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ajay_I'm seeing this error while deploying a juju charm for nova-compute :-14:17
ajay_2014-08-18 03:55:13 ERROR juju apiclient.go:119 state/api: websocket.Dial wss://bootstrap.maas:17070/: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid 2014-08-18 03:55:13 ERROR juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "api": websocket.Dial wss://bootstrap.maas:17070/: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid14:17
ajay_please let me know what I might be missing here14:18
ayr-tonIf I want, for example, to build a charm for zabbix and want to deploy this inside my units, it will be possible?14:29
lazyPowerayr-ton: It is. You can charm up zabbix as a subordinate service - which runs with scope:container14:54
lazyPowerayr-ton: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-subordinate-services.html - take a look here - feel free to ping me direct if you have any questions14:56
ayr-tonlazyPower, very interesting. Thank you very much (: Is that what I'm looking for.14:57
merlin2144hello folks, has anyone gotten openstack HA to work with LXCs ?15:00
ayr-tonmerlin2144, http://marcoceppi.com/2014/06/deploying-openstack-with-just-two-machines/15:09
lazyPowermbruzek, marcoceppi: hey, so sam has a pretty good point/idea here about the docs. He's goign through charming his first service and the fact our docs are focused on bash - has left him kind of in the dark for how to get moving with python. He's going to document his learning, and submit that to us. If we get this before we head out to the sprint, that'll give us a good base for things to focus on.15:21
lazyPowerthoughts? comments? suggestions?15:21
marcoceppiit's been on a long list of things to do15:21
lazyPoweryeah, we do have a huge todo list15:22
marcoceppithe idea behind bash hooks is that it's easy for most anyone to grok15:22
lazyPowerbut this is on teh focus list for our sprint.15:22
marcoceppibut we have "Create a howto for Python charms and charmhelpers" on a list somewhere15:22
marcoceppinot saying it's not15:22
mbruzeklazyPower, python is a language that not everyone knows.15:22
lazyPoweryeah - that was my comment initially - that we dont want to just focus on python even though its recommended, charms are agnostic.15:22
marcoceppicharm author docs in general are lacking compared to user docs15:22
* lazyPower nods15:23
lazyPowerthats another good idea for a blog post to start the story15:23
* arosales has an idea of showing a few charm author workflows15:23
mbruzeklazyPower, I would be OK with creating a getting started with python in addition to bash15:23
lazyPowergetting started with charming in python15:23
lazyPowerand we can then translate that post into docs15:23
arosales1. bash workflow 2. python workflow w/ charm helpers 3. Multiple language workflow15:23
mbruzekarosales, +115:24
arosalesthen have good flag bearer charms at the end of each workflow with pointers to examples on relations, and config.15:24
* arosales put that on todo list15:34
mattywstokachu, do you know what I'm doing wrong here: https://github.com/Ubuntu-Solutions-Engineering/cloud-installer/issues/14215:41
stokachumattyw, looking into it now15:43
stokachumattyw, can you post your environments.yaml file to the bug?15:44
stokachuscrubbing out your admin-pass15:44
mattywstokachu, I've destroyed that install, I'll give it another go and send over the yaml if I get the same error15:47
stokachumattyw, i also updated the bug with some other info to capture too15:47
stokachumattyw, it could be a service didnt get related15:47
mattywstokachu, ok thanks very much15:48
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mattywstokachu, just pasted the details on the bug16:49
stokachuthanks will take a look16:50
stokachumattyw, looks like the relations aren't completed16:51
merlin2144Hi has anyone gotten openstack HA to work with LXCs ? Just wanted to find out if this is something that is currently supported16:53
mattywstokachu, which relations aren't done yet?16:54
stokachumattyw, looks like all of them16:54
stokachumattyw, keystone is the big one that needs to be related to the majority of the openstack services16:55
mattywstokachu, the output of cloud-install seemed to suggest it was ready - maybe I was just being too eager16:55
mattywstokachu, I only waited till I got all the ticks16:56
stokachumattyw, thats probably something we need to address, some way of determining when all relations are complete16:56
stokachuthat satisfy an openstack deployment16:56
stokachumattyw, yea it usually takes a few minutes after all checkmarks to have the relations finish16:57
mattywstokachu, I'll try it again and give it a bit16:57
stokachui created a card for us to review the relationship status of a deployment16:58
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ezobnHi All! When I trying to do juju restore - got the error because on freshly installed via maas bootstrap node there are not mongodb-clients installed19:56
ezobnso is it possible to add this package to automatically install via juju when restore happened ...19:58
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ezobnThe same - when doing backup ... you need manually first login to bootstrap node with juju state server and install mongodb-clients package19:59
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marcoceppiezobn: that's a bug, could you file it against https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core20:09
ezobnmarcoceppi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/135847720:26
mupBug #1358477: for juju backup/restorre mongodb-clients package missing  <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1358477>20:26
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noodles775hazmat: Hi, I updated the two elasticsearch charm MP's I've got based on your feedback the other week. If you get a spare few mins, can you check? (I've been using the updated charm in a staging service for a few weeks too): https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charms/trusty/elasticsearch/add-ufw/+merge/22593421:33
hazmatnoodles775, looking21:37
hazmatnoodles775, lgtm21:39
hazmatmbruzek, when your up in the review queue could you have a look at merging those ^21:42
mbruzekthose as in 2 mps?21:44
mbruzeknoodles775, What is the other mp?21:52
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