
nosoundIs it possible to strip a window of it's border and just have the top bar?00:50
Panikhey i got a question, I've installed xubuntu on a lower end netbook, its using a atheros 242x wireless card, and I'm running into issues with it keeping connected and or connecting to the network itself, is there anybody who could help me?02:11
Panikaha, I found ubuntu drivers for my model on its manu website, I shall try now and see how it goes02:32
quantibilitypanik, when it comes to wifi, you gotta make sure your in the scope of the device, for instance, if you tyring to use WIRELESS N on a G only wifi its gonna cause problems02:36
quantibilityi had the same problems for a while untill i figured that out02:36
xubuntu698will xubuntu support ralink rt5360 in 14.04?03:23
holsteinxubuntu698: a better question would be, will ralink support ubuntu 14.04.. since it will ultimately up to them.. i would try a live CD on the hardware and see03:27
vigooshow can i get ralink rt5360 working on xubuntu 14.04LTS?03:35
holsteinvigoos: ideally, ralink would provide you with a driver, as they do for windows.. but, where i would start is with a live CD and see if the device just works03:35
holstein!wifi | vigoos03:35
ubottuvigoos: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:35
holsteinvigoos: just plug the device in, or turn it on while running a live CD and see if it works03:36
=== balkamos_ is now known as balkamos
Psil0Cybinhey guys after reinstalling xubuntu 14.04, i have a software updator that says there is a security update for Xubuntu Base, but it gives no Description or Changes06:48
Psil0Cybini guess i should just update anyway06:48
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, it's a security update from canonical? yeah, I'd update that.06:48
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, also, 14.04?  current release is 14.04.1 ... expect LOTS of upgrades06:49
Psil0Cybini thought the iso i downloaded was for 14.04.106:50
cfhowlettPsil0Cybin, cat /etc/issue       will tell you06:51
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Psil0CybinI also have another question if perhaps you can help me, when I try to SSH into my device after copying my keys over, it is asking me to enter my password via a GUI, but its Xubuntu 14.04 without Unity .. How can I get it to ask for my password like it used too on 12.04?07:54
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Guest57281how change my nick name09:35
cfhowlett!nick | Guest5728109:35
ubottuGuest57281: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.09:35
Guest57281use /samurairm09:36
Guest57281use /samurairm newnick09:36
Guest57281use/samurairm newnick09:36
cfhowlettGuest57281, "use" is not an IRC command. read again09:36
ObrienDaveGuest57281, try /nick samurairm09:37
Guest57281 try /nick samurairm09:38
ObrienDavewithout the "try"09:38
=== Guest57281 is now known as samuraiRM
cfhowlettGuest57281, /nick NickNow NickThatIWant09:38
knomecfhowlett, nope, you don't need/want to insert the nick you have now.09:43
cfhowlettknome, OK - please help guest5728109:44
ObrienDavethey're gone ;P09:44
=== deshipu_ is now known as deshipu
xubuntu488has anyone had issues with xubuntu 14.04 Tahr freezing?10:18
cfhowlett!details | xubuntu488,10:18
ubottuxubuntu488,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:18
xubuntu488well im new to xubuntu10:19
xubuntu488so when i use firefox to go to youtube and play anything it freezes with the video being all black10:19
xubuntu488not audio10:19
cfhowlettxubuntu488, did you install all the media codecs10:19
xubuntu488do i have to do that manually?10:19
cfhowlettxubuntu488, suod apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras10:20
cfhowlettxubuntu488, also, just my $0.02, install VLC player as well10:20
knomecfhowlett, to play a youtube video?10:20
xubuntu488what is suod? is that like the command line thing? for terminal or whatever?10:20
cfhowlettknome, codecs will help with yt and VLC can play most media AND it comes with its own set of codecs.  Good backup10:21
xubuntu587ayer actualize el sistema operativo al nuevo xubuntu hoy cuando cierro la tapa del portatil, el equipo entra en suspensión y no puedo seguir trabajando con la pantalla externa, lo tengo configurado para que no haga nada al bajar la pantalla10:32
xubuntu587yesterday actualize the operating system to the new xubuntu today when I close the lid of the laptop, the computer goes to sleep and I can continue working with the external display, the energy manager is configured to do nothing to lower the screen10:38
linuxgeek_i have installed xubuntu and xfce4 on 14.0410:41
linuxgeek_after installing and configuring realvnc, when i connect to the system via realvnc viewer i see a gray screen10:41
linuxgeek_any pointers please?10:42
SanuraiRMi want creat and aviator for off the pc11:51
SanuraiRMsee the image11:51
SanuraiRMbut i want off the pc no logout11:52
ikoniaSanuraiRM: it's pretty hard to work with you in English11:52
ikoniaSanuraiRM: it's worth joining #ubuntu-irc talking to the #ubuntu-it operators and get your ban in #ubuntu-it removed11:52
ikoniaSanuraiRM: then you can talk to people in italian in #ubuntu-it11:53
SanuraiRMim banned11:54
ikoniaSanuraiRM: yes, join #ubuntu-irc and get that ban removed11:54
SanuraiRMthe question is very simple11:54
ikoniayou are also muted here11:54
bewarei can set dead keys, and it then works locally, but not over xrdp12:03
SanuraiRMI want to create a file that turns off the PC to pass your time12:14
cfhowlettSanuraiRM, do NOT crosspost12:14
cfhowlettSanuraiRM, ask in one channel12:14
syb@beware: have you set a custom keymap for xrdp? See: http://sourceforge.net/p/xrdp/discussion/558111/thread/dbc6bc30/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184863912:16
bewareno, i chose US international with deadkeys on the install wizrd12:20
bewarei wonder if somehow, vnc is incompatible with dead keys, or if it does not choose the system keymap12:21
xubuntu067hello I am wanting a program that provides system restore like capability, I hear timeshift is the best option but hasn't been updated since 2013, I didn't know if there were better options?13:42
holsteinxubuntu067: backing up like that is always a matter of needs and what one is willling to maintain.. i say, if timeshift is meeting your needs, the update schedule wouldnt bother me13:52
holsteini mean, is there any security concerns? where a security patch is needed? not on a local machine like that likely.. if it has all the features you need, then, you dont need anything else13:53
holsteinif the "backups" or restore points in that case are on the same hard drive, then, *when* that single hard drive fails, you lose your backups13:53
xubuntu067I have a raid file server I keep everything important on.13:59
xubuntu067but I've run into an issue on my laptop, for some reason using the headphones every once in a while kills the audio13:59
xubuntu067and I've followed the instructions on every forum post on the topic I can find but their solutions don't work14:00
xubuntu067so I wind up having to reinstall xubuntu to solve the problem14:00
xubuntu067figured a system restore might be a better option14:00
xubuntu422Hello, i have problems with actualization: La actualización necesita un total de 94,5 M de espacio libre en el disco «/boot». Libere al menos 3.217 k adicionales de espacio de disco en «/boot». Vacíe su papelera y elimine paquetes temporales de instalaciones anteriores usando «sudo apt-get clean».14:06
xubuntu422Mesasage said that i need more free space, but my disk is big, this message is not true14:07
xubuntu422please help!!14:07
cfhowlett_!it |xubuntu422,14:08
ubottuxubuntu422,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:08
xubuntu422I run comand «sudo apt-get clean», but nothing happend14:09
xubuntu422my message are in spanish not italian, but i wrote in english!14:09
cfhowlett_look again - NOT english14:10
Akselouhello here14:10
Akseloui need help with some trouble i have with java on xubuntu 14.04 can I expose the problem ?14:11
zleapare there any alternatives to catfish please ?15:55
sybzleap: recoll is good: http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/index.html15:56
zleapi am sure one of the fi le managers has built in search15:58
zleapbut this should do the job,  can't be worse than catfish15:58
GridCubecatfish is pretty good tho15:58
zleapi can never get it to find anything15:58
GridCubebut, alas, opinions15:58
baizonwell i recommend synapse16:10
Fredd_Hello everyone17:43
GridCube!hi | Fredd_17:44
ubottuFredd_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:44
Fredd_Im tired of having my screen black out on me every few minutes when watching videos online.... I have tried a LOT of things i found online but nothing worked... does anyone have a working fix?17:44
m8thello, can i find a netboot install for xubuntu?18:00
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:00
Unit193Of course, use the Xubuntu Desktop task.18:01
m8tnot the same as a netboot actually, i need kernel+initrd image, like these http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/18:01
Unit193Ah, you mean real netboot, pxe style.18:02
m8tmmh, i'm actually a preseed file, i guess all i need is to set the right task inside it, will look at this18:02
m8tyep :)18:02
m8ttasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-desktop18:05
m8twell, thanks :)18:05
Unit193Sure, though I did nothing.  I normally use the squashfs and PXE the live system.18:06
m8tlooks interesting18:09
m8ti use to boot on chrooted nfsroot, makes things easier to update the live system18:10
Fredd_Does anyone have a working solution to prevent the screen saver when streaming video online?18:15
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nimHi guys. I'm having problems with my dual monitor positions not being loaded correctly (they switch places so that the right one is at the left and vice versa). I've tried both custom xorg.conf files and loading a ARandR startup script. Can anyone help? :)19:16
nimThis is after rebooting/login, I have to add19:16
fballsdid you already try configuring with xfce4-settings?19:28
fballsunder display?19:29
nimfballs: Yes19:34
Psil0Cybinnyone up for helping mem make an encrypted swap for 14.04 xubuntu so my laptop wont freeze when i put in hiberate :(?19:35
SonikkuAmericaPsil0Cybin: How is encrypted swap space going to help you as opposed to non-encrypted swap space?19:39
Psil0CybinSonikkuAmerica, well not encrypting it would ruin the whole point of my LVM encrypted installation that the Installation menu offers, so i guess id ideally want encrypted swap space if thats not possible then i guess any swap space because i am using a 1gb laptop19:41
Psil0Cybinthat dies often when i use programs19:41
SonikkuAmericaPsil0Cybin: I'd shrink a partition and add a swap-space partition, but LVM is just a pain so I don't use it19:42
elfyPsil0Cybin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnableHibernateWithEncryptedSwap might help you, bit old afaik19:42
Psil0Cybinhmmm so its just better to remove LVM perhaps?19:43
Psil0Cybinand start over...19:43
Psil0Cybinblast why does ubuntu taunt me with these options in the install menu :P19:43
SonikkuAmericaI tried LVM once. Never again. It screws around with your /boot partition, making [ sudo update-grub ] impossible to invoke because it runs out of space19:44
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zacwallsi have xubuntu. i want to change to ubuntu. i burnt the iso onto a dvd-r. it burned the contents. i have no idea how to boot it.20:37
zacwallsi did a md5sum and got good results20:37
bazhangzacwalls, burned how20:38
zacwallsas contents20:39
bazhangburned using what tool zacwalls20:39
bazhangso you burned as data, and not as an image20:40
zacwallsim not sure what the script is called.20:40
bazhangzacwalls, then please find out20:41
geniiI'm not sure why you didn't just install ubuntu-desktop20:41
zacwallsit runs wubi20:41
zacwallsor whatever20:41
geniiGah, wubi.20:42
* genii runs away20:42
zacwallsi hate it too\20:42
bazhangzacwalls, a wubi install is from within windows, not as you are describing it20:42
zacwallsi know. but the iso contains wubi20:43
ObrienDaveall of the ISOs have wubi. you DON'T have to run it20:43
zacwallshow do i boot20:44
knomezacwalls, put the DVD in your drive and reboot the computer.20:44
zacwallsthen what?20:44
zacwallsi have done that20:44
knomethat's how you boot the DVD. if it didn't boot, check your BIOS settings for boot priority to make sure it tries to boot from the DVD:20:45
knomeif that's set up correctly, and the DVD is not booted, then the DVD is burnt wrong.20:46
zacwallswhere in bios do i go. boot. and from there where do i go. what do i do.20:49
knomejust try booting your computer with the DVD in first.20:49
knomeyou didn't tell us if you did that or not. i am not a telepathic.20:50
zacwallsi did say that.20:51
knomei don't know what your BIOS is like exactly, but look for boot order/priority.20:51
zacwallsoh never mind sorry20:51
zacwallsthe priority is dvd-rom drive and when i boot ub it says "dvd-rom boot type 1 or 2" and then it gives me an option for 1 or 2 and ether way it is xubuntu that boots20:57
ObrienDaveso the DVD does not boot at all?20:58
ObrienDavewhy dont you just install ubuntu-desktop from terminal?20:58
zacwallsi did. i just have alot of time and want ubuntu20:59
ObrienDaveyou have it20:59
ObrienDaveok, i'm confused, if you have a running Ubuntu, why are you trying to install it?21:00
zacwallsit is xubuntu with ubuntu desktop21:01
knomezacwalls, no, it's ubuntu with both xubuntu and ubuntu desktops.21:01
ObrienDaveso? it is still the same core system. no difference21:01
zacwallsi get bored21:01
zacwallsi just want a diffrent os21:02
ObrienDavethey're the SAME os21:02
ObrienDavejust different DEs21:02
zacwallsi know. any recommendations? i like debain distro. and of corse linux21:03
knomezacwalls, you can join ##linux for that kind of questions21:04
ObrienDave*head desks and walks away*21:04
zacwallsfor some reason i cant send to that channel21:05
knomemaybe you are quieted or banned from that channel. you need to resolve that with their ops.21:05
bazhang#debian then zacwalls21:05
xubuntu677Any comments on bug #1303736 (Blank screen on resume) not fixed in 14.04.1 as stated in release notes?21:12
ubottubug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373621:12
knomexubuntu677, which release notes would those be?21:13
xubuntu677http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-1-released/ referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/130373621:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]21:14
knomexubuntu677, the release announcement says it's fixed, so does the bug. what's the problem?21:14
xubuntu677Black screen on resume just as all contributors have complained of. It seems it's NOT fixed21:15
knomexubuntu677, then file a new bug.21:15
knomexubuntu677, the original issue is indeed fixed.21:15
xubuntu677ok thanks21:16
xubuntu677New Bug on "Black screen on resume" filed under Bug #135709021:31
ubottubug 1357090 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Black screen on resume Xubuntu 14.04.1 #1303736 NOT fixed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135709021:31
knomexubuntu677, thanks21:32
secondhello. which of these entires to i select to boot? http://imgur.com/0y2vyC221:41
ObrienDavemove the third line to the top to default to xubuntu boot21:42
ObrienDavedon't forget to save before exiting21:43
secondty. so what is the difference between one marked just Ubuntu then?21:43
ObrienDavethat should be the same as the third line, however, i can't get that one to update with the kernel. i manually edit the Ubuntu entry21:44
seconddifference between Ubuntu and 3.13.0 generic21:45
secondokay ty21:45
secondwhy it not says 14.04?21:45
ObrienDavebecause the kernel is 3.13.0-3421:45
secondty ObrienDave21:46
secondhello. where is the restart button for Xubuntu LTS? I upgraded and I cant find it23:25
ObrienDaveclick your name at the top23:26
secondjust shows logout or shutdown23:26
ObrienDaveunder logout23:26
secondthen it logs me out and then i can choose restart. is there no faster way?23:26
Unit193'Logout' doesn't just log you out, it gives you options.  Try the one in the menu to see.23:26
secondit does take me to login screen yes where restart is option, but i wouldlike to know if this is intentional23:27
ObrienDaveyes it is23:27
secondi think there used to be a dedicated restart button23:27
secondok ty ObrienDave23:27
secondwhat is the sudo command to restart if its same thing?23:28
ObrienDavesudo reboot23:29
ObrienDaveyou can also hold Alt-SysRq B for reboot23:30
bekksObrienDave: BY default, sysrq is disabled in Ubuntu, afaik.23:31
ObrienDavei know REISUB works in Xubuntu23:31
Unit193Look in /etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf to see what's enabled.23:31
shane____I need a free program that is like microsoft office publisher, that can open publisher files.23:33
ObrienDaveshane____, what format are those files? not familiar with publisher23:35
ObrienDaveyou mean Word?23:35
Unit193Publisher, so pub files.23:35
shane____no not word its like word, but with more control..better for making advertising and the like...and yea it is a .pub file..worst comes to worst I can yous office online, but I would rather have a program that runs on this23:39
ObrienDaveshane____, seems it's possible to use LibreOffice. YMMV http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/14/can-i-use-microsoft-publisher-files-with-libreoffice/23:42
patatesI am in love with xubuntu's compositor, what is its name? how can I learn its name?23:47
patatesit says it is a windows manager, is it the thing that enables alt + scroll zoom?23:50
ObrienDaveno clue23:51
quantibilityhey peeps i gotta prob. the options for my ADUIO PRODUCTION catagory vanished, not sure when, as well as the other catagories for various Production methods? any clue? i recently installed some old respositories and maybe an app or two but i don't know what caused it didn't know untill a while ago, been searching for an answer23:55
quantibilityoh uh the menu editor sees it, but nothing more.23:56

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