
darkxstcan someone promote tracker to main? didrocks was going to do it, but havent seen him for a while!10:35
darkxstbug 131399610:35
ubot93bug 1313996 in Ubuntu GNOME "[MIR] Tracker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131399610:35
darkxst(needed for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/1:3.10.1-0ubuntu13)10:37
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darkxstinfinity, ^^^ can you promote tracker?12:31
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=== Guest98489 is now known as Adri2000
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rtgarges, tboot has been languishing in the Trusty unapproved queue since 7/31. Could you have a look at it ?13:55
argesrtg: sure13:55
argesrtg: ok so looks like a security/bugfix-mostly update so that's good14:00
argesrtg: however, the changelog is messed up as it has utopic entries in it for a trusty release. Can you make it one entry that explains all teh changes in one14:00
rtgutopic ? doh!14:00
argesrtg: in addition fix_grub-mkconfig_version.patch was dropped. can you mention why this is ok in teh changelog too14:01
dokostgraber, ScottK: please overwrite the libaunit autopkg test. it was demoted to -proposed, and shouldn't block glibc14:02
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rtgarges, tboot resubmitted with requested changes14:40
argesrtg: ack14:40
gaughenslangasek, arges, infinity - who do I bug to find out if a ffe is likely to get approved?  rbasak filed one for bcache14:53
dokostgraber, ScottK, infinity slangasek: please overwrite the libaunit autopkg test. it was demoted to -proposed, and shouldn't block glibc14:57
dokostgraber, ScottK, infinity slangasek: please overwrite the bzr autopkg test to unblock glibc14:58
slangasekgaughen: bug #?15:03
argesrtg: ok, a few more comments (should have caught this earlier) the hg_archival.patch can you fill in the rest of the template. Also you drop /fix-werror-format.patch but that doesn't line up with what teh changelog says.15:04
rtgarges, once more into the breach...15:41
argesrtg: ok i'll look at in a second15:45
gaughenslangasek, 1355890 is the bug15:45
gaughenslangasek, we'll have a test plan ready to share by end of day today15:46
argesrtg: looks good .. accepted15:55
rtgarges, thanks15:55
slangasekgaughen: an FFe doesn't require an extensive test plan16:00
gaughenslangasek, well I just wanted to let you know it was out there16:00
slangasekok :)16:00
gaughenand would be available soon16:00
gaughenbut good to know16:00
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