
KekaiHello I run Xubuntu 14.04 LTS00:16
KekaiI just installed the program Pale Moon Browser, I know its not supposed to show up, but I remember I can set a launcher for it.00:16
KekaiHow can I set that up?00:16
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cfhowletttrusty 14.04.1: How to disable login name list?01:53
Unit193Yep, Debian does it by default.01:56
xubuntu167hey guys, i need help, when i install linux, i got06:52
xubuntu167invalid partition table06:52
xubuntu167how i can fix this problem?:06:52
xubuntu167hey, someone can help me?07:11
cfhowlettxubuntu167, ask in #ubuntu08:03
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arno-nymhey guys, i got a short question for the community: is it possible to fully encrypt an existing xubuntu-installation afterwards? data is already written on the harddisk, i want to encypt "on-the-fly".08:39
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory08:41
=== Svetlana__ is now known as Svetlana
Guest40771Should I install Shutter from the Ubuntu Software Center or get a more up-to-date version using the command line?09:42
cfhowlettGuest40771, same version09:42
cfhowlett!help | xubuntu655,10:33
ubottuxubuntu655,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:33
kurono__hey everyone. someone's on here?10:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:35
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:36
kurono__i know... -_-10:36
kurono__i have a problem to mount fat32 filesystems with red-write permissions.10:37
deshipuwhat's the error?10:37
kurono__i put in my usb stick. it is mounted. but i cannot put files on it.10:38
deshipucan you open a terminal and see what 'dmesg' says?10:39
deshipu(use a pastebin to show the text to us)10:39
kurono__yust a moment.10:39
kurono__i need a few seconds to run pastebin because of my slow connection. but this is odd:10:41
kurono__[ 2057.839109] FAT-fs (sdb1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.10:41
kurono__no idea?10:53
ObrienDavecame in late. will you repeat the question please?10:54
kurono__of course.10:55
kurono__<kurono__> i put in my usb stick. it is mounted. but i cannot put files on it. dmesg-> http://pastebin.com/rFyetCF010:55
kurono__the problem is at the end of the paste.10:57
deshipukurono__: other than it not being properly unmounted I see nothing10:57
deshipukurono__: but that shouldn't matter10:57
deshipukurono__: can you also pastebin the result of runing 'mount' command?10:58
ObrienDavehave you tried unmounting the USB before removing?10:58
kurono__yes, just a few minutes. my internet is slow. ;-)10:58
kurono__obriendave, no but i can try!10:59
ObrienDaveusually safer that way10:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:00
deshipuwe have a faster pastebin there ^^11:00
kurono__hahaha... sorry. i didnt know that11:00
deshipuI oculd have linked it in the beginning, sorry11:01
ObrienDaveyou can also use pastebinit in a command, like; mount | pastebinit11:01
ObrienDavethen post the URL it gives you11:02
kurono__thank you so much!11:02
deshipuhmm, it's mounted rw11:03
kurono__huh? to unmount it i had to put in my root passw.11:04
deshipuah, it probably gets mounted as root user11:04
deshiputhat's why you don't have write access11:04
deshipukurono__: did you change anything in your /etc/fstab maybe?11:05
kurono__the problem is only there with fat3211:05
deshipugotta run, sorry11:05
kurono__no, deshipu.11:05
kurono__now it works fine.... ???huh???11:06
kurono__that was the problem? unmounting it from hand?11:06
ObrienDavesomehow, i don't know how, it mounted as root11:07
ObrienDaveyes, it seems so. pretty strange11:07
kurono__oh no. again. it didnt work.11:08
kurono__it is mounted twice.11:08
ObrienDavehmm, once as you and once as root11:08
ObrienDavetry: lsusb | pastebinit11:10
kurono__could it be, that there is a problem in fstab?11:10
kurono__yep, just a second.11:11
ObrienDavecould be, i know nothing about fstab11:11
ObrienDaveand: lsblk | pastebinit11:12
elfyfstab would likely be nothing to do with this, you have the problem - it's been unsafely unmounted, it tells you to run fsck11:13
kurono__cool. i dindt knew this command before.11:14
kurono__okay, elfy... but i dont know how to use this tool.11:14
ObrienDaveman fsck11:15
kurono__i must give it a try huh?11:15
kurono__it is a little bit odd, because of the stick is working fine in my linuxmint pc.11:17
kurono__and even my old laptop with antix mx14 is working with it.11:17
elfykurono__: now or before?11:19
kurono__elfy, now.11:19
kurono__and in win7 it is not a problem too.11:19
ObrienDavewhat version of xubuntu are you running?11:20
kurono__14.04 LTS11:21
ObrienDavehas that USB ever worked with this version?11:22
ObrienDavezequence, can i get a URL for your testing tracker?11:28
kurono_yes, it worked after the installation.11:28
ObrienDavehave you run fsck yet?11:28
kurono_no. i must red the man i a quiet hour.11:29
kurono_can i log in the session as root?11:32
ObrienDavesudo is safer and recommended11:34
cfhowlett!root | kurono_11:35
ubottukurono_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:35
elfykurono_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/147228/how-to-repair-a-corrupted-fat32-file-system11:35
kurono_i mean to open a folder as root like in mint.11:36
kurono_the filesystem is not corrupted. i have created it with gparted in xubuntu. :-)11:37
elfy Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.11:38
kurono_i see... sometimes a fresh install is the easier way to solve problems.11:40
kurono_my way: gparted -> delete partition -> new fat32 partition -> apply -> mount the new fs -> i can put files on it -> unmount -> stick out -> stick in -> same problem.11:46
kurono_if i start thunar via console: sudo thunar (passw) everything is fine.11:51
kurono_still another unsolved problem... -_-12:01
xubuntu804where get the shell interface for Berkeley Database (libdb)12:45
xubuntu804or tutorial (not C programming libdb)12:49
=== caffeine is now known as Guest11946
NixiePixelDo I need to install flash to watch videos when using Xubuntu, or is there an alternative?14:56
NixiePixelI asked because I heard flash is not secure14:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:57
patatesif it is a flash only video, you have to15:01
patatesif not, you don't need15:01
patatesalmost all the populear video sites support flash-less video now15:02
patatesJust firefox or chromium will do15:02
NixiePixelI know flash is not safe for Windows, but I have no idea if it's safe to use with ubuntu15:03
patatesno will never be safe!15:03
patatesits closed source code that runs on your cpu15:03
patatesyou can't know what it does15:04
NixiePixelpatates, are you saying it's still unsafe to use flash with ubuntu?15:05
xubuntu147hy everybody15:05
xubuntu147I have a problem with updaes15:05
patatesNixiePixel: it is definitely unsafe! But we can't put it into malware list yet. I mean as far as I know adobe provides updates but..15:06
xubuntu147there is not enough space on \boot but I do not know how to increase its size; I have plenty of space on disk15:06
NixiePixelCan I replace Adobe flash with something like html 5?15:07
patatesNixiePixel: you are trusting adobe with this.. so I'd prefer html5, yes15:07
patatesxubuntu147 how big is your boot partition?15:08
xubuntu147246,8 Mb15:09
patatescheck with #ubuntu channel too, but I think it should be enough15:09
patatesoh wait.. I thought it was android..15:10
xubuntu14749.8 Mb free, 60 Mb required for updates15:10
patatesgparted might help to resize, but I don't know if it can do harm.. I'd check with others too15:11
xubuntu147which tools? I am quite "new" with ubuntu :-)15:13
patatesopen up a terminal, type sudo gparted,15:14
patatesor type gparted into your search bar. if not installed15:14
patatesinstall with "sudo apt-get install gparted" type into terminal15:15
patatesI have to warn again, if you don't have enough experience, you might kill your system.15:16
patatesand I don't know if it is safe to resize /boot15:16
xubuntu147OK; thanks for suggestions....15:18
=== WLM|weg is now known as WLM
arazeezhow to reset desktop panel16:05
holsteinarazeez: i would try http://askubuntu.com/questions/224006/resetting-xfce-panels-to-default-settings16:06
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
patatesanybody know gpg gui for xubuntu16:09
patatesgpa works good?16:10
patatesor seahorse?16:10
baizonpatates: https://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html16:11
patatesthanks baizon16:14
ahklerner1hi i am trying to install compiz in a fresh upgrade16:18
holsteinahklerner1: for what purpose? its been quite configured for unity these days..16:19
ahklerner1i just like the effects16:19
holsteinahklerner1: i suggest trying other more "Friendly" options.. depending on what you need16:19
holsteinotherwise, its going to be problematic, at best, to hack it into xfce..16:20
ahklerner1i thought i had used it on a previous release withoutmuch hassle ?16:20
holsteinahklerner1: sure.. previously, it was not so integrated into unity for main ubuntu16:21
ahklerner1i see16:21
holsteinahklerner1: i mean, you are here becuase you are experiencing a hassle, correct? i would suggest just trying what you did before, and expect issues16:21
holsteinahklerner1: i might try it with a live CD, assuming i have 3d graphics support with the live CD16:22
holsteinahklerner1: i played around in 12.04 and got it working.. i didnt consider it worth the effort.. and having tried since16:22
ahklerner1honestly it was probably 4 years since i last used compiz or installed it, i have no idea what i did to make it work16:22
ahklerner1its not a big deal16:23
holsteinthe built in effects work well.. try those first, i say16:23
frojndHi there.16:23
=== WLM is now known as WLM|weg
frojndHope someone is here.  WHat is the easiest way to get windows 8.1 prompt from grub? The problem is that after installing xubuntu to separate partition xubuntu ditched windows 8.1 completeley from grub?16:24
ahklerner1one issue that does hassle me though is when i just shut the lid it hibernates fine, and when i reopen it comes to the login. but after i login the screen goes blank16:24
holsteinahklerner1: i would start by applying upgrades.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and restart if there is a kernel upgrade, and test16:25
holsteinahklerner1: then, i would look into the graphics driver support of the OS.. see if there are proprietary drivers..16:25
ahklerner1it seems to have the display connected to the keboard and mouse but there is no video on the physical screen16:25
holsteinahklerner1: i might install ssh, or try tty to see if i can look at what is going on16:25
holsteinassuming upgrads dont just "fix" that16:26
ahklerner1i did the upgrade last night16:26
ahklerner1from 13 to 1416:26
holsteinfrojnd: well, windows was never in grub.. so, it was never ditched16:26
ahklerner1i will check again16:26
frojndholstein: true that. Is there a way to add it - the newbie way?16:26
frojndI know the partition name windows is installed but that's all16:27
holsteinfrojnd: you had windows installed? then, installed linux, correct? then the boot loader for windows gets overwritten, as you asked, with grub, which sees linux? but doesnt present windows? correct?16:27
frojndholstein: yes yes yes16:27
holsteinfrojnd: what i would do is simply boot into ubuntu, and run "sudo update-grub" and see if windows is magically "picked up" and presented with linux16:27
holsteinthen, i would go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair ..then, from there, i would look at the bios, or other things about windows that would be preventing it from allowing grub to "see" it16:28
holsteinsafe or smart boot or whatever.. uefi16:28
ahklerner1i ran the update and dist-upgrade commands nothing was found to upgrade16:28
frojndholstein: the grub said it found windows 816:29
frojndlet me check bios yeah... for that "smart or safe" under security..16:29
frojndthank you holstein16:29
holsteinahklerner1: ok.. then, above, what i have suggested for *after* you do that is, to look into the graphics drive.. have you? do you have a proprietary driver option?16:29
frojndholstein: oh man.. windows 8 was not even completely shut down :|16:31
frojndholstein: grrr16:31
ahklerner1sorry i missed where you said that16:31
ahklerner1i will check that16:31
ahklerner1it just seems weird because it will sucessfully wake up and then i have to move the mouse to get the login to show which it does, then after i login the screen goes black again16:32
ahklerner1i can move the mouse to the upper right corner where the power button is, click it and press enter (without being able to see on the physical screen) and the laptop shuts down16:33
holsteinahklerner1: sure.. its actually not all that "weird".. its just challenging.. a team of professionals tested all of that and made sure it worked properly in windows.. you were not promised by the manufacturer that suspend would work in linux, so, you basically take on the responsibility yourself16:33
holsteinahklerner1: i would start with graphics driver testing..16:34
ahklerner1on my 'software & updates' ubuntu software tab, main, univarse, restricted, and multiverse are all checked16:35
ahklerner1oh now it is searching for available drivers16:36
ahklerner1in the 'additional drivers' tab16:36
ahklerner1no additional drivers available16:36
holsteinahklerner1: sure. so, what would i do? i might force the vesa driver temporarily to see if its driver related.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127020916:37
holsteini might try a live CD or other versions, 12.04 for example, and see if an older or newer kernel magically works16:38
ahklerner1it worked fine on 12.04, then after the upgrade to 13, but now after upgrade to 14 it does like i describe16:38
holsteini might search "ubuntu computer model" and see if others report the issue, and if they have fixed it, and how.. i might try nomodeset from a live CD and other options16:39
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:39
holsteinahklerner1: i would try a fresh 14.04 live CD then.. just to alleviate my concern about upgrades16:39
holsteinits also easy to just try a different user.. to remove the curent user config from the equation16:41
ahklerner1i just changed the power manager settings from 'Lock Screen' to suspend and now it does not require login but it doesnt get stuck black either16:42
holsteini would try the user account then.. see if its just a config file from the upgrades16:43
ahklerner1i will try to chenge the setting back and see if it fixes itself maybe16:43
ahklerner1well that did not work, so i will add a different user accout and see if the issue is still there16:45
ahklerner1that is what you mean correct ?16:45
holsteinahklerner1: in your user's /home, there are config files.. im suggesting you remove them from the equation, since many of them were likely created years ago, if you have been upgrading that box for years..16:46
holsteinone easy way to to that is by making another account.. you can try with the guest account, or from a 14.04 live CD, which i would have used prior to installation or upgrade, to make sure my hardware supports 14.0416:47
ahklerner1it does the same when suspending with a new user account16:52
ahklerner1i should say when set to 'lock screen'16:52
holsteinso, what would i do? i would just untick whatever is causing the issue, and enjoy the system.. but, i personally would prefer testing with a 14.04 live CD and doing a fresh install16:53
holsteinif the locker is causing the issue in your system, i would just not use it, but, i use a different locker anyways.. so that wouldnt be a deal breaker16:53
ahklerner1i will look for a different locker and see if the issue persists16:54
xkuIm having kernel panic problems when trying to boot my xubuntu installation in a old laptop, I did my researches through the internet but couldnt fix the problem yet. Any idea? x"D16:58
holsteinxku: i would try other kernels.. with live CD's.. thats easy enough. i also wouldnt assume the issue is with the kernel, but, i would test the hardware as well.. if you have bad/failing hardware, you wont be able to "fix" that with linux16:59
xkuit is not a kernel issue but a init / boot problem I think17:00
holsteinif its an "old laptop", it could be any failing component.. otherwise, i would try live CD's and see if a kernel works, and make notes of what modules are in use.. and try removing variables..17:00
xkuyeah I checked that kernel works in a live environment17:00
holsteinxku: sure. and the issue is right there in your sentence.. "i think"17:00
holsteinxku: you need to be sure.. and it *is* old hardware..17:00
holsteinxku: if the kernel works in the live environment, then, i would look at the difference in the live environment vs the installed one.. the hard drive is a large factor there17:01
xkuI think it is about a restriction which occurred when removing NTFS Boot partition17:02
holsteindont assume the kernel is the same, check that when you installed, you didnt install updates, which would give you a newer kernel..17:02
holsteinmake sure you have the same kernel from the live environment in your installed instance17:02
xkuIm sure it is the same kernel17:02
xkuno updates17:02
holsteinxku: sure.. again, just address the word" think" in your sentence.. linux doenst require an ntfs boot partition.. but, if the hardware does, then you'll need to address that17:02
holsteinxku: if the live kernel works, then the installed kernel should, if its the same kernel17:03
xkuAny suggestion about how to use a /boot partition to fix it instead of having to install a windows just to be able to boot xubuntu?17:04
holsteinxku: sure.. test the hard drive, then, look in the bios.. dont assume this is a kernel issue17:04
xkuI tried to use testdisk to check if the boot section was OK but I didnt find anything wrong, also the bios has not any "Secure boot" feature17:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]17:04
holsteinxku: to me, it looks more likely that the hard drive would be failing in your scenario than anything else17:04
holsteinxku: i would use a test that kwould take a few hours17:05
holsteinxku: xubuntu doesnt require any ntfs partitions to boot17:05
holsteini would test the drive, wipe the drive, test the live CD, then, fresh install..17:05
xkuokay, thank you man17:06
ahklerner1holstien does the link above say that the fix is included in the most recent public release or do i need to do something in order to get the fix17:06
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:06
holsteinahklerner1: looks like they are still working on it17:08
ahklerner1ok thank you17:09
holsteinahklerner1: i likely didnt notice since i use another locker17:09
holsteinahklerner1: at least, it seems that is the issue.. i agree it looks like it is17:09
ahklerner1it does appear to be anyway17:10
holsteinalso, its its just effecting upgrades, i never do upgrades17:10
ahklerner1like when the screen is blank i can press ctrl alt F6 and get a prompt17:10
ahklerner1F7 is blank17:10
holsteini'll do them, and test, and report that it works, and fresh install afterwards17:10
ahklerner1F8 has just a cursor17:11
holsteini would just keep up with the bug reports..17:11
ahklerner1what alternate locker do you use?17:12
holstein!info xtrlock17:12
ubottuxtrlock (source: xtrlock): Minimal X display lock program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6 (trusty), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB17:12
ahklerner1cool i will give it a try17:13
holsteinits quite different, but i prefer the funcitonality17:13
=== WLM|weg is now known as WLM
GeekDudeholstein: I've just disabled lightlocker altogether. No more alternate display stuff to bother my vnc session with18:33
indroraLightlocker is such a pita.18:42
m3n3chm0hello guys18:46
m3n3chm0is it possible to order items on Indicator Plugin ?18:48
Luyinm3n3chm0: no I think not.18:52
m3n3chm0ok, thanks18:52
Luyinm3n3chm0: ok I was reacting too fast18:52
Luyinm3n3chm0: it is possible, rightclick on it → settings. there are arrows which you can arrange the items with. sorry for my earlier post.18:53
m3n3chm0but if i can order or move one icon for example the weather icon i can't18:54
GeekDudeindrora: I suppose it's effective for what it's intended to be used for18:56
m3n3chm0I was referring this18:57
m3n3chm0for example If i want to move flux icon or just weather icon i cant18:57
m3n3chm0i guess this indicator plugin load and order the apps in order them are opening in the system18:58
Luyinm3n3chm0: isn't the weather indicator a separate plugin to the panel? therefore you should be able to move it by rightclicking it, and selecting "move"19:01
m3n3chm0if i move that or bluetooth flux and wifi19:03
m3n3chm0all are moved in block19:03
m3n3chm0it's like if all icons are integrated in one ..19:03
Luyinah I see19:03
Luyinm3n3chm0: it seems the networking symbol, weather and the indicators of applications are treated en block19:04
Luyinso it seems I was right after all, you indeed cannot move them separately.19:04
indroraGeekDude, not really, since it causes X to crash one of my machines when it sleeps19:05
m3n3chm0that's it19:06
GeekDudeindrora: O_o19:06
m3n3chm0but no problem19:06
indroraGeekDude, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1303736 this bug affects me19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]19:07
TravisI am still having issues with my Panasonic CF-29's screen staying black after reopening the laptop lid.21:00
LazyUser69Why does xubuntu come with xchat rather than hexchat?21:07
ochosiLazyUser69: you can read up on that here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-July/010282.html21:08
ochosiand here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2014-August/010354.html21:09
LazyUser69Thanks ochosi, I'm in a google bubble or something and I can't find anything nowadays...21:10
Travisochosi:  Do you know what causes a laptop screen to stay black, when you reopen the lid?21:11
ochosiTravis: no, i haven't been able to reproduce that anymore21:13
ochosibut there are many possible reasons, X11, graphics driver...21:13
TravisCrap, wish I could fix it :(21:32
Dragon64travis what version of xubuntu you using?21:36
Dragon64i see that all the time21:37
Travisoops, sorry for ignoring you.21:42
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
TravisI am on 14.04.1 on a Panasonic CF-2921:42
TravisI removed Light Locker.21:42
=== LazyUser69 is now known as LazyUserBNC
=== LazyUserBNC is now known as LazyUser69
Dragon64ok you didnt have to do that, in fact I would reinstall that so ... its a combo of things .... install light locker and leave it on. disable he section that says "Switch off display"21:44
Dragon64pn light locker,21:44
Dragon64under power manager make sure you dont put it to sleep. set it to never21:45
Dragon64and lastly21:45
Dragon64edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf21:46
Dragon64and add or enable21:46
Dragon64I've done that afew times, works like a charm21:46
TravisDo I need the hash symbol next to it.21:46
Dragon64the has symbol will disable that21:47
Travisok, that is where I went wrong :p21:47
Dragon64thats called a comment, when devs what to leave you instructions without effecting the code the put a hash mark21:47
Dragon64or if they want to disable a feature21:48
TravisSo, just add that to the end of the list of stuff?21:48
Dragon64simple as that21:48
TravisI am going to try it without light locker first.21:48
TravisScrew it.  Am going to install it anyway.21:49
TravisWhat can it hurt?  Nothing.21:49
Dragon64i had to do all that for my wifes laptop and my mini one too21:50
m3n3chm0hello guys, i'm using plank and Jdownloader is duplicated21:51
TravisI like Xubuntu, as it's most like Windows, in the way it's visually laid out.21:51
TravisDragon64:  That did nothing.21:56
TravisThe screen is still black.21:56
Dragon64did you follow all the other steps21:56
TravisYes, including reinstalling lightlocker.21:56
Dragon64power manager21:56
Dragon64one sec21:56
TravisI am going to find out what kind of video card is in this thing.21:56
Dragon64good idea21:57
TravisIntel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express21:59
Dragon64are there updates for that in software center21:59
TravisThere's a thing to find additional drivers.22:00
Travissays there aren't any :(22:00
Dragon64that may be fine22:00
Dragon64when the laptop is black, how do you get the screen back?22:01
Dragon64one sec22:01
Dragon64this may sound strange, but have you tried the screen brightness button most laptops have?22:02
Dragon64there was a bug for a while that dimmed the screen all the time22:02
Dragon64everything worked, it was just black22:02
TravisWait one, please.22:03
TravisNothing.  The power light stays dim.  It usually goes bright when it turns back on.22:03
Dragon64huh thats odd22:03
Dragon64yeah looks like its hibernating or suspending22:04
TravisI have that shut off.22:04
Dragon64if you give the power button a quick push and wait 30 secs does it come back?22:04
m3n3chm0i got it, just replace in StartupWMClass = jdmain22:06
m3n3chm0and works :)22:06
Dragon64Travis: dont know then ... this page has a buch of triks I have seen used successfully in the past22:06
Dragon64other than that not sure22:06
TravisIt's all ok.  If I leave it open, it's ok.22:07
TravisI just get a laugh, as I have BSOD as my screens aver.22:07
Dragon64ok then22:07
Dragon64I used to do that and scared myself wit it one time22:08
TravisI only use the Windows ones, as I know that laptop doesn't have Windows on it.22:08
TravisDragon64:  I have a copy of a live version of what's called CHIRP (amateur radio software to program radios).  It uses Ubuntu 12.04 to run the live CD.22:48
TravisI don't have the laptop lid problem with it.22:48
Dragon64thats interesting22:49
TravisHas to be a difference in a driver.22:49
Dragon64yeah i think22:49
Dragon64you have a ham license?22:49
TravisYes, I do :D22:50
Dragon64nice im hoping to take the tech exam in about a month22:50
TravisYou can do it!22:50
TravisThe ham community LOVES open source.22:50
Dragon64I have motivation22:50
Dragon64I have a friend that keeps waving a radio in front of me22:51
Dragon64keeps telling me its mine if i pass the exam22:51
TravisWhich one?22:57
Dragon64I think its a 2 meter hand held22:58
Dragon64er 3 meter?22:58
Dragon64im still confused23:00
TravisDragon64:  here's what's funny.23:35
TravisIf I open and close the lid before I log in, it works fine.23:35
TravisYet, after logging in, the video fails miserably.23:36
Dragon64do you have to stand on one leg too, or maybe put your finger in your ear and sing ting a lig a looo?23:36
TravisI guess so.23:36
TravisIf I have any other issues, I will be back.23:40
Dragon64im out for the night23:40

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