
mwhudsonis there some way i can easily hack about in a revision controlled dir (bzr or git i don't mind) and turn my local commits into patches in debian/patches?02:07
mwhudson(only the parts of my local commits that don't touch debian/ obv.)02:07
sarnoldmwhudson: it's not what you asked for, but 'quilt shell' may come close to giving you something that works02:09
mwhudsoni guess so02:09
darkxstmwhudson, you can use gbp-pq to create a branch with all debian patches applied as commits02:43
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hallynsarnold: are you by chance an apport guru?04:31
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jakesylhey guys i've been looking to help out with ubuntu dev and already know a considerable amount of python, but what other languages should i learn? x86?05:30
RAOFjakesyl: If by “x86” you mean “x86 assembler”, then that's a pretty low-return investment of learning :)05:31
RAOFjakesyl: The answer, as with everything open-source is: what do you want to do? ☺05:32
jakesyli learn for the sake of learning, and of course applying my learning to a worthy cause, so what can i learn to be of most assistance RAOF05:32
RAOFBecause that will determine what you'll need to know. Want to hack on GNOME Do? You'll need to know (or learn) C#. Lots of the Ubuntu tools are written in Python, so you could help there already; Ubuntu Touch uses QML / Qt, for which a dialect of C++ can be useful.05:33
RAOFIt's sort of like going up to a science department and saying “I'd like to help in science; what can I learn to be most useful” :)05:34
StevenKRAOF: Install a power-mad AI and get her to do the science, obviously.05:34
RAOFGenerally the best way to help is to find something that doesn't work the way you want, or is broken in some way, and fix it :)05:35
jakesyleh RAOF, hypothetically if i wanted to build an ubuntu like os from scratch, what would i need to know05:36
rwwStevenK: I vaguely recall popular culture telling me that this ends badly with cake and lies and such.05:36
StevenKrww: :-)05:37
jakesylbig hypothetical05:37
RAOFjakesyl: Depends on what you mean by both “from scratch” and “Ubuntu-like OS”.05:37
jakesylRAOF, i mean completely from scratch, as in an ubuntu iso05:38
jakesyland general linux05:38
RAOFWell, we've got tools to do that :)05:38
RAOFBut from the raw upstream source you'd need to know a whole bunch of system administration, because you're going to be running a build farm.05:38
jakesylwhat languages?05:38
RAOFThat's kindof the wrong question :)05:39
jakesylhmm why?05:40
RAOFBut you'll be dealing with everything from raw assembly of whichever architectures you're interested in to compilers for the same, to C, C++, python, ruby, perl, C#, Java...05:40
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jakesylRAOF, perhaps a little context, i'm 15 i've been writing perl since i was 8 finally decided it was a dead language, i still wrote python wrappers in perl, and i'm just now realizing i should move on05:41
RAOFjakesyl: The most useful way to learn is to find a (coding) project that needs help (which is basically everything!) and work on it. Which project you help determines what you need to learn.05:43
RAOF(Although the chances of needing to learn x86 assembler are very low ☺)05:43
jakesylso what would i need x86 for05:44
RAOFWork on compilers or runtimes, mainly.05:45
jakesylRAOF, the reason i ask is ever mentor i've ever had brags about memorizing hex tables05:47
jakesylhmm RAOF, if i wanted to do a ui/ux overhaul and just make it look cleaner, what would i need to learn?05:48
RAOFThose sound like some sucky mentors :(05:49
RAOFSo, choices!05:49
jakesylwell either that or a universal package manager05:49
RAOFIf you want to work on the actual UI toolkits - that'd be Qt and GTK - you'll be wanting C++ and C(ish)/Vala, respectively.05:49
RAOFTo work on applications, you get to pick an application and find out what it uses :)05:50
jakesylbut there's no uni package manager is there?05:50
rwwthere are too many universal package managers. someone is going to end up making a universal universal package manager05:50
jakesylrww, i've never seen a seamless one tho, now i'm not an apple fanboy, i'm on ubuntu, but the seamless integration is what i want, click on the package it opens, is there anything like that?05:51
RAOFYes; gdebi05:51
RAOFOr do you not want to install things?05:52
jakesylwhy doesn't it come pre installed?05:52
RAOFIt does.05:52
RAOF(I think?)05:52
jakesylso how come when i click an application it doesnt just open05:52
rwwRAOF: it's in universe, so I assume not05:52
RAOFOh, of course. Software Centre does that now.05:53
RAOFjakesyl: What do you mean by ‘an application’? :)05:53
Mirvif a core dev is around, unity8 CI Train release would need a packaging ack for their debian/ changes https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-005-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_unity8_8.00+14.10.20140814.1-0ubuntu1.diff05:53
RAOFWe *don't* have application bundles ala OS X, but that's not a technical problem.05:53
geofftI think the click-packages stuff is also relevant here?05:53
* RAOF looks at that packaging diff05:54
jakesylmetasploit is a great example, i download metasploit i hit the package it should auto install and i understand how to do it but it should be seamless should it not?05:54
RAOFIf you download an Ubuntu package and double click on it it *will* install (or, rather, it'll come up in the Software Centre asking if you want to install it)05:55
jakesylokay so i guess i'll focus on ux05:55
RAOFMirv: That looks fine.05:59
MirvRAOF: thanks!05:59
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sarnoldhallyn: sorry, I don't know much about apport06:07
dholbachgood morning06:22
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dholbachdoes anyone of the Canonical folks know if there's an arm64 porter box?06:26
slangasekdholbach: there is not; there's an open RT for one06:32
dholbachall right, thanks06:32
slangasek(there are physical boxes but they're not yet provisioned as a porter box)06:32
LocutusOfBorg1hi dholbach, were you looking for the arm64 porter because of wxwidgets3.0?07:12
LocutusOfBorg1(the build has been successful)07:12
LocutusOfBorg1thanks ;)07:12
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, indeed I was - in the end I trusted your build log and knew I could find you if things exploded :)07:12
LocutusOfBorg1oh yes ;)07:12
LocutusOfBorg1feel free to mail me, or to find me there, and the fix was quite trivial anyway (disable the precompiled headers), fortunately the bug has been fixed in gcc07:13
LocutusOfBorg1BTW I never been able to reproduce in pbuilder/arm64 so I guess the old buildd lp system was just buggy, again a great thanks to cjwatson :D07:15
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tjaaltonis there a way to force dch to not append the ubuntu version?07:23
tjaaltonin a conffile07:23
LocutusOfBorg1tjaalton, the man says probably DEBCHANGE_VENDOR07:26
LocutusOfBorg1"dch --vendor debian"07:29
tjaaltonhm indeed07:30
tjaaltonjust need an alias then07:30
LocutusOfBorg1I think so and I think I'll need it too ;)07:31
LocutusOfBorg1it is annoying sometimes :)07:31
tjaaltonespecially when you later notice that debcommit pushed it to $vcs.. to a debian branch07:31
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LocutusOfBorg1dholbach, I opened two bugs for you ;) sorry07:50
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, not necessarily just for me, right? :)07:53
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LocutusOfBorg1no dholbach :) but you rock in merging/syncing lol08:07
dholbachI need to take care of a few other things first - if nobody beats me to it, I might have a look later on08:08
LocutusOfBorg1I really would like to fix the wx2.8 and wxpython3.0 stuff08:08
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dokodobey, ubuntu-sso-client finally \o/09:35
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Laneydoko: any objection to taking pcre3 8.35?09:40
dokoLaney, not at all09:40
Laneyinfinity: your merge, can I steal it?09:42
infinityLaney: My merge of what?09:44
infinityLaney: Oh, pcre3?  Go nuts.09:45
rbasakxnox: bug 1355992 claims the last samba merge inadvertently dropped an upstream cherry-pick. Please could you take a look?10:10
ubottubug 1355992 in samba (Ubuntu) " pam_winbind krb5_ccache_type=FILE stopped working after 14.10 upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135599210:10
halfiesudo aa-genprof /usr/bin/vim results in "TypeError: 'bool' object does not support item assignment"10:32
halfiethe AppArmor user space seems to be in a terrible state10:32
rbasakI think the genprof issue is known about10:33
rbasakAIUI, it's limited to genprof.10:33
rbasakjjohansen: ^^10:34
halfieI thought that AppArmor was like a bullet-proof production ready thing ;(10:35
halfieI guess I will have to go with SELinux (on Ubuntu!)10:35
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lullisHi, all. I have a few questions regarding (I think) lightdm customization. Basically, I am working on a system that needs to provide remote authentication. And to do that, the user needs to be able to (1) set up the network connection and (2) be able to also "register" directly on the greeter screen.11:10
lullisMy questions would be: regarding (1), can I add the NM applet to top bar of any the (gtk/unity) greeters?11:11
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lullisregarding (1) and (2), I have a python/GTK application that handles the setting up a new account on the remote server. How hard would it be to change the C greeters to add a handler that starts my python code?11:19
dokojpds, strongswan ftbfs on armhf and powerpc. any reason not to use libgcrypt20?11:19
lullisAnd also, is any better place to ask these questions?11:20
rbasakhalfie: AppArmor is production ready, and has been used in production for many years. I wasn't aware you were talking of a production release. No idea about that, but genprof is a helper and not a production piece.11:22
rbasakhalfie: try #ubuntu-hardened for apparmor discussion. The security folks listen in in there.11:22
jpdsdoko: Upstream still has to figure it out: https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/67411:48
dokojpds, please can you try building with -O2 on ppc64el?12:07
jpdsdoko: Ah, upstream just pinged me and we were doing a git bisect on a porter box.12:07
dokojpds, but up to now, all test failures seen with -O3 did point to invalid source code ...12:08
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jpdsdoko: Upstream says -O2 is the default in the configure script.12:10
dokojpds, and?12:11
dokoppc64el is built with -O3 as the default12:12
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halfiehi, I am trying to download all utopic package and the debug information packages for some offline analysis. how do I go about it? Currently I am using debmirror.14:55
rbasakhalfie: debug packages are at ddebs.ubuntu.com. The rest is as your sources.list says for utopic.15:00
halfierbasak, ah, I see. is there a way to mirror the debug packages for utopic only? I guess I could try using debmirror for it?15:01
rbasakhalfie: just mirror ddebs.ubuntu.com I guess?15:02
halfierbasak, it will be too large :)15:02
rbasakhalfie: well, the rest is up to your mirroring tool. debmirror can filter as needed.15:03
halfieok, giving it a shot now15:03
tedgev, Would you be opposed to us not filtering fields on recoverable errors in Whoopsie?15:06
lamont`has anyone run into grub_isprint not found (and the subsequent bail into grub rescue) on a machine upgraded from saucy to trusty? (did this last night, not so wonderfull)15:13
lamont`didn't find anything in launchpad on the subject15:13
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evtedg: very much opposed, given that people shove entire log files into these fields and cassandra does not do blob storage15:26
evwhat's the motivation?15:26
tedgev, Well for instance I have UAL have a recoverable error for "bad AppID" and then it has a custom field with the appid that was bad. Not getting that custom field.15:27
tedgev, https://errors.ubuntu.com/bucket/?id=ubuntu-app-launch-invalid-appid15:27
tedgev, Can we switch to Mongo? I hear it has all the features.15:28
tedgev, Seems like we could filter by size instead of a white list?15:29
evsuggest mongo again and I'll come find you15:35
evtedg: sometimes we have big fields we want to carefully split15:35
evlike Stacktrace :)15:35
tedgev, Sure, so let the whitelist be to avoid the size limits not to be in/out.15:36
tedgev, So, < 1KB or in whitelist15:36
evso any field below a certain size plus these big ones we care about?15:36
evworks for me15:36
evI'll +1 that MP15:36
evbut remind me I said this :)15:36
tedgev, K, I'll work on that MP15:36
tedgev, I'll remind you daily :-)15:37
tedgev, I don't know cassandra, is 1KB reasonable?15:37
evyeah, I think the barrier (for Thrift) is 16 MB, but the other thing I'm trying to avoid is quickly growing the database when the IS team responsible for getting us out of the ENOSPC hole has been moved onto other top secret projects15:39
evso we can start at 1K and increase from there15:39
evtedg: http://cassandra-user-incubator-apache-org.3065146.n2.nabble.com/Increasing-thrift-framed-transport-size-in-mb-td6825655.html15:40
tedgev, Oooh, secret projects. 1KB I think works for my usecases.15:41
evnote that we're on cassandra 1.0.lulz, so anything you read about 1.2, 2.0 or whatever is a pipe dream at this point15:41
* tedg wonders what else would break if an appid was 1KB in length15:44
dpmhi sarnold, would you mind doing a final review to the File Manager security checks MP? We've got the AP tests working now, and Arto did a couple of tweaks to the code. You gave your +1 already, but it'd be good to have a final sanity check after the last few changes16:54
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tjaaltonshouldn't sbuild/schroot clean up stuff from /tmp too after exiting the chroot?17:50
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Unit193cjwatson: Hello!  Not sure if you're back from VAC, but just a bump on tasksel refresh?18:13
mdeslaurdoko: mind if I merge subversion?18:46
dokomdeslaur, not at all. can you apply the patch from 1353142 and revert to -O3?18:47
mdeslaurdoko: sure18:47
jtaylordoko: mind if I do numpy?18:51
dokojtaylor, sure. did you see may scipy workaround?18:53
jtaylorI wanted to check that out this weekend18:53
jtayloralso needs another fix for statsmodels18:53
dokoare you at debconf?18:54
jtaylorI wonder why that is failing, I did test i386 for the 0.14 upload18:55
jtayloralso seems to work in debian18:57
jtaylormaybe gcc-4.9?18:57
jtaylorI'll look at it later18:58
dokoyep, but it's i386, and I didn't care too much, therefore the ignore18:59
jtayloryes i386 fails numeric tests all the time19:00
jtaylordoko: I filed a bug about gcc dropping -ltsan https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=6210519:04
ubottugcc bug 62105 in driver "sanitizer libraries in wrong command line position in link spec file" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:04
jtaylornot much useful information yet but possibly we have to add --no-as-needed in the ubuntu package19:04
dokojtaylor, maybe, but since today we can use --push-state and --pop-state19:05
dokosee the ld docs19:05
jtayloruh thats neat19:05
jtaylordoko: in case you want to sponsor, bug 135704419:29
ubottubug 1357044 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "merge numy 1.8.2-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135704419:29
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mwhudsondarkxst: hm, thanks20:37
mwhudsoni found gbp completely confusing last time i looked at it, but gbp pq seems sensible on a very quick look...20:38
dokojtaylor, merged20:41
hallynso, i have /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_qemu.py , but it doesn't get called when qemu-system-x86 crashes (that is, i kill it manually with kill -11).  Am I supposed to do something else?  Register it somehow?22:45
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