
=== traveller is now known as Guest49870
jthanWelllp... We missed that one03:29
rmg51 Morning09:18
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:17
=== lazyPower_ is now known as lazyPower
* waltman gives teddy-dbear some chocolate18:18
=== patbarron1 is now known as patbarron
ChinnoDogI don't understand why there are so many new top level domains. Specifically, why would they allow so many new ones yet make it an expensive and closed process?20:23
ChinnoDogShould I just a) accept them b) boycott the new ones because they are senseless and no one cares or...?20:26
pleia2they're not going away, time to accept20:29
ssweenyno one's forcing you to buy any20:32
waltmannew top-level domains are way down on my list of things to worry about21:01
pleia2went to an interesting talk at Google I/O about the pain of supporting them21:02
pleia2broken regexs to determine valid urls, utf8 character support21:02
pleia2made me glad I don't work on validation :)21:02
waltmanare there unicode tld's now?21:09
waltmanmakes me wonder if I need to update dnscache...21:10

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