
belkinsaDid some work on the wiki pages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam and we need to review what is in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Deprecated00:21
jenni[ OhioTeam - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1fsFO0B00:21
jenni[ OhioTeam/Deprecated - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1ApCXQj00:21
belkinsaMost of the related content is all in one cat00:21
belkinsaI still need to the meetings up on the meetings page00:23
belkinsaAlso, I want to clean out that member map badly00:24
belkinsaBecause it's outdated with many of the members inactive or out of state.00:26
belkinsaLike sethbaur and hostmedic there is no proof that they live in Ohio.00:27
Unit193...We need proof?00:28
belkinsaYes, because if skellat wants us to get active, I think we need to have up-to-date information and the map is one of them.00:29
Unit193Two second google search: https://github.com/sethbaurhttp://sethbaur.com/ - https://plus.google.com/+SethBaur/posts00:29
jenni[ Seth Baur - Google+ ] - https://j.mp/1ApPao400:29
Unit193If that's not "proof", then neither am I.00:30
skellatI go away for dinner and then to take care of my cat...00:30
belkinsaWell, I will e-mail him00:30
skellatbelkinsa: Nuke Shepherding & XMPP00:30
Unit193Meh, if you like you can take me off the map too, I don't care.00:30
skellatAnything under Deprecated was stuff I put on hold prior to nuking to see if anybody missed it00:30
belkinsaOkay, I will mail the list00:31
belkinsaNaw, Unit193 , I won't, you are active and there is proof that you are.00:31
* belkinsa stops00:31
skellatOur wiki is so frakking messed up I didn't even realize we had a bloody map there00:31
belkinsaThat's on our site not wiki00:32
Unit193Sure, linked several places.00:32
skellatWe deal with that separately00:32
skellatYou have to be a member of ~ubuntu-us-ohio to have placed the pin in the first place otherwise the Drupal instance would've kicked you out00:32
belkinsaCan I e-mail the list about those pages though?00:32
skellatWhich ones?00:33
belkinsaDeprecated ones00:33
skellatI moved them there over 12 months ago and nobody noticed so far00:33
* Unit193 tends to not use the wiki, slow as it is.00:33
skellatActually make that 11 months ago00:33
belkinsaWell, we should try again.00:34
* skellat reminds Unit193 that even Xubuntu meetings have components that imply wiki.u.c usage00:34
Unit193I know.00:34
* belkinsa starts to write the e-mail about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Deprecated pages00:35
jenni[ OhioTeam/Deprecated - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1ApCXQj00:35
belkinsaI bet I will be stopped again.00:35
skellatNo, the stop was for both of you last time.00:36
Unit193Meh, was just saying, at that rate of randomly removing, may as well take me out too, I'm not that active in Ohio, just Xubuntu. :D00:36
skellatNo random removing00:37
skellatWe're not going there00:37
belkinsaOkay, forget about the map.00:38
Unit193But what if pin the tail on the donky is fun? :(00:38
* Unit193 pins one on jrgifford.00:38
skellatWe may wipe the board clean and set new pins, though...but we leave that for another time00:38
skellatUnit193: If you find a suitable JS app, I'm fine with that being on the LoCo website00:38
skellatOkay, belkinsa, what specifically do you want to ask the community about the Deprecated pages?00:39
belkinsaIf they are truely needed, they seem to going to stuff that has died out.00:40
skellatbelkinsa: I think we can just go ahead and nuke the deprecated area00:45
belkinsaGo on it00:45
belkinsaOn it***00:45
skellatSome of those pages reference IRC channels that don't exist anymore even00:46
skellatFirefox: Not Just A Web Browser, But Also A Self-Contained Fork-Bomb! :-\00:46
belkinsaReady to nuke, captain!00:47
belkinsaIf it does it00:47
belkinsaStupid wiki.00:48
belkinsaNuked, captain skellat.00:49
Unit193Hmm, that was fast, for the wiki. :D00:50
Unit193That keeping the old meetings?00:50
belkinsaI still have them along with the ones that I need to add to the list00:50
jenni[ OhioTeam/Meetings - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1ApQVld00:50
belkinsaThey are in the subpages section still00:51
belkinsaBut that will be tomorrow's work00:51
skellatI made one small change as to who is claimed as "Team Contact": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam00:51
jenni[ OhioTeam - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1fsFO0B00:51
belkinsaYeah, I was going to do that.00:52
Unit193Does LP and the map sync?  If you remove yourself from -oh, does the map remove you?00:53
belkinsaThat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/SubpageHeader3 could be worked on.  But that's another day.00:53
jenni[ OhioTeam/SubpageHeader3 - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1ApReg400:53
skellatUnit193: No, LP and the map don't sync00:54
skellatSergio Meneses was working on something for that00:54
belkinsaUnit193, indeed.00:54
skellatBut he's been busy with UbuConLA00:54
belkinsaThat could help a bit00:54
belkinsaYou think those links under WELCOME TO UBUNTU OHIO!  can be removed or at least labled?00:56
Unit193skellat: Well, I know for a fact Cheri moved to CO, mind if I remove from the map or just leave it00:57
belkinsaAnd paultag if he is on the mp still00:58
Unit193Paul is always here, in mind or body. :P00:58
skellatUnit193: Yes, pull Cheri703 from the map00:58
skellatShe's happily in Colorado now00:59
Unit193Meh, now it's just me and Dr Kokandy.01:00
skellatYou both may have some spam from LP in a bit as I flipped some bits around01:01
belkinsaI e-mailed sethbaur to see if he still active with Ubuntu01:01
belkinsaI saw skellat01:01
belkinsaAnd good move01:01
Unit193Dangit, FF is this week.01:03
skellatWhat do you need to get in before Feature Freeze?01:04
Unit193Meh, nothing really I suppose.01:05
belkinsaskellat, permission to write a blog post on my blog about the Ohio Team Wiki Pages clean up once I finish it?01:05
belkinsamay I have *01:05
skellatYou're already empowered to do so01:07
skellatGo for it01:07
skellatI like how the chatter over on oftc in #ohiolinux is that UbuCon is up in the air.  It isn't.  We're not doing it.  It really is that simple.01:08
belkinsaIs it going still?  Or do you have the logs to that?01:09
skellatI can give you logs later01:10
skellatBut yeah, the meeting is underway01:11
belkinsaI joined.01:11
belkinsaand okay01:11
* belkinsa still not sure for going01:13
belkinsahttps://launchpad.net/~brady-merriweather is moved to DC, I think if he is on the map, he can be removed.01:28
jenni[ Brady Merriweather in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1ApVrQJ01:28
skellatEeek, DC LoCo membership?  That will be a travel project for me yet as a member of LoCo Council to try to help sort out.01:29
belkinsaThis one moved to: https://launchpad.net/~nivex01:30
jenni[ Kevin Otte in Launchpad ] - https://j.mp/1t8K1yl01:30
belkinsaAnyways, it's getting late.  Slaapwel, everyone and thank you for your time also with the clean up.01:37
jrgiffordSo many lp emails.01:46
jrgiffordIt's worse than github. Only because I don't have a LP email filter.01:46
jrgiffordAnd I do for gh01:46
* Unit193 sends a few more.01:48
skellatjrgifford: Everything is cleaned up now so that I can be fired at any time01:51
Unit193You were the only one actually elected. :P01:53
skellatI know01:54
skellatWe'll get there eventually to have confirmation of things01:54
skellatA blog went dark on planet.u.c and I'm wondering if I should go ahead and fix it01:55
jrgiffordI know mine is pretty broken right now.02:07
dzhohttp://www.cantonlinux.org/ anybody know these guys?13:04
jenni[ Canton Linux Enthusiasts | Free and Open Source Software users in northeastern Ohio ] - https://j.mp/1BtlwQr13:04
dzhothafreak: ?13:04
dzhoFrom the looks of articles on the main page, I suspect this is a domain that got squatted.13:04
jrgifforddzho: doesn't look squatted to me14:10
jrgiffordunless you're referring to 2009, single 2010, then 201414:10
dzhojrgifford: ah, I think I figured out what I was seeing.14:30
jenni[ Feed aggregator | Canton Linux Enthusiasts ] - https://j.mp/1tf3pJ714:30
dzhothe article about the ebola quarantine center cause me to raise my eyebrows and look further14:31
dzhonow I see it's just a full import of the slashdot feed14:32
thafreakI didn't know there was a canton group18:35
thafreaki should venture down there18:35
thafreakThe, I'm not goofing around, my code is compiling18:37
thafreakhas now become, I'm not goofing around, my docker image is assembling :)18:37
jrgiffordyeah, our docker images take about 5-10 minutes to build. still way faster than the VM build process though.20:32
jrgiffordbecause once it's built, we can deploy instantly. VM build process would take 3 minutes, but would take another 10+ minutes before a deploy hit the world.20:33
jrgiffordso we're overall happy with this.20:33

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