
Riddellshadeslayer_: alive?10:13
soeehmm: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113355985619037607290/posts/MNbXTodNQTd10:13
apacheloggerdid I mention that no one actually SRUd my qapt fix?10:14
Riddellor your phonon update10:19
* Riddell puts on the day's todo10:19
kdeuser56Riddell: got yesterday's pings?10:19
kdeuser56about the isos and virtualbox?10:20
kdeuser56soee: simple solution: use btrfs, snapshot you root filesystem before upgrading ... roll back if something goes wrong. nothing easier than that. besides that you can make apt-get do this automatically for you10:21
soeekdeuser56: its not my post :)10:22
soeethough i think update to bugfixes versions on LTS shouldn't cause such problems10:22
kdeuser56soee: nobody knows what went wrong for him.10:22
kdeuser56does not mean others will suffer from that issue too10:23
kdeuser56soee: besides that he only says "updating". he did not specify how he updated, what ppas he had enabled etc.10:24
kbroulikany idea what happened to plasma 5 dbg packages in utopic? I cannot get a backtrace for any application, dr konqi shows useless backtraces and gdb says "the symbol file is truncated"10:40
kdeuser56kbroulik: do you have the ddebs repos enabled?10:44
kdeuser56kbroulik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash10:44
kbrouliki suppose not, thanks for the hint :)10:44
kdeuser56kbroulik: read the section "Debug Symbol Packages"10:45
kbroulikthx! will check once I'm home again :)10:45
kdeuser56kbroulik: after you enabled that repo you can install a debug packe for any application like this "apt-get install packagename-dbg*"10:47
kdeuser56kbroulik: do not worry about both the dbg and the dbgsym package being installed, one of them will only be a link, as dbgsym packages are empty if an own dbg packages exists and will simply only link to the dbg package10:48
kdeuser56kbroulik: if you still want to debug a crash that happened, /var/crash will likely contain the dump files, if apport is enabled10:51
kdeuser56kbroulik: apport-retrace -s -R /var/crash/<path-of-crashed-app> will get you the backtrace10:52
kdeuser56kbroulik: wait, I suppose the ddebs repo wont help here, since the kf5 / plasma 5 stuff comes from the kubuntu ppa, if I am not mistaken, sorry I am still on Plasma 1 /kdelibs 10:56
kbroulikyeah it's plasma 510:58
kdeuser56kbroulik: if you are on utopic I suppose you are using this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next11:01
kdeuser56kbroulik: are there -dbg package for that ppa?11:03
kbroulikin the list I dont see em but I have a kwin-dbg installed and given in 4 it's in kde-workspace it has to be 5 but no idea where it comes from and unfortunately I cannot check as in the office I'm also still on 411:04
kbroulik[in the list behind the launchpad link you sent]11:04
kdeuser56kbroulik: that's the only thing I hate about *buntu: the debug package situation is simply a mess. ppas do not seem to create dbg packages automatically. dbgsym packages are a mess imho. etc. other distros handle this much better. 11:06
kdeuser56kbroulik: since I cannot boot the iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/ in virtualbox I can not test 11:17
kdeuser56kbroulik: I just tested the image from http://files.kde.org/snapshots/neon5-latest.iso.mirrorlist though: here the dbg packages are available11:18
kbroulikhmm, will have to test more properly then at home. maybe I just overlooked something11:21
kdeuser56kbroulik: so on that iso I would simply do: "for package in $(dpkg --get-selections | grep "project-neon5-"); do sudo apt-get install -y "$package"-dbg; done11:21
kdeuser56kbroulik: sorry, here: http://paste.kde.org/pcampr8bt11:24
Riddellapachelogger: logs show me no qapt fix from you, any pointers?11:43
apacheloggerRiddell: ^11:47
apachelogger[dragonplayer] [Bug 338349] New: i lost my Dragon's Player Sound completely and without touch anythink!!! When install Kaffeine have the same problem or the one player had sound and the other no!!! With other players style, VLC etc not a problem!!!11:49
apacheloggergood lord11:49
ubottubug 338349 in python-gtkglext1 (Ubuntu) "cannot install python-gtkglext1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33834911:49
ScottKRiddell: Are you dealing with kstars?12:21
* ScottK had ENOTIME.12:21
ScottKhas too12:21
soee_hmm, iv inserted CD with photos from my client to my laptops dvd drive, now it does not load/mounts and i can't open it to remove cd .. :D13:04
RiddellScottK: didn't doko say that kstars tests had fixed itself but kactivities still needed fixed?13:05
ScottKI just wrote it backwards.13:05
ScottKThe kactivities one is the ABI checker exploading.13:05
Riddellthere's an abi checker?13:06
BluesKajHiyas all13:06
ScottKYes. Done by Debian.13:07
Riddellapachelogger: what's a good test case for the libqapt issue?13:38
apacheloggerRiddell: install qtcreator, remove qtcreator -> will not be installed as can be confirmed by apt-get remove qtcreator13:38
apachelogger*will not be uninstalled xD13:39
Riddellapachelogger: it is uninstalled but the cache is complaining and apt -f install wants to reinstall it13:43
apacheloggerRiddell: ah yes, it was removed, but since there was no dep resolution its deps/dependees were not so it is pulled in again to fix the package cache13:45
Riddellamichair: 13:52
Riddellum, sorry13:52
Riddellapachelogger: bad news, the issue doesn't fix itself in my upload to utopic13:53
Riddell 2.2.0-0ubuntu2 13:53
Riddellapachelogger: does it get fixed for you?13:53
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, that doesn't look right14:09
Riddellapachelogger: have I don't something wrong in the package?14:12
apacheloggergod I hate this qtchooser shit14:17
apacheloggerRiddell: I dunno yet14:17
Riddellapachelogger: got any test cases or obvious bugs you can put on bug 1358312 to help along phonon SRU?14:18
ubottubug 1358312 in phonon-backend-vlc (Ubuntu Trusty) "Phonon stable release update to 4.8 beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135831214:18
apacheloggerRiddell: tomahawk + rtsmp stream = doesn't play14:24
Riddellhmm, what's one of those?14:24
apacheloggera web stream14:24
apacheloggerreally hard to test though I think14:24
apacheloggerseeing as tomahawk is collection based xD14:24
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah that one14:24
apacheloggerI could write a simple demo showing the issue but meh :P14:25
apacheloggerthe qapt thing is weird14:30
apacheloggerif I build 2.2 manually from git it fixes the issue your upload doesn't Oo14:30
apacheloggerand the other changes in 2.2 don't affect dep resolution in the slightest14:30
apacheloggerRiddell: works for me14:34
apacheloggerRiddell: easier way to test: use muon to remove14:34
apacheloggerthe package manager gui has additional resolution logic that prevents changes when the root helper reports failed resolution14:34
Riddell"The "qtcreator" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:"14:50
Riddellapachelogger: is that what you get when trying to remove qtcreator in muon?14:50
Riddellyes new version seems to fix that14:58
=== vinay is now known as Guest72708
RiddellScottK: bug 1358291 for your SRU love15:14
ubottubug 1358291 in libqapt (Ubuntu Trusty) "cache marking worked without resolution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135829115:14
RiddellScottK: bug 1358312 also for your SRU love15:14
ubottubug 1358312 in phonon-backend-vlc (Ubuntu Trusty) "Phonon stable release update to 4.8 beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135831215:14
Riddell!testers | KDE SC 4.14 for trusty and utopic in ninjas15:21
ubottuKDE SC 4.14 for trusty and utopic in ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information15:21
soeekdeconnect works with plasma5 ?15:36
Riddellnot really it's a kded4 module15:37
Riddellyou need to compile the frameworks 5 branch15:37
Riddellas an experiment I put out a post on twitter/facebook for testers for 4.14 SC, if anyone arrives do point them in the direction of ninjas16:54
Riddellafiestas says about kscreen frameworks 5 "you should package it"16:59
Riddellas it's the most requested feature I think that sounds like good advice16:59
=== vangelis_ is now known as Guest49923
OdurRiddell: About the post on G+. What needs to be tested?17:37
OdurLatest is in Kubuntu Backports, right?17:39
shadeslayer_Riddell: yes, however taking the day off ...17:40
shadeslayer_my flight delayed by 5-6 hours17:41
Mamarokwoah, from Amsterdam?17:44
Mamarokwhat are you flying?17:44
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
shadeslayer_Mamarok: Vueling17:58
Mamaroknever heard of, do they have decent planes?18:01
Mamarokonly Airbus as it seems, why is there such a big delay?18:02
shadeslayer_yes, I've always preffered Vueling18:07
shadeslayer_but this time they had a 4 hour delay18:08
shadeslayer_I do not know why18:08
shadeslayer_and they were decent enough to provide food vouchers themselves18:08
shadeslayer_without us asking for them18:08
* shadeslayer_ sent a email to vueling asking for a refund, let see18:08
MamarokI think they are legaly obliged to, after more than a certain number of hours of delay18:09
shadeslayer_yeah, lets see, the person I spoke to at the airport said that I could get compensated for 250 EUR18:10
shadeslayer_"Finally, court cases (see below) have established that a passenger experiencing a loss of time equivalent to three hours or more at the final destination is entitled to compensation as though his flight had been cancelled."18:12
shadeslayer_from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_261/2004#Delays18:12
shadeslayer_and I think AMS -> BCN is < 1500 KM18:14
Mamarokisn't it more?18:15
shadeslayer_doesn't say18:17
Mamarokit's actually less, 1235.88 km18:19
shadeslayer_so 250 is the max they can pay out I think18:22
shadeslayer_lets see18:22
shadeslayer_its > 1500 KM by road18:23
shadeslayer_my back18:24
shadeslayer_valorie: omg18:24
shadeslayer_valorie: omg18:24
shadeslayer_valorie: I finished the book18:24
shadeslayer_valorie: unanswered questions18:25
shadeslayer_losing mind18:25
shadeslayer_s/finished/devoured , really18:25
Mamarokwhich book?18:25
shadeslayer_Mamarok: Shadow of the wind18:25
shadeslayer_Mamarok: valorie gave it to me at Randa18:25
shadeslayer_I haz devoured it whole18:26
shadeslayer_in 2 days18:26
shadeslayer_maybe you saw me reading it on the train18:26
Mamaroku should have read it in Spanish :)18:26
* shadeslayer_ is sad that they removed b43 from the linux-firware-nonfree package18:27
shadeslayer_screwed up my wifi it did18:27
shadeslayer_my bag smells of cheese18:28
shadeslayer_makes me hungry everytime I open it18:28
shadeslayer_and I already miss the food :(18:28
* shadeslayer_ will probably order shitty pizza tonight18:29
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georgelappiesi will help with testing 4.1420:09
shadeslayer_meep meep20:25
=== alket_ is now known as alket
yofelOdur: latest official is in backports, we have a private repository for our WIP stuff that was the new packages20:48
yofel*that has20:48
OdurOk, so it's the version in the private repository you need testing? 20:50
yofelOdur: yes, do you have a launchpad account?21:01
Oduryofel: Yes21:01
yofelOdur: you should have mail21:02
yofelOdur: please note that we do keep WIP stuff in there, so either be careful if you keep it enabled or disable it after the testing is done until the next time.21:04
Oduryofel: Got it. I'll set it up tomorrow. It's getting a little late here21:04
yofelalso, you'll need apt-transport-https and ca-certificates installed to use it21:05
yofelno problem :)21:05
Riddellhi ahoneybun 21:17
ahoneybunhow are you Riddell ?21:22
Riddellmuy bien21:24
ahoneybunthats good21:24
Riddellremember to test 4.14 in trusty and utopic21:24
* Riddell snoozes21:24
ahoneybunI've been testing the elementary beta for about a weel21:24
ahoneybunbut I'm downloading the 14.04 iso right now21:25
valorieshadeslayer_: I have questions too!21:31
valorieyou can always read it again, more slowly....21:31
ahoneybunhey valorie 21:37
valoriehi ahoneybun21:41
valoriesorry, just stopping in for a min; gotta clean my dirty house21:41
ahoneybunnp valorie 21:44
=== vangelis_ is now known as Guest90423
alleeRiddell: can you have a look at bzr branch lp:~allee/kubuntu-packaging/digikam  22:11
alleeRiddell: I can spend some time tomorrow to fix stuff.  So we get digikam in before the feature freeze on 21th22:12
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg
ahoneybunkubuntu here I come!22:52
ahoneybunRiddell: still here?23:26
soeesomeone can give ninjas ppa ?23:30
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy23:33
valorienot much info23:33
valoriesorry about the pingall, ninjas -- that list could do with some updating23:34
valorieand the ninjanotes don't give a clue23:35
ahoneybunvalorie: yea I don't really see a ppa to test 4.1323:37
valorieoh, there is23:42
* valorie has 14 on the other laptop + next23:42
valorieshould update it23:42
valorieI think it's an alpha, let me get the blogpost about it for ya23:42
valoriewhether there is a utopic plain without next; dunno23:44
soeeok to time to go to bed23:46
soeesu later :)23:47
ahoneybunhey valorie23:51

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