
OvenWerk1zequence: as a packager, if I had my choice I would tend to favour ffmpeg, but messy yes. It seems to me libav exists because ffmpeg was not wanted in debian... or maybe I am thinking of cdrecord.04:56
DalekSecOvenWerk1: There's been an ongoing fight between libav and ffmpeg, not really sure what the differences are at this point because once one adds something, the other is only shortly behind it.  ffmpeg may well be coming back into the archives, but the Debian security team isn't looking after it so still not level playing field.05:10
DalekSecBut yes, to sum up: It's a mess, libav seems to be the preferred one in Debian based distros.05:10
OvenWerk1DalekSec: yes, but the application authors seem to differ.05:54
zequenceIs it that time already?10:46
zequenceDebian Import Freeze is in effect10:46
zequenceTime to start wrapping things up.10:46
zequenceI will finish -controls so that it can be SRU:ed. Also, sync our seeds with Xubuntu, and update our metas during the week10:47
zequenceOther than that, I'll probably only write a couple of test cases10:47
zequenceContinuous development of -controls will have to wait on my part. This autumn will be crazy busy for me.10:48

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