
rick_h__cmaloney: :)03:13
* cmaloney loves a good pen though03:23
cmaloneyGood morning11:56
cmaloneyre: my home phone: nice thing is it uses Bluetooth so I can upload my contacts to it from my cell phone12:00
rick_h__what is this 'home phone' thing you speak of?12:01
cmaloneyHar har12:01
cmaloneySilly, it's the phone that telemarketers use to try to sell us shit12:01
rick_h__seriously, I think that's down to a 1 in 10 kind of thing12:01
cmaloneyrick_h__: Yeah, trouble is our parents come from an era where one picks up the phone, yells at whomever else is on the party line, and then asks the operator to connect them.12:03
rick_h__heh, how does this help?12:03
cmaloneyJoDee's dad especially gets very confused while using his cell phone12:04
cmaloneyso we have one number (The home number) for him to call12:04
cmaloneyDirect line, no BS.12:04
cmaloneyif I had my druthers I'd move to cell-phones entirely.12:05
cmaloneyor at least everything through Ting.12:05
cmaloneyBut considering our stellar receiption in the past I'm leery to do that.12:05
cmaloneySo we pay WOW! an extra few $$ a month for a land-line12:06
cmaloney(VOIP, so we're not complete luddites)12:06
brouschMy god, man. Next you'll tell me you write with a quill and ink well on parchment12:26
rick_h__cmaloney: heh, google voice have it ring both your cells12:27
rick_h__but yea, need good reception12:27
cmaloneyrick_h__: Yeah, but I don't trust Google Voice to connect in all cases12:31
cmaloneyAnd generally speaking whenever JoDee's dad calls it's for her.12:32
cmaloneySo the land-line is the "either of us, but more than likely JoDee" line12:33
mrgoodcatwhat's a party line?12:34
mrgoodcatshared telephone line?12:35
cmaloneyGood lord man, have you never seen I Love Lucy?12:36
jrwrenI wonder if telemarketers will eventually pay for peoples home phones.12:42
cmaloneyJust upgraded to 14.04 and already I want to shoot the "More Suggestions"14:27
brouschMore Suggestions?14:30
cmaloneyThe online searching14:32
cmaloneyFortunately I figured out how to turn it off without resorting to scripts14:32
brouschWait, is this a Unity thing?14:32
rick_h__you have to use unity and not turn off the AMZ stuff14:32
cmaloneyYeah, there's a switch that will turn off the searches14:33
cmaloneyWhich is lovely when you're searching the dash for "privacy" and it shows you the history of privacy on wikipedia and album suggestions with the word privacy in them.14:34
cmaloney"I see this is an emergency. Here are albums with the word "Emergency" in them.14:36
cmaloney"Did you know that the world's first recorded emergency was ..."14:36
cmaloney"You won't believe what these emergency workers did to save this cute kitten from a tree"14:37
brousch10 hottest emergency nurses14:37
cmaloneyMaybe in your searches.14:37
cmaloneyOK, I shouldn't laugh, but this "all staff" note is precious14:38
cmaloneyapparently someone is flushing hand towels in the toilets and causing them to overflow14:39
cmaloneyPlease use the restroom facilities and paper products as intended. Thanks everyone.14:39
brouschSome people have a lot of territory to wipe. TP just ain't big enough14:39
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho19:50
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Thine bot doth not provideth me with mine currently playing track as I requested.19:50
mrgoodcat.echo test19:50
mrgoodcatseems dead19:50
rick_h__killed it!19:51
cmaloneySeems missing19:51
cmaloneyBah, now noone will know I was listening to Devastation19:51
mrgoodcat.np squeekyhoho19:52
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Scum by Napalm Death on Scum19:52
cmaloneyToo late now19:52
cmaloneythe moment is gone19:53
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho19:54
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Dismantle the Dictator by Revocation on Existence Is Futile19:54
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