
bdukMorning everyone05:25
nuvolario/ oh hi05:55
nuvolarimorning bduk, theblazehen05:55
theblazehenhi nuvolari 05:56
theblazehenAnyone here running the new zorg-server?05:57
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
theblazehenhi superfly 06:55
superflyhi theblazehen06:57
theblazehenI'm getting a new phone today or tomorrow :D07:00
charlgood morning all07:26
charlhi bduk, nuvolari, theblazehen, superfly 07:27
theblazehenhi charl 07:27
charlMaaz: coffee on07:28
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:28
superflyhi charl07:28
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!07:32
bduknuvolari: is it zorg or xorg server07:32
charlMaaz: danke07:33
nuvolario.O eh?07:44
nuvolaribduk: the graphics server? 07:44
nuvolarithe graphics server is XOrg07:44
theblazehenbduk, actually me, and I meant xorg 07:45
bdukOk cause i googled it and only found xorg07:45
nuvolarioh hi charl 07:45
nuvolariand superfly 07:46
nuvolarioom kilos?07:46
theblazehennuvolari, Where did he go? 07:46
superflytheblazehen: as far as I know, everyone has been using xorg for many years already07:48
theblazehensuperfly, yeah, I know. Wanted to know if anyone used the rootless X in the new server07:48
theblazehenhttps://www.archlinux.org/news/xorg-server-116-is-now-available/ "X is now rootless with the help of systemd-logind, this also means that it must be launched from the same virtual terminal as was used to log in, redirecting stderr also breaks rootless login. The old root execution behavior can be restored through the Xorg.wrap config file (man xorg.wrap). Please note that launching X through a login-manager (gdm, kdm, ...) 07:49
theblazehendoesn't yet provide rootless access."07:49
nuvolari:O DBN losing another Linux boffin to CT07:56
theblazehennuvolari, ?07:57
nuvolarisomeone from the DLUG, smileyborg08:00
superflyCape Town is the promised land, what can we say...?08:12
Kilosafternoon all09:10
theblazehenhi Kilos 09:11
Kiloshi theblazehen  09:11
Kiloshi superfly  ThatGraemeGuy  nuvolari  inetpro  bduk  and non mentioned09:12
nuvolarioom Kilos!09:20
nuvolarimôre-sê :D09:20
theblazehenhi ThatGraemeGuy 09:20
nuvolarioh hi ThatGraemeGuy 09:21
Kilosek sien una gaan ook kaapstad toe nuvolari  09:23
nuvolarija oom Kilos09:42
nuvolaridurban loop leeg09:42
superflyhi Kilos09:49
inetprohi everyone09:54
Kilosai! just managed to get a m/board that uses ddr3 and now they bring out ddr410:06
Kiloswill never be using that10:08
Kiloshi Private_User  13:05
Private_Userhi Kilos13:20
Kiloshi Vince-0  15:51
Kilosyou taking over the lug?15:51
Vince-0Looks like it15:55
Kilosrev the monkey, he hasnt been here since last meeting and its nearly the next one15:56
Kiloshi Squirm  17:15
superfly(Josiah says hi)17:44
ThatGraemeGuyevening all18:22
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  superfly  18:44
Kilossuperfly  inetpro  where are you19:00
superflyKilos: around19:02
charlgood evening19:09
charlhi superfly, Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy, Vince-0, Squirm 19:10
Kiloshi charl  19:10
ThatGraemeGuyhey charl 19:12
superflyhi charl19:16
Kiloshi MxG  20:28
MxGum, hi Kilos :)20:28
Kilosyou from one of the lugs hey, i forget20:29
MxGwell limited to mailing list participation really, and occasional IRC presence20:30
Kilossleep tight all22:15

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