
Nothing_MuchOkay so I guess the Nautilus test will be done as soon as I learn Samba00:08
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pyritehttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html isn't updating06:27
pyriteit was last generated 08/12/1406:27
Nothing_MuchSo uh..10:54
Nothing_MuchWhy is Wubi still in the QA Tracker?10:54
Nothing_MuchI thought Wubi was discontinued for instability?10:54
Nothing_MuchOne more thing, when will the Unity 8 product be available for download? :D10:55
Nothing_MuchShoot! I don't have Bluetooth hardware!11:52
Nothing_MuchAm I able to submit a passed result anyways? But specify that the Bluetooth test had to be skipped?11:54
Nothing_Much*In the comments11:54
elfyNothing_Much: I see no reason why not - which testcase is it?12:47
elfymight be worth a change to the testcase12:47
Nothing_Muchelfy: Pulseaudio (smoke)12:48
elfy:) I meant which testcase number - unless it's an xubuntu one - then it would just be words to me12:48
elfyaah cool12:48
elfy"If you have bluetooth audio hardware" ambiguous enough for me - just pass it assuming the rest is ok12:49
Nothing_MuchYep, everything passed (as far as Pulseaudio goes) :P12:50
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elopio_ping pitti: could you approve ubuntu-experience-tests? It's in the utopic upload queue.14:11
pittielopio: what is the "utopic upload queue"? CI train?14:17
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deepubuntuwhere can I find the developing version of ubuntu for testing?16:56
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balloonsanyone missing a volume indicator in utopic?18:18
Nothing_Muchballoons: Which flavor?18:26
balloonsNothing_Much, ahh, this is under ubuntu. Seems to be quite gone.18:27
Nothing_Muchlemme check18:28
Nothing_Muchballoons: Was it a fresh install?18:28
Nothing_MuchOh it is gone18:28
Nothing_MuchNew bug!18:29
balloonsI guess we should check indicator-sound18:29
balloonssee if it's reported18:29
balloonsNothing_Much, I see why it's not there.. it was set to visbile,false18:30
davmor2Nothing_Much: because I believe that 12.04 still is supported therefore wubi is too unless it got removed from 12.04.  Plus it is still on the cd as a menu only version to reboot into the install cd from Windows18:31
davmor2balloons: ^18:31
Nothing_Muchdavmor2: That makes sense, because it was dropped in 13.0418:31
balloonsdavmor2, which explain what exactly?18:31
davmor2balloons: sorry taking about wubi18:32
Nothing_Muchballoons: I asked why Wubi was still in the QA tracker18:32
balloonsdavmor2, ;-)18:32
Nothing_MuchAnd I'm still wondering why it's on the Ubuntu iso's..18:32
elfyballoons: hi - question - just for a change. If someone fails an install test does anyone ever look at bug that caused the fail?18:32
davmor2Nothing_Much: right but 12.04 LTS is still supported so wubi would still need testing on 12.0418:32
Nothing_Muchelfy: I came across a bug that would cause a kernel panic18:32
Nothing_Muchdavmor2: But it shouldn't be on the subsequent releases18:33
Nothing_Muchelfy: But that was a small while ago18:33
Nothing_MuchBoots fine on VBox18:33
balloonsNothing_Much, run this: gsettings get com.canonical.indicator.sound visible18:33
balloonsmy guess it returns false18:33
davmor2Nothing_Much: but it is on cd's as I say as a menu only option to reboot into the install cd18:33
elfyNothing_Much: check the tracker - have a look at the precise daily with wubi set to show - wubi tests are there18:33
elfyNothing_Much: but nothing shows against utopic18:34
Nothing_Muchballoons: It says "true"18:34
balloonsNothing_Much, oO? yet you see no sound menu?>18:34
elfyand hi davmor2 too :)18:34
Nothing_MuchYep, no sound indicator at the top right18:34
davmor2elfy: hey dude :)18:34
balloonsNothing_Much, try toggling?18:35
balloonsgsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible false18:35
balloonsgsettings set com.canonical.indicator.sound visible true18:35
Nothing_MuchThere it is!18:36
Nothing_MuchBut it's muted18:37
Nothing_MuchAnd it won't unmute18:37
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Nothing_Muchoh whoops18:38
Nothing_MuchI forgot to reset Pulseaudio to autospawn again18:38
Nothing_MuchBut lemme see if it appears again after a reset18:38
Nothing_MuchYeah it's all good now18:40
elopioping ubuntu-qa: can I get a review here please? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-system-settings/fix1357605-translations/+merge/23105218:59
robotfuelelopio: I will review18:59
elopioyou are too nice robotfuel. Thanks.18:59
robotfuelelopio: omg 1000+ lines, some one else can have it if they want! :P19:00
brendandelopio, aren't you better off getting someone experienced with translations looking at it? it's not really test/qa related19:00
elopiorobotfuel: you can skin :)19:00
elopioI just ran a make task.19:00
elopiorobotfuel: feel free to leave it to somebody else too.19:01
elopiowe are doing this as part of the QA blockers for the spanish translations, so it's a little related to quality.19:01
robotfuelelopio: I'll let someone more familiar with translations review. but I'll skim it to see if I can find any issues like spelling.19:03
elopiothanks robotfuel.19:03
* elopio makes a note about asking dpm for a lightning talk about translations.19:04
robotfuelI was think it would be qml or ap tests when I said I'd do the review :D +1 on the talk about translations.19:05
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