
=== fginther is now known as fginther`
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=== om26er|away is now known as om26er
thomibarry: Got a second?20:06
barrythomi: yep20:06
thomibarry: yesterday I managed to fix all the failing tests in python3-openid!20:06
thomiI made a pull request, and it was merged last night \o/20:07
barrythomi: awesome!20:07
thomithe upstream dev also mentioned that they'll do another release soon, so that's nice20:07
thomiright, that's the good news :)20:07
thomithe bad news is that...20:07
thomiDuring a package build, I still get a failure:20:07
barrythomi: how are you building the package?20:08
thomibarry: which looks to me like it's related the the encvironment the package is built in not having some env var that sets the default codec or something20:08
thomibarry: with sbuild20:08
thomiI make a src package with 'bzr bd -S' then build it with 'sbuild -Ad utopic python3-openid_3.0.2-1.dsc'20:09
barrythomi: yep, that's it.  there's a file that's expecting a default system encoding, which on your desktop is probably some UTF-8 encoding.  there's no default encoding in sbuild20:09
barry*really schroot environment20:09
thomibarry: that's odd though, is that the traceback doesn't match the source code20:09
thomiwhen it complains about this:20:10
thomi  File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/openid/test/trustroot.py", line 76, in pyUnitTests20:10
thomi    test_data = test_data_file.read()20:10
thomithe upstream line is actually:20:10
thomioh wait20:10
thomiOK, it *does* match20:10
thomibut the complete code is this:20:10
thomitest_data_file_name = os.path.join(here, 'data', 'trustroot.txt')20:10
thomi    test_data_file = open(test_data_file_name, encoding='utf-8')20:10
thomiI thought that since it was specifying an encoding in the open call, we should be good?20:11
barryyes, should be!20:11
thomiOK, that traceback really *doesn't* matcht he source code - it's off by one line, which is what confused me20:12
barryany possibility there's a quilt patch mucking things up?20:12
thomithere is a quilt patch, which is the changes I made to make the tests pass, but that should be applied when the tests are run, right?20:13
thomibarry: perhaps you could try? lp:~thomir/+junk/python3-openid is the packaging branch...20:13
* barry tries20:14
barryreproducible.  entering chroot20:17
thomiI realise now that I should have made sure I could build the package before submirring the PR. ahh well20:18
barryhang on20:21
barryin the chroot, i see:20:21
barry    test_data_file = open(test_data_file_name)20:21
barry 20:21
barryno encoding20:21
barrydo you perhaps have a quilt patch that isn't included in the branch?20:22
thomino, there's only the one patch20:22
thomiI bet it's in upstream, but not in the release20:23
barrythat would explain it!20:23
thomilet's see...20:23
thomihmmm, nope, that works20:24
thomioh wait20:24
thomiyeah, that's it :)20:25
thomibarry: so I guess I just make tmy quilt patch include that line, until upstream does a new release?20:25
barrythomi: yes.  take a look and see if they have a revision that matches just this change.  often you can just import upstream's changeset as the quit patch20:26
barryif not, just make sure the description or other patch headers indicate that it can be dropped when upstream makes a new release20:27
thomibarry: how's your git fu?20:28
thomiusing git annotate, I can see that that line was introduced in a separate commit, which is hopeful20:28
barrythomi: so-so but improving :)20:28
thomithe commit revno looks like 9770cb66 ?20:28
thomior is that something else?20:28
thomibut I'm not sure how to ask diff to show me what was introduced in that commit20:29
barrygit doesn't have monotonic revnos like bzr, it has sha (1? 256?) hashes.  the above is a shorthand for the full hash20:29
barrythomi: yeah, this is why i "love" git :(20:30
thomiit looks like I can do: git diff <commit> <commit>20:30
thomibut I'm not sure how to say "<commit> +1"20:30
barrythere are ^ and ~ involved i think20:30
barrylet me see if i have a git repo handy20:31
thomibarry: got it:20:31
thomigit diff 9770cb66..9770cb66~120:32
barryi think you can always just do `git diff -c <revision>`20:32
barryyeah, that's it20:32
thomibarry: can I blindly append one patch to another? or are there headers that can only happen at the top of the patch file?20:52
thomiwhere 'patch' == 'the ouput from git diff'20:52
barrythomi: you can append them.  the file is basically patch(1) compatible20:53
barryusually i group them logically, i.e. here's all the stuff that fixes bug #1234520:53
ubot5bug 12345 in isdnutils (Ubuntu) "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234520:53
barryoops :)20:53
thomiwow, isdn... blast from the past20:54
barrythomi: the point being you want to make it easy for you later to just delete the patch when upstream releases a fix20:54
barryi.e. when they fix bug #120:54
ubot5bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:54
thomiI love that the Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo team has taken it upon themselves to fix the bug20:55
thomithat doesn't work20:56
thomibarry: still around?23:35

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