
pleia2PaulW2U: thanks for your feedback, it helps a lot :)16:24
PaulW2Upleia2: UWN still of interest but just don't feel like I can continue contributing at the moment  :o(16:25
pleia2not quite sure how to encourage people to be more committed when even getting them to casually get involved is difficult, but knowing why you quit helps us try16:26
pleia2yeah, I understand16:27
PaulW2Ua difficult one for sure. A few months ago I went the last 100+ releases and noted those that added their name to the newsletter16:30
PaulW2Uwhat we see now was inevitable given the results that I saw. Several would contribute for odd weeks here and there16:30
PaulW2Uand other would contribute for a few weeks and never be seen again. Strange.16:31
Unit193I never even do enough to add myself..16:32
PaulW2UUnit193: But you do other things for the Ubuntu project though16:32
pleia2probably half the folks who volunteer to get emailed never contribute at all16:35
pleia2they also don't ask to be removed, or communicate in any way, it's weird :)16:35
pleia2clearly lyz@ubuntu.com > /dev/null16:35
Unit193Hrm, I believe I got a picture of a cat from that address.16:37
pleia2seems likely16:38
PaulW2UI can understand non-English speakers finding summary writing difficult and many will never volunteer for doing an editorial review16:38
PaulW2UBut English speakers don't have that excuse one they have volunteered16:38
PaulW2USummary writing is easy. You just have to look at how it was done previously by someone else  ;o)16:40
pleia2or so I thought :)16:40

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