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irgendwer4711the is a big bad regrssions/bug im openssl 0.9.8k!10:28
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elopioping ubuntu-qa: can somebody please review this one?15:22
robotfuelelopio: I'll review15:22
elopiorobotfuel: there seems to be something wrong in launchpad, as it doesn't display the rename from tests/autopilot/dialer_app/emulators.py to tests/autopilot/dialer_app/__init__.py15:23
elopioso you might need to pull the branch or check the commits.15:24
robotfuelelopio: ok I'll pull from trunk and use meld15:24
robotfuelelopio: thanks for pointing that out15:24
elopiomeld is sooo good.15:25
elopiobrendand: I think the right testability solution for cases like the camera is to be able to launch it with an argument that disables some optional features. When we are not testing those features, we use the argument.16:34
elopiobrendand: to see the screenshots, get16:35
elopiowget https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-mako-smoke-daily/708/artifact/clientlogs/gallery_app/test_results.subunit16:35
elopiopython3 /path/to/subunitdetails.py test_results.subunit16:36
elopioeog *FailedTestScreenshot16:36
elopioI do it from the /tmp/ dir because it has some problems with long paths.16:36
brendandelopio, maybe16:37
brendandelopio, it feels like testability isn't thought about very much16:39
elopiobrendand: I think we have never been involved in the planning stages of the projects.16:40
brendandelopio, we need to insist. with a large stick if necessary16:40
elopiolast sprint was already to late. I hope it will get better, and pushing for qml test driven will help.16:41
elopioI bet the camera doesn't have a single qml test.16:42
alesage+1 meld16:45
* cgoldberg brb's16:49
robotfuelelopio: I finished my review of https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/dialer-app/custom_proxy_objects/+merge/23068717:16
elopiothanks robotfuel. I will fix the pep8 issues.17:17
elopiorobotfuel: we need a way to do this checks on build time, because I keep fixing them on every branch17:17
elopiobut as pep8 and pyflakes are not on main, I had problems doing that for main packages.17:17
robotfuelelopio: we need to add flake8 and deps to main :P17:18
elopiorobotfuel: fixed and pushed.17:20
elopiorobotfuel: do you know how to move a package from universe to main?17:20
robotfuelelopio: pitti would be the best person to ask. maybe jibel will know17:21
jibelelopio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess17:25
elopiothanks jibel.17:26
elopiojibel: and do you know if there's an alternative? Could we add buid-deps in universe to packages in main?17:26
jibelelopio, AFAIK it is no possible17:27
cgoldbergis anyone using one of those fancy new online IDE's for development,  like Cloud9 or Nitrous.io ?  any thoughts on either?17:27
elopiocgoldberg: brendan is using cloud917:27
elopiowe have a pending pair-programming session. It looks really cool, but I have only played a little with it.17:28
jibelelopio, or your package will finish in this list http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.txt17:28
cgoldbergelopio, thanks.. i'll talk to him... I'm gonna try it out17:28
elopiojibel: I see.17:28
elopiojibel: next week I'll try to move pyflakes and pep8 to main.17:28
elopioubuntu-qa: this one is ready for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/launcher/+merge/23086117:51
elfyif anyone else has the time, inclination and unicorns available, can they give recordmydesktop a whirl - crashes for me - want to check it's not just local - thanks peeps17:53
elopioelfy: seems to work here.17:55
elopioany steps to reproduce the crash?17:55
elfymmm - I was trying to do so with a window17:57
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elfyelopio: thanks for trying though :)18:10
balloonselfy, no confirmation?18:30
balloonsI've always used kazaam18:30
cgoldbergelfy, whats the prob your having with recordmydesktop?  it's used inside Autopilot for video recording... haven't heard any peeps about bugs with it recently19:06
elfyjust appears to crash and do nothing cgoldberg - but it's entirely possible it's local - I do muck about a bit19:07
elfyand if that's the case I'd be more or less positive it's local :)19:07
elfyballoons: you about? want to report something but have no idea where :(19:23
balloonselfy, sure19:26
elfyso this isn't a bug as such, but something we get out there on the coalface19:26
elfypeople choose lvm/encryption during install - that causes a 256Mb /boot partition - people upgrade etc, kernels pile up - they don't find out until they're presented with an upgrade error because the partition is too full19:27
elfyso it's not a bug - but it is an issue - especially with people coming to *buntu land19:29
elfynot really sure what to do about that nor who to talk to19:31
knometo me it sounds like reporting it against ubiquity wouldn't be awfully wrong19:31
elfyubiquity is doing what it's told to - someone must have told it to use 256Mb19:32
elfyit's really about education imo19:32
elfyyou could make /boot 1Gb and people would just not know till even later :)19:32
knomethough aren't older kernels cleaned up automatically? at least if you use apt-get autoremove..19:33
elfyknome: not afaik - you need to remove the kernel properly - and that's the problem and where the lack of education is19:36
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balloonsknome, elfy hmmm.. So for stable releases you should get the existing kernel, and the previous. That's it19:47
balloonseverything else should be getting cleaned19:47
elfywell it's not happening apparently19:48
balloonsand yea I get the issues.. since not everyone will even understand what they've done with encryption, we should keep this complexity away19:48
balloonsdocs don't seem to back that up.. so I'm living in a drema19:50
balloonsso elfy I would say making the partition larger doesn't particularly help either19:52
balloonsbut meh19:52
balloonsthinking about it, I'm not sure there is an easy solution19:53
elfyballoons: agreed - you could make it moon big and still - wondering if something as simple as a note on the partitioning stage would at least point people to the fact19:53
elfylike I said it's not a *bug* as such19:55
balloonsif it helps (and it doesn't) the closest thing I can think of is a chromebook. There are 2 partitions, and updates bounce between them. So you have the new one, and the old one. Next update will flash the one not in use19:55
elfyso the question is I guess who to talk to about it20:00
balloonswell since we don't have even a notion of a solution, might be worthwhile to spend time researching to come up with one20:02
elfyballoons: I don't believe that increasing it will do anything other than postpone the day - so at least that's one thing not to worry too much about :)20:08
balloonsand we can't automagically remove old kernels actually20:09
elfyso it's about education somehow20:09
elfynot easy :)20:09
balloonswe can technically, sure, but it's a it crazy to remove something like that automatically20:10
balloonsif you think about it a little :-)20:10
balloonsso yea, education so it seems20:10
elfyis a smallish line of text in ubiquity out of the question?20:13
elfycurrently under the encrypt option we have "You will choosea security key in the next step"20:14
elfy"You'll get a /boot partition too - do sum lurning bout cleaning up old unused kernels too"20:15
elfywould not something like that be the simplest and easiest way20:15
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elfyor a slide - not sure - thinking about something else now :)20:41
balloonselfy, I don't think they would be keen on dumping text on the installer page.. people don't read it anyway :-)21:03
knomewas thiking the same...21:03
knomethinking too ;)21:03
balloonshaving warnings about "are you sure you want to do this?" or "do you understand this?" likely won't help either21:04
elfydidn't think that would be the case tbh21:04
knomeno, and saying "for advanced users only" makes everybody immediately an advanced user..21:05
elfyit's a shame that the people who make these decisions are so far removed from the reality of being someone who's not got a clue what they're doing when they click buttons21:05
elfyubuntu is a long way away from the old linux for people ideal21:06
elfyno at all sure what to be about this tbh, possibly just wander off and ignore it21:17
knomei'd file a bug21:18
elfypointless imho21:18
knomeat least it'll get some attention at some point from somebody21:18
elfyit'll just fester and get marked as dead21:18
elfysounds negative - I don't mean it to at all :)21:19
knomegetting marked as invalid is better than no bug; at least somebody has done some thinking and come to the conclusion that things are okay as they are now21:20
elfyI don't mean invalid :)21:22
elfyinvalid is fine :)21:22
knomei guess the other thing we should look at is *how* old kernels get purged21:22
knomebecause they do get purged for me21:22
elfyone of the other admins has -24, -27, -29, -30, -32, -33 and -34 in 14.0421:24
elfyand I never have an install long enough to get that many :)21:24
elfynone of the new kernels I've been getting in utopic are automatically anything at all21:25
knomei have 9 kernels; autoremove proposes removing one21:26
knomewait, not 921:27
elfynot even sure how to word a bug ... sigh21:31
elfys/a/this :p21:33
elfywell reported it for better or for worse21:35
elfybug 135709321:36
ubot5bug 1357093 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Encrypted install creates too small /boot partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135709321:36
elfyof course that notice lies - emptying trash, removing temp packages or apt-get clean will make no difference at all ;)21:37
elfys/in this instance21:37
knomeheh, yeah21:40
elfyeven doing something with that notice - if that can be targetted - would be after the horse has bolted21:42
elfyanyway - nothing more I can do :)21:42
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