
apwomicrom (N,BFTL), hmmm that says you can't load them in old kernels, and can in new, is that right ?07:11
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SrinivasGowdaHi guys just wanted to report a change that needs to be made on this document08:16
SrinivasGowdaThe last section near the footer with "sudo restart thermald"08:16
SrinivasGowdaneeds to be changed to  "sudo service  thermald restart"08:17
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apwSrinivasGowda (N,BFTL), thanks08:52
apwSrinivasGowda (N,BFTL), and fixed09:28
sorenapw: "(N,BFTL)"?09:37
smbsoren, Not(there), But For The Log. I wondered the same. :)09:41
apwsoren, yeah that09:44
onicromapw: sorry i cannot load the nvidia kernel modules in any kernel newer than 3.13.0-3010:06
apwonicrom, i think we are already aware of that, i think tseliot was on the case there10:08
apwsoren, and i think that shows that is worth it :)10:08
tseliotonicrom: weren't you using drivers from a ppa?10:08
onicromtseliot: i was then i switched back 10:15
onicromsame problem10:15
tseliotonicrom: what driver are you using?10:16
onicromnvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu7.110:16
tseliotonicrom: are you running Precise or Trusty?10:17
tseliotonicrom: ok. Is there a bug report about it?10:19
onicromi had only been searching google for something and couldnt find, if there is a more appropriate place to search for a bug i can do there10:20
sorenapw: :)10:20
sorensmb: Thanks :)10:20
tseliotonicrom: please type "ubuntu-bug nvidia-331-updates" and file a bug report from there10:20
sorenGoogle gave some interesting suggestions, though, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to look them up. :)10:20
onicromthanks tseliot 10:29
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rtgdannf, your patch 'Allow for package revisions condusive for branching' does not correctly extract the ABI number when the version is of the form 3.16.0-8.13~14.10 (as it is for the LTS kernel).16:07
dannfrtg: ah, wasn't familiar with that string - i'll fix. if you need to revert in the meantime, no hard feelings :)16:07
dannfrtg: are there any other version forms you need to deal with?16:09
rtgdannf, that is the only other version form I use. I've reverted your patch only in the LTS branch so far.16:09
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hallynapw: stgraber: hi, in a current ubuntu-cloud utopic vm (3.16.0-5-generic) unprivileged overlayfs appears broken17:27
hallynlxc-clone -s -o u1 -n u2 fails17:27
bjfhallyn, do you know if there are any tests for that in lxc-tests? we run those tests and nothing is failing.17:35
bjfstgraber, ^17:36
stgraberI don't believe lxc-test-unpriv currently tries that, though we probably should17:36
bjfwould also give apw handy tests to run17:36
apwsounds good17:41
hallynYeha, it'd be a good thing to test, just not sure how to finagle that for upstream tests17:43
hallynI.e. most kernels don't yet expect that to be allowed, so how do we sanely say "in this system, fail if the overlayfs mount fails"17:43
apwhallyn, i'll have a look at the unpriv issue in the am i guess, i am fading fast, is there a bug filed17:59
hallynapw: not yet.  in a bit i'll file a bug with hopefully a testcase18:00
hallynapw: thanks - ttyl18:00
apwhallyn, sweet, we may have lost a fix rolling forward, has happened before18:01
hallynyeah usually it tends to be apparmor :)18:01
apwhallyn, or that :)18:05
stgraberhallyn: IIRC lxc-test-userns is already an Ubuntu-only test (as in, configure will only include it on Ubuntu systems)18:08
apw /proc/version_signature is pretty much ubuntu specific18:09
hallynstgraber: yeah, Makefile.am does it.  18:09
hallynso the test can go there18:10
hallynmeanwhile i need to set up a trusty vm so i can actually test overlay clones real quick :)18:10
hallynapw: opened bug 135702518:39
ubot5bug 1357025 in linux (Ubuntu) "unprivileged overlayfs mounts no longer work in utopic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135702518:39
keesdid you guys typo this:21:44
kees* auditsc: audit_krule mask accesses need bounds checking21:44
kees    - LP: #134708821:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1347088 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trusty update to stable release" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134708821:44
kees3.13.11.5 is not in trusty's kernel.21:44
bjfkees, i'll check but i think that's going into what we are currently working on ... will come out in 2 weeks21:46
rtgkees, its in Ubuntu-3.13.0-33.5821:47
rtgaccording to the git log21:47
bjfkees, rtg is right that came out on monday21:48
keesrtg: but why does the Makefile show then?21:48
bjfkees, because we pulled it from the upstream stable set and put it into a special kernel21:48
kees$ git log | grep -m1 "Linux"21:49
kees    Linux
keesbut this returns nothing:21:49
kees$ git log | grep -m1 "Linux"21:49
rtgd428381b112e220dbba0b6d8197b51db60318432 in master-next21:49
keesso it's certainly not in 33.5821:49
bjfkees, are you looking at master or master-next ?21:50
keesI'm looking at master, but specifically I was looking at 33.58 which claimed to have that bug ( fixed.21:51
keesso it looks like a typo in the changelog, and that is on it's way.21:51
bjfkees, one sec. 21:52
bjf6ff733c0b2cac445b2535a9adc83c76a315052be auditsc: audit_krule mask accesses need bounds checking21:53
bjf$ git tag --contains 6ff733c0b2cac445b2535a9adc83c76a315052be21:53
bjfkees, ^21:55
keesbjf: 6ff733c0b2cac445b2535a9adc83c76a315052be is not "all of" which is what bug #1347088 claims to be21:56
ubot5bug 1347088 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Trusty update to stable release" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134708821:56
bjfkees, yes and as i said above we pulled that one commit from the .5 stable release just specially for "someone" who was whining at us about it21:57
keessure, but it seems like that bug shouldn't be closed, since all the other fixes (e.g. "ptrace: fix fork event messages across pid namespaces") haven't been imported yet.21:58
bjfkees, ok, but that's kind of a minor nit21:58
bjfkees, i can fix that21:59
keesI just found it confusing since "Trusty update to stable release" hasn't happened, but the bug got closed. :)21:59
bjfkees, yes, that was confusing22:00
keesbut it sounds like it's on it's way still, which is totally fine. I just had people asking me why their ptrace stuff was still breaking even though they were running with the kernel version that closed that bug. :)22:01
keesall is clear now! thanks :)22:01
bjfkees, .5 is almost in the oven22:02
rtgkees, we often cherry-pick patches in advance of stable releases22:03
bjfrtg, the issue here is/was that it has a buglink for a general upstream stable release22:03
bjfrtg, and then we pulled it earlier so when 33.58 went out the .5 tracking bug got marked fix-released22:04
rtgbjf, oh, I see how that could happen.22:04
bjfrtg, i saw that it was going to happen and ment to go back and fix the bug but forgot22:05
hallynjjohansen: hi, bug 1357103 is a squirrely one andreas just ran into22:15
ubot5bug 1357103 in lxc (Ubuntu) "apparmor denied a golang build inside a container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135710322:15
hallynapparmor is denying file_mmap to a file which presumably is cloned from another btrfs subvolume22:16
jjohansenhallyn: interesting22:41
hallynjjohansen: heh, any ideas on the cause though?22:42
jjohansenhallyn: maybe the name is disconnected22:43
jjohansenhallyn: I think that will be due to an issue with bind mounts that I hit22:43
jjohansenhallyn: I have a patch that for that, that we can try and see if it resolves it22:44
hallynjjohansen: cool!  better than i'd hoped22:44
jjohansenhallyn: which kernel would you like me to build to test? trusty, utopic?22:45
jjohansenthe bug is trusty, so I am assuming that, but ...22:45
hallynjjohansen: yeah, i haven't reproduced myself, so what andreas has22:46
jjohansenokay, I added a note to the bug, and I will get the test kernel attached tonight22:47

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