
josedaker: sorry, I was in a hurry and while trying to get the email out I got confused. But it's all fixed now :)03:45
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shahzadaany know in ubuntu04:59
shahzadaany one here05:00
shahzadaany one here05:03
dholbachgood morning06:22
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coolbhavigood morning dholbach 07:54
dholbachhi coolbhavi07:55
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dholbachalllllll right, 2h to go until the Ubuntu Global Jam planning on http://ubuntuonair.com12:12
dholbachlet popey, mhall119, dpm or myself know if you want to join the hangout in about an hour13:06
dholbachcan you all help promote the hangout a bit?13:07
josedholbach: I won't be able to join, leaving for classes in 10m :(13:20
dholbachjose, I'll suggest we'll do another planning call - maybe next week at a more Americas-friendly time13:20
josedholbach: sure! but we'll need to check if it doesn't clash with my super weird university schedule :P13:21
dholbachsoooooo, anyone who'd like to join the hangout in a bit?13:53
dholbachgoing live in 7m on http://ubuntuonair.com13:53
dholbachhello everyone14:03
dholbachwe just started the Ubuntu Global Jam Planning hangout on http://ubuntuonair.com14:03
dholbachif you want to join in, let us know14:03
rigvedi can hear an echo14:03
dholbach^ this is what we're editing together14:04
mhall119hey everyone, we're talking about the Ubuntu Global Jam at http://ubuntuonair.com and #ubuntu-on-air channel14:04
dholbachthe more the merrier14:12
rigvedcan we ask questions?14:17
dholbachrigved, sure14:17
dholbachrigved, and you can come online and join the hangout if you want14:17
rigvedno i'm good! :)14:17
dholbachok ok :)14:17
rigvedi have not done any ubuntu app development but i would like to hold an App Dev school. Is this the correct documentation to follow for that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoRunningAppDevSchool ?14:18
dholbachrigved, yep - I'm working on updating the slides and stuff right now14:19
dholbachrigved, but I'll update the links and everything once I'm done14:20
dholbachrigved, if you give me our email address or send me a mail to dholbach at ubuntu dot com as a reminder, I'll make sure to include you in the beta tester community ;-)14:20
rigveddholbach: https://launchpad.net/~rigved14:23
dholbachrigved, brilliant - thanks14:23
rigveddholbach: and yes rigved is my real name! it's derivation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigved14:24
dholbachah, brilliant - I had no idea14:24
dholbachthanks for your help14:24
rigvedno problem14:24
dholbachwhere are you planning your event?14:25
rigvedi have been organizing UGJ in Mumbai for a few years now14:25
rigvedMumbai, India14:25
dholbachawesome :)14:25
rigvedthe mumbai ones14:26
dholbachwow, great work by the Mumbai team!14:31
rigvedthanks! :)14:31
dholbachman, I wished I could be there for the event :-)14:33
rigvedi'll record the event and put it on youtube14:33
mhall119rigved: that'd be great, let us know about it and we'll promote it14:34
dholbachhave some belpuri and vada pav for me :-)14:35
rigvedsure! :D14:35
rigvedwe'll most probably have a nexus 4 (multi-booted to ubuntu touch) for demo so that should be good14:36
dholbachwoohoo - that's awesome14:38
rigvedwhat's the difference between phondations and foundations?14:39
dholbachrigved, the foundations team is a team within Canonical which takes care of the foundations of Ubuntu in general (like the compilers, python, grub and stuff like that)14:40
dholbachrigved, and then there's the "phonedations" event - which takes care of the core bits of the phone14:40
rigvedoh ok. understood14:41
rigvedthe Indian team is no longer an approved team anymore. Would that make any difference?14:42
dholbachrigved, not at all14:43
dholbacheveryone's free to have an event - everyone's invited14:43
dholbachthe verification thing is just about having a look with the LoCo Council over the (documented) activities of the team in a meeting, so they're eligible for stuff like conference packs, etc14:44
dholbachdoing something is much more important :)14:44
rigvedok. i'll try to contact the team admins to get the team approved again14:46
dholbachfor some reason I got of this meeting with way too many work items14:49
rigveddholbach: thanks i'll go through that page14:51
rigvedthanks everyone!14:51
dholbachmhall119, balloons, popey: do we need to add the work items to the trello board, or shall we try to get through all of the stuff as soon as as we can?14:55
rigvedhow do i keep track of the progress that you guys make in updating all the documentation relating to the Jam?14:58
popeystrikethrough in the etherpad as we do them?14:58
mhall119dholbach: popey: ^^ works for me14:59
rigvedoh ok15:00
popeygreat, added an item to my calendar to do it tomorrow.15:04
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cyberheart_mi9hi guys23:32

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