
gerlowskijaballoons: ping00:13
gerlowskijaDoes anyone know how to re-trigger a Phone-Apps-Jenkins-Bot build on an MP?  I'm completely blanking on how I've done it in the past.00:32
liuxgI am now using virtualbox on trusty. When I enable 3D acceleration, I got the following error: libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo01:13
liuxgthe opengl error on virtualbox  happens exactly the same as the one described here at https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1294101:16
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Akiva-Thinkpadhey all04:12
dholbachgood morning06:04
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nik90Good morning :)08:21
Mirvhey nik90 :)08:26
nik90Mirv: Hi :)08:27
nerochiarooSoMoN: I fixed the comments you made on https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-restrict-pick-content-type/+merge/230776 and improved a couple of things. We also discussed with Ken and Bill about the lack of tests, and concluded it's not really possible to add the until some work that Richard Huddy is doing now is completed. Bill is ok for now to not have tests on that branch08:30
nerochiarooSoMoN: do you think we can get it reviewed and in today ?08:30
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I’ll try to, but I’ve got a couple of urgent issues to fix in browser and webapp container, so it probably won’t be before later this afternoon08:31
oSoMoNputting it on my list anyway08:32
nerochiarooSoMoN: no problem even if it's tomorrow. I won't be around but I will look at it if there's anything I need to fix08:32
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Humanitarian Day! :-D09:30
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bzoltan1nik90: thanks for helping with the support :)11:59
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nik90bzoltan1: again np :)12:00
dholbachbeuno, lool: I followed up on the mailing list thread about where the frameworks info should live12:01
loolok thanks12:01
dholbachbeuno, you had less interest in the API scraping part of the discussion, right (just for call scheduling purposes)?12:02
dholbachlool, kalikiana, mhall119, bzoltan1: I sent out a meeting invite for the second part of the frameworks discussion we had yesterday (more api tracking)12:05
dholbachI'll send another mail about the "supporting apps running on different frameworks" subject, so we can figure out who we need for that discussion12:06
beunodholbach, indeed. I don't think the server has a lot to do there12:08
dholbachbeuno, if we should ever hook up the reviewers tools with some kind of api verification, you'll get that for free anyway12:09
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kalikianadholbach: hmmm I think I'll be sitting in the train(station) at that time so I'll probably not make it12:12
dholbachkalikiana, ok, let me reschedule12:12
kalikianacould we do it on friday same time?12:12
dholbachkalikiana, yeah, I was going to suggest the same :)12:12
dholbachmoved, let me all know if that works for you12:13
beunodholbach, exactly12:14
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pr_nizarHi guys! I'm new to Ubuntu developpement and searching for information regarding building apps through launchpad. I have a project of building a Qt5 webkit app and wanted to ask: how to use external tools in the build process? Let's say I wanted to use grunt to concatenate and minify js and css files prior of building the app. How to proceed?13:14
nerochiarorenatu: have you seen my email ?13:34
renatunerochiaro, yes13:34
nerochiarorenatu: will you take care of it then ?13:34
renatuI will take a look later, I am finishing some pending tasks first13:34
renatunerochiaro, yes I will take care of it13:34
nerochiarorenatu: thank you13:35
nerochiarooSoMoN: after the standup would you have a few minutes to help me with a problem I'm having in running AP tests on the device ? (or point me to someone who can help me ?)13:58
oSoMoNnerochiaro, sure, let’s talk after the standup13:58
kissielHi guys!14:32
kissieldo you know why labels of page head actions don't show up? ( like the ones in here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeadConfiguration/ )14:38
nik90kissiel: it is hard to debug without seeing any code :)14:38
kissielnik90, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8089418/14:38
nik90kissiel: the code looks okay to me. What errors do you see?14:40
kissielnik90, I don't see any labels (or icons in those examples) in the page head14:40
nik90kissiel: let me test it out. 1 min14:41
kissielnik90, sure, thanks!14:41
zyganik90: FYI: same result14:41
nik90zyga: yup, let me debug14:42
nik90zyga, kissiel: found the issue :)14:46
kissielnik90, yay, do share!14:46
nik90zyga, kissiel: You need to add "useDeprecatedToolbar: false" in MainView{}14:46
* kissiel checks14:46
nik90kissiel: that tells the SDK to use the new header action buttons instead of the old toolbars14:46
zyganik90: hmm, IIRC I had that set up but I got no labels14:47
zyganik90: just the buttons14:47
nik90zyga: yes, by default it only shows the icons14:47
kissielnik90, zyga, it fixes the icon issue, but labels are not there...14:48
nik90zyga: the text is shown only when the it is in the overflow menu which happens where there are more than 3 actions14:48
nik90kissiel: ^^14:48
kissielnik90, okay, so it's a feature :D14:49
nik90kissiel: yes :)14:49
nik90kissiel: If you report a bug against the SDK about making this clear in the documentation, I can improve it :)14:49
zyganik90: thanks for your help14:50
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nik90zyga: yw14:50
kissielnik90, thanks for explanation, much appreciated14:50
mhall119liuxg: kalikiana should be able to help you with U1DB14:57
liuxgmhall119, thanks14:57
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nik90balloons: hey16:06
nik90balloons: can you check why jenkins is failing https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/play-sound-preview/+merge/23095916:06
nik90balloons: that same branch passes all the time locally for me16:06
nik90balloons: for some reason the alarm sound page is empty in the video attached to the test failure16:07
balloons3 fails.. hmm16:07
nik90balloons: all related to the empty sound page16:07
* nik90 needs to go prepare dinner..will bbl (~1 hour)16:07
balloonsnik90, I would unpack the debs and ensure they are correct16:08
balloonsgerlowskija, does this fix everything with refresh issues and events? https://code.launchpad.net/~gerlowskija/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-for-bug1350605/+merge/23125216:17
nik90balloons: I installed the deb in my utopic vm, it runs fine and I can see the alarm sound page there16:27
nik90balloons: the desktop icon was blank, but I think restarting unity should fix that16:28
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balloonsnik90, both the app deb and the tests? and you ran the installed tests?16:32
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nik90balloons: no I tried only the app deb16:38
nik90balloons: If install the tests package, how do I run it using autopilot?16:38
balloonsI suppose it doesn't really matter though16:38
nik90balloons: as in where are they located16:39
nik90balloons: the tests pass from the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages as well16:44
popeyahayzen: am I right in saying https://bugs.launchpad.net/mediascanner2/+bug/1358275 is the only blocker for content-hub integration right now?16:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358275 in Ubuntu Music App "SongsModel.status is not set as MediaStatus.Ready if rowCount is zero" [High,New]16:48
ahayzenpopey, erm yeah 'blocker'16:49
ahayzenpopey, we have reverted our work so content-hub could land but it flickers at the moment, which is what ^^ woudl resolve16:49
ahayzenpopey, i'll poke victor to rereview tonight16:49
popeybfiller: ^^16:49
popeybe good to get the content-hub stuff landed asap so we can get testing on it16:50
ahayzenpopey, i'm just replying to jouni's mail with some screenshots of our listitem actions/bottom edge as he may not have seen/known we have them16:50
popeyand any glitches can be ironed out separately.16:50
ahayzenpopey, yep it is top of our list16:50
ahayzenpopey, that was our thought16:50
gerlowskijaballoons: I think so.  At least it fixes everything mentioned as part of that Launchpad bug.  I did a lot of manual testing adding/removing/editing events and couldn't reproduce any glitchy behavior.  I'm sure there's still a few bumps hanging around, so I wouldn't say it fixes "everything", but...progress16:50
ahayzenpopey, should hopefully land soon :)16:50
popeybrb, food making ..16:51
ahayzenpopey, i've started rewriting the ap tests as well :)16:51
ahayzenballoons, you got a moment?16:57
balloonsahayzen, only slightly pre-occupied :-)16:58
ahayzenballoons, ah i'm getting autopilot.exceptions.StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name 'MusicTracks' and properties {'objectName': 'tracksPage'}....16:58
ahayzenballoons, this is my diff http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8090468/16:59
ahayzenballoons, it can't seem to find the MusicTracks {} ... even if i put the objectName directly where MusicTracks is declared or in the file itself16:59
ahayzenballoons, is there anything obvious i may have missed using this new structure?17:00
balloonsahayzen, back?17:26
balloonsnik90, I can have a better look in a bit17:30
balloonsbut if you need jenkins re-runs or whatev's just ping in the meantime17:30
nik90balloons: I uncommented all the code in the alarmSound.qml file. Wait for jenkins to run again17:37
nik90balloons: so the only change in that MR is the debian changelog and ubuntu-touch-sounds dependency.17:38
nik90balloons: lets see if that passes17:38
nik90balloons: jenkins passed when I commented the changes17:44
nik90balloons: I uncommented few lines now. Can you trigger jenkins now pls17:44
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popeyballoons: do we have a "good" guide for setting up a cross-compiling environment?18:27
nik90popey: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/?18:38
nik90balloons: I am unable to debug the issue..It looks like when ever I use Audio{} or MediaPlayer{} objects it fails which is strange since the system settings app does the same thing18:39
nik90balloons: I am afraid this is purely a jenkins issue18:39
popeydoes the xkcd app in the store work for anyone els18:47
popeyit doesn't launch here. I get the splash screen forever18:48
popeynik90: thanks, i was thinking outside the sdk... but that'll do ☻18:51
ogra_popey, webkit framework ?18:52
ogra_there are issues with all webkit apps afaik18:52
davmor2popey: touch it18:53
davmor2popey: I can't test it looks like the store is having a rollout18:55
popeylooks like that forever18:56
davmor2popey: what ogra_ said18:57
twstddevGuys, does anybody need some help with development?19:12
nik90erm where is balloons?19:20
nik90popey: can you kick https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/play-sound-preview/+merge/230959 on jenkins pls19:20
popeysure, I believe jenkins is having some issues though19:20
popeylets see19:21
popeyhit the button19:21
balloonsthanks popey19:22
balloonsnik90, sorry I didn't read the backlog when I came back.. And xchat didn't tell me there was any!19:23
nik90balloons: np19:24
nik90balloons: I suspect it is a dependency issue..hopefully it passes now..if not I got no clue why it fails19:24
balloonsnik90, I'll look at the next output with you19:24
nik90balloons: it passed19:24
balloonsnik90, :-). Perfect timing for me19:24
nik90balloons: why can't jenkins say that...the console log not helpful I am afraid :/19:25
balloonsnik90, yea, things aren't always cut and dry19:25
nik90balloons: when I run ap tests with the -v argument, it shows me the qml error if they happen..may be should be appended to the jenkins output as well19:26
balloonsnik90, qml errors are in jenkins as well19:29
* balloons looks19:30
nik90balloons: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/PageWrapperUtils.js:42: Error: Error while loading page: file:///usr/share/ubuntu-clock-app/alarm/AlarmSound.qml:20 module "QtMultimedia" is not installed19:30
* nik90 looks silly19:30
balloonsI just saw the same19:30
balloonssorry, I never opened the log as I didn't have time earlier to really debug19:30
nik90well now I demand those errors be shown in bold :P19:30
balloonsI just viewed the video and confirmed what you said19:30
balloonsso double fail19:31
nik90I am happy to see it resolved..can move on to other stuff happily19:31
nik90popey: you got your the feature u wanted19:32
nik90bah .. too many grammatical errors19:32
popeythe playing of alarm sounds?19:33
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mihirhey balloons20:01
balloonshey mihir20:01
mihirballoons: regarding datepicker , i was thinking to create new test wich changes the date and create an event for next day , is that a good idea ?20:01
balloonsmihir, it is, but currently the datepicker tests won't work on the device due to the bug20:02
balloonsit's noted in the test source20:02
mihirballoons: bug in AP or Calendar?20:02
Letozaf_balloons, nik90  hello20:03
balloonsLetozaf_, buonasera20:03
balloonsmihir, in AP20:03
nik90Letozaf_: hi20:04
Letozaf_balloons, buonaser :)20:04
Letozaf_opps buonasera20:04
Letozaf_nik90, hi20:04
mihirballoons: okay , so shall I go ahead to modfiy that AP or we should do it once the bug is fixed ?20:04
balloonscome stai?20:04
Letozaf_balloons, nik90 I sent you guys an email, I have a couple of issues and then the two tests for clock/reboot app are finische20:04
Letozaf_balloons, io sto bene e tu ?20:04
* nik90 reads the email20:05
balloonsI'm fighting off being a little ill, but much better today :-)20:05
Letozaf_balloons, oh sorry :(20:05
balloonsmihir, you can go ahead and modify it.. I have the mp that needs to go into AP to fix the bug20:05
Letozaf_balloons, hope you will recover soon20:06
balloonsI tried to land it last week but failed. This week I'm going to do it!20:06
mihirnik90: i have merged MR with trunk, https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/CopyrightHeaderComments20:06
balloonsmihir, so you can develop it with the assumption it will work, hehe20:06
mihirballoons: okay , i'll do that20:06
balloonsmihir, it will run on the desktop and jenkins, so it shouldn't bother you20:06
mihirballoons: i'll be off for two days , going out of town .20:06
balloonsmihir, but don't merge till the bug is fixed20:06
balloonsmihir, perfect.. time for me to get it fixed, lol20:06
balloonsLetozaf_, grazi mille20:07
mihirballoons: got it, but what would you suggest, to create new test case which create an event on next day and assert that ?20:07
balloonsmihir, I would recommend doing scenarios for the add new event case20:07
balloonsdo you know how?20:07
nik90Letozaf_: I got an idea for the sleep20:07
balloonsnik90 has a great example with the clock app20:07
balloonsmihir, ^^20:07
nik90Letozaf_: why don't you wait for count to increase > 020:08
mihirballoons: as of now that scenario add new event without changing any date.20:08
balloonsmihir, basically you define a bunch of different inputs and send them to the same testcase20:08
balloonsso the test will run with different dates, times, guests, etc20:08
balloonsall in the same testcase20:09
Letozaf_nik90, I tried it, but probably I did it wrong, then :(  I will try again :P20:09
mihirballoons: okay , but i am confused regarding asserting created event , because we might have to change that as well.20:09
mihirballoons: if input says take next day, then our asserting should go to the next day and then verify the event, is that correct?20:10
nik90Letozaf_: you used the wait for test incorrectly when checking if the correct alarm sound was set20:10
qtroshi guys20:10
nik90Letozaf_: I fixed that in one of my MPs. Let me grab the link for you20:10
nik90Letozaf_: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/22581220:10
nik90Letozaf_: check out the emulator.py code diff20:10
Letozaf_nik90, ok thanks I will20:10
qtrosI use image r199, I've found that System setting app crashes if I am trying to see information about OS twice20:11
balloonsmihir, mm, yes I understand what you mean. We might need to make that more robust20:11
mihirballoons: hmmm , that's why i thought we can create new test case , which will create an event on next day , previous day and assert that may be , just a thought20:12
balloonsLetozaf_, without looking the other option is to wait_for_destroyed or .visbile.wait_for(false), etc20:12
nik90qtros: let me try20:12
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balloonsif there's an animation container that helps20:12
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balloonsmihir, yes but we want to create tests for next month, next year, etc.. Too many tests to clone20:12
mihirballoons: hmmmm , i see20:13
nik90qtros: yup I see the issue20:13
nik90qtros: report bug?20:13
balloonsmihir, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot/tutorial/advanced_autopilot.html#test-scenarios20:13
Letozaf_balloons, ok I think I already tried the visible one but I will try again and also the other ones, thanks20:13
nik90qtros: me and popey will confirm20:13
qtrosnik90 don't know what can cause it)20:13
qtrosnik90 yes I can do it, share URL with me)20:14
nik90qtros: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings20:14
qtrosnik90 thx)20:15
Letozaf_nik90, should I fix the wait for test  when checking if the correct alarm sound was set or will your MP fix it and so I better non touch ?20:15
nik90Letozaf_: oh my MP is already merged to trunk.20:15
qtrosnik90 hmm... launchpad says "ubuntu-system-settings must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers"20:16
Letozaf_nik90, oh didn't see that :P20:16
nik90qtros: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings20:16
nik90Letozaf_: :)20:16
Letozaf_nik90, thanks so I will merge from trunk20:16
mihirnik90: you have created AP with scenarios , right?20:17
nik90Letozaf_: keep merging from trunk everytime you start to work on your branch.20:17
nik90mihir: yes20:17
nik90mihir: the doc explains quite nicely20:17
mihirnik90: could you provide link for reference?20:17
mihirnik90: yup , i am reading that too20:17
Letozaf_nik90, ok20:17
nik90mihir: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_clock_app/tests/test_alarm.py#L3020:18
mihirnik90: thanks20:19
qtrosnik90 done https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/135891520:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1358915 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Application crashes when I am trying to look information about OS" [Undecided,New]20:24
nik90karni: hey, you the developer of telegram?20:29
dakerybon: battery life is a little bit better in the last two images https://i.imgur.com/toBKZeE.png20:36
dakernik90: dup bug 134932620:44
ubot5bug 1349326 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "In about Phone if you select OS hit back and select something else that goes to a new page it crashes the app" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134932620:44
nik90daker: yup20:44
nik90didnt know about that bug20:45
dakerthe only thing i get before the u-s-s crash is :20:50
daker** (process:22521): WARNING **: Couldn't parse desktop file /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.clock/1.0.430/com.ubuntu.clock_clock.desktop20:50
nik90daker: eh? what does clock have to do with it20:57
dakerthe desktop file is corrupted20:58
dakerhere is the content http://paste.ubuntu.com/8092170/20:58
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nik90balloons: hey, could you do me a favor?21:04
balloonsnik90, sure21:04
nik90balloons: In https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-first-qmltest/+merge/230702 can you check if the readme files make sense and if you are able to run the unit tests21:06
nik90balloons: I added them to help elopio and fginther`eventually use that to set up jenkins21:06
ahayzenballoons, back!21:16
ahayzenballoons, did u get a change to look at the diff?21:17
balloonsahayzen, you are back :-)21:20
balloonsnik90, I suspect fginther` will run with qmltestrunner, not make21:22
nik90balloons: ah ok21:23
balloonsahayzen, so I would do some dump_tree() commands and run again, grabbing the parent object you expect contains musictracks21:23
ahayzenballoons, hmmm ok...i'll try that21:23
ahayzenballoons, does my code look right ... as this is my first attempt using the py classes as QML objects21:24
balloonsahayzen, that should give us a good view of what autopilot sees. From there we can debug why things look they way they do21:24
balloonsahayzen, off the cuff yes.. It would be easier with an mp / branch21:24
ahayzenballoons, yep i'll push when i get it working :P21:25
ahayzenballoons, or dump something in +junk if i'm really struggerling21:25
balloonsahayzen, lol, ok, that's my recommendations21:25
ahayzenballoons, let me see what dump_tree gives21:26
balloonsfor now however, I must be off, my apologies. I'm a bit under the weather21:26
ahayzenballoons, no worries thanks for ur help :)21:26
balloonssend along an mp, just set it to work in progress and I can look indepth much easier tomorrow21:26
ahayzenballoons, ok will do thanks21:26
ahayzenballoons, i'll add u as the reviewer so u get notified21:27
nik90balloons: I added instructions for both "make test" and "qmltestrunner"21:32
nik90balloons: I am going to top approve and merge now if you didnt notice any thing fully wrong with the readme files21:33
ahayzennik90, o/21:43
ahayzennik90, in ur clock ap tests didn't you use like PageN where N is a number? ... as the tracksPage is appearing as Page10 for me...21:43
nik90ahayzen: yeah i got that as well (well carla got it)21:44
nik90I got Page1121:44
ahayzennik90, did i see you discussing the other day that u had figured out how to get around it?21:44
ahayzen...or was i dreaming21:44
ahayzennik90, i'm intrigued why some of them work and some dont'?! http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.0/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntu_clock_app/emulators.py21:46
nik90ahayzen: in the old clock app I had this issue when the page you are referring to didnt have many qml elements to differentiate it from a normal page21:48
nik90ahayzen: not sure if it is the same issue in the new clock app as well21:48
ahayzennik90, hmm maybe it is just the ones directly on a tab?21:49
nik90ahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-clock-app/new-add_world_city_test/+merge/23113121:49
ahayzennik90, as eg class EditAlarmPage(Page): would be a pushed page?21:49
nik90ahayzen: could be21:49
ahayzennik90, using Page10 seems to have worked so i'll use that for now and see what balloons thinks when he is next around21:52
nik90ahayzen: we have the issue as well, so let's see how that can be fixed21:54
ahayzennik90, it would be nice to fix as what happens if that number changes!21:55
nik90yup I had that exact concern :D21:55

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