
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
Righteou5question, is there any known issue with kde not working correctly in wine games. Example when I open BOTF in xfce the curser is fine but when i open it in kde i have to go below what I want to select for it to work01:44
rebornhey there?01:52
rebornwhy is kubuntu recommender only 32 bit?01:53
tsimpsonreborn: only because it works on both 32 and 64 bit CPUs, if you have a 64 bit CPU you can get the 64 bit version01:55
rebornthanks for the reply.01:57
Anonymous_How are you02:37
dougielnot allowed to chat in here :P02:37
Anonymous_Who you02:37
dougielanyway good luck - nite all02:38
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JalmFin or Eng? need help05:49
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)05:51
Tm_Thei Jalm05:51
Jalmmoi! meninkin jo tonne Fi kanavalle.05:52
valoriemarcellus: what are you testing?08:50
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lordievaderGood afternoon.10:55
BluesKajHiyas all10:55
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smaudetGreetings all, I've been testing out kubuntu (and other kde variants) on an older box, and I've noticed that they seem to randomly power down. Is there an issue with the kernel, or running live cds of the newer images? I'm not sure what the problem is, plan is to run these distros for a couple days on a real install and see what happens.15:27
smaudetJust wondering if there are any known problems at the moment.15:27
smaudet(I'm talking about 14.04 images)15:27
smaudetAlso if it helps its a core 2 duo laptop, and I was running a 32 bit image, maybe there is a problem with the bit mismatch.15:28
geniiMight be your pwer saving settings in the BIOS15:32
BluesKajsmaudet, you can run 32 on a 64bit machine without ptoblems, but it could be graphics that are problematic on an older machine15:33
smaudetBluesKaj: it could be, that machine doesn't have amazing graphics, but it was running pretty smoothly otherwise I thought15:51
smaudetgenii: thanks, I'll check that15:54
smaudetdidn't see your comment before15:54
skinuxHow deeply can we customize our installation before we can no longer get support in this channel?16:35
georgelappiesanyway to change the ugly Google notification icon in the notify area??16:36
Walexskinux: you get no support in this channel, you get volunteer help, if someone feels like to comment.16:36
skinuxI was referring to volunteer help.16:37
Walexskinux: if you want support, Canonical has support plans that come with clear deliminations.16:37
skinuxI cannot afford to pay for support, that's kind of expensive.16:37
Walexskinux: volunteer help is up to individuals attending the channel and having free time...16:38
Walexskinux: but in general it is more or less: using Canonical provided repos and packages is good.16:38
Walexskinux: BTW, more than Canonical IO could have mentioned the (other) Kubuntu sponsor.16:39
Walexskinux: "official" repos are good, some PPAs also good (e.g. the KDE PPA for latest KDE SC versions).16:40
Walexskinux: people here use them, so they may have encountered the same issues.16:40
skinuxI've been having problems with .sh and .bin files, getting permission denied trying to execute them. Right now, it's a .sh file, I've checked permissions and ownership already.16:41
jubo2Ciao FreeWolF16:46
jubo2come stai ?16:46
jubo2You have a FLGOSS related question, FreeWolF ?16:48
NDSi lost my windows drives after installing ubuntu. any way to recover them?16:48
jubo2NDS: have they been written out from the GRUB ?16:48
jubo2that can be fixed16:48
jubo2or did some disk management tool destroy the partition journaled data16:49
NDSjubo2 i made the wrong selection "install ubuntu replacing windows"16:49
jubo2NDS: if you chose "manual" in the "Disk" portion of the installation you are able to destroy the Windows disk16:49
jubo2NDS: sry to convey it but that sounds like something that terminates and recycles the existing disk16:50
jubo2... apparently using the whole disk16:50
jubo2NDS: I don't know if data recovery is possible without reloadable backups16:51
NDSjubo2 i tried a tool called "testdisk" and it waas able to list the lost partitions16:51
FreeWolFjust a question: someone here use steam for linux?16:51
jubo2NDS: this boots offa removable USB or optic device ( not within the OSes ondisk ?16:52
NDSjubo2 sorry i didnt get your question16:52
jubo2I'm sorry I wrote it wrong16:52
jubo2You started a program called testdisk .. I was asking about in what OS ?16:53
NDSi was in live mode16:53
jubo2NDS: I'm sorry. I cannot help you much..16:54
jubo2I'd guess the data is gone16:54
jubo2but I dunno16:54
NDSjubo2 ok. is there anyway i can connect it to my other pc?16:54
jubo2NDS: yes.. SATA2 and SATA3 are compatible16:55
NDSjubo2 its a laptop . still can i?16:55
jubo2this means that nearly any SATAsomething are compatible with standard wiring16:55
jubo2NDS: you can take the SATA3 drive out of the laptop bottom hatch ( usually )16:55
jubo2attach it to any standard USBsomenumber-to-SATA16:56
NDSjubo2 ok. thank you for your help16:56
jubo2Costs like $3 in China and around the 20€ in Finlan16:56
jubo2those are just my 'igh figures.. except in Finlan the price is 21-22€ for a cased or noncased USB-to-SATA connection solution16:57
jubo2I've collected a linky collection of meta-price-searchengines and review sites and review aggregators16:58
jubo2I get linky16:58
jubo2I think I'm going to do my sales and marketing field thesis I'ma do it on these and ethics in theory and ethics in practice17:00
jubo2and gonna include something about http://develop.consumerium.org/wiki/Review_aggregators_and_review_sites17:01
jubo2talk about domain name prices ?17:03
natmanAnyone know if there is any work ongoing with the KDE IM client - Telepathy? I would like to have an encryption option.17:04
jubo2a .ki will set you back 900€ / annum ( excl. VAT ), and a .wiki will set you back 25.54€ ( excl. VAT )17:04
jubo2let alone what you have to pay if you want someone's registered trademark or so.. it sports the brand no ?17:05
jubo2Subways originally started wit 3 restaurants iirc17:05
jubo2now they're a global brand17:05
smaudetskinux: buying support is good - it means more Canonical, which means more updates, which means more volunteers...anyways you probably need to chmod +x your .sh files17:23
Flint_I'm having bluetooth cutting out, is there a fix i might use?17:27
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natmanAnyone know if there is any work ongoing with the KDE IM client - Telepathy? I would like to have an encryption option.17:33
Walexnatman: #KDE may be better17:34
tsimpsonthere's #kde-telepathy17:35
micahcowanHow to set the umask for desktop automounts?18:00
micahcowan(so that other users, say, "nobody", can read it)18:00
micahcowanLooks like udisks --mount DEV --mount-options ...,umask=022 gets _almost_ what I want, except now it's mounted under /media instead of /media/micah.18:17
skinuxFor some reason, chmod isn't working for some files in my home directory18:28
skinuxNo error, but it doesn't actually do it.18:28
micahcowanFor anyone curious about the answer to mine, the final answer was to use udisksctl, not udisks, and adjust invocation accordingly.18:33
micahcowanskinux, is it an external mount of a vfat fs?18:33
micahcowanEr, guess not if it's home dir :)18:33
micahcowanWhat's the command you're using?18:34
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skinuxNo. It's a shell script19:00
skinuxstart script for Vim4J, a Java GUI for VIM19:01
rbergskinux those files are not immutable or owned by root?19:21
skinuxThey're owned by my user19:21
skinuxcurrently only read and write permissions19:21
rbergno 'i' in there?19:22
skinuxI'm trying to allow executable, but chmod isn't actually doing it.19:22
skinuxNope, no i19:22
rbergdang.. cause that would do it19:23
rbergand if you try to -x it without the script still no error?19:23
rberger +x I meant19:24
skinuxI gotta go. I'll try again later.19:24
skinuxrberg: You still in here?20:05
rbergyeah I am at the controls20:05
skinuxSorry I had to take off. Can you continue helping me with permissions?20:09
skinuxI've tried doing +x and a+x, with and without sudo. No error, but no change either.20:11
skinuxI also have this problem with .bin files.20:16
skinuxI really don't understand why chmod isn't working on some shell scripts and most bin files.20:20
skinuxUsually I can use graphical file browser to set executable, but that isn't working in this case either.20:20
skinuxAnd, I swear I'm not trolling20:21
skinuxGraphical change did it now I think.20:22
skinuxNow I'm getting this running ./configure: checking for executable suffix... no20:23
skinuxconfigure: error: cannot compile a simple program, check CC and CFLAGS20:23
skinux  (cross compiling doesn't work)20:23
ikoniacross compiling works fine if you do it right20:26
Piciskinux: what are you trying to compile?20:29
skinuxHere is the complete output: http://pastebin.com/adBatum920:37
rbergi think there is a config.log or something with more info20:45
kokeboy1hello. can anyone help me...20:47
buriedaliveskinux package for compilation was installed?20:47
kokeboy1hey !!20:49
buriedaliveI near u20:49
buriedalivekokeboy1 whats wrong?20:50
kokeboy1hello buriedalive. I want to see ALL the chat room of irc,, where I have to go20:51
btm05My power management settings are ignored. I can set them, but they are not saved, so that when I re-open the configuration settings they are still at the values, before I set them20:52
btm05This means, that I can't leave my laptop for longer than 10mins unattended otherwise it sleeps.20:52
btm05Makes compiling a real chore.20:52
btm05Anyone know how this can be fixed?20:53
buriedalivekokeboy1 your client irc?20:53
kokeboy1quassel... are there any better20:55
BluesKajbtm05, is the power management checked in the tray icon popup?20:55
btm05kokeboy1, you should try it once for the experience, but assuming you're on freenode or the like there are a _lot_ of chat rooms.20:55
BluesKajkokeboy1, you'll flood your irc client there are thousands of chatrooms on freenode20:56
btm05BluesKaj, not sure? I can see something about a battery monitor?20:56
buriedalivekokeboy1 /list command typing20:56
btm05I'm new to kubuntu and ubuntu generally.20:56
buriedaliveand you see all chat rooms20:57
btm05There's something strange about the configuration options in kubuntu: I have the option to change settings in the system settings in kde20:59
BluesKajbtm05, click in the system tray , choose system tray settings then entries>battery monitor >always visible, then  setup your choices in system settings>power management20:59
btm05And then I also have the oppertunity to change settings in 'Settings'20:59
btm05which one has precedence?21:00
BluesKajoddly enough it;s enable power management in the system tray21:01
BluesKajthen the system settings power management choices will work, btm0521:02
btm05BluesKaj: Ok, it's the same dialog that I see when I use the kde system settings.21:03
btm05But this time it will work?21:03
btm05Well, I hope so! Thanks BluesKaj ;)21:03
BluesKajbtm05, I hope so too :)21:05
Hrmx1___Is there any option to make the scrolling more smooth? I tried now several input devices and for all of those the scrolling is very stuckish in opposite to windows.21:17
* Wizard yawns21:20
skinuxburiedalive: What do you mean by package for compilation? I have the source if that's what you mean.21:24
btm05BluesKaj: Thanks, that seems to have worked with the power saving.21:29
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WizardHmm, is plasma-netbook still officially supported?21:33
skinuxI'm trying to compile from ./configure, package is Vim4J21:44
Wizardskinux: And?21:46
skinuxI was answering his question21:47
skinuxIf you're offering help, here is the output: http://pastebin.com/adBatum921:47
WizardWeird. build-essential installed?21:49
WizardIt has to use some weird gcc flags to check if it works.21:49
WizardOr.. it requires gcj to build (yuck!)21:49
skinuxYes, it's installed.21:49
skinuxIs there a better option than GCJ?21:50
Wizardconfigure.log may shed some light on what's going on.21:50
WizardThis is really weird.21:50
WizardDo you have any cross compiling gcc set as default gcc or something?21:51
skinuxhttp://pastebin.com/adBatum9 I've added config.log21:52
skinuxI haven't specifically set anythign21:52
Wizardconfigure:1031:20: error: '__CYGWIN32__' undeclared (first use in this function)21:54
Wizard #define __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__21:54
WizardBuilding on Windows or what?21:54
skinuxKubuntu Linux21:58
skinuxTechnically Ubuntu with Kubuntu desktop installed21:58
skinuxOhh..do I need to install some kind of Cygwin libs?21:59
WizardDefinitely not, cygwin is GNU for Windows.21:59
Wizardyou could try regenerating configure script22:00
WizardWith autofoo22:00
WizardHowever, I can't recall how shoud it be done22:00
WizardIt's midnight and I'm thinking on going to sleep22:00
skinuxWhy do we need to compile against Cygwin if we're running Linux???22:01
skinuxI thought Cygwin was for compiling/running nix apps for/on Windows.22:01
WizardIt is.22:01
skinuxThen why should I be cross-compiling??22:02
WizardI'm telling you, something is screwed with this configure script.22:02
WizardI'd try generating it with autofoo22:02
skinuxI can't find any such tool22:04
WizardShould be in source tree22:04
skinuxIt's not.22:05
skinuxI'll use autogen22:05
WizardThan autoconf22:05
WizardHowever I'm not very much accustomed with these medieval tools.22:05
skinuxSorry, it's been a long time since I compiled from source.22:05
skinuxWould you suggest any better tools?22:06
WizardNah, unfortunately it is not your choice at the moment.22:07
skinuxWhat would you suggest in general?22:07
WizardFinding out how to regenerate configure script.22:07
Wizardautoconf does it, probably22:08
skinuxNo, that didn't help22:08
WizardThan I'm out of ideas :/22:09
skinuxYeah, I figured.22:10
WizardSorry :(22:10
skinuxI won't keep trying. Software which doesn't come ready to compile obviously isn't worth my trouble anyway.22:11
skinuxWhat is the best way to upgrade when apt says there are upgradable packages?22:11
WizardAny. apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade or muon.22:13
WizardThey all do the same, so use whatever fits your needs.22:14
WizardI usually just click "update" when an update notification appears.22:14
skinuxI never see any such notifications22:18
jubo2Shukran, Shukran FLGOSS devels22:18
jubo2All you lovely people who actually make the pull requests22:18
jubo2and who actually send patches and such upstream instead of flabbing their mouth on irc22:19
jubo2But I'm good at flabbing my mouth in irc22:19
jubo2They also say my cooking is good22:19
* skinux doesn't even know how to make a patch22:19
jubo2My code is horrible spaghetti.. I haven't coded in 7 yrs22:19
skinuxI mostly write in PHP22:20
jubo2I'm much better at human languages. I've been sampling language no. 9, Brasilian Portuguese22:20
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger22:20
jubo2Looks like Polish is gonna be lang no. 1022:20
skinuxPolish is a language?22:21
skinuxProgramming language, that is?22:21
jubo2They ( mostly ##learnanylanguage ) say that if you know one slavic language even a somewhat it's helpful in learning Polska22:21
jubo2skinux: nah.. I've tried some computer languages but I'm no good at them22:22
skinuxOh...spoken language22:22
skinuxI at least used to be good enough Java, might be good in PHP22:22
Wizardjubo2: Skarpetki, sandały i torba z biedronki. A teraz skończ.22:22
jubo2I hear ruby and haskell are really nice22:22
Wizardskinux: I code java daily at work.22:22
skinuxI've written databasing code in PHP, written most of a chat server in Java, C#, and Python22:23
jubo2voda? gazovnii dzikuje. Wizard: did that go even relatively right ?22:23
skinuxAs in, I mostly wrote it entirely in each language. I didn't use three languages for one program22:23
jubo2I want my water with bubbles22:23
jubo2Wizard: isn't dzinkuje thanks in Polska ?22:24
WizardTime to sleep22:24
WizardGood night ;)22:24
jubo2nighty night Wizardzor22:24
MamarokWizard: why do you call for ops?22:25
jubo2I hear there is this thing.. I think it was in Ruby.. you define the relations of the objects and it generates like 100% of the needed SQL22:26
jubo2that's pretty candy22:26
jubo2I used to wear the bench at academic CS in Uni of Helsinki for 11 yrs on-and-off22:26
Mamarokjubo2: you do know this is users support for Kubuntu, don't you?22:26
Mamarokso 'please stay on topic, or take your chat to #kubuntu-offtopic22:27
jubo2It is..? Well is there any problem. Mu Kubuntu14 I'm writing this one is excellent22:27
jubo2Mamarok: so reminecing about computery stuff is offtopic and.. yeah 'k 'k .. /j #kubuntu-offtopic22:28
valoriejubo2: this is a kubuntu help channel22:29
valorieplease keep other stuff in -offtopic -- it is a very friendly channel, don't worry22:29
Mamarokjubo2: the problem is the topic: user support, everything that is not users support is offtopic, else this would make users support here rather difficult if everybody is doing chit-chat here22:29
jubo2Mamarok: tru dat22:30
jubo2I'm going to see if I like lurking in #kubuntu-offtopic and thanks to all FLGOSS devels22:30
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ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger22:39
SelenaG!ops | (oerheks)22:40
ubottu(oerheks): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger22:40
ubottuHELP CHANNEL EMERGENCY!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger22:44
ubottuHELP CHANNEL EMERGENCY!\: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger22:45
Wash_JonesHey everyone. Trying to do a Kubuntu install with full disk encryption. Is there an alternate installer for that?22:54
valoriegood lord23:15
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mhall119valorie: are you aware that emails are being sent out as you to various mailing lists about "101 Pines/Horseshoe Lake"?23:42
valoriewhat a disaster23:43
valorieI've just heard23:43
k10_Hi all23:47

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