thumper | morning folks | 21:02 |
mwhudson | thumper: you haven't turned into a zombie then? | 21:05 |
thumper | no... survived with all my lives | 21:06 |
hazmat | thumper, fully encrypted email to public list? | 21:09 |
thumper | hazmat: yeah, no idea what happened there | 21:09 |
* thumper is trying to work it out | 21:09 | |
thumper | I can't even open the item in my sent mail :-( | 21:10 |
thumper | I wrote heaps | 21:10 |
thumper | damn | 21:10 |
hazmat | fwereade_, i'm not convinced that the something-changed hook is actually a step forward compared to the default-hook impl.. the former requires rewriting charms with an entirely different frame of mind to utilize, while the later is a simple optimization that removes tedium. | 21:10 |
hazmat | although both need a feature flag | 21:11 |
rick_h__ | thumper: defeated by the gpg :P | 21:29 |
thumper | rick_h__: yeah... | 21:34 |
* thumper goes to make another coffee | 22:37 | |
thumper | lol - Panic: Invalid user tag "not touched" (PC=0x414676) | 22:52 |
thumper | panic: Invalid user tag "" | 22:52 |
thumper | gnn,,, | 22:55 |
thumper | hmm... even | 22:55 |
=== Guest79828 is now known as wallyworld | ||
davecheney | thumper: waigani menn0 | 23:24 |
menn0 | davecheney, thumper, waigani: and here's mine | 23:25 |
menn0 | davecheney: looking at yours now | 23:25 |
thumper | hmm... | 23:26 |
wallyworld | thumper: interesting lxc issue in bug 1357552 - some but not all containers can't see the http server on port 8040 which is used to provide tools into the containers via curl. sigh | 23:26 |
mup | Bug #1357552: lxc containers created, juju can't seen or communicate with them <landscape> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.20:Triaged> <> | 23:26 |
thumper | I'm wanting the git equivalent of 'bzr diff -r -2..-1' | 23:27 |
thumper | I want the diff of the last merge | 23:27 |
thumper | git diff HEAD^ HEAD doesn't quite do it | 23:27 |
thumper | as it shows the last commit, not the last merge diff | 23:27 |
thumper | any git gurus? | 23:27 |
thumper | wallyworld: that's weird | 23:27 |
thumper | wallyworld: sounds like an lxc networking problem | 23:27 |
wallyworld | we have a few lxc issues at the moment | 23:28 |
* thumper nods | 23:28 | |
wallyworld | :-( | 23:28 |
wallyworld | i could understand if all containers failed | 23:28 |
wallyworld | but not some | 23:28 |
wallyworld | thumper: i'm thinking we should just mount a host dir into the container and grab the tools from there rather than a http server | 23:29 |
davecheney | wallyworld: why not use wget -c | 23:29 |
wallyworld | i wonder if that will work for nested | 23:29 |
menn0 | thumper: does "git show -m <sha>" give you what you want? | 23:29 |
davecheney | then it'll loop automagically | 23:29 |
thumper | wallyworld: I'd really prefer if we didn't treat lxc too specially | 23:30 |
thumper | but I can see the desire | 23:30 |
wallyworld | davecheney: i have no idea, someone else used curl | 23:30 |
thumper | menn0: shows the last commit | 23:30 |
thumper | not the last merge | 23:30 |
wallyworld | thumper: lxc is already special - there's a big hack in machine agent to start the http server :-( | 23:30 |
thumper | wallyworld: yeah, but we are changing that aren't we? | 23:31 |
thumper | we want machine 0 to be a container | 23:31 |
thumper | any change like this just makes that move harder | 23:31 |
wallyworld | thumper: sure, but we do need a way to get stuff passed in | 23:31 |
thumper | agreed | 23:31 |
thumper | but lets not make it hard for us to move where we want to go | 23:32 |
wallyworld | how is mounting a host dir making it hard? don't we want to do that anyway for charm develppment? | 23:33 |
menn0 | thumper: does this help? | 23:33 |
thumper | wallyworld: yes we do (ish) | 23:35 |
thumper | hah... found out why we are now panicing making user tags | 23:37 |
thumper | in the past, when we created a user tag from a string, there was no validation | 23:37 |
thumper | now there is | 23:37 |
davecheney | thumper: BOMM! | 23:37 |
davecheney | names.NewXXXTag is only for testing | 23:37 |
davecheney | or when you are very very sure that what you are passing it is a valid tag | 23:38 |
davecheney | in which case, you should probably just use names.ParseXXXTag | 23:38 |
thumper | should still be valid though | 23:39 |
davecheney | what is the line ? | 23:39 |
thumper | environs/cloudinit_test.go line 49 ish | 23:40 |
thumper | although I have another | 23:41 |
thumper | Tag: names.NewUserTag(info.APICredentials().User), | 23:41 |
thumper | from juju/api.go | 23:41 |
thumper | seems that the user is blank | 23:41 |
thumper | blank isn't a valid tag | 23:41 |
thumper | s/tag/user/ | 23:41 |
thumper | grr | 23:41 |
davecheney | bingo | 23:41 |
davecheney | thumper: why do the apiserver tests embed another test suite ? | 23:42 |
davecheney | type rsyslogSuite struct { testing.JujuConnSuite *commontesting.EnvironWatcherTest | 23:42 |
thumper | NFI | 23:42 |
davecheney | the embedding with a pointer means that the EnvironWEatcherTets are run when the rsyslogSuite tests are rung | 23:42 |
davecheney | run | 23:42 |
thumper | ah... | 23:42 |
thumper | yes, that is by design | 23:42 |
davecheney | continue | 23:42 |
* thumper thinks back | 23:43 | |
davecheney | s.EnvironWatcherTest = commontesting.NewEnvironWatcherTest( | 23:43 |
davecheney | api, s.State, s.resources, commontesting.NoSecrets) | 23:43 |
davecheney | oh | 23:43 |
thumper | there were situations where each other test had a copy of the common test functions | 23:43 |
davecheney | this is somet facade thing | 23:43 |
thumper | I consolidated them | 23:43 |
thumper | yeah | 23:43 |
davecheney | hmm | 23:43 |
davecheney | i still don't see what it does | 23:43 |
thumper | it isn't great | 23:43 |
thumper | it repeats a lot of stuff | 23:43 |
thumper | but it is better than it was | 23:44 |
davecheney | well | 23:44 |
davecheney | i sort of do | 23:44 |
thumper | I agree it isn't correct yet | 23:44 |
thumper | just 'less shit' | 23:44 |
davecheney | 'cos it is this logic that does the canAuth("") logic | 23:44 |
davecheney | lucky(~/src/ % grep -e 'can.*(\"' -r * | 23:46 |
davecheney | common/environwatcher.go: if !canWatch("") { | 23:46 |
davecheney | common/environwatcher.go: if !canReadSecrets("") { | 23:46 |
davecheney | common/environmachineswatcher.go: if !canWatch("") { | 23:46 |
davecheney | provisioner/provisioner.go: if !canWatch("") { | 23:46 |
davecheney | the best i can make from this logic is | 23:46 |
davecheney | if !anyone is allowed to watch ... | 23:46 |
menn0 | davecheney: review done | 23:52 |
davecheney | ta | 23:55 |
wallyworld | thumper: you are assigned to bug 1320543, are you working on it? | 23:57 |
mup | Bug #1320543: debug-log uses internal names for filtering <debug-log> <usability> <juju-core:Triaged by thumper> <> | 23:57 |
thumper | wallyworld: no | 23:57 |
wallyworld | ok | 23:57 |
* wallyworld unassigns | 23:57 |
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