
pittiGood morning04:36
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dholbachgood morning06:26
Logan_hey dholbach :)06:27
dholbachhi Logan_06:29
dholbachhi Unit19306:29
Unit193dholbach: FWIW, I now have thunar-dropbox-plugin waiting in Debian NEW.06:31
dokopitti, do you want to continue with lintian?07:26
dokoScottK, Riddell: the kstars autopkg test failure seems to be gone, but the kactivities one is still there07:27
dokopreparation, please wait ...07:30
dokocomparing ABIs ...07:30
dokocomparing APIs ...07:30
dokocreating compatibility report ...07:30
dokoresult: INCOMPATIBLE (Binary: 0%, Source: 27.2%)07:30
dokototal "Binary" compatibility problems: 0, warnings: 007:30
dokototal "Source" compatibility problems: 43, warnings: 007:30
dokosee detailed report:07:30
doko  debian/libkactivities6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkactivities6_4:4.13.3-0ubuntu2_report.html07:30
dokodh_acc: abi-compliance-checker -l libkactivities6 -d1 debian/libkactivities6.abi.tar.gz.amd64 -d2 debian/libkactivities6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkactivities6_4:4.13.3-0ubuntu2.abi.tar.gz -report-path debian/libkactivities6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkactivities6_4:4.13.3-0ubuntu2_report.html returned exit code 107:30
dokoadt-run [02:17:12]: test acc: -----------------------]07:30
dokoadt-run [02:17:13]: test acc:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -07:30
dokoadt-run [02:17:13]: test acc:  - - - - - - - - - - stderr - - - - - - - - - -07:30
dokoacc                  FAIL non-zero exit status 107:31
dokoScottK, Riddell: this is really helpful information :-(07:31
pittidoko: yes, lintian is on my list (there's a debian bug for it, but no patch yet, but should be simple)07:32
dokodholbach, did you get any more information on the wx mess?07:32
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LocutusOfBorg1thanks pitti for the sync :)07:47
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pittidholbach, doko: oh, do you happen to know about the wxwidgets/wxpython status? several tests fail due to some apparent version incompatibilities? (2.8 vs. 3.0), lik http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-adt-matplotlib/62/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/console09:42
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, ^09:47
dokopitti, http://survex.com/~olly/wxpy3.tmp/  olly pointed me to that. maybe upload as -4~ubuntu109:51
pittidoko: ah, in Debian NEW09:51
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pittiwgrant, cjwatson: I'm trying to copy a langpack from the PPA to precise-proposed: copy-package -b --from=~ubuntu-langpack/ubuntu/ppa -s precise --to=ubuntu --to-suite precise-proposed language-pack-ja10:05
pittiwgrant, cjwatson: this says "6 packages successfully copied", but doesn't actually do anything (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-ja/+publishinghistory)10:05
pittiI tried last week, and now again; am I doing anything wrong in that command?10:05
wgrantpitti: Oh, you left before I answered last week.10:07
wgrantpitti: Check +queue.10:07
wgrantpitti: They're in unapproved, as you'd expect.10:07
pittiwgrant: aah, so that's where they end up; thanks!10:07
pittiwgrant: yeah, I was on holiday last week, so I didn't want to keep IRC on all the time10:08
wgrantA good excuse :)10:08
dokopitti, are you looking at wxpython?10:11
pittidoko: not ATM; currently testing new lintian and catching up with the usual batch of post-holiday backlog10:11
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LocutusOfBorg1sorry dholbach I cannot access to the link, anyway debian fixed it ;)10:58
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, so you're in touch with pitti and doko about the wx issues?11:13
* Bluefoxicy looks at what it would take to start lightdm and gdm with nice -511:19
dokopitti, please can you give back the matplotlib autopkg test?11:37
LocutusOfBorg1dholbach, no I'm not, I cannot even see the link you provided me11:51
LocutusOfBorg1but if it is not fixed doko pitti please tell me ;)11:52
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-matplotlib/62/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/wxagg-stdout for example11:53
dholbach(from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-matplotlib/62/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/)11:53
dokojibel, pitti, please can you give back the matplotlib autopkg test?12:06
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pittidoko: it was already retried 4 times -- did anything change now to fix it?12:21
pittidoko: ah, jibel already retried it12:23
pittiah, new wxpython3.0; it will re-run automatically once it's published12:24
mterrymhall119, heyo!  I have a friend who doesn't want to create a flickr account, but does want to submit two photos to the wallpaper contest.  Do you know if there's an email way to submit?  Or if I can just put them in my account and have a little comment with correct attribution?12:26
LocutusOfBorg1dholbach, yes thanks, anyway the build has been retried right now, and the bug is already tracked in debian12:36
LocutusOfBorg1so I don't think there is much I can do ;)12:36
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LocutusOfBorg1dholbach, pitti doko successful12:39
LocutusOfBorg1adt-run [12:28:39]: test wxagg: -----------------------]12:39
LocutusOfBorg1adt-run [12:28:40]: test wxagg:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -12:39
LocutusOfBorg1wxagg                PASS12:39
LocutusOfBorg1sorry for having caused troubles :)12:40
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dokojibel, pitti: please could you re-run the autopkg test for kactivities? and if it fails, override it? no feedback from Riddell and ScottK12:52
ScottKSorry, haven't had time to look into it.12:53
ScottKPlease override it if a retry doesn't work.12:53
pittidoko: retried12:53
pittidoko: (although I don't think it'll help, it's the ABI checker that fails)12:53
pittiI can't do overrides, only ~ubuntu-release12:53
ScottKping me if it fails and if I'm still around, I will.12:54
jibelScottK, this is a real test failure: dh_acc: abi-compliance-checker -l libkactivities6 -d1 debian/libkactivities6.abi.tar.gz.amd64 -d2 debian/libkactivities6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkactivities6_4:4.13.3-0ubuntu2.abi.tar.gz -report-path debian/libkactivities6/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dh-acc/libkactivities6_4:4.13.3-0ubuntu2_report.html returned exit code 112:56
jibeland retry failed12:56
ScottKjibel: Thanks.12:56
ScottKdoko: test failure overriden.12:59
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ needs looking into.12:59
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mterrymvo_, in bug 1358272, you say "security is checked".  Do you mean the security team has done a quick audit already?13:47
ubottubug 1358272 in debsig-verify (Ubuntu) "[MIR] debsig-verify" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135827213:48
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mvo_mterry: sorry, this is misleading. I meant to write that I checked the security by auditing the package and writing a bunch of integration testcases for the click branch that integrates debsig-verify into click. AFAIK the security team did not yet review the code13:50
mvo_mterry: I will clarify this in the bugreport13:50
mterrymvo_, gotcha13:50
mvo_mterry: thanks, I updated the page now to make it more clear what I did so far :)13:52
mterrymvo_, is there a team you can subscribe to Ubuntu bugs?13:53
mvo_mterry: hm, maybe click-developers13:54
mhall119mterry: I'm not sure who's running the wallpaper contest, but I can try and find out14:00
mterrymhall119, ah sorry  :)14:00
tedgjodh, Any luck with the cgroup not getting created bug?14:05
jodhtedg: as yet no. Currently trying to recreate it bottom up without all the test layers on top.14:06
dokopitti, jibel: staring at the bzr autopkg test ... why did it fail? seems to be a timeout, but why?14:06
tedgjodh, Ah, okay. Ping me if there's anything I can help with.14:06
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pittidoko: I don't know, I'm not familiar with the bzr test suite; but it happesn consistently, I already tried several re-runs14:57
Riddelljibel: is ubuntu-iso-testing still in development?  I'm wondering how to set up a local version16:10
jibelRiddell, no it was replaced utah 2 years ago. psivaa and plars can probably point you to the documentation.16:12
jibels/utah/by utah/16:12
plarsjibel: more than that I think, it was before I joined qa16:13
jibels/2 years/more than 2 years/ :)16:14
psivaajibel: Riddell: http://utah-test.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ is the docs for utah. ubuntu-iso-testing is still in use for precise iso testing though16:16
Riddellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation could do with some update then :)16:17
sil2100hallyn: hello!16:36
sil2100hallyn: I have been told that you might be able to help out with LP: #135725216:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1357252 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Upstart jobs specifying cgroup fail to start occasionally" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135725216:37
sil2100hallyn: it's a critical issue from the landing team perspective, as with things being like they are right now it's making our test results unreliable16:38
jodhsil2100: he's at a conference so as mentioned stgraber may be a better choice to hand over to.16:38
sil2100jodh: thanks :)16:39
sil2100stgraber: ping! If you're around, as mentioned above, maybe you could take a look at bug LP: #1357252 ? ^16:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1357252 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Upstart jobs specifying cgroup fail to start occasionally" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135725216:39
stgraberjodh: I'm preparing for the same conference16:40
jodhsil2100: in which case, I suggest we investigate the possibility of disabling cgroup support in u-a-l temporarily until we have a work-around.16:41
sil2100jodh: I told tvoss about my requests of a possible revert, but he mentioned that it's a critical feature16:42
sil2100jodh: for now I gave some time for assessing the issue, hoping that we might get an ETA for the real fix16:43
jodhsil2100: we don't understand the issue fully yet so can't provide an ETA at this point.16:43
stgrabersil2100: TBH I wouldn't except to get much of Serge or my time on this until Monday next week16:44
sil2100Ok, then a revert seems like the best option in overall16:44
tvosssil2100, +1, tedg ^, fyi16:44
stgraberI'm busy preparing my talks and then we'll both be at a conference where as I understand it, the wifi isn't quite working (which is why Serge is currently offline)16:44
sil2100It'll just be a temporary, so no worries - once this is fixed a no-change landing in the CI Train will 'get it back'16:44
jodhsil2100: I understand this as being critical for rtm but it's only just been enabled so is there really no scope to revert for a few days?16:44
jodhsil2100: +116:44
tvossjodh, I was argueing for keeping it in to get some mileage on it16:45
tvossjodh, however, without a fix, we risk impacting other teams' work, so yeah ... out it goes :)16:45
jodhtvoss: understood :)16:46
exarkunis there anything I can do to bring some attention (and hopefully a resolution) to <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1356931>?16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1356931 in mplayer (Ubuntu) "Mplayer & dvdnav - No stream found to handle url" [Undecided,New]16:53
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dobeyanyone know why this would happen? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8057237/17:01
dobeyi'm declaring new symbols in the symbols file, but dpkg-gensymbols is complaining about them anyway17:02
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dobeynobody? :(17:27
dobeythis is driving me crazy right now17:27
seb128dobey, do you have that online somewhere where we can get/test it?17:28
dobeyseb128: lp:~dobey/ubuntuone-credentials/check-timeout17:32
dobeyseb128: i'm doing bzr -bd -S -- -sa to create the source, and the building it with sbuild. and it keeps failing with those missing symbols :-/17:32
dobeyi even tried adding them twice, but still no luck17:35
dobeythanks for looking seb12817:36
barryLaney: any chance LP: #1344386 rings a bell?17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1344386 in gnome-do (Ubuntu) "Do.exe crashed with SIGABRT in __GI_raise()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134438617:38
seb128dobey, using those lines work17:39
seb128 (c++)"UbuntuOne::Token::created() const@Base" 14.04+14.10.2014080217:39
seb128 (c++)"UbuntuOne::Token::updated() const@Base" 14.04+14.10.2014080217:39
seb128dobey, you forgot the const in yours17:40
dobeyseb128: i don't see a const in the one it's expecting?17:41
seb128dobey, you mean?17:42
seb128dobey, oh, in the error?17:42
dobey+ _ZNK9UbuntuOne5Token7createdEv@Base 14.04+14.10.2014080217:42
seb128dobey, they start with _ZNK17:42
seb128dobey, there wouldn't be a K if it was not a const17:42
seb128(don't ask, dunno why)17:42
seb128the non const ones are _ZN...17:42
seb128secret of mangling I guess ;-)17:43
dobeyseb128: i wish the error output was run through c++filt :-/17:43
infinityseb128: What useful thing have you forgotten in order to be able to demangle C++ symbols in your head? :)17:44
seb128I'm not able to17:45
seb128I just reverse debugged that one by deleting other symbols and looking at the differences :p17:45
dobeyyet another way in which c++ makes one feel like a complete idiot17:46
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seb128dobey, let me know if it works for you btw, seems to be fine here17:58
dobeyseb128: yes, it worked. thanks17:58
seb128dobey, yw!17:59
seb128barry, hey, saw your mono/glib bug, do you think you could get a gdb backtrace for desrt?17:59
barryseb128: yep, i'm trying to get all the pieces in place for that18:00
stgraber /query hallyn18:41
stgraberoops, extra space in front of that :)18:42
exarkunis there anything I can do to bring some attention (and hopefully a resolution) to <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1356931>?18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1356931 in mplayer (Ubuntu) "Mplayer & dvdnav - No stream found to handle url" [Undecided,New]18:42
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hallynbug 135725219:49
ubottubug 1357252 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "Upstart jobs specifying cgroup fail to start occasionally" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135725219:49
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