
=== rww is now known as rwwbuntu
=== rwwbuntu is now known as rww
k1l_tazer is a known problem12:15
k1l_warned him some days ago, yet he starts again with his nonsense12:15
bazhangthat was mild, by his standards12:16
k1l_syko is bad news13:42
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== mist_ is now known as mist
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Ririshi said: !forgetitlol16:15
rwwI guess it counts !forget[anythinghere] as a factoid edit request16:18
daftykinshello all, today's private messaging timewaster names themselves "dedondee"16:32
daftykinslinks to those obscure .es domains once again16:32
IdleOnedaftykins: thank you for the report16:33
daftykinsanytime, ttfn16:33
ikoniahey odisa, whats happening ?18:46
ikoniasource47: how can we help you ?18:46
odisaikonia, BUTS`EEK` PM'ed me with inappropriate content18:47
ikoniaodisa: can you share ?18:47
odisayes, I'll paste, one sec18:47
ikoniasource47: do you need/want something ?18:47
odisa<BUTS`EEK`> To say semen in Yucatec Maya, you can say 'the atole that comes from the penis" or rather, "sa'il keep".  another option is to say 'dick juice' or rather, "u ka'ab toon". Chimpout Forum encourages you to learn about Mayan culture with La Gruta del alux! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPUHPcAWeEc18:47
odisa<BUTS`EEK`> Chimpout Forum is a multicultural and multiracial humanistic movement with the mission to combat the feral negroid beast!  Join Chimpout Forum today! http://www.chimpout.com/forum18:47
bazhangikonia, they are PM spamming network wide18:48
source47ikonia: yes trying to find out how to find control groups18:48
ikoniayeah, just got it myself18:48
source47yea i got it too18:48
ikoniasource47: this isn't a support channel18:48
ikoniathanks for the info18:48
ikoniaodisa: he's removed from he channel18:48
source47so u dont help people who gets stuck on ubuntu related stuff?18:49
ikoniathis isn't a support channel, no18:49
source47sorry, i came to the wrong room maybe18:49
ikonia#ubuntu is the support channel18:49
odisathanks ikonia18:49
ikoniayou're already in it and asking for help18:49
source47what is this tho?18:49
ikoniathis channel is for the operators to assist with IRC issues (check the /topic)18:49
source47ah ok. no worries. thanks for the info!18:49
ikoniano problem18:49
bluegreybazhang, im gonna idle here too =)19:36
ikoniahello bluegrey19:37
bazhangit's hfs+19:37
bazhangnooooo waaaaaa19:38
bluegreyits my right to idle here19:38
k1l_seems there was a "lets troll #ubuntu with windows stuff" gang somehere22:38

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