
RAOFmibofra: Yo!01:11
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RAOFYou are in a twisty maze of classes, all named Surface…07:45
anpok_Look at implementation07:53
anpok_nick anpok07:53
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anpokgood that was a short one08:02
RAOFIn slightly less winning news it seems that my N10 doesn't have enough RAM to build Mir :/08:03
anpokwe could try gold linker08:04
anpokwhere we means you08:04
RAOFNope; cc1plus gets OOMed.08:05
RAOFI'll add a bunch of swap, but tomorrow.08:05
dufluRAOF: That maze is actually much smaller than it used to be :S08:07
alan_gduflu: @"...MIRCOMMON_2. Actually, that's a mistake..." as we've not branched a release why not revert?08:22
duflualan_g: Because it's harmless to keep. Both mirplatform and mirserver are getting correctly bumped in 0.7 anyway08:22
alan_g/shrug OK. (It just makes mircommon look less stable than it is)08:24
duflualan_g: Yeah I know but doesn't matter. Users of libmirclient for example (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgdk-3.so.0) only have linkage to libmirclient.so.* and not its dependencies. So only servers are affected and they need rebuilding anyway08:24
* duflu tries forcing double buffering on to Unity8 to see what happens08:28
Chipacais mirping/mirscreencast segfaulting known, or should I file a bug?08:45
Chipacathis is on mako, image 19508:45
dufluChipaca: Doesn't sound familiar. If in doubt then log a bug09:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358191 in Mir "mirping, mirscreencast segfault" [Undecided,New]09:05
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* alan_g wonders why he suddenly sees a load of signed/unsigned comparison errors in test_stream_transport.cpp when cross-compiling10:41
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anpokalan_g: hm wrong/outdated gtest headers11:08
anpokin partial chroot11:08
anpokin chrott/usr/src/gtest or gmock sth..11:08
alan_ganpok: Hmm. Thanks for the suggestion (I thought I'd updated but...)11:09
anpokyes but the old one might not have been removed11:09
anpokat least that was my mileage11:09
alan_ganpok: my mileage too. :)11:21
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kdubanyone seeing anything like [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/descriptor_database.cc:57] File already exists in database: mir_protobuf_wire.proto12:52
kdubin the demo servers?12:52
alan_gkdub: I've seen it in an MP - not reproduced yet12:54
kdubyeah, I'm seeing it when starting a demo server, let me see if I can reproduce that test failure12:54
kdubyeah, I see it there too12:55
* alan_g wonders why he can't reproduce12:59
kdubI'm kinda suspecting a protobuf upgrade happened? still chasing that theory though13:00
kduboh, nvm, an older revision of mir was okay13:00
kdubrobotfuel, is ~chris.gagnon/+junk/mir-demo-runner the python script that runs the demo programs in CI?13:15
robotfuelkdub: no that is the old script13:16
kdubrobotfuel, ah, where's the new one?13:17
robotfuelkdub: lp:~mir-team/+junk/mir-medium-test-runner-for-jenkins13:17
kdubrobotfuel, ah, thanks13:17
robotfuel I was hunting before you asked :D13:17
kdubrobotfuel, right, but that installs a mir-demo-tester13:19
robotfuelkdub: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/+junk/mir-medium-test-runner-for-jenkins/view/head:/mir_install_packages.sh has the distupgrade you don't want ?13:19
kdubrobotfuel, no, I'm just trying to do a post-mortem on a regression bug, and want to know which of the demo servers the jenkins job runs13:19
robotfuelkdub: mir_integration_tests mir_acceptance_tests mir_demo_client_basic mir_demo_client_fingerpaint mir_demo_client_eglflash mir_demo_client_eglplasma mir_demo_client_multiwin mir_demo_client_egltriangle mir_performance_tests13:20
robotfuelkdub: that's part of the jenkins job13:20
kdubrobotfuel, right, but the mir_demo_client_* surely run against one of the demo servers13:21
robotfuelkdub: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/+junk/mir-medium-test-runner-for-jenkins/view/head:/mir-mediumtest-runner.sh line 19413:22
kdublike, it runs phablet-test-run against a 'mir-demo-tester' http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/+junk/mir-medium-test-runner-for-jenkins/view/head:/mir-mediumtest-runner.sh#L17813:23
kduboh, so switching to the same repo :)13:24
robotfuelkdub: phablet-test-run -x just executes a command on the phone and gets the return code.13:24
kdubsure, and the command it runs is this mir-demo-tester13:24
kdubwhich isnt part of the mir scripts13:25
robotfuelkdub:  ah http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/+junk/mir-demo-runner/files13:28
kdubrobotfuel, ah, yes13:28
kdublooks like what I was looking for, thanks13:28
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alan_gkdub: the protobuf error -  do you get that on mesa or android? (Or both) Default build options?14:03
kdubalan_g, i got it on android, but interestingly the process of bisecting fixed it even on tip14:05
kdubso maybe some sort of problem mixing-and-matching libraries14:05
alan_gkdub: that was my growing suspicion - but CI ought to be a clean env14:06
kdubyeah, it should be...14:06
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mibofrahi kdub15:06
tedgSo it's looking like there's an error in qtmir when a prompt session is put on top of another prompt session.15:54
tedgqtmir.surfaces: MirSurfaceManager::refreshPromptSessionSurfaces - No Application for prompt session15:54
tedggreyback_, Any ideas there? ^15:55
tedgOr perhaps dednick ^15:55
greyback_tedg: dednick would be better15:55
dednicktedg: what are you doing in the trust helper? what does trust session on trust session mean?15:56
tedgdednick, Dash → Pay UI → Online Accounts15:56
tedgdednick, So someone purchases something, and before we can process they need to login to Ubuntu One.15:57
tedgdednick, So the OA trusted prompt session needs to overlay on Pay UI.15:57
tedgdednick, Which is, itself a trusted prompt over the dash.15:57
dednicktedg: is it multiple prompt providers or multiple prompt sessions?15:58
tedgdednick, both15:58
dednicktedg: we don't support multiple prompt sessions.15:58
tedgdednick, When do you expect to?15:59
dednicktedg: there is no eta on it. there wasn't supposed to be a requirement for it yet.16:00
dednicktvoss: ^16:00
tvossdednick, you mentioned multiple prompt sessions could easily be supported, modulo trust-store support for that16:02
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tvossdednick, as ted's part does not use the trust-store, we could easily unblock him here and I'll take care of the trust-store side of things16:02
tvossgreyback_, thoughts?16:02
dednicktvoss: yeah, we can remove the guard against it easily enough16:05
greyback_tvoss: sounds do-able, just requires more careful book-keeping in qtmir16:05
tvosstedg, so: do you need this?16:05
dednicktedg: what pid are you providing the online ui?16:05
dednickOA ui i mean16:05
tedgtvoss, Yes, we kinda do.16:06
tedgdednick, I'd have to check with mardy, but the request he's getting is from Pay UI, so I imagine that's the PID he's giving.16:06
tvossdednick, greyback_ with that: go :)16:06
tvossdednick, greyback_ obviously, if we find an easier way: even better16:06
greyback_could someone please log a bug against qtmir with the exact requirements? Just to track the task16:07
tedgK, I can do that.16:08
dednicktedg, mardy: a prompt session will only be overlayed on a application in unity8.16:09
tedgdednick, Okay, so we need to add a unity8 task as well then?16:10
dednicktedg: presumably there's no application related to the OA? it's just the prompt you want?16:11
tedgdednick, In this case, yes.16:11
dednicktedg: then the prompt session must be given the pid of the dash in this case (same as the payment prompt session)16:12
tedgdednick, That's going to be difficult… can you just go up the tree in Mir until you hit an application?16:13
dednicktedg: if you want something overlayed on an app, we need the pid of the app.16:15
tedgdednick, I want it overlayed on the prompt provider.16:15
tedgdednick, greyback_, bug 135838816:15
ubot5bug 1358388 in QtMir "Trusted Prompt Sessions should be able to be on a Trusted Prompt Provider" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135838816:15
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mibofrakgunn, hi18:11
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kgunnmibofra: hi18:25
mibofrakgunn, after Friday I've done some more debug, and I've found what's of the mir's setup goes in segfault18:43
mibofrakgunn, it seems the spinner18:49
kgunndamn the spinner :)18:49
kgunnmibofra: i think there's a fix for that working its way through the wickets18:49
kgunnif you take the devel-proposed image it should most likely be in that18:50
kgunnAlbertA: ^ i'm not making that up am i?18:50
mibofrakgunn, and it seems to be the same reason of the segfault of some of the egl tests18:53
mibofra*the not working ones18:53
mibofraI'm retuning (one second that I put an antenna on the 3G modem)18:54
mibofraok now I've a connection that can be called a connection18:57
mibofrakgunn, anyway that's the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082137/18:58
kgunncamako: ^ check that out19:00
kgunnseems like a race19:00
* camako looks19:00
kgunnmibofra: so tell me again, what hw & sw configuration are you on ?19:01
mibofra(lol, anyway ok)19:01
mibofrakgunn, the hw is a samsung galaxy s3 phone (gt-i9300), the host system is android (cyanogenmod 11). Ubuntu touch is in chroot. The systems shares the hw on the phone. So simply I kill the services (such as surfaceflinger, or wpa_supplicant on the host system) and load the ones in ubuntu, so I route the functions to it.19:04
mibofraIn fact, network manager and pulse for example work. When I've to use android simply I do the opposite (kill the services on ubuntu and restart the on android)19:04
mibofraanyway, because the devices are shared, for example, if I setup the connectivity on andorid or ubuntu, I can use the iface with the same ip and setup on both the systems19:05
mibofraExample: android setups a connection to my ap with ip, if I do an ifconfig on the chroot system (ubuntu) I see the iface with that ip and I can use ping, wget and more19:06
mibofraEx. of the opposite: if I run xboxdrv for my wireless xbox controller, under the chroot system, I can use it on android too19:07
mibofrakgunn, was I clear or do you need other informations :) ?19:08
mibofraSimply I'm trying this solution to don't do a porting of ubuntu touch. If this works, more or less also my tablet and other arm7 devices should run ubuntu touch in the same way19:10
AlbertAkgunn: umm I19:14
AlbertAI'm not sure I don't recall a fix for setup19:14
mibofraAlbertA, just if you're curios to see my problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082137/19:15
AlbertAwhat's the stack trace for the segfault?19:16
mibofraAlbertA, that's the only output form logcat http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082278/19:19
AlbertAmibofra: I mean run the client with gdb19:19
mibofraah ok19:19
AlbertAthen do bt for the stack trace after segfault19:19
mibofraAlbertA, I've to install the debug symbols, just a minute19:24
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mibofraAlbertA, I can't find a package for the debugging symbols of the spinner, I've to recompile all the compositor+spinner to get a copy with the debug symbols?19:38
AlbertA2mibofra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages19:38
mibofraAlbertA2, I'm pass to the shell gdb /usr/bin/unity-system-compositor-spinner, run with run -m /run/mir_socket because I've the socket there, but I get: Cannot exec /usr/bin/unity-system-compositor-spinner -c exec /usr/bin/unity-system-compositor-spinner -m /run/mir_socket.19:47
AlbertA2mibrofra: what about just the demo server and clients?19:48
AlbertA2mibofra: apt-get install mir-demos19:48
AlbertA2then stop lightdm19:48
AlbertA2and do a mir_demo_server_basic on one terminal19:48
AlbertA2and mir_demo_server_egltriangle in another19:48
AlbertA2started with gdb19:49
mibofraAlbertA2, I've the demos and the clients, lightdm is stopped already. The only client that works is the render_to_fb. The egltriangle and similar go as the spinner in segfault.19:49
mibofraanyway I'll try to debug them19:50
AlbertA2so I'm trying to get at the stack trace19:50
AlbertA2with egltriangle19:50
AlbertA2just to see what's failing19:50
mibofralet's try19:50
mibofraAlbertA, Cannot exec /usr/bin/mir_demo_client_egltriangle -c exec /usr/bin/mir_demo_client_egltriangle .19:52
mibofraError: No such file or directory19:52
mibofrawith a gdb /usr/bin/mir_demo_client_egltriangle and into gdb a run19:53
AlbertA2try without the full path19:54
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mibofraok I saw netsplitted, fantastic20:00
mibofrauhm AlbertA2 maybe I can solve the gdb problem20:04
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mibofraok AlbertA2 I've solved it20:05
mibofraso I've debugged the spinner20:05
mibofraAlbertA2 the stack: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082638/20:06
AlbertA2how about egltriangle?20:06
mibofraAlbertA, that's all the out for the spinner, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082645/. Ok now I'll try with the egltriangle20:08
mibofraAlbertA2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082652/ the same20:09
AlbertA2umm so it doesnt say who is calling strerror20:09
AlbertA2I guess then can you try running the client with valgrind?20:10
mibofraI think yes20:10
mibofraAlbertA, the spinner http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082700/ the egltriangle http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082704/, in all this think that the only demo that I can see an output on the screen is the render_to_fb20:17
AlbertA2mibofra: so you installed the dbg symbols for libmirclient8?20:17
mibofraAlbertA2, I think so20:18
mibofralet's see20:18
mibofraAlbertA2, installed20:19
AlbertA2well it offers no real clues...:)20:20
AlbertA2other than maybe the android driver blob is failing20:21
AlbertA2and it hitting a code path that has bugs in it20:21
AlbertA2I mean the sig fault is originated by libcutils which is an android library20:22
mibofraAlbertA2, I've installed them after I've written installed XD20:22
AlbertA2and do you get a fuller stack trace?20:23
mibofrathe debug symbols for libmirclient820:23
mibofralet's see20:23
mibofraAlbertA2, I'm trying with the spinner, from gdb I've the same output as before.20:24
mibofraAlbertA2, valgrind for the spinner but I think it's the same as before too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082787/20:26
mibofraAlbertA2, but I wonder why the render_to_fb demo works20:26
AlbertA2well its not going through the client for one20:32
AlbertA2the client driver context may be having the failure20:32
AlbertA2what does dmesg say?20:33
AlbertA2anything related to the display driver or gpu driver?20:34
mibofraAlbertA2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8082851/ that's the dmesg20:36
mibofratry grepping something20:36
miboframaybe it will seem more useful for you than me20:36
mibofraAlbertA2, anyway I think, I've xorg working fine, if I use mir as sys compositor with x as described here: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/using_mir_on_pc.html can I use unity8 on it?20:39
mibofra(only a curiosity)20:39
AlbertA2mibofra: if you get the examples working20:41
AlbertA2then most likely unity8 will run fine20:41
mibofraAlbertA, can they be executed with mir working as compositor of X?20:42
AlbertA2mibofra: well unity8 acts as a client of mir20:42
mibofraso ok20:43
AlbertA2well technically a nested server20:43
AlbertA2a server that is actually a client of the main system compositor mir20:43
AlbertA2mibofra: well nothing stands out in the dmesg output...20:47
AlbertA2mibofra: I guess the next thing you could do is step through the egltriangle client... to see if you can narrow down where it crashes20:48
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mibofraAlbertA, anyway thank for the time you spend with me :)22:25
mibofra(maybe you had something more interesting/important to do)22:25
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