
daftykinsdiddledan: i won! the email has been changed \o/03:14
diploMorning all07:24
=== msm is now known as Guest23292
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:17
Myrttimoin bigcalm08:18
bigcalmHappy belated birthday, Myrtti :)08:19
DJonesMaybe the wrong channel to ask in (computer people don't always have a good reputation for doing excercise) Anybody know a great deal about home multigyms? Looking at two & wondered if anybody can see any obvious differences that one is better than the other08:19
Myrttibigcalm: thanks :-D08:19
bigcalmMyrtti: I thought you were a bit younger than FB tells me. So, well done on that ;)08:20
Myrttino, I'm about two weeks younger than Harry Potter :-P08:20
Myrttithat old git08:20
* bigcalm scratches his head08:22
bigcalmDaniel Radcliffe is 2508:22
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:23
Myrttibigcalm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter_%28character%2908:24
bigcalmMyrtti: good point, I didn't think about when the character may have been 'born'08:24
bigcalmI would like to read the books. But having watched the films, I fear that the written word won't be as magical08:27
MyrttiI don't have big issues with the books vs. movies08:28
MyrttiI listened to the books first before seeing the films, and I didn't have huge issues with the films08:28
bigcalmOoo, audio books08:28
Myrttiyou can tell which bits have been omitted, but there isn't that much that was lost08:28
Myrttioh no, unabridged.08:28
Myrttiby Stephen Fry08:29
bigcalmI wonder if they are on Spotify08:29
bigcalmHumm, maybe not08:29
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
popeyWhat an _excellent_ morning08:52
Myrttipopey: _excellent_ or *excellent*?08:55
popeyAnyone know a good technical writer looking for work?08:58
MyrttiI'm trying to gauge the sarcasm09:01
Myrttiso was it sarcastically excellent, or genuinely excellent09:02
popeywell. i successfully did some python/postgres/shell stuff which I haven't touched for a while, and that was fun09:02
popeyworked till late yesterday to make it work, and this morning made and proposed a merge for it09:03
popeyso yeah, thats good. just need to get it deployed09:03
foobarrywhy do i always wake up exhausted on my day off?09:19
foobarryday with the kids and my muscles are not working  toda09:20
MyrttiI wake up exhausted every day09:20
foobarryme too but especially bad on weekends09:21
foobarryand after chinese food09:21
popeyi know what I'm having for lunch, thanks foobarry09:21
foobarrymy wife had them for breakfast09:22
foobarrywhich is so wrong09:22
popeyno, there's a chinese near here that does a lunch pack09:22
popeyMcChina Wok Away09:23
foobarryspecial fried rice with everything in09:23
foobarryi went to my local who i've gone to for 25 years09:23
foobarryshe was asking about my brother who doesn't look much like me but she thinks we look the same09:24
foobarrythen she said, your family always order chicken chop suey.09:24
foobarryi thought everyone always ordered it?09:24
Laneythat's a takeaway-customer confidentiality violation09:25
foobarryis true though, i don't think there has ever been a foobarry family member who didn't order number 36 as part of a meal in 25 years09:25
foobarrymy mum goes there too, and so did my dad09:25
foobarryand my sis09:26
foobarryso good business from them09:26
popeyi have never ordered chicken chop suey09:28
foobarrymind you, it varies from place to place. my local does the best i ever tasted09:29
foobarryand comes with a tomatoey sauce09:29
foobarryand their kitchen is on full view so you can see him cook it09:29
Myrttiwe always do chicken and sweet corn soup. It's nice to dip the prawn crackers to09:29
foobarrythe "ghost ones" are wird09:29
popeywe usually have duck+pancakes, and often szechuan spicy beef and probably lemon chicken.09:29
foobarrysorry for buzzfeed link :P09:30
popeyooo, i haven't had chicken & sweet corn soup for years, could do with that09:30
foobarryif i ever have a last meal, it might be kung po chicken. since i can't eat that any more :(09:32
popeyooh not had that for a while either09:33
popeydammit, lunchtime needs to hurry up09:33
popeyomg, i can order online09:33
popeyThis. Changes. Everything.09:33
OERIASI just ran out of toilet paper!09:37
popeyhttp://blog.highfivehq.com/posts/a-little-known-hack-from-japan-to-get-your-notebook-organized  gosh09:47
bigcalmWow, cool09:48
bigcalmI know this is only day 2, and I've already raved about it, but I can't get over how much of a wonderful difference a decent keyboard is making. My hands are not getting tired and I'm typing more quickly.10:14
bigcalmI'm confused by the media keys on my new keyboard10:19
bigcalmIn Keyboard Shortcuts, Sound and Media, I can set the various controls by pressing the media keys on the kb. But then using them doesn't do anything10:20
bigcalmSo the Keyboard settings system is registering that I'm pressing the media keys. But then the media keys don't do anything10:21
bigcalmIf I do something like shift+f8, that registers and works. But Fn+F1 doesn't10:22
directhexwhich keyboard?10:24
directhexi have a new keyboard arriving in a couple of hours10:26
bigcalmdirecthex: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00F1DOUXY10:29
directhexi too am getting an mx brown based keyboard10:30
directhexpersonally i think the pricing on Das is excessive, for what you get10:30
bigcalmI am in love with these switches10:30
bigcalmMaybe so. I'll be happy if they kb lasts for several years10:31
directhexnerds are a much smaller niche than gamers. for some market segments, the size of the gamer market massively lowers the baseline price. this includes mechanical keyboards10:31
directhexi'm paying the same money for a keyboard with the same switches... with backlit keys, and an aluminium design rather than plastic10:31
bigcalmAh well :)10:34
directhexmostly i went with colour coordination :p10:35
LaneyI'd pay /not/ to have backlit keys10:35
* Laney shivers10:35
bigcalmYeah, for me that's just something to go wrong10:37
bigcalmIt's a feature that is sometimes handy on my laptop. But I don't have a need for it at my workstation10:37
OERIASAah shit! some asshole smeared his seat on the toilet!10:39
bigcalm!ohmy | OERIAS10:40
lubotu3OERIAS: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:40
bigcalmThat factoid has changed :S10:41
OERIASbigcalm, I will speak in calm language10:41
popeyOERIAS: you pulled the same "gag" in #ubuntu. Don't do it here. Find somewhere else to be childish.10:42
OERIASokay i promise to moderate my language.10:43
popey!guidelines | OERIAS10:43
lubotu3OERIAS: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:43
davmor2popey: oh that is a nice trick with the notepads11:47
foobarrydoes anyone find their chromecast shows colours too saturated and a bit dark?12:01
foobarrynot sure how to fix, since watching normal telly is OK so i don't want change the brightness etc...unless it remembers settings per source?12:01
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
foobarrycolours are far too saturated12:17
smittixfoobarry: what are you casting from?12:17
foobarrythe youtube site on my laptop12:19
foobarrywhich means that the cc streams direct from youtube12:20
smittixI need to find a decent DLNA media player12:42
smittixSomething that I lets me watch videso from my NAS on my tv12:42
foobarryi am using plex + CC12:42
smittixThat works then?12:42
smittixoh right12:43
smittixI will do that then.12:43
foobarrywhat's ur nas12:43
smittixWD My Cloud12:43
foobarrycan u install plex server on it?12:43
smittixnot sure12:43
smittixI'll check12:43
smittixBah doesn't look possible12:45
foobarrybuy a cheapo media player that u can connect the nas to?12:46
smittixYeah just looking now.12:49
smittixLooks ok12:50
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
shaunoway, way OT, but does anyone know the legalities of working remotely for a US corp?12:55
directhexThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog12:59
popeyI can haz kung po chicken ☻12:59
directhexThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog12:59
popeyyeah, i started using plex, works brilliantly to cast to cc13:00
directhexi definitely feel a bit more resistance than on my wife's keyboard, but i don';t think i type with enough delicacy to really notice the tactile feel13:00
popeyended up re-watching Adjustment Beureau13:15
Myrttimy sister's cat sat on my laptop and managed to change something in the settings so that the only thing that is on normal brightness setting is the top bar13:21
Myrttiany ideas what went wrong?13:21
Myrttior should I just reboot and hope for the best?13:21
Myrttithey managed to press F9 and put my Unity into Widget mode13:26
popeyi have no idea what widget mode is ☻13:30
Myrttipopey: sticky notes and stuff like on Mac13:30
Myrttiassuming you've got an app that does widgets13:31
Myrttibah. Stupid CoolComponents13:52
Myrttiwhy can't my RoyalMail tracking number actually show something13:53
smittixWhat's the best way to install Oracles Java in 14.04?14:07
ujjainI paid £10 to charity. They will receive £12,50, because I'm a UK tax payer, roight?14:10
Laneyif you asked to use Gift Aid when you donated14:12
Laneyotherwise you can contact them and they can claim it retrospectively14:12
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
popeysmittix: define "best" ?14:30
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
smittixpopey: For some reason I cannot get java to work with chrome14:45
smittixTrying to access an online device that requires java. I've installed J7 and it doesn't seem to work.14:45
diddledan_ubuntu touch is suddenly much more responsive on my maguro (galaxy-nexus) after a reflash with a utopic-daily-touch-preinstalled.img from a day or so ago - it's actually almost usable now - I'm thinking the slowness inherent in the device is something to do with IO maybe15:37
diddledan_I need to install iotop to check that theory15:38
diddledan_in other news: morning fellas :-)15:39
popeyblimey, surprised it works on galaxy nexus15:58
diddledan_popey, it's partially a custo-job - I compiled the androidy bits myself and used the ubuntu bits from the pre-compiled download15:58
popeyis there an image you could make available?15:59
diddledan_I flashed using rootstock which doesn't make a nice image first but does everything on the device. Is there a howto for building a redistributable image anyplace?16:00
daftykinsdiddledan_: i wonder if TRIM on the NAND being available or not could have an impact?16:05
diddledan_daftykins, good thinking16:05
diddledan_IIRC TRIM was an issue on the GNex?16:05
daftykinsi think it's attributed to all smartphones performance degradation when they've never been updated to android 4.3+ or simply never had it16:06
* diddledan_ runs fstrim on it16:11
daftykinsinteresting article16:13
diddledan_hmm, unity8-dash is using a ton of ram - nearly 240MB16:16
popeycolour me unsurprised16:20
diddledan_using over 256MB of swap on there in total now16:22
diddledan_I think the slowness can possibly be chalked up to just swapping16:24
=== daftykins is now known as quup
=== quup is now known as daftykins
mappsgoijhow on earth have i amassed all the bad habbits16:55
diddledan_all of them?16:55
diddledan_that's a lot of bad habbits16:55
arsenanyone carry around a 15" mbp/retina? i want some case ideas for mine :(16:56
mappswhats that16:58
daftykinsmacbook pro16:58
daftykinsarsen: ah-ha, back to the premium system eh ;)16:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
arsenhihi :)17:01
arsenyeah, brand new thin 1517:02
arseni7/16gig/500gig ssd17:02
mappsi want 17inch tho thats why i dont buy one17:02
arsenkinda wanted to at least be able to carry this17:03
arsenbut needs to power two thunderbolt displays17:03
diddledan_http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzD01Hu1nPs :-D17:05
daftykins17 >_<17:07
mappscarry where17:07
arsenhome/office, flights/business travel17:07
diddledan_hmm, chromium done hung17:07
arseni may actually flip to a 13'mbp but tbd.17:10
mappsi cant find my cigarettes17:20
mappsnearest shop is 20min walk17:20
MartijnVdSno better time to quit then17:21
DJonesmapps: Thats a hint, give up17:21
DJonesHeh MS updates bring about BSOD http://tech.slashdot.org/story/14/08/14/1713227/microsoft-black-tuesday-patches-bring-blue-screens-of-death?utm_source=slashdot&utm_medium=twitter17:21
MartijnVdSheh oops17:22
daftykinsnot the first time and certainly won't be the last17:23
diddledan_is it cyber-wednesday the day after black tuesday?17:23
daftykinsall my ones i'm responsible for are fine17:23
daftykinsof course, i keep hearing about bricked updates in #ubuntu ...17:23
diddledan_I've never heard patch-tuesday referred to as "black tuesday"17:24
daftykinsnah, nor i17:24
diddledan_and actually perpetuating that idea (black) suggests to the layman that it's a bad thing17:25
diddledan_patching is good for security people, I don't care what OS you're on, as long as you patch it up the wazoo17:25
diddledan_IE8 is going to stay around until 2016 according to microsoft :-(17:26
diddledan_that sucks17:26
daftykinsnice that they're piling on the pressure though17:27
diddledan_at least with XP's retirement I can finally have an argument with clients over IE6 and 717:27
daftykinsthis 'disabling outdated java plugins' is a nice one too17:27
arsenmaybe i'll just get a sleeve until i decide17:27
arseni like the booq mamba slim bag but its $$$$$$17:27
daftykinsif this 64GB Oneplus One i ordered ever turns up i'll be on the case dilemma bandwagon17:28
Azelphurdaftykins: got a oneplus? nice17:28
diddledan_you went for one of those, eh?17:28
diddledan_I'm not sure I could do without google-mind-control17:29
daftykinsAzelphur: well i got an invite, it explicitly said they don't ship to Guernsey =| as is becoming the new norm17:29
daftykinsso i ordered to Guernsey, UK :D17:29
daftykinsso it *might* be shipped, i can't really tell17:30
Azelphurdaftykins: haha17:30
daftykinsi really don't know why they refuse us, it's really quite frustrating17:30
diddledan_I don't get what reasoning companies have for excluding the Channel Islands17:30
daftykinscould be something to do with Google telling them 'don't sell android devices to these places where we refuse to deal with VAT deduction'17:30
diddledan_yeah, jink17:30
daftykins'cause i think as i may have mentioned to you guys before, Google's Play store doesn't let us buy apps or media17:31
diddledan_that sucks17:31
daftykinsooh i got the replacement WD 2TB Re (enterprise) disk to replace the 6th of an array of 8 in my clients file server today17:32
daftykins6 of 8 WD2002FYPS' have now died, at varying intervals during their 5 year warranty17:32
daftykinswith any luck the last two will pop within the next 200 days to remain in-warranty :D17:33
diddledan_that's quite handy - it would be less so if it was a personal system without any redundancy/backup17:34
=== webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon
daftykinswell, the films on it are his DVD collection all ripped 1:117:36
daftykinsfor the various XBMC HTPCs i have setup around the house17:36
daftykinsso those aren't getting backed up, but the important data is17:36
diddledan_nice setup17:36
diddledan_it's still a RAID array tho, so a single drive isn't going to lose the data17:37
daftykinshe has asked about backing it up, so what i said was when the warranty on these end, we'll get another set of disks and use that set as a copy17:37
daftykinsyep, double parity mode 6 too so it needs 3+ failures at once17:37
mappsthe net still sucks on trai ns17:59
mappstheyu always say theyre improving it..yea sure17:59
mappstotal toilet17:59
AzelphurI just tether everywhere18:00
daftykinsit's these little times free from connection that you should enjoy :)18:01
directhexthe wifi on trains is provided by 3g, so if the 3g reception sucks, so does the wifi18:02
Azelphurdirecthex: except it's probably congested18:03
Azelphurmy phone is my connection with no caps \o/18:03
directhexi'm on orange, i have no bandwidth18:03
mappspfff daftykins18:03
daftykins<every orange subscriber i've known> but i get film tickets!18:03
mappsyea directhex18:03
mappsexcept my phone seems better18:04
directhexi have a kid, when am i going to go to see a movie?18:04
mappsah yea so its 3g shared whereas my 3g is on my own18:04
directhexif i get a day off from the kid, i'm going to an orgy, not a cinema18:04
mappsim on orange directhex  and 3g has got worse in last 6mths18:04
directhexit takes a few minutes for twitter links to load for me18:04
mappsit sucks18:04
directhexi am jelly of wife's Three18:04
mapps4g is ok..ive got a 4g contract too atm and unlimited 3g with orange18:05
mappsiphone 5 and 5s18:05
diddledan_I've made an effect using css(3?) which is actually quite effective yet surprisingly simple to produce: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xtb960lwpro1ou/Screenshot%20from%202014-08-14%2019%3A04%3A46.png18:05
mappsi got all my amazon orders now yay18:06
mappswas waitong for like 11 things18:06
daftykins:O i love waiting for things18:09
daftykinsi specifically choose the cheapest/free shipping these days so i get the best part for longer18:10
daftykinsthink of the cumulative savings too O_O18:10
shaunoyou must love China then ;)18:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledan_how would you describe this heading: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xtb960lwpro1ou/Screenshot%20from%202014-08-14%2019%3A04%3A46.png18:17
diddledan_I'm trying to think of a name to give it18:17
diddledan_needs at least two parts18:18
diddledan_part1-part2 e.g.18:18
smittixwoe is me18:18
diddledan_I'm thinking it's similar to train platform signs18:18
daftykinssmittix: why-so?18:19
smittixComputer troubles all day heh18:19
daftykinsfun times18:25
daftykinsMeanwhile, on Guernsey - https://www.dropbox.com/s/cknwz15dzskq2jo/IMG_20140812_232336.jpg18:43
shaunoI guess they didn't have much luck with the fishing equipment18:46
davmor2daftykins: why would they won't crabs, don't they know that would be the end of there love life :D18:48
davmor2Lobsters and oysters are the ones to get surely18:48
daftykinslol, you have some quirky typing sir, but i got it18:48
davmor2daftykins: deliberately :)18:55
daftykinsdeliberate 'won't for 'want' 0o18:55
daftykinsand 'there' fail18:55
daftykinsy u do dis!?18:55
* daftykins chases davmor2 with an English refresher course18:55
davmor2daftykins: dyslexia is a git, I go with the one that sounds right18:58
daftykinsoh you're that guy :) my bad18:59
daftykinsmy nick database seems off today18:59
davmor2daftykins: I think bigcalm too and I'm sure there was someone else too19:00
diddledan_daftykins, "that guy"19:00
bigcalmWhat me too?19:01
bigcalmOr, me too what?19:01
diddledan_I think dyslexia is God's way of punishing those of us that like to pretend we're clever19:01
davmor2bigcalm: dyslexia19:02
* bigcalm goes away again19:02
* diddledan_ chases bigcalm 19:02
davmor2diddledan_: I just thought it was a thing for busy minds,   My head is too busy thinking up new ways to destroy your software to possibly think how to spell a word19:04
diddledan_davmor2, yeah, that might make sense. My mind is usually a dark void so it has time to spot "mistakes" but is so set in it's ways that it refuses to assume dyslexia or other patterns and instead moans and gets me into trouble with the "offender" for being offensive19:07
diddledan_my brian is a curse19:07
diddledan_(yes I spelt that correctly!)19:08
davmor2diddledan_: you have a brian19:08
davmor2diddledan_: is it your son, and is the curse hear oi bry everywhere you go?19:09
diddledan_I don't have any kids :-)19:10
diddledan_brian is the strange bloke who sits inside my head19:10
diddledan_he makes me do bad things :-p19:10
davmor2diddledan_: oh that's worse still :D19:10
zleaphey Pendulum20:08
zleapsorry hey popey20:08
diddledan_I've packaged my method into a "web component" for polymer: http://diddledan.github.io/broadway-heading/20:22
diddledan_I guess I need to point out that it's for polymer20:22
daftykinsany thoughts on whether 14.04 would be having issues run on an old NVIDIA Quadro FX 350M ?21:23
daftykinsit's borked after an upgrade from precise21:23
daftykinsnouveau seems to come up with some funky issues with detecting the aspect ratio, heh21:24
popeyooh, thats old isnt it21:24
daftykinsindeed! XP era machine21:25
zleapdaftykins, there is a ubuntu system called Torios in development based on 12.04 for v1 and then 14.04 for v2  that is designed to be minimal may be good for old XP machiens21:26
popeythat wont help21:26
popeythe video driver will be the same21:26
daftykinscertainly won't help this user with a broken install21:26
daftykinswell apparently it gets to login ok, but the user session fails to start21:27
popeyzleap: what desktop does Torios use?21:27
zleaphold on21:27
popeyfound it21:28
diddledan_is jwm any relation to joe the text editor? :-p21:29
diddledan_"Joe's window manager"21:30
zleapnot sure21:30
zleapi use joe text editor21:30
zleapin fact I wrote a command reference thingy for it21:30
diddledan_I think it's a bit narcissistic to name something after yourself :-p21:31
zleapdiddledan_, where do you think Linus got Linux from21:33
diddledan_mikeos is where it's at21:33
zleapdiddledan_, that looks useful or some of the links from there do22:04
diddledan_zleap, yup22:05
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsdiddledan_: hey buddy old pal...22:26
daftykinsnone of that would prevent a session starting would it :/22:26
diddledan_french >.<22:27
daftykinsyeah i thought that, but skype going funky shouldn't affect a whole session right 0o22:27
diddledan_I don't think so - nothing looks relevant there22:28
daftykinsi've even suggested a unity reset, but that did nothing22:28
daftykinsi wonder if it's worth trying an nvidia driver, the Xorg log looks alright though22:28
diddledan_you mentioned that it's getting the login prompt but not further?22:29
daftykinsapparently a single window opens stating "system problem detected"22:29
daftykinsbut no mouse pointer and nothing bar a purple image22:29
diddledan_is there an ".xsession-errors" in the user's home folder?22:29
arsenbwaha winning. i have work branded free clothes :D22:30
diddledan_or similar naming I never get that correct22:30
zleapdaftykins, i get that with xubuntu22:30
daftykinsarsen: O_O22:30
daftykinsdiddledan_: that's what the first link above was22:30
diddledan_ignore me then :-p22:31
daftykinshehe no worries22:32
daftykinsi don't know anything beyond the above to diagnose this one22:32
daftykinsi'm suggesting running a unity reset whilst it's sat there stalled this time22:32
daftykinsbefore i suggested doing so after stopping lightdm22:32
zleapi am pff22:32
daftykinszleap: hmm? :)22:33
daftykinsoh, nn sir22:33
zleapi will see if I can find out how to find out why i get system problem detected22:33
daftykinsthis one was a botched upgrade22:34
zleapthis is a clean install22:34
daftykinspreserved /home or nothing at all?22:34
zleapbut it must be more to do with ubuntu as i had the same with xubuntu and lubuntu22:34
zleapfully clean then copied /home contents back over22:34
zleapi will chat tomorrow anyway22:34
diddledan_daftykins, it might be a problem with preserved settings in which case to test that theory you can try adding a new user account22:35
daftykins*nod* sounds good sir22:35
daftykinsthe other thing i would've done is maybe move .config to .configold as a quick test22:36
diddledan_if it is a problem with saved settings then the simplest way to fix it is to nuke a couple .folders22:36
daftykinsbut yeah, better not to mess with user data22:36
diddledan_yeah, .config is one, I think .local is the other22:36
daftykinsvewy gewd22:36
diddledan_the problem is doing that kills off unrelated program settings too so many many many apps start with a blank slate22:37
daftykinsas long as none are run and it's just used as a quick test it should be grand22:38
diddledan_jeez, they're still making new police academy films22:41
diddledan_(it was the "many many many" that got me googling)22:42
daftykinswhere'd many many many come from?22:42
diddledan_I can't find any clips of it but it's the old boy, eric lissard who goes on about his "many many many fine officers" and other things22:47
daftykinsaaaah :D22:49
daftykinsdiddledan_: lol i suggested .cache, .local and .config be renamed, still no go23:03
daftykinsat this point i think it might be too broken for a new user even23:04
daftykinskinda tempted to try an nvidia driver anyway just to be sure23:04
diddledan_might it be worth a check on a live-disc-based boot?23:05
daftykinsmmm that would make sense, wonder if it's an option23:06
daftykinsapparently it's the only computer23:09
diddledan_oh, you're remote?23:09
daftykinswhat about installing an alternative DE like xfce?23:09
daftykinsyeah me to someone to someone via phone i'm horrified to say :S23:09
daftykinsthey told a friend to use ubuntu on this antique and now it's totally trashed :D23:10
diddledan_well if it's missing any packages then running tasksel and selecting "ubuntu desktop" should install all the default packages if they're not present. follow it with a reboot if it installed anything and check logging-in again23:11
daftykinsmmm, wonder if i could also say to remove ubuntu-desktop and install xubuntu-desktop23:12
diddledan_oh, looks like it needs installing first, so sudo apt-get install tasksel23:12
daftykinsor skip the first and just go straight to xubuntu-desktop23:12
arsenreminds me, need to reinstall my laptop23:14
arsenor fix the laptop suspend .. somehow on resume it fails to turn the screen back on :/ pita23:14
daftykinsdid you say you were using xubuntu?23:15
daftykinsas i think someone said that's in the release notes as a known bug, heh23:16
arsengnome classic, but happens regardless of DE23:16
arsenmine doesnt seem to be the common bug (use osmething other htan xubuntu)23:16
daftykinsi'm typing from this old Sony of the boss's today23:18
daftykinskinda funny not being able to watch a flash vid 'cause it sucks so bad23:18
diddledan_damn that peer23:22
daftykinsevery time :(23:22
diddledan_chromium has hung on me again23:44
popeyyeah, i switched to chrome after chromium went down hill recently23:49
diddledan_do the unity added sugar work with google's chrome?23:51
diddledan_i.e. unity-chromium-extension and unity-scope-chromiumbookmarks23:52
daftykinsapparently editing ~/.dmrc is enough to change default session at login? 0o23:52
diddledan_daftykins, seems legit23:52
daftykinswow, user didn't have the file23:53
daftykinsuser got xubuntu-desktop installed but i think it was stuck on running unity as the default session23:54
daftykinslightdm.conf might be the next option23:55

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