
Seeker`47 drake of the north wind runs this evening...still no mount00:35
qwebirc53441Hello...  This is Bryan...02:18
qwebirc53441(Bryan) < Is anyone here?02:19
qwebirc53441I have a small question about MythBubtu02:19
enycOne thing that wasn't obvious to me with the 'new' mythbuntu  was where/how  the mythtv-backend database-password  gets configured...08:26
enycor where i read it from to set another frontend to talk to it, etc.08:26
=== map7_ is now known as map7
tgm4883enyc: red it from /etc/MythTV/config.xml14:43
tgm4883That should be all lower case14:44
Hydr0p0nXshould i still be using mythutil --scanvideos to import dvd rips to my library ?16:02
enyctgm4883: yah eventually found that =)  seems that previous versinosed used to put it in separate next files rather than xml, but nawyay17:11
enyctgm4883: im guessing that file is used by both the frontend and backend locally to ogin to tdatabase17:13
enyctgm4883: but to actually cange the password involves talking to mysql admin etc...17:13
enycOK... Next Problem =)   MythBuntu 14.04.1  new install new partition etc.  -- I can get sound over nvidia HDMI by using MythFrontend setup fine.  -but-  I can't seem to get any other (vlc, chromium+flashplugin, ...)  sound going via HDMI.  I change the ALSA-sink default (new line with hw:1,7 or something like that on it) in  something like  /etc/pulse/default.pa  [exactly the same change as I (thought) worked on the previous 12.04 system] but this doe21:12
enycMaybe I had to change something else 'as well' e.g. someting in desktop alsa utils of some form, hmm....21:21
enycmaybe there is some per-user graphical setting in some setting application for sound output....21:34

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