
cwayneSaviq: is silo 18 just silo 17 minus settings?00:17
cwaynenope, dont even know why i thought that...01:38
Saviqcwayne, minus a few other things, basically 18 is a subset of 17 that I could land already08:45
Saviqbut qtcreator plugin failed adt, so we're screwed :|08:48
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cwayne_argh what happened to the network indicator17:12
MaxSanHey folks17:14
MaxSanI have an issue where one accout wont boot unity. It just sort of stops and all I can see in my desktop background17:14
MaxSanI can boot up a guest user np17:14
MaxSani have tried clearing the ~/.cache from that user, same result17:14
MaxSanAnyone any other suggestions17:14
Darth-AppleI had that problem and cleared the .compiz-1 directory, but that might not fix your problem if it's something different17:15
Darth-AppleI did a custom compile, so I was taking risks :P17:16
MaxSanI have a custom compile too to force icons in the tray17:16
Darth-AppleMaybe try deleting .compiz-1 from your home directory?17:16
MaxSanmany apps I have depend on it so17:16
Darth-AppleThat's what had fixed it for me17:16
MaxSanIl give it a shot :)17:16
Darth-AppleNot sure what that will do as far as your custom compile though17:16
Darth-AppleBack it up first :P17:17
MaxSanwill do17:17
MaxSanonly one way to find out lol17:17
MaxSanyeh so it totall breaks mah ui17:25
Darth-AppleStill not working?17:43
MaxSanDarth-Apple: it reset all my custom settings which are highly required18:00
MaxSanits a yoga 2 pro18:00
MaxSanso needs a *lot* of messing about with to make work properly18:00
Darth-AppleNot sure what the problem could be, if it were me, I'd probably just attempt a recompile18:05
MaxSanbefore 14.04 monitor was constantly  switched off when you boot it up lol18:05
MaxSanyee maybe18:05
Darth-AppleBut that'd reset the settings as well18:05
CimiSaviq, I still have the feeling scope settings are not working...18:22
Cimidid the fix land?18:22
SaviqCimi, which fix where?19:04
CimiSaviq, for unity api19:48
CimiSaviq, I tried landing 1719:48
CimiSaviq, I change settings and still doesn't seem to apply...19:48
SaviqCimi, ah, I didn't know about this19:50
SaviqCimi, do you know if https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/unity-scopes-api/qsettings/+merge/230816 was supposed to fix this?19:50
CimiSaviq, I am not aware19:52
CimiSaviq, could also be https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/unity-scopes-api/location-setting/+merge/23069319:52
CimiSaviq, actually, I believe is https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/unity-scopes-shell/location-setting/+merge/23069419:52
SaviqCimi, ah, that makes more sense19:53
SaviqCimi, but I'm afraid we can't merge just this one, I'll have to talk to the guys Monday morning to find out all the required bits'n'bobs19:54
CimiSaviq, also, I found a bug on scope settings19:54
CimiSaviq, and one for heade customisation19:54
CimiSaviq, scope settings - can't go back from scope previews in dash overview19:55
CimiSaviq, header customisation - something is wrong in overview previews19:55
Cimithe lightgrey divider looks weird19:55
SaviqCimi, that's known19:55
SaviqCimi, and not related to customs19:56
SaviqCimi, rather to the lack of the proper thin divider in the SDK still19:56
SaviqCimi, settings → sounds like you need to put SubPageLoader into overview I'd say19:56
CimiSaviq, I am looking at the code now19:57
SaviqCimi, or19:57
SaviqCimi, have your weekend19:57
Cimithere is previewlistview here indeed19:57
Cimican be fixed easily I think19:58
CimiSaviq, ok pushed the fix, catch you later/monday20:02
Cimihave safe flights tomorrow20:02

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