
shane____I recently asked about a program that shows cpu and other system resources accross the desktop...I was just wondering what I was called, as I cant remember:p00:32
shane____anyone?  I need a system resource monitoring\ program that displays the information on the desktop00:36
TravisDragon64:  I have a small update.00:53
TravisIf I lock it using xscreensaver, I am able to get back to the desktop, after startx.00:54
Dragon64well that works, sounods like a work around00:54
TravisI am going to attempt a duplication again, once it reboots.00:55
TravisCTRL + ALT + F1 did it.00:57
ochosistartx? are you not using lightdm?00:57
ochosiyou're not using lightdm but you were using light-locker?00:58
ochosiok, you know that can't work though, right?00:59
ochosilight-locker needs lightdm, otherwise it doesn't work00:59
Travislet me rectify that problem.01:00
ochosi(guess we should've called it lightdm-locker :))01:00
TravisLet me see if I have lightdm installed.01:00
TravisI like the BSOD screensaver, so that's why I have xscreensaver.01:01
Travislightdm is installed on my laptop.01:01
bluesabreIs it currently running? ps aux | grep lightdm01:02
TravisI can't make heads nor tails from it.01:03
TravisOk that worked.01:07
TravisIf I lock it, I can close the lid & reopen it with no issue.01:07
TravisIt's when I just close the lid with the desktop unlocked.01:08
TravisThat sounds a bit strange, but ok.01:10
xubuntu257Hello. I do have a question.01:40
xubuntu257On my software updater, ubuntu 14.04 lts was listed as an upgrade possibility.01:41
xubuntu257I run xubuntu 12.0401:41
xubuntu257Of course, I am new to xubuntu, and would like to upgrade if poss to xubuntu 14.04 lts, not ubuntu 14.04. Canyou pls advise proper procedure? Thanks01:42
LazyUser69It could be just an error in phrasing. Perhaps it means xubuntu 14.04?01:43
LazyUser69Perhaps try typing in 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and see what the output is and for what packages01:44
xubuntu257Ah. Thank you very much. Will try that.01:45
xubuntu257Signing off now. Appreciate your info.01:45
LazyUser69You're welcome.01:45
xubuntu257How does one sign off?01:45
ObrienDaveclose the client01:46
xubuntu257Will do. Thanks again. bibi01:46
xubuntu618hey, I need help01:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:52
xubuntu618I have a xubuntu installation, and de sound is giving me little crashed, can anyone tell what it is? Thanks01:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:55
holsteinxubuntu618: i would first just look for and apply upgrades,.. then, make sure its not just sound from the web, from flash, for example.. if so, it could be with the flash player version rather than audio01:56
xubuntu618it is not from flash, I have it on vlc too01:57
xubuntu618I already upgraded the system, and it didn't fix01:58
holsteinxubuntu618: sure.. keep in mind, nothing is "broken" to fix01:58
xubuntu618I assume it's a bug01:59
holsteinxubuntu618: ideally, the creator of the hardware would work with ubuntu/xubuntu/linux to make sure you have a flawless experience.. if they dont, then, its up to you to see what the issue is01:59
holsteinwhat do i do? i usually follow the link i gave. i'll try "aplay -l" and see what is listed, and google search "ubuntu + that output" and see if anyone else has issues with it02:00
holsteini'll try different live CD's since a different kernel and/or alsa version can really make or break that support.. i'll try as far upstream as possible.. with ubuntu or alsa directly, for example, since its not really related directly to xfce or xubuntu, and there is not reaons to narrow the search02:01
quantibilityhey how do i install a SH extension?04:24
quantibilitynm ill look it up but ill be back for sure if i can't find it04:25
xubuntu450I want to change my screen resolution to 1400x900 but I can't, I have Xubuntu 14.0404:53
csenger41someone tell me please what is the command for alt-tab in keyboard shortcuts? accidentally removed it07:36
elfy2 ticks - not going to try writing it - will get a screenshot ...07:38
csenger41thank you very much! :)07:41
csenger41okay FML it's not working07:43
csenger41looking into it a bit07:43
csenger41okay, no idea why it isn't working07:47
csenger41what program di you use when taking SS?07:48
elfypeople have had issues with changing shortcuts, was a workround for that, but I'm not sure it's going to help you - but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/1292290/comments/12 just in case07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292290 in xfce4-settings "Window manager keybindings don't work after reboot" [Medium,Confirmed]07:48
elfycsenger41: just the normal xubuntu tool07:48
csenger41but the command should be cycle_windows_key07:51
csenger41is that correct?07:51
elfycsenger41: yep07:53
MohamadFhi there, how can i use my laptop webcam in xubuntu?!07:53
csenger41you wanna take pictures with it?07:54
elfyMohamadF: do you mean what apps to use or do you mean that it doesn't work?07:56
MohamadFelfy: no i dont know! im new in GNU/Linux07:59
elfyok - well it depends what you want to do then, I only use webcam for hangouts and it just works07:59
MohamadFok, that means i cant use my webcam as a camera in ubuntu?08:00
elfyI didn't say that ...08:00
elfytry it - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#Testing_Your_Webcam_Using_Cheese08:01
csenger41hello, I'm back08:02
csenger41@MohamadF: did you find and answer?08:02
MohamadFcheese?! ok, thank u08:02
MohamadFi think yes! :D08:03
csenger41well, I made a restart, but alt+tab is still not working08:03
csenger41failed to execute process08:03
elfycsenger41: I'm not sure then08:04
elfycsenger41: I'll boot a vm to trash and see if I can reproduce08:05
csenger41I changed it skippy-xd08:06
csenger41but don't like it08:06
elfycsenger41: ok so just <Alt>Tab doesn't work - you need /xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Tab as property08:13
csenger41as command?08:15
elfyproperty /xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Tab, type string, value cycle_windows_key08:16
csenger41problem is that I don't know what is that program you are using to edit this08:16
csenger41it's been 2 years since I last used Xubuntu, got really out of it :S08:17
csenger41brb restart08:17
csenger_I'm back08:21
elfycsenger_: settings - settings editor - then you'll see the same as the screenshot08:23
csenger_ohh cool, thanks :)08:24
=== csenger_ is now known as csenger41
elfythere's a lot more there than in the keyboard - shortcuts tab08:25
csenger41string type?08:26
csenger41cool, thanks :08:28
csenger41it's working like wonder08:28
elfyworkinig now?08:28
elfyawesome :)08:28
csenger41well, thanks for the help, now I can continue personalizing08:33
csenger41it's such a pleasure after Windows08:33
Red_Good day everyone :)08:35
csenger41good day to you too08:35
ARM9good (UGT) day08:35
csenger41any ways to stop panel window from blinking when there is something happening there?08:37
csenger41like when I get a Skype message, it just keeps blinking and it's pretty annoying08:38
Red_I got it too ) But I can say that Linux version of Skype it's .... hmmmm ... not goode version :)08:39
Red_* good, sorry )08:39
ARM9who needs skype when there's irc08:40
csenger41well it's much better than Windows version08:41
csenger41at least it has tabbed windows option08:41
Red_It's faster - it's real, but by calling I have some scratching ) I think that may be it can change this settings .... but how ..., I don't know ) Third time by three days I reinstall Xubuntu ... :)08:42
csenger41Ctrl + O08:42
csenger41sound devices08:42
csenger41open pulse audio volume control08:43
Red_Thanks, I try it :)08:43
Red_Sorry, need to reboot :)08:44
=== RedDevil is now known as Guest13042
Slumlord_hi anybody recommend software shows thumbnails of your videos? I did try something called thunar08:50
Slumlord_shows most of them but a couple08:50
Guest13042Thunar it's default file manager ...08:50
csenger41I would be interested in this too08:50
csenger41though didn't look into it yet08:51
james0r2Slumlord_, i think you need ffmpegthumbnailer, maybe that's it08:51
Slumlord_yeah i can see if i tried that08:51
Guest13042Can anyone tell what settings need to connect to this chat by XChat app?08:52
Slumlord_thanks james giving it a try now08:52
Guest13042What's server?08:52
gggsGuest13042: IRC settings?08:52
elfyGuest13042: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto08:52
elfyin the channel box use #xubuntu08:52
Guest13042ok Thanks to all, I try )08:53
james0r2Slumlord_, and then for me, Thunar is set to only shows previews for local files, in case you're viewing non-local stuff.08:53
james0r2just got a samsung 300e4x notebook, about to install 14.01.1 on it08:54
Slumlord_do i need thunar james?08:54
Slumlord_or is ffmepgthumbnailer better?08:54
james0r2Slumlord_, only if that's the file manager you prefer. i suppose you don't need it.08:54
james0r2Slumlord_, ahh yes. you need thunar. ffmpegthumbnailer is only for displaying video previews08:55
james0r2Slumlord_, you don't actually execute ffmpegthumbnailer. only instlal the package and it magically works.08:55
james0r2Slumlord_, once you've installed ffmpegthumbnailer, open thunar and you should see video thumbnails08:56
Slumlord_i do for the most part08:56
Slumlord_just a couple stubborn ones08:56
james0r2interesting. i remember not seeing any before installing that.08:57
james0r2Slumlord_, did you already have ffmpegthumbnailer installed?08:57
Slumlord_i did not no08:57
Slumlord_i installed rebooted08:57
james0r2Slumlord_, no need to reboot i dont think08:58
Slumlord_yeah same thing08:58
Slumlord_most of them show all but 208:59
james0r2Slumlord_, what's the file format?08:59
james0r2should handle flv08:59
james0r2local file right?08:59
Slumlord_on usb pen drive09:00
james0r2can't remember if i tried that.09:01
james0r2Slumlord_, not sure how relevant this is but --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171065309:06
Slumlord_odd james09:27
Slumlord_i got it09:27
Slumlord_uninstalled thunar09:27
Slumlord_vlc wasn't work right uninstalled it09:27
Slumlord_asked what i wanted to use to open and i choose nautilus09:28
Slumlord_it all kicked right in09:28
james0r2Slumlord_, so you have thumbnails in thunar too? or just nautilus09:31
Slumlord_i dumped thunar09:31
Slumlord_uninstalled it09:32
james0r2Slumlord_, yeah nautilus uses totem for thumbnails according to that forum i linked you to, and also has some additional settings for video previews.09:32
james0r2i use nemo which is a fork of nautilus because i can have folders remember which way view files/dirs09:33
james0r2glad you got that squared away though. well i'm off. take it easy09:34
Slumlord_appreciate it09:35
Slumlord_now to get it working on desktop pc as well09:36
Newtoxubuntuhi, i am new to xubuntu and I need some help. I have created a panel and placed different launchers on it (finally after a couple of hours..). However I want to create a launcher icon for a specific folder. It would be like a shortcut/quicklauncher to a specific folder. how would I do this?10:05
elfyNewtoxubuntu: make a new launcher then I have (in the past) then used this for the command Thunar file:///path/to/folder10:12
TravisCan someone explain to me this:  Why don't I need to make an install out of python source code?  I can click right on a python script file and the program starts.10:12
ARM9because python is interpreted/jit compiled10:13
ARM9most linuxes come with python 2.x preinstalled10:13
TravisIs it possible to make an install file out of the source code?10:13
ARM9what sort of install file?10:13
TravisI am attempting to install a program called "CHIRP" (ham radio programmer).10:14
TravisSomething to work with *Ubuntu.10:14
TravisI know CHIRP will work by itself, because it's python based & doesn't need that, but was wonder if I could anyway.10:15
ARM9I don't know what the standard install directory is for scripts, maybe usr/local/sbin10:15
ARM9or just /usr/local/bin10:16
Newtoxubuntuelfy: OMG you are a godsend. took a bit of trial and error but i got it! THANKS :)10:16
Newtoxubuntuman but this is freaking complex to make a shortcut to a folder on the panel.10:18
elfyI tend towards using places in the panel and my bookmarks from thunar show there10:25
Alopexhi all, i am using Lubuntu,Backbox(xfce Debian,Ubuntu),Mint since a couple years now.. are there any differences between Xubuntu and Ubuntu apart from the UI ? because i really like xfce ..10:29
cfhowlettAlopex, xubuntu has different default apps.10:31
Newtoxubuntuelfy: oh interesting. I will give that a try :)10:31
Alopexcfhowlett: and other than that nothing?10:31
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cfhowlett!flavors | Alopex,10:32
ubottuAlopex,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.10:32
elfyNewtoxubuntu: also you could if you had a whole bunch of them create a menu in whiskermenu and populate that with the relevant folder locations - bit of work too though10:32
Alopexubottu: sure, but driver, kernel  -wise same right?10:33
ubottuAlopex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:33
elfyAlopex: all the 'base' remains the same10:34
Alopexye thx all i guess i'll stick to xfce (with xubuntu) . like it much more than unity..10:35
Newtoxubuntuelfy: i'll give them all a try and see which one i like best, thanks :)10:36
elfywelcome - choice is good :)10:37
Newtoxubuntuand does linux not need antivirus software? i couldn't find anything when i searched in the software updater thing. sorry if this is a ridiculous question; but first time using any sort of linux based os10:38
ARM9generally no10:38
cfhowlett!virus | Newtoxubuntu10:38
ubottuNewtoxubuntu: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus10:38
ARM9there are exceptions10:38
ARM9like rootkits and viruses running in wine10:39
Newtoxubuntuah ha, gotcha. i do have plans to get wine so i guess i would need to eventually get an anti-virus10:41
Newtoxubuntubut if i get wine, cant i just install the windows version of an antivirus technically? for instance, avast?10:42
ARM9depends how much you like clicking weird executable files10:42
ARM9technically wine shouldn't be able to mess up your linux system unless you give it permission, I don't know what sort of default permissions the wine build in ubuntu repos comes with10:42
ARM9hopefully it doesn't give wine read or write permissions anywhere but ~/.wine10:43
Newtoxubuntuoh boy. this linux thing just gets more and more complex as i go.10:44
ARM9permissions are simple10:44
Newtoxubuntutoday is day 3 of my first linux os. I have never googled so much in my life10:44
cfhowlettNewtoxubuntu, it's actually quite similar to windows/OSX.  Linux DOES require that you actually THINK, however.10:46
ARM9that's a confusing statement10:46
NewtoxubuntuARM9: I agree10:47
Newtoxubuntucfhowlett: i dont know. I tried PClinuxOS but couldn't figure out how to customize things and didn't seem like it was used as much as some of the other linux systems so i went ahead and got xubuntu10:47
Newtoxubuntumakes it easier to google.10:47
ARM9most popular linux distros are relatively similar because they are shipped with the popular window managers10:48
Newtoxubuntubut my point is: having only used windows before. they way things work is completely different. with so much new terminology10:48
NewtoxubuntuARM9: i did not know that, but that makes sense now.10:49
ARM9some are shipped with more bloatware than others (GIMP, browsers, games, media players, KDE etc.)10:50
Newtoxubuntuso on the ultimate boot CD, there is a linux desktop that has a very nice CPU specs monitor (like CPU, RAM, TEMP, etc) anyone have any recommendations?10:53
NewtoxubuntuARM9: ugh bloatware :/ luckily i have lots of experience removing it :)10:54
ARM9xubuntu is relatively good on that part as far as "user friendly" distros go, it ships just under 1GiB.10:55
Newtoxubuntuyeah, i really like it so far. if it wasn't for the death of windows xp, i never would have bothered.10:57
* elfy moved when win2k was a bit doddery10:58
Newtoxubuntucan I get conky for xubuntu? when I search the software update how come it doesn't show?11:23
cfhowlett!info conky11:23
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-4 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB11:23
Newtoxubuntugot it work! hehe11:23
Newtoxubuntubut thanks :)11:23
secondhello. Can anybody tell me how to make xfce ask for pasword on logon?12:06
ARM9anyone know what the us ansi keyboard layout is called in the settings?12:06
cfhowlettsecond, when logging in?  user account settings > assign a passord12:07
secondusers and groups?12:09
secondit says it is asking on login, but it is not :/12:09
cfhowlettsecond, does the account have a login password?12:10
secondi dont think it does. i know i have ot put in a password for some things12:10
ARM9you need to set a password for your user12:11
ARM9the passwords you're talking about is likely the password you set for su12:11
cfhowlettsecond, if no password on the account, no login password required12:11
secondthat makes sense, however the settings are telling me it is set, clearly it is not. I will try to reset the system. I will set a password to clear it, then set the real one again12:13
czuchhi, I just run a system update on a 14.04 xubuntu install that was left untouched for a few months. I have gedit as part of the startup applications, and that went fine until the update. Now it takes 10s between the moment the desktop loads and the moment gedit appears (SSD, 4GB RAM and Core i3, the system is idle like waiting for some timer before it launches gedit). Any ideas on how to get gedit to show up earlier? This is a computer12:14
xubuntu880im instaling newest xubuntu and i have trouble12:28
cfhowlettxubuntu880, details12:28
xubuntu880there was information "running post-installation triger-procesing" or something like that12:29
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:29
xubuntu880and then my screen turned off12:29
xubuntu880oh sry12:29
xubuntu880!details there was information "running post-installation triger-procesing" or something like that, and then my screen turned off12:30
ubottuxubuntu880: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:30
cfhowlettxubuntu880, screen saver or power loss?12:30
xubuntu880screen saver12:30
xubuntu880and my mouse not respond12:30
cfhowlettxubuntu880, would not effect the installation12:30
xubuntu880soo i need to wait ?12:30
cfhowlettxubuntu880, call up a terminal and see what's happening12:31
xubuntu880Ctrl+Alt+F1 right ?12:31
xubuntu880its not working :c screen is still in saver mode12:32
cfhowlettxubuntu880, is your hard drive still chirping?12:32
brainwashczuch: does this problem also affect other user accounts? if there are no other, create a new one to test it12:32
xubuntu880yes but my cd-drive is silent now12:33
cfhowlettxubuntu880, HDD active = working.  give it another 10 minutes or so.12:34
cfhowlettxubuntu880, awaking from sleep is a known problem with some laptops12:34
xubuntu880its PC12:34
cfhowlettxubuntu880, ...12:35
xubuntu880and before screen turned off my mouse doesnt respond like it was big lag12:35
xubuntu880the progress bar stop moving12:35
xubuntu880so i think that it just hang out12:35
cfhowlettxubuntu880 .. ehhhhhhh ... wait 10 and hard reset12:36
m3n3chm0hello, how can reestablish thunderbird here, in the indicator applet...12:43
xubuntu880after reboot it says "invalid partition table"12:48
xubuntu880in bios12:49
xubuntu880i mean in HardWare monitor12:49
xubuntu880like it's not recognize system12:49
ruslan_osmanovhi, I've got asus x751l laptop. The function keys work, except brightness. This is a standard xubuntu 14 lts setup. How do I fix the function keys? I guess there're workarounds like binding keys via xbind / xbacklight. But I guess there should be more elegant way.13:45
ruslan_osmanovshould I add the kernel option to grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_backlight=vendor"?13:46
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LinuxNewbiehi, can someone direct me to a good guide on how to use wine14:31
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:31
LinuxNewbiethanks, will give that link a try :)14:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:34
WLMOh okay, does a list of ubottu comments exist?14:35
iliketurtleshey this may be a dumb question but where is there no linux specific antivirus program, all the ones I can find are more for scanning for windows viruses in linux16:58
iliketurtlesI know there are only a small handful of linux viruses but still16:58
iliketurtlesdoes clamav scan for linux viruses as well as windows viruses?17:01
quantibilityCan someone help me add my java directory to my enviromental  varibles nothing i do seems to work..17:15
LazyUser69Yes iliketurtles, I think ClamAV does scan for Windows viruses as well, they will be probably prefixed with W32 or something.17:19
LazyUser69I believe some sysadmin's have used it to scan attachments on mail systems.17:21
LazyUser69Now what I'm wondering, is what happened to the gui software updater in xubuntu? I don't see it in 14.04 now.17:30
SandJSimple boot question.  I installed Mint on /sda7 to test something and now it defaults to that instead of Xubuntu on /sda5.  How do I make /sda5 the default partition to load up?18:15
bazhangchange the boot order in grub you mean? or bios for hdd?18:16
SandJWhen you are offered the list of Linuxes to boot from and have 10 seconds to choose.  That screen.18:17
SandJSo I must mean the boot order for grub.18:18
bazhangyou wish to change the timeout to longer?18:18
bazhanghave you read the grub2 wiki yet?18:18
SandJI can see the answer now in Google.  I needed to search for 'change boot order for grub'  and not 'change default partition'18:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:19
bazhangthere's the wiki, and also #grub on freenode here18:19
SandJOK, thank you.18:19
SandJOh lordy.  A part of my brain had been locked away, suppressed by trauma.  I suddenly recall the days spent trying to recover non-booting PCs after I tried editing grub settings in the past.  Never mind.  I had actually forgotten what an utter abortion grub is.  I had a fantasy vision of it being 'sudo grub-something --default /dev/sda5' !18:27
gatisWhy i don't see in menu any settings?18:31
gatisany idea?18:33
elfySandJ: what generally works for me is - boot into the one I want grub to run from then sudo grub-install /dev/sda followed by sudo update-grub18:47
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SandJelfy: thank you.  I'll dedicate my next beer to you.  ;-)19:03
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SandJ_IIelfy, just to confirm it worked for me.19:22
innocent95how can i disable the automatic hibernation?19:25
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innocent95Can anybody help me?19:31
stemidhow do I open the appearance gnome settings panel? gnome-control-center appearance does not exist.20:26
holsteinstemid: you are on xfce.. what are you trying to do?20:28
xubuntu485I have just installed xubuntu and i noticed that i cant align windows automatically to left and right like in windows 7 or other linux distros is that normal?21:20
xubuntu485i mean when draggin a windows to left or rigt makes the window auto resize to the half of the screen :)21:21
xubuntu485Hope you understand my english21:21
TravisDragon64:  Now my laptop is doing the "stay black after lid open" thing, even after locking the desktop.22:07
TravisDang Intel video driver.22:07
Dragon64that thing is kicking your butt22:08
TravisI just can't close the lid.22:09
Dragon64the only reason i close the lid on mine is baause i have cats22:09
ahklerner1Travis: i changed my power settings to 'Suspend' instead of 'Lock Screen'22:26
ahklerner1and it helped my issue22:26
ahklerner1i do not like that it doesnt require a password but22:26
ahklerner1better than stuck in black screen22:26
TravisIs that done when you adjust the power settings?22:27
Traviswhat about under light locker?22:27
ahklerner1light locker is the problem it seems22:27
TravisHmmm, turning it off.22:27
TravisThat isn't the problem.22:28
TravisI think it's my graphics card.22:29
ahklerner1on my system the issue seems to be that when i close the lid and it suspends, when opening the lid, it asks for password, then goes black22:29
ahklerner1when it is black light locker has switched the video back to 7 but the screen is not turned on22:29
TravisMine stays black after reopening.22:29
ahklerner1check with ctrl alt 6 and 7 and 8 when its black22:30
ahklerner1see if 6 is terminal, 7 black, and 8 cursor (light locker)22:30
ahklerner1F5, F6, F7 obv22:31
ahklerner1you have a different problem than i had then22:32
TravisOne nasty video card.  I heard the Intel 915 has some major issues.22:32
TravisMaybe if I get a different laptop some day, I can try Xubuntu again.22:58
TravisThank you Dragon64.  Your suggestion worked.23:15
Dragon64I hate to resort to that but what the hey23:16

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