
ubottueeee_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:41
ubottuBeldar called the ops in #ubuntu (_2_landa a bot)04:42
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== valorie is now known as bookzilla
knomeSamuraiRM apparently in #xubuntu, is he ban evading?09:44
ikoniaI think so09:45
ikoniaI don't see the original ban replaced09:45
ikoniahe was "ok" in #ubuntu a day or so ago09:45
ikoniathe ban forward didn't get picked up as it's a nick ban09:46
ikoniaso he joined as guest, then changed his nick09:46
ikoniaor it would have ban forwarded him here09:46
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:42
k1lban evading with sanurai instead of samurai?11:46
ikoniahe's not banned in #ubuntu11:46
ikoniaI suspect he needs to sort out his ban in #ubuntu-it11:46
ikoniaand get help there as the language problem seems quite hight11:46
k1li thought he was banned in #xubuntu and -it etc11:46
ikoniahe's forwarded to here from #xubuntu11:47
ikoniaand he's banned in #ubuntu-it11:47
ikoniaI suspect he'll be better of sorting his -it ban out so he can talk to people in italian to get a clear problem/resolution discussion going11:47
k1lbut i think he just doesnt care about that as long as he gets what he want while beeing annoying to other users11:48
ikoniawe'll he's not trying to be annoying at the moment as he apears to want genuine help11:49
ikoniabut his langauge barrier is quite a tough one11:49
IdleOnethe barrier didn't seem too high for him yesterday when he got banned for saying his killed his family12:11
knomeikonia, changed the ban on #xubuntu to a broader one for SamuraiRM, he seems to be changing host12:35
ikoniaI'm not personally bothered by him, I just want him to sort his -it ban out as I'm sure they can help better than broken english12:36
knomehe also seems to be crossposting12:37
ikoniaknome: it appears he thinks your actions where mine13:27
ikoniad me13:27
ikonia112:58 <SanuraiRM> fuck you13:27
ikoniajust noticed I had a pm from him13:27
knomei'm sorry.13:29
ikoniait's not a problem13:31
ikoniajust chuckling with you about it13:32
ikonianot complaining13:32
k1l@mark #ubuntu Giant81 offtopic imgur link14:02
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:02
SanuraiRMi have installed xscreensaver15:42
rwwSanuraiRM: this isn't a support channel. You are forwarded here from #xubuntu.15:43
rwwPlease contact #ubuntu-it's ops, resolve your ban in there, and ask there for support. Thanks.15:43
Unit193knome: Yeah, that's why I went for nickban first, noticed the host wasn't static at all.15:51
Unit193Note, it's actually useless to send SanuraiRM to #ubuntu-irc, no -it ops idle there (checked the access list against nicks in -irc).17:51
DJonesThat seems like something for the IRCC to discuss with the -it ops17:52
Unit193DJones: Likely, but nevertheless, it leaves the best option to PM the op in question rather than directing to a channel with no IT OPs.17:58
DJonesUnit193: Agreed, although I would question why -it ops  don't join -irc I did think it was recommended for loco channel ops18:39
DJonesCould be I've misread something in the past though18:40
IdleOnerecommended != to obligatory18:40
IdleOnejust because the IRCC recommends ops idle there does not mean they have to. They do have an op channel I believe18:40
Unit193DJones: It is for locos and non-core channels, yes.  As well as other IRC discussions.18:41
IdleOnethe -it loco that is18:41
DJonesSo if -it have their own loco channel, hwere are the logs for that?18:41
IdleOnesame place all the other logs are at, locos also don't have to log18:42
IdleOneeverything is voluntary in the Ubuntu IRC world18:42
rwwunless the LoCo Council decides to be silly and force one to18:43
* rww bitter18:43
DJonesThat sounds really stupid18:43
IdleOnerww: they did that to you?18:43
Unit193IdleOne: LoCo's had/have forced logging, actually.  irclogs.ubuntu.com.18:43
rwwIdleOne: yes18:44
rwwiirc they were looking at forcing it for all of them, i forget if that happened18:44
IdleOnehmm that seems silly to me18:44
rwwastute observers may note an overlap between the LC composition at the time and the list of people who wanted #u-w logged18:44
DJonesBeing honest if a loco channel isn't prepared to have its ops channel logged, that channel shouldn't be an official channel18:44
rwwanyway. tl;dr: everything is not voluntary and drama is drama18:45
elkyDJones: #firstworldproblems18:45
IdleOneI can understand that main support channels/core channels but I think loco's should be left to decide for themselves18:45
Unit193They weren't, but IMO should have been yes.18:45
rww18:46:12 [Users #ubuntu-it-ops]18:46
rww18:46:12 [@ChanServ] [@ubot-it] [+enzotib] [ rww]18:46
rwwdunno if that's the right channel.18:46
rwwno banforwards and no mention in /topic18:46
rwwoh, http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoIrc/RisoluzioneControversie implies it is18:47
rww(I expect SamuraiRM needs pointing at that URL in future)18:47
DJonesIwonder how much of the -it issues relate to LjL18:48
Unit193rww: +f?18:48
IdleOnevery little I suspect18:48
IdleOnehe wasn't very active in there aiui18:48
IdleOneif at all18:48
rwwUnit193: what about it?18:48
DJonesNot that he's causing them, more that he may be an op there and responsible behind the scenes for  it18:49
Unit193mode/#ubuntu-it-ops +CFcmnst  I see.18:49
rwwoh, +f'ing him there from here18:49
rwwprobably not the best idea18:49
IdleOnedoesn't askubuntu have an -it section?18:51
rwwthey have an OSQA instance at http://chiedi.ubuntu-it.org/18:52
DJonesIdleOne: Don't let the trolls get in the way of the truth18:52
IdleOneI'm not sure what that mean18:53
DJonesIdleOne: Too many people are blaiming Ubuntu because it exists, rather than looking at the facts18:54
hggdhikonia, knome: ping19:09
ikoniayou summond19:10
ikoniahggdh: what's up ?19:12
hggdhikonia: can we PM for a bit?19:13
hggdhknome: same thing, can we PM for a bit?19:13
knomefeel free to19:13
=== bookzilla is now known as valorie
hggdhstaff around?21:00
Priceyhggdh: What's up?21:01
hggdhPricey: hi, can we have ubot93 (ukikie@botters/unit193/bot/ubot93) cloaked as ubuntu/bot/ubot93 ?21:02
PriceyUnit193: Around to confirm please?21:03
Unit193Pricey: Confirmed.21:03
PriceyUnit193: no going back etc..21:04
hggdhlast call, and all that21:04
tonyyarussoWe have 93 bots now?21:04
Priceyhggdh: Should be done.21:04
hggdhso far yes, until Unit193++21:04
knomebazhang, not sure it's a good idea to send them to other channels to pick up more bans.21:06
knomeat least i prefer not to play the "find a channel i'm not banned in" -game21:06
bazhangknome, he wanted some non-ubuntu channels, and I have pre-emptively warned those ops21:07
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:16
k1lerm, anyway to ban notices in channel?22:17
geniiBah, mass attack in there22:17
k1lshould set +r imho22:17
k1lwhats about ppc questions in #ubuntu?22:47
k1limho they are that few that they are allowed even the ppc port is officially droped?22:48
hggdhppc dropped?22:59
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:00
tsimpsonmodern Macs have Intel chips23:02
hggdhwe have power8 and powerpc23:02
hggdhoh, you re talking about macs23:02
hggdhnot IBM RS/6000 and cousins23:03
k1lno, the apple g3/g4 stuff23:03
hggdhack. Sorry.23:03
k1lthere is one user in #ubuntu who was told ppc is dropped and not supported in #ubuntu anymore. i am just asking on how the policy is on that23:03
hggdhmy personal take is if it is community-driven, then it is community-supported. And that would mean acceptable on #ubuntu23:04
tsimpsonso long as the questions are general enough, I don't see a problem23:04
k1limho yes23:04
hggdhPricey: still available? I got some more -br channels to +Ff for me23:06
tsimpsondon't freenode still have that secret channel for GCs?23:10
hggdhwell, it will only help if I know of it :-)23:10
hggdhbut I can always go #freenode, and be helped23:11
rwwfaster in #freenode anyway, if it's the same as it used to be23:16
rwwalthough then you have to deal with the "helpers"23:16
hggdhpart of the game :-)23:20
bazhang<bluetower> ok who here is live and could help me23:56
bazhangubottu, random live zombie23:57
ubottubazhang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:57
rww@random bazhang this works without an error message :P23:58
bazhangrww nice!23:59

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