identical, yes, bought together, same even part number (of course same model)21:52
wxljuanantonio: but if they're showing different sound cards, they're not the same. i won't bother to argue with you about this one.21:52
wxljuanantonio: you can see they're both in the ich7 family but they're not the same. 8s801g != nm1021:53
juanantonioi understand you, i just suggest maybe lubuntu is getting the wrong card or using the other card driver may be a work around to solve the problem?21:53
wxljuanantonio: then ubuntu would offer you the same problems21:53
juanantonioactually, is a modified ubuntu called guadalinex21:54
wxljuanantonio: if it uses ubuntu-core, it's the same21:54
wxljuanantonio: what version of pciutils do you have on each machine?21:55
juanantoniohow can i see it?21:55
wxl`apt-cache policy pciutils`21:56
juanantonio1:3.2.1-1ubuntu5 in new one and 1:3.0.0-4ubuntu8 in the old one21:59
wxlso they're both from ubuntu repos21:59
juanantoniooldno, i22:00
juanantoniooldhere in the old one shows: *** 1:3.0.0-4ubuntu8 022:00
juanantonioold        500 http://centros.edu.guadalinex.org jaunty/main Packages22:00
wxlthe changelog is long in between http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/p/pciutils/pciutils_3.2.1-1ubuntu8/changelog22:00
wxlunless they're violating rules of version numbering, that's from ubuntu repos regardless of what the url is22:01
juanantonioi see22:01
wxlthere's nothing in the changelog that stands out as there being obvious problems22:01
wxlget the 14.04 live cd in the working computer and see what lspci says on it22:01
juanantonioright on it, i will be connected with the juanantonioold account22:02
wxlyou can also try the jaunty version of guadalinex on the new one22:02
wxlif you can show me that lspci is providing different results, then we'll have to approach this differently22:03
juanantoniooldupps, righ22:03
juanantoniooldu said "in the ow22:03
juanantoniooldworking computer" that is this one22:03
juanantoniooldcooming on the other one and rebooting this one live usb22:04
juanantonioim booting live, may u rewrite the command i should use, i closed pidgin on both computers22:06
wxl`lspci | grep -i audio`22:06
wxlif you're going to do that it might be useful to get more information out of it22:06
juanantonioperfect, just guide me what to get22:07
wxlwell you'll have to pick stuff out hold on i'm trying to figure out how to make this useful22:07
wxl`lspci -vv | grep -i audio -A922:08
wxldo that both ways on both machines and that should offer a lot of help22:09
juanantoniowxl, as i guessed, on the working old ubuntu based linux, i booted live lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS live and `lspci | grep -i audio` shows Intel Corporation NM10/ICH7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) as in the not working installed version22:10
juanantonionevertheless the old ubuntu shows a different card, may it be a work around for this computer model? how can i do it in my new lubuntu?22:11
wxljuanantonio: so 14.04 reports the same card??? bizarre. what did `lspci -vv | grep -i audio -A` give you?22:13
wxl…especially in relation to the driver in use?22:13
wxland did the sound work on the old machine?22:13
wxl(with 14.04)22:13
juanantoniotyping in22:15
juanantonioi get an error with this command, misspelled?22:16
wxllspci -vv | grep -i audio -A922:17
wxl-vv means extra verbosity22:17
wxl-i means search in a case insensitive manner22:17
wxl-A9 means include the next 9 lines after a a search is found22:17
juanantonioshould i copy the output in pastebin?22:17
wxlyeah that's a good idea22:18
wxljlf: did you try to edit lubuntu-rc.xml?22:20
juanantonioboth live and installed lubuntu shows the following: http://pastebin.com/XYnv33wm22:20
wxlugh my web browser is going painfully slow22:21
juanantoniowhould you like me to boot old ubuntu to see what it shows meanwhile?22:21
anarkhoswhen an acer aspire one netbook doesn't wake up after sleep mode/suspend, is it most likely due to bad drivers or boot options lacking a "noapic" reference?22:24
wxljuanantonio: yeah might be good to compare22:28
wxljuanantonio: the interesting thing is that there's no driver being used. that's probably your problem. find out which driver is being used on the working system, again with lspci -vv | grep -i audio -A922:31
wxlanarkhos: it could be all kinds of things.22:31
juanantoniooldhere in the old one,  lspci -vv | grep -i audio -A9 shows: http://pastebin.com/S0ZTLQMr22:33
juanantonionote a different sound card and the last two lines22:33
juanantonioshowing kernel driver in use and kernel modules22:34
wxlso we need to figure out how to get snd-hda-intel going for you22:35
juanantonioyes please, would be fabulous22:35
wxljuanantonio: if you `sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel` does it fix everytghing up?22:37
juanantonioi get the following error: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:959 command_do() Error running install command for soundcore22:39
juanantoniomodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'snd_hda_intel': Operation not permitted22:39
wxlyou did sudo it?22:39
wxljuanantonio: can you see if there's any notable difference between the two in /etc/modprobe.d/ especially in the blacklist.conf file?22:42
juanantoniotaking a look...22:42
wxlmight want tojust do `grep -Ri soundcore *` on both machines and see if there's anything obvious starting there22:43
juanantonioin lubuntu i have an extra line in blacklist.conf file: `blacklist pcspkr` the file otherwise are identicals22:49
wxljuanantonio: also might want to see if `lsmod | grep -i soundcore` returns anything22:49
juanantonioin lubuntu i dont get anything with that command, in the old ubuntu i get `soundcore   15200  1  snd`22:51
wxlum can you `sudo modprobe soundcore` ?22:52
juanantonioi could with no eco no errors in new installation of lubuntu22:52
wxlyeah well that doesn't mean there's not an error :)22:53
juanantonioactually, my sound icon, dissapeared from the bar :)22:53
juanantonionevertheless i could not say if it was before or after the command22:54
wxlsudo modprobe soundcore works or not?22:54
juanantoniowait plz, i need to reboot, i forgot,i blacklisted alsa in my way to install oss before i was recomended not to do it. maybe thats why i cant modprobe, ill be back in a minute, im connected in old laptop so dont lose chat history22:55
wxlPROBABLY :)22:56
* wxl facepalms :)22:56
anarkhostrying with noapic now23:00
anarkhossame problem23:01
juanantoniook wxl, now it shows kernel driver in use snd_hda_intel but it doesnt show a kernel driver in use23:04
wxljuanantonio: huh? :)23:04
juanantoniolsmod | grep -i soundcore shows soundcore 12600 1 snd23:05
juanantoniostill i have no sound (my sound icon is back to the bar, sorry for the black listing :))23:05
wxljuanantonio: and you get something from `lsmod | grep -i snd_hda_intel`?23:06
juanantonioi get http://pastebin.com/U37U1NuV in the not working one23:07
juanantoniooldhttp://pastebin.com/Tbnz1Pr2 in the one wich works23:09
wxlit does seem you're using oss in the one that works23:10
wxli don't know, i'd really avoid it but you could certainly try23:11
wxlthose arch instructions won't be entirely applicable tho23:11
juanantoniowill this be my possible solution: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=83804 ??23:13
juanantonioshould i open a bug page?23:13
wxlprobably not23:13
wxlarchlinux is not the same23:13
wxlone thing you might want to try is to install pulseaudio23:13
juanantoniofrom the repositories?23:14
wxli hate when people suggest that because it always seems like the "easy way out" but it might just work23:14
juanantonioshould i blacklist alsa or something like that?23:14
Unit193The answer is to never blacklist alsa unless you don't want sound.23:14
juanantoniook im opening software centre23:15
wxloh Unit193 always so helpful23:15
Unit193I try to be my best. :)23:15
juanantonioshould i install just pulseaudio manager, or some other packet?23:16
wxlno that's the one23:17
wxlif it doesn't work, remove it23:17
wxlit's unnecessary cruft23:17
wxlbut sometimes it works magic on stubborn audio problems23:17
juanantonioi can read something about pulseaudio mixer in my old working laptop... that may do the trick23:19
juanantonioit is installing23:19
juanantonioshould i reboot after installing pulseaudio manager?23:20
wxllinux: the os you don't need to reboot23:21
juanantoniook so i try to open an mp3 :)23:21
juanantonionot working23:23
juanantoniobut the microphone seems to work, at least, in the new volume control installed my pulseaudio i can see the bar moving23:24
juanantonioany clue, should i remove pulse audio?23:27
wxlyeah i don't know man23:27
wxlholstein might be a good one to ask when he returns23:27
juanantoniook, thank you for your help23:28
wxlyeah sorry i didn't get you very far23:28
juanantoniowe got further at least, thats important too :)23:29
juanantoniomagic, playing with pulse audio volumes made the work23:33
juanantoniothey were all all the way up... but who knows...23:33
wxlso we figured it out?23:33
juanantonioyes, with pulse audio is working, now i have a pulse audio server applet on my bar23:34
juanantoniothank you23:34
juanantoniono oss needed23:34
wxlhappy to help23:35
wxljuanantonio: fyi we don't usually use pulseaudio (that's one of the things that keeps lubuntu light) so if you need help you might want to check at #ubuntu23:36
juanantoniothank you, im going to reboot to see if i can keep it working23:37

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