
cfhowletttrusty 14.04.1  - How to disable the login name list?02:07
zequencecfhowlett: You mean, how to login without a password?02:07
cfhowlettzequence, NO.  I don't want the names of users displayed by default.02:08
zequenceDon't know if there are settings for that02:08
cfhowlettzequence, should be easy, but damned if I can find the right place to configure lightlocker02:08
mortenhaving trouble with wine mono 0.0.8 help needed14:29
mortendpkg: error processing package wine-mono0.0.8 (--configure):14:29
morten package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should14:29
morten reinstall it before attempting configuration14:29
mortenErrors were encountered while processing:14:29
morten wine-mono0.0.814:29
mortenwine wont uninstall or reinstall because of this14:29
justgreghey all, How can I get qjackctl running under current LTS to support the pulseaudio jack sink? It looks like an attempt was made to make it run out-of-the-box, but both that and the (old) instructions aren't doing it for me.15:16
justgreg... and nvm, it looks like I needed to restart an app.15:20
waykool99Just installed ubuntu studio v14.04.4 LTS 64 bit. Question: i do intense audio production multi-tasking. in 10.04, i had System Monitor (sun microsystems) open always. what might be a much better program that Xfce's "task manager"?17:16
waykool99and.. forgot. i installed Sys Monitor. but it doesn't remember any tweaks after you reboot.17:18
waykool99thinks someone in here or Ubuntu IRC room a better prog, but i forgot the name of it. :(17:20
waykool992nd question: in Audacity, why did they take the checkbox for 'favor RAM when possible except..." (worded similar but not exact) under Prefs?17:24
holsteinwaykool99: you can always ask in #xubuntu or #ubuntu for general system monitors.. on my audio work station, i use conky17:37
holstein!Info conky17:37
holsteinwaykool99: you can ask audacity about why "they" do things.. and suggest whatever you like for default settings..17:37
waykool99OK. thank you17:37
waykool99was just starting to register at audacityforums17:38
holstein"they" may have made it where it doesnt need or require that setting17:38
holsteinit shouldnt, ideally..17:38
holsteini check no such box in ardour17:38
waykool99possibly right. i used it because on huge edit MP3's, if it wasn't dumping to SWAP, it crashed often17:39
holsteinid just try teh latest and see.. this is 4 years later for all of the software17:40
waykool99perhaps it wont crash in v10.04.417:40
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.17:40
holsteini would start the application from the command line and see if you get any helpful messages17:41
waykool99my DVD iso had developed a crack.  for 2 years i begged anyone for a copy of that distro.17:42
holsteinyou can download the older isoos17:42
holsteinyou can use what you like, and support what you like17:42
holsteinbut, the repos are not being updated for the desktop17:43
waykool99because i can't afford new PC's. have 5 old pc's. they don't like Unity, Xfce. they're OK with LXDE, Gnome 2 or 3 and KDE.17:43
holsteinsure.. you can always install lubuntu and add what you like from the ubuntustudio software17:43
holsteinthey are *all* ubuntu17:44
holsteinyou can use..17:44
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:44
holsteinand install lxde and ubuntustudio-whatever* packages17:44
holsteinand, just use them with lxde, or whatever you like17:44
waykool99i used LXDE in Knoppix the past 2 years. love LXDE17:44
waykool99tried live run DVD of Lubuntu.  the gui's much friendlier to my 'old' hardware17:45
holsteinthats what its for17:45
holsteinnothing about main ubuntu promises support for older hardware.. but, lubuntu has the same repoitory of software available to it17:46
waykool99when DVD 1st booted, i said "wow, looks just like knoppix v7.0.5"17:46
waykool99thanks. i never knew that. but now glad i do know.17:48
holsteinthey are *all* ubuntu17:48
holsteinto be an official flavor means you use the main repos, and no outside applications.. all ubuntu sources..17:48
waykool99on phone, will read back in a few minutes....17:49

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