
dholbachgood morning06:26
dholbachpopey, mhall119, balloons: how are you all getting on with your tasks for UGJ?11:48
popeydholbach: will update the etherpad after lunch.. biab11:54
mhall119dholbach: not as well as I should be, let met work on it after our call13:57
dholbachI'm currently busy spamming the internets :)13:58
mhall119popey: balloons: core apps review?14:03
popeyhah, no alarm14:04
popeyballoons: forgot to say could you please weigh in on the community donations sheet please?14:31
popeydholbach: nice one for scheduling the hangout on air later..14:33
balloonspopey, ahh yes, I'll do it before our call so it's updated14:33
popeynice one14:33
elfyafternoon chaps and chapesses14:33
popeyhey elfy14:33
dholbachpopey, that was for the frameworks discussion, not UGJ - but in case you're interested in joining, ........ :)14:33
elfyhi popey14:34
* elfy still giggles when he drives past the barbers ... 14:34
popeydholbach: i know, i read the mail ☻14:36
dholbachok cool14:37
dholbachyeah, I think we should have more of these ad-hoc discussions sessions on ubuntuonair :)14:37
mhall119dholbach: what's the etherpad doc for UGJ planning?14:48
dholbachmhall119, http://pad.ubuntu.com/j2HWUfgxCp14:48
popeyGREAT URL!14:48
balloonspleia2, ready for ubuntonair hangout with me and mhall119 tomorrow?15:17
pleia2balloons: bright and early!16:47
pleia2unfortunately I have a hangout with openstack translators at 1AM, so an 8AM hangout will be even more interesting than usual16:50
* pleia2 will catch up on sleep later16:50
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
balloonspleia2, yikes.. :-)16:59
mhall119pleia2: put a little redbull in your coffee, you'll be fine :)17:44
=== toddyhb is now known as toddy

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