
Unit193ochosi: FF the 21st, I've got a terrible memory and I don't see it on trello or blueprints, xfce4-soundmenu-plugin/libmpris2 and xfdash going into 14.10 official?06:55
ochosiUnit193: nah, xfdash can remain in extras for now, same with xfce4-soundmenu06:56
ochosii think the latter still needs a bit of work06:56
ochosithen we can talk about including it by default06:56
ochosi(as long as we don't include it by default i think the PPA is an ok place)06:57
ochosibtw, google forms is a good idea for managing wallpaper submissions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16R0-IF8m8h5iUad067lf2SNi_v3qkluLe_fcR5f6jsY/viewform06:57
ochosiknome: that takes away most of the maintenance load of the wiki ^06:57
Unit193ochosi: I see, thanks.06:58
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elfymmm bluesabre re parole - so that odd situation I had where jogging forward in a audio file has changed - jogging forward now changes to the next track16:27
elfytried to record what's going on with it - got a bug with record my desktop :p16:49
* pleia2 aims for 1 hr meeting17:31
pleia2cuz lunch plans!17:31
Unit193Food is very important.17:31
pleia2or, you know, less :)17:31
pleia2anyway, meeting in a half hour17:31
* pleia2 back2work until then17:31
elfybluesabre: bug 1356979 attached screencast to it - eventually17:40
ubottubug 1356979 in parole (Ubuntu) "Fast forward/jog during a track changes to next playlist track" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135697917:40
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Aug 14 17:59:27 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:59
pleia2ok, who do we have here?17:59
pleia2#topic Open action items18:00
pleia2"marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media" that didn't get done :) will re-action18:01
pleia2#action marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media18:01
meetingologyACTION: marketing team to support xfce's bug bounty programme by informing people on website and social media18:01
pleia2doesn't look like bluesabre, knome or ochosi are around to update on their items18:01
pleia2#chair elfy Unit193 18:03
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Unit193 elfy pleia218:03
pleia2so do we just reaction all their stuff?18:03
elfyI guess so pleia2 18:03
Unit193That's how it used to go, yeah.18:03
pleia2clear as mud18:04
pleia2will reaction so we can follow up at next meeting18:04
elfywell I can see no reason why not18:04
pleia2#action bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki18:04
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to put list of xubuntu packageset packages on wiki18:04
pleia2#action bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings18:04
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to upload new xubuntu-default-settings18:04
pleia2#action bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings18:04
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to enable clutter in parole, set as default in xubuntu-default-settings18:04
pleia2#action knome to check docs side of including pkexec policy files in favor of gksu18:05
meetingologyACTION: knome to check docs side of including pkexec policy files in favor of gksu18:05
pleia2that's good, ochosi's item was mailing the list about xchat and that was done :)18:05
pleia2#topic Team updates18:05
pleia2ok, what are we up to? :)18:05
Unit193bluesabre enabled clutter in parole, but it's not been set the default yet.18:06
pleia2I don't really have any updates from web or marketing, so no #info from me18:06
elfy#info QA is moribund still18:06
skellat#info skellat has been engaged in backport requests and sync requests18:06
elfy# Beta 1 in 2 weeks time - will call for testing, depending on response will reflect on whether to bother with Final Beta18:07
pleia2anything else?18:07
elfynot from me18:08
Unit193#info bluesabre enabled clutter in parole, but it's not been set xubuntu-default-settings yet.18:08
pleia2#info Beta 1 in 2 weeks time - will call for testing, depending on response will reflect on whether to bother with Final Beta18:08
pleia2thanks elfy 18:08
skellatDo we want any items to come up for Global Jam to be worked on/played with?  I had seen there was a meeting CCT held earlier today but I didn't catch all they went into.18:08
elfyoops sorry pleia2 :)18:08
pleia2docs and testing are really the only things we can do for Jam stuff18:09
pleia2but I'm not participating in UGJ this time around (will be traveling)18:09
skellatCan anybody identify specifics on our end and relate them to apparently mhall119 and/or dholbach?18:10
skellatThat is to say, low-hanging fruit sorts of opportunities that would help us move forward18:11
elfyapparently not 18:11
pleia2skellat: maybe mail the list to see if anyone is interested in that?18:11
skellatI'll take an action item for that18:12
pleia2#action skellat to mail list to see if anyone wishes to identify specific low-hanging fruit tasks for the Global Jam18:12
meetingologyACTION: skellat to mail list to see if anyone wishes to identify specific low-hanging fruit tasks for the Global Jam18:12
pleia2thanks skellat 18:12
pleia2#topic Announcements18:12
skellatI've got nothing18:13
Unit193Feature freeze?18:13
Unit193Did we announce the calendar page with the trello and Xubuntu calendars?18:14
elfyI saw it somewhere Unit193 18:14
GridCubei think that was announced in the mailing list a few weeks ago18:14
pleia2debian import freeze has happened, feature freeze comes up on the 21st18:14
Unit193OK, terrible memory and all. :(18:14
Unit193#info Debian import freeze is in effect18:15
Unit193#info Feature freeze is coming up on the 21st.18:15
pleia2#topic Discussion18:16
pleia2#subtopic Gksu/do18:16
pleia2#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-July/010287.html18:16
mhall119skellat: we need to update the UGJ wikipages first, then we'll have a place for you to put specific activities that would contribute to Xubuntu18:16
* mhall119 apologies for coming in late18:16
GridCubeUnit193, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-July/010321.html18:16
pleia2any gksu/do things?18:17
elfypleia2: is that one not kind of dependent on knome's doc stuff?18:17
Unit193GridCube: Yep, thanks.  It's the memory again. :(18:17
pleia2elfy: perhaps!18:17
skellatmhall119: We still need to do harvesting on the Xubuntu side first.  You've got time.18:17
elfyI'd +1 returning to gksu tbh - not part of the discussion re removing it in the first place, but I really don't see why we should be the only falvour without gksu 18:18
elfyhi mhall119 :)18:18
* pleia2 nods18:18
skellatelfy: The discussion in last meeting was that it was a tremendous hack and that we need to move towards getting pkexec-related compatabilities set up.18:18
Unit193pkexec is "nice" for things that support it and more secure, but really not so useful everywhere else.  I'd be in favor of using pkexec where we can, but gksu everywhere else and seeding it.18:19
GridCubewho would do that18:19
elfyskellat: maybe so - but still there are huge bunches of people wandering around doing things for ubuntu18:19
elfyand pkexec smacks of the attitude with ibus - fine for us, sorry about you18:19
elfyUnit193: +118:20
pleia2Unit193: +118:20
pleia2did we end up with volunteers to pkexec things?18:20
skellatelfy: micahg wanted to drop it as catfish was one of the last things that needed it as a dependency which it doesn't anymore.  ochosi was advised by mainline security that gksu has security issues.18:20
pleia2boo security18:21
elfypleia2: I had already got 3 here - put them on the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Utopic/Pkexec18:21
elfyskellat: even so - where does that put everyone else - and I repeat - it is US and Studio that don't seed gksu18:21
elfyand I don't see the sky falling in on anyone else18:22
pleia2elfy: oh good18:22
skellatelfy: That will require further study to see where it puts us in the overall realm of who is using gksu & who isn't18:23
elfyskellat: Ubuntu, Studio and Xubuntu don't have gksu18:23
elfyknee jerk reaction to it whenever it was 18:23
skellatI was thinking outside the Ubuntu realm18:24
elfyI've no interest in that18:24
Unit193#rank name                            inst  vote   old recent no-files (maintainer)18:24
Unit193378   gksu                           2554519 23075 2528873  1693   878 (Gustavo Noronha Silva)     18:24
skellatThe lurking issue of systemd has to be remembered which can and does inform what we do across the Ubuntu flavors even when we're not the ones directly deciding18:25
elfythat'll be lurking for sometime I would think18:25
Unit193Also, not sure what systemd has to do with gksu directly.18:26
elfyso - I'd say postpone this till next meeting18:27
pleia2elfy: wfm18:27
pleia2#subtopic Discuss possible support of Xfce's bug bounty programme18:27
pleia2I think this was also agreed, yay18:27
pleia2#action pleia2 to work on drafting bounty/donation page for Xfce's bug bounty programme on xubuntu.org18:28
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to work on drafting bounty/donation page for Xfce's bug bounty programme on xubuntu.org18:28
pleia2#subtopic Make the Trello board publicly readable18:28
pleia2elfy: know anything about this one?18:29
elfyI've no issue with that - easily done, regardless of readability - only people ON the board can post afaik18:29
pleia2seems logical18:29
pleia2anyone have objections?18:29
elfynot me 18:29
elfyI'd vote perhaps - then move it to m/l - give it a week18:30
skellatGo for it especially after the static bluesabre got from DMB18:30
pleia2#subtopic Check whether the Blueprints and Trello board are in sync18:30
pleia2this one just sounds like just an action item someone should take18:30
elfyI can do that pleia2 18:30
pleia2#action elfy to check whether the Blueprints and Trello board are in sync18:30
meetingologyACTION: elfy to check whether the Blueprints and Trello board are in sync18:30
pleia2elfy: thank you18:31
elfybut what about the readability thing :)18:31
elfyyay or nay or move to m/l18:31
pleia2elfy: yay18:31
pleia2do eet18:31
pleia2#done elfy made Trello board publicly readable18:31
elfyget confirmation from someone lurking like krytarik 18:31
pleia2krytarik: can you see the board?18:32
knomei'm here!18:32
skellatHeck, I can even see it when I'm not logged into trello so it is world readable18:32
Unit193knome: Welcome.18:32
elfyhi knome 18:32
pleia2#subtopic Other Business (and knome things)18:32
pleia2ok, anything else?18:32
knomegee, thanks :P18:33
Unit193Perhaps document better how Xubuntu runs the meetings?18:33
pleia2am I doing that badly? :)18:33
elfypleia2: no but I suspect Unit193 know's he's up soon :p18:33
Unit193< pleia2> clear as mud  that kind of gave a hint.18:34
pleia2oh yeah18:34
pleia2I can draft up instructions and ask people to fix them18:34
GridCubethis is the first meeting im able to attend in about a year probably :(18:34
knomepleia2, be in touch with me on that.18:34
* skellat references the Debian-side bugs list for gksu for the purpose of consideration for discussion: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=gksu18:34
pleia2knome: will do18:35
pleia2#action pleia2 to draft up meeting chair instructions and seek feedback18:35
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to draft up meeting chair instructions and seek feedback18:35
pleia2skellat: thanks for the link18:35
pleia2#info Debian-side bugs list for gksu for the purpose of consideration for discussion: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?repeatmerged=no&src=gksu18:35
pleia2GridCube: in that case, have anything you wish to discuss? :)18:36
GridCubeas a side effect of not being able to properly know how i can contribute for not joining conversations, no, though i liked the fact that some of the questions where forwarded to the mailing list where i could add my two cents18:37
elfyGridCube: I'd agree that's been a good thing18:37
knomewe could start sending a mail that notifies about the meeting minutes being up18:37
Unit193Or, send the meeting minutes like several other teams do.18:38
pleia2maybe we add that to chair tasks18:38
knomeso the meeting results would get more exposure to public, and probably open some discussion18:38
GridCubetalking about that questions, the droping of xchat, i understand that we already droped it, but i would like that then we add a link on whishkers menu called "online help" that sends people to the web client for our channel on the main page18:38
knomenot all of the issues are something we want/need to discuss on the mailing list18:39
GridCubeknome, no, i understand18:39
Unit193Right, and I'd prefer not.18:39
knomeUnit193, prefer not what?18:39
Unit193Every discussion happing on the ML, seems overkill.18:39
knomeGridCube, what we are doing is making an experiment on how people react on xchat being removed18:40
elfythen that goes against what we decided - if it's a meeting discussion it should go to m/l for those not able to be here18:40
knomeGridCube, if we decide it's the right way, we can then discuss if we want a menu item18:40
knomeelfy, i was referring to mostly "for information" items :)18:41
GridCubeknome, i see. i don't agree but i understand.18:41
knomebesides, i'm probably thinking a bit differently than you;18:41
pleia2well, I think meeting minutes being sent to the list should be more of a FYI thing, we still want threads started for important discussions18:41
knomenot ALL of the things we discuss in the meeting *must* be a meeting/team discussion18:41
pleia2and I think just a link in an email, like: we had a meeting, read about it here:18:42
elfypleia2: wfm18:42
GridCubesure, im not asking to move the meetings to the mailing list18:42
knomeit's just that the meeting is a good forum to discuss things and get it archived somewhat reasonably to logs that are much more accessible than irclogs.ubuntu.com ;)18:42
GridCubei just liked that some question where forwarded there where i could participate18:42
Unit193https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2014-August/038428.html - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2014-August/038422.html18:42
pleia2GridCube: nods18:42
pleia2we should keep doing that, it's good, we usually get feedback18:43
knomeGridCube, definitely. that's more related to voting than meetings itself.18:43
knomeextending the voting to the mailing list we can guarantee to either 1) get a quorum or 2) give enough time for everybody to be able to vote18:44
knome(even if technical quorum isn't met)18:45
knomethat being said...18:45
knomethe strategy document doesn't talk about "expiring" from -team in vain18:46
knomei'm not saying there's anybody specific who shouldn't be part of the team, but please keep it in mind and judge with your own conscience whether you think you are warranted the membership18:46
knome(and thus, a vote in every vote, and making the quorum harder to reach in numbers)18:47
knomewe don't want to kick anybody out, but it's the best for all to have an up-to-date membership list :)18:47
elfyindeed - totally agree with that18:47
knomeand that said...18:48
knomewe're happy to have old contributors back18:48
knomeand they'll probably gain their membership faster since we already know them..18:48
pleia2knome: maybe an agenda item for next meeting?18:51
GridCubeknome, i understand18:51
knomepleia2, of what? :)18:51
pleia2expiring team18:51
knomewell, sure, though it should be an ongoing item ;)18:51
pleia2ah ok18:51
knomeso maybe not18:52
pleia2ok, anything else?18:53
elfyI'm good pleia2 18:53
GridCubenot from me18:53
skellatAdjournment sounds great18:53
pleia2#topic Schedule next meeting18:53
pleia2I'm on there twice, so I forgets :)18:54
pleia2is it ochosi up next?18:54
* knome checks18:54
elfyyea - twice in a row :)18:54
knomeyeah, i believe so ;)18:55
pleia2#action ochosi to schedule next meeting18:55
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to schedule next meeting18:55
elfythen it's the Debian Liason's turn ... 18:55
pleia2I'll do meeting minute stuff after lunch18:55
pleia2thanks all18:55
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Aug 14 18:55:47 2014 UTC.  18:55
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-08-14-17.59.moin.txt18:55
* pleia2 out2lunch18:55
elfythanks pleia2 :)18:55
Unit193We made it out!18:55
knomepleia2, bon appetit!18:55
Unit193knome: Might want to get with cyphermox and see if NM .10 is landing for utopic as it'll need Xubuntu docs update if so.19:06
Unit193The networking section has `nm-tool`, which is gone in .10.19:14
knomecan you make a trello card out of that?19:15
knomethanks for volunteering ;)19:20
Unit193What type of card?19:20
knome14.04 TODO for slickymaster and knome19:21
cyphermoxUnit193: it will, hopefully19:33
Unit193cyphermox: Thanks for the update, and the work on it (looking forward to nmtui!)19:34
cyphermoxUnit193: still need to file the MIR report for libndp to go with it19:34
Unit193Oh bleh, MIRs.19:34
cyphermoxUnit193: I can point you to the PPA maybe if you want to take a head start, all testing prior to upload is obviously welcome19:34
Unit193cyphermox: That might be tempting.19:36
knomeelfy, ^19:36
Unit193xubutrello: card 85 link19:37
knomeUnit193, cheers19:37
elfyknome: ?19:37
knomeelfy, keyword: testing19:37
Unit193Now is it tempting enough to make me quit playing with connman/cmst. :D19:38
elfyknome: if I had keyword testing - 99% of the time it would be me saying that no-one bothers testing 19:39
elfynot that I'm at all cynical 19:39
knomeelfy, heh. well, it's probably something that we are going to be affected by whether we tested it or not.. so might be better to at least call for testing at some point ;)19:39
elfyhttp://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker to see why I'm rather cynical19:40
knomei acknowledge the situation..19:40
elfyI call for testing - more or less no-one bothers19:40
knomeif only i had about 24 more hours in a day ;)19:41
Unit193elfy: ...Do I need to add it?  I am at least running utopic, so while not "testing", I've got it and it's active.  Not sure how much it counts though, since it is me.. :/19:50
elfyUnit193: yea - add it please :)19:52
Unit193Okay. :(19:52
elfyI appear to have a bluetooth indicator 19:52
knomeis it behind your ear?19:52
elfyif only it was - I'd not see it then :)19:54

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