
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
CimiSaviq, wohoo https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-utopic/919/07:31
mzanettiSaviq: hey, do you know where I can get a Ubuntu One staging account?08:09
Saviq_mzanetti, https://login.staging.ubuntu.com/08:16
SaviqCimi, yeah, I know... worst thing is this was weird because of a duplicate name: in CardTool's test...08:17
Saviqdandrader, thanks for your review and sorry for you having to look at this mess, it was a witch hunt initially 'cause of the dupe name:08:21
SaviqCimi, re: can we have a card without a title, for real, no, but the code was triggered when templates and components were empty (so we might hit it on startup)08:24
dandraderSaviq, I figured you must have been too tired when you wrote it as it was quite late :)08:26
Saviqdandrader, yeah, and I was hunting for the actual failure because obviously it wasn't reproducible locally (when it really was, only different test suite :P)08:27
SaviqMacSlow, hey, what's the state of the fix for bug #1354406 ?08:31
ubot5bug 1354406 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "PIN-locked phone becomes unresponsive after simultaneous alarms" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135440608:31
CimiSaviq, which timezone are you working? :)08:40
SaviqCimi, ALL OF 'EM08:41
CimiSaviq, alt nav requires a test though08:42
SaviqCimi, yeah, just getting on that08:42
dandradergreyback, should I report a bug on mir asking for the surface type to be passed to PlacementStrategy::place()?08:53
mzanettidednick: hey. I'd need help on trusted sessions08:56
mzanettihave a minute?08:56
mzanettimight be an hour though :D08:56
greybackdandrader: sure08:57
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/preview-customizations/+merge/23073608:57
dednickmzanetti: sure08:57
SaviqCimi, nope08:57
mzanettidednick: ok.. there's this bug that promptsessions are removed on focus change08:57
mzanettidednick: I tracked it down to platforms/mirserver/promptsessionlistener.cpp08:57
SaviqCimi,         if (item.hasOwnProperty("scopeStyle")) item.scopeStyle = root.scopeStyle;08:57
mzanettidednick: PromptSessionListener::prompt_provider_removed is called08:58
mzanettidednick: but from here I'm not sure where to go08:58
dednickmzanetti: "bug"08:59
mzanettidednick: so what happens is that such a prompt session is opened08:59
dednickmzanetti: it's a "feature" actually08:59
SaviqCimi, hmm or by now all of them have one indeed08:59
SaviqCimi, fixing08:59
mzanettidednick: so opinions seem to differ on that: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtmir/+bug/135517308:59
dednickmzanetti: prompt sessions are explicitly cancelled by qtmir when focus is switched09:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355173 in QtMir "Switching windows with a Trusted Prompt Session active looses the trusted prompt session" [Critical,New]09:00
dednickmzanetti: perhaps we don't want it anymore though09:00
mzanettidednick: dunno... I got assigned this bug... I said I've no clue what's going on but I will look at it09:01
dandradergreyback, I meant the surface state. but having also surface type might be good as well09:01
greybackdandrader: the more info the better IMO09:01
mzanettidednick: hmm... so assuming this is the wanted behavor09:02
mzanettidednick: should the thing that opens the trusted session be informed?09:02
mzanettidednick: tedg says that the app still thinks the prompt is shown, its just visually not there any more09:02
dednickmzanetti: have you read the bug comments? :)09:02
mzanettierr, yes...09:02
mzanettidid I miss something?09:03
* mzanetti rereads09:03
dednickmzanetti: well, it explains things there. not a solution though09:03
mzanettioh I see09:03
mzanettiright... so this needs to be removed (at least for now) I guess09:03
dednickmzanetti: teds problem is that the payments is not complete enough to deal with the behaviour09:04
mzanettidednick: well, rather online accounts is not complete enough09:04
mzanettibut yes09:04
dednickmzanetti: so yeah. let me get a codepoint for you09:04
dednickmzanetti: anything that calls:09:05
dednickmzanetti: ^09:05
dednickactually, probably only the application::setState09:06
mzanettiI see09:06
dednickstill want to close on app destruction09:06
mzanettiok... I know my way around in applicationmanager... thank... I tought that call would come from mir09:06
dednickmzanetti: goes to mir09:07
mzanettioh ok... explains things09:07
dednickmzanetti: generally unity8 shouldn't be worrying about stopping prompt sessions, but this was a requested feature for the time being09:08
mzanettiso I guess the "solution" for now is just to comment away that soptPromptSession call and add a FIXME on top to reenable it when UOA is ready for trusted sessions09:09
* mzanetti tries09:09
dednickmzanetti: yep. think so. although not sure how this is going to affect other things.09:09
dandradergreyback, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/135725909:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357259 in Mir "PlacementStrategy::place() should be given the surface type and state" [Undecided,New]09:09
mzanettidednick: well, I think this is the only place that uses trusted session yet09:09
mzanettior do you know about others?09:10
greybackdandrader: ta09:10
dednickmzanetti: it was more of a "guard" than a feature. since some prompt helpers may not support dealing with more than one prompt request at a time.09:10
mzanettihmm... ok09:10
dednickmzanetti: actually, i think a number of things do. camera, maps, etc.09:10
mzanettidednick: maps?09:11
dednickresource access requests. location-services to be exact.09:11
mzanettiwe have maps?09:11
dednickopen street maps09:11
dednickmzanetti: browser google maps as well.09:11
mzanettithe camera does09:11
mzanettinow that you say it, the dialog slides in from the bottom instead of just appearing09:12
dednickmzanetti: what is the camera requesting?09:12
* mzanetti retries09:12
mzanettihmm... its gone09:12
mzanettiI think it was location09:13
dednickyeah, i think it only asks once, then remembers09:13
mzanettiI declined it, won't come back09:13
mzanettiso that means no geolocation for me any more until I --wipe the phone?09:14
dednickmzanetti: hm. there's a file you can delete which makes it ask again, but can't remember now.09:14
mzanettiok... no worries.. I don't think my camera should access GPS anyways09:14
dednickmzanetti: yeah, it's per app i think09:15
dednickmzanetti: but a way to test if it still works after removing the stop, is to try get two prompts on the screen at the same time for different apps09:18
dednicklike one for camera and one for osmtouch.09:18
mzanettiI c09:18
dednickmzanetti: but to be fair, i don't think that's as important as getting payments to work :)09:18
mzanettiyeah... I agree09:19
dednicki like money09:19
dednickalthough not giving it away09:19
mzanettiyeah... so far I definitely made more money with apps then spent on them :D09:20
mzanettistill not much :D09:20
SaviqCimi, pushed alt nav test09:34
CimiSaviq, thx09:34
Saviqah, wait, want to add another one09:34
mzanettidednick: any chance you remember which file it is? can't find it09:42
mzanettithe one to reactivate the camera app's promptsession09:42
dednickmzanetti: uuu. give me a minute. i'll try find it. lost my note :(09:43
dednickmzanetti: rm -rf ~/.local/share/UbuntuLocationService09:46
mzanettiuh... interesting09:46
dednickmzanetti: think you need to restart the trust-store after that09:46
dednickmzanetti: presumably there will be a settings page where you can change these things at some point.09:48
mzanettidednick: just figured there is a setting in the camera app09:49
mzanettidednick: but once you declined that popup it breaks the setting09:49
dednickmzanetti: there might be one for camera as well.09:49
dednicknot sure09:49
dednicki think it's per service rather than per type09:49
dednickmzanetti: per server per app i mean09:50
dednickmzanetti: it's a db lookup. servce->app = [yes/no] i think09:51
dednickso location->camera, or location->osmtouch09:51
SaviqCimi, done09:53
mzanettidednick: sqlite3 on that file and "delete from requests" does the job without restarting anything09:59
mzanettiwell, restarting the camera-app ofc09:59
dednickmzanetti: cool10:00
Saviqmzanetti, bug #1357230 is without a pass / pin lock?10:09
ubot5bug 1357230 in Unity 8 "After booting, indicators and launcher can't be pulled in over Greeter" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135723010:09
mzanettiSaviq: yep10:10
mzanettidednick: yeah... as suspected, there are issues with the use case you said10:11
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mzanettidednick: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtmir/workaround-1355173/+merge/23095210:22
mzanettidednick: thanks for your help10:24
dednickmzanetti: no worries. just want to talk to tvoss about it first. maybe something can be done about the multiple app thing at the same time.10:26
mzanettidednick: yep10:26
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
greybackdednick: am reviewing your prompt-surface-model stuff, it wouldn't be in a silo by any chance?10:30
dednickgreyback: not yet. if you code review, can get a silo i guess10:33
Saviqpaulliu, hey, I put a hopefully final review comment on your reboot branch10:41
greyback__sodding wifi10:50
mzanettigreyback__: fair point... but I guess it might be not that easy to convert UOA to trust sessions10:57
mzanettigreyback__: but I don't agree that the "new" issue is as bad as the "old" one10:58
Saviqgreyback__, can get it in 17 for you10:58
Saviqgreyback__, assuming it can land soonish?10:58
* greyback__ popular all of a sudden10:58
mzanettigreyback__: chances are like 0 that you open two apps with the location question without confirming/declining it first10:59
greyback__Saviq: no, I was just being lazy and hoping packages existed10:59
mzanettigreyback__: while chances that you click on install on an app before having set up your UOA account are much bigger10:59
Saviqgreyback__, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/prompt-surface-model/+merge/230813/comments/56127410:59
greyback__Saviq: yes but for unity8 whic also changes11:00
greyback__mzanetti: I don't like introducing one bug to fix another.11:00
greyback__there must be a better option11:00
Saviqgreyback__, does not compute, but also for qtmir you'd need to request they collect the packages, not sure why it doesn't11:01
greyback__Saviq: oh sorry, I misread the link. Thought you were pointing me to qtmir packages which do build11:01
Saviq@unity, need volunteers for https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom/+merge/230948 https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/tablePreviewWidget/+merge/23078711:01
mzanettimardy: hey, what's your opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+bug/1355173 ?11:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355173 in QtMir "Switching windows with a Trusted Prompt Session active looses the trusted prompt session" [Critical,New]11:06
mzanettimardy: is there already some work ongoing to convert the UOA setup to a trusted prompt session?11:06
mardymzanetti: it's in silo 13, we are testing it11:07
mzanettithat's good news11:08
mardymzanetti: thanks for pointing me to that bug report, I was not aware of that11:08
mzanettimardy: well, we just figured an hour ago that this is actually the issue11:08
mzanettiat least I did11:08
mzanettidednick: ^^ Hold off t11:08
mzanettidednick: so seems the workaround is not required after all11:09
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dednickmzanetti: ah. ok. awesome!11:09
mardymzanetti: wait a second, are we talking of one trusted session, or of two?11:10
mzanettimardy: err... one I guess11:10
dednickmzanetti: i got to go out for a bit. continue later. your solution has unfortunately been rejected. :)11:10
mardymzanetti: OK, so the parties involved are only the client application and OA, right?11:10
mzanettimardy: hmm... no11:11
mzanettimardy: dash opens payment ui11:11
mzanettimardy: payment ui opens UOA11:11
mzanettibut I don't think that should affect you...11:11
dandraderSaviq, I'll take https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom/+merge/23094811:11
Saviqdandrader, thanks11:12
mardymzanetti: does dash use a trusted session to open the payment UI?11:12
mzanettimardy: yes11:12
mardymzanetti: mmm... then we have two trusted sessions, because OA will also create its own11:12
mzanettimardy: yeah... but unity can deal with that... not sure if UOA even knows about it11:13
mardymzanetti: OA will create a trusted session having the payment UI as initiator, and the OA UI as dialog11:13
mardymzanetti: ah OK, that's fine. No, OA won't know about it11:13
dandraderSaviq, But I will need your help. What's this "See less" thing?11:13
Saviqdandrader, expansion button below categories11:13
Saviqdandrader, let me find a scope for you :)11:13
Saviqdandrader, start unity8-dash BINARY=$PWD/builddir/src/Dash/unity8-dash ARGS=-mousetouch11:14
dandraderSaviq, yeah, I was looking for such buttons yesterday evening but couldn't find any in the UI11:14
Saviqdandrader, bottom-swipe to overview, go to Yahoo11:15
dandraderSaviq, right. see them there11:15
Saviqmzanetti, can I bother you for https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/tablePreviewWidget/+merge/23078711:16
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... didn't do my daily review today yet11:17
Saviqmzanetti, pushed a small fix there11:20
dandradermzanetti, speaking of which, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/lifecycle/+merge/230090 has been updated  as per your feedback :)11:20
Saviqdandrader, you too, just pushed a s/"grey"/palette.baseText/ to seeLessStuckBottom11:21
mzanettiSaviq: is the right-edge-ppa still in use?11:21
Saviqmzanetti, no, it's all yours11:22
mzanettiSaviq: btw... regarding the hotfix for the user testing... I guess we should properly fix that behavor?11:22
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, please file a bug with ubuntu-ux and assign Vesa11:23
Saviqmzanetti, there's probably a few more cases where we need to have a closer look at this11:23
mzanettivesar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/135733311:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357333 in Unity 8 "Launcher shouldn't hide on long left edge swipes in some circumstances" [Undecided,New]11:26
mzanettiI guess we should talk about this in our next weekly11:26
dandradergreyback_, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/lifecycle/+merge/230092 is updated. needs your review11:36
greyback_dandrader: ack11:36
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8053056/11:39
CimiSaviq, I think it looks fine, tested with all grey/all red and normal11:39
CimiSaviq, we can tweak shade values a little when we will have real scopes to test11:39
SaviqCimi, we have real scopes to test11:41
SaviqCimi, just go to the overview, All11:42
SaviqCimi, "#B2FFFFFF"11:42
SaviqCimi, k, I'm applying that to my branch then11:43
CimiSaviq, that was opacity of white line?11:44
SaviqCimi, yes11:44
CimiSaviq, 0.7 alpha?11:44
SaviqCimi, yeah11:45
CimiSaviq, ok so in the patch, you can try Qt.rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) instead 0.711:45
Cimior maybe something little bit more, 0.811:45
Cimiwhich them multiplies for 0.6 global opacity of the rectangle11:46
CimiI think 0.7 was too much on dark colours11:46
SaviqCimi, it doesn't work with a solid background unfortunately, z-ordering is bad between header and content, need to talk with Albert about htis11:46
SaviqCimi, the rectangle is full opacity11:46
Saviqah there11:46
Saviqno it's not ok11:46
CimiSaviq, the opacity of the divider is full because we have full color here, no?11:47
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SaviqCimi, it's full because we want it to be full11:47
CimiSaviq, anyway you got the point of color manipulating11:48
Cimiwe can always tweak them later11:48
SaviqCimi, it's not like "I didn't get the point" ;)11:48
Cimiyeah whatever :)11:48
SaviqCimi, it's "I GOT A DESIGN THAT DIDN'T HAVE IT" :P11:48
Saviqand even explicitly asked about it11:49
SaviqCimi, if I"m honest, this doesn't work too well with any coloured divider, let me get you some shots11:50
pete-woodsSaviq: if we release the new scopes (and shell plugin) to RTM, will that upset the version of unity8 in RTM? (i.e. does it have the v4 shell API there)11:52
Saviqpete-woods, it does, yes, and scopes shell, too11:52
Saviqpete-woods, I landed that in rtm11:52
pete-woodsSaviq: awesome, thanks!11:53
SaviqCimi, check out the "Zrzut ekranu..." ones in https://drive.google.com/drive/#folders/0B32jwBcbaPloR1IyRF91ZWs0bFE11:53
Saviqamazon looks ~ok11:53
CimiI have those11:53
SaviqCimi, k wait for it11:54
CimiSaviq, what's wrong with those?11:54
SaviqCimi, please tweak these to your liking http://paste.ubuntu.com/8053144/11:55
CimiSaviq, you want more contrast?11:55
SaviqCimi, I can't see the inset at the top TBH11:55
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Saviqmzanetti, with all your SIM cards, can you please have a look at bug #135732112:02
ubot5bug 1357321 in Unity 8 "scope images do not load in HSDPA or 3G" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732112:02
CimiSaviq, I bumped to http://paste.ubuntu.com/8053224/12:05
SaviqCimi, my diff was different, please rebase12:06
SaviqCimi, no need to put it in the bottom container12:06
SaviqCimi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8053144/12:06
CimiSaviq, I prefered it as before for the normal headers, but this should work lil better with other combinations12:06
CimiSaviq, just change 1.08 to 1.1 maybe?12:07
Cimitry it12:07
Cimiit's tastes...12:07
SaviqCimi, that feels negligible12:07
CimiSaviq, I see the difference :)12:07
CimiSaviq, better than 1.0812:08
SaviqCimi, yeah, indeed12:08
CimiSaviq, we can always tweak them next week12:08
SaviqCimi, pushed12:08
CimiI'm coming too if you are there12:09
Saviquh oh12:09
Saviqah, building helps12:10
Saviqugh no it doesn't12:12
SaviqCimi, it's actually slightly more complex in the nav branch, but I'll manage12:16
Saviqfacundobatista, let's do it here12:17
Saviqfacundobatista, somehow I'm getting a art:mascot mapping for recommendations12:17
Saviqfacundobatista, and yes, no art == breakage12:18
Saviqso no title either12:18
facundobatistaSaviq, the client scope scope may be changing it, in the log is clear that the server is returning art=art12:19
Saviqfacundobatista, yeah, sure, as if I change the mapping to art:art in the scope tool, it works12:20
Saviqfacundobatista, so unity-scope-scopes?12:20
facundobatistaSaviq, the "related search" case is different, though... the server is returning mascot=mascot in the category, and a mascot in the result, but empty :/12:20
facundobatistathis is a server issue!12:20
SaviqI knew it! ;)12:20
facundobatistait's ok if in that case I return a mascot in the result (with a proper image) and mascot=mascot in the category component mapping?12:21
Saviq    "art": {12:21
Saviq      "field": "mascot",12:21
Saviqfacundobatista, ↑ breakage12:21
facundobatistaSaviq, yes, that breakage is in the recommendations12:21
Saviqfacundobatista, it's like so: mascot is something the shell looks at, and the plugin maps from result based on the mapping12:22
dandraderSaviq, once dash loads a scope, it will never unload it?12:22
Saviqdandrader, the *dash* will not12:22
Saviqdandrader, overview will, as it destroys the temporary pages12:23
Saviqfacundobatista, so whatever you set the mapping as, the plugin will try and map from the result to show the shell12:23
dandraderSaviq, what's overview? that thing from where you can access all scopes?12:23
Saviqdandrader, yes ;)12:23
Saviqfacundobatista, so if you want the mascot in the shell to display what you send in the "mascot" field in the result12:23
Saviqfacundobatista, you want mapping to be mascot:mascot indeed12:24
Saviqfacundobatista, are you sending overlay color at all or are we fine with the 15% black we have everywhere?12:29
facundobatistaSaviq, I think we're ok12:30
Saviqfacundobatista, I'll drop the mapping then12:30
facundobatistaSaviq, btw, don't bother about the URL I requested, I see oopses from what you surely tried (scopes scopes previews from PL)12:30
Saviqfacundobatista, you got me ;)12:30
Saviqfacundobatista, re: previews for results, I was told that there should be no preview for anything other than scopes, we'd have to clarify that12:32
Saviqfacundobatista, the other thing I just read... "Note - the search results page uses a dark theme but any subsequent screens (including previews) are in the standard theme."12:33
Saviqthat's not possible (for preview to be in a different theme than search page)12:33
Saviqso let's ignore that for now ;)12:33
Saviqfacundobatista, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-scope-scopes/fix-overview-search-mapping/+merge/23096612:37
greybacktedg: just an FYI, I've an MR up with basic LTTng tracepoints added. It'll take me more time however to actually see what might be slow12:42
greybackhere is output from one test run: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8053449/12:44
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SaviqCimi, hmm is the bottom highlight supposed to be over the divider still or below it, over the content?12:56
Saviqaaand remerge12:57
Saviqoh crap really?12:58
SaviqNotification center?12:58
Saviqmzanetti, how's that going to be in german ↑?12:58
Saviqseb128, french ↑?12:59
* Saviq foresees ellipses13:00
seb128Saviq, Centre de notifications13:00
seb128I bet german is longer ;-)13:00
Saviqweeell must be someone thought it through, right?13:01
mterryMacSlow|lunch, poke, for when you get back, about notifications and placement on screen13:01
CimiSaviq, I think should be over the content13:17
SaviqCimi, then dots are not centered vertically13:17
CimiSaviq, because is the lightening of the edge of the content13:17
SaviqCimi, but anyway, because background is on top now anyway13:17
SaviqCimi, let's leave above, when we fix z-ordering13:17
CimiSaviq, dots are centered vertically now13:18
SaviqCimi, we'll fix that too (offset dots by... .5dp) ;)13:18
SaviqCimi, yes, because both darkening and lighting is *inside* the divider13:18
CimiSaviq, is like a cast shadow on the divider, no?13:18
CimiSaviq, lighting should be outside13:18
SaviqCimi, yes, but can't be right now due to z-ordering13:18
CimiSaviq, so you have to do fully opaque line13:19
SaviqCimi, needs fixing in LVWPH13:19
Cimiunder the lighting13:19
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowmterry, what about notification positioning?13:19
Cimiput a rectangle line of opacity 1.0 using bg color13:20
SaviqCimi, TBH I don't get why it should be non-opaque at all13:20
Cimithen on top the highlight13:20
CimiSaviq, it should what?13:20
SaviqCimi, don't get why it's 0.6 at all13:20
SaviqCimi, unless it's to let the non-solid (image) background through13:21
CimiSaviq, that one13:21
SaviqCimi, anyway, can we fix after? I have to remerge 5 branches every time I change that one :P13:21
CimiSaviq, sure13:21
SaviqCimi, we'll sort out z and put it in the right place13:22
CimiSaviq, was working before13:22
SaviqCimi, no it wasn't, not with a solid background13:22
CimiSaviq, on my patch, the lighting outside13:22
SaviqCimi, no it didn't, not with a solid background13:22
SaviqCimi, the red scope13:23
SaviqCimi, in tryDash13:23
CimiI'll merge and try your then13:23
SaviqCimi, you and your ideas... now I need to try and find out the top color of the navigation background13:24
SaviqCimi, which is impossible in the case when it's an image of course13:24
kgunnmzanetti: what was the "other use case" you'd break with the qtmir workaround for uoa using trusted prompts ?13:24
CimiSaviq, we can use shader for that13:24
SaviqCimi, sounds expensive for a stupid effect like that13:25
CimiSaviq, it is :D13:25
SaviqCimi, when 99.99999% of the time it's going to be solid13:25
CimiI think we acn just approximate that13:25
CimiSaviq, the highlight at the bottom of the divider is a punch in the eye13:27
CimiSaviq, can we remove it for now?13:28
Saviqwhat's wrong with it?13:28
CimiSaviq, try with open library13:28
Cimi18 GU13:28
Cimior yahoo finance13:28
Saviqok yeah, not too great13:29
SaviqCimi, ok, putting it outside, we don't have solid backgrounds anywhere anyway13:29
CimiSaviq, add TODO13:30
SaviqCimi, check now13:33
Saviqbefore I start remerging again13:33
CimiSaviq, did u push?13:33
SaviqCimi, now13:33
CimiSaviq, ok that looks nice13:34
Cimiapart weather channel13:34
Cimibut that's their fault13:34
Cimithe divider is supposed to be darker than the page13:35
Cimibecause is a bottom layer13:35
SaviqCimi, ok, anything more to fix in that branch? because I'm merging :P13:36
CimiSaviq, text in overlay card is not aligned horizontally13:36
Cimiwas it due to my card branch?13:37
Saviqit's even on your TODO13:37
Cimimy TODO?13:37
SaviqCimi, yes, you put it on your TODO13:37
CimiI suppose13:37
Cimiyeah I can see it13:38
Cimianother issue overlay black texture does not fill the ubuntushape13:38
Saviqthat's because it's a hack13:39
CimiSaviq, http://i.imgur.com/DfTeszL.png13:39
SaviqCimi, yeah, complain to Loïc :P13:39
Saviqjeez if only pushing one line wouldn't take 15s...13:40
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SaviqI wonder what VCS we could be using instead that wouldn't have caused me to waste so much time13:40
mzanettikgunn: see the linked branch14:06
mzanettiSaviq: where could I see the previewtable in action?14:11
mzanettitryPreviewTable is bit minimalistic14:12
Saviqmzanetti, only in test currently14:12
mzanettiSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/tablePreviewWidget/+merge/23078714:14
mterrySaviq, mzanetti: dynamically created qml objects can be reparented easily enough, I assume, yes?14:15
Saviqmterry, even non-dynamically created ones14:16
Saviqmterry, parent = foo14:16
Saviqmterry, dynamically created ones you can parent as you create them (arg to createObject on a component)14:16
mterrySaviq, right.  And does re-parenting them move them around visually like I'd expect (i.e. place them under/over/with-siblings)?14:17
Saviqmterry, yes, they re-anchor, change coordinate space etc.14:17
Saviqmterry, that's what Repeater does for example, it parents all the created delegates to its own parent14:18
Saviqthat's the only reason why Columns work around repeaters14:18
mterrySaviq, OK..  thanks makes sense14:18
dednickmzanetti: did you come to a consensus about the trust session issue?14:25
mzanettidednick: yeah, seems the conversion of UOA to trusted session is in a silo already14:25
mzanettidednick: which means the issue should go away soon for the proper solution14:26
mzanettidednick: however, Saviq added a question on the bug report which I guess you can answer better than I can14:26
dednickmzanetti: i've also just commented on your branch. it wasn't a suitable solution for the issue in any case.14:29
mzanettidednick: I rejected that branch already14:29
dednickmzanetti: yup. i know :)14:29
mzanettimterry: nono... you won't get away with this one that easily: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/135723014:31
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ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357230 in Unity 8 "After booting, indicators and launcher can't be pulled in over Greeter" [Critical,Confirmed]14:31
mterrymzanetti, interesting, OK14:32
Saviqcheap karma:14:38
Saviq@unity ↑14:38
mzanettiSaviq: you didn't reply on that one: "Are we ok with reaching out of context for widgetData?"14:39
mzanettiSaviq: I guess we are14:39
dednickSaviq: you going to be in office next week?14:40
kgunnSaviq: so heard thru grapevine, on favorite/unfav....we're asking for some backend changes, so prob won't see that land till mid next week14:42
Saviqdednick, yes, Mon→Wed14:42
Saviqkgunn, yeah, Paweł will only be in on Monday, so then14:43
Saviq@unity and someone could take over https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/dialer-in-greeter/+merge/230362 too14:43
SaviqI've settings to review still14:43
SaviqCimi, you're doing proper review of alt nav then?14:44
CimiSaviq, was reviewing header14:46
CimiSaviq, which seems to be fine14:46
CimiSaviq, I have to review alt test14:46
SaviqCimi, right, you did have a look at it already, so should be good14:46
SaviqCimi, one thing I still need to fix there is your freakin' highlight ;P14:46
dednickSaviq: yeah. i'll take it.14:47
Saviqdednick, thanks14:48
* Saviq thinks anyone who has a devel branch can learn from us juggling 20 branches in a silo :P14:48
mzanettiSaviq: I must admit its working out better than I expected indeed ^14:52
mzanettiand yes, now it actually feels a devel branch would be a waste of time14:52
Saviqmzanetti, if only we used git...14:52
* mzanetti is still ok with bzr :D14:52
Saviqmzanetti, well, with 7 chained branches14:52
Saviqmzanetti, every time i have to touch the bottom one14:52
mzanettiok yeah... that sucks. but would git help there?14:52
Saviqmzanetti, it takes me up to 10 minutes to get the other ones remerged14:53
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it's faster all round, and less conflicts in case of criss-cross and such14:53
Saviqmzanetti, I wouldn't actually have to remerge14:53
mzanettihmm ok. bzr does behave weird with merging sometimes14:53
Saviqmzanetti, as the top one would get rebased on the previous one, that on the one before etc.14:53
Saviqsure, if there's conflicts you need to rebase14:54
Saviqbut bzr gets awry even if there are none (or well, maybe it's LP's fault actually)14:54
Saviqstill I'd work 2x fast14:54
greybackthen 1/2 of us would be out of a job14:55
mzanettiyeah... not sure if saviq should work even faster14:55
Saviqwell, just when remerging :P14:55
* greyback takes away Saviq's QtCreator and hands him sed14:56
mzanettigreyback: don't I'm sure he'll find a way to get even more productive with that14:56
mzanettishould have been: don't! I'm...14:57
Saviqgreyback, I'm doing Vim mode in QtC, slows me down enough requiring to type every symbol's first letter twice...14:57
Saviqgreyback_ you have a slower-down of your own today ;)15:00
greyback_don't talk to me15:01
greyback_bloody internet today is hopeless15:01
Saviqme talking to you on IRC saturates the connection eh?15:01
greyback_not just me, mates wit hthe same ISP have found the speed plummeted15:01
greyback_it's not funny. During Mumble, I was pinging a server, and mumble was breaking up until I stopped the pinging15:02
SaviqCimi, very first instalment https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/scope-settings/+merge/230182/comments/56155815:04
SaviqCimi, you broke preview opening15:04
Cimi"more to come"15:05
Cimisounds like a menace15:05
CimiSaviq, how do I set the focus?15:08
SaviqCimi, .forceActiveFocus()15:09
CimiSaviq, i was doing focus = true15:09
SaviqCimi, not enough, more afternoon reading: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtquick-input-focus.html ;)15:11
CimiSaviq, it's friday! :D15:11
dandrader_Saviq, got a lot of stuff for lp:~unity-team/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom. So I actually made a patch for it. Since that branch is on ~unity-team, can I just push to it and have you review my patch instead? Or you review my patch then I push to it15:11
Saviqdandrader_, sure, is fine15:12
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SaviqCimi, but please focus on the preview opening15:12
SaviqCimi, that's the biggest issue so far15:12
CimiSaviq, I fixed focus already15:12
CimiSaviq, I am merging horizontal list now (which is just fixing test)15:13
SaviqCimi, yups15:13
dednickSaviq: hm. indicator panel doesnt respond when you first boot phone.15:14
Saviqdednick, mzanetti reported bug15:14
Saviqbug #v15:14
dednickSaviq: ah15:14
Saviqbug #135723015:14
ubot5bug 1357230 in Unity 8 "After booting, indicators and launcher can't be pulled in over Greeter" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135723015:14
Saviqdaaamn ctrl15:14
mzanettidude... you seem to struggle a lot wiht your keyboard lately15:14
mzanettigot a new one?15:15
Saviqmzanetti, new palm rest, yeah15:15
Saviqthe only thing that's not new in this laptop... is the screen I think15:15
CimiSaviq, I have one fail but they all say pass15:16
Saviqand well, periphery like memory, ssd, expansion cards15:16
dednickhm. why don't we get an active call hint when the greeter is locked...15:16
SaviqCimi, XFAIL?15:16
SaviqCimi, that's expected fail == negative test == pass15:16
dednickcan't get back to the dialer after lock/unlock phone15:16
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8054471/15:17
SaviqCimi, hah15:17
SaviqXPASS  : qmltestrunner::GenericScopeView::test_header_style(Default) 'Could not find the title image.' returned TRUE unexpectedly. ()15:18
SaviqCimi, XPASS is unexpected pass15:18
Saviqthere's an expectedFail() that doesn't fail in that test15:18
dednickmterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/dialer-in-greeter/+merge/230362/comments/56156315:19
SaviqCimi, weird, though, they passed fine here after I merged15:19
mterrydednick, replied15:20
dednickmterry: er, not show the panel?15:21
dednickhow do we know battery?15:21
dednickor time?15:21
mterrydednick, only when in call15:21
mterrydednick, not normal greeter mode15:21
dednickmterry: sorry, i don't get it? in normal greeter mode, we show panel?15:22
mterrydednick, again, they may be flexible on it, we can go back to them if we want15:22
mterrydednick, yeah we show the panel on the greeter.  But if you're in a call while the greeter is active, we don't show it15:23
dednickmterry: i'm pretty sure i'm in greeter on a call, and i can see a panel15:23
dednickah. but cannot drag15:24
dednickmterry: is that what you meant?15:24
mterrydednick, no15:25
dednickmterry: it doesn't show if you have the dialer-app screen up though. but it does in the greeter15:25
mterrydednick, right15:25
mterrydednick, but with that second branch I linked, you should always be in dialer-app screen when on a call with the greeter active15:26
dednickmterry: ah. i didn't see the link.15:26
dednickwell that's fine. if we're always in call then dont need active call hint :)15:27
CimiSaviq, my pc is faster than yours15:27
SaviqCimi, of course it is, I was testing in xvfb15:27
CimiSaviq, I need to add a little wait and it works15:27
Cimiof course I am not adding a wait15:28
CimiI want to find what tryCompare to put15:28
mterrydednick, yeah hopefully  :)15:28
Cimisth here http://paste.ubuntu.com/8054542/ if you have a clue Saviq15:28
Cimireplacing the verify with a tryCompare?15:29
SaviqCimi, no, this is a negative test15:29
SaviqCimi, which means in tryCompare it will pass, too,15:29
CimiSaviq, without a wait(50) before that verify, it fails on my machine15:30
Cimiactually before even the verify15:30
SaviqCimi, sure, but that just means you need to wait *before* the findChild15:30
CimiI put wait(50) here indeed15:30
Cimibut I hate wait15:31
Cimican I put sth else?15:31
SaviqCimi, you have a tendency of pasting three lines and expecting people understand what they mean15:33
SaviqCimi, CONTEXT15:33
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8054591/15:33
CimiSaviq, without that wait it XPASS15:34
Cimiof course forgot to put data http://paste.ubuntu.com/8054595/15:34
SaviqCimi, that's rather weird, what does console.debug(image) say before the wait()?15:38
Saviqand after, for that matter15:38
CimiSaviq, QDEBUG : qmltestrunner::GenericScopeView::test_header_style(Default) qml: QQuickImage(0x303bec0, "titleImage"15:39
SaviqCimi, iiinteresting, I wonder where it finds that image15:40
SaviqCimi, and if you do:15:41
SaviqCimi, can you add onSourceComponentChanged and onStyleChanged in Background.qml15:44
Saviqprint the values of course15:44
CimiSaviq, with the double print, the second one does is null15:45
SaviqCimi, k, got a diff for you in a mo15:45
CimiSaviq, it can be some async stuff15:46
SaviqCimi, thank you15:46
SaviqCimi, check this out15:47
CimiSaviq, the darkening on the divider should be disabled in overview15:48
SaviqCimi, is it visible there at all?15:48
CimiSaviq, I think it is15:48
SaviqCimi, right, just the highlight15:48
SaviqCimi, the other is made invisible due to showSignatureLine15:49
Saviqk will fix15:49
CimiSaviq, I saw a dark line iirc before15:49
CimiI will test later15:49
SaviqCimi, it's inside the divider which is invisible, so that dark line might've been the highlight is all15:49
mzanettimterry: hey, I think this one is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-lockscreen-design/+merge/23047815:50
mterrymzanetti, ok will review after lunch15:51
CimiSaviq, FAIL!  : qmltestrunner::GenericScopeView::test_header_style(Default) property status15:54
Cimi   Actual   (): 115:54
Cimithis is before setting scope though15:55
SaviqCimi, well, yeah, that's the idea15:55
SaviqCimi, you can check on sourceComponent that it's null15:56
SaviqCimi, basically you need to wait for the Background to unload from the previous scope15:56
CimiSaviq, in cleanup?15:57
SaviqCimi, nah, because that's the only test looking at the background15:57
SaviqCimi, so just at the beginning of the test15:57
CimiSaviq, it is not enough15:59
CimiSaviq, despite that, I still have random failures15:59
CimiSaviq, can I put a wait and a fixme?16:00
SaviqCimi, it's not failing on jenkins, so just leave it be16:00
SaviqCimi, does it fail for you under xvfb too?16:00
CimiSaviq, no16:02
SaviqCimi, so yeah, leave it be16:03
SaviqCimi, does it fail in trunk too?16:04
mterrymzanetti, can you link me to the visual designs you based new-lockscreen-design off of?16:06
CimiSaviq, wtf: if I run unity8 with run.sh, previews are fine16:10
CimiSaviq, if i run with start unity8-dash BINARY=$PWD/builddir/src/Dash/unity8-dash ARGS=-mousetouch16:11
SaviqCimi, yeah, and how's that weird?16:11
Cimithe index is not sent16:11
SaviqCimi, run.sh results in system-wide dash being started16:11
Cimioh fuck16:11
SaviqCimi, it's like that since dash-as-app16:11
CimiI had no idea16:12
Saviqthere's a branch fixing this particular issue https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/tweak-runscript16:12
SaviqCimi, but not ready yet16:12
Saviq'cause run_on_device doesn't work still16:12
CimiSaviq, the index issue is the usual issue with bindings and loader16:17
CimiSaviq, how do we workaround those problem?16:17
SaviqCimi, what's "the usual issue with bindings and loader"?16:17
CimiSaviq, currentIndex can be set from genericScopeView and from inside PrevireListView16:18
Cimiwhere sometimes we had a proxy16:18
Cimibasically what happens is that, when you click on an app16:19
Cimi1) this sets the loader property currentIndex to the index of the app16:19
SaviqCimi, not sure what you mean, but if you mean that sedding index doesn't "register"16:19
SaviqCimi, because it's too early16:19
Cimi2) then onLoaded it sets a binding to the item16:19
SaviqCimi, and then it resets to 0 when model is loaded16:19
Cimibut inside previewListView, the currentIndex is set to 016:20
Cimiso it loses16:20
CimiSaviq, pretty much16:20
CimiSaviq, how do we deal with this issue?16:21
SaviqCimi, then you need a "init" property in the PreviewListView or something, and a separate property for the initial index16:21
SaviqCimi, and on model loaded you need to set it to that index16:21
CimiI see16:21
SaviqCimi, it's basically a lack in ListView API, it should have an initialIndex property16:22
Cimiand inside the listview, currentIndex : root.initialValue16:22
Cimigot it16:22
SaviqCimi, yeah, something of the sort16:22
SaviqCimi, reviewed, only tests left16:24
CimiSaviq, ok, monday :P16:25
SaviqCimi, yeah, if you can fix the previews folks would be happy monday morning though16:25
CimiSaviq, yeah16:26
CimiSaviq, but your review seems long16:26
Cimiand I am frankly tired16:26
SaviqCimi, tired is a state of mind ;)16:26
Cimistarted quite early today too16:26
SaviqCimi, yeah, ok, not a huge issue when you know about it16:26
CimiSaviq, on model loaded?16:35
SaviqCimi, onCountChanged > 0 probably16:35
SaviqCimi, or > initialIndex for that matter16:35
SaviqCimi, or onModelChanged can be enough16:36
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CimiSaviq, countChanged16:37
Saviqmterry, can I ask you for a blind ACK on https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-notification-indicator-title/+merge/23097116:37
Saviqmterry, just look at your phone ;)16:38
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8055088/16:38
Cimithat seems to work16:38
SaviqCimi, yeah, good enough16:39
CimiSaviq, onModelChanged is too early16:39
SaviqCimi, it's kinda wasteful 'cause it will load the first delegate and destroy it straight away16:39
CimiSaviq, onCount works16:39
mterrySaviq, done16:39
SaviqCimi, but what can you do...16:39
Saviqmterry, tx16:39
Saviqmterry, could use a less blind one of https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-horizontal-list-activation/+merge/230985 if you're up for it (and MacSlow isn't in the middle of it already?)16:40
CimiSaviq, https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-12576 ?16:40
MacSlowSaviq, mterry: I'm not on that one16:41
SaviqCimi, yeah, that assumes that model is static16:41
CimiSaviq, in fact I tried and not works16:41
SaviqCimi, if it's assigned anywhere after onCompleted, you're screwed16:41
SaviqCimi, yeah, it wouldn't16:41
mterrySaviq, sure I can look16:41
SaviqCimi, 'cause it's reset on model change (for good reasons)16:42
CimiSaviq, ok I should have fixed also no overview in settings16:49
CimiSaviq, next week cosmetic changes, but functionality is there16:49
SaviqCimi, coolz, thanks, have a good weekend16:49
CimiSaviq, when you arrive monday?16:49
SaviqCimi, I'm in Sunday night16:50
mterrySaviq, how come tryGenericScopeView gives an empty view?  (or is that something on my end?)16:50
Saviqmterry, yeah, there's no scope by default16:50
Cimimterry, I fixed that in scope settings branch16:50
SaviqCimi, sounds like maybe why the test started failing? ;)16:51
mterrySaviq, Cimi: thankks16:51
Saviqmterry, we generally do tryDash to get a more complete experience16:51
CimiSaviq, I tried removing that16:51
CimiSaviq, it doesn't make difference16:51
CimiSaviq, I'll fix your review things then pop in to the office16:52
Cimibetter to skip rush hour if I can16:52
SaviqCimi, I imagine we'll be quite busy (there's actually a schedule!)16:52
SaviqCimi, but yeah, see you there16:52
CimiSaviq, are we putting the latest revisions on silo 17?17:04
SaviqCimi, yeah, I'll rebuild it soon17:04
SaviqCimi, will just land already approved stuff through 18 first17:04
Saviqin an effort to get green CI again...17:05
* greyback_ eow17:06
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Saviqfacundobatista, can you top-ack https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-scope-scopes/fix-overview-search-mapping/+merge/230966 please?17:12
facundobatistaSaviq, with top-ack you mean approve the merge proposal?17:13
Saviqfacundobatista, yup :)17:13
facundobatistaSaviq, I can't17:14
Saviqfacundobatista, right, though so, will find another victim, thank you :)17:14
facundobatista(don't have launchpad permissions to do it)17:14
Saviqmzanetti, did you resolve the hang on run_on_device ?17:15
mzanettiSaviq: well, not resolve... I commented away the -jsdebugger arg17:16
Saviqah that17:16
MacSlowmterry, btw that's the branch (lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/fix-1354406), which will allow exposing a notification's triggering app-name on the renderer-side. This is just the backend-portion needed to fix LP: #1354406. Adding the frontend (renderer) bits is very easy once this landed.17:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1354406 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "PIN-locked phone becomes unresponsive after simultaneous alarms" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135440617:30
MacSlowmterry, should that turn out to be needed, I can provide that too17:30
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mterryMacSlow, yeah if we implement it like design wants, we'll need that on frontend17:44
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Saviqmterry, did you see bug #1357230 btw?20:11
ubot5bug 1357230 in Unity 8 "After booting, indicators and launcher can't be pulled in over Greeter" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135723020:11
mterrySaviq, working on it right now, I think it's because LightDM.Greeter.authenticated is nonNOTIFYable20:11
Saviqmterry, ktx, just wanted to make sure it's on your radar20:11
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