
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
allenapjtv: I got an unrelated failure in my branch. Does http://paste.ubuntu.com/8079607/ ring any bells for you?12:31
jtvallenap: yes, I think I know what that is.12:31
jtvfactory.make_node() randomises the node's disable_ipv4 setting.12:31
jtvSo for a test that requires the node to report IPv4 addresses in its ip_addresses property, or in DNS, pass disable_ipv4=False.12:32
jtvallenap: that particular failure may already be fixed in trunk actually.12:35
allenapjtv: Okay, I’ll just try landing again :)12:38
jtvYou can try merging trunk and running that one test.  Trick to save time: state the same test multiple times on the same command line.12:39
jtvOnly have to do the costly schema setup once, but you get quick statistics on an unreliable test.12:39
blake_rrvba: qa fix13:44
blake_rrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/qa-disable-i386/+merge/23119413:44
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rvbaHi blake_r, thanks for the branch, I just reviewed it/15:32
blake_rrvba: thanks15:33
blake_rrvba: will it work with just trusty?15:33
blake_rrvba: or should I import precise?15:33
rvbablake_r: well, I really think we should be using trusty from now on.15:33
blake_rrvba: okay15:34
blake_rrvba: I will update it to trusty then15:34
rvbablake_r: cool.  Then we need to make sure it works ;)15:34
blake_rrvba: yeah, :)15:34
blake_rrvba: is there a way to merge it so it gets the author and reviewer in the commit message, or do I need to do that manually?15:36
rvbablake_r: you need to do it manually15:37
blake_rrvba: okay15:37
rvbablake_r: the trouble with breaking the CI for that long is that we landed a bunch of branches since your change… so if the CI breaks when you land you CI branch, it's going to be painful to see if the problem still is in the CI code or if we introduced a regression in MAAS itself.15:38
rvbayour* CI branch15:38
blake_rrvba: yeah sorry about that, i guess we will see!15:38
rvbablake_r: that's fine, but just make sure you're subscribed to the CI ML; the ML is a bit verbose but this way you'll be warned when the CI breaks.15:39
blake_rrvba: yeah I am, it just fails on and off all the time, its hard to know when to check it15:40
blake_rrvba: okay its merged15:40
blake_rrvba: we will see15:40
rvbablake_r: unfortunately, I have the "feeling" it will break at the 'juju bootstrap' stage :).15:41
rvbablake_r: latest failure: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/MAAS/job/utopic-adt-maas-manual/118/console (missing trusty image!) http://people.canonical.com/~rvb/missing_image.png15:43
rvbablake_r: btw, you can get the name of the latest LTS in a programmatic fashion: import distro_info; distro_info.UbuntuDistroInfo().lts()15:46
rvbablake_r: much better than hardcoding release names :)15:47
blake_rrvba: yeah thats true15:47
blake_rrvba: that error is because its missing the report boot image15:47
blake_rrvba: i hate that error15:48
blake_rrvba: so terrible15:48
blake_rrvba: idk how it could of said they were reported then15:48
rvbablake_r: what do mean its missing the report boot image?15:48
blake_rrvba: means that the report_boot_images did not run, yet...15:49
rvbablake_r: did you change how this works?  Because the reporting happens right after the import.15:49
rvbablake_r: and the CI script waits for the images to be reported before it enlists the nodes.15:50
blake_rrvba: no i didnt15:50
rvbaSo it doesn't make sense to me.15:50
blake_rrvba: thats what is wierd15:50
blake_rrvba: yeah doesn't make since, the image should be reported if the api said it was there15:51
rvbablake_r: I'm guessing you'll get rid of the old boot image list in the UI right?15:52
blake_rrvba: yes15:52
rvbablake_r: there is a run in progress, looks like the images are import all right:
rvbablake_r: I think this run started without the changes you just landed… I'll kill it.15:53
rvbaDone, another run is in progress now.15:54
rvbablake_r: looks like the reporting of the images is broken; the current run has been checking the images for ~10 minutes now…16:35
jhobbsthese fancy new names are pretty sweet16:37
jhobbsnode names16:37
rvbablake_r: run failed: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/MAAS/job/utopic-adt-maas/429/console16:41
blake_rrvba: okay will have a looj16:43
rvbablake_r: it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/134989116:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1349891 in MAAS "celery tasks fail with a HTTP Error 504: Gateway Time-out" [Undecided,New]16:44
rvbaNothing to do with your changes.16:44
rvbablake_r: that's the spurious failure that's been plaguing us for quite some time now.16:44
blake_rrvba: dang celery!16:45
newellI like to eat celery16:45
newellpreferably with peanut butter16:45
blake_rwell eat all of Maas celery and get ride of it!16:45
rvbablake_r: Celery is not responsible for this.16:46
jhobbsblake_r: i have some ipmi nodes managed by a top of trunk maas; power status is always yellow on them; is that a bug right now?16:46
rvbablake_r: btw, did we get a definitive answer from the designers about the colors?16:46
blake_rrvba: I think it was said to leave it for now, we will work on ui next cycle16:48
blake_rat least that is what roaksoax told ne16:48
rvbablake_r: we should at least change the color for when a node is off.  red seems to indicate a problem/failure.16:49
blake_rjhobbs: ipmi I believe is queryable16:49
jhobbsso it's a bug i guess16:49
jhobbsi thought maybe it wasn't all enabled16:49
blake_rrvba: not to me! ;)16:49
blake_rjhobbs: ipmi and amt should be16:50
blake_rrvba: but if others agree then we can change it16:50
jhobbsi agree16:50
blake_rrvba: red to me means off16:50
jhobbsmany people have commented on the red16:50
jhobbsand how it should mean error16:51
jhobbsblack is a good off color imo :)16:51
rvbajhobbs: I was about to say the same :)16:51
blake_rdisagree! :) but should display the same meaning16:51
jhobbsacquire/start/stop in the GUI now is also cool16:57
jhobbsalthough it seems stop=release16:57
jhobbsthat seems a little strange!16:58
blake_ralso does start actually mean = install?17:02
rvbajhobbs: blake_r https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/fix-power-color/+merge/23123117:02
blake_rrvba: i think the title should just be17:03
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blake_rrvba: title="node.power_state.capitalize17:03
jhobbsdoes the title get displayed as a tip when you hover?17:03
rvbajhobbs: yes17:03
blake_rrvba: i don't think it needs "Power state:"?17:04
jhobbsyeah seems redundant to me too17:04
rvbaHum, on/off are pretty clear indeed.  But 'unknown' is not.17:05
blake_rrvba: looks like the latest test is now configuring juju17:05
blake_rrvba: unknown should really be there once all of the power types support query17:06
blake_rrvba: shouldnt*17:06
jhobbsit will be there whenever the node can't be contacted right?17:06
jhobbsor will that show Error17:06
blake_rjhobbs: error17:06
rvbajhobbs: etrror17:06
rvbablake_r: okay, fair enough, I'll remove the 'power state' prefix.17:07
blake_rrvba: juju bootstrap worked17:14
rvbablake_r: so far so good17:15
rvbablake_r: # juju deploy mediawiki17:28
rvbaERROR charm not found: cs:trusty/mediawiki17:28
blake_rrvba: uhm, pretty sure that exists17:30
rvbablake_r: it's not in the list: https://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/trusty17:32
blake_rrvba: wow17:34
rvbablake_r: we can still deploy the precise-based charm (on Trusty).17:34
rvbablake_r: arg, no, this would force the machine to use precise.17:35
blake_rrvba: couldnt we just deploy juju-gui, check that 80 is open?17:48
blake_rrvba: or postgres17:48
rvbablake_r: I think we should just deploy mysql and only continue with deploying mediawiki on top if we're using precise.17:48
rvbablake_r: i.e. https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/qa-lab-tests-trusty/+merge/23123617:49
rvbablake_r: but yeah, we could check that the port 3306 is open.17:52
blake_rrvba: i think we should deploy keystone17:52
blake_rrvba: it only requires mysql17:52
blake_rrvba: openstack identity service17:52
rvbablake_r: now that Juju itself has a nice CI, we probably don't need to test the relations.  Only that a Juju service comes up.17:54
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blake_rrvba: i guess if maas networking is being tested by just using juju then yeah probably not17:55
blake_rrvba: keystone is small, just an idea to test some more17:55
rvbablake_r: yeah, but I really think bootstrapping and deploying a service is enough now.17:56
blake_rrvba: okay17:56
rvbablake_r: I updated my branch to remove the mediawiki stuff (instead of disabling it).18:01
rvbablake_r: testing it now on utopic-adt-maas-manual18:02
blake_rrvba: okay watching it now18:03
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
rvbablake_r: I just landed my CI branch.  The CI should be back online with the next run.18:56
blake_rrvba: perfect18:58
rvbablake_r: I'm open to a better solution (w.r.t. https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/fix-data-schema-migration/+merge/231244)19:03
rvbablake_r: you know that code better than I do ;)19:03
blake_rrvba: yeah I will take it19:03
blake_rrvba: i will stop putting data migration into schema, that just doesnt work ti seems19:03
rvbablake_r: it's clearly a recipe for disaster19:03
rvbablake_r: but like I said on the MP, adding a migration now won't really help, you'll have the data migration as 101 and the schema migration as 10519:04
rvbablake_r: so it's the same as what I wanted to do.19:04
rvbablake_r: maybe just a tad cleaner19:04
rvbaSince we won't be bundling two different things inside one migration.19:04
blake_ryeah its the same result, just cleaner19:04
rvbablake_r: also, if you make 101 a pure data migration, you'll have to regenerate all the migrations after that.19:05
blake_rugh, thats true19:05
blake_ryeah what if we had a data migration as 10019:06
blake_rtwo 10019:06
blake_rwhich is fine to south19:06
rvbaCan we still control the ordering?19:07
rvbaI mean, we need the data migration to be run before the schema migration.19:07
blake_rthat would be before19:07
blake_r100 the schema is 10119:07
blake_rit can run in any order of removing cluster from the the model19:07
rvbaRight, instead of moving the data migration inside an existing one, you create a new one.19:08
blake_ryeah, same result as yours but cleaner so the file has correct name19:08
rvbaThis shouldn't modify the chain of migrations since this is a data migration — this should work.19:09
rvbaSounds good to me.  It's only marginally better than my solution but it's probably worth it.19:09
rvbablake_r: btw, your changes to the API (revision 2206) broke the backward-compatibility of the API.  Considering the changes that you're making, there is probably no way around it (although we could have kept the extract UUID parameter and ignored it).  My point is that we need to be careful with these backward-incompatible changes and keep track of them very carefully: they need to be listed in the release19:23
rvbaroaksoax_: ^19:23
blake_rrvba: yeah didn't think there was away around it19:23
blake_rrvba: i guess I could add that back in and support both19:24
rvbablake_r: maybe you could still accept the UUID param and ignore it.  Wouldn't that be enough?19:26
blake_rrvba: yeah but would be very wierd19:26
blake_rrvba: if we have both, then we have the new way without breaking the old19:27
rvbablake_r: yeah, that would probably be better.19:27
rvbablake_r: juju bootstrapping on liquid-meal.maas :)19:32
blake_rrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/fix-101-migration/+merge/23124919:39
blake_rrvba: cool, watching the test now19:40
roaksoax_what are the changes made?19:40
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blake_rroaksoax: its a new migration file 10019:41
blake_rroaksoax: and removal of the data migration in 10119:41
roaksoaxblake_r: ok19:41
rvbablake_r: cool, approved.19:41
roaksoaxblake_r: land it.. i need this asap :)19:42
blake_rroaksoax: its landing now19:42
roaksoaxblake_r: aweosme!19:42
blake_rroaksoax: its merged19:55
blake_rroaksoax: ci test passed!19:55
blake_rrvba: ^19:55
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