
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning06:26
zsombiseb128: ping06:33
mihirdholbach: Morning :)06:43
dholbachhi mihir06:43
mihirdholbach: hey , how are you doing ? how was your weekend ?06:43
dholbachgood good - how are you?06:44
mihirdholbach: it was long weekend in India , it was good here :)06:46
shuduoseems something changed in webview component of recent builds. my two apps based on webview can't show the content of web page but just show busy icon.06:52
dholbachmihir, very nice! :)06:52
justCarakasgood morning07:09
nerochiarooSoMoN: you have BQ phone already, right ? I just got one. Anything I should know before I try to flash it ?08:39
kalikianaybon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+bug/127665808:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1276658 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Add offline cache" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:58
kalikianasee my comments08:58
kalikiananow we need a ual developer08:58
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday and happy Bad Poetry Day! :-D09:15
justCarakasI could write poetry, and I could do well, but I didn't do that, when you read this you can see09:16
justCarakassomething like that JamesTait ?09:16
JamesTaitjustCarakas, good effort!09:17
ybonkalikiana: thanks09:17
justCarakas:p I actually do write poetry :p09:18
ybonkalikiana: do you think there is any workaround? Can I set env var from my .desktop file for example?09:18
JamesTaitjustCarakas, nothing involving green putty, I hope. ;)09:18
justCarakasJamesTait: http://carakas.be/gedichten/2013/What+do+you+see09:21
justCarakasmost of my poems are dutch09:22
JamesTaitI can relate to the sentiment of that poem.09:23
kalikianaybon: mmm I don't think you can. unless you had C++ code09:36
kalikianajustCarakas: first line, youR09:42
kalikianaI know exactly the feeling described there09:43
kalikiananicely written09:43
justCarakashehe thx kalikiana09:44
* kalikiana will read the Dutch ones later as they're harder to process in my head :-P09:44
justCarakasfixed it, it should be updated when the serverside cache is updated09:47
dholbachbeuno, did you see the bug report about myapps not allowing some apps to be published?09:48
dholbachbug 135810209:50
ubot5bug 1358102 in Developer registration portal "Some apps can't be approved" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135810209:50
popeydholbach: thanks for filing that bug10:03
dholbachpopey, no worries10:03
nik90popey: Can you help find someone to review some qml MPs of the clock app?10:33
nik90popey: I will meanwhile review and fix some calendar app stuff10:33
rpadovaninik90, I'm available right now10:34
nik90rpadovani: Hi, can you review the MPs proposed by me at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/+activereviews10:34
nik90rpadovani: in particular https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/225812 which has been around for 41 days nearly10:35
rpadovaninik90, wow, Lot of work :-) I'm on it!10:35
nik90rpadovani: 4 MPs.. although the 4th https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/improve-timezone-error-handling/+merge/231070 has been reviewed and approved already. So 3 Mps then :)10:36
popeythanks rpadovani ☻10:36
nik90mzanetti: can you approve and top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/improve-timezone-error-handling/+merge/231070. You had a first look at it in the weekend. It is also approved by DanChapman.10:37
nik90mzanetti: actually don't top approve since its prerequisite branch needs to go in first.10:37
popeynik90: seems we wont have a promoted image today, so I'd recommend pushing a new version to the store as and when you're happy with what's landed10:38
popeywe'll look to switch the apps as soon as we're confident we have a promotable image coming10:38
nik90popey: I have already pushed the 3 MPs above to the store since friday :D10:38
nik90popey: but yeah I will push out an update if we land more fixes10:39
rpadovaninik90, nameFilters: [ "*.ogg", "*.mp3" ]. Why only these two? :-)10:39
nik90rpadovani: ah that's because those two file types are the only ones in the ringtone folder.10:40
nik90rpadovani: we don't support custom ringtones yet10:40
rpadovaninik90, ahhhh, ok, thanks!10:40
rpadovanicode looks good, time to try on phone!10:40
DanChapmanGood Morning all o/10:40
nik90Good Morning :D10:41
nik90mihir: do you know when kunal usually comes online on IRC?10:45
rpadovaniThere is someone on rev 197?10:54
nik90rpadovani: me. why?10:55
rpadovaninik90, does the datetime indicator works? On my phone the clock in up right angle is blocked always on the same minute10:56
nik90rpadovani: yup, known bug10:56
nik90rpadovani: also the datetime indicator is empty10:56
rpadovaninik90, yap, ok, thanks10:56
nik90rpadovani: it is one of the promotion blockers which started at #18910:56
rpadovaninik90, btw, approved and top approved https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/22581210:56
nik90rpadovani: thnx a lot10:57
* rpadovani needs to read blocker mail, lol10:57
rpadovaninik90, next one? https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/json-search-ui/+merge/230339 ?10:57
nik90rpadovani: yes10:57
mihirnik90: nope , he usually not on IRC,  you can send an email to him11:04
beunopopey, will take care of it11:04
nik90mihir: :/ thnx anyway11:04
mihirnik90: np :)11:04
mihirnik90: i might need your help on customizing AbstractButton11:05
nik90mihir: I am working on improving https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/CanderMan-List/+merge/231122, but just ping away if you are stuck11:06
mihirnik90: i will be doing after my office hours not now..:)11:10
nik90mihir: ack11:10
nik90popey: it seems like none of the calendar app files have copyright license headers11:11
popeyhah. doh11:11
popeylet me see...11:11
mihirnik90: popey  you meant this , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8079157/ ?11:13
nik90mihir: yes11:14
nik90mihir: although that copyright header was improved in the new clock app11:14
popeyits in the debian/copyright, but not the individual files11:14
mihirnik90: i'll update this..i'll take reference from Clock app.11:14
mihirpopey: it has to be in all the .qml / .js files ?11:15
mihirnik90: ^^^11:15
nik90mihir: take it from the new clock app. https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/view/head:/app/ubuntu-clock-app.qml11:15
popeyanything that consititudes code..11:15
mihirnik90: sure , thanks for this.11:15
nik90mihir: np11:15
nik90mihir: Btw I will be updating all import statement to Ubuntu.components 1.111:16
mihirnik90: I was doing that, but i wanted to make sure it doesn't break any functionality, that's why i was little worried to change.11:17
nik90mihir: well easiest way to check is updating them and run the ap tests, no?11:17
mihirnik90: hmm  yup that's the way, we're still left with writing AP's for all the functionalities.11:18
nik90mihir: ok11:18
rpadovaninik90, I don't know if you know, but the city online search is a bit strange. If I want to add "Samarcanda", if I wirite "Samarcan" nothing appears, and I have to write all the name. I think should appears all the names that partially match the textfield, if 4 or more letters have been written11:19
mihirpopey: does this bug still exists , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1341697 ?11:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1341697 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Future instances of repeat events not showing after sync" [Critical,Triaged]11:19
rpadovanimihir, I'm not able to reproduce it with my google calendar11:21
mihirrpadovani: so it shows all the recurrence for you ?11:21
rpadovanimihir, yap11:22
rpadovanimihir, I have all the ubuntu meeting until the eternity :-)11:22
mihirhmm thanks for confirming rpadovani  :)11:23
mihirmhall119: ping !!11:23
popeydholbach: can you review https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/989/ ? seems to have been sat around a while?11:27
dholbachpopey, bizarre - I didn't see it in the review list11:27
popeyyeah, odd11:28
dholbachI still can't see it there11:28
dholbachbeuno, ^11:28
dholbachpopey, let me review the others first11:28
dholbachpopey, maybe beuno can let us know why it's not turning up on the review list right now11:28
beunopopey, dholbach, ack, also addde to my list11:28
dholbachbeuno, thanks11:29
beunodholbach, the short answer is11:29
beunobecause it's in "needs information" from the deeloper11:29
dholbachbeuno, but since then he uploaded two new versions11:29
popeybut i updated it11:29
popeyoh, i have a "resubmit application" button11:29
popeylet me press that :D11:30
beunoyou guys just want to make me look bad11:30
popeyYour application has been submitted for review.11:30
popeyyes, thats all i live for11:30
dholbachbeuno, are there other ways to upload a new version?11:30
dholbachother than "resubmit"?11:30
beunoyeah, I think the UI around some of these flows can be improved a bit11:30
popeydholbach: does it show in the list now?11:30
beunodholbach, I think in the initial submission stage, no11:30
dholbachpopey, yes11:30
beunobut I'll fix that to feel more natural and predictable11:30
beunoit's obscure for historical reasons11:31
dholbachbeuno, I'm just wondering if other apps were caught in the same trap11:31
dholbachpopey, all your apps are approved now11:33
beunolets call it "vacation" instead of "trap"11:33
popey[Send app to happy place]11:33
popeyneed a button which says that11:33
beunopopey, I await your greasmonkey extension.11:34
rpadovanipopey, there is an open ticket on canonical portal about predictive search for http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/ ?12:09
rpadovanipopey, I mean, I expect that 'Samarcan' gives me 'Samarcanda', but if you query Samarcan result is empty12:09
popeyno bug that I know of12:11
rpadovanipopey, could you please open one? I think is quite important12:11
popeydid it used to work?12:12
rpadovanimaybe is a feature request12:12
nik90let me check in the old clock app12:12
rpadovaniah, in the old clock app yes12:12
popeyrpadovani: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-geonames is the bug tracker for it12:13
rpadovanithanks sir12:13
nik90rpadovani, popey: It doesn't work in the old clock app. So we are not regressing,12:13
nik90its a feature request12:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1045224 in Ubuntu Geonames "search string 'Pari' doesn't return 'Paris' " [Low,Confirmed]12:13
rpadovaniDo you think we can up the Importance? i mean, maybe it's me, but I'm a bit annoyed about this12:14
nik90rpadovani: ok, but I don't think we can get it in before RTM. But let's see what happens12:15
nik90rpadovani: thnx a lot12:17
rpadovaninik90, yw, anything else?12:18
nik90rpadovani: how familiar are you with QML unit tests?12:19
rpadovaninik90, ~012:19
nik90I use QTests as recommended by mzanetti12:19
nik90rpadovani: ah ok. np12:19
nik90rpadovani: I recommend keeping an eye on https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-first-qmltest/+merge/230702 since you might need to add unit tests to reminders app as well12:20
rpadovaninik90, thanks!12:20
m-b-onik90: how do get the correct time out of the timezone? since geoname-lookup has no "dst" field for timezones12:24
m-b-onik90: is there or will be a sdk component for this?12:25
nik90m-b-o: you have to use QTimeZone class where you can set the timezoneID and get the local time there12:25
m-b-onik90: clock app has thisalready, I guess?12:26
nik90m-b-o: QTimezone will automatically take care of dst and all the other rules12:26
nik90m-b-o: yes, we wrote a custom c++ plugin class12:26
m-b-onik90: ok, thanks! will borrow that one :)12:27
nik90m-b-o: :) You can't borrow it just like that though since we integrate and calculate the data in a list which was required for the world clock city list12:27
nik90m-b-o: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/files/head:/backend/modules/Timezone/12:27
nik90m-b-o: however you will be able to see what functions we use. So it shouldn't be hard to create one quickly for your usecase12:28
m-b-onik90: ok, I will have a look :)12:28
popeyrpadovani: I'll take a look at it12:33
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Mirvdbarth: if you can confirm it builds with that changed in debian/control at lp:~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/master , you could probably just quickly rebuild it.12:52
Mirvmardy: changing ^ to this channel since you're here, libmirclient-dev dependency would need to be libmirclient-dev [!arm64 !powerpc !ppc64 !ppc64el] (and online-accounts would need to accept it can build without it)12:52
Mirvmardy: or simply !powerpc !ppc64el would be enough for Ubuntu, arm64 has Mir at the moment and arm64 build even succeeded in the PPA12:54
Mirvmardy: of course, you may need to change some build files to not build the trusted session / Mir support if it's not installed12:55
mardyMirv: ah, I didn't know that mir was not available in all platforms12:56
mardyMirv: thanks, I'll fix that12:56
Mirvmardy: thanks! hopefully it's not a big thing, but at least it should have zero effect on other platforms where things continue to be built normally12:58
karnikalikiana: zsombi: Hi guys! Is there a chance we can do anything to get this landed? [1] It's been a while now since this branch has been proposed, and I heard from Christian it's not being landed because of unrelated unstable tests. This bug is pain to users testing our app. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/organizationDomain/+merge/23008513:09
karniYour insight appreciated, thanks!13:09
zsombikarni: once the app_launcher gets fixed... sorry, yet all our stuff - since last Wednesday!!! are pending there13:10
karnizsombi: I see. Do you know if it's actively being worked on (app_launcher)?13:12
zsombikarni: yes, it is13:12
karnizsombi: thanks man13:12
zsombikarni: welcome13:12
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mzanettinik90: hey, here's a quiz for you: how many bugs can you spot? http://i.imgur.com/yLOs1Dl.png13:32
nik90mzanetti: the times are off...that's indicator-datetime's fault :P13:35
mzanettinik90: no.. the app froze13:35
mzanettinik90: yes, the translation too13:35
mzanettiand the Next alarm in is too small, doesn't say when13:35
nik90mzanetti: ah the Next Alarm string is not yet implemented.. I am working on it atm.13:36
nik90mzanetti: so it shows "next alarm in..." always :D13:36
mzanettinik90: I guess it shouldn't be in that label though13:36
nik90mzanetti: what do you mean? When the feature is implemented it will "next alarm in 3h20m" according to design atleast13:37
mzanettinik90: but when the app is not frozen it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/lJRCPBv.png13:37
mzanettidoesn't really help13:37
nik90mzanetti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/135794513:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357945 in Ubuntu UX "[bottom edge] Current bottom edge hint timeout makes it difficult to read the bottom edge action" [Low,Confirmed]13:38
nik90mzanetti: I have requested that it behaves like the unity8 dash bottom edge hint13:38
mzanettinik90: we (as in unity-team) are really unhappy with that label tbh13:38
mzanettiand it's probably going away13:38
nik90mzanetti: oh :P13:39
nik90mzanetti: well dialer, contacts etc uses it and I don't think we will change that before RTM. it is design call I am afraid13:39
mzanettiwell, just saying13:39
nik90btw how did you get the clock app to freeze? Did it run for a really long time or something?13:40
nik90it could be an indicative of a memory leak some where perhaps?13:40
mzanettidunno... I woke up at 8 today. decided I can't get up yet, set an alarm to 9 and went back to sleep. now I just noticed that the app is still open, but not updating time any more13:40
mzanettithe time it froze is when I woke up and changed the alarm...13:40
justCarakasis there someone of online accounts I can ask a question ?13:41
mzanettijustCarakas: you can try mardy13:41
* mardy hides ;-)13:41
justCarakasfound you :p13:41
nik90mzanetti: hmm strange...I will try to keep the app open for a long time and see if I can reproduce it.13:42
nik90I figured popey might have hit this issue long time ago with his usual experience to hit strange bugs :P13:42
mzanettinik90: btw... the app was crashing constantly when setting the alarm (might be related to the bug I fixed which is not released yet)13:42
nik90mzanetti: yup..oh you are on devel!13:43
mzanettinik90: so I had old and new clock open and tried getting that alarm set to 9 with both... eventually I succeeded and left both open13:43
justCarakasmardy: this bug was filed a while ago to the calendar team but they say it is for online accounts but after that it looks like an abandoned place, can you tell me if and when there could be a fix for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/sync-monitor/+bug/1309042/ ? it is keeping me from switching to U touch13:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1309042 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar sync only syncs the default calendar" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:43
mzanettinik90: no... on the promoted one. I installed the new clock app from the store13:43
nik90mzanetti: yeah that's what I meant..I am rocking the devel-proposed one :)13:43
mzanettinik90: yeah, it's my dogfooding phone13:44
nik90mzanetti: :D13:44
nik90mzanetti: oh btw go ahead and add some world cities that you helped implemented13:44
mzanettiso the thing is, I usually don't care much for the time in other places :D13:44
mzanettilondon might be an exception... but I mostly manage to subtract 1 :)13:46
mzanettiok. lemme add my work mates timezones, just to test the feature13:46
mzanettilooks nice :)13:48
mzanettinik90: wondering if the local clock shouldn't stick around and only the list of other places should scroll13:48
nik90it helps me know when to ping charles, mhall119, popey etc..13:48
nik90mzanetti: but then you need to scroll the local clock down to see the add city button13:49
mzanettiyeah... fair point13:49
nik90although I keep triggering that "add city" button accidentally when I try to scroll down after seeing the world city times.13:50
nik90I might ask the designer to see if we can change that13:50
mardyjustCarakas: no, online accounts doesn't know anything about calendars13:51
mzanettinik90: +113:51
charlesnik90: pong?13:52
justCarakasany idea what I should do to get it fixed mardy13:52
nik90charles: oh no..I didnt ping you13:53
mzanettinik90: my suggestion: use the normal page header, move the add city into the settings button and make only the city list scroll13:54
mardyjustCarakas: you'd better talk with bfiller, I don't know enough about calendar-app to help you13:54
mzanettinik90: actually, I guess alarms are more important than world clocks... so maybe swap the alarms pull-up thing with the world city list even13:55
justCarakasbfiller: this bug was filed a while ago to the calendar team but they say it is for online accounts but after that it looks like an abandoned place, can you tell me if and when there could be a fix for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/sync-monitor/+bug/1309042/ ? it is keeping me from switching to U touch13:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1309042 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar sync only syncs the default calendar" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:55
nik90mzanetti: I will check with design14:00
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mhall119nik90: btw, I'm still getting https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/135830914:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358309 in Indicator Date and Time "Repeating alarms don't repeat" [Undecided,New]14:07
nik90popey: are you able to reproduce ^^14:08
nik90mhall119: I have been waking up to my daily alarms for several weeks now..I am not sure why I cannot reproduce it.14:09
popeyi set two alarms on my phone, one for 12:00 lunch and one for friday at 17:00 and they both go off all the time14:09
nik90mhall119: old or new clock app?14:09
mhall119do you both have calendar events synced to those phones?14:09
mhall119nik90: doesn't seem to matter14:09
nik90mhall119: I do have calendar events synced14:09
mhall119nik90: I'm pretty sure it's in the datetime indicator14:09
mhall119not the clock app14:09
nik90its really weird14:11
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beunodholbach, I'm in for the frameworks air thingie, btw14:37
dholbachrock and roll14:37
dholbachbzoltan, ^ you as well?14:37
bzoltandholbach: beuno: I am all here boys, shaved and fresh :)14:38
dholbachrock and roll - see you in a bit more than an hour then :)14:39
beunoif I have to shave, I'm out.14:39
nik90beuno: you can disable the video :P14:43
beunobut then you wouldn't see my awesome beard, and then we all loose14:44
nik90popey: design bugs incoming :D...I got my work cut out for the week14:46
popeynik90: "yay"14:47
nik90zsombi: Would you have time to work on the alarm enable/disable switch issue with me tomorrow? It is getting more attention from the designers.14:53
zsombinik90: tomorrow yes, not today pls14:53
bzoltandholbach: I'll bring kalikiana too14:53
nik90zsombi: me busy today too14:54
dholbachbzoltan, the more the merrier14:55
bzoltan1dholbach: will you paste the link to the hangout?15:55
dholbachif you're interested in a discussion about ubuntu app frameworks, we are going to have a hangout in 5m on http://ubuntuonair.com15:55
dholbachlet mhall119 or myself know if you want to join in15:56
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zsombiseb128: ping16:08
seb128zsombi, you already did that this morning, I usually don't reply to contentless pings...16:09
zsombiseb128: ah, ok :D16:10
seb128zsombi, if you have a question please state it so I can decide if I've the slots to start the discussion16:10
zsombiseb128: Slider issue in System Settings16:10
seb128what sort of issue?16:10
zsombiseb128: ai, sire!16:10
zsombiseb128: lemme show the bug16:10
zsombiseb128: bug #135396616:11
ubot5bug 1353966 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[SDK] Slider does not work in a List View" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135396616:11
brendandballoons, hey16:12
zsombiseb128: so, Ive tried to alter the Flickab;e's interactive property with a Binding, but that doesn't return the original value if there was no property bound to the interactive :/16:13
balloonsbrendand, howdy16:14
brendandballoons, in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-filemanager-dev/ubuntu-filemanager-app/trunk/revision/253#manifest.json.in were you thinking that the x-test:autopilot:depends property would work?16:15
zsombiseb128: what I was thinking is that you can eventually provide a temporary binding in your Flickable - which is as ugly as it can be - so the Binding can return the proper value, or we simply alter the Flickable's interactive property by assignment, which in your case migth work until you do a binding on that16:16
balloonsbrendand, ? what do you mean? if I remember correctly I ran using that setup16:16
zsombiseb128: in which case the binding will be broken16:16
brendandballoons, it seems ci didn't like it16:16
brendandballoons, which is using phablet-click-test-setup obviously16:17
seb128zsombi, not sure I've an opinion on that, the different solutions seems like workaround16:17
balloonsbrendand, it's for autopkgtest, but shouldn't break anything16:17
balloonsbrendand, reminders has the same in trunk :-)16:17
brendandballoons, no - but it doesn't fix it either :)16:17
seb128zsombi, kenvandine did the change to add the slider to the sound panel btw, maybe he has an opinion16:17
seb128could you try asking on #ubuntu-touch?16:17
balloonsbrendand, "fix"? fix what/16:18
seb128he's not online16:18
mihirballoons: ping16:18
balloonsI feel like I'm missing some context here16:18
zsombiseb128: ok, I'll try to catch him16:18
brendandballoons, filemanager broke on the dashboard16:18
seb128zsombi, thanks16:18
zsombiseb128: both are workarounds and the upstream bug is not progressing :( and there's no trivial solution on that16:18
brendandballoons, ci uses phablet-click-test-setup and that doesn't cause python3-lxml to be installed, so it was failing with the missing dependency16:19
zsombiseb128: I thank you, finally I know to whom to talk :D16:19
seb128zsombi, I would suggest you just pick the workaround you find best and merge propose the change?16:19
balloonsbrendand, ahh sure. Adding x-test had nothing to do with ci, just making sure autopkgtest continues to work16:20
zsombiseb128: yeah... the toolkit's workaround sounds better, at least we can control it more, but in case it overrides the property binding, it won't work for anyone :( that's why I thought maybe a small hack on app would be wiser...16:20
zsombiseb128: but I'll catch up with Ken, thx!!16:20
balloonsbrendand, for python3-lxml it will need to be an MP in CI tools.. outside of autopkgtest, there's not way to fix it16:22
balloonsso we can push something to lp"ubuntu-test-cases16:22
brendandballoons, that's cool - i'm just wondering if it was detected in CI before landing16:23
brendandballoons, or not16:23
balloonsbrendand, I assume it would fail unless python3-lxml is installed on the image by something else16:27
mihirnik90: ping16:32
mihirnik90: i have pushed MR for copyright headers , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/CopyrightHeaderComments/+merge/23122716:35
nik90mihir: go ahead...brb in 15 secs16:35
nik90mihir: will look at it. Can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-calendar-app/revamp-calendarchoicepage/+merge/231176 for me pls16:39
* mihir reviews MR 16:39
ahayzenpopey, ping16:55
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mihirnik90: reviewed your MR :)16:58
nik90mihir: I approved and top approved your mr17:00
mihirnik90: thanks :)17:00
nik90mihir: u 2 :)17:00
mihirballoons: hi17:00
balloonsmihir, gello17:01
mihirballoons: do you have couple of mins ?17:01
balloonsmihir, what's up?17:01
mihirballoons: i am doing great, how was your weekend ?17:02
balloonsmihir, excellent, thanks17:02
mihirballoons: i was wondering if we can fix the Ap issues on Calendar.17:02
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
balloonsmihir, sure, I seem to remember a new-event issue.. is that what you mean?17:03
mihirballoons: yup , you showed that is breaking because of delay bug , and you said my machine is fasters so it passes all the Tests heehe17:03
balloonsmihir, ahh right indeed. So mihir do you have a thought on how to wait for things to be loaded?17:04
mihirballoons: i guess , i should add sleep to break AP on my system right ?17:04
nik90mihir: btw you guys referring to https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/230554 ?17:04
balloonsI believe so17:05
mihirnik90: yup17:05
mihirballoons: let me try that.17:08
balloonsmihir, we want to avoid a sleep, and instead use a wait_for().. we just need something to wait for, heh. Meaning, we need a way to know when the page has fully loaded. Is there a qml property we can use for that page?17:09
balloonsyou have the spinner animation, for instance, we could wait till that object is destroyed17:09
balloonsmake sense ^^17:10
mihirballoons: yup it does17:10
mihirnik90: i wounder how did Jenkins passed your MR..:-|17:22
mihirballoons: ^^17:22
balloonsmihir, ? who's mr and why? I'm confused?17:23
mihirballoons:  i just took latest from trunk , made changes and pushed it Jenkins failed it ttps://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/CopyrightHeaderComments/+merge/23122717:23
mihirballoons: same has been done by nik90 and it Jenkis approves the MR..https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-calendar-app/revamp-calendarchoicepage/+merge/23117617:23
balloonsmihir, the issue you are fighting occurs in trunk too17:24
balloonsmihir, look at the very end of, from that mp17:24
mihirballoons: i see that , i wonder how did nik90 MR got approved17:25
mihirballoons:  it is just about time , so it passes  ?17:25
nik90mihir: no the failure happens occasionally17:26
nik90mihir: I noticed my MP fail the first time due to the delete event AP test failing17:26
mihirnik90: yup , that's what I am confirming..17:27
balloonsmihir, nik90 yep yep17:28
balloonsso mihir can you make the fix?17:34
mihirballoons: i am trying with , ensure_visible i am not sure this would be correct method or not looking into APIs17:35
balloonsmihir, let me look at it with you then, one sec17:35
mihirballoons: i should check ActivityIndicator then wait , else proceeed further17:35
mihirballoons: ActivityIndicator is the spinner in Dayview17:36
balloonsmihir, ok, so it's ActivityIndicator? cool. You would wait_for it to be destryed17:36
mihirballoons: yup17:36
mihirballoons: i gave objectName to that17:36
mihiri'll have to update delete_event test case17:36
* balloons pulls code17:36
balloonsso mihir we'll want to ensure it's used by all the tests17:38
mihirballoons: yup true, i think we can write this into get_day_view so it'll be handeld automatically in all the cases.17:39
mihirballoons: we'll be using this , wait_until_destroyed correct ?17:39
balloonsso I think get_eventis the place17:39
balloonsmihir, yep17:41
balloonsmihir, so actually it's probably in _get_event_bubbles17:42
balloonsor _get_current_day_component17:42
ahayzenballoons, so i'm going back to the ap tests refactor :) ... u said i should be able to have the old and new tests at the same time in the same files....17:55
ahayzenballoons, but the old emulator MainView inherits toolkit_emulators.MainView and the new one ubuntuuitoolkit.MainView ? can the old tests use the new class?17:56
balloonsahayzen, you can convert everything over at once.. it's just a renaming thing actually17:58
balloonsthe underlying helpers are the same17:58
balloonsyou can do the rename before or after the refactor17:58
balloonsit's a seperate thing17:58
ahayzenballoons, ok cool i'll try ;) .... ah ok....i may do before then17:59
ahayzenballoons, also the py3 convert i will have to change the cmakes?17:59
balloonsahayzen, it's already py3, unless I'm crazy18:01
ahayzenis it?....18:01
balloonsI run it as py318:01
balloonsthe conversion was done some time agao18:01
ahayzenballoons, this in the cmake doesn't look very py3y COMMAND python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"18:01
balloonsahayzen, indeed it's not18:02
balloonswhen the conversion happened it's py2 and py3 compatible18:02
balloonstry running the tests with autopilot318:02
balloonsthey will run :-)18:02
ahayzenballoons, yeah :) ... ok i'll try that in a bit... are the emulators py3 as well? or do they not matter as i can do them now18:03
balloonsahayzen, yes emulator is also py2 and py318:03
balloonsahayzen, btw, it's helpers.. don't use emulators anymore :-)18:03
balloonsyou can even rename the file and should18:04
ahayzenballoons, sweet ... so basically swap all toolkit_emulators.abc for ubuntuuitoolkit.abc? or is it not a straight as that?18:04
balloonsor actullay just place it in __init__.py, so ..18:04
ahayzenballoons, yeah i saw reminders has it in the __init__18:04
balloonsahayzen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/notes-app/+bug/134168118:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1341681 in Ubuntu Clock App "Autopilot tests should stop using deprecated emulators module" [Undecided,In progress]18:04
balloonsahayzen, there's some example mp's in there18:04
ahayzenballoons, thanks :) ok i'll convert the emulators and move it into __init__ after dinner :) thanks for ur help so far18:05
mihirballoons: it should be _get_current_day_component18:08
mihirballoons: i did write this do you find any issues at glance , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8081798/ ?18:08
mihirit says object wasn't destroy after 10 seconds18:08
balloonsmihir, yea I got the same.. So I did something different just now18:09
balloonslet me share18:09
mihirballoons: hehehe18:09
balloonsmihir, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8081815/18:09
balloonsmihir, whoops, that's not quite it, lol18:10
popeyahayzen: pong18:10
balloonsshould be             loading_spinner.running.wait_for(False)18:10
balloonslet's try18:10
ahayzenpopey, are there any ms2 guys around you would be able to poke with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner2/+bug/135827518:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358275 in Ubuntu Music App "SongsModel.status is not set as MediaStatus.Ready if rowCount is zero" [Undecided,New]18:11
ahayzenpopey, we found it when testing our content-hub mp and need to figure out if it is actually a ms2 issue ... or us18:11
popeyahayzen: only pete-woods or jamesh18:11
popeywho I will poke when they come online later..18:11
balloonsmihir, so it works, does it make sense to you?18:11
ahayzenpopey, thanks :)18:12
balloonsmihir, also I put it inside the _get_event_bubbles as it's really needed for just events, but I can see placing inside _get_current_day_component18:12
balloonsmihir, also, do other pages use the activityindicator? if not, could they?18:12
* mihir_ confirms the use of ActiveIndicator18:13
balloonsI mean, I only find it in timelinebasecomponent18:13
mihir_balloons: it is being used in weekview too18:13
balloonsI shouldn't sidetrack this too much though..18:14
mihir_balloons: it uses at two places, day view and weekview.18:14
balloonsmihir_, ok, so we should do the same in weekview18:14
mihir_balloons: yup , did you update _get_current_day_component as well ?18:14
balloonsbut not in this mp :-)18:14
balloonsmihir_, you could but the try block in either place.. I wouldn't argue too strongly18:15
balloonshowever, _get_event_bubbles is where I would put it, heh, which is why I did18:15
* balloons wants to see jenkins run it now :-)18:16
mihir_balloons: finally it runs :D18:22
balloonsmihir_, push it up, let's let jenkins have a try18:23
mihirballoons: i guess now we can remove the workaround writtien , whta do you say ?18:25
balloonsmihir, which one is that?18:26
balloonsI would add the code I put in the paste18:26
mihirballoons: i guess we have added  workaround_bug_1350605 because of this refresh issues.18:27
mihirballoons: not talking about recent changes..18:28
mihirballoons: talking about this workaround , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8081923/18:29
balloonsmihir, ohh, no that still exists.. see the bug :-)18:30
mihirballoons: there you go , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/23055418:43
* mihir waits to Jenkis pass this MR 18:43
=== oSoMoN is now known as oSoMoN|afk
nik90mihir: are you working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1326833?18:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326833 in Ubuntu Calendar App "[QA] Need test for adding a new event" [High,Confirmed]18:56
davmor2hey guys can some one on a current image add a city to the weather app and let it search and let me know if the spinning red search icon is now not around the x icon in the search box please18:57
mihirnik90: i'll start working on that , once I fix the other two18:57
mihirnik90: i am waiting for Jenkins to pass the test18:57
nik90davmor2: confirmed18:59
nik90davmor2: the SDK devs made the x icon smaller. This is causing the bug in the weather app. Should be a simple fix for the weather app devs18:59
mihirballoons: It passed :D19:01
mihirnik90: could you review an TA MR , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/23055419:01
nik90balloons: hangout?19:01
balloonsnik90, yes sorry19:03
balloonsmihir, nice.. I'll top approve19:31
balloonsmihir, but first, one more run to make sure it's stable kk?19:32
balloonshello Letozaf_19:32
balloonsnik90, thanks for the hangout19:32
Letozaf_balloons, hello :)19:32
ahayzenballoons, is it ok to still use from ubuntuuitoolkit import base and then base.get_qmlscene_launch_command() ?19:32
* mihir runs jenkins again on MR.19:32
balloonsmihir, I kicked it off, no need19:33
balloonsit's running :-)19:33
mihirballoons: awesome thanks for that..19:33
balloonsthanks for the test19:33
mihirballoons: thank you for your help, we fixed two AP's if this goes well19:33
balloonsmihir, yes, you fixed a bug in trunk, and added a test19:34
balloonsnow that is a nice mp19:34
mihirballoons: yup , finally learning writting AP.19:34
mihirballoons: now regarding using date picker in AP, we should use set_picker function is that correct?19:35
balloonsmihir, yes indeed19:41
balloonsanytime there is a helper for something, use it :-) And if there isn't, whine about it and file a bug so it gets made.. lol.. or make a helper and propose it so everyone can use it as part of the toolkit helpers19:41
balloonsI prefer the latter option :-)19:42
balloonsmihir, success again.. woot19:49
balloonsmihir, top approved19:50
mihirballoons: wooh, finally :d19:51
balloonsLetozaf_, so I meant to ask you, how did you solve the page11 issue?19:51
nik90balloons: yw19:51
balloonsnik90, it was you?19:51
nik90balloons: ?19:51
nik90balloons: no no I was referrring to the hangout :D19:52
nik90balloons: Letozaf_ solved that by herself (page11)19:52
Letozaf_balloons, I didn't do much, I just branched clock/reboot and put my tests in and instead of page11 I found WorldCityList page19:52
Letozaf_balloons, so someone else did the work :P19:53
Letozaf_balloons, I just found it done19:53
Letozaf_balloons, the test is nearly complete: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/new-add_world_city_test/+merge/23113119:54
Letozaf_balloons, I have only an issue with the count property of userWorldCityRepeater19:54
balloonsLetozaf_, nik90 ahh.. I suspect we may have just encountered something a bit off with the packages at that moment in time.. Makes me feel better19:55
balloonsLetozaf_, excellent news. If there is anything I can help with let me know19:55
Letozaf_balloons, I have only one issue with the count property of userWorldCityRepeater but nik90 is looking at this19:55
nik90balloons: the issue Letozaf_ has with the count property can be seen within QML as well. So I need to investigate deeper to see what the problem there is.19:56
Letozaf_nik90, o/19:56
balloonsLetozaf_, always finding bugs :-)19:56
Letozaf_balloons, nik90 :P19:56
mihirballoons: pin20:14
mihirballoons: when i pass date to set_picker , it throw back some error like this , any quick ideas, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082696/ ?20:14
balloonsmihir, code? looks like it can't find 200820:15
mihirballoons: but i passed 2008 as date , so it should be there in picker20:16
mihirballoons: here it is , it is very dirty code , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082708/20:17
mihirfirst three line to parse date , and then it calls function to fill_start_date20:17
balloonsmihir, what is value?20:17
balloonsahh I see20:17
mihirballoons: i can see that it parsing properly and take first Year ,20:18
mihirballoons: i got let me try that20:18
mihirit is past so won't be able to find20:19
mihirballoons: worked :D20:19
ahayzen_balloons, mind checking over https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/ap-new-emulators-1341681/+merge/231256 when you have a moment?20:27
balloonsahayzen_, sure thing20:28
ahayzen_balloons, thanks :)20:28
balloonsahayzen_, why is the diff so big?20:29
ahayzen_balloons, because i moved everything from emulators.py to __init__.py ?20:29
mihirballoons: while creating new event , AP should create event for some other day or just open select today's date and go ahead?20:30
mihiror balloons we should create new AP for thi s?20:30
ahayzen_balloons, all that has changed in that massive block is the class MainView inherits from20:30
ahayzen_balloons, other than that it is a straight cut and paste20:30
balloonsahayzen_, ahh right that's it20:35
balloonsahayzen_, looks fine having a look at it20:41
ahayzen_balloons, cool :)20:41
ahayzen_balloons, thanks for the approval :)20:47
=== oSoMoN|afk is now known as oSoMoN
Letozaf_balloons, I was trying to run my tests on my device, but look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8083117/21:22
balloonsLetozaf_, hmm21:32
nik90balloons: could that be similar to the app launch errors that the SDK has atm?21:33
Letozaf_balloons, nik90 I have no idea of what this could be :O21:33
nik90balloons, Letozaf_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+bug/135725221:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357252 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Upstart jobs specifying cgroup fail to start occasionally" [Critical,Incomplete]21:33
nik90Letozaf_: short version: not your fault :)21:33
Letozaf_nik90, :-) well this makes me feel better :P21:34
rpadovanipopey, o/21:46
popeyrpadovani: o/21:46
rpadovanipopey, about bug 1357983, it's a regression caused by the fix for slowdown21:47
ubot5bug 1357983 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Continuos calculation doesn't work with irrational results" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135798321:48
rpadovanipopey, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/133256721:48
rpadovaniironically, the mr with more approvation ever for calculator :D21:48
balloonspopey, new calendar just upped21:49
balloonsLetozaf_, nik90 sorry21:50
rpadovanipopey, so, I revert this one, reopen the bug about slowdown, or wait to fix it? I have no idea on how fix it, so I think will be a long work, what bug do you prefer?21:50
rpadovanimeanwhile, I'll write autopilot test to make balloons happy :-)21:50
nik90balloons: ?21:50
balloonsrpadovani, ohh brillant.21:50
balloonsnik90, I didn't answer her before it got too late21:50
balloonsheh, she quit as I tried to do so21:50
nik90balloons: ah..no worries I can inform her by email21:50
ahayzen_balloons, should we be using? self.pointing_device = Pointer(self.input_device_class.create())21:52
ahayzen_balloons, or were we supposed to be using something else now?21:52
rpadovanipopey, mhh, it's a bit late, we'll talk better tomorrow21:53
ahayzen_balloons, or is it just in the ubuntuuitoolkit.MainView ? as i haven't seen it declared in the clockapp tests yet21:53
popeyrpadovani: ok21:56
balloonsahayzen_, no need to declare it at all21:58
ahayzen_balloons, ok cool21:58
* ahayzen_ thinks he is nearly there with an initial mini conversion21:58
cryptoguyanyone there?22:00
cryptoguyany ideas for a new app?22:01
popeycryptoguy: hi22:02
nik90cryptoguy: just check what apps you run on your current phone and see if it is missing on ubuntu touch?22:02
cryptoguyI'm talking about new ideas22:03
nik90cryptoguy: you have any particular category in mind?22:04
cryptoguywell... not really, any good idea will do22:05
* popey looks at his phone22:06
cryptoguynik90: what do you have in mind?22:06
nik90cryptoguy: I would like to see Trello on ubuntu touch, but it is not exactly new22:08
cryptoguynik90: It's a nice app indeed...22:10
cryptoguynik90: something else...?22:10
nik90cryptoguy: AntennaPod (podcast app)22:12
popeyI'd like a mumble app22:13
cryptoguypopey: what's a mumble app?22:13
popeyand a voice memo app22:13
popeythats mumble22:13
popeyits a voice chat system like teamspeak22:13
popeyopen source, so needs porting22:14
cryptoguypopey: oh I see, seems good22:14
nik90balloons: coudl you trigger jenkins on https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/play-sound-preview/+merge/23095922:34
nik90balloons: it failed for no apparent reason..want to check if it had to do with a missing package dependency22:35
popeyerk, jenkins barfed on me22:42
* popey asks in -ci-eng22:43
nik90balloons: ping23:03
ahayzen_balloons, ping as well :)23:10
nik90elopio: ping23:12
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
nik90ahayzen_: make sure to ask balloons phone number to find another way of contacting (nudging) him :D23:33
ahayzen_nik90, hah :) we need a direct line to him ;)23:34
nik90ahayzen_: exactly23:34

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