
daftykinsno you don't00:00
alazyworkaholicthe commands "ubuntu-drivers devices" and "ubuntu-drivers list" return nothing although I have a recent Nvidia graphics card. What could the problem be? (14.04)00:00
frank_odaftykins: wanna bet00:00
DraginI see rww00:00
DraginWell, if it helps, the creator of rscw just made an update to it a few days ago, so possibly 2?00:01
frank_odaftykins: you're welcome to join us in #css00:01
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greyhetalazyworkaholic: did you try to install nvidia driver ?00:01
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daftykinsif only the ops were more attentive.00:02
frank_othey're here.00:02
rwwDragin: if so, installing libgtk2.0-dev would work00:02
Dragingonna ask in ubuntu-hams and see if anyone there knows which version I'd need00:02
Draginthanks rww. I will check that out00:02
lickalottGents, finally decided to upgrade to 14.04 on my laptop.  I'm getting a compiz error and it's SLLOOOOOWWWWW.  Based on the error report it seems that it's crashing on startup.  Anything I can do?00:02
alazyworkaholicgreyhet: nvidia driver? if you mean, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current", yes. That didn't work out at all, so I rolled back and wanted to try to install using the friendly graphical installer.00:02
Draginnot having any problems with 14.04 here00:03
greyhetalazyworkaholic: so, you climbed over that issues00:04
alazyworkaholicgreyhet: if I open the "additional drivers" applet, i'm told there are no additional drivers available, and that's wrong.00:05
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OerHeksalazyworkaholic, for what videocard?00:05
Draginrww... where do I get libgtk2.0-dev? I tried sudo apt-get libgtk2.0-dev and it said E: Invalid operation libgtk2.0-dev00:06
daftykinsDragin: sudo apt-get install <package>00:06
Dragindoh! Sorry00:06
daftykinsstart taking notes, so you can learn easier00:06
OerHeksalazyworkaholic, open terminal:  lspci | grep -i VGA  # and post the output here00:07
greyhetalazyworkaholic: please check it, http://askubuntu.com/a/45124800:08
greyhetbut be careful when remove packets about nvidia00:08
Beldarlickalott, Upgraded from what release and how?00:08
alazyworkaholicgreyhet: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2)00:08
greyhetalazyworkaholic: if you download driver from nvidia.com, i think that it doesn't matter what it is00:09
greyhetand check this link, http://askubuntu.com/a/45124800:09
daftykinsyou shouldn't be downloading.00:09
greyhetdaftykins: i downloaded driver, and install manually. there is no complex issues i guess00:10
OerHekssupport for that 750TI is comming in kernel 3.1500:10
daftykinsgreyhet: right, but when a new kernel comes out or a new version does, you have to go to some hassle. we do not advise things that aren't packaged around here if we can help it00:10
daftykinsgreyhet: also 'works for me' is not a defense :)00:11
alazyworkaholicOerKeks: Are you referring to the nouveau open source driver for the 750-ti? I want to use the proprietary one.00:11
alazyworkaholicOerHeks: should it not be detected by using the additional drivers tab?00:12
greyhetdaftykins: how can i help without experiments ?00:12
greyhetexperience *00:13
OerHeksalazyworkaholic, nvidia driver 334.21 added support for the new GeForce GTX 750 Ti , this is all info i have00:13
greyhetnever mind00:13
Beldarlickalott, Hard to tell your actual issue however a reset often helps. http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-04/  Make sure if you have graphic drivers you have installed previously do it again starting with looking in the additional drivers tab in software & updates.00:15
DraginI just installed the libgtk2.0-dev then typed make (to make the rscw program) and this is what I get. http://pastebin.com/nVp0hCLD Anyone know where I should look for those files/folders that it can't find?00:15
rwwDragin: gtk-config isn't in the Ubuntu repositories. Again, I suspect it's a GTK1 thing :\00:18
Dragindon't know where I can find gtk1 then?00:18
alfonsojonOh my00:24
lickalottGracias Beldar .  I'll look into that.00:25
daftykinsgreyhet: don't :)00:26
lickalottERROR 2014-08-17 17:27:45 unity.debug.interface DebugDBusInterface.cpp:216 Unable to load entry point in libxpathselect: libxpathselect.so.1.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:28
lickalottERROR 2014-08-17 17:27:46 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:524 DBus name lost 'org.gnome.Shell'00:28
lickalottERROR 2014-08-17 17:27:46 unity.glib.dbus.server GLibDBusServer.cpp:524 DBus name lost 'com.canonical.Unity'00:28
Beldarlickalott, Use a pastebin and give a context.00:29
lickalottafter I did the reset from the site you posted.00:30
Beldarlickalott, Did you restart the desktop and do a reboot just to see if your working better?00:31
lickalotti restarted the desktop.  Haven't accomplished a full restart yet.  I will in a bit and report findings.00:31
Beldarlickalott, So what release did you upgrade from and how. Note I use your nick as a preface to talk to you.00:32
MetronomeHello World!00:32
lickalottsorry Beldar.  I'm multi-tasking.  Usually I add the nick also.   I am upgrading from 12.04 and I did it through the package manager00:33
MetronomeWould anyone like to skim my freshly-typed MMO installation guide and let me know if I misused any Ubuntu terms (or if there is a more user friendly way to explain anything)?  =D00:33
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Beldarlickalott, Did you have any 3rd party repos like PPA's in 12.04?00:34
MetronomeParticularly, the fourth paragraphs relate to Ubuntu.00:34
lickalottBeldar, yes00:34
Metronome*paragraph relates00:34
lucid_intervalOerHeks: I have an nVidia GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2) and I am using nvidia-331. No issues whatsoever (although I am not a gamer). I am using 3840x2160 and a 2560x1600 monitors in Twinview with no problems00:34
MetronomeI tried to make it as accessible to non-technical readers as possible00:34
Beldarlickalott, And by the way multitasking has been statistically proven to be no more effective than single task work.00:34
MetronomeI'm never sure how much explanation is too much.00:34
lickalottLOL @ Beldar.00:35
lucid_intervalOerHeks: The nVidia release notes does mention adding support for 750Ti, but the details do not reference 750Ti anywhere00:35
Beldarnot a joke, it was tested and is empirical, lickalott00:36
lickalottBeldar, not multitaksing in the sense of simultaneous projects on the computer at once.  multitasking as in, 3 kids running around tripping over themselves and yelling and I have to mediate any arguments.00:37
Beldarlickalott, Ah, never had the pleasure/pain/hair pulling privilage. ;)00:38
lickalottBeldar, god bless you sir.  Make sure you and your significant other are READY!!00:38
jorge2how do I run a program from the terminal and be able to close the terminal without the program exiting00:39
Beldarlickalott, Not gonna happen I guarantee, not my sort of thing, but thanks for the image supporting that. ;)00:39
daftykinsjorge2: run it with & at the end00:39
daftykins"program &"00:39
jorge2I tried that and when I close the terminal it exits the program00:40
daftykinsjorge2: ah, try using screen.00:40
jorge2how do you use screen?00:40
cynicallemonjorge2: or tmux00:40
daftykinsjorge2: plenty of guides online00:41
robfrawleyjoin #nginx00:42
robfrawleymy bad ^00:42
jorge2what is nginx?00:42
robfrawleya web server00:42
robfrawleyi mean to type that with a leading slash, not post it here00:42
daftykinsrobfrawley: pro tip, commands in your status window. no chance of making mistakes that others see00:44
jorge2yo foo' keep it real dawg00:44
lickalottBeldar, 110% better.  Thank you sir!00:44
robfrawleydaftykins: Thanks for that - good call00:45
Beldarlickalott, Cool, enjoy.00:46
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rwwGDC: Hi, welcome to #ubuntu, the technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux. How can we help?00:54
cynicallemonGDC - Global Domain Controller maybe?00:58
ObrienDavebig brother ;P00:59
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=== sysgh0st666 is now known as sysgh0st0110
pomkeHey, I'm tyring to upgrade an old 12.10 machine, but update-manager exitsbecause quantal is no longer found in any repositories01:11
pomkeusing a local mirror or using the main servers01:11
Bashing-om!eol | pom01:11
ubottupom: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:11
=== Gu_______ is now known as ZackWolfNZ
=== ZackWolfNZ is now known as ZackWolf
Overvwhy does ubuntu 14.04 LTS have packages from debian unstable like clang-3.5?01:22
BeldarOverv, All packages go through ubuntu dev and are put in it's repos.01:22
alfonsojonOverv: Ubuntu bases itself upon Debian's upstream unstable repos01:23
BeldarOverv, And ubuntu is based on debian stable basically, tweaked for your pleasure.01:23
rwwno it isn't01:23
rwwthere we go :)01:23
Overvah, didn't know that01:24
rwwiirc LTSes are based on testing instead, but i don't know if that's an always thing or not01:24
rww(and that's only the autosync; manual syncs happen from e.g. experimental if need be)01:25
alipoor90What is Best Linux font for daily use?01:29
Beldaralipoor90, No best, that is a subjective answer.01:30
alipoor90I looking for an equivalent to Times New Roman on windows, I tried to install Times New Roman in Linux but it rendering very bad ...01:31
Beldaralipoor90, Have you installed the restricted extras?01:32
Beldarthere are ms font included in them01:33
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alipoor90I installed it by coping fonts from my Windows font folder !? is it wrong?01:34
Beldaralipoor90, The ubuntu repos are full of fonts, there are ms fonts in the restricted extras, not sure of you methodology. Nor if you want a OS wide change or even how, some apps can be changed independently01:36
alipoor90no , i just want to use it in my documents01:37
Beldaralipoor90, Libreoffice?01:38
Beldaralipoor90, So again have you installed the restricted extras?01:39
decimagood morning, is anyone here that can help with a ssh rsa key connection issue ?01:40
alipoor90 I installed Times New Roman by coping it into /usr/share/fonts but it rendering very bad, for example in "then", 'e' and 'n' sicks together01:40
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daftykins!ask | decima01:40
ubottudecima: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:40
alipoor90do installing fonts from packages make difference?01:40
Beldaralipoor90, New times roman is in the ms fonts in the restricted extras and looks ice here, you should only be using fonts from the ubnuntu repos basically.01:41
somsipalipoor90: do it the proper way (from official packages) and then raise an issue if they don't work right01:41
decimai have two computers that try connect via rsa key to 1 server (2 different rsa keys) connection from the first computer works fine but on the 2nd one i get a permission denied (public key) error01:42
stevendumanihello, what's the Yahoo Messenger Alternative for linux? empathy and pidgin didn't work... is there a better solution?01:42
rwwstevendumani: pidgin *should* work. are you getting an error on connection or something?01:43
rypervenchedecima: You are missing the public key of the other computer in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file probably.01:43
decimanah already added it and confirmed that its there01:43
stevendumanirww I'll get back to you thanx for answering.01:43
decimathe log on the server shows connection closed by ip [preauth]01:43
rypervenchedecima: How did you add the public key? Manually or with ssh-copy-id?01:44
decimamanually via cat rsakeyname >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys01:44
rypervenchedecima: I would verify that the ssh server is running on both systems. You may need to install openssh-server. Otherwise, try adding a -v to your ssh command.01:45
systemgh0ststevendumani: what erors are you getting when installing pidgin?01:45
rypervenchedecima: Also verify that the permissions are 600 on the authorized_keys file and 700 on the ~/.ssh directory.01:45
decimai tried with -v but could not find anything wrong, the strange is that i have another computer , that i set up a little bit before the other with a different rsa key and that one works fine01:45
decimarypervenche i also doublechecked the chmod settings01:46
decimai even created another key but same result there01:47
rypervenchedecima: What is the auth log on the other server showing?01:47
decimaconnection closed by ipoftheclientrying to connect [preauth]01:47
stevendumanisystemgh0st , rww it's working now thank you, but is there a way to show offline contacts?01:48
quemhaven't been able to get my samsung ml-1630w printer to work in ubuntu 14.14. i've had no issues with it in all previous versions of ubuntu.01:49
rypervenchedecima: Yeah, something isn't right. Either you're connecting to the wrong user, you copied the public key incorrectly, or something else. Can you cat out ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server that you can't connect to?01:49
quemit uses the splix driver. anyone with similar problems?01:49
rypervenchedecima: Also, are you trying to connect directly to the root user?01:49
rwwstevendumani: in the buddy list window: buddies menu > show > offline contacts01:49
rwwoffline buddies *01:50
decimanah iam using localuseratserver@servername01:50
decimai can cannot fine via password auth if I enable it01:50
stevendumanirww thanks man and sorry for asking dumb questions :P01:50
rwwstevendumani: no problem :)01:50
stevendumanibye for now ubuntu01:51
decimai copied the key the same way on both client computers01:51
rypervenchedecima: I know you did, but can you confirm that the file has been populated with your public key?01:51
decimathe only thing I did differently was that after i copied the key from the first client over I changed settings in the in the ssh config and then adjusted the chmod settings on .ssh directory and authorized key file01:52
decimalemme double check the authorized key file01:52
decimayeah the key is in the authorized key file01:53
rypervenchedecima: On the server you're trying to connect to, type "namei -om ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" as the user you're trying to connect to and pastebin its output. Also, can you give us the exact error you're getting from the command line when it doesn't work?01:54
reborni noticed ubuntu store make cpu high, isn't often?01:55
decimathe last line i posted in the pastebin the offering public key does not appear on the client where the connection does not work01:59
decimaeverything else in the -v log looks the same01:59
decimarypervenche, this it was it shows on the client where it does not work for the same lines:02:02
decimadebug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received02:02
decimadebug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey02:02
decimadebug1: Next authentication method: publickey02:02
decimadebug1: Trying private key:02:02
decimait looks like its not trying to transfer the publickey but i have no idea why02:03
gustav___This is like a random plea. If you can, prolong support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. (12.04.5.)02:09
CheekioAny mature 3d cad software for ubuntu?02:10
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=== speknyjnqlkpundz is now known as sepero
UIXOHello, I’m trying to force my Asus EEE 1005HA into 1280x768 resolution for all users. I already have the appropriate xrandr command to do it for myself but I can’t figure out where to put the command to make this proper resolution available for everyone. I’ve already tried /etc/gdm/Init/Default and in .xprofile to no avail… anybody know off chance?02:10
gustav___Cheekio: Be more specific.02:11
CheekioI'm looking for a autodesk 123D Design - like program02:11
CheekioAutodesk + wine doesn't seem to work02:11
CheekioFancy 3d CAD software + gui02:12
gustav___Cheekio: http://askubuntu.com/questions/233857/is-it-possible-to-install-autocad-or-an-alternative-on-ubuntu02:12
Cheekiogustav___, thanks!02:12
X120edoes anyone know why i can't send files using the latest pidgin with yahoo with the latest ubuntu 14.04?02:13
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NordomHowdy all, I am trying to setup a VM, but I want the VM to run off my second drive. Last time I set it up I said I wanted to create all the vm stuff on sdb (my second drive) but it still created it on my main. Anyone got a guide or can offer some help?02:13
cynicallemonNordom: what are you using, virtualbox, vmware?02:15
Nordomcynicallemon: I am using Xen02:15
cynicallemonNordom: i assume you have looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen02:21
Basketballi installed spotify where is the icon saved02:22
Nordomcynicallemon: yeah thats where I did it the first time from02:23
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crazyhorse18hey i want to copy an entire hdd from one drive to another02:25
crazyhorse18whats the safest way to do that so i don't miss /lose any files?02:26
cynicallemoncrazyhorse18: clonezilla maybe02:27
crazyhorse18ok... cheers02:28
luffy2014can anyone recommend me a free as in freedom newbie friendly alternative to the plop boot manager? I want to be able to boot from any usb pen drive but my bios does not support booting from usb02:28
crazyhorse18also.. is there anyway of remotely installing ubuntu along with a ton of installation scripts?02:28
cynicallemoncrazyhorse18: define remotely, like across the internet or say hosts on a local network02:29
crazyhorse18local netowrk02:30
crazyhorse18so basically i want to maintain scripts that configure everything and then update the scripts as needed.  when i get a new machine i'd like to run the scrpts to have it completly setup02:30
crazyhorse18right now i've got them in the form of txt files (basically lists of commands)02:30
crazyhorse18i have to setup 11 computers and will probably have to do more in the future02:31
cynicallemoncrazyhorse18: perhaps this may give you some ideas https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot02:34
=== onbot is now known as andrex
ryan_46crazyhorse18: I may be wrong about this, but I think clonezilla is just for bare metal back up of operating systems. You can't read individual files from it. Unless it was OS backup that you meant.02:35
crazyhorse18ryan_46, i basically just need to move all the files.. usually i'd just use rsync02:35
crazyhorse18but because it has all the OS directories.. i don't know what it's going to do with /media etc02:36
abhi_can any one tell me...my screen brightness is not working...02:38
decimahello , how do i permanently add my ssh rsa key on my client so do not have to manually choose which key to use for a connection ? ssh-add only works until the next restart02:40
crazyhorse18is there anyway i can un encrypt all the files in /home/.encryptfs02:43
abhi_can any one tell me...my screen brightness is not working...02:43
daftykinsabhi_: your screen brightness is not working02:46
abhi_yes..means it's not decreasing...it remain same...02:47
daftykinsabhi_: what language do you speak?02:47
Abhijitabhi_, have you tried xbacklight?02:49
abhi_hindi ...and enlish02:49
cfhowlett!in | abhi_02:49
ubottuabhi_: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India02:49
Abhijitcfhowlett, that channel is english only.02:50
Abhijitabhi_, have you tried xbacklight?02:50
abhi_how i use it02:50
Abhijitabhi_, install it with sudo apt-get install xbacklight then do xbacklgiht -set N where N ranges from 0 to 100. 0 is dark. 100 is very bright02:50
daftykinsmost brightness fixes involve modifying a kernel line, then it'll be working with built-in software02:51
abhi_no...i dont use xbacklight02:51
abhi_will this help02:51
Abhijittry and check.02:52
abhi_i will tell u after installing and use it...02:52
X120edoes anyone know why i can't send files using the latest pidgin with yahoo with the latest ubuntu 14.04?02:55
cfhowlett!details | X120e02:55
ubottuX120e: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:55
Abhijit!pm | abhi_02:59
ubottuabhi_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.02:59
linuxguy101anyone have a link on how to get the pull down menues in fire fox to display all the time instead of hitting the alt key02:59
linuxguy101its really annoying02:59
lastpulsewhat is really annoying?02:59
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, it's in your firefox preferences - experiment and you'll find it.03:00
linuxguy101cfhowlett, is this a fire fox option or ubuntu option03:01
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, firefox03:01
linuxguy101god they suck03:01
cfhowlett!browsers | linuxguy10103:01
ubottulinuxguy101: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.03:01
X120ewell I thougt my question was very clear... I will try again everytime I try to send a file with pidigin it says it is sending the file but it never sends just hangs and the other person never gets any notice that I'm trying to send a file to them03:02
Abhijit_abhi_, ask here03:02
abhi_i install it...but how i work on it...it doesnt show in applications03:03
daftykinsX120e: IM file sending typically requires router port forwarding and so on, unless your router has UPnP enabled and yahoo chat allows DCC auto03:03
cfhowlettX120e, could be blocked by router settings, blocked by firewall, any number of options.  try a different app03:03
linuxguy101cfhowlett, i dont see an option anywhere03:03
daftykinsX120e: however, these are queries for Pidgin and Yahoo, not the OS03:03
X120eOkay thank-you I will try  something eles, Because I'm not behind any router/firewall and I can recive files fine just can't send any03:06
abhi_my screen brightness doessnt working in ubuntu...i think it about my nvidia grphics vcard can any one tell how to fix this..03:06
Abhijit_abhi_, which ubuntu version? xbacklight is not gui app. you have to run terminal first. and then inside it type xbacklight -set 5003:11
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
abhi_i do as u say...but my screen brightness doesnt change03:15
Abhijitabhi_, which ubuntu version you are using?03:15
linuxguy101cfhowlett, i found it.. in the most hidden place in a gui ever coded on earth03:16
linuxguy101wtf is firefox devs thinking setting that as a default03:17
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, you had my curiosity.  Now you have my attention.  Screenshot??03:17
linuxguy101cfhowlett, lol let me spend another 10 min finding it again03:17
abhi_i have use..12.4,13.10...and now i m using 14.4...03:18
linuxguy101cfhowlett, turning off the pull down menues and moving them to an alt key firs to get the menues down is pure crap03:18
linuxguy101as a default setting03:18
abhi_brightness doent chang in any version03:18
linuxguy101if firefox keeps this insanity up everyone needs to fork firefox and get rid of the jelly heads who are coding the gui03:19
daftykinsabhi_: laptop? what make and model03:19
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, something to take up with mozilla.03:19
linuxguy101cfhowlett, oh they heard my words03:19
daftykinslinuxguy101: drop the language and take it to #ubuntu-offtopic03:19
linuxguy101cfhowlett, i will go even further and post my bitches to some blog sites..03:20
linuxguy101daftykins, ok thanks i will tone it down03:20
linuxguy101i just hope 31.0 does not hit everyone03:20
abhi_vaio vpceh25en03:21
Abhijit!who | abhi_03:21
ubottuabhi_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:21
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daftykinsabhi_: follow - http://askubuntu.com/questions/266601/sony-vaio-brightness-settings-not-changing/266618#26661803:24
daftykinsAbhijit: it's moving pretty slowly right now so don't waste users time or bot triggers03:24
abhi_Abhijit,my laptop is sonyvaio vpceh25en...03:24
Abhijitdaftykins, how many million dollars i wasted by doing that one !who ?03:25
Abhijitsorry for all those dollars.03:25
linuxguy101cfhowlett, http://imgur.com/2yRemhA03:26
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Abhijitdaftykins, please make sure to be present in the channel next time when its crowded and abhi_ comes again and talks to 2 users at a time without mentioning nick. start your tuition at that time.03:26
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, yeah, that's not terribly obvious.03:26
linuxguy101cfhowlett, not intuitive at all03:27
daftykinsAbhijit: grow up03:28
cfhowlettEVERYONE: let's stay on topic.03:28
abhi_abhijit! i just  start xchat...03:28
chatopexme too03:28
cfhowlettcadu_, ask your ubuntu question03:28
tomhardy_hey i just made an ubuntu boot usb.. but i can't boot of off it03:29
cfhowlett!md5sum | tomhardy_, 1. verify the ubuntu ISO   2. verify the USB03:30
ubottutomhardy_, 1. verify the ubuntu ISO   2. verify the USB: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:30
tomhardy_yeah should i configure something in the bios or something to make it boot of the usb?03:30
daftykinstomhardy_: what kind of system?03:30
luffy2014I want to be able to boot from any usb pen drive but my bios does not support booting from usb. It seems that it can be done with grub. Found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB but it applies to the old ubuntu 10.04 version not to the grub version that comes with Debian 7. Since Debian 7 Ubuntu 12.04 are very similar, are there any updated tutorials for Ubuntu 12.04?03:30
cfhowletttomhardy_, "can't boot off it" means ???03:30
chatopexWhy my Ubuntu only created 3 partitions? EFI System, Linux Filesystem, Linux Swap03:30
cfhowlett!install | luffy2014,03:31
ubottuluffy2014,: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:31
tomhardy_it's a desktop system, intel cpu03:31
tomhardy_v0.261 american megatrends bios03:31
daftykinstomhardy_: branded or custom?03:31
luffy2014ubottu, i do not want to install ubuntu03:31
ubottuluffy2014: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
daftykinstomhardy_: motherboard brand?03:31
tomhardy_let me open to have a look03:31
tomhardy_Asus P5QL03:32
daftykinstomhardy_: ok, F8 will give you a one-time boot menu03:32
tomhardy_ok :)03:32
tomhardy_awesome :D   it's like say the secret code03:33
GDCwhy are you so diao03:33
Abhijitabhi_, you have nvidia card right? have you properly installed the nvidia drivers for it?03:34
daftykinssometimes these BIOSs with silly fullscreen logos obscure the keypress combos to get extra options03:34
linuxguy101cfhowlett, btw, thanks for your help..03:34
cfhowlettlinuxguy101, happy2help03:34
tomhardy_yeah i looked everywhere to try and find a usb boot option :)03:34
linuxguy101grrrrr firefox..03:34
tomhardy_GDC: diaosi?03:34
pie__how can I change the key bindings for eye of gnome? i want to be able to go to the next image even if im zoomed in03:35
tomhardy_can i download updates once onto a single machine03:35
tomhardy_then distribute it to the tother machines?03:35
cfhowletttomhardy_, you can set up a local mirror03:36
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!03:36
cfhowletttomhardy_, not that factoid.  wait 103:36
abhi_Abhijit_:  i have nvidia ard...and i alrady have installed nvidia driver03:37
Guest41184Hello world !! :)03:37
daftykinstomhardy_: keep the .deb's from /var/cache/apt/archives/ then transfer them to all the other systems03:37
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tomhardy_cfhowlett: i've got a very specific list of stuff to install.. so i meant like download a bunch of stuff like libreoffice etc03:37
tomhardy_daftkins: ok.. so install on one system.. then back them all up.. install the new system copy the archives in?03:37
daftykinstomhardy_: when upgrading, they'll happily install without download, however they would have to have connectivity to run "apt-get update" to be aware that those packages are the new versions to install03:37
Abhijitabhi_, i junst found these two. try these http://askubuntu.com/questions/154557/unable-to-change-brightness-settings-in-sony-vaio-e-series-laptop and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191123603:37
daftykinstomhardy_: yep03:38
tomhardy_is it possible to update machines without an external internet connection03:38
cfhowletttomhardy_, it is.  techspalace.blogspot.com/2009/04/offline-update-ubuntu.html   and jeffhoogland.blogspot.com/2010/06/howto-installing-ubuntu-packages.html03:39
daftykinstomhardy_: you could just "dpkg -i *.deb" in a folder of them yeah03:39
tomhardy_awesome :D03:39
tomhardycrappy internet03:43
dinamus olá galera, gostaria de saber se alguem sabe de algum programa que faz algo semelhante ao bywifi faz no windows, fazendo um cache de dos videos dos sites de streaming?? e com ele vc pode abrir a pasta com o cache e copiar se quiser  ou mesmo só carregar o msm videos03:50
cfhowlett!es | dinamus,03:50
ubottudinamus,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:50
chatopexis Portuguese  not Spanish03:51
cfhowlett!pt chatopex03:52
cfhowlett!pt | chatopex03:52
ubottuchatopex: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.03:52
daftykinsnot the guy that wanted to know.03:52
cfhowlettthanks chatopex - sadly, I can't tell the difference03:52
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chatopexthank you for your help ubuttu03:53
chatopexsometime is hard!!!03:55
eanyxdoes anyone has already tested ubuntu mir?03:56
cfhowlett!mir | ea03:56
ubottuea: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir03:56
cfhowletteanyx, mir *might* be in 14.10.  discuss in #ubuntu+1 not here.03:57
noideaIs there an easy way to print blkid to fstab?03:57
alazyworkaholicHow can i tell whether ubuntu is using the nouveau driver, or some sort of software rendering on the CPU?03:58
chatopexMir is a Desktop distribution... or not?03:58
cfhowlettchatopex, not.03:59
eanyxcfhowlett: thank you03:59
cfhowletteanyx, happy2help04:00
editionwill installing a realtime kernel, fix the startup of JACK?04:00
chatopexWhy Steam improve so much in Unity and not in Xfce. I recently unistall Ubuntu studio and install  Ubuntu... I notice a big difference? any idea.04:02
editionchatopex, hardware performance04:03
editionie: compiz04:03
editionubuntu unity uses graphics acceleration04:04
cfhowlettchatopex, steam works just fine on my ubuntustudio.  In fact, even better now that I've installed the intel graphics drivers.04:04
editionwhy doesn't JACK work with mainstream ubuntu?04:05
cfhowlettedition, mainstream ubuntu kernel ...04:05
editionthats what I meant :)04:05
cfhowlettedition, jack needs a realtime/low latency kernel.  the default ubuntu kernel is not.04:06
editionis it installable ?04:06
cfhowlettedition, of course.04:06
TJ-noidea: Yes. "DEV=/dev/sda1; MOUNTPOINT="/mnt/example"; echo "$(sudo blkid -o export -s UUID $DEV) $MOUNTPOINT $(sudo blkid -o value -s TYPE $DEV) defaults 0 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab "04:06
tomhardywhen installing a new verison of ubuntu.. how do i get it to wipe everything?  all the partitions etc04:06
cfhowletttomhardy, format those partitions04:07
abhi_<daftykins>  thanxx...it worked04:07
tomhardyoh ok.. do i still need to create a swap and an ext4 partition?04:07
chatopexon ubuntu studio, Counter Strike doesn't work at full setting fluid . But now with Ubuntu 14.04 I can play Counter Strike with Anosotropic 4x without lag04:07
noideaTJ-: Thank you, i will try this.04:07
cfhowletttomhardy, at minimum: / (ext 4)         /swap and /home are options04:08
editionhow to install realtime kernel?04:08
DonkeyHoteihas ofono replaced modemmanager in trusty?04:14
cfhowlettedition, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.13.0-30-lowlatency04:15
editionthats all? :)04:15
cfhowlettedition, reboot.  select low latency04:15
GatisIN Whisker Menu in Setting tab i don't see any settings.. Why?04:17
cfhowlettGatis, don't cross post04:17
Gatisdon't spy on me04:17
editionis there a hardware-accelerated version of the older gnome desktop?04:18
cfhowlettGatis, no one is spying.  cross posting is very obvious and discouraged04:18
Gatisif you see my post answer please04:18
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Gatiscfhowlett, you are ready to warn me about cross posting but can't give answer to my question..04:19
Gatis#xubuntu sleeping... I asked yesterday same question i didn't get answer04:20
abhi_Abhijit_:  thanks it worked...04:23
GatisDoes anyone know something about Whisker menu in XFCE? I can't see settings applications in Settings tab :?04:23
jellowGatis,  have you looked in menulibre  and tried adding it?04:24
jellowGatis, you're looking for xfce4-settings-manager ?04:27
Gatisyellow im looking at menulibre04:27
Gatisi can't unhide Settings04:27
GatisHide from menus: OFF04:27
GatisIt's off but i don't see Settings in menu04:28
jellowGatis, you clicked save launcher at the top of menulibre?04:29
Gatisjellow, i don't have such button :/04:29
Gatisah i have04:30
Gatisbut still04:30
GatisThe Hide menus button doesn't work04:30
Gatisjellow, hide menus button works for everything except for Settings.. Strange?04:31
jellowI think you may have to restart xfce ( login / logout )04:31
Gatisyellow, it was like from start i installed xubuntu04:32
DonkeyHoteihas ofono replaced modemmanager in trusty?04:33
DonkeyHoteimy 3g dongle used to work in trusty, now it doesn't04:34
GatisI think Whisker Menu has a bug.04:34
GatisHow to delete Whisker Menu, please?04:35
jellowGatis,  do you have this file .local/share/desktop-directories/xfce-system.directory ?04:36
Gatisyellow, i do04:37
jellowGatis, are the contents the same as this one http://pastebin.com/extP47ej ?04:38
BeldarGatis, listed as xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin in the repos04:38
Gatisyellow, yes the same04:39
Gatisyellow, in menu Settings Tab i see 2 applications only: Gigolo and Task Manager04:41
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jellowGatis, thats normal I think all setting are in Whisker> (top panel next to padlock ) > all settings04:44
Gatisjellow, why i don't see all settings there?04:44
jellowGatis, likely a bug04:45
GatisAh ok, Thanks :)04:46
GatisIll drop it. and use default menu04:46
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GatisHow can i check what application i have on pc?04:51
DJJeffstopping network-manager prevents gksu from working?04:54
DJJeffstrace output http://bpaste.net/raw/627411/04:55
BeldarDJJeff, gksudo is the default now.04:55
DJJeffgksu exited with status 104:55
BeldarGatis,  A particular app ?04:56
DJJeffgksudo also exits with status 104:56
GatisBeldar, yeah i want to delete whisker menu04:56
DJJeffI had to stop network-manager because it stops airmon-ng from working04:56
DJJeffit also allowed me to bridge lxcbr0 properly04:57
DJJeffnetwork-manager causes alot of problems04:57
BeldarGatisi gave you the name of it, sudo apt-get remove xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin it has dependencies be sure you know what you're doing04:57
BeldarDJJeff, you are the first to say this, giving a break down here of the issue may be a better methodology.04:58
TJ-DJJeff: Network Manager doesn't cause problems *if* you configure things correctly, If you want other programs to control an interface it helps to tell NM *not* to manage that interface04:59
DonkeyHoteihas ofono replaced modemmanager in trusty?04:59
DonkeyHoteimy 3g dongle used to work in trusty, now it doesn't04:59
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Sounds like a usb name the hardware as shown in lsusb if a usb05:01
DonkeyHoteiBus 002 Device 008: ID 0af0:7901 Option05:02
DonkeyHoteiBeldar: ^05:03
BeldarDonkeyHotei, Hmm, does not look like any hardware name from here, could it be a kernel issue, have uyou tried earlier kernels from the grub menu?05:03
DonkeyHoteiit's not a kernel issue05:04
BeldarDonkeyHotei, I was just trying to get details the channel might need to hep, no idea from here really.05:04
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Has the kernel module loaded ("lsmod | grep hso") ?05:04
DonkeyHoteithe issue is trusty suddenly replaced modemmanager with ofono, which doesn't support it05:04
TJ-Beldar: The way to diagnose these issues is to use the Vendor:Product ID to search the kernel's module alias lists, using in this case: "grep -in '0af0.*7901' /lib/modules/`uname -r`/*"  - notice the case-insensitive search05:05
DonkeyHoteiif i manually replace ofono with modemmanager, mmcli shows the hardware but network-manager has no knowledge of modemmanager at all05:06
BeldarTJ-, Thanks, way beyond me. ;)05:06
TJ-Beldar: The last part of the search result is the name of the kernel module that manages that device ID05:06
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: how do i get network-manager to see modemmanager again?05:07
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Ubuntu has *not* replaced modemmanager with ofono, unless you're using Ubuntu Touch maybe?05:08
BeldarTJ-, I have never really messed with kernels so I just had to guess it might be related, probably better I said nothing. I saw you and thought lsusb would you some info really.05:08
DonkeyHoteiidk, ofono was installed and modemmanager wasn't05:08
TJ-Beldar: Well, it's good to share how to get concrete details on these things.05:08
BeldarTJ-, I appreciate that for sure.05:09
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DonkeyHoteiand installing modemmanager makes network-manager not know about mobile broadband at all05:09
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TWILIGHT_IS_AWESI kinda need help D:05:10
TJ-DonkeyHotei: If you're using regular desktop Ubuntu flavours, then to get ofono installed you'd have had to install some other package that depends on it, like telepathy-ofono, lxc-android-config, or others05:10
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESI have a PC that I can't boot05:10
BeldarTWILIGHT_IS_AWES, The the channel the details if you can.05:10
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: what *does* it do?05:10
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESThe PC is actually OS-less at the moment05:10
DonkeyHoteinot sure, but how do i get network-manager to see modemmanager again?05:11
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESIt just goes to grub rescue05:11
TJ-DonkeyHotei: restart network-manager service05:11
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: i've rebooted multiple times05:11
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESand everything says "unknown filesystem" when I ls them05:11
TJ-DonkeyHotei: you still haven't shown me the result of the command I asked you to run05:11
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESI would install an OS05:12
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESBut I can't access the CMOS settings nor the boot menu for some reasom05:12
BeldarTWILIGHT_IS_AWES, Try the per-session boot would be a key prompt at powering on the bios splash often tells you what it us, and or set the bios to boot the media05:12
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESWhat can I doo?05:12
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESIt was working half an hour agpo05:12
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: if the PC is OS-less, then what is the Ubuntu specific issue? Do you want to install Ubuntu?05:12
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: i did not see a command. the hso module is in use05:12
TJ-DonkeyHotei: OK, so it should be available.05:13
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESI had Ubuntu before, and tried to reinstall it05:13
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESDidn't work05:13
DJJeffgod fucking damnit05:13
DonkeyHoteinetwork-manager knows nothing about modemmanager, so it isn't05:13
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Is the modemmanager service running ?05:13
TJ-!language | DJJeff05:13
ubottuDJJeff: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:13
DonkeyHoteimmcli shows the hardware05:13
TJ-DonkeyHotei: modemmanager is an independent service, so is it running?05:14
DJJeffwireshark wont start because I have no display 0:005:14
TJ-DonkeyHotei: If NM can't see the MM, then in all likelyhood the previous ofono config has somehow caused MM to not start correctly05:14
DJJeffall because I killed network-manager05:14
TJ-DJJeff: Use tcpdump05:15
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESIs there anything I can try? Maybe something that makes me able to access the CMOS settings again?05:15
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DJJeffits all because of damn lxcbr0 crap05:15
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: exactly. how do i fix that?05:15
DJJeffit destroyed my ubuntu05:15
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: To get to the PC's BIOS settings there will be a key to press at power-on, usually shown on screen05:15
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: I am aware, it's F2 in my case05:16
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: It was working half an hour ago05:16
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: But it isn't now for some reason05:16
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: Well, that is how you access the saved "CMOS settings"05:16
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Isn't that what I want, though?05:16
DJJeff(wireshark:22344): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.005:16
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Or it's a different thing?05:16
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: I have no idea what you want! You said "CMOS settings" but seem not to know what they are05:17
DJJeffGRRRRRRRRRR I need wireshark open right now05:17
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Yeah, it's the BIOS settings, where I can change from UEFI to legacy and that kind of thing05:17
DJJeffits an emergency05:17
DJJeffa host on my lan has a virus and I need wireshark05:18
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: if the PC is booting from the wrong device (i.e. not the Live ISO installer device), then changing the boot-order or accessing te manual boot menu at power-on is probably what you need05:18
TJ-DJJeff: Use tcpdump05:18
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: But I can't even access the boot menu or the BIOS settings to do that!05:18
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: It's just not working, for some reason.05:18
DJJeffI do not have time for this05:18
DJJeffGtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.005:18
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: Well, there's nothing we can do to help that. Bad keyboard maybe?05:19
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: It's not, I can actually type things in the grub rescue05:19
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: But everything seems to gbe in a "unknown filesystem"05:19
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: It's all ext4 though05:19
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: That doesn't mean it's ready when the BIOS is expecting input though. Alternatively, has the keyboard got a Function-key lock that is set in the wrong mode?05:20
DJJeff1st QEMU wants lxcbr0 now wireshark wants display: :0.005:20
DonkeyHoteii had a computer where a usb keyboard could be used for the bios key but a ps2 keyboard could not05:20
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Tell me more about that, that might be it05:20
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: nothing more to tell!05:20
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Is there not a way I can re-set the Function-key to the right mode?05:21
DJJeffscrew this crap im booting kali in a VM05:21
TJ-TWILIGHT_IS_AWES: read the keyboard manual05:21
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TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: There isn't one, it's a laptop, unfortunately. What's weird it's that it just stopped working, without anything to cause it05:22
DonkeyHoteiTWILIGHT_IS_AWES: pull the power and the battery, try again05:23
TJ-DonkeyHotei: took the words out of my mouth05:24
DJJeffin ubuntu network-manager is garbage I swear to god05:24
TWILIGHT_IS_AWESTJ-: Only the laptop battery or that motherboard battery-thingy too?05:24
DJJeffnothing but headaches and pain05:24
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: now how do i fix up modemmanager after ofono?05:25
TJ-DonkeyHotei: as i said, make sure the MM service is running05:25
guardian10/ evening... i am trying to load the GUI version of wireshark on a remote Ubuntu server... when i run sudo wireshark i get "(wireshark:6848): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" ... i realize this is a display error, but i am unsure what to do to fix it, google so far has been confusing05:26
jellowguardian1, You need X forwarding with ssh , so ssh -X user@host05:26
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: it's running, pid 64205:27
guardian1jellow: how do i do that from windows?05:27
guardian1to the vps05:27
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TJ-DonkeyHotei: what does "mmcli -L" report?05:29
DJJeffvirtualbox starts and not wireshark????????05:29
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: found 1 modems05:29
DJJeffvirtualbox does not need display: 0.0 ?05:29
guardian1DJJeff: i dont have virtutalbox installed05:29
guardian1its a remote hosted vps05:29
TJ-DonkeyHotei: OK, so MM has the modem05:30
TJ-DonkeyHotei: What does "nmcli nm" report as the status for WWAN-HARDWARE and WWAN ?05:32
DonkeyHoteienabled, disabled05:33
TJ-DonkeyHotei: That explains it then; you need to enable the WWAN05:33
DJJeffwow so my /etc/network/interfaces was all screwed i[05:34
DJJeffwow so my /etc/network/interfaces was all screwed up05:34
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: how?05:34
DJJeffI fixed that and did service network-manager restart05:35
DJJeffnow wireshark starts05:35
DJJeffgo figure05:35
TJ-DonkeyHotei: "nmcli wwan on"05:35
Guest94232Hi, I am having a very very strange issue. I have installed lubuntu on a friends computer, because he had XP and needed to upgrade from that. But anyways, his mouse moves, but the mouse cursor icon is stuck. I need some help...05:35
DJJeffif anyone has network problems look to /etc/network/interfaces05:35
DJJeffits a god send05:35
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: object wwan is unknown05:36
TJ-DonkeyHotei: sorry, typo: "nmcli nm wwan on"05:36
DonkeyHoteino effect05:36
TJ-DonkeyHotei: what effect did you expect?05:37
DonkeyHoteidisabled changing to enabled05:37
TJ-DonkeyHotei: So does "nmcli nm" report WWAN as disabled still?05:37
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Check "/var/log/syslog" - that's where the logs go05:38
TJ-DonkeyHotei: I tried it here, status changes to enabled05:38
TJ-DonkeyHotei: "Aug 18 06:38:22 hephaestion NetworkManager[2184]: <info> WWAN now enabled by management service"05:39
DonkeyHoteimodem couldn't be initialized, couldn't check unlock status, sim not inserted05:42
mpourhadii used to have my sound working im not sure wether its related to kernel update or not i have no sound at all05:47
TJ-DonkeyHotei: So, put a SIM in... or is it there and not being found?05:47
DonkeyHoteiit's there05:48
=== rww is now known as rwwbuntu
=== rwwbuntu is now known as rww
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Does the device need usb_modeswitch?05:48
DonkeyHoteii will try it in windows under vbox now05:48
GatisWhat's the difference between dpkg and aptitude?05:51
TJ-DonkeyHotei: Does the SIM need a PIN entering?05:51
guardian10/ evening... i am trying to load the GUI version of wireshark on a remote Ubuntu server... when i run sudo wireshark i get "(wireshark:6848): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" ... i realize this is a display error, but i am unsure what to do to fix it, google so far has been confusing05:52
langguardian1: there's two ways around it.05:53
rwwGatis: dpkg is the low-level system that handles package installation. APT is a front-end library set that handles repositories, complex dependencies, etc. aptitude is a program that uses the APT libraries05:53
langguardian1: 1: sudo XAUTHORITY=/home/$SUDO_USER/.Xauthority wireshark05:53
TJ-DonkeyHotei: the only report I can find is bug 111370305:54
ubottubug 1113703 in NetworkManager "Trying to connect using a GSM modem without SIM card is not reported to user" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111370305:54
langguardian1: 2: dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common; usermod -aG wireshark username05:54
langguardian1: the first one fixes your authentication, the second one lets you run wireshark as a regular user.05:54
guardian1lang: running sudo XAUTHORITY=/home/$SUDO_USER/.Xauthority wireshark results in the same error05:54
guardian1im only term. into this box05:54
rwwI note that you need to log out and back in again for group changes to take effect.05:54
langguardian1: and you changed $SUDO_USER to your username?05:55
langyou can also fix that part permanently by adding "Defaults !env_reset" to your sudoers configuration, if you generally don't want the environment reset when sudo'ing.05:56
guardian1lang: correct, i did05:56
langguardian1: okay.  that should work.  let me try it here05:56
langguardian1: works for me here.05:58
guardian1hmm idk whats wrong05:58
guardian1should it work if the box is remote?05:58
guardian1i dont have any gui installed05:58
langand you ssh'ed with X forwarding?  (ssh -X)05:59
guardian1probably not05:59
guardian1how do i do that?05:59
langyea, then it wont wor at all :)05:59
langyou just "ssh -X user@box"05:59
guardian1inside terminal or via putty?05:59
TJ-!cn | zhianguo05:59
ubottuzhianguo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:59
MrSaltlang: I forgot about X forwarding through SSH.  That's a cool trick.06:03
redelevenDoes the Acer C720 Chromebook (intel celeron), support Ubuntu?06:05
TJ-redeleven: boot it from a Live ISO and test it06:07
langguardian1: you need to add ssh forwarding to your ssh session into your remote host.  is your client on windows or linux?06:07
langredeleven: according to the googles, people have gotten it to work.06:08
guardian1windows at home06:08
guardian1ubuntu 12.04 in the server06:08
redelevenAlright thanks06:08
langguardian1: then you need a x-server for your windows machine, and then you need to enable x forwarding in your ssh client (putty?)06:08
guardian1bitvise ssh06:08
guardian1ill grab putty to make this easier06:09
langguardian1: https://www.bitvise.com/ssh-x11-forwarding06:09
langthey even have a document describing how to do it06:09
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: apparently the sim had come loose06:10
TJ-DonkeyHotei: I suspected as much06:10
DonkeyHoteiTJ-: thanx06:11
edition!kick | MrK06:13
MrSaltredeleven: Lookup "chrubuntu"06:15
zhianguo怎么  进入中文?06:20
eeee!cn | zhianguo06:20
ubottuzhianguo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:20
kgalahassahow to maintain my luminosity at zero at start with ubuntu, I  don't want any luminosity, perhaps I can add it if i need later06:29
djpooguys anyone knows if its able to add wireless connection to vmware06:31
=== diddledan_ is now known as diddledan
reversibleanI get /usr/sbin/deluser: Cannot handle special file /proc/4746/fd/ ...  Errors when deleting user with deluser --remove-all-files06:31
reversibleanWhy is that happening?06:32
djpooguys anyone knows if its able to add wireless connection to vmware06:32
Loshkidjpoo: also ask in #vmware ?06:33
kgalahassahow to maintain my luminosity at zero at start with ubuntu, I  don't want any luminosity, perhaps I can add it if i need later06:42
kgalahassahow to maintain my luminosity at zero at boot with ubuntu, I  don't want any luminosity, perhaps I can add it if i need later06:44
=== zhianguo is now known as guo
laughingtigerwhat is luminosity kgalahassa?06:50
=== guo is now known as zhianguo
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kgalahassalaughingtiger: brightness06:53
kgalahassalaughingtiger: i mean screen brightness06:54
kev007how do I open a terminal panel in a file window?06:54
laughingtigeroh, sorry I don't know anything about it, can't help yo bud. kgalahassa06:55
* zhianguo 大家好06:56
laughingtigerthe bot don't know it either.06:56
antliuzhianguo I think you should use English instead.06:57
laughingtiger!cn | zhianguo06:57
ubottuzhianguo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:57
=== Raansu is now known as ShapeShifter499
Rohan_14How do i get latest libssh on ubuntu ?07:00
kgalahassahow to maintain my screen brightness at zero at boot with ubuntu, I  don't want any luminosity, perhaps I can add it if i need later07:01
liquideeRohan_14: download the source from website, compile & install07:02
liquideeRohan_14: website says to clone with git: git clone git://git.libssh.org/projects/libssh.git libssh07:02
lostNickmaxtor 6b HD partition is not detected , i need to recover my data. please suggest a good app that can do every thing about recovery07:03
Rohan_14liquidee: when i cmake the statement in install file it gives some syntax error07:03
cfhowlett!cn | hjsr,07:03
ubottuhjsr,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:03
liquideeRohan_14: what exactly you do after downloading the source? normal mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make ?07:04
lostNickwhat is the best app to recover data ?07:05
liquideeRohan_14: cmake runs fine here -> but im on arch. It may be that they are using some new cmake syntax but i dont think so07:05
Rohan_14liquidee: no i do mkdir build -->  cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. | and then i get stuck cause this command does'nt suceed07:05
liquideeRohan_14: can you paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com?07:06
Rohan_14liquidee: output of what? cmake ?07:06
liquideeRohan_14: yes, the error you get07:06
liquideeRohan_14: or whole cmake otuput07:06
zagazahow do you guys do performance test on your vps?07:07
Rohan_14liquidee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8077774/07:07
liquideeRohan_14: did you actually go to the build directory you have created before running cmake?07:08
liquideeRohan_14: you have got to start the cmake from inside it -> in the error you provided it complains it wants to build out of the source tree07:09
LigHHello. Once again, during an update with a new kernel, depmod writes modules.ccwmap until the root FS is full. What should I do to get a useful report for the developers?07:10
purnanandhey guys, problem caused during  upgradation from  ubuntu 13.04 to 14.04.07:11
Rohan_14liquidee: i did not got you can please explain07:12
liquideewhen you are inside libssh folder do rm -rf build; mkdir build; cd build and then do the cmake command you presented earlier07:13
Rohan_14liquidee: ok let me try that07:13
Beldar !details | purnanand07:14
ubottupurnanand: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:14
Rohan_14liquidee: see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8077827/07:14
TJ-Rohan_14: Why do you need to build it? Ubuntu contains the latest updates07:15
=== Zerant_ is now known as Zerant
Rohan_14TJ-: how do i get the lastet update ? cause for one function it says it is undefined ! how do i check which version do i have via ubuntu package ?07:16
TJ-Rohan_14: "apt-cache policy libssl1.0.0"07:16
Rohan_14TJ-: i'm doing libssh07:17
purnanandI used a command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then it ask  keep current version or not ? I pressed d for difference between current version & installed version .but after that what to do?07:18
TJ-Rohan_14: Which one? -4 or 2-1 ?07:18
Rohan_14TJ-: this one http://www.libssh.org/07:18
TJ-Rohan_14: No... *which* library are you trying to use? Are you trying to link it with your own program?07:19
Rohan_14TJ-: yes i'm trying to link it with my cprogramme using -lssh flag07:19
TJ-Rohan_14: OK, so that's libssh-4 then07:20
LigHHello. Once again, during an update with a new kernel, depmod writes modules.ccwmap until the root FS is full. What should I do to get a useful report for the developers? - It happened right now, updating Ubuntu 12.04 (PP) LTS; now is the best chance to make a report...07:20
purnanandCan I reboot ?07:20
Rohan_14TJ-: should i show you what compilation error it gives ?07:21
Jonta2I'd like to install 32-bit JDK (Java) on a 64-bit system. There are .rpm and .tar.gz-files on Oracle's pages, but I prefer to do this via apt-get. Package recommendation? =)07:22
Rohan_14TJ-: undefined reference to `ssh_channel_listen_forward'  how ever its a example code from official website07:22
TJ-Rohan_14: The version in Ubuntu has all the latest security patches. As to function availability, you should check the Ubuntu source package configure options - the function may not be built, it may be optional07:23
purnanandllutz, I used a command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then it ask  keep current version or not ? I pressed d for difference between current version & installed version .but after that what to do?07:23
Rohan_14TJ-: how do i check ubuntu source package ?07:24
Rohan_14TJ-: there ?07:27
Rohan_14liquidee: can you call 'ssh_channel_listen_forward' from your build ?07:28
TJ-Rohan_14: This will show you the functions that are exported from the library: "objdump -T /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssh.so.4 | grep forward"07:28
TJ-Rohan_14: OK, so ssh_channel_listen_forward() was introduced in master but isn't in the stable releases07:34
Rohan_14TJ-: so what to do now ?07:35
liquideeRohan_14: do you get undefined reference or undefined symbol? make sure you have the header files - search for them (find / -name '*ssh*' 2>/dev/null)07:35
liquideeRohan_14: when you find them make sure you include the correct headers and the compiler can find them. You can also search them for the function you need07:36
liquideeTJ-: oh07:36
liquideeTJ-: so he needs to compile then07:36
Rohan_14liquidee: i have header file as other function worked ! TJ told the function you are using is not in any stable release its in master branch07:36
TJ-Rohan_14: You're reading the wrong documentation; commit 5229253f simply renamed existing functions, you need to use the names in the 0.6.x API, not the 0.7.x API07:36
TJ-Rohan_14: e.g.07:37
TJ--int ssh_forward_listen(ssh_session session, const char *address, int port, int *bound_port) {07:37
TJ-+int ssh_channel_listen_forward(ssh_session session,07:37
Rohan_14TJ-: where is documenation for 0.607:38
TJ-Rohan_14: same place as the docs for 0.7 :) ... the commit for 5229253f is here: http://git.libssh.org/projects/libssh.git/commit/?id=5229253f07:38
purnanandhey guy Tj, I used a command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then it ask  keep current version or not ? I pressed d for difference between current version & installed version .but after that what to do?07:38
TJ-Rohan_14: The stable docs are: http://api.libssh.org/stable/07:39
=== Gag_H is now known as LigH
Rohan_14TJ-: THanks man ! thanks a lot07:39
TJ-purnanand: review the changes, decide if you want to accept them, or keep the original, then press a key to get back to the choice menu. I think it'll be using the "less" pager so pressing "q" should do it07:39
Rohan_14liquidee: thanks man !07:40
energizerHello, I'm trying to enable automount on a HDD, so i disabled automatic mount options, changed a few things, and broke it:07:40
energizerError mounting system-managed device /dev/sdb: Command-line `mount "/mnt/teratwo"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,07:40
energizer       missing codepage or helper program, or other error07:40
energizer       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try07:40
energizer       dmesg | tail  or so07:40
antimistOkay, so, how do I setup applications to run at startup?07:40
purnanandok thank ypu Tj.07:40
antimistI want to run Keepass, my password manager, when the system boots up07:41
antimistfrom what I read, I should use Upstart07:41
antimistbut I can't seem to get the syntax07:42
eeeeantimist: dash > startup07:42
antimistoh goody, let me try that07:42
antimisteeee: Thank you so much07:43
eeeeno problem07:43
purnanandhey buddy Tj, I have querry  about  What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:     Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version     N or O  : keep your currently-installed version       D     : show the differences between the versions       Z     : start a shell to examine the situation  The default action is to keep your current version. *** rcS (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?07:43
somsippurnanand: so what's the question?07:45
purnanandwhat to do about What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:     Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version     N or O  : keep your currently-installed version       D     : show the differences between the versions       Z     : start a shell to examine the situation  The default action is to keep your current version. *** rcS (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?07:45
energizerCan somebody help me mount this drive?07:45
somsippurnanand: if you have previously changed the config file, you should check to make sure the changes aren't incompatible with the new package. Or if you know you can use your old config, use it. Or you go with the new config.07:46
LigHGuys, my harddisk us full right now due to the currently running update, and when I reboot, traces of the reason may be gone. What shall I do to collect useful information about it?07:47
somsipLigH: do you have any partitions with space available?07:48
LigHYes, /home07:48
purnanandI want to upgrade my ubuntu from 13.04 to 14.04.Can I choose N for N or O  : keep your currently-installed version07:48
somsipLigH: would creating a symlink to a new /var/log/apt-get/history.log to somewhere in home give you the information you need?07:49
LigHI don't know which information is needed, I am a mere part-time user, mostly with Windows knowledge... I would possibly rather copy it there as file.07:50
somsipLigH: maybe I misunderstand your problem. It seems that the update is failing because the log fail cannot be written. Is that right?07:50
eeeeLigH: somsip how are you updating with a full hdd anyways?07:52
LigHThe HDD had 22 GB free before starting the update. During the update, depmod started filling the disk in a loop, writing modules.ccwmap07:52
eeeedoesn't it need space for the update?07:52
somsipLigH: what update are you doing?07:52
purnanandhey buddy somsip, pls give answer.07:53
somsippurnanand: my previous answer still stands. You need to look at your config and decide if the old one is more appropriate to use than the new one, for each package you get this warning for07:54
LigHNot sure what it is called in english; GUI based normal update (started in the system menu, usually displays "All applications are up to date" after logging in).07:54
somsipLigH: ok - not a dist-upgrade or version update then? What package is it trying to configure when depmod causes a problem?07:55
editionwhats a good movie editor for ubuntu?07:56
somsipedition: I know of lives and cinelerra but can't comment on whether they are good or not07:56
LigHI wish I could copy text out of the console in the updater...07:57
editionsomething professional, non-linear...07:57
somsipLigH: hightlight with mouse, middle click to pastebin07:57
LigHThe kernel is being installed, dkms postinst runs07:57
somsipLigH: have you got loads of old kernels causing a problem?07:57
LigHDoesn't copy out of the installer window.07:58
LigHIt happened before sometimes, not with every kernel update though.07:58
somsipLigH: take a screenshot then...07:58
Jonta2Just went with openjdk-7-jdk07:58
hateballedition: there is kdenlive07:58
somsipLigH: than I'll shorten the question to 'have you got a load of old kernels'07:59
editionbut isn't that KDE intensive?07:59
purnanandhey buddy somsip, I have tried a way command for upgradation  ubuntu that is ,Change the Ubuntu code name from Raring Ringtail to Trusty Tahr  sudo sed -i 's/raring/trusty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list  2. Disable third party PPAs (optional, see note)  cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d  sudo rename 's/(.*)/$1.bak/' *  sudo find . -type f -name "*" -print | xargs sed -i 's/raring/trusty/g'  3. Update the repositories and upgrade  sudo apt-get up07:59
NikPHow to tweak irssi to higlight my name if anybody speaks to me with "NikP: blah blah blah"?07:59
somsippurnanand: I don't see a question in there either07:59
somsipNikP: should do it by default, no?08:00
NikPsomsip: Normally I'm using weechat, but currently I'm on UNIX.08:00
somsipNikP: I don't recall having to set it up, but maybe you can force it with http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/59794/how-to-highlight-a-person-in-irssi08:01
NikPsomsip: The only color are the two bars at the top and the bottom. And the channel name gets highlighted if a user joins.08:01
NikPsomsip: Thanks, I will try that.08:01
LigHI don't have many old kernels anymore, cleaned after updating to 3.13 with the new hardware stack... -- http://frupic.frubar.net/3211308:02
LigHOnly a few 3.8 are left, at most 5.08:03
somsipLigH: I have no real ideas then. If you're using official kernels there may be something in LAunchpad bug tracker if others are having a problem. But it seems a bit extremem behaviour for it to have got to release. So maybe it is something local to your machine08:05
LigHI'd just like to know which information may be useful to retrieve, before I reboot and it gets fixed by the next updater call...08:06
Yevgenyanyone know what puppet is?anyone know what puppet is?08:06
LigHI wonder if there is a "usual system report tool".08:07
somsipYevgeny: http://puppetlabs.com/08:07
Yevgenyyeah, I've read but i wonder if u can use it to manage cisco and hp switches ?08:07
=== Archer_ is now known as Guest99873
somsipYevgeny: so, anything at all that involves ubuntu? Given how you're in the ubuntu support channel08:08
Yevgenywell I'm gonna install it on ubuntu08:08
NikPsomsip: Doesn't works. :D  And SSH crashes at every ncurses-based command. :D08:08
YevgenyI tried to install other kinds of similar software but it didn't work08:08
somsipYevgeny: more application specific than OS specific though. I suggest you try the puppet support channel08:09
NikPsomsip: Failed to find terminal iris-ansi. $TERM .08:09
NikPsomsip: I'll ask in an SGI-focused forum. :D08:09
obamacan someone help me?08:10
somsipLigH: Maybe "Debug::pkgProblemResolver" on the command line might help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/347830/how-can-i-get-a-verbose-apt-get-exit-code08:10
LigHHello obama. Please specify your problem...08:11
LigHBefore you tell us what, we don't know if we can help08:11
obamaI launch banshee but it force closes08:11
somsipobama: open it from a terminal and look for error messages08:11
obamasomsip: I launched it08:12
crazyhorse18is there a way to get a list of the .deb files for a particular package?08:13
obamasomsip: it is giving me a ton of errors08:14
somsipobama: paste them08:14
somsip!paste | obama08:14
ubottuobama: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:14
somsipcrazyhorse18: depending exactly what you want, the answer is probably on here http://www.tecmint.com/useful-basic-commands-of-apt-get-and-apt-cache-for-package-management/08:15
obamasomsip: http://imgur.com/vpy6bMa,R0FsbVx08:17
somsipobama: those are all warnings. is there an error being thrown too?08:18
crazyhorse18if i install a package via dpkg, if i do an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade later will it still upgrade that package?08:18
obamaNo, but it just force closes and i tried to uninstall i get the same error08:19
abhi_i caann  nnot use  mmy  eexteerrnnaall  kkeybord...08:19
somsipobama: maybe a apt-get --reinstall install banshee" might fix it.08:20
abhi_i caann  nnot use  mmy  eexteerrnnaall  kkeybord...08:22
LigHsomsip: I replied to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1232473 and archived /var/log/apt/ ...08:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1232473 in linux (Ubuntu) "depmod fills disk to 100% with invisible modules.ccwmap" [Medium,Invalid]08:22
LigHBye for now.08:22
somsipLigH: good find08:22
obamasomsip: banshee greys out and it force close with not ui or anything.08:29
somsipobama: just found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingBanshee08:29
ThePadawanall hail the president of the usa xD08:32
ThePadawanany way if have a cronjob that needs to run daily can i just create a file under /etc/cron.daily ?08:33
obamasomsip: it abourt ;(08:33
irgendwer4711hi, how to use proposed updates on servers?08:34
somsipobama: so follow the instructions on that page to raise a bug report.08:34
obamasomsip: in the mean time what you suggest for a media player?08:37
Image_I tried Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 on a USB drive with an old desktop that has no harddrive at the moment. It loads, I can start using it, and then the mouse and keyboard lock up and nothing works. I am not very tech savy. Any ideas?08:37
somsipobama: I don't use anything like banshee so I can't help you with that08:37
kgalahassamy computer send something automatically when I'm online08:39
kgalahassamy computer send something automatically when I'm online, how can i see it?08:40
hateballkgalahassa: What do you mean it sends?08:40
cfhowlett_kgalahassa, ???08:40
cynicallemonImage_: idea, dont use gnome...08:41
kgalahassahateball, cfhowlett_, I 've just opened the monitor system software , and i noticed on resources window that it's sending something automatically08:42
Image_I'm open to suggestions. Like I said...fairly new to Linux in general but we've used Puppy in the past..... we were looking for a more user friendly version for our family.08:42
cfhowlettkgalahassa, screenshot, please08:43
cfhowlettImage_, family = kids?  edubuntu08:43
Image_Yes, and we are down a laptop so we need to make this old desktop work for the kids and their schooling.08:44
cfhowlett!edubuntu | Image_08:44
ubottuImage_: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org08:44
cynicallemonImage_: a while back i had an old laptop and gnome absolutely hated the graphics card, so maybe something similar08:44
Image_edubuntu may be an idea.08:44
cynicallemonImage_: how old is the machine?08:44
Image_cynicallemon, I08:45
kgalahassacfhowlett, how can i send it?08:45
Image_I'm not sure. Several years old.08:45
cfhowlett!paste | kgalahassa08:45
ubottukgalahassa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:45
cynicallemonImage_: the i would look at either lubuntu or xubuntu maybe08:46
Image_Ok. I will look into those.08:47
kgalahassacfhowlett and hateball, have a look here : http://imgur.com/JVlaYfJ, down in the network story there a notification that my computer is sending something08:48
cynicallemonImage_: you could try edubuntu too but that might be pushing the machines resources if it's getting on in years08:48
PolishPickersthats one thing about linux ya dont have to go buy new system each time freaking windows comes out08:49
cfhowlettImage_, lubuntu for the main OS.  edubuntu package the software aoos08:49
cynicallemonyeah u can add in in08:50
cfhowlettkgalahassa, auto-updates ?08:50
BeldarPolishPickers, You don't with windows either, but nice try.08:50
PolishPickersi have my current system for four years now specs (2.4hz quad core processor 8gb ram can be upgraded to 16gb 2tb hard drive 2gb nvidia video card two monitors 20.5 inch dell and a 27 inch samsung) still pretty good for a 4 year old system. beldar but yea they really wants you thou08:52
kgalahassaeven if it is, does it need sending information to auto-update?08:52
cfhowlettPolishPickers, offtopic and needless window hating.  let's stay on task, shall we?08:52
kgalahassacfhowlett, even if it is, does it need sending information to auto-update?08:52
BeldarPolishPickers, I have no idea at all what you mean so far and this is all offtopic08:52
cfhowlettkgalahassa, of course.  needs to update your database and compare it against the available updates08:52
Image_thanks all. I'm going to get some sleep and try again later. I managed to get two windows desktops up and running tonight (not ours so very limited options) and then try the version of linux on the 3rd so I'm making progress.08:53
PolishPickerslol i never said i hated windows ;)08:53
=== tcpman is now known as Guest62894
He4dShOthi...i'm trying to install ubuntu from a usb stick but I have some problems with the video drivers08:58
He4dShOtnow i'm in the command line08:59
He4dShOtis it possible to start the installation from here?08:59
PolishPickersare you installing the server version?09:00
PolishPickersserver version so far had no video output just a terminal09:01
BeldarHe4dShOt, Can you describe what happens if you just boot the live?09:01
He4dShOtno it's the desktop version09:02
He4dShOtit freezes with a bunch of colored pixels09:02
cfhowlettHe4dShOt, yeah, that's not a good sign.  reboot without the USB.  1. verify the ISO  2. verify the USB09:02
cfhowlett!md5sum | He4dShOt09:03
ubottuHe4dShOt: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:03
BeldarHe4dShOt, Did you try a nomodeset boot? Besides what cfhowlett suggests?09:03
He4dShOtthe md5sum is correct09:03
cfhowlettHe4dShOt, on the iso and / or the USB?  check BOTH09:03
He4dShOton the iso...how can I md5sum the usb?09:04
cynicallemonHe4dShOt: what is the video card?09:04
cfhowlettHe4dShOt, read the link for instructions09:04
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:04
He4dShOtoh...that's new09:09
He4dShOtok i'm trying that, but I have this problem since I can remember installing ubuntu on that machine09:10
He4dShOtI think it's because of the nvidia card09:10
cfhowlettHe4dShOt, if both md5sum's match, check nomodeset as cynicallemon suggested .. could be graphics issue09:10
BeldarHe4dShOt, Worse case scenario a text install with the mini from the net is doable.09:12
Beldar12.04 still has the alternative09:13
smeglepuhey all. do others keep getting problems with the login field missing from the lock screen when you come out of screensaver?09:17
smeglepui keep finding myself heading to an alt tty to do service lightdm restart, which is really irritating09:18
Beldarsmeglepu, Have you tried the guest account?09:20
smeglepuBeldar: i don't have a guest account set up i don't think. there isn't an option to change09:21
Beldaror turned off the lock to see if it brings up the desktop?09:21
smeglepuBeldar: it's certainly the input widget that's missing09:21
Beldarsmeglepu, What desktop is this?09:21
smeglepuBeldar: standard09:21
smeglepuBeldar: i'd rather not turn off lock. this is a work machine09:21
Beldarthere is a guest account stock I believe09:21
ktosiekHi! If I have a 2 packages that provide the same file, can I tell dpkg to always prefer one package's version?09:21
smeglepuBeldar: hmm, well it isn't offered. i can certainly try to enable it.09:22
smeglepubit of a hacky solution though :/09:22
Beldarsmeglepu, I'm basically asking is have you run some tests, not saying you have to unlock it completely.09:22
He4dShOtmd5sum correct and with nomodeset it's working...although I have the worst resolution ever..09:22
smeglepuBeldar: fair enough. i'll give it a go09:23
Beldarsmeglepu, Try the guest is not a hacky solution if it does not happen there it will be how you have tweaked it09:23
Beldarstandard procedure to check this way09:24
smeglepuBeldar: ok, restarted the lightdm service. guest account was an option, so i guess it is enabled but there isn't an option to change to it09:24
smeglepuBeldar: i'll try removing lock now09:25
Beldarsmeglepu, To change what?09:25
Beldarno screen saver there is what you mean?09:25
Beldara screen saver is an addition anyway it is not on the install09:26
smeglepuBeldar: sorry, i'll call it sleep then09:26
smeglepuBeldar: yep, suspend :)09:27
Beldarsmeglepu, How are you suspending?09:28
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fribmy battery seems to be dying faster in ubuntu than it should e.g. in windows.  is there any way i can diagnose and, hopefully, improve my low battery life?09:30
BeldarHe4dShOt, Nomodeset is a low graphic, you can install and set up the needed drivers09:30
trijntjefrib: you can use powertop to see if any programs are misbehaving, and it also allows you to do some tweaks to extend battery life09:30
cfhowlettHe4dShOt, first install.  configure graphics post install.  Also: 14.04 or 14.04.1?09:30
fribthanks, trijntje09:31
smeglepuBeldar: just the usual 5min timeout. i've actually done barely any changes since buying this dell with ubuntu preinstalled09:31
smeglepuBeldar: actually, i have upgraded from the previous LTS09:32
Beldarsmeglepu, Cool, just wondering if this was with a command.09:32
fribtrijntje, the highest usage is clearly my DE, cinnamon at 20,6ms/s is that normal?09:33
smeglepuBeldar: anyway. interesting thing. just lowered the time to 1min for testing. unchecking the "require password" doesn't actually stop it being required09:33
smeglepuBeldar: so removed lock all together and it... well, removed lock. fine09:33
cfhowlettsmeglepu, preinstalled was 12.04?09:33
smeglepucfhowlett: yeah09:33
smeglepuso went from 12.04 to 14.0409:33
He4dShOtcfhowlett, 14.04.0109:34
cfhowlettsmeglepu, new version; 14.04 uses lightlocker.  lightlocker can conflict with xscreensaver settings09:34
smegleputhis is lock widget missing is actually an intermittent problem, which is all the more frustrating.09:34
smeglepucfhowlett: well well, that is interesting!09:34
purnanandwhat g++  compiler  use in ubuntu 14.04 LTS?09:34
cfhowlettsmeglepu, looking for link ...09:35
He4dShOtcfhowlett, why?09:35
rishabh_hi i am trying to install ubuntu12.10 on my windows 8.1 machine. i turned off the secure boot of windows 8.1, but still when i boot via ubuntu i just face a blank screen. i have a lenovo z50 machine. has any one installed ubuntu on windows 8 successfully ?09:35
smeglepucfhowlett: right, sounds like a fresh install might be in order09:35
trijntjefrib: I'm not sure, I haven't used powertop in a long time, and I've never used cinnamon09:35
cfhowlettsmeglepu, could be.  I only install LTS and do a clean install each time.09:36
smeglepucfhowlett: i've actually got other issues that need a different LVM layout anyway (encryptfs/nfs pain), so i might just go for the reinstall regardless09:36
cfhowlettsmeglepu, sounds like a plan.  best of luck.09:37
smeglepucfhowlett, Beldar: thanks :)09:37
purnanandhey buddy Virasun ,what g++  compiler  use in ubuntu 14.04 LTS?09:38
VirasunYOu are a bot?09:38
Virasunpurnanand, ?09:39
llutz!info g++ | purnanand09:39
ubottupurnanand: g++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 34 kB09:40
purnanandhey buddy ubottu, it asks like that g++-multilab,g++-4.809:42
boratynskikamilHello, dear all. I am installing LXC on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.09:43
boratynskikamillxc_container: Executing '/sbin/init' with no configuration file may crash the host09:43
cfhowlett!server | boratynskikamil, server channel09:43
ubottuboratynskikamil, server channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:43
boratynskikamilcfhowlett: Thanks. :-)09:43
purnanand    what version of g++  require for ubuntu 14.04 LTS09:44
cfhowlettpurnanand, g++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 34 kB09:44
purnanandhow to install g++ for ubuntu 14.04 LTS?09:49
geekstaypurnamand : It's installed no ?09:49
Ben64purnanand: sudo apt-get install g++09:49
purnanandI used  sudo apt-get install g++ , but  gives error.09:52
cynicallemonpurnanand: doesnt the build-essential package install that stuff too?09:53
purnanandhow to do install g++ ?09:53
cynicallemonpurnanand: as i just said try, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:55
purnanandnot working sudo apt-get install build-essential09:57
Ben64purnanand: "not working" doesn't give us any information. pastebin the full error09:58
daaxhey, I'm getting blank desktop after upgrading 13.10 to 14.04 (unity not starting). I've checked compiz settings and unity plugin is enabled09:59
purnanand file included from /usr/include/c++/4.8/iostream:39:010:01
kostkondaax, you could try resetting unity/compiz http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html10:01
corederI'm not able to connect to the vpnbook service of openvpn from Ubuntu. But it works fine from windows10:02
adantesay how can i tell if my kernel (or linux install - i'm not quite undersatnding) has aufs in it?10:08
innocent95winem, Are you there?10:15
TJ-adante: "modinfo aufs" but there's also "modinfo overlayfs"10:16
adanteTJ-: ah thanks... is there a best of breed for the various union/overlay tools?10:17
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TJ-adante: overlayfs was recently trying for mainline inclusion, but a few issues have held it up so far10:20
daaxhey, I'm getting blank desktop after upgrading 13.10 to 14.04 (unity not starting). I've checked compiz settings and unity plugin is enabled. `startx` prints this: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:809 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='fglrx_updates'10:27
EriC^^daax: try reinstalling the fglrx_updates package10:33
EriC^^daax: apt-get install --reinstall fglrx-updates10:34
EriC^^daax: you're using the fglrx-updates drivers right?10:36
daaxEriC^^: I just reinstalled them, yes10:40
iptabledaax, after reinstall, reboot. it's a graphics driver.10:41
iptabledaax, also, I'm guessing the installation didn't produce any errors while happening?10:42
daaxiptable: correct10:43
Amazing_MenaceHow do I get the Gnome shell for ubuntu 14.04 side by side with unity so I can choose at the login screen?10:46
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cfhowlett!gnome | Amazing_Menace10:49
ubottuAmazing_Menace: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome10:49
Amazing_MenaceWill that allow me to choose between unity and gnome shell at startup?10:51
tomodachiAmazing_Menace:  the login manager10:51
cfhowlettAmazing_Menace, logout.  choose gnome session.  login10:51
tomodachiwill allow you to choose with windows manager you get10:51
Amazing_Menaceok thank you I'll be back and let you know if it worked10:52
daaxhey, I'm getting blank desktop after upgrading 13.10 to 14.04 (unity not starting). I've checked compiz settings and unity plugin is enabled. `startx` prints this: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:809 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='fglrx_updates'10:53
EriC^^daax: if you are using the fglrx-updates, try to reinstall it10:54
EriC^^daax: sudo apt-get install --reinstall fglrx-updates10:55
Nordomhowdy, I am getting permission errors when trying to compile. How can I set myself full rights to all folders and subfolders (here is my error http://pastebin.com/RaecZd5F)11:07
llutz!permissions | Nordom11:09
ubottuNordom: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:09
NordomI tired both sudo chmod u+rwx and sudo chmod u+rwX on one of the root folders so =/11:10
Nordomand chmod u+rwx -R11:12
llutzNordom: time to check who "u" (owner) is11:12
Nordomhow do do I do that?11:13
llutzNordom: ls -l, stat11:13
jonersHi, would anyone be able to assist with how to remove some old headers on US 12.04?11:14
cfhowlettjoners, sudo apt-get autoremove11:15
llutzNordom: no PMs please11:15
jonerstried that however get this output11:15
jonersReading package lists... Done11:15
jonersBuilding dependency tree11:15
jonersReading state information... Done11:15
jonersYou might want to run ‘apt-get -f install’ to correct these.11:15
jonersThe following packages have unmet dependencies.11:15
unopastejoners you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted11:15
vievkhow it works11:15
Nordomhttp://pastebin.com/zMR75Bh3 is my out put on the root folder I added my permissions to11:16
jonersafraid that autoremove didnt work11:17
llutzNordom: owner is root, why? there is no need for source-trees being root-owned. only make install  might need root (checkinstall is to be preferred)11:17
k1l!paste | joners11:17
ubottujoners: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:17
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jonerswill do thanks, looks like it wont allow me to remove the old headers as there are unmet dependancies11:18
jonersusing apt-get install -f fails as well11:18
jonerslooks like /boot has run out of space11:18
k1ljoners: we dont see what you see. so please pastebin the output11:19
cfhowlettjoners, what's the output of sudo apt-get autoremove11:19
Nordomllutz: I am following a guide and they say to use the command  ./configure && make -j4 && make -j4 deb but that fails due to permersions so I used sudo infront and it would work mostly but hit some files in the folders that I didnt have permissions to and the compile fails11:19
fifthcantonjoin #irc.z.je11:20
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k1ljoners: run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:21
jonerswhat does dist-upgrade do?11:22
ZerpexIn ubuntu 14.04 - can I downgrade the kernel to 3.11 ?11:22
He4dShOtI'm having some problem with the video drivers...I don't know what else to do11:22
He4dShOtit won't get past the login11:22
k1l_joners: updates packages that need to be reinstalled for updates.11:23
k1l_joners: but wait11:23
k1l_joners: please pastebin a "df -h"11:23
k1l_Zerpex: no11:23
jonersboot is full : /11:24
Zerpexk1l_: okidoki - thanks11:24
Nordomllutz: any ideas?11:24
k1l_ok so only /boot is full (and quite small imho)11:24
jonersyup, it was the default install when the system was built11:25
k1l_joners: the apt-get autoremove will not go through due to a halted kernel install?11:27
jonersok, what options do i have to resolve?11:27
k1l_i would manually remove some old kernel files from /boot and let the new kernel install11:28
k1l_after that remove the old pakcages and free up more space11:28
jonerssounds good, just using the usual rm command?11:28
jonersie find the running kernel then rm a few of the old ones?11:28
k1l_you could mv them to another place for murphys law11:29
TJ-joners: "dpkg -l linux-image*' identify the versions that can go, then do "dpkg -r <package-name>"11:29
jonersThis is what ive got installed11:31
He4dShOthow can I find what's the problem with the video drivers?11:32
jonersand i think that this is the running kernel (which doesnt get removed!)11:32
k1l_He4dShOt: did you try the guest account?11:32
th3hostthis feels like back to 1995 - I didnt know people still use IRC.11:33
cfhowlettth3host, ask your ubuntu support questions.  For general chitchat: #ubuntu-offtopic11:34
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He4dShOtk1l_, nope..11:34
k1l_He4dShOt: do that to make sure its not a user setting that makes trouble.11:34
th3hostoh so we are not allowed to talk here?11:34
k1l_He4dShOt: you can look at the home of the user "ls -al" and see if all files belong to the user and not root.11:35
Stanley00th3host: this channel is for ubuntu support only. so, so you have any ubuntu support question?11:35
ObrienDaveyou're requested to take idle chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
th3hostoh ok11:35
k1l_th3host: we try to keep this channel clear for support only. else its unfair for the amount of users who need support11:36
th3hostno i dont have ubuntu questions, because i'm a master.--im out sry11:36
Nothing_MuchAny possible way to disable the top Unity panel on a second monitor?11:36
k1l_Nothing_Much: not that i am aware of.11:37
Nothing_MuchAh darn it11:37
Nothing_MuchI keep shutting down my host machine on Virtualbox11:37
Nothing_MuchWith a VM on my second monitor*11:38
daaxugh this client11:38
daaxdoesn't show who highlighted me11:38
daaxin response to:: hey, I'm getting blank desktop after upgrading 13.10 to 14.04 (unity not starting). I've checked compiz settings and unity plugin is enabled. `startx` prints this: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:809 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='fglrx_updates'11:38
Nothing_MuchOh hold on, I just fixed it11:38
k1l_daax: see if .XAuthori... files in /home belong to your user11:39
k1l_then see if the guest account works well. if yo it must be some user setting11:39
daaxk1l_: they do11:39
k1l_then see .xsession-errors for more information11:40
daaxsame problem in guest11:40
k1l_is your grafic driver installed properly?11:40
daaxno errors when I installed it11:41
daaxbut I don't know how to check beyond that11:41
k1l_lshw -c video11:41
TJ-daax: see "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"11:42
daaxk1l_: http://bpaste.net/show/STIF8Flfix7affXhHf2H/11:43
DaghdhaHi. I just typed in a name in thefilter and it finds all sorts of folders and files that were on alaptop that was connected to my network once long ago. How can i purge these? It's the standard search thing. The top left icon in 14.04 and then just type styuff11:45
k1l_daax: yes, there seems to be a driver issue.11:45
DaghdhaI wonder wth it searched anyway, i don't want ubuntu to look on my lan.11:45
daaxTJ-: http://bpaste.net/show/ZmDT2XF46FlBqbTzZiQl/11:45
Daghdhae.g. i getting hits on smb://laptop-name/d$/someFolderName11:46
daaxTJ-: also http://bpaste.net/show/tbPiOfUzhbGwNeEsh1P2/11:46
trijntjeDaghdha: system settings -> Security and privacy11:46
TJ-daax: are you booting with "nomodeset" ?11:46
daaxTJ-: how to check?11:47
Daghdhalaptop-name has been here only a day or 2 while i fixed it for a neighbour. How do i purge ubuntu of it's existence? Ok trijntkje i will check that11:47
TJ-daax: "grep nomodeset /proc/cmdline"11:47
TJ-daax: You need to (re)install the kernel driver11:48
TJ-daax: first, see if it is available: "modinfo fglrx"11:48
Daghdhatrijntje: clear usage data?11:48
daaxnot found11:48
TJ-daax: OK, so it'll need installing.11:49
srinivasi have installed unity version in my pc. Whether can i install the KDE using Ubuntu KDE iso ??11:49
trijntjeDaghdha: that sounds right11:49
daaxTJ-: you mean apt-get install fglrx?11:49
Daghdhaunity-control-center just died on me11:50
TJ-daax: Yes; you might want to add in the switch "--reinstall" in case it is installed but not built the module correctly11:50
DaghdhaWHat is: include online search results11:51
* Daghdha disables: include online search results11:51
user123321My LUbuntu again froze in a black screen during booting. It went ok after the next boot. But this hanging happened a couple of times before. I was going through the kernal log but I'm not sure I found anything. I did see this, "Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption      Base memory trampoline at [ffff880000097000] 97000 size 24576", does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?11:52
Daghdhatrijntje: Thanks, that worked :)11:52
daaxTJ-: after reboot modinfo says the same thing11:52
TJ-daax: then the DKMS system isn't building the module11:52
Daghdhatrijntje: And disabling include online search results has realyc leanued up the screen nciely too.11:52
daaxTJ-: this makes me haz a sad11:53
daaxmaybe I should just rip out this card and use onboard gfx11:53
TJ-daax: which kernel version ("uname -r") ?11:53
srinivasi have installed unity version in my pc. Whether can i install the KDE using Ubuntu KDE iso ??11:54
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TJ-daax: also, which fglrx source versions are installed ("ls -d /usr/src/fglrx*") ?11:54
daaxI thought dist-upgrade would update my kernel11:54
k1l_srinivas: you can install kubuntu-desktop to get the kde ubuntu11:54
TJ-daax: are you sure the upgrade completed correctly?11:55
daaxTJ-: 13.350.111:55
daaxTJ-: I didn't see any problems with it11:55
TJ-daax: OK, show me what "uname -r" reports11:55
k1l_daax: run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make sure you are on the latest updates11:55
k1l_3.8 is an outdated kernel11:55
k1l_what ubuntu are you on?11:56
daaxnothing to upgrade11:56
k1l_no. 3.8 is not the 14.04 kernel. 3.13 is the 14.04 kernel11:56
TJ-daax: OK, try building the module: "sudo dkms install -m fglrx -v 13.250.1 -k 3.8.0-35-generic" ... this at least might get the PC into a state where you can more easily sort out other issues11:56
k1l_so no wonder there is a problem with the drivers11:57
jonersso cleared out some space out of /boot then attempted to apt-get install -f to fix missing dependancies however no joy11:57
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jonershaving the following come back... d #ubuntu11:57
daaxk1l_: as I said, I thought dist-upgrade would update my kernel11:57
daaxit didn't11:57
k1l_make sure "linux-generic" is installed11:57
daaxTJ-: so don't try to update the kernel ye?11:57
TJ-daax: If you want some GUI to work from this'll get the PC to that point11:58
daaxk1l_: it wasn't11:58
tomodachiis there a  program similair to screen or tmux, but a gui one , perhaps that hooks in to gnome-terminal or something? all theese shortkeys are so tiresome11:58
k1l_daax: make sure "linux-headers-generic" is installed too.11:59
k1l_daax: then run the update and dist-upgrade again. you should get a 3.13 kernel now11:59
TJ-joners: does "sudo apt-get update" report errors? The info you pasted suggests the local package list is out of date, and giving the wrong kernel version for linux-image-server12:00
jonerswill look now, two seconds12:01
TJ-joners: you can see the version it depends on at http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise-updates&searchon=names&keywords=linux-image-server12:01
jonersapt-get update comes back fine12:02
TJ-joners: OK, try "apt-get -f install" again12:02
jonersfails immediately with the same error12:02
TJ-joners: is the system using some proxy cache for the archives?12:03
TJ-joners: what does "apt-cache policy linux-image-server" report ?12:03
daaxTJ-, k1l_: I have the current kernel now and modinfo fglrx gives output12:03
TJ-daax: That's good :)12:04
daaxstill no gui though12:04
TJ-daax: check the log-file again12:04
TJ-joners: try "dpkg -r linux-image-server linux-server" then try "apt-get -f install" ... if that now reports no errors, do "apt-get install linux-server"12:06
daaxTJ-: just remembered to reinstall fglrx again12:06
jonersok, ill give that a go now12:06
TJ-joners: slight typo there... the final command would be "apt-get install linux-server linux-image-server"12:07
jonersthanks :)12:07
eeeedaax: ? lol i've been almost begging you to do so for an hour12:07
k1l_daax: did you make a restart to get that new kernel going?12:07
eeeenever mind12:08
daaxeeee: sorry, I missed two messages earlier - they may be yours12:11
daaxk1l_: yes12:11
daaxso now I'm getting a desktop - my autostart apps are running, but no window chrome or launchbar12:11
daaxunspecified problems from Xorg and compiz12:11
eeeenp, daax try to apt-get install --reinstall unity ubuntu-desktop12:12
TaZeRxorg and compiz two of the biggest names in the industrty12:12
TaZeRwe have to bring these titans down12:12
daaxI'll tase you bro12:12
TaZeRwe can never let them take out bunutness away from us!12:12
eeeefirst try sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz12:13
bazhangTaZeR, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat NOT here12:13
eeee( @ daax )12:13
eeeedaax: sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz && setsid unity12:13
daaxeeee: error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY12:16
eeeedaax: sudo apt-get install --reinstall compiz-core12:17
daaxeeee: compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core12:19
daaxcompiz (core) - Fatal: Couldn't open display12:19
eeeedaax: sudo rm -rf ~/.config/dconf/user ~/.cache/compizconfig-112:19
daaxeeee: that looks to have done it12:21
daaxyeah I think it's fixed. thanks for your help, eeee, k1l_, TJ- :)12:23
eeeeyou're welcome12:23
hayerI've made a "server software" that runs on ubuntu server. It is a contained/solo system, aka it takes the whole installation for itself, and we deliver these solutions as a "complete package". We send them a server with the software installed. They dont have ssh access or anything like that. Now for updates; is it possible to configure the image to look for distro upgrades in our repo and patch using these? So if we release a new update we can just release 12:27
jonerssorted!!! Thank you very much for your help :)12:27
ikoniahayer: sure thing12:28
cfhowletthayer, I believe you want to create a personal mirror12:28
ikoniahayer: just setup a debian repo, deploy the config files at build time and you're odne12:29
hayerikonia: well, does it sound like a way to go or just "it is possible but it is mucho hassalo"?12:29
ikoniahayer: dead easy12:29
ikoniahayer: setup debian repo, deploy sources.list file/entry - done12:30
hayermkay. so actually we just need to replace everything in sources.list with our repo.. then package our software. But what about distro upgrades?12:30
ikoniahayer: no12:31
ikoniahayer: you should deploy a file into /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:31
ikoniahayer: that file should just contain your repo info12:31
hayerikonia: well, wouldn't that mean that "apt-get upgrade" would upgrade all other packages too?12:32
ikoniahayer: yes, it will12:32
ikoniahayer: you want to actually stop upgrades/updates ?12:32
hayerKinda, we want to control what packages get updates. Like only python and security patches12:33
hayerI guess the best way would be to just give it a try ;)12:33
cart_manHey can anybody tell me why in Lubuntu the PCI.H file is different from other Linux Distros?12:34
hayerbrb setting up a vm12:34
ikoniahayer: that sounds like a very very bad approach12:34
ikoniahayer: however it's your product, so up to you12:34
TJ-hayer: You probably want to use "apt-mirror"12:35
jere_What does CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO do in linux kernel?12:46
sarumanI have a problem with samba access12:47
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Guest6522for some reason, I try to connect and it says that the password is wrong12:48
Guest6522I set a new password and it works fine12:48
Guest6522after some time, it says it is wrong again12:48
Guest6522does the password expires or something?12:48
ObrienDavethat's not good. no, they don't12:48
Guest6522what may be causing it?12:49
ObrienDavethat i don't know12:49
Guest6522I can just set the same password again and it works, but after some time it says that it's incorrect12:49
cart_manHey can anybody tell me why in Lubuntu the PCI.H file is different from other Linux Distros?12:50
as73790hi, is it possible to move my current installation to a new partition without reinstalling from iso?12:54
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MadLambhey, i have a chrome button in my ubuntu launcher, however when i click it, it blinks for a while and stops blinking, and when i search for chrome and click it opens. I already tried to unlock and lock again. Any clue what might be happening?13:04
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cookiemonster077anybody fell like helping a total noob13:10
cookiemonster077I am trying to automatically enable wireless at bootup on 12.0413:11
ObrienDaveit should work OOTB13:12
cookiemonster077i agree, but at every boot i have to pull down the menu and turn on wireless13:13
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k1l_cookiemonster077: make sure you dont have a bios setting to set it to off on boot13:14
cookiemonster077i had not even considered that i will check. brb13:14
gp5stit seems very broken that if I do shutdown via the wm an application can prevent that from happening13:15
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ObrienDaveMadLamb, i would think the first launcher is not configured properly13:17
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hayerHow to get a stable Ubuntu installation; install windows -> install virtualbox / virtualpc -> install ubuntu as vm :>13:17
MadLambObrienDave, what you mean?13:17
MadLambObrienDave, how could i fix that?13:18
MadLambObrienDave, if i open chrome and lock it, next time i try to open it from the launcher it also doesnt work13:18
pbxsometimes the Software Updater wiggles in the launcher, but no window appears when i click on it. what to do?13:18
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ObrienDaveMadLamb, try setting chrome as the default web browser in preferred applications13:20
fpshi, my /boot ran full and apt-get tells me to run -f install. so i can't autoremove old kernels13:20
ObrienDavefps, you'll have to do that manually13:21
fpsObrienDave: when i delete old vmlinuz images from /boot will it fry the package management further?13:21
ObrienDavethat i don't know13:22
fpsObrienDave: but i only guessed whether that's what you meant by saying "manually"13:22
MadLambObrienDave, where can i find the "preferred applications"?13:22
ObrienDavefps, i mean you have to delete old kernel files manually13:23
ObrienDaveMadLamb, somewhere in settings. I don't use Unity13:23
fpsObrienDave: ok, i'm chugging through them with dpkg --purge [kernel package]13:24
fpsthat does free the space, ok13:25
MadLambObrienDave, found it hidden under "details" lol. however chrome is already the default application.13:26
Cakemaphoneigeis this the right place to ask questions?13:32
aeyesijust ask ~13:33
cfhowlett!ask | Cakemaphoneige,13:33
ubottuCakemaphoneige,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:33
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pbxso the answer to my earlier question about Software Updater wiggling in the launcher, but not showing a window when clicked -- right-clicking the icon lets you just install the updates.13:34
sykohello guys13:37
leeyaahow to search for perl modules in ubuntu repositories? i need XML::CanonicalizeXML13:37
CakemaphoneigeIm trying to change the text that is shown in the top box when maximised/ the text shown when minimized of a program. The program is an open source text editor. I think ive figured what exactly i need to change in the source code except i dont know what to change it to.13:38
devsysHi All, I am running ubuntu server 11.04. When I run apt-get I get error 404's on some of the official sources, is this because of the age of my release?13:39
ikoniadevsys: because you are on a distro that is end of life13:41
ikoniadevsys: the repos have been removed13:41
aeyesidevsys i am pretty sure it is13:44
aeyesi11.04 is creepy old ya know13:45
WLMdevsys: yes, end of life.13:45
WLMSupport ended for that one. Better upgrade to 14.04 or if you don't want that 12.0413:45
devsysThanks everyone, how do I upgrade of the sources are gone? dist-upgrade or whatever?13:46
cfhowlettdevsys, download the ISO and clean install.13:46
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aeyesiupgrading from such old version hmhm hm well try it but no idea13:47
DanielSahi guys, anyone tried to stop lightdm to save battery?13:47
cfhowlettdevsys, OR 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.04 > 14.0413:47
devsysI can't just rebuild this box, gonna have to try to upgrade13:47
HanifCodehi guys i am new here13:47
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | devsys, well, good luck with that.13:48
ubottudevsys, well, good luck with that.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:48
cfhowlettHanifCode, ask your ubuntu question13:48
AlvisLaNoobHey, I'm Alvis and I'm a big noob. Can you help me ?13:49
HanifCodewell i already made an apps using bash script. do it safe to make installation file that only copy the main file to /bin/bash and other setting folder to ~/.some_folder13:49
HanifCodei don't know how to do packaging13:50
aeyesiAlvisLaNoob just ask13:50
k1l_devsys: use the old-releases to upgrade fro 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04. from that you can think about making the LTS upgrade to 14.0413:50
AlvisLaNoobHow could I use Adobe Photoshop on Ubuntu ?13:50
ikoniaAlvisLaNoob: you don't13:50
HanifCodealvis you can't13:50
aeyesimaybie you can13:50
HanifCodejust use gimp13:50
AlvisLaNoobOk, thanks.13:50
k1l_!wine | AlvisLaNoob ask them if it works with the latest adobe photoshop13:51
ubottuAlvisLaNoob ask them if it works with the latest adobe photoshop: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:51
aeyesiTry gimp13:51
aeyesiif it fits you're needs13:51
HanifCodeyay but an old old version via wine :D gimp is good enough i think13:51
AlvisLaNoobOk, I'll try it.13:51
aeyesiis adobe photoshop CS4 old ?13:52
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cfhowlettaeyesi, ask adobe.13:52
Cakemaphoneigemy question/description of problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/8080087/13:52
AlvisLaNoobThanks for everything. Bye-bye. :~)13:53
HanifCodehttps://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=17 << cs4 is bronze there ._,13:54
aeyesijust note, try install playonlinux and look over there13:54
HanifCodei never installed it myself though13:54
PiciCakemaphoneige: You're in #ubuntu.13:54
aeyesithere is photoshop cs4 support but no idea how old it is13:54
ItsMeLennywhen i try to map my wacom tablet using gnome-control-center wacom to just one screen, it does not work, is there some sort of trick that needs toi be done13:55
HanifCodei never know because never really wanted to use it anyway, :D13:55
MagicSpudhello...under ubuntu 12.04 I get an annoying message each time I login...it says something like ubuntu 1 will be shutting down services on 1st june 2014 but clearly that date is obsolete...14:02
magesingCan I do what  System-tools -> Preferences-> Additional drivers  does from the command line? The gui version doesn't seem to be working properly for me, and I'd like to see some more verbose output so I can diagnose it.14:02
chrs_any HiDPI improvments  coming in 14.10?14:02
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MagicSpudhow do I stop recieving the message?14:03
jose__jose mendes14:04
fidel_MagicSpud: could it be you and/or your computer is still trying to use it?14:04
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cfhowlettMagicSpud, delete ubuntuone and shutdown ubuntuone autostart14:05
fidel_MagicSpud: in other words: i would try removing the related package (ubuntu-one client)14:05
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vahidHey. I am installing Ubunto 14.04.1 Lts Server 64-Bit. I have installed software step by step. But now when I am open the URL, it shows an error that "Not Found, The requested URL /magento/ was not found on this server."14:07
cfhowlett!server | vahid,14:07
ubottuvahid,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:07
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes14:08
s3nt1nelvahid: have you tried configuring apache, php, virtual hosts and etc to run magento installation?14:09
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s3nt1nelvahid: there may be several issues - wrong permissions on magento folder, wrong virtualhost config and wrong software config. Try configuring another virtualhost with dummy php file in it, which displays phpinfo() and see the result. if errors continue to emerge - I'd suggest you check your apache configuration14:17
magesingIt seems like nomatter what I do from "Software and Updates" I am always running the nouveau driver instead ofthe NVIDIA driver, How can I properly configure my system to use a nvidia driver in 14.04? Thanks.14:17
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cfhowlett!ask | cahit14:20
ubottucahit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
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patatestilda or guake?14:29
bsdbanditgood morning all im currently trying to create a kickstart ubuntu dvd rom i was just wondering is there a way to install the repos on the dvd rom so my box will not have to go out to the net to patch itself14:30
DaghdhaHI, is there anyway to force my ubuntu into screenmode/size 1920x990?14:34
mjaykbsdbandit: why would you do that you can purchase ubuntu dvd s from the ubuntu website no14:34
mjaykDaghdha: try xrandar14:34
Daghdhamax 1280x1024 :/14:35
eeeeDaghdha: gtf 1920 990 6014:36
eeee(if your refresh rate is 60)14:36
Daghdhaeeee: I did it. Nothing changed. Just a modeline was added apprently14:38
eeeeDaghdha: that's what it does :)14:38
Daghdhaso now i go to display and choose it?14:39
eeeeno, add a mode with xrandr14:40
eeeehold on14:40
eeeeDaghdha: xrandr --newmode 1920x990 <modeline from gtf here>14:41
eeeeyou want everything after _60.00"14:41
itadderhi how do I check for security updates with ubuntu14:43
eeeeitadder: settings > details14:43
itadderI just got handed task to setup a Ubuntu Vm tempalte for devleopers14:44
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itadderand I want to know how to update patches14:44
itadderto be on the latest security patches14:44
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itadderI am a windows guy, so I know wsus not windows14:44
Daghdhaeeee: Apparently it needs fonts14:44
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Daghdhaeeee: X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)14:44
DaghdhaMaybe i should j ust install proprietary AMD driver14:45
itaddereeee:  it grahped up14:45
julian-delphikiitadder: not difficult. there's either the Update Manager or running "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" or similar.14:46
julian-delphikiitadder there's also the "unattended-upgrades" package.14:46
julian-delphikiitadder: how do you intend to distribute the image? :)14:48
julian-delphikior what are you going to run it on14:48
David1965should I replace the Hard-Drive in my PC with a SSD SATA drive14:49
cfhowlettDavid1965, why YES you should.14:51
patatesI did, put and evo840 on my sata1, works great, David196514:51
David1965also when will a patch be made available to solve the little problem where the Hard-Drive LED stays on constantly instead of flickering like normal14:53
David1965in case you are wondering what motherboard I am running it is a m2n68-la (Narra3)14:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:54
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:54
itadderjulian-delphiki:  we intended to use vmware14:56
itadderto push the image14:56
leotrhi! what will happen if i mount /usr as read-only system. Will the system work properly?14:56
GatisI try to type: sudo apt install KDE14:56
Gatisbut doesn't work14:56
Daghdhaapt-get ?14:57
leotr... if i don't run commands from root14:57
Gatisno apt-get doesn't help14:57
ubuntin nautilus when you want put the filter * (of explorer windows) what is the equivalence in nautilus?14:58
ubuntwhen search for example *.jpg or *.pdf?14:59
flamedogefind . -name *.jpg15:00
flamedogenautilus doesnt do wildcard search?15:00
scoopexhi, is there a tool to periodically remove all outdated linux-image* packages? the default /boot is to slow for the amount of the released kernel packages.......15:00
patatesscoopex, I belive autoremove does that15:01
tomodachiscoopex: there is no correlation between speed of booting the machine and the amount of old images you have.15:01
patatesjust enable it in unattended-upgrades settings, scoopex15:01
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scoopextomodachi: sorry :-) ~s,slow,small,15:03
scoopexpatates: interesting, what is the configuration key? *searching*15:04
patatesscoopex, config key? put "Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades15:05
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patatesto remove manually, sudo apt-get autoremove15:06
scoopexpatates: thanks...i wil test it...15:08
patatesyou're welcome scoppex15:09
Urchin[emacs]I'm getting "W: GPG error: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com precise-proposed Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" when I run apt-get update15:13
Urchin[emacs]what went wrong?15:14
cfhowlettUrchin[emacs], you need to reload the key.15:14
jbwivguys, on 14.04, my Wifi icon is constantly flashing/waving in the upper right hand corner, even though wifi is disabled. How can I make it sotp?15:19
jbwivstop rather?15:19
flamedogeu disabled it in hw?15:21
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devsysIm back, successfully upgraded EOL 11.056 to 14.04 for those that doubted ;)15:37
DaghdhaHas software updater replaced synaptic package manager? Can i remover Synaptic Package manager from 14.04?15:37
BeldarDaghdha, It is not installed unless you did it, can be removed yes.15:39
DaghdhaBeldar: This is an upgrade.. comes from way back, started a sa 10.04 iirc15:40
BeldarDaghdha, Has it's it's benifits for some but yes can be removed.15:41
DaghdhaBeldar: But i don't loose update functinality right?15:41
Beldarthe ubuntu software center is it's replacement basically15:42
DaghdhaBeldar:clear :P It's GONE15:42
blaubarschbubehi. I am using ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. for some reason i need mysql 5.5.34 but apt-get does not provide that version. is it possible to install that version via apt-get anyway?15:43
DaghdhaI have this software twice in my list... Software & Updates (software-properties-gtk)15:43
DaghdhaSeems to be the excact same item. same version even15:44
_distdoes anyone here understand the 14.04 LTS mdadm /boot bug well enough to explain it to me? I'm not convinced I understand it well enough to be safe15:46
BeldarDaghdha, Software & Updates is needed, it just is able to be opened by itself or from the ubuntu software center and from synaptic.15:46
DaghdhaBeldar: It seems to think it is installed twice. Software & Updates (software-properties-gtk)15:47
DaghdhaBeldar: I bette rnot touch it then15:47
BeldarDaghdha, If you remove stuff apt-get is a good way and look closely at dependencies before you hit a y=yes15:47
_distthis bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1274320 <--15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1274320 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Error: diskfilter writes are not supported" [High,Triaged]15:49
DaghdhaBeldar: i am just removing software packages i don't use. Like landscape manager15:49
royalaxeBeldar: that sounds like the batman/.robin unix legend15:49
BeldarDaghdha, It is in the cache as being opened if you see it in the dash I suspect, you can clean that in what used to be called privacy I can't find it at the moment.15:50
yorwosunhi all , i have tried many times to install kwin window manager but i always get errors when running kwin --replace , is kwin working properly with amd proprietary drivers ? something else i should try ? ub.studio 14.04 ,have tried uninstalling reinstalling15:52
yorwosand i think my sound stops working also15:53
Beldarroyalaxe, You have gone more abstract than I can recognize. ;15:56
royalaxewell, many moons ago on a unix mainframe an admin came across two processes running15:57
royalaxeone called batman and the other called robin15:57
DaghdhaI have 2 NIC in this machine. eth2 and eth3. They are bridged 'using' br0. All three show up when i click the network icon. But they are greyed out an unmanaged. How can i get them managed again? They have never been managed. Not since 10.04 (This machine comes from 10.04 > 12.04 > 14.04 trough updates in th epast years) Is there a way to get them managed?15:57
royalaxehe killed one and it instantly restarted15:57
royalaxekilled the other and it to restarted15:58
BeldarLets call these Captain Kirk and Mr Spock.15:58
royalaxetheir only function was to check if either were running and if not restart its companion15:58
anekshas anyone tried any of the 14.10 daily build live sessions?15:58
ObrienDaveaneks, yes, i test them for install issues15:59
Beldaraneks, since the day available, #ubuntu+1 is their channel.15:59
royalaxethere was no way to kill them both even on startup15:59
daguz1How do I upgrade 12.10 to 13.04 or even 14.04?      I first tried apt-get update.  There are quite a few that say "error not found"   and failed to fetch..15:59
aneksObrienDave: any issues getting into the destkop? I thought the live sessions would just boot automatically? mine is asking for a login and password?15:59
aneksBeldar: thanks16:00
Beldar!eol | daguz1 look at eol upgrade, a fresh installl may be better, for sure faster16:00
ubottudaguz1 look at eol upgrade, a fresh installl may be better, for sure faster: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:00
OerHeksroyalaxe, how is this related to ubuntu-support ?16:00
royalaxethose two processed similarily named you answered for the other guy16:00
royalaxeerrily silimar16:01
ObrienDaveaneks, ummm, no, it should go straight to "install" or "try"16:01
Beldaraneks, Supposed to be auto login, may be a bad burn or md5sum16:01
ObrienDavemrvadon, greetings and welcome16:01
aneksObrienDave: I do get to that point and when I select try, it comes up with a login screen :/16:02
aneksBeldar: I might try and burn another copy16:02
Beldaraneks, It is a development is all.16:02
ObrienDaveaneks, at boot there should be an option to check the integrity of the disk. md5sum is much faster ;P16:03
aneksBeldar: yeah I know16:03
aneksObrienDave: thanks :)16:03
Beldardaguz1, The eol upgrade does not mention some of the latest releases, it is the sources change that is key.16:04
mrvadonI have a question: why I posed the picture on the desktop does not appear on the login screen (there is a standard ubuntu picture)16:05
ObrienDavemrvadon, the logon screen is different, lightdm16:06
mrvadonits standart unity login screen16:07
MonkeyDustmrvadon  i think only pictures in the default wallpaper also appear on the login screen16:07
MonkeyDustmrvadon  i think only pictures in the default wallpaper folder also appear on the login screen  <-- correction16:07
=== Ririshi|Away is now known as Ririshi
guest683is there a zenmap version for android ?16:09
MonkeyDust!find zenmap16:09
ubottuFound: zenmap16:09
simpleuserHi there. I’d like to copy all the id3 tag of a mp3 file to another one. How could I do that?16:09
MonkeyDustguest683  maybe the android people know16:10
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guest683no android users hete?16:11
MonkeyDustguest683  this is the ubuntu channel16:11
guest683android and ubuntu base on linux kernel ;-)16:12
simpleuserguest683: ##linux16:12
Piciguest683: Thats nice.  Try #android or ##linux then.16:12
Beldarguest683, Are you using the ubuntu-touch?16:13
Ririshiubuntu-touch != android16:13
Gatiswhat's the difference between apt-get and aptitude16:13
guest683i use android16:13
BeldarRirishi, And has it's own channnel.16:13
llutzsimpleuser: id3cp from libid3-tools might do that16:13
SchrodingersScat!info id3tool16:14
ubottuid3tool (source: id3tool): Command line editor for id3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2a-4 (trusty), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB16:14
MonkeyDustguest683  android is not supported here, you're in the wrong channel, there's no reason for you to be here16:14
RirishiBeldar, uTouch?16:14
guest683ubuntu phone is only for developers or works fine?16:14
BeldarRirishi, #ubuntu-touch16:15
ObrienDaveoh well lol16:15
Beldarguest683, #ubuntu-touch ask there16:15
simpleuserGreat thanks llutz16:15
Ririshinobody says he's using that...16:15
Ririshidid he? :o16:15
RirishiI didn't do an "edit request"? That's what ubottu just PMd me about :(16:16
PiciRirishi: I'm not sure what that was about, feel free to ignore it.16:17
Beldar!aptitude | Gatis,16:17
ubottuGatis,: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter multiarch problems on non-updated 12.04 installs, see  http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.16:17
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)16:17
BeldarGatis, Basically aptitude has more bells and whistles.16:18
PiciGatis: aptitude provides some advanced dependency resolution, but for most users that really isn't needed.  It also has a cli front end.16:18
Beldarbetter put ^^^^^^^^^^^^16:18
guest683is there a better offline wikipedia applicatiob than kiwix?16:19
funkymonkeyi cant realy figure out if i shuld choose Proprietary drivers or go for Gallium does any one have a input on the matter? note i will be gaming on the rig16:21
yofunSo my pointer is semi frozen, like I can move it around but I can't select anything, it's symbol is currently like selecting text the "I" is there a way to restart the mouse? I got terminal open with the keyboard shortcut16:21
streulmahello, my Ubuntu 14.04 keeps crashing (compiz) on Macbook Pro 9.216:22
streulmashould I install Gnome or Mint?16:22
Beldarfunkymonkey, I would try what is in the ubuntu repos first and may show in additional  drivers,  Proprietary are not supported here technically unless found there.16:23
Beldarstreulma, Mint has there own channel ask them .)16:23
streulmayes Beldar, but I love Ubuntu :(16:24
coventrySeems like I've set myself up with a broken window manager...  I'm automatically logged in to a blank screen with mouse cursor, and no responsive keys.  C-M-F1 doesn't have any effect.  Do I need to do anything on ubuntu 14.04 to enable virtual consoles?  I'm in a rescue shell at the moment.  From that shell, how can I change the window manager ubuntu starts me up with, or disable the automatic login?16:24
guest683streulma tried gnome classic de?16:24
Beldarstreulma, Than use ubuntu, I would think you know the channel norms.16:25
MonkeyDuststreulma  14.04 crashed here too, the latest Mint is based on 14.04 and it crashed too, wouldnt make a difference16:25
guest683so try 12.0416:26
streulmaor 14.10 :)16:26
guest683is 14.10 already released?16:27
guest683dev release?16:28
streulmawill try 12.04.516:28
guest683wtf .5 ???16:28
daftykinsyes, latest release. and don't use that language16:29
daftykinsi am - and i'm telling you the above :)16:29
daftykinsshow some respect16:29
wrongplaceim formatting a HDD, ext4, I need to reduce the unused space.16:29
wrongplaceis the question clear enough? Im not using standardized terminology16:30
streulmawrongplace here ! lol16:30
RirishiDoesn't sound very understandable to me x)16:30
RirishiBut i'm a noob16:30
streulmano what do you mean wrongplace :)16:30
daftykinswrongplace: you're not making much sense no, "reduce the unused space" ? so fill it with files? :)16:30
MonkeyDustwrongplace  what is your question exactly?16:30
SchrodingersScatdd could create a file to reduce unused space16:30
wrongplaceext 4 reservers 5% of the size of the unit for emergency purposes16:31
guest683i thought .2 was latest16:31
daftykinswrongplace: do you have a partition that isn't filling the entire drive size?16:31
wrongplace5% of 1TB is way too much space for emergencies16:31
daftykinswrongplace: i see, use tune2fs to disable the reserve16:31
SchrodingersScatwrongplace: right, and you can turn that off16:31
wrongplacehow do I reduce that to 1%?16:31
Ririshiwhat would "emergency" be in this case? :o16:31
MonkeyDustfinally a question16:31
* Ririshi is wondering16:31
ActionParsnipwrongplace: tune2fs I16:32
ActionParsnipwrongplace: http://www.microhowto.info/howto/reduce_the_space_reserved_for_root_on_an_ext2_ext3_or_ext4_filesystem.html16:32
ripthejackerHi everyone, I accidentally deleted a directory with rm -r. How can I get it back16:32
ActionParsnipwrongplace: you could always go with ext2, its the same but with no journal16:32
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
expungeripthejacker: what FS?16:33
ripthejackerI don't want the whole directory, only a few files with .vob extension16:33
ActionParsnipripthejacker: on what file system?16:33
wrongplaceActionParsnip, im too much of a noob to try that, ext4 sounds updated16:33
ripthejackerexpunge, ActionParsnip ext416:33
neverettIt's been years since I've used IRC so apologies for any etiquette mistakes and whatnot. Could anyone point me to the right channel or PM me if they personally know the subject. I'm using an Acer C720 (Chromebook), and I'd like to install Ubuntu 14.04 on it 100% without any remains of ChromeOS or any partitions regarding it. Free consulting would be nice but willing to front up about 10USD via PayPal or some such service, if need be.16:33
ActionParsnipwrongplace: there are differences, ext2 still has a place, especially in usb and flash storage16:33
expunge!ops dedondee porn spam or something16:33
ubottuexpunge: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:33
wrongplaceso , I cd to the directory and tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sda1 will set the "reserver" to 1%, is that right?16:33
ActionParsnipripthejacker: I'd use your backups16:33
ripthejackerActionParsnip, I don't use any backup tool.16:34
rwwdaftykins, expunge: thanks16:34
ripthejackerActionParsnip, with ext4 is it not possible to recover.16:34
ActionParsnipripthejacker: it can but its painful, why dont you backup your data>16:34
daftykinsrww: *tips hat*16:35
ActionParsnipripthejacker: what f the drive motor or ide fails, where is your data16:35
ripthejackerActionParsnip, :|16:35
daftykinsripthejacker: maybe you should rip the DVD again ;)16:35
SchrodingersScatmuch quicker16:35
ripthejackerActionParsnip, Well most of the important stuff I need is on dropbox.16:36
wrongplacedone. thx16:36
guest683you dont need extra application to backup on other hd16:36
ripthejackerdaftykins, I don't have the dvd. :P16:36
daftykinsbad luck then16:36
ActionParsnipripthejacker: if you can get a drive of equal or larger size mounted writable you can boot to liveCD and use foermorst. You will recover EVERYTHING that is on the drive now as well as in the gaps that was deleted.16:37
ripthejackerActionParsnip, I am willing to go through through any painful process.16:37
ActionParsnipripthejacker: you will lose folder and name data but the files may be recovered16:37
ActionParsnipripthejacker: if the location the files were on the drive that were where the data was physicaly on the drive then it is irrecoverable16:37
ripthejackerActionParsnip, so I need an additional hard disk?16:37
ActionParsnipripthejacker:  so you will need to do a bit bny bit recover of the entire partition, then leaf through what you need16:38
ActionParsnipripthejacker: yes to spit the result to16:38
ActionParsnipripthejacker: or, if you had an actual backup, you could have casually copied and pasted the data and be done16:38
ripthejackerActionParsnip, I'll get the dvd.16:38
ripthejackerActionParsnip, daftykins thanks guys16:38
ObrienDavethat was easy ;)16:39
daftykinsthink before you use 'rm' in future16:39
ActionParsnipripthejacker: or you could have used zfs with snapshots, but nobody thinks about data integrity anymore and love to learn the very hard way about backups16:39
ripthejackerActionParsnip, and yeah I'll remember that. but I don16:39
ripthejackerActionParsnip, don't have an extra hdd.16:39
ActionParsnipripthejacker: then you'll need some form of storage to output files to16:39
wrongplacehow do I change the owner of a HDD?16:40
daftykinswrongplace: chown -R user:group /path/to/mount16:41
morkelebQ: Can someone point me to an application that enables me to format an USB stick?16:43
daftykinswhat OS16:43
morkelebWas that for me?16:43
daftykinsjust click 'dash' then type 'disk' you should be able to do a lot from that fine16:44
morkelebWell...I'm trying to make an installer for an old EEE 901, and the stick is currently formatted with Fat32, which it cannot read.16:44
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htmlhello all16:44
morkelebSo I thought I'd try extFAT, f.ex.16:44
daftykinsmorkeleb: Eee's can read FAT32 fine, you must've created it wrong. what OS are you trying to make install media from?16:44
expungehtml: hello16:44
expungemorkeleb: dosfsprogs, mkdosfs16:45
expungedosfstools, sorry =)16:45
wrongplacedaftykins, do I have to unmoun the unit to do that?16:45
morkelebdafty: Some says that's a common problem. I formatted the stick in Windows, then used unetbootin to create a debian boot installer16:45
MonkeyDustmorkeleb  what system are you in now? ubuntu?16:45
htmlexpunge,  hi16:45
morkelebThe eee doesn't see it at all, even when the BIOS is set to boot from ONLY the USB stick and nothing else.16:45
daftykinsmorkeleb: why are you not asking in #debian then? :)16:45
morkelebUbuntu, of course16:45
morkelebThis is an Ubuntu question :-)16:46
expungemorkeleb: try another USB port16:46
morkelebUbuntu is the system I'm using, in this case to create a debian usb installer for a small server.16:46
morkelebexpunge: Tried all 3 of them.16:46
htmlexpunge,  do you play minecraft? is so can you see it you can help me test the server?16:46
daftykinsmorkeleb: again i shall ask - what host OS are you creating from?16:46
daftykinswrongplace: no... no unmount necessary. you can't change ownership on an unmounted volume16:47
morkelebdafty: And again I shall answer: Ubuntu 14.04.16:47
daftykinsmorkeleb: format the drive as FAT32 then 'dd' the ISO onto it16:47
guest683minecraft is a cool game16:47
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daftykinsmorkeleb: well you could've been specific the first time16:47
daftykinskinda makes life easier16:47
morkelebI could have. But I took for granted that it was obvious, since this is an Ubuntu channel :-)16:48
morkelebdafty: What's the difference between using unetbootin and dd-ing it over, then?16:48
timothy_hoxleyHi, I have an issue. I installed lubuntu on a friends computer. Everything works but his mouse, I mean the mouse moves you can see it highlight stuff but the cursor is stuck so you can't visually see where the mouse is.16:48
expungemorkeleb: you might need to alter your BIOS config, then16:48
expungehtml: sorry I do not; /msg alis list *minecraft*16:48
daftykinsmorkeleb: just try it16:48
expungethere's an open source minecraft implementation, too16:49
morkelebSure, I will. Just wondering if there's supposed to be a difference.16:49
daftykinsmorkeleb: right but we get people running other distros and also Windows, wanting to make up media to install, so it helps to know. kinda not my first time in here...16:49
RirishiI have a quite weird question16:50
RirishiIs it normal that stuff crashes as soon as I start my PC up?16:50
coventryI'm getting "Wi-Fi is disabled by hardware switch" on a Dell Inspiron i3542-3333BK.  As far as I can tell, it has no such physical switch.  I was monkeying with virtual console keys ("Ctrl-Alt-F<n>") when this happened.  No combination of Fn-F<n> with control or alt seems to re-enable it.  I've tried rfkill unblock, modprobe dell_laptop, and rebooting.  Any suggestions?16:50
daftykinsRirishi: of course not16:50
neverettOkay, readdressing my original question: Got a Chromebook. Need to delete all data and partitions related to ChromeOS and install Ubuntu 14.04. Anyone kind enough to help out for free or make 10 bucks?16:50
daftykinscoventry: do you have the wifi logo on a F# key, which you need to use e.g. Fn+F2 to enable?16:51
ActionParsnipneverett: there are lots of guides on youtube and junk16:51
Ririshidaftykins, well my gtk icon cache blabla 3.0 crashed, jockey crashed as well...16:51
ActionParsnipneverett: what model chromebook thing do you have?16:51
MonkeyDustneverett  use a live usb stick, gparted, delete the partation you want16:51
coventrydaftykins: Yes, Fn+F2 is the key... Hitting it doesn't re-enable wifi.16:51
daftykinsneverett: chromebooks are not officially supported, but you can likely find guides online to get them into developer mode and install another OS16:52
morkelebexpunge: What do you mean "alter the BIOS config"? It's set to boot from external devices. Nothing else to do.16:52
Beldarcoventry, You might look at the manual I suspect that messing around turned off the wifi, I have a computer that uses alt-f6 to do this.16:52
daftykinscoventry: do you see the output of "rfkill show all" change when you press it?16:52
neverettActionParsnip, yes. But none of them are quite newbie-friendly. I've already got this puppy running Ubuntu on developer mode (Acer C720) but I'd like to erase all partitions related to Chrome and just have Ubuntu plain and full.16:53
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ActionParsnipneverett: ubuntu has a partition manager as part of the installer.16:53
ActionParsnipneverett: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=acer_c720_linux&num=116:54
jhutchinsmorkeleb: If you use unetbootin or other tools to "burn" an iso image to a USB drive, the previous format and partitioning of the drive is overwritten.16:54
ActionParsnipneverett: took me what.....10 seconds to find....16:54
jhutchinsmorkeleb: When you mount the USB on your working installation what do you see?16:54
neverettI am fully aware but it doesn't show me those nice Google partitions. So probably need to remove the write-protect screw and whatnot but I'd rather not without actually knowing what to do.16:54
AlexPortableThere was some tool where you could select backgrounds and some other settings16:54
AlexPortablebut i forgot the name16:54
jhutchinsmorkeleb: I suspect that you do not actually have a bootable device.16:55
AlexPortablegnome tweak tool or similar, it had a few tabs on the top16:55
neverettActionParsnip, yes, I know how to Google too and that's been bookmarked. Not enough, tho.16:55
ActionParsnipneverett: then what is the issue (I don't google, I quack)16:55
ActionParsnipguest683: always16:56
MonkeyDustyes, me too, ddg16:56
daftykinscoventry: something else you can try, was this a Dell?16:56
guest683i say im duckduckgoing16:56
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neverettThe issue is, I'm just extremely lazy to mix'n'match 4 different tutorials. How to set up developer mode, how to remove write-protect screw, how to set seabios by default, how to remove all partitions, how to fiddle with flags and install ubuntu and whatnot.16:56
neverettSo, me stupid.16:57
neverettWas hoping for step-by-step instructions for 10 bucks. Too lazy to do it myself.16:57
source47hi guys. i am having problems starting lxc on a new install in ubuntu. anyone can help?16:57
OerHeksneverett, this guide should work > http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/764181-how-to-install-linux-on-an-acer-c720-chromebook but beware, not all hardware work properly,  Mic audio might still have issuus, touchscreen miscalibration  and suspending16:57
daftykinsneverett: right, but it's your device and so your risk to modify i'm afraid.16:57
huleohi guys, I'm wondering if there's any cli ftp client you would particularly recommend16:57
huleoneed arose for the first time16:58
huleo(normally I just use filezilla)16:58
coventrydaftykins: Sorry, was rebooting to look for a solution in the bios.  Yes, C-M-F2 seems to change the rfkill outptu.  Yes, it's a dell.16:58
ActionParsnipneverett: well you are doing something the system isnt intended for, so the how to's will be fragmented.16:58
jhutchinssource47: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?16:58
neverettPrecisely. So I'd like some hands-on experience and advice.16:58
source47please see the gist jhutchins16:58
daftykinscoventry: ok so what does the output look like before and after toggling the switch? can you use pastebin to share?16:58
source47i just downloaded a standard template and tried to start a container16:59
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source47but it seems to have some files missing on cgroup somehow..16:59
coventrydaftykins: It's bizarre.  Starting now from soft/hard block no/no.  Hit C-M-F2, it's yes/no.  Just changed without me hitting those keys to yes/yes.  Hit again, now it's no/no.17:00
coventryHit again, it's yes/yes.17:00
coventryHit again, it's no/yes.  Etc.17:00
* eeee is dizzy17:01
source47any ideas why the cgroup folder is missing jutchins ?17:01
daftykinscoventry: i don't recall off-hand which value is which so i'd rather see output :) set it so the hardware block is off, then power off, remove mains + battery, re-insert battery, boot17:01
Steve973Hello.  I'm wondering if I can disable username/password login for a user (by doing passwd -l) and then execute commands via ssh *as another user*.  For example, as user1, do ssh user2@server 'command'.  I'd be disabling password login for user2@server, just to clarify.17:01
Steve973would user1 have to use user2's private key and supply user2's public key when connecting via ssh?17:02
ActionParsnipSteve973: you can tell sshd to only allow connections using ssh keys, if that's what you wnat17:03
rwwSteve973: user2 (or a system administrator) would add user1's public key to user2's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys17:03
Steve973ActionParsnip: sure, but my use case is a bit different.17:03
ActionParsnipSteve973: if you disable the account, the login will fail17:03
rwwSteve973: then user1 can just do the command you mentioned and authenticate using their key rather than user2's17:03
ActionParsnipSteve973: keys or not17:03
Steve973rww: will that allow user1 to execute commands as user2?17:03
rwwSteve973: it will allow user1 to login as user2, so yes, it would allow commands too17:04
rww(or rather, user1 will be able to do anything user2 can do)17:04
rwwand yeah, see the caveats ActionParsnip is saying regarding user accounts17:04
Steve973ActionParsnip: as I understand it, -l will still allow key access.17:04
odisaHello. I'm trying to get SSH to read a private key from external media, but it gives me a file permission's error. Somehow I can't change the file permissions to 600; it just keeps reverting to 644: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8081360/17:05
odisaWhy does it do that?17:06
llutzodisa: the file is on vfat/ntfs?17:06
Blendahi all17:06
odisalet me check lutz17:06
coventrydaftykins: Thanks... that seems to have fixed it.  Is the Fn+F2 behavior something I can disable in ubuntu, or is it straight to hardware?17:07
odisafat32 llutz17:07
daftykinscoventry: tends to be more low level17:07
ActionParsnipllutz: nice catch17:07
daftykinsodisa: you can't write permissions to non-Linux filesystems17:08
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* odisa slaps forehead17:08
llutzodisa: vfat cannot hold unix permissions, use umask=....   as mount-option17:08
coventryUgh, that's horrible... Will amazon let you return a machine if you've blown away its windows install?17:08
coventrySorry, off-topic17:08
odisathanks daftykins llutz.. duh, haha. I'll make it ext417:08
llutzodisa: thats better17:09
BlendaQ: is it possible to screencast audio/video Bitwig with my internal soundcard, if so, what is the best app?17:09
jostHow can I print out my SSH public key(s)?17:10
jostOr export them to a file or something17:10
rwwjost: they should be in ~/.ssh/id_something.pub17:10
odisathey should already be in a file17:10
rwwsomething is usually rsa17:11
jostrww: yes, I know... But I need instructions for persons who don't use linux and who don't know where to search17:11
jostthe have a bash shell with ssh though17:11
daftykinsjost: i'm sure you'll find something online.17:12
jostdaftykins: I have searched. All I find is the thing rww said above...17:12
daftykinswrite a guide for them then17:12
beginerI had a dual boot system with both Windows XP and ubutnu 12.04. Again installed Xubuntu 14.04 by replacing the partiontions of ubuntu 12,04. But after installation GRUB doesnot recognise any windows OS in the HDD.17:12
rwwjost: so they're using ssh on a different operating system, or...?17:12
jostrww: yes17:12
beginerBut the windows partitions are there, and I can mount and see the files, how can I make GRUB read the partitions of Windows and boot it.17:13
jostHmm, I'll just send them their keys per mail17:13
rwwjost: I don't know of a way to export ssh keys through the ssh client itself, and I'd recommend contacting the support venues for that operating system or something17:13
rwwsince other OSes tend to put that sort of thing in other places17:14
eeeebeginer: try to run update-grub see if it adds it17:14
beginerok i'll try and restart.17:15
jostrww: that's why I wanted to export it using the ssh-client... But I have the keys, so I can just mail them, problem solved :-)17:15
eeeeit should mention that it found it17:15
rwwjost: alrighty :)17:15
beginereeee, ok I did that but it doesnt detect windows17:16
beginerThe output says, found linux image , initrd image and then the memtest images17:16
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beginereeee, Anything else to be done with grub-probe command?17:17
OerHeks!info os-prober17:18
ubottuos-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.63ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 142 kB17:18
beginerOerHeks, I tried os-prober still only the old ones in the list.17:19
odisachanging it to ext4 worked, thanks17:19
beginerI did an update-grub after that, still the same list.17:19
eeeebeginer: you can manually add it17:20
beginereeee, oh that'll be great.17:20
beginerHow do I do that?17:20
ActionParsnipbeginer: you can add the windows bootloader back in so that only windows boots, then boot to liveCD and reinstate Grub and it should pickup the Windows boot17:21
eeeebeginer: do you have a windows recovery cd?17:21
beginerActionParsnip, oh17:21
eeeeyou'd need to run bootrec /fixmbr17:21
beginereeee, I get the point.17:21
beginerat present I dont, is there any other way?17:22
eeeebeginer: you can add it manually, sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom17:22
beginereeee, ah let me try that17:22
BlendaBitwig question: it takes/needs all the soundcard when running, i need to screencast videos, but i doubt the recorder will capture anything. What is the most popular recorder? THx17:24
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beginerok by the way ,  I browsed a bit before coming here, so found some forums stating GPT issues, and to use fixparts.17:24
beginerbut fixparts doesnt provide and warning for GPT signatures.17:24
eeeebeginer: yes, if you had uefi before, and made it mbr, it might have stray gpt data17:24
beginereh, no idea about uefi, I had a dual boot earlier with win xp and u12.0417:25
beginer/dev/sda1   *          63   244187999   122093968+   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT17:25
beginerhey this is my first partiotion17:25
beginerit stat ok? The sector starts at 6317:26
ActionParsnipbeginer: thats fine17:26
begineroh, ok so how do we detect if it is the GPT.17:26
beginerstray GPT.17:26
odisaso if I want more support on SSH.. do I need to go to #openssh or #ssh? Which does ubuntu run?17:26
beginerWarning: 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1. This can cause problems17:27
beginerin some OSes.17:27
begineris the only warning by fixparts17:27
htmlodisa,  what do u need?17:27
rwwodisa: Ubuntu uses OpenSSH, and #openssh would work. I haven't heard of / used #ssh, so I don't know which implementations it supports.17:27
rwwodisa: You can also ask here, assuming you're using Ubuntu.17:28
rwwodisa: (that's assuming #openssh supports ported openssh. they conceivably might not)17:28
odisaok thanks! Yes, I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. I'm trying to set it up so that SSH scans my external media for a private key, so that I can keep it on an SD as an added layer of security17:29
odisacan't find any tutorials/guides on it alas17:29
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odisaI tried ssh-add, but that appears to just add it to the agent regardless of whether the SD card is mounted or not17:30
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andi_Hello. I in ubuntu i can only connect to open wlan networks not to secured wlan networks. what should i do?17:31
MonkeyDustandi_  enter the key to connect17:31
odisaandi_, how do you mean you can't connect to secured wlan networks? It doesn't see them, it gives you an error? You need to have a password for secured networks17:31
ActionParsnipandi_: what wifi chip do you use?17:32
andi_i see the secured network but i don't get a prompt for entering the network17:32
andi_it worked some months ago17:32
ActionParsnipandi_: does the system have a make and model?17:32
ActionParsnipandi_: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:32
peterrooneyubottu: !crosspost17:32
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:32
andi_Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS17:33
andi_fresh install17:33
ActionParsnipandi_: and what wifi chip?17:33
andi_Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 223017:33
ActionParsnipandi_: is it the iwlwifi driver module?17:33
ActionParsnipthose centrino chipsarent great17:34
timothy_hoxleyOk, has anyone know how to fix a mouse cursor frozen on the screen, but you can still highlight stuff but your cursor is frozen in place?17:34
andi_only encrypted networks don't work17:34
ActionParsnipandi_: doesnt answer my question....17:34
eeeetimothy_hoxley: did you try unplugging and plugging back in?17:34
odisatimothy_hoxley, sounds like whatever tracking method it's using is damaged17:35
andi_ActionParsnip, which command should i execute?17:35
jhutchinsandi_: What kind of encryption?  What are you using to manage connections?17:35
RirishiI asked in the CyanogenMod channel what a header is... the guy wouldn't answer me because it's a super stupid question apparently... Could anyone explain to me what a header is? (was about the kernel source in an Android ROM)17:35
ActionParsnipandi_: sudo lshw -C network        look for:   driver=17:35
ActionParsnipandi_: what module does it use?17:35
jhutchinsandi_: What release are you on?17:35
ActionParsnipjhutchins: trusty17:35
daftykinsRirishi: that's not a relevant topic here, given as you know... it's an UBUNTU support channel and all.17:36
daftykinsRirishi: go find an android channel17:36
PeterCassettaHello folks, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my new laptop a while ago. Everything's great so far, except for some reason the wake from suspend dialog changed back to the one found in older versions.17:36
daftykinsRirishi: or try #linux17:36
Ririshidaftykins, I thought I could talk about kernels here, aswell :/ I'll try another channel then ^^17:36
PeterCassettaAny idea what's happened?17:36
daftykinsRirishi: not when they're not ubuntu, no :)17:36
beginermenuentry "Win XP" {     insmod  part_msdos        insmod ntfs       set root='(hd0,msdos0)'       chainloader +1      }17:36
odisatry #android-dev17:36
ActionParsnipandi_: it will be in the big block of details, you will have one for the Ethernet too17:36
begineris this correct? Please ignore indentation.17:37
eeeebeginer: looks about right17:37
odisaat least I think that was the channel name..17:37
PeterCassettaI'm sure I was tinkering around with something when that happened; I just want the pretty suspend screen back :)17:37
andi_http://paste.debian.net/116220/ sudo lshw -C network | grep -i driver=17:37
ActionParsnipandi_: if you have a web connection now, you can pastebin the entire output if you want http://pastie.org17:37
begineralright then lets go with it eeee17:37
ActionParsnipandi_: good enough17:37
peterrooneyRirishi: try ##programming17:37
ActionParsnipandi_: try:   echo "options iwlwifi swcrypto=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwififix.conf > /dev/null17:38
ActionParsnipandi_: reboot to test17:38
odisarww, sorry forgot to tag your name. So is it possible to set up SSH so it scans a mountpoint for a private key?17:39
andi_ActionParsnip, ok i reboot soon i'll be back bye17:39
rwwodisa: ssh -i /path/to/private/key17:39
rwwodisa: you're the person who had permissions issues, right?17:40
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beginergosh eeee , manually editing  40_custom too doesnt work, no change in update-grub output.17:40
odisarww, sweet! so that'll make it scan that path every time? i.e. it's a permanent addition?17:40
odisayes rww17:40
eeeebeginer: i think the msdos0 is wrong17:40
daftykinssounds more like a per instance thing17:40
odisafixed the perm issues now17:40
eeeebeginer: try msdos117:41
rwwodisa: no, you'd want to set up ~/.ssh/config if you want it to be permanent. See man ssh_config, paying attention to the IdentityFile section17:41
eeeewhat was your partition number again for windows?17:41
Ririshiyeah it was17:41
odisaThanks rww, I'll have a look17:41
* Ririshi randomly memorized the partition for his Windows partition17:41
beginer:(  eeee still the same.17:41
eeeetry set root = (hd0, 1)17:42
andi_ActionParsnip, it still doesn't work :(17:42
andi_andi_, it already worked whith the same ubuntu version but a new install and an update/upgrade and it didn't work anymore17:43
ActionParsnipandi_: try                  echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwififix.conf > /dev/null        one more reboot17:43
beginereeee, nope, again same.17:43
odisarww, just to confirm; this would be client-side right?17:44
jhutchinsodisa: Similar for client or server.17:44
andi_ActionParsnip, ok17:44
jhutchinsodisa: You might try "apropos ssh" to see what documentataion there is for the various configurations, it's always handy to be able to look up the correct syntax.17:45
andi_ActionParsnip, no change :(17:47
odisaThanks jhutchins! So I can either instruct the server to look in a specified client path for a private key, or the client? I suppose server would be best if I'd want to use this method from multiple computers then.17:47
ActionParsnipandi_: ok, remove the file and the option will not get applied17:48
ActionParsnipandi_: does the system have a make and model?17:48
andi_ActionParsnip, i don't know what you mean17:49
andi_ActionParsnip,  i ran sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwififix.conf17:49
ActionParsnipandi_: is the system a Dell? an HP?17:49
knobHello everyone.17:50
pbxany gnome-do users know if there's a plugin that keeps track of the last thing you invoked it for?17:50
knobGot a n00b question:::17:50
x_rootafter a few days using gnome i tried to use unity but now is not loading the wallpaper.17:50
RirishiN00B AHEAD17:50
x_rootwhy? o.O17:50
ActionParsnipx_root: when you use Unity, you are using Gnome too.....17:50
ActionParsnipandi_: or is it a home build?17:50
andi_ActionParsnip, http://www.msi.com/product/mb/Z87I.html#hero-overview thats the mainboard17:50
zergutGood evening, how to type copyright sybmol in Ubuntu?17:50
ZiberCan I have AllowGroups and AllowUsers in my sshd_config together?17:50
x_rootActionParsnip, that's what i thought.. but, why this happens?17:50
beginereeee,  is it possible to install win bootloader with normal XP installation CD?17:51
ObrienDaveRirishi, thanks for the warning17:51
eeeebeginer: no idea, if you can get a command prompt, maybe17:51
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eeeex_root: sudo dconf reset -f /org/compiz && setsid unity17:51
ActionParsnipx_root: not sure tbh, i don't have a wallpaper set17:51
knobI have a Ubuntu 14.04 server setup for a small website I run.       I have a camera uploading photos to it.        I created an account for the camera, so she uploads.            The destination of the photos is    /home/camuser/photo01.jpg                      Yet the website is published from   /var/www/myWEBSITE.com                                   How can I make the /home/camuser/photos01.jpg      public?                With a symlink?17:51
knobWhat would be the best way to go about it?17:51
zergutis it windows-like?17:51
RirishiObrienDave, I was talking to knkob :p17:52
switchtehbeathi, I installed ubuntu 14.04.1 along side windows 7 but it's slow and unresponsive even with an i7. how can I remove it from the bootloader and stay with win7?17:52
RirishiObrienDave, knob*17:52
andi_ActionParsnip, it is homebuild but did already work some time ago17:52
eeeeswitchtehbeat: something isn't right17:52
beginereeee, anyway thanks, I'll check that out somehow.17:52
ActionParsnipzergut: ©  copy and paste that :)17:52
RirishiObrienDave, I didn't mean to caps it out though :/17:52
ObrienDaveRirishi, oh, i thought you were warning us about you ;P17:52
ActionParsnipandi_: do you have the latest BIOS?17:52
switchtehbeateeee, ?17:52
OerHeksknob safest way is to copy to /var/www/ not to symlink to your users /home/ as you have to be logged in to make it work17:52
eeeebeginer: did you try boot-repair ?17:52
ActionParsnipandi_: do you dual boot?17:52
zergutActionParsnip: Thanks a lot ;)17:53
RirishiObrienDave, He said "got a n00b question" so I was like "n00b ahead"17:53
beginereeee,  no dont have a winn repair cd.17:53
knobOerHeks, so, I copy every minute?17:53
zergutActionParsnip: Anyway, how to type it natively? ;)17:53
knobwith a cronjob?17:53
andi_ActionParsnip, yes i did install windows 8.1 and then mythbuntu17:53
eeeebeginer: no i mean the package, in ubuntu17:53
begineroh..no I didnt know about that.17:53
OerHeksknob, why not let your camera write directly?17:54
beginereeee, checking taht.17:54
ActionParsnipandi_: did you disable the ability for the wifi to wake the system up in Windows device manager?17:54
ObrienDaveRirishi, yes, i do actually understand english17:54
RirishiObrienDave, Good to know. :)17:54
b0rsukHi, I'm playing a windowed game in KDE4. Do you know a way to prevent cursor from leaving window ? Not in Wine.17:54
knobOerHeks, hm... so I can give access to  camuser         to /www/var/myWEBSITE.com/camuser/          ??17:54
ActionParsnipb0rsuk: try in #kubuntu too17:55
andi_ActionParsnip, i don't know17:55
b0rsukActionParsnip: Ah. Smart !17:55
beginereeee, got to leave, will update you tomorrow.17:55
beginerThank you.17:55
ActionParsnipandi_: its a concious effort, so I'm guessing not17:55
eeeebeginer: ok, np17:55
OerHeksknob make the camuser member of www-data and you'll be fine17:55
andi_ActionParsnip, should i look for it?17:55
ActionParsnipandi_: yes17:55
ActionParsnipOerHeks: bit easier17:55
knobOerHeks, ok17:55
andi_ActionParsnip, ok 2 min mom17:55
andi_ActionParsnip, now i run irc on a different pc so i don't need to logout and in17:58
andi_hello. i can't connect to secured wlan networks but i can connect to open networks. i don't get a password-prompt. i'm using ubuntu 14.04.118:07
MonkeyDustandi_  try wicd18:09
chrisss123456hey guys, i’m thinking of installing ubuntu on a new thinkpad t440. i know there’s lots of info out there, but does anyone have any tips on what to do in particular / things to look out for?18:10
daftykinschrisss123456: run the live session and see if the hardware works, base your opinion from that. do you intend to dualboot with an included... windows 8 perhaps?18:11
geniichrisss123456: Apparently that system was certified with Precise, so should not be any gotchyas http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201310-14260/18:11
chrisss123456daftykins: thanks for the reply. i intend on backing up the harddrive, then scrapping windows 8 completely.18:11
daftykinschrisss123456: ah ok, it probably comes with a program to create restore media18:12
chrisss123456genii: thanks! i have read however that there are some things like the clickpad that have issues…18:12
daftykinschrisss123456: i believe i've seen one or two users come in reporting issues on T440s but annoying i can't remember what issues they were18:12
chrisss123456daftykins: cool. either that or use clonezilla. do you think its wise to wipe W8?18:13
ikoniadaftykins: rock solid18:13
daftykinschrisss123456: yeah no problem at all, i'd go the recovery media route personally18:13
daftykinschrisss123456: sort of, DVD set burning type18:14
chrisss123456daftykins: ok i’ll keep that in mind. thanks. also, i know im in #ubuntu, but do you think its the best OS for everyday/scientific work purposes?18:14
andi_MonkeyDust, still the same problem18:15
daftykinschrisss123456: a friend is doing nuclear physics PhD work, he's moved to CentOS, depends what you find yourself working with i'd say18:15
balintxhi, is there anyone who can help with DNS on ubuntu server?18:16
daftykinsbalintx: ask the question, but also bear in mind #ubuntu-server exists too18:16
MonkeyDustandi_  there's also a security key manager, i forget the name18:16
ikoniagnone-keyring ?18:16
MonkeyDustandi_  or password manager, let me look18:16
chrisss123456daftykins: ooh ok, haven’t heard about CentOS. I’m fairly new at coding and at linux, so I think it would be best to stay with something that has a large community like ubuntu, right?18:16
MonkeyDustandi_  i guess what ikonia says18:16
daftykinschrisss123456: i would consult peers within your community, going it alone versus learning on what they know would probably be an unjustified use of time. though skills are quite transferrable between distributions, but you would end up learning multiple package managers (thing that installs software)18:18
andi_MonkeyDust, what should i do with gnome-keyring?18:18
daftykinschrisss123456: i'd recommend you check out the introductory course LFS101x @ edx.org if you're really starting from scratch :)18:18
daftykins(it's free)18:19
chrisss123456daftykins: great! thanks so much for all the help! :)18:19
geniibalintx: Might want to ask in #ubuntu-server18:19
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MonkeyDustandi_  is there no 'show dialog' or so? i'm looking myself, moment18:19
balintxI have a master and a secondary ip address associated with my server. both are pingable from outside and reaches the server. primary ip is on eth0 and I set up secondary ip to eth0:1 . My Goal is to run a process (quasselcore) with secondary_ip as source IP. I've managed to do it this way: BIND_ADDR="secondary_ip" LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/bind.so ncat YY.YY.YYY.YY 6667 and it is working, the source ip is the secondary IP. The problem is, I can not use a18:20
balintxdomain there, so my process will likely fail to work. So eth0:1 does not use the nameservers18:20
balintxI've tried to dig with LD_PRELOAD-ing the secondary ip address, the result is: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 6056718:20
balintxI have already tried to add dns-nameservers: to /etc/network/interfaces without success18:21
MonkeyDustandi_  i'm mistaken, it's Seahorse, but that's not what you want or need, apologies18:21
ikoniabalintx: what the devil are you talking about ???18:22
ikoniabalintx: you've just said you've got a dns-server problem and then said nothing about a dns server18:22
balintxroot@vps23124:~# BIND_ADDR="192.x.x.x" LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/bind.so ping google.com18:22
balintxping: unknown host google.com18:22
Babloyiwould someone be able to help me with this boot up problem?18:23
getup-hi, i'm probably asking a question that has been asked a thousand times already, but with php 5.3 going eol last week, how does that affect the 12.04 lts version? i'm reading that everything in main will be supported by ubuntu but if Ubuntu would do that I would be very impressed to be honest18:23
BabloyiI was updating to 14.04 when the power went18:23
balintxthis works: root@vps23124:~# BIND_ADDR="192.x.x.x" LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/bind.so ping
ikoniabalintx: please show me the output of "uname -a"18:23
Babloyiand now I can't get past grub (unless I choose windows)18:24
ikoniagetup-: ubuntu will support all packages for the duration of the release.18:24
balintxLinux vps23124 3.10.9-xxxx-grs-ipv6-64-vps #1 SMP Wed Aug 21 11:55:04 CEST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:24
ikoniabalintx: that's not an ubuntu kernel18:24
ikoniabalintx: that's some bastardised virtual platform, your virtual host will be able to support your install18:24
getup-ikonia: but does that mean that if any security issues are found, ubuntu will patch them even though there is no upstream support?18:24
ikoniagetup-: to the best of their ability18:25
daftykinsBabloyi: boot live media, execute a chroot and then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" on a wired internet connection (see !chroot for more info)18:25
balintxi think it should be a bind9 config or something like that to allow dns resolving on eth0:118:25
ikoniagetup-: ubuntu "may" update a package if there is a security issue that can't be fixed18:25
balintxdig: ;; SERVER:
ikoniabalintx: that's some bastardised virtual platform, your virtual host will be able to support your install18:25
ikoniabalintx: 127 is not eth18:25
ikoniabalintx: it also not a bind problem18:26
balintxit is strange because eth0 is working18:26
Babloyiactually, dafty, after a while it tells me the filesystem check or mount is failed, and goes to a maintanence shell18:26
getup-ikonia: thanks, that's what i thought, but there isn't much that specifically explains that18:26
ikoniabalintx: nothing strange abou tit18:26
daftykinsBabloyi: ok, regardless come back from a live session as you could investigate/fix from there too18:26
Babloyidamnit...need to find a lan cable now :D18:27
balintxso I can not force name resolution on a specific interface?18:27
balintxor /etc/network/interfaces would be the solution but it is not working18:27
ikoniabalintx: that's some bastardised virtual platform, your virtual host will be able to support your install18:27
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balintxcould you please be more specific? this is not what I have asked18:28
kuki_monsterhey, guys. I'd like to ask you something: I just installed Tor on my computer and everything goes smoothly when I open 'start-tor-browser' but when I type in the terminal 'tor' it gives me an error:18:28
ikoniabalintx: that is not a true ubuntu install18:28
ikoniabalintx: so your hosting provider can support their modified install18:28
balintxI see18:29
odisakuki_monster, please post the error in a paste18:29
kuki_monsterAug 18 11:25:18.224 [notice] Tor v0.2.4.23 (git-19f0f189116dba73) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable and OpenSSL 1.0.1f. Aug 18 11:25:18.224 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning Aug 18 11:25:18.224 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc". Aug 18 11:25:18.232 [notice] Opening Socks listener on Aug 18 11:25:18:29
ikoniakuki_monster: please don't spam junk18:29
odisakuki_monster, you're not supposed to run tor as root. are you doing that?18:29
kuki_monsterikonia, sorry about that18:29
kuki_monsterodisa, i'm not running it as root18:29
avallarkhello all :)18:29
avallarkwhen i do a dmesg | grep -i kbd, i get three keyboards.. 1 atkbd0, uskbd0 and uskbd118:30
source47hi there. anyone has some experience with lxc here?18:30
avallarkI have only one keyboard (a usb keyboard) plugged in.18:30
avallarkis there a way i can remove one of these keyboards from teh system ?18:31
kuki_monsteri just opened the terminal, typed down the 'tor' command and it gave me the error that i posted18:31
ikoniakuki_monster: I don't see an error18:31
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kuki_monsterikonia, here it is: http://pastebin.com/WHYMJkyV18:32
odisakuki_monster, I've always just used ./start-tor-browser18:32
ikoniakuki_monster: it's already running18:32
ikoniakuki_monster: so you can't bind to the port18:32
odisado "killall tor" and then try again18:33
odisaalso, depending on your version, do "killall vidalia"18:33
r4f3what is the comand, .. i want see what is my machine, spesification18:34
OerHeksr4f3, open terminal: lshw18:34
odisalspci to check hardware18:35
odisaor PCI rather I think18:35
odisanot sure tbh18:35
r4f3i want put here18:35
OerHeks"lshw -short "is much more readable18:36
OerHeksr4f3, use paste.ubuntu.com please18:36
kuki_monsterodisa, I just tried 'killall vidalia'. I made progress. It said 'Aug 18 11:33:47.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.' but the browser didn't open18:36
source47anyone here?18:37
ikoniamany people18:37
source47anyone who uses lxc?18:37
ikoniaa few people18:37
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source47well mainly i am getting the error here - https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/29718:37
kuki_monsterodisa, oops, I meant to say 'killall tor'18:37
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source47so this happens after i restart the server after installing lxc18:38
odisakuki_monster, try "killall tor && killall vidalia && tor -v" (presuming it has a verbose function, let me check)18:38
dashremDownloading Ubuntu...18:39
odisakuki_monster, did you install tor from the command line?18:39
odisaor via their website?18:39
odisaI'm assuming the former, seeing as there's no tor command for me, and I used the download from their website18:40
kuki_monsterodisa, I first followed the steps from: https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en18:41
kuki_monsterafter that I download the tar file and extracted it in the Home directory18:41
source47so guessing nobody knows what its about...18:41
ikoniasource47: error seems pretty clear18:42
source47ok. so what do u suggest to fix it ikonia?18:42
odisakuki_monster, all of the steps? you might want to do a clean install18:42
ikoniasource47: I'd look at why the cgroup namespace is not available18:42
kuki_monsterodisa, all of the steps, yeah18:42
source47well thats why i came here to find out... :(18:42
ikoniasource47: what have you done so far to check why it's not available ?18:43
source47what can i check ikonia?18:43
odisakuki_monster, you might have conflicting installs? best thing would be to just do a fresh install18:43
source47it also says  Kernel configuration not found at /proc/config.gz; searching... Kernel configuration found at /boot/config-3.13.0-29-generic18:43
source47before that18:43
odisaby following this https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en18:43
source47i have googled it sofar18:43
ikoniasource47: what have you done so far ?18:43
source47found a few posts18:44
odisakuki_monster, "sudo apt-get purge tor" tor remove it18:44
odisato remove it*18:44
source47where it started working for people after reinstalling lxc18:44
source47but it didnt work for me18:44
ikoniare-installing will do nothing18:44
odisaand also delete what you extracted in your home folder. then follow the link I posted, download the appropriate version for your architecture18:44
x_rooteeee, jus tested the command (sudo dconf reset..) and.. didn't work =/18:44
x_rootbut thanks, gotta use gnome again for a while then i'll see what is happening (possible to open a log?)18:45
source47why is my file not found cat /proc/config.gz18:45
ikoniasource47: that file is worthless18:45
source47so its cgroup namespace18:45
odisaplease ban BUTS`EEK` from the chan.. he's PMing me with some kind of racial slur and banter about certain bodily fluids18:45
source47what do u suggest i do to find out how to fix this?18:46
kuki_monsterodisa, me too18:46
ikoniaodisa: please join #ubuntu-ops18:46
odisaikonia, will do18:46
Xodus989Anyone know if issues with dual screens in 14.04 lts?  I'm using the xserver-xorg driver and it detects the display and proper resolution automatically, an d allow me to enable it. It enables and I can move my mouse and windows over like its working fine. But the monitor isn't "waking up", but staying in standby mode18:46
Xodus989I've tried with the propietary drivers too.18:46
ikoniasource47: check your control group18:46
ikoniasource47: I suggest you read the lxc docs18:47
kuki_monsterodisa, I also added a line in /etc/apt/sources.list18:47
kuki_monsterit's 'deb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org trusty main'18:47
daftykinsXodus989: 'xserver-xorg' isn't a specific video driver. check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log or pastebin it here for assistance (not to me though, i'm just leaving)18:47
kuki_monstershould I remove that line too?18:47
Xodus989@All - Here's that log - http://pastebin.com/t2XJq47y18:48
odisakuki_monster, not sure.. I don't think so; all it does is make it available for install I think18:49
source47sorry ikonia18:50
ikoniano need for sorry18:50
source47thought it meant ops as in devops :-)18:50
balintxikonia: if you are interested, i've managed to solve the problem18:51
balintxI had to add the secondary IP to "allow-recursion" clause in named.conf.options18:51
balintxthanks for the help btw18:51
odisaso where do I go for support on Ubuntu server version newer that 10.04?18:52
ikoniaodisa: here18:52
odisaohh, so only the server version of 10.04 is supported is what the title means?18:53
ikoniaodisa: no18:53
ikoniaodisa: please check /topic18:53
source47ikonia: root@ip-172-31-23-17:~# ls /sys/fs/cgroup cgmanager  memory.use_hierarchy  systemd18:54
source47is that what u meant?18:54
source47theres no lxc folder there18:54
odisaright.. but it says 10.04 LTS (server), but nothing about other server versions18:54
kuki_monsterodisa, I tried what you suggested. I still get the same error18:54
ikoniasource47: what version of ubuntu is this ?18:54
kuki_monsterit works perfectly when I start the browser from 'start-tor-browser'18:54
ikoniasource47: show me the output of uname -a please18:54
odisakuki_monster, you installed it by extracting the tar.xz you downloaded from that page?18:54
kuki_monsterbut when I try to open it from the 'tor' command I get the same error18:55
odisaif you purged tor, it shouldn't even be possible to use the tor command18:55
webfoxHello guys!18:55
kuki_monsterodisa, I extracted the file.18:55
source47Linux ip-172-31-23-17 3.13.0-29-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 4 21:00:20 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:55
kuki_monsterAfter that I tried the 'tor' command18:55
kuki_monsterit said that the computer can't find it18:55
webfoxI am trying to obtain the language-pack from Brazilian portuguese. Could someone help me figure that please?18:56
kuki_monsterI installed it from 'sudo apt-get install tor'18:56
ikoniasource47: odd config for systemd18:56
odisakuki_monster, don't install it that way18:56
ikoniasource47: nothing that would stop it working18:56
source47odd config?18:56
ikoniasource47: don't worry18:56
odisarun "sudo apt-get purge tor" again to remove it18:56
TJ-kuki_monster: what does "hash -t tor" report?18:56
odisathen you want to go to your .bash_aliases and add a command yourself18:56
source47its from AMI standard ubuntu image for hvm18:57
webfoxI think apt-get install language-pack-pt is Portuguese but not the Brazilian version.18:57
kuki_monsterTJ, 'bash: hash: tor: not found'18:57
bipulikonia: hello18:58
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TJ-kuki_monster: OK, that's good; not caught up in the path cache18:58
bipulikonia: pm18:58
ikoniabipul: ok ?18:59
GeoHi, can anyone assist me with my ip route table? I have a .10.x NIC, and a .20.x NIC, with respective gateways of .10.1 and .20.1 . It seems I can either ping .10.x -> .20.1, or .10.x -> .10.1, but not both19:00
odisakuki_monster, if you run "sudo apt-get purge tor && cd / && sudo nano .bash_aliases" , that would remove the tor you installed with apt-get and open up a new file in which you can add new commands19:00
Geowhat should that route table look like?19:00
odisaoh hold on..19:00
odisathat is wrong19:00
kuki_monsterso far i have only purged tor19:00
odisaok, just run "cd" now19:01
odisathen "sudo nano .bash_aliases"19:01
kuki_monsterregarding the 'cd' command: where should I go with it? In the directory where tor is extracted?19:02
TJ-webfox: language-pack-pt{,-base} contain the translations for pt and pt_BR19:02
odisathen add a line: alias tor='sh path/to/start-tor-browser'19:02
pbxkuki_monster, 'cd' with no arguments takes you to your home dir19:02
odisakuki_monster, no, cd brings you to your home directory, where you need to be for this19:02
odisacan someone confirm 'sh start-tor-browser' would be the same as ./start-tor-browser? I think it is, but not sure19:03
sereis there a quizlet app for ubuntu?19:03
MonkeyDustsere  use apt-cache search quiz to find out19:04
OerHeksodisa only if the file is executable +x19:04
odisaOerHeks, ok, it should work then19:04
sereMonkeyDust: already did.. thought maybe there is a third party ppa somewhere19:04
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odisathanks. so kuki_monster, once you add that line, hit Ctrl+ O (that's an o, not a 0), then Ctrl + X19:05
webfoxTJ-: Is there a way to set my system to run at english?19:05
odisathen exit out the terminal, start a new terminal, and run tor19:05
Blendais there a way a command line is launched at each boot, here "xsetwacom"19:06
mjuszczakWhat's the channel that discusses debian packaging?19:06
schtinkyLately, whenever I do a system update and restart, my Unity look and feel changes. The window decorations and text are slightly different each time. Does anyone know what's going on? (14.04)19:06
Beldarschtinky, Have you modified it?19:07
schtinkyMaybe "window decorations" is the wrong term. I mean the look of the buttons and checkboxes and pull-down menus19:07
MonkeyDustBlenda  i think the hidden file ~/.profile ... but make a copy first, before you change it19:07
schtinkybeldar, not at all19:07
Blendathx MonkeyDust19:08
schtinkylike the text in eclipse changes size, too19:08
kuki_monsterhmm, it still says it can't find anything19:09
TJ-webfox: Yes, set the Locale19:09
TJ-webfox: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale19:10
odisakuki_monster, what's the exact output when you run tor now?19:10
Slartschtinky: font rendering settings perhaps?19:10
Slartschtinky: those changed for me, in gnome, when I installed KDE.. something system wide19:11
kuki_monsterthe same as before:19:11
odisakuki_monster, after saving the .bash_aliases file, you need tor restart the terminal for it to take effect19:11
kuki_monsterThe program 'tor' is currently not installed.19:11
kuki_monsterYou can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install tor19:11
schtinkyslart... yeah that's a good point. I think I removed some KDE packages yesterday19:11
kuki_monsternope, still nothing19:11
kuki_monsterrestarted it. no luck19:12
odisaoh maybe it's conflicting.. try changing the .bash_aliases file to something like "alias oniontor"19:12
webfoxTJ-: having a look, thank you!19:12
odisainstead of tor19:12
GeoHow would I go about forcing all traffic to go to the router, even for stuff on the local subnet?19:12
Slartschtinky: it's just a wild wild guess.. but those things can give you that "everything is a little wrong"-feeling19:12
kuki_monsterI guess i'll just open the browser from the directory where I extracted it to19:13
TJ-Geo: remove the local subnet from the routing table, but keep the rule targeting the gateway19:13
odisakuki_monster, that's about exactly what this method would do, except it adds an alias to the terminal to execute that19:13
Geothats what I thought19:13
odisakuki_monster, it's probably because "tor" conflicts with the apt-get package name, therefore if you change "tor" to whatever else in the .bash_aliases file, it should work19:14
kuki_monsterodisa, right now i'll open the browser the old-fashioned way. I'll play with it a bit later. Thanks for helping me out. Later i'll see why i can't add an alias successfully.19:16
odisaso your .bash_aliases should look like: alias customname='sh ~/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/start-tor-browser'19:16
odisakuki_monster, sure thing19:17
odisakuki_monster, it works fine for me..19:19
caerostrisHey guys, I've just noticed something with my ssh-agent that seems strange to me. I just tried logging in to an ssh server with my private key. When I was prompted to enter the password to decrypt the key, I hit escape. Still, as second later, I was logged in. From what I understand, that should not happen, right?19:22
kuki_monsterodisa, I forgot to mention something19:23
pbxcaerostris, perhaps you have another key (not passphrase protected) that it fell back to ?19:23
kuki_monsterever since I added the 'alias tor='sh path/to/start-tor-browser' line i've been getting an error19:24
kuki_monsterwhen i open the terminal19:24
kuki_monsterit's more like a warning:19:24
kuki_monsterbash: /home/pretodor/.bash_aliases: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `19:25
kuki_monster'' bash: /home/pretodor/.bash_aliases: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file19:25
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wrongplaceif I rename an external HDD (gparted), will there be loss of data?19:26
odisakuki_monster, hmm.. it's not loading the alias then19:26
odisacan you paste the exact contents of your .bash_aliases file kuki_monster ?19:26
Beldarwrongplace, Should not effect data.19:26
abadorenaming an external HDD doesn't cause data lose19:26
webfoxI am facing this error message when I try to install mysql at ubuntu-server : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5567d3437509981a018b19:26
webfoxCould someone help me figure out how to solve it please?19:27
caerostrispbx, you're right! I should have thought of that. I have no idea why, but there was a second key in authorized_keys and removing it did the trick. I only have one key so that's strange... Thanks a lot anyways!19:27
kuki_monsterunfortunaly, I won't have time to do it right now. I'll get back to it later. at least I know now what to fix.19:29
m100danielbw: I have recievd your test.19:32
webfoxCould someone help me figure out how to solve it please?19:34
MonkeyDustwebfox  there's also #ubuntu-server19:34
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cmannsWhat is the tool to install ubuntu from inside Windows19:34
Beldarcmanns, Wubi and not supported.19:35
cmannsIs it older? I used something like Wubi pretty sure to install xUbuntu onto my netbook. I wanted to do that on my friends p4 2.2 ghz dell that sucks at windows xp so I dont need newest ubuntu OS19:35
eeeecmanns: install into another partition, or use a VM19:35
odisaYou could use a VM I suppose19:36
eeeecmanns: wubi was discontinued i think, it's a bad idea19:36
MonkeyDustcmanns  installing it is easy, using and upgrading it is not and will give you pain19:36
Beldarcmanns, Not a good install method, use a virtual or dual boot it.19:36
cmannsthats fine we’d want to stay on older system19:36
cmannsI need to install this via remote desktop not CDs19:36
cmannswouldnt we want to stay on older version due to such old computer?19:37
Beldarthat is just asking for trouble in so many ways cmanns19:37
cmannsI think I’d want to be on 10.x19:37
cmannssince system can barely handle XP19:37
MonkeyDustcmanns  better don't do it19:37
eeeecmanns: just use a light de19:37
eeeei guess19:37
Beldarcmanns, Only supported is 12.04 and 14.04 dual boot lubuntu.19:37
cmannslight de?19:37
cmannsWhats lubuntu19:38
MonkeyDustcmanns  or a light distro19:38
expungeLubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of GNOME/Unity19:38
expungeLXDE being "lighter"19:38
eeeecmanns: light desktop environment, lubuntu would be good, it's very light and tailored for low perf pc's19:38
cmannsAh nice though I prefer XFCE is LXDE supported better with the ubuntu GUI tools?19:38
Beldarcmanns, Ote we use nicks to communicate here.19:38
expungeby default it looks a little more like Windows XP, compared to GNOME/Unity, which more resembles Mac OS 1019:38
cmannsOkay and what would be best install method if I need to do it remotely (person is 300 miles away from me)19:39
expungecmanns: I'd say they're about the same, except that Xfce has more19:39
cmannsI think I’d want 12.04 for their system19:39
OerHeksnice overview of ubuntu desktops, http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ heaviest on top, low specs @ bottom19:39
expungecmanns: 12.04 is pretty old19:39
odisaWould VNC be appropriate for such a remote install?19:39
ikonia12.04 is fine19:39
expungecmanns: you don't think this person could install it with your help over the phone?19:40
cmannsmkay I’ll go with 12.0419:40
* Beldar loves a methodology with failure stamped all over it19:40
odisaunless you can install it via the terminal, then SSH should suffice I guess19:40
cmannsThey could we’re on skype atm but not sure if they have any burnable media19:40
eeeecmanns: i've noticed 14.04 is quicker on my pc's the only advantage i can think of is that 12.04 has unity 2d, i think, but you'd be using lxde anyways19:40
cmannsYeah Ill be on LX, and nice glad to hear 12.04 works good19:40
eeee(i mean in the vms and when i upgraded)19:40
cmannsah I see19:41
idsI'm trying to get SPDIF to work, it shows up in alsamixer, but no sound :(19:41
DJ_U|Laptopquick question.  What is the best way to avoid driver conflict when swapping/replacing GPU's.  Both old and new are nVidia chipsets19:42
ikoniawhy would there be a conflict ?19:43
cmannsthere wouldnt be19:43
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DJ_U|LaptopI'm not sure, I'm wondering just in case though.  My new GPU should be here tomorrow.19:43
ikoniaDJ_U|Laptop: just put the card in and see what happens19:43
smitzerwhat is the standard "paint" program in ubuntu?19:44
smittixsmitzer: There isn't one. You'd have to install GIMP19:44
DJ_U|LaptopIf anything, there might be a newer driver.  I'm going from a recently dead 8800 GTS to a GT 21019:45
expungesmitzer: probably gimp, yeah19:45
DJ_U|LaptopGuess I could just throw it in there and see what happens and go from there.  :)19:45
NordomHello, I am trying to compile xen on ubuntu, and the guide I am following is for debian. The command they give me is ./configure && make -j4 world && make -j4 deb  but if I have -j4 added it wont properly make or create the deb. What command should I do to make it do config then make word and the put the results into a deb?19:47
trismNordom: the -j4 just tells make to use multiple processes, occasionally that breaks things, there's not harm in omitting it, other than perhaps a slower build19:50
Nordomtrism: thanks19:51
Nordomtrism: so I should leave  && make deb at the end?19:51
linman32hi. i am using ubuntu and in the lock screen it is not asking for the password. so i can't log in19:52
linman32this happens after every ~10 screen locks or so19:52
Nordomlinman32: can you log out?19:52
odisaI'm following this server security guide: http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1204-lts-server-part-1-basics , and at step 4 is about limiting the use of su to admin only. But if root is the only account I want to use on the server, can I simply disable the root password and add root to where it says <YOUR ADMIN USERNAME> ?19:52
linman32Nordom: yes, i think so.19:52
Nordomlinman32: try logging out, it maye fix it19:53
linman32Nordom: oh, no i don't think i can. sometimes when lock screen one of the monitors will not ask for password, but other will19:53
trismNordom: hard to say without knowing what you are building, but if those are the commands from some guide and the -j option is the only thing messing up your build, then yes19:53
Nordomcan you do ctrl + alt + f2 to bring up terminal19:54
linman32Nordom: that is when i can't access applications. can't shutdown either. so a few things break19:54
Nordomtrism: thanks, I am compiling now. Hopefully that -j was my problem =)19:54
Nordomlinman32: if u can pop up terminal 'killall -u  [username] gnome-session'  may help19:55
bipul[01:25] <bipul> Is it possible to install 32 bit and 64 bit of packages?19:56
bipulIs it possible to install 32 bit and 64 bit of packages?19:56
Noskcaj!multiarch | bipul19:57
MonkeyDustbipul  you mean 32bit and 64bit versions of the same?19:57
Noskcajbipul, Yes, with a thing called multiarch19:57
expungeMonkeyDust: don't cross post19:57
MonkeyDustexpunge  ?19:57
expungesorry, bipul: don't cross post =)19:58
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bipulNoskcaj:  Thank you19:58
linman32Nordom: lol i had to restart computer b/c i didn't know how to get out of alt+ctrl+f219:59
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rsidsI'm trying to get SPDIF to work, it shows up in alsamixer, but no sound :(20:02
linman32Nordom: had to restart computer b/c i didn't know how to get out of alt+ctrl+f220:02
vltlinman32: Out => Alt+F720:03
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pbxwhen i call something up via the Dash, is there a "show this item in Files" option anywhere?20:08
pbxi can do it in gnome-do using "open with" -> Files20:08
pbxso i guess that's good enough20:09
zzHello, I am new and i would really like some help with installing ubuntu, please.20:09
ticktockhouseHello  :)20:09
pbxzz, say what you've tried and what happened, or what your specific concerns/challenges are20:09
zzEvery single distro I have tried to install fails and gives me a black screen.20:09
ticktockhouseI have quite a specific ubunti install problem, not sure how to get round it20:09
ticktockhouseI installed from USB using unetbootin20:09
zzBoot from usb , it shows the ubuntu purple screen for a bit, then goes to a black screen with a white _ at the top left. it freezes then i cant restart have to hold power button down20:10
ticktockhouseWhen it's finished installing, it boots into the 3.5.0-17 kernel, but the lib/modules directory is for
pbxzz, what hardware?  what installer? what version of ubuntu?20:11
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ticktockhouseSo, cos I've got no modules, I've got no network, mouse, etc.20:11
zzits every single ver of any linux ive ever tried, has failed20:11
expungezz: try the 'minimalcd' install image20:11
zzive tried that20:12
eeeezz: what's the pc specs? uefi?20:12
expungezz: and?20:12
zzNothing works, not Tiny linux, nothing20:12
ticktockhousea) why did it boot into that kernel in the 1st place b) how do I tell it to use the 3.13.xxx kernel?20:12
zzi am typing my specs now20:12
expungezz: nothing works is no kind of description20:12
ticktockhouseTried "update-grub"20:12
expungezz: what happened with the minimalcd image20:12
zzfirst , i only have usb , not cd20:12
eeeezz: do you have secureboot enabled?20:13
zzbut i have installed minimal ubuntu before and it doesnt work20:13
thombHi all. I currently installed ubuntu and I try to enable "paste" by clicking the middle mouse button (wheel in my case) of my logitech m305 ... as far as I could find out, copy selected text already works and the mouse wheel is able to scroll as well. But how can I activate "paste"?20:13
Fetus_hey guys20:13
zzmy hardware is , asrock h77 pro 4mvp , i7 3770k , r9 280x sapphire vapor, no soundcards20:13
zzeeee , i have seen that setting in bios before and toggled it but it hasnt affected this problem , idk what else to do ive searched for so many times, been to this irc a few times also20:14
zzguessing this problem isnt too common lol20:15
bpromptzz:      at the purple screen.. there are a few "boot options" by pressing F6.... you could turn a few of those.... and I think there are a few more at F5 menu too20:16
bpromptzz:    it may just be hardware compatibility with the drivers the .iso is trying to load20:16
zzso what should i do bprompt?20:16
zzi really want to run ubuntu20:16
eeeezz: the minimal install, how'd you run it?20:17
zzi think the purple screen did appear but then quickly went away being replaced with that blackness20:17
expungeso you don't remember20:17
bpromptzz:     try those "boot options",   also remove the "quiet splash"  arguments from the boot, so you can actually see the loading progress and any errors20:17
zzah il go and do minimal install and i will also look again and then come back20:17
zzok thanks =/20:17
bipulOk does ubuntu uses PAM authentication ?20:18
expungebipul: pretty sure20:19
crunchy_yo Fetus_20:20
dinesh___hey all, I'm trying to prevent the ssh server from starting at startup, so I've googled and found "sudo update-rc.d -f sshd remove", which doesn't fail, but also doesn't do the job, any idea?20:20
dinesh___running it outputs Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/sshd ...20:21
bipulexpunge: One of mine friend has issue in disable "SMB password synchronization" inside PAM20:21
Picidinesh___: its 'ssh' not 'sshd'20:21
ianorlindinesh are you talking about the server?20:22
dinesh___thanks, I'll try that. yes I installed the server on ubuntu desktop with apt-get install openssh-server20:22
ianorlindinesh are you saying you want openssh-server installed but not as a service on startup but only started manually20:22
dinesh___exactly ianorlin20:24
theadmindinesh___: Mess around in /etc/init, there should be a .conf file for openssh20:25
theadmindinesh___: It should have a line like "start on [2345]", remove that and replace it with "manual"20:25
waykool99in studio v14.04.4 LTS 64 bit.  In window menus, how do you force underline the Ctrl F for 'File"?  Noticed in only underlines on left Alt key.20:31
MikeWorth21:31:17 - MikeWorth: Hi, I'm facing a problem with character sets on a vfat volume. I am trying to delete some files with special characters in their names but get IO errors every time.20:32
theadminMikeWorth: Mount the volume with the appropriate charset first.20:33
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waykool99Rephrase:  How do you change top-left Menu items to have a letter underlined, example: Alt F = File, Alt V = View?20:34
MikeWorththeadmin: I'm not sure what the correct charset is, is there a list of common ones somewhere that I can try?20:34
theadminMikeWorth: What country are you in?20:34
MikeWorthone of the special characters is umlouts in "motorhead"20:35
theadminMikeWorth: mount /dev/sdb1 /media/vfat_drive -o iocharset=utf8,codepage=866 should work.20:35
MikeWorthhmm, it seems to have recognised the ö properly, but all the files inside appear as gibberish and it hits io errors20:37
MikeWorthfor example:20:37
MikeWorthrm: cannot remove `/tmp/archos/.Trash-1000/files/M/Motörhead/   \177 \177  .√≤ ': Input/output error20:37
ianorlinwait is it mounted in /tmp20:38
MikeWorthis it possible in some way to remove the directory from the file table and therefore automatically delete everything in that directory without having to refer to the files themselves?20:39
MikeWorthyes, does that make any difference?20:39
zzhello, if anyone is still here that was here when i had trouble installing20:39
eeeezz yeah20:39
zzi did the minimal install like requested, and i got to the point where it is "detecting other hardware" , it stays at 0 and then it freezes20:40
zzalso , when i do the minimal install, theres no mouse to move just keyboard20:40
ticktockhouseDid anyone have any thoughts on the wrong kernel after install thing?20:40
theadminzz: The minimal install is text-based20:40
ianorlinMikeWorth /tmp has bit set so you are not supposed to delete thing from it as anoyne can write to it20:40
zzoh cool.20:40
theadminzz: No mouse or graphics20:40
expungezz: how long was it frozen?20:40
zzits frozen , and i cannot press reset button , have to hold down power lol, like a perm freeze20:40
MikeWorthianorlin: ah, I'd never heard of that; I just assumed that permissions prevented people from nuking each others stuff20:41
zzi remembered this happened the other times i tried to install in the past, this is as far as i can get20:41
expungezz: what other live images have you tried?20:41
zzis it because my hdd is uefi or something maybe?20:41
zzive tried linux mint, ive tried tiny linux, ive tried a few otheres from the universal usb installer also20:42
zzkubuntu, xubuntu20:42
MikeWorthmounting it inside my home doesn't seem to change things20:42
expungewell 'tiny linux' doesn't sound like something full of drivers20:42
expungezz: the ordinary, non minimalcd image, it froze as well?20:43
expungezz: at what point?20:43
zzthe normal install freezes as soon as it starts up , because it must auto detect hardware i guess20:43
expungezz: so before the installer proper starts?20:44
zzthe full installer goes to a black screen with a white _ at the top which is frozen, and then i have to hold power button20:45
expungezz: you might try booting up http://sysresccd.org/ and seeing if you can 'startx', see if it "works"20:46
expungezz: if it does, you can concievably install with debootstrap or the like20:46
rsidsI'm trying to get SPDIF to work, it shows up in alsamixer, but no sound :(20:48
zzah i dont think i will thanks anyway, i dont want to screw up my current windows partition20:48
rsidsanyone any ideas?20:49
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MikeWorthIt looks like special characters aren't actually the problem, ls -l gives me a load of ?s:20:50
MikeWorthls: cannot access tmp/.Trash-1000/files/M/Motörhead/      .√є : Input/output error20:51
MikeWorthd????????? ? ? ? ?            ? ╛w}  s  .   20:51
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wrongplacewhen buying new hardware, how long do you keep the original packaging?20:52
cmannsMikeWorth: sudo ls /tmp20:52
estanhi folks. i don't understand how i'm supposed to use qtchooser (this is on Precise, ancient i know but it's on Travic CI so i have no choice).20:52
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kostkonwrongplace, keep it for 2y if you can20:52
wrongplace2y =?20:53
estanusing using the qt4 + qt5 packages from Ubuntu SDK PPA; and i'm wondering how i switch between the versions.20:53
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kostkonwrongplace, 2 years?20:53
cmannsI keep the original packaging for a slong as I need20:53
MikeWorthcmanns: I've remounted it to ~/tmp, heres sudo ls tmp:20:53
k1l_wrongplace: that topic suits better into #ubuntu-offtopic20:53
estani've tried qtchooser -qt=4 before i run qmake, and also qmake -qt=qt4 and qmake -qt=4, but neither seem to work.20:53
cmannsas an IT provider/web hosting provider we keep for maybe 1-2 years20:53
MikeWorththe problem files are in .Trash-1000, things look normal up to:20:55
MikeWorth$ sudo ls -l tmp/.Trash-1000/files/M20:55
MikeWorthtotal 820:55
MikeWorthdrwx------  3 mike mike 4096 Aug 18 21:04 Metallica20:55
MikeWorthdrwx------ 10 mike mike 4096 Aug 18 21:48 Motörhead20:55
pbxhow do i get Terminal to see the alt key and keep it from pulling up the menu-shortcut feature?20:55
cmannsSo I got my friend lubuntu installed21:00
expungecmanns: well done21:00
cmannsYeah, almost equally as slow as Windows so far over skype view but I need to remote in and ensure drivers are there21:01
axsuulIs it possible to upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 from 12.10 since the sources.list don't seem to be working? Trying to install update-manager-core but throws error due to 404 from the sources21:01
cmannsupdate sources file?21:02
cmannsI’m installing lubuntu 12.04 right now or 12.10 forget which, i can tell you the sources.list maybe21:02
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:02
axsuulcmanns: does 12.10 even have sources?21:02
cmannsNo idea mate21:02
OerHeksaxsuul, follow that link, add old-releases to your sources and you might be able to upgrade21:02
MikeWorthOk guys, thanks for the help. I'm going to bed21:03
Crush___can someone help me please regarding some hardware I think21:08
flamedogewhat hardware21:08
Crush___I did a apt-get update and I use TBS 6991 tv cards21:09
Crush___they ahve been working perfecgly however now they are saying21:09
Crush___DVB: adapter 1 frontend 0 frequency 9750000 out of range for all adapters21:09
Crush___is it possible to rollback the updates I did today?21:10
axsuulIs there an API endpoint I can access that tells me if a certain codename is EOL or not?21:15
theadminaxsuul: I dunno about an API endpoint, but the "ubuntu-support-status" program will give you a detailed report on support status of the machine it ran on, if that's of any help.21:17
OerHekstheadmin +121:19
MagicSpudgood night21:19
MagicSpudI am trying to get rid of ubuntu one in ubuntu 12.0421:19
PeterCassettaHi, can anyone help me with this? For some reason the new unity lockscreen from ubuntu 14.04 seems to have been replaced by the one from 13.10 and earlier21:19
MagicSpudwould anybody help?21:19
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MagicSpudhow do I uninstall it?21:19
theadminMagicSpud: sudo apt-get purge ubuntuone-*21:20
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MagicSpudsorry Peter I never used 13.1021:20
OerHeksMagicSpud,  sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntuone-client21:20
Crush___can I rollback my ubuntu  kernal / firmware?21:21
theadminCrush___: You can install any kernel version you like via apt.21:21
MagicSpudtheadmin thanks21:21
Crush___thanks theadmin21:21
viktorcan anyone tell me how to make my computer login automatically (ubuntu 14.04)? pls21:21
theadmin...well, not any, but shall I say, a large amount thereof.21:21
Crush___I've installed new today and broken my system, as I found out what I had and restore back?21:22
theadminviktor: System Settings -> Users and Groups -> select your user and enable automatic login.21:22
fatlard3413theadmin knows all21:22
OerHeksCrush___, if you build the driver for your tv card, build it again ?21:22
theadminfatlard3413: Hardly21:22
Crush___ok will try thank you21:22
viktortheadmin, that doesn't work in 14.04 anymore...21:22
theadminviktor: Hm, I haven't used 14.04 but I'm sure there's a similar option21:23
OerHeksviktor, if users-groups is missing, install "  gnome-system-tools " package21:23
theadminviktor: The option is still there...21:23
theadminviktor: Is your home folder encrypted?21:23
fatlard3413anybody have any experience with the alfa awus036h usb adapter or just the RTL8187 chipset in general?21:23
theadminviktor: If so, automatic login is not possible21:24
pamI just installed the lastest version of Ubuntu on an old HP G60 (from 2003ish?)...21:24
pamOnce in a while when I watch youtube videos the entire screen starts to flash.  Not sure what to do about it21:24
viktortheadmin, i believe it is. but since my whole drive is encrypted it doesn't need to be. is there an (easy) way to unencrypt it?21:24
fatlard3413pam: what version of flash are you using?21:24
theadminviktor: Not really familiar with encryption, sorry21:25
iancurtishpam: Sounds like a flash issue if that's the only time you experience the flash.21:25
viktortheadmin, no problem, thanks anyway21:25
viktortheadmin, but the option would probably be back if i could unencrypted?21:26
theadminviktor: I assume so.21:27
OerHeksviktor, decrypting = reinstall, no way to decrypt whole system.21:27
viktorOerHeks, just want my home folder to be unencrypted, the disk in it's entirety should stay encrypted21:28
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pam fatlard3413: how can I tell what version of flash I'm running?21:29
PeterCassettaI hate to ask this again, but no one seemed to notice it the first two times... I don't have the new Unity lockscreen active anymore for some reason, but the old one from pre-14.04 releases. Does anyone know why this is or how to get it back?21:30
OerHeksviktor, decrypting your user only? make a new user, without encryption, and add this one to sudoers to obtain sudo privilege21:31
sp23so difficut english ubuntu21:31
PeterCassettaOh well, never mind. :/21:32
viktorOerHeks, en verder?21:33
OerHeks viktor that is all21:34
viktorOerHeks, en mijn originele account verwijderen?21:35
OerHeksdat kan daarna, als je ziet dat het werkt.21:35
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MonkeyDustviktor  probeer hier wel Engels te gebruiken21:42
LoshkiWow, bunch of polyglots...21:44
viktorOerHeks, i can copy my home folder to a different location on the same disk, remove the encryption stuff, remove the original folder, and the put the copy minus the encryption stuff back? this won't mess with the encryption of my entire disk, right?21:44
musdemviktor if it is in a different partition it would probably work fine21:45
viktorMonkeyDust, right, sorry (lot's of dutch speaking people here :-p )21:45
Kira9204pam: i would presume that rhe hardware acceleration of flash does not play nicely with the old gpu driver21:45
viktormusdem, have to move the home folder to a different partition?21:46
musdemviktor no what I mean is do you have your home folder mounted to a different partition then the rest of your drive?21:46
Kira9204it should work if you disable it, or just disable tje whole 3D desktop and run Gnome fallback, altho its not named that anymore21:47
musdemor is it one partition for the whole OS21:47
Kira9204preferably both21:47
rsidsI'm trying to get SPDIF to work, it shows up in alsamixer, but no sound :(21:47
rsidsanyone any ideas?21:47
pamkira9204: any way to take care of this?21:50
viktormusdem, i don't believe so... http://imgur.com/IqsJ69a21:52
netlaris it safe to install unity 8 on 14.04?21:53
zzhey everyone21:54
zzi solved my issue with not being able to install any linux!21:54
zz:D :D21:54
expungezz: well done, how'd you manage it?21:55
zzhi expunge!21:55
musdemviktor alright so you might be able to copy the contents and shrink the partition to make room for a dedicated home partition then just don't encrypt it21:55
k1l_netlar: unity8 and MIR are still in development on the desktop, so that is not in any way like the actual unity7 with compiz21:55
zzturns out, i had plugged my hdd sata cable into the asrock media sata on my mainboard, so i moved it to the black sata port and it worked lol21:55
netlarI got it thanks k1l_21:55
netlarI mean I understand21:55
musdemviktor though that would put you at risk of data loss21:56
expungezz: oh very good21:56
k1l_netlar: you are free to try and to help make it stable21:56
musdemviktor  other than that I can't think of anything21:56
zzcant wait to install ubuntu, i just came back because i have some more questions regarding the installing onto a partition21:56
jorge2is ubuntu spyware? https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.html21:56
expungejorge2: kinda, but not really21:57
k1l_jorge2: no its not and this is offtopic for this technical support channel21:57
zzexpunge , i have the option, install alongside my current OS, or custom install, so i clicked custom, and i see the 2000gb free space21:57
jorge2why would gnu say it is?21:57
expungezz: =)21:57
expungejorge2: because it kind of is21:57
zzso you know the free space how you can press + and it opens up the create new partition?21:57
k1l_!ot | jorge2 this channel suits it better21:57
ubottujorge2 this channel suits it better: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:57
expungeGNU takes the issue very seriously, though21:57
expungezz: sure21:57
viktormusdem, i can't just copy the home folder, rename it, remove the encryption components, remove the original folder, and replace it with the newer folder (which i'll name home then)?21:58
zzok it says, ext4 journaled, so i leave it all as it is, but it says dir, and when i click down it lists / , /usr and other /21:58
zzim not sure what one to set it to21:58
expungezz: you need /21:59
zzjust / ?21:59
expungezz: and swap is a good idea too, the rest are optional21:59
musdemviktor no I don't believe so though I wouldn't know for sure I always have my home folder on a sperate partition21:59
expungezz: yes / is sort of like C:\ if you're used to Windows, it's the base of the system21:59
cmannsHow do I see network speed in a task manager view on lubuntu?21:59
zzso i can then just install it to that free space which i just turned into a partition?21:59
expungezz: yes21:59
k1l_zz: i would suggest / and /home as seperate partitions. /swap if you need it21:59
cmannsAlso any tips to speed up a celeron 2.4ghz 2gb ram on lubuntu? I’d love it to take advantage of all the rams :)22:00
zzwell i currently just have windows 8 and a free space of 200gb22:00
expungecmanns: what makes you think it isn't taking advantage now?22:00
cmannsWell I do IT work and we often change default settings for web servers22:00
expungecmanns: huh?22:00
cmannsThis computers HDD is probably it’s main limitation though I already see the processor is super maxed22:00
cmannsI work for a web hosting organization22:00
viktorcmanns, have you changed swappiness?22:00
k1l_zz: make ~~20GB for /. the rest for /home partition (as that will store all your data). make an /swap in size of ram if you need that22:00
cmannsI just installed lubuntu22:00
cmannsit’s so far amazing compared to windows XP but i’m just wondering any simple tweaks to do, any apt-get advice, etc22:01
zzi dont exactly know what your saying k1l_22:01
expungecmanns: try to think of something you want before you look at how to implement it =)22:01
expungezz: you probably want / and swap22:01
zzi can do all of that to the free space?22:01
expungeswap should not be larger than your RAM22:01
Loshkicmanns: if you're serious about it, people write entire books on tuning web servers for performance e.g. Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition - O'Reilly Media22:02
cmannsthis isnt a web server22:02
Loshkis/web servers/servers/g22:02
cmannsit isnt a server...22:02
cmannsI’m a sys/network admin of 9 years I don’t need help with servers, I will be sshing into this desktop remotely and doing some manual stuff :)22:02
cmannsJust was curious if anybody had suggestions of what helps lubuntu desktop22:03
expunge...people write entire books on whatever sells, including things of no substance whatsoever22:03
k1l_zz: ok: all system data is stored in the / partition. all user data (pictures, downloads, usersettings,...) get stored in the /home directory. if you mak that a own partitions you are in "safer ways" in case there goes something wrong.22:03
viktorcmanns, some of this applies to lubuntu as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwBoHZuauL822:03
funkymonkeyi have a problem i cant solve. two ubuntu 14.04 comps cant se one anothers samba filesharing but are visible from htc phone, any idea?22:03
Loshkicmanns: sorry, you mentioned web servers, so I assumed...22:03
expungecmanns: you'll have to be more specific =)22:03
zzso 200gb free space, il create a /swap the size of 8gb, a / the size of 2gb , and /home the size of 190gb22:03
cmannsSorry Loshki22:03
expungezz: no, / would be okay as 20, as he said, not 222:03
k1l_zz: you just make a "extended partition" to the unused space and in that you make the 2 or 3 ubuntu partitions22:03
expungezz: I don't personally use a separeate /home/, but that's up to you22:03
Loshkiexpunge: it's true, but one *well written* book is worth a hundred slapped together wikis...22:03
cmannsLike task manager says 90-100% used but the apps it doesnt add up, would this be the GFX or so?22:03
expungeLoshki: agreed22:04
zzmaybe i should just click the install alongside windows until i learn more? lol22:04
cmannsteam viewer only using 10% on lubuntu compared to 90% on windows XP :D22:04
viktorcmanns: http://biomedguyproject.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/lubuntu-tweak-4-swappiness/22:04
expungecmanns: it's a much more efficient OS22:04
viktorcmanns, maybe better22:04
expungezz: up to you22:04
zzthanks for the help guys i really appreciate it22:04
zzim gonna go learn some more about installing ubuntu then il do it , thanks again for thelp22:05
Loshkizz: better about 10G for /, same size as RAM for swap, and the rest /home...22:05
k1l_!partitions | zz22:05
ubottuzz: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:05
expungeif you omit /home/, you don't have to guess what / should be...22:05
zzok awesome thanks22:06
Loshkiexpunge: true, but a separate /home makes upgrades/multiple oses much easier later on...22:06
expungeno it doesn't22:06
zzcan we whisper ppl in this?22:06
expungezz: /notice person foo22:07
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expungebut /msg person foo will be more reliable22:07
Loshkiexpunge: well just have to disagree on that point then....22:07
expungeas /notice's have a tendancy to appear in random places22:07
k1l_a seperate /home makes some problems easier to solve. like when home gets filled22:07
expungewhat? =P22:07
funkymonkeyhow do i change my Local ip?22:08
LoshkiI also think a separate / and /home makes backups easier...22:08
k1l_funkymonkey: you mean you internet IP or your home network IP?22:10
expungeLoshki: how does it do that?22:10
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expungethat's what I thought22:13
Loshkiexpunge: well, I use dump/restore for backups. It's old but fast, and works on partitions, so it's handy to be able to backup / separately to /home. In fact, my / partition is basically dataless, and I can run different root partitions with different oses on them, while using the same /home. And upgrades are similarly trivial. What little machine-specific config I do have is almost entirely in /etc...22:16
krenkenhey i understand this is a ubuntu channel. but i have a whs question. how can i install window server onto a external hard drive22:16
expungekrenken: whs?22:16
krenkenwindows home server22:16
poplkrenken: glwt22:16
krenkenits a headless box so i have to install it on a laptop external enclosure22:16
expungeLoshki: handier than rsync /home/ ... ?22:16
k1l_krenken: better ask in ##windows22:16
popl"Hi, I understand this is a Ford dealership, but I really want to buy a Hyundai."22:16
expungekrenken: Windows is designed specifically not to be installed onto external disks, you have to hack it, good luck22:17
Loshkikrenken: then I'm not sure you *do* understand that this is a ubuntu channel. Try ##windows...22:17
expungepopl: well, I've actually seen that =P no idea why22:17
expungekrenken: you could put your Unix install on the external though, and it wouldn't care at all22:17
krenkenya, i was just having problems with /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules22:20
krenkenthats why im back at windows22:20
theadminkrenken: This channel still won't provide support with Windows issues22:20
krenkenthats wasn't a windows issue.. it was a unix statement.22:21
theadminkrenken: You're asking for help with installing Windows Server onto an external hard drive (which, by the way, is not supported)22:21
poplbasically (if you haven't noticed), krenken is here to say that he had problems with ubuntu, so he's going back to windows, and you should be ashamed.22:22
k1l_krenken: please stop that. this channel is not for ranting or windows support. if you have a technical ubuntu issue come here with details and the community will try to solve that with you.22:22
expungeactually he askED, past tense22:22
expungeonline discussions are more complicated if you never allow for time to pass22:23
Loshkiexpunge: I like how dump/restore works, back from when it used to be *the* choice for backups. There are better backup packages these days that will do bare-metal restore. Yes, you can use rsync, or tar, or cp, or whatever. You don't *have* to separate / and /home, but I find it incredibly convenient to do so...22:23
poplexpunge: time?22:23
expungeLoshki: k22:23
expungepopl: and tide22:23
adanteTJ-: cheers for the heads up22:23
poplexpunge: it goes in and out22:24
Loshkiand it waits for no man...22:24
branjo3i installed and updated ubuntu the other day, (coming from debian due to some weird stuff with the touch pad not working) and now my mic dose not work at all. it worked in debian for sure.22:24
branjo3i tryed the normal stuff like checking alsamixer, inputs, etc and i cant seem to get it to work.. any ideas?22:25
expungepopl: heh22:25
jorge2I avoid the spyware and use trisquel https://trisquel.info22:25
poplwhat's the package release schedule like in ubuntu?22:26
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poplI was actually going to ask about solr/tomcat because there is a security issue with the current version of libtomcat6-java22:26
expungepopl: did you check packages.ubuntu.com ?22:27
k1l_popl: new versions get introduced with the new ubuntu release. but big bug fixes and security fixes get backported to the "old" version in the archives22:28
poplexpunge: No, I didn't know about that site.22:28
poplexpunge: thanks22:28
iceroot_popl: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/22:29
bipulI wants to know which brand of wifi adapter driver is available for my ubuntu22:29
iceroot_popl: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2302-1/22:29
bipulis there any command to find the driver for my wifi adapter22:29
poplbipul: Are you shopping for a wireless adapter?22:29
bipulpopl: no22:30
AssociateXHolas todos aqui!22:30
AssociateX I have upgraded to 14.04 LTS and  now sound does not work with youtube videos in Google Chrome. Normal event sounds work though, and sound works with youtube videos in Mozilla. Where should I start looking? I have been searching google for this issue and have not found a solution or even a reason for this yet. Thank you.22:30
bipulI am just trying to know if it exist or not22:30
popliceroot_: Excellent!22:30
popliceroot_: Thanks.22:30
iceroot_popl: so seems like the bug is fixed already22:30
bipulpopl: do you know how to find that?22:30
popliceroot_: I figured it might be but that I could just not find the fixed package.22:30
iceroot_popl: normaly a "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" should pick up all pending security updates22:31
poplI'd seen libtomcat7-java but not realised it'd be a fix for libtomcat6-java (hadn't read about the differences between 6 and 7)22:31
popliceroot_: unfortunately this is for a development server at work so I do not want to do a blanket upgrade.22:31
poplotherwise I would, though22:32
iceroot_popl: dist-upgrade is ALWAYS what you want for security updates22:32
herroAskua clean installation of ubuntu will also do fine22:32
iceroot_popl: dist-upgrade does not mean to put 12.04 into 14.04 or something like that22:32
poplI understand, thanks.22:33
iceroot_popl: that command will show you all pending updates, with "apt-get changelog packagename" you will get the details for the specific package22:33
herroAskuwindows is better than the latest ubuntu versions, seriously22:33
iceroot_herroAsku: ##windows22:33
expungeherroAsku: you're cute22:33
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herroAskuaww shux22:34
iceroot_herroAsku: stop it please22:34
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* olf-folks thinks herroAsku is secretly billy g 22:35
theadminherroAsku: Nobody cares. You're in an Ubuntu channel, keep it on topic or leave.22:36
waykool99windows Xfce GUI question. in v14.04.x LTS 64 bit.  I'm in the Settings window.  What setting gives the edges of windows a 'wider', if you will, margin to grab and resize windows?22:44
expungewaykool99: you can change the window manager theme22:44
expungesettings > window manager > style22:44
olf-folksi installed and updated ubuntu the other day, (coming from debian due to some weird stuff with the touch pad not working) and now my mic dose not work at all. it worked in debian for sure.22:46
olf-folksi tryed the normal stuff like checking alsamixer, inputs, etc and i cant seem to get it to work.. any ideas?22:46
expungeolf-folks: is it intel hd audio?22:49
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waykool99using a Logitech marble mouse. Found workaround: under Settings, Mouse and Touchpad, tab Devices, Pointer Speed, Acceleration: barely on. Sensitivity: 30 pixels wide open.22:58
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expungemarble mouse, heh22:58
poplbleh. installing libtomcat7-java means I can't install libjetty-extra-java ( Depends: libtomcat6-java (>= 6.0.20-2) )22:59
Loshkipopl: yeah, you should ask for your money back...23:00
popljust commenting. it's fine.23:00
Loshkijust teasing, sorry...23:00
Kira9204Loshki: you can always ask the maintainer to update it23:01
Kira9204or look into it23:01
poplit just sucks because I'll have to figure something out or figure out how to do this with tomcat (if I can) but will probably have to ask someone to update it.23:01
Loshkipopl: Kira9204: there ya go...23:01
poplThen hope that happens before my boss inevitably asks me "so, uh, what's going on with that solr installation thing?"23:02
Kira9204there are almost always PPAs23:02
LoshkiKira9204: popl: that's good advice. If you see it, probably someone else has too. Did google turn up anything?23:03
poplhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/solr-jetty # only has the current version23:04
TJ-popl: do you happen to know if libjetty-extra-java will work with libtomcat7-java ?23:04
TJ-popl: because if it does, you can alter the Depends in the dpkg/apt package lists to allow libtomcat7-java to be an additional alternatve depends23:05
Kira9204popl: if you are certain that it should be compatible/still work you can always force install23:05
TJ-popl: I use the technique to have grub-pc and grub-efi installed at the same time23:05
Kira9204or do that ^23:05
poplTJ-: I don't think it's compatible -- http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/all/libjetty-extra-java/filelist23:06
poplit'd have to be upgraded to use the version 7.x.x stuff.23:07
kmysthey anybody know how i can d/l an old ubuntu server guide??23:07
poplsolr-jetty depends on that package, though23:07
poplso there's a chain of packages that will need to be updated23:08
TJ-popl: There's jetty 8.x since raring, is that any use?23:08
TJ-popl: The neat work-around is to create a minimal Trusty chroot and install/run it via that, alongside the Precise base system23:08
awyglehello all. in 12.04.5, is there a way to prevent apt from keeping .debs around after it's finished with them?23:09
awygleCurrently I've added a DPkg post-invoke action to rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb but that seems not ideal23:09
kmystawygle: apt-get clean23:09
awyglekmyst: sorry, i should have been more specific. i'd like to never keep a .deb past the end of the apt-get install action. i'd rather not manually run clean (or even by cron).23:10
kmystawygle: erm dunno as the point of the cache is you can reinstall it if need be23:11
poplTJ-: Only if it could work with Apache Solr (my goal is to install Solr, according to #solr Jetty is the preferred servlet to use for it).23:12
awyglei'm running 12.04 server in a pseudo-thin-client configuration - lots of bandwidth, but very little storage. so if i have to reinstall something, i'd like to re-download it rather than keep it around forever when 99% of the time i'll never need it again.23:12
poplIdeally I'd be able to have some minimal installation instructions, or just write a small script to deploy it to all the clients.23:12
TJ-popl: If you install all the packages needs by solr in the Trusty chroot (from the Trusty archives), the whole thing would be Trusty, whilst keeping the Precise base system23:13
poplTJ-: The problem is that the packages solr requires are the old version of the tomcat libs23:14
poplsolr-* I mean23:14
poplthere are three, solr-common, solr-jetty, and solr-tomcat23:14
TJ-awygle: "man 5 apt.conf" and find this paragraph: "...Dir::Cache::archives. Generation of caches can be turned off by setting their names to the empty string. This will slow down startup but save disk space."23:15
poplTJ-: It is certainly a conundrum. :)23:16
awygleTJ-: i did originally try that, but according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/apt/+bug/937951 , "Dir::cache::archives is important and can't be disabled". and i did find that when i set Dir::Cache::archives ""; in apt.conf.d, it stored all of the .debs in / instead23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 937951 in apt (Ubuntu) "An empty Dir::Cache::archives is treated incorrectly and even removes all files in the root folder" [Undecided,Invalid]23:17
poplTJ-: Thanks for your suggestions, though. I appreciate you spending your time.23:18
TJ-awygle: really? darn... never simple ... ok... why don't you simply mount a tmpfs at /var/lib/apt/archives ?23:18
treslllamasanyone know how to make a bottable windows 7 or vista usb from ubuntu?23:18
expungetreslllamas: yeah...23:18
TJ-popl: I'm looking at Trusty packages, at solo-jetty, which says its Depends are "jetty (>= 6.1.22)" ... the >= would suggest a 8.x version would satisfy that, or am I missing something23:19
expungetreslllamas: http://serverfault.com/questions/6714/how-to-make-windows-7-usb-flash-install-media-from-linux#answer-16706023:19
poplTJ-: it depends on libjetty-extra-java23:20
TJ-popl: Argggh, dependency hell23:20
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awygleTJ-: a creative solution! i admit i'm not familiar with what happens if you hit the memory size limits on a tmpfs. this device will have to run for a long time, i'd be a bit worried about filling RAM...23:21
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cmannsHow do I enable multiverse in lubuntu software23:23
MagBohey, beautiful people. just changing limits.conf is not enough to set nofiles for a user (according to what I see from running ulimit -n). Which steps should I take to be able to bump nofiles for a user on Ubuntu 14.04 except for this?23:24
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MagBojust a sanity check: here's my /etc/security/limits.conf — http://pastebin.archlinux.fr/54926623:26
TJ-popl: There's a docker build for it you ought to be able to use with your preferred version of Solr: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/makuk66/docker-solr/23:26
MagBouname -a: Linux vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 3.13.0-30-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 4 21:40:53 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:26
MagBoulimit -n (after reboot): 102423:27
TJ-awygle: You basically want the files there so they can be extracted but gone later. How about a simple cron job that runs if the apt lock isn't taken (and takes the lock while it works) to run "apt-get clean" ?23:27
awygleTJ-: that works. it's not very... clean... but it works. thanks for the help :)23:28
TJ-awygle: Jackpot!! "APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "0";  " see /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic23:28
TJ-awygle: see also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/automatic-updates.html23:30
TJ-awygle: oops, lets try 14.04: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/automatic-updates.html23:30
MagBoand if limits.conf is not how you change ulimit -n on ubuntu 14.04 anymore, please tell me how do you change ulimit -n23:30
awygleTJ-: checking out /etc/cron.daily/apt, it looks like APT::periodic::AutocleanInterval "0"; will disable autocleaning entirely23:32
TJ-awygle: precisely... set it to the number of days you want it to run at23:32
awygleTJ-: yeah, that'll probably work. thanks again!23:33
TJ-awygle: Add your own conf file in there with it set to your desired value, so you don't clash with the package's own file23:33
MagBocan it be so that pam_limits module isn't probed  by default?23:34
poplTJ-: I don't think I'd be able to convince my boss to use Docker.23:34
TJ-awygle: so maybe "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99periodic" with "PT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "1";  "23:34
Apophistheres a lot of poeple here ._.23:34
TJ-popl: It's about the only clean solution I can see for what you want, seeing as the Ubuntu repos don't have everything you need. Certainly better than a hand-crafted manual install of everything23:35
ApophisI need heelp23:35
poplApophis: Ask your question.23:35
TJ-popl: You can do the same as docker in chroot, but again, it's a manual process23:35
cmannsCeleron 2.4ghz with 30gb hdd and 2gb ram is slow lol23:35
Bashing-om!ask Apophis23:35
ApophisMy Computer isnt that good and Im running Virual Box23:36
Bashing-om!ask | Apophis23:36
ubottuApophis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:36
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ApophisHOw can optimize it to go maximum speed and performce23:36
Bashing-omApophis: Give the host machine the ram it needs to support the VMs (??).23:38
ApophisWell I have it the max 1530 mb of RAM23:38
ApophisCan increase the fixed size by 10 gb help?23:39
OerHeksApophis do not run in virtualbox, saves a lot of power.23:39
Apophiswell I cant dual boot atm23:39
ApophisAs much as I want to23:39
MagBoalright, how to let the user to change ulimit?23:43
MagBoI can't see anything in lsmod | grep pam23:43
MagBogot it fixed23:47
MagBohad to put session required pam_limits.so23:47
MagBoin /etc/pam.d/common-session files23:48
delinquentmels /var/cache/salt/master/minions/(echo"$1")-01/files/etc/munge/munge.key  how can I get this to evaluate ??23:48
delinquentmels /var/cache/salt/master/minions/$1-01/files/etc/munge/munge.key23:48
delinquentme^ doesnt work either23:48
smitzerHow do I use this:23:51
smitzerI think it is ubuntu packages somehow23:51
TJ-delinquentme: "ls /var/cache/salt/master/minions/${1}-01/files/etc/munge/munge.key"23:51
TJ-smitzer: "sudo apt-get install tiled" ?23:51
jellow!addppa | smitzer23:52
ubottusmitzer: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details23:52
smitzeroh, didnt think such a program was in the repo. nice!23:55
smitzerCan I cross over text in gedit? Like in word and wordpad. like if you make a list of things to do, you want to cross over it when it is done.23:56
cmannsSo Lubuntu after swappiness / preload adjustments and zRam seems to help23:56
cmannsAny reason to not use zram let me know :)23:56
jcarpio7Ubuntu Rules !!!23:57
k1l_cmanns: its standard in lubuntu (and others like android) and is a good thing for systems with limited ram23:57
cmannsNice, we have 2gb ram but I decided to enable it anyways as it appears to just put swap in ram, which it has yet to use over 300mb of ram out of 2gb, and the HDD is the slowest part behind the intel 8248 gfx and the celeron 2.4ghz lol23:58
cmannsSo far friend seems to dig Lubuntu over windows XP23:58
AssociateXSound is not working in Google Chrome after 14.04LTS update, all other apps sound still works. I need some direction. I've googled the heck out of this.23:59
linuxguy101why doest ubuntu have a gui program for all root commands that is available for users to set permission levels and security levels23:59

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