
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323853 in appmenu-qt5 "No menubar for QtQuick.Controls based applications" [Undecided,New]00:43
pittiBonjour tout le monde !04:36
willcookebehold my magnificent cloak07:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323853 in appmenu-qt5 "No menubar for QtQuick.Controls based applications" [Undecided,New]07:43
TheMusoHey willcooke, hope you're feeling better.07:47
willcookehey TheMuso - worse if anything :)07:48
TheMusowillcooke: Thats no good.07:48
willcooke:)  It just a cough and a cold, but yeah - still feel "meh"07:49
TheMusoEither way, its annoying.07:49
* TheMuso off for the evening.07:49
willcookecya TheMuso07:51
seb128good morning desktopers08:04
seb128hey Laney08:04
seb128hey willcooke08:04
seb128how is everyone today?08:04
willcooketired, grumpy and feeling ill.08:04
pittibonjoujr seb12808:06
seb128I'm good thanks, not fully awake yet though, I woke up early, read my emailed and worked for like an hour then fall like snoozing for another hour, which was good but made me a bit sleepy ;-)08:06
pittihey willcooke08:06
seb128pitti, lut ! wb ! did you have good holidays?08:06
willcookehi pitti08:06
Laneygot to climb, so GREAT!08:06
pittihey Laney08:06
seb128Laney, ;-)08:06
pittiseb128: I did, yes. the paragliding was again cancelled due to bad weather, but otherwise it was really relaxing08:07
Laneywillcooke: seb128: good weekends?08:07
Laneyhey pitti!08:07
seb128Laney, yes, weather is not so great but otherwise it was fun ;-)08:07
Laneybeen to the poezenboot yet?08:08
Laneyclimbing and board games in the pub and cinema and climbing and cake baking08:08
seb128Laney, lol, no, but thanks for the suggestion ;-)08:09
seb128any good movie?08:09
* seb128 meant to check was is playing atm but didn't yet08:09
Laneyit was quite cute08:09
Laneyalso I think desrt likes this band so maybe would be interested ;-)08:10
Laneyseb128: can you try running the gnome-desktop stuff please?08:19
Laneydid you see my comments? it's buggy for me08:19
seb128Laney, let me look, I didn't but I don't think I receive emails for those projects08:20
seb128Laney, is there a ppa or something or did you just try to build u-s-d and u-c-c?08:20
LaneyI just merged the 3 branches08:21
Laneycould build i386 debs if you want08:22
seb128I can do that, no worry08:22
seb128those projects are easy to build ;-)08:22
Laneyenjoy the merge conflict of doom08:23
darkxstLaney, that makes sense (you are trying to run 2 instances of code), try running its against gnome3-staging ppa08:33
darkxstwell atleast the first warnings, not sure about the missing dbus interface though08:35
Laneydarkxst: 2 instances of what code?08:37
Laneywasn't renamed?08:38
darkxstLaney, yes functions were renamed08:40
Laneywell lemme try building it against 3.10 then08:41
LaneyI guess the type wasn't08:41
Laneywhat's the one about xsettings?08:41
seb128Sweetshark, hey08:48
seb128Sweetshark, have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1357700 ?08:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1357700 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-base 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libjdbclo.so', which is also in package libreoffice-base-drivers 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:49
darkxstLaney, could be caused by two copies of xrandr stuff running08:49
seb128Laney, there is also a "dpkg : erreur : --compare-versions prend trois paramètres : <version> <relation> <version>"08:51
Laneyhmm, there's a lightdm u-s-d being left around08:53
Laneykill that> no duplicate xsettings manager08:54
Laneydarkxst: the GsdIdleMonitor type still exists in newer gnome-desktop, think we need to rename it in usd08:57
Laneyand now there's the gnome_xkb_info_free_var_defs thingy, I remember there being a commit to fix that08:57
darkxstLaney, I though I fixed that in u-s-d?09:01
Laneynot in trunk apparently09:01
Laneydid you do a merge for just this one?09:01
darkxstyes I did a MP just for xkb stuff09:01
seb128Laney, still need me to try it? from the backlog it seems you identified real code issues for robert_ancell to sort out (so it's going to be buggy for me as well)09:01
Laneydarkxst: link?09:02
Laneyseb128: it's ok09:02
Laneyalthough fixing xsettings didn't get me a proper theme again09:02
darkxstLaney, looks like it was never merged https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/unity-settings-daemon/xkb/+merge/22491909:03
darkxstand ignore the last comment, ended up overriding branch09:04
Laneyalright, thanks, I'll link it in a comment as it should go with this stuff09:04
* Laney is trying with renamed GsdIdleMonitor09:04
darkxstyeh, robert was meant to merge that already!09:05
Laneythe train makes it easy to forget to merge stuff sometimes09:05
=== dgadomski_ is now known as dgadomski
Laneyhmm still fails09:09
seb128robert_ancell doesn't know how to use the CI landing09:11
seb128so he doesn't09:11
seb128don't wait on him to land stuff in there09:11
seb128you could wait for a long time09:12
Laneythat would explain it ...09:12
darkxstLaney, there is no GsdIdleMonitor in gnome-desktop09:14
darkxstit was already renamed, I guess09:14
darkxstLaney, do you get any more info setting G_MESSAGES_DEBUG?09:15
Laneydarkxst: no09:23
darkxstLaney, I suppose you are ending up with no running u-s-d09:25
Laneyit does run09:26
Laneybut I'm not sure how functional it is09:26
Laneyno media keys, no theme09:26
darkxstbut then does it die?09:26
darkxstLaney, you would probably loose your mouse cursor, if the u-s-d is running, but idle monitor is messed up09:27
LaneyI do have that09:28
darkxstand then there is the missing dbus interface which is also provided by u-s-d09:29
laze1989When using QtQuick Controls with ApplicationWindow -> MenuBar the menubar is not drawn in Ubuntu. This is due to some limits on appmenu-qt5 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/appmenu-qt5/+bug/1323853). I wanted to start with Qt (5.2.1) and build an UI using QML. Does anyone know how to workaround this circumstance (e.g., get Ubuntu Global Menu) and use QML?09:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323853 in appmenu-qt5 "No menubar for QtQuick.Controls based applications" [Undecided,New]09:30
seb128laze1989, hey, why do you keep repeating that url? we saw it the first time09:30
seb128not sure about a workaround09:31
seb128Mirv, sil2100: ^ do you know?09:31
laze1989Checked out appmenu-qt5. It just looks for QMenuBar but QML seems to use something different. But fixing this seems to be beyond my current knowledge.09:32
Mirvseb128: no known workaround, probably a valid bug and appmenu-qt5 would need to support Quick Controls' menu bar too09:33
seb128Mirv, do you know who would be there right person to work on that?09:34
seb128is that sil2100? ;-)09:34
sil2100That would normally be me ;)09:34
Mirvseb128: yes, but anyone can of course volunteer :)09:34
sil2100I would love to work on that, just need to find some spare cycles09:34
seb128sil2100, can you triage the bug at least?09:35
sil2100seb128: sure, let me take a look at it09:35
darkxstLaney, can you push you builds to a ppa, I will try and take a look after dinner09:36
Laneydarkxst: kay, I commented again btw09:36
Laneyjust summarising what we just did09:36
darkxstLaney, did you restart u-s-d after killing the lightdm one?09:39
Laneydarkxst: ppa:laney/experimental should get them soon10:08
darkxstLaney, ok10:11
darkxstbtw why do you dislike giraffe's! are you short ?10:12
Laneythey see too much10:13
darkxstgah, apt-add-repository doesnt like your ppa10:19
darkxsthas to manually add sources and gpg key10:20
Laneyare you a giraffe?10:20
darkxstcorrection: apt-add-repository does not like any ppa's10:20
Laneyit's a new feature to keep them away10:21
darkxstLaney, 6'4, maybe as tall as a baby giraffe!10:21
qenghobonjour, seb128. chromium-browser from trusty works, if you need a workaround. I expect to have it fixed today.10:22
seb128qengho, thanks, I downgraded but now it's give me "your profile can't be used because it's from a newer chromium version" errors10:22
seb128well, that downgrading to previous utopic version10:23
seb128not trusty10:23
qenghoseb128: the version in T is the same version. It won't do that.10:23
seb128I'm going to wait for today's update to have the fix10:23
darkxstcharles, are you planning to look at indicator-power port for upower 0.99?10:43
darkxstcharles, I took I quick glimpes at the code, the resuming signal needs to use PrepareForSleep (False)10:44
darkxstfrom logind10:44
darkxstdevice-changed signals need to become notify signals10:44
darkxstI would probably suggest dropping dbus calls, and just use the upower api directly10:45
darkxstI suspect you can drop you queue changed signals stuff now10:46
Laneydevice-added and device-removed still exist10:47
darkxstLaney, device-changed is gone10:48
darkxstdevice-remove has changed sig10:48
darkxstindicator-power queues all the device-changed signals to process them "soon"10:48
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah, saw that one. Some libs sneaked from libreoffice-base-drivers to libreoffice-base. will fix that ASAP.11:03
seb128Sweetshark, good morning11:03
Sweetsharkseb128: ;)11:03
seb128Sweetshark, thanks11:03
seb128Sweetshark, did you see the postinst syntax error as well?11:03
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, that one should be fixed with the latest upload (-3ubuntu1). Did you see a report against -3ubuntu1?11:04
seb128Sweetshark, I was updating my utopic laptop this morning, so yes? or is it running the script from the previous version once on upgrade?11:05
Sweetsharkseb128: so the postinst syntax error should never have gone out of -proposed.11:05
Sweetsharkseb128: ah, yeah. it is the postrm from the one you had from before.11:05
Sweetsharkseb128: which is why it would have been a pain if that one would have been widely deployed as it only hits when you move _away_ from the broken package.11:07
seb128Sweetshark, well, I don't have proposed enabled, so I only followed versions on utopic11:07
Sweetsharkseb128: hmm ...11:08
seb128Sweetshark, I had 1:4.2.4-0ubuntu411:10
seb128well, according to the dpkg log11:11
Sweetsharkseb128: so, lets detangle this mess. We had the _postrm_ fail (bug 1354557). You are seeing a _postinst_ issue though, not a _postrm_ one. On which package exactly and updating which version to which version?11:11
ubot5bug 1354557 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[ppa][packaging]libreoffice-base post-rm script syntax fail" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135455711:11
Sweetsharkseb128: FWIW, libreoffice-base.preinst in 1:4.3.0-3ubuntu1 doesnt look faulty syntaxwise on first glance.11:13
Sweetsharkanyway ...11:14
seb128Sweetshark, on current utopic11:15
seb128libreoffice-base.postrm:if [ "$1" = abort-upgrade ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1:4.3.0~beta1-1; then11:15
seb128that seems buggy11:15
seb128"dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1:4.3.0~beta1-1"11:15
seb128or do you compare version with the output of another dpkg --compare-versions in a weird way?11:16
Sweetsharkseb128: arrgh. no. thats "git merge" running amok, I guess.11:17
Sweetsharkseb128: however, if you just updated to that, you should have run the postrm yet. That pleasure should happen only once you update/remove that pkgs, no?11:18
seb128Sweetshark, if the previous version doesn't have the same bug11:21
seb128or the upgrade would have run the script from the previous version and displayed the warning11:21
seb128well, anyway I don't think that made the upgrade buggy, the file conflict did11:22
darkxstLaney, xsettings error seems due to u-s-d not shutting down cleanly11:22
Laneydarkxst: right, that's why it goes away when killed11:23
Sweetsharkseb128: hohum, if that is a merge error it isnt mine :/ -- this is on debian too11:23
darkxstprobably also why you were getting lightdm owned u-s-d in your session11:24
seb128Sweetshark, still worth fixing I guess ;-)11:24
Sweetsharkseb128: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=d4e4101a7ca952fdf3b30df7524afb5435c90bde;hp=d0c14b827d15da3e92eb061146223155134a4f4711:25
Sweetsharkseb128: yeah sure. ;_11:26
Sweetsharkseb128: I just feel better about my day, if I only missed it in review and at least didnt mess that up myself. ;)11:27
seb128yeah, makes sense ;-)11:28
seb128ok, on that note, time for lunch11:28
Sweetsharkseb128: have fun!11:28
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
darkxstLaney, and u-s-d has no debug symbols ;( guess I will rebuild11:39
Laneydarkxst: you should install pkgbinarymangler in your build env11:39
Laneythen you get ddeb package11:39
* darkxst was using your ppa 11:40
darkxstI do get ddebs when I build locally ;)11:40
* darkxst sometimes forgets that its really only the gnome3-team ppa that has ddebs11:42
Laneyit's a special per-ppa option11:44
* Laney tries new dbus11:45
darkxstLaney, and probably the only ppa with a retracer ;) thats a super-fu special byo option ;)11:45
Laneyyou guys got the powerz11:46
* happyaron builds the new ibus11:49
Laneylate night happyaron11:51
happyaronLaney: 19:52 beijing time11:51
happyaronwill be off after building it, :)11:52
Laneyhappyaron: yeah I'll be gone by then :P11:52
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darkxstLaney, idle monitor looks like a namespace clash but I am not seeing it in the code ;(12:25
desrtLaney: nice.  will have to check it out.12:49
willcookeattente_, hey - had to push our 1:1 back because of a clash this week, hope that's ok, let me know if not and I will move it again12:50
willcookehey desrt!  Welcome back12:50
desrtthanks :)12:51
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
willcookeNice break?12:51
desrtyes.  quite relaxed.12:51
willcookeha, all change now, eh?12:51
desrtmy giant inbox says: "yes"12:51
desrti'll smile in three days after i'm out from under it :p12:51
attente_willcooke, sure12:54
dgadomskihello everyone13:05
dgadomskiI could really use the desktop team expertise with creating a workaround for precise13:06
seb128hey dgadomski13:06
dgadomskihi seb12813:06
seb128sure, just ask your question ;-)13:06
dgadomskithe main issue is in glibc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/121435213:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1214352 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses" [Critical,Confirmed]13:06
seb128oh, that one, tricky one13:06
dgadomskiso we suffer from a bug that renders in libreoffice and is caused by this error being propagated to gvfs13:07
dgadomskiI would like to keep the scope of the fix as small as possible13:07
dgadomskiideally replacing those macros with correct ones in gvfs should solve the problem13:08
dgadomskiI wanted to create an additional header file fixing those macros and including it after glib headers in gvfs13:08
dgadomskithat way we could release a patched version of gvfs as a workaround13:09
dgadomskiI would appreciate your opinion on this idea, do you see any threats of this approach?13:09
seb128desrt, hey, wb, do you have an opinion on ^13:14
seb128dgadomski, we discussed it with Sweetshark before, and we saw it as risky to change gvfs, since that's a service and interact with other components, it could be that using different macro on the "clients" and the service could make some client which currently work start misbehaving13:15
dgadomskiI was worried it may prove risky13:20
dgadomskithen I think we need to convince the customer that there is not much we can do about it13:21
seb128dgadomski, I think Sweetshark suggested maintaining a ppa/special build if they really wanted a version with the change, knowing it might have side effects/create other issues13:24
dgadomskithat's a good idea seb128, I will think about providing a workaround via ppa and ask the customer to give it a try in a test system13:26
seb128dgadomski, thanks13:26
dgadomskithanks seb12813:27
desrtseb128: in terms of managing SRUs i don't have much opinion here, i guess13:35
desrtbut i doubt that this would be a 'negative' change for someone...13:35
seb128desrt, could there be any issue if we rebuild gvfs with fixed macros but not other components? e.g could we end up with 2 components trying to communicate in an incompatible way?13:37
desrtseb128: it's pretty rare that we would use a specific (ie: nonhost) endianness for communication on the local machine13:37
desrtpretty much never on API13:38
Laneywb desrt13:59
desrtLaney: thanks :D14:00
desrtLaney: ready for your skip across the pond?14:00
LaneyI checked that my esta is still valid14:00
Laneyyeah totally ready!14:01
desrtthe US is a fairly unfortunate place to hold conferences :(14:02
Laneylast year in Switzerland a few people were saying they wouldn't go14:02
desrts/wouldn't/can't/ in some cases due to ESTA stupidity14:03
Laneyit'll be fun, and I get to go on a turboprop plane which is exciting14:03
desrtor just straight-out no-explanation visa-rejection if you're not even on the ESTA list14:03
desrtnever done turboprop before?14:03
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charlesdarkxst, yes it'll probably be me to do the indicator-power refresh14:18
charlesdarkxst, time is the main constraining factor right now, I have a very full TODO list14:19
charlesdarkxst, but I want to go back into indicator-power not just to update to the new version of upower, but also to re-enable the brightness slider and make the brightness slider's DBus calls nonblocking14:19
darkxstcharles, time is the problem, FF is very close14:19
darkxstcharles, brightness api has changed in gnome-desktop 3.10+14:20
darkxstcharles, and we are still waiting on a gnome-desktop transition from last cycle.... :(14:24
darkxst(in addition to upower)14:25
* charles waves "good morning" at alesage14:32
* Sweetshark needs to torture someone for autotools sins!14:35
Sweetshark^^ volunteers?14:37
willcookeSweetshark, anything I can help with?14:44
* alesage waves back at charles14:44
* alesage resumes coffee14:45
Sweetsharkwillcooke: nah, nothing really. autotools itself is guilty of being a pain as usual. :/14:55
Sweetsharkseb128: btw http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commit;h=c2846add79b0d73a3049abb2aa3210fd40e3dd4a and will go to Debian too, just like http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commit;h=209627561277d1cf3bfed676f617e712be41e011 ...15:00
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:02
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Sweetsharkseb128: please review and sponsor http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/utopic/libixion_0.7.0-2ubuntu1_source.changes16:43
seb128Sweetshark, k16:43
Sweetsharkseb128: thx16:45
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seb128Laney, saw bug #1344386?17:56
ubot5bug 1344386 in gnome-do (Ubuntu) "Do.exe crashed with SIGABRT in __GI_raise()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134438617:56
seb128desrt, ^17:56
desrtDo.exe, hm?17:56
seb128glib update seems to make mono buggy from what barry wrote there17:56
desrtcould be the gobject interface restriction stuff?17:57
desrthuh.  inside gtk_main()... not likely.17:58
desrtany way to get a retrace done on that?17:58
seb128desrt, not from this bug, asked on #ubuntu-devel to barry if he can get a bt17:59
seb128thanks for looking at it ;-)18:00
desrti'm sure this is going to be fun18:02
desrtmono program triggers abort inside of glib while initialising gtk 2...18:02
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sarnoldTrevinho|holiday: holiday!? something to greet you when you return: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/135850421:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358504 in unity (Ubuntu) "Screensaver leaks password key-presses through to applications" [Undecided,New]21:53
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