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dorimon5"perf samples too long (2519 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000". this error turns my ubuntu server hang, i will happpen every 3-4 hours. need some help.04:30
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boratynskikamilHello, dear all. I got such an error while installing LXC on Ubuntu 14.04 Server:09:44
boratynskikamillxc_container: Executing '/sbin/init' with no configuration file may crash the host09:44
gdi2khi all - this is not ubuntu specific, but I have a hardware question and I am sure there are plenty with the experience. I've bought a low-end Lenovo Thinkserver TS140 plus a used Intel PRO/1000 PT Dual Port adapter to go with it. However, with the adapter installed, it takes forever to POST - like up to 5 minutes. Once it boots things are fine and the adapter works like it should. Any ideas?10:03
gdi2kI've read it may have to do with PCIe initialization (old adapter on very new / fast hardware) ?10:04
cfhowlettgdi2k, lenovo has a English language channel or forum somewhere10:15
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Lunariois there an alternative to dynamic dns if I want to access my local ubuntu server  from the internet?11:20
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html11:20
RoyKLunario: static IP from your ISP?11:25
frag_worki am interest to deploy a ubuntu server on my kvm. but what are the default way to automated install an ubuntu server?11:42
frag_workcan any give me a tip?11:43
ikoniafrag_work: preeseed ?11:44
ikoniafai ?11:44
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kullyHey all! I have a server I just imaged VIA clonezilla, moved to virtualbox, and the server keeps screaming about detected tx unit hang when I put it with no network, anyway I can just disable this? I can't put it on the network as the other server is still live and I need to test and I can't while it's screaming12:25
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vahidHey. I am installing Ubunto 14.04.1 Lts Server 64-Bit. I have installed software step by step. But now when I am open the URL, it shows an error that "Not Found, The requested URL /magento/ was not found on this server."Hey. I am installing Ubunto 14.04.1 Lts Server 64-Bit. I have installed software step by step. But now when I am open the URL, it shows an error that "Not Found, The requested URL /magento/ was not found on this server."14:08
vahidHave you Idea?14:09
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itadderhow do I run security update patches with ubuntu server14:44
dasjoeitadder: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/package-management.html14:45
vmdsch1What is the best alternative to vmbuilder?15:59
streulmahello is it needed to upgrade to 14.04 for server? I have now 12.0416:21
Picistreulma: 12.04 will be supported until 2017.  You only need to upgrade if you want to.16:22
patdk-wkor if you think you will still be managing that machine in 2017 :)16:22
RoyKpatdk-wk: then the machine can be updated when it gets closer to 2017 ;)16:23
patdk-wkwhy put off work for later when you won't have time :)16:23
RoyKpatdk-wk: well, if it works, don't fix it ;)16:24
dasjoeThat is only valid if your HWE is based on trusty or you're not using it at all16:25
patdk-wkif you break it now, you have 3 years to fix it :)16:25
RoyKpatdk-wk: :D16:25
patdk-wkwhat is only valid?16:25
patdk-wkoh as far as support?16:27
patdk-wkI was pretty sure hwe would autoupgrade, and everyone, assuming they install updates at all, would have trusty hwe now, or no hwe16:27
patdk-wkeither way, supported16:27
streulmado you know what I did? I maked virtualbox vm of Server 12.04 and copied the whole disk tar to hosting provider :)16:31
streulmait works !16:32
RoyKstreulma: it usually does, although you may have to remove things like /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:35
streulmaRoyK yes indeed :) and copied fstab back and mtab and /boot/grub/menu.lst16:37
RoyKstreulma: it's not windows, you know ;)16:37
streulmathey use Bochs16:37
* RoyK hadn't even heard of Bochs16:39
sarnoldRoyK: you probably have, just try to remember a decade ago..16:55
dasjoepatdk-wk: it doesn't autoupdate unless you chose the -eol versions16:55
patdk-wkyes, so if you HAVE hwe, it should be trusty, and nothing else :)16:58
RoyKsarnold: no, that one must have slipped17:03
sarnoldRoyK: hehe :)17:04
RoyKsarnold: I have a fairly good memory, but didn'd to much virtualisation back in 2004 :P17:04
sarnoldRoyK: well, to be fair, bochs was too slow for actual use then17:06
sarnoldRoyK: it was like the linux-in-javascript thing, "ooh, neat"17:06
sarnoldRoyK: or of actual use to kernel people because the ycould single-step their cpu :) but not much actual utility17:06
RoyKafaics from wikipedia, it still doesn't have any cpu virtualisation features, which sounds to me like a Very Bad Idea Indeed for production17:08
jdstrandhallyn (fyi mdeslaur): fyi bug #135840517:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1358405 in libvirt "cannot execute binary /usr/bin/kvm-img: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135840517:10
RobC207Good day! /var/log/apt has history logs where installs and upgrades are recorded.  This is very useful information, but...is there a log created (and preserved?!) regarding the package selections made during the initial OS install process?17:41
RoyKRobC207: don't think so - why?17:44
RobC207RoyK: Auditing a server to prepare for replacing 10.04 with 14.17:48
RoyKRobC207: you can only upgrade to 12.04 with do-release-upgrade, but then, just do it twice17:49
RoyKRobC207: the upgrade process will install what's there, regardless of what was there in the first place17:49
RobC207RoyK: Well I suppose I should at least try that route.  Maybe after a full backup.18:01
RoyKRobC207: always do a full backup (or snapshot, if it's a VM and the hypervisor/filesystem supports that) before upgrading18:02
ldelarosaHey guys i just set up the access to my ubuntu server using key-based ssh logins and it works fine. And lock the password for the local user. Now I can't do anything as sudo, because it asking for the password for that user but i locked it.19:06
ldelarosaWhat can I do?19:06
dasjoeldelarosa: boot into single-user mode and change the user's password. Then disable password auth in sshd.conf, instead of locking your account19:14
dasjoeldelarosa: if you set the root password you could also use "su" instead of "sudo", then "passwd username"19:16
ldelarosaOk dasjoe it makes sense. I will try it. Thanks.19:20
floundersWhat kind of hardware should I get for a server that is doing DHCP, LDAP logins, NFS and DNS for approximately 300 users?19:27
webfoxHello folks!19:34
webfoxI am facing this error message when I try to install mysql at ubuntu-server : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5567d3437509981a018b19:34
webfoxCould someone help me figure out how to solve it please?19:35
webfoxI did already fix location issue and installed location.19:35
webfoxI mean installed logger.19:36
lutostagwebfox: how did you install logger? If you run $ logger 'uniq test message' # and check /var/log/syslog is it there?19:39
hallynjdstrand: that is surprising.  I'd expect libvirt to find qemu-img.  I wonder if you remove the symlink yo uadded and do 'stop libvirt-bin; start libvirt-bin' does that solve it?19:40
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webfoxlutostag: I did install as apt-get isntall logger19:42
lutostagwebfox: hmm, thats not showing up as a package on my system; try sudo apt-get install bsdutils # which is where the logger program comes from (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man1/logger.1.html)19:43
webfoxlutostag: ok, installed and now?19:44
lutostagwebfox: try a $ sudo apt-get install --fix-broken mysql-server19:44
webfoxlutostag: great, I thin it is already working.19:45
lutostagwebfox: good to hear, glad to help19:45
webfoxlutostag: thank you a lot mister!!!! :D19:45
jdstrandhallyn: that seems to work19:48
hallynjdstrand: so is there a clean packaging way to have qemu say "restart libvirt if installed"?19:50
hallynjdstrand: I mean i can re-add the links, but we're aiming for being in sync with debian19:50
hallyn(for qemu, not libvirt)19:50
jdstrandhallyn: I was. I am trying it with ksm disabled19:51
hallyni appreciate that19:52
jdstrandso far, it has been working19:52
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itadder_for production server what version of ubuntu should we be running20:19
itadder_our developers who want ubuntu requsted 12.0420:19
itadder_old old20:19
j0nrWhat should I be Googling for when I have a single mail server setup but I want to be able to receiev emails from multiple domains? I had this set up before but now I have to redo it and I cannot remember!20:24
kklimondaitadder_: well, 12.04 is still perfectly valid, and is going to be supported for 3 more years20:24
j0nrI had it set up so that multiple emails all got delivered into my one user's Maildir20:24
fridaynextj0nr: after about a year of dealing with my postfix/dovecot/spamassassin setup for all my domains, I've finally given it all up for Google Apps.20:25
fridaynextand I couldn't be happier. :D20:25
j0nrfridaynext: funny you should mention that....I have been toying with the idea myself.20:26
fridaynextj0nr: omg - don't even think about it any more - just do it!20:26
fridaynextaliases, no smtp to deal with, folders/drafts/etc all just work.20:26
j0nrCan I point multiple domains to a single google apps?20:26
j0nrI currently (well before yesterday) had me@domain1.com maillist@domain1.com sales@domain1.com20:27
j0nrbasically, I could add any alias I want20:27
j0nralso I could direct me@anotherdomain.com to the same inbox20:28
fridaynexti know you can add any alias within the same domain, b/c the mx records only work for one domain20:28
j0nrhmmmm....seems like admiting defeat!20:28
fridaynextoh yeah, you can add a domain alias. nice.20:28
fridaynextthat saves me $5 a month!20:28
j0nranyway....I have my 'basic' mail server working....just need to get back to how I had it set up for the multiple domains.20:28
j0nrvirtual I think20:29
j0nrhmm, that's REALLY tempting20:30
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rostamHI I am using ubuntu 14.04. My server has two network interfaces. eth0 and eth1. I am facing something very strange and I have narrow down it whenever update-initramfs is called, the order of network interfaces changes on the next reboot. By that I mean the eth0 bind to hardware interface eth1 used to bind and vise versa.21:29
sarnoldrostam: see /etc/udev/somethingorother/70-persistent-net-something21:29
rostamsarnold,  yes that is another strange thing, It never gets created on my system ???21:31
rostamsarnold, I have removed biosdevname package21:31
rostamsarnold, and I have set if.devname=1 in /etc/default/grub21:32
rostamsarnold,  I removed biosdevname because the network  interfaces used to come up as em1 and p6xx  and I did not need them that way.21:33
sarnoldrostam: yeah, I don't blame you for wanting eth0 and eth1, but the 70-persistent-net-whatever file can give them whateve rnames you want21:34
rostamsarnold, but it down not gets created in my system should I create it manually ?? thx21:36
sarnoldrostam: yeah it should work fine if you create it manually21:42
sarnoldrostam: here's my eth0 line: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="3c:97:0e:3d:78:55", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"21:42
TJ-rostam: is there "net.ifnames=1" on the kernel command line ("cat /proc/cmdline") ?21:45
rostamTJ- I put place that in my /etc/default/grub  kernel command line21:48
rostamTJ- I will reboot see the cat /proc/cmdline in a sec21:49
rostamTJ-, yes I see that: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic root=UUID=a8da1c5e-ea4c-4d24-ac3e-b08e99e2ab1f ro net.ifnames=1 biosdevname=0 nomodeset21:51
TJ-rostam: That prevents the persistent-net-names generator from working21:52
TJ-$ grep ifnames /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules21:52
TJ-ENV{net.ifnames}=="1",                  GOTO="persistent_net_generator_end"21:52
rostamTJ-  okay thank you I will remove it and reboot see what happens.21:53
rostamTJ-, I remove that but still the persistent file is not created .21:58
TJ-rostam: You mean there is no "/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?22:01
rostamTJ-, yes that file does not created after I removed the if.devname=1.22:07
TJ-rostam: So something else in "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules" causes the generator not to run. Read the rules, see if you can see what is doing it based on your knowledge of that system.22:08
TJ-rostam: Is it a virtual machine? these rules generally only trigger on real physical interfaces22:08
rostamTJ- no it is not virtual machine22:09
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rostamTJ-, I will read the file as you suggested. Thank you.22:10
TJ-rostam: OK, well look at all the rules in that file that cause it to skip to the end; it sounds like one of those is triggering22:10
rostamTJ- will do thanks again.22:10
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