
ollyanyone been to argentina?03:34
ollythey seem to have a mains socket very like ours, but with live and neutral switched03:34
ollyat least according to wikipedia03:34
Atamiraare you going to argentina olly ?19:20
ollyAtamira: yep19:47
Atamiraill ask an argentinian friend for you if you like.19:50
ollyAtamira: if that's easy to do, it'd be nice to know more definitely19:54
=== ibeardsl1e is now known as ibeardslee
ibeardsleeand again as me19:56
ollyi'd expect the power supplies for the laptop etc to not to care which way round live and neutral were - they certainly cope with euro sockets and an adaptor which can go in either way up19:59
Atamirajust sent him a message on facebook. he actually lives here in auckland and works for qantas. if anyone would know, he would. ill let you know when he replies.20:06
ollygreat, thanks20:07

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