
=== fginther is now known as fginther`
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=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
seb128good morning desktopers08:00
Sweetsha1kcan has coffee?08:04
Sweetsha1kvisible "hai desktopers!"08:05
* Sweetsha1k needs to learn to write lolcode more fluently. We should make that the default language for ./debian/rules.08:06
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
willcookemorning all08:10
seb128hey Laney, Sweetshark, willcooke08:21
seb128wie gehts?08:21
willcookedut, danke08:22
seb128nice, bregma has a workaround for the unity8-desktop-next login issue08:23
seb128code workaround in compiled code08:23
seb128but that's a step toward a solution ;-)08:23
willcookewoot!  Thanks bregma, just in time for my new touchscreen laptop arriving08:23
Laneywhat is this define?!?!?!08:24
willcookeha, DONT_HANG_DESKTOP08:25
willcookeseb128, @ email08:27
seb128that mp seems incomplete/buggy to me08:27
seb128it's also weird it only change a mock08:27
seb128willcooke, did you read it yet?08:27
willcookereading it now08:27
willcookemakes sense08:27
ochosihey folks08:27
seb128hey ochosi08:27
willcookeI think I made a typo, not 16.10..  14.1008:27
seb128I was unsure08:27
ochosisince FF is approaching, are there any plans to upgrade e.g. evince or file-roller to 3.12?08:28
seb128ochosi, no08:28
ochosii'm just asking cause we (xubuntu) are very happy with 3.1008:28
seb128those use csd08:28
ochosisince there is no csd08:28
ochosiah, good :)08:28
ochosithat was basically what i wanted to know08:28
seb128good then ;-)08:28
ochosii guess there'll still be 3rd party apps with csd in the repos though08:29
seb128willcooke, I was unsure, because the plan for 14.10 would be minimal if we decide to not do the transition this cycle08:29
seb128ochosi, right, nothing you can do against that though. Like they are motif apps in the repos, users can choose to use them or not08:29
willcookeseb128, yeah - I think you're plan is very sensible.08:29
ochosiseb128: sure, just as long as the apps we install by default don't look totally out of place i'm more or less ok with anything else ;)08:29
seb128ochosi, same for us, we do control of things that are installed by default, because we push them to users08:30
seb128things that can be installed, users can get them and see if they like what they get or not, and if they don't, look for alternative options08:30
ochosiyup, totally agreed08:31
ochosii guess for 15.04 we'll need a new plan though, i guess it'll be hard to keep CSD out forever08:31
seb128yeah, it's going to be the same discussion as every cycle...08:33
seb128either make csd work well enough !gnome-shell, or patch apps or replace them08:33
Laney"Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked"08:34
Laneythis is an abort()08:34
Laneythat's what kills Do08:34
ochosiseb128: hmm yeah. i guess unity and xfce are on the same side on this subject08:34
RAOFLaney: Yeah.08:35
LaneyRAOF: you looked into where it comes from?08:35
RAOFLaney: I suspect the same update has killed Geary in some way - both new and old versions never finish loading the main window.08:35
LaneyThere's a new implementation of GMutex in this glib08:36
Laneyecf13591 glib/gthread-posix.c    (Ryan Lortie                2014-06-29 17:47:10 -0400 1320)       fprintf (stderr, "Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked\n");08:37
Laneyecf13591 glib/gthread-posix.c    (Ryan Lortie                2014-06-29 17:47:10 -0400 1321)       abort ();08:37
willcookehey larsu08:38
larsuwillcooke: good morning!08:39
larsuand hi everyone else, good to see you :)08:39
RAOFLaney: Ah, yes. Downgrading glib fixes Geary, too.08:40
seb128oh, a larsu!08:40
seb128larsu, wb ;-)08:40
LaneyRAOF: Was it this same abort()?08:40
RAOFLaney: No, it didn't abort(), it just deadlocked.08:40
larsuhi seb128 :)08:40
seb128what did you do to glib!08:41
* RAOF suspects that the new GMutex is not all that and a bag of potato chips08:41
Laneyhey larsu!08:41
Laneygood hols?08:41
larsuLaney: _very_ good08:42
larsuLaney: currently waking up after a long sleep (just got back last night)08:43
larsuglad to see the computer still works :)08:43
Laneydon't upgrade glib :P08:43
* Sweetshark somehow lost track when the discussion turned to when cristopher street day will become part of Ubuntu.08:46
* Sweetshark scans backlog.08:46
LaneySweetshark: go save Munich plz08:47
SweetsharkLaney: :/ -- no comment on that one in public. But yeah, working on it obviously.08:48
jpdsYou just commented on it in public.08:48
LaneyRAOF: ah, I know the Geary one08:50
Laneyit's a vala code generation issue, no-change rebuild against current vala fixes it08:50
Sweetsharkjpds: well yeah. I know about the issue, thats it as a public statement.08:50
ochosiseb128: just out of curiosity, did you patch the open-file dialog (cause iirc that also has CSD in gtk3.12)?08:51
RAOFLaney: That's only exposed by the new glib?08:51
RAOFLaney: Because downgrading glib makes it work without a rebuild.08:51
ubot5Gnome bug 733500 in Code Generator "Vala's handling of GMutex/GCond structs causes deadlocks" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]08:51
seb128ochosi, yes08:51
ochosiseb128: ok :) i was afraid what would happen when i hit file -> open in utopic and then felt extremely relieved to see that it's not broken :>08:52
ochosithanks for that!08:52
seb128that's one of the things that we had on the "need to be fixed before landing new GTK"08:52
seb128thanks to larsu, he did the work ;-)08:53
ochosithanks larsu :)08:53
Sweetsharkseb128: so, I guess I have a fix for bug 1357700, but havent checked the upgrade path yet (e.g. build in ppa, update to it from a vanilla VirtualBox).09:05
ubot5bug 1357700 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-base 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libjdbclo.so', which is also in package libreoffice-base-drivers 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135770009:05
seb128Sweetshark, wasn't that one of the commits your pointed me at yesterday?09:05
Sweetsharkwanna sponsor as is to quickly fix this, or wait a few hours for the ppa build.09:06
seb128it can wait a few hours I think09:06
Sweetsharkyes, that was the commits yesterday -- took some time to build locally :/09:06
willcookeseb128, initial reports are that the guys in China are OK with not switching to fcitx for 14.1009:29
Laneywait what09:29
willcookeLaney, I'm worried that switching wholesale at this point is too risky.09:30
willcookewe can still get the support in for indicators, control centre etc, but making it the default today (2 days ahead of feature freeze) is, IMHO, a big risk09:30
seb128Laney, the mir is a stack of components and didrocks listed a list of issues and is on holidays, I even doubt we are going to manage to get it promoted this week09:31
seb128Laney, we are suggesting changing the goal for "enable support for fcitx, don't install it by default/don't make it used for Chinese" for this cycle09:32
seb128we can discuss that during the meeting later09:32
LaneyI know about the issues, this is just coming as a surprise (I didn't see it discussed on channel)09:33
seb128we are discussing it now :p09:33
seb128discussion started earlier over email, we are sort of moving it to IRC there09:33
Laneywe could make im-config support a conf.d directory so that other people can override the default if they want09:36
Laneyotherwise, fair enough, should have worked on the MIR earlier09:36
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fcitx/+bug/135622209:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1356222 in librime (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fcitx and related packages" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:38
seb128Laney, look at that one09:38
seb128that and I don't see anyone picking up that review while didrocks is on vac09:38
LaneyI saw it09:39
seb128so we would need a freeze exception, it feels like to much forcing in without strong rational09:39
LaneyIf we're talking about Kylin it is universe anyway & what we decide shouldn't necessarily bother them too much09:39
seb128Kylin is already on fcitx since saucy09:40
Sweetsharkseb128: building https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice-staging-proposed/+builds?build_state=building09:42
seb128Sweetshark, is that new? I though it was building since yesterday?09:42
seb128oh ok, seems it's a new upload, k09:43
seb128k, I'm out for some errands and early lunch, back in an hour09:45
willcookemorning qengho09:54
qenghohiya, will!09:55
willcookeqengho, how was the first day of big school?09:55
willcookethat was your kid, right?09:56
qenghowillcooke: my kid had a great first day.09:58
qenghowillcooke: When asked, the only memorable parts were, playdoh is awesome, and he likes where he sits at lunch.09:59
willcookeAnd this afternoon you'll ask what he did you'll be told "nothing" or "I can't remember"10:00
SweetsharkLaney, jpds: here is some nice info on munich: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fpiratenpartei-bayern.de%2F2014%2F08%2F19%2Fmuenchener-it-zurueck-in-die-vergangenheit%2F&edit-text=&act=url10:20
popeyseb128: if you have time, could you take a look at this merge to help our MATE running friends? ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu/utopic/policykit-desktop-privileges/mate-fixes/10:36
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seb128popey, hey, sure11:26
popeythanks seb12811:26
seb128qengho, hey, what happened to the fixed chromium that was supposed to be uploaded yesterday?11:26
seb128still seems buggy on utopic today11:26
qenghoseb128: I didn't find the problem. I'm bisecting build-deps to find the cause now.11:27
seb128qengho, oh ok, I though you said you would have a fixed version "today"?11:28
qenghoseb128: I was too optimistic.11:29
seb128qengho, it shouldn't take us over a week to get back to a working browser when we upload a buggy version :/11:29
qenghoseb128: the same source works on P and T. Something changed elsewhere in U.11:30
seb128qengho, right, I understand, still we ought to be able to resolve those issues in less than a week, that's too long of a time to let use down without a working browser11:30
qenghoseb128: can I build on T and have that uploaded to U?11:31
qenghoI didn't think so.11:31
seb128but you can force a compiler version11:31
seb128like build with gcc 4.8 if 4.9 is the issue11:31
seb128since we have both versions in the archive11:31
seb128gatox, hey11:40
gatoxseb128, hi.. i was just about to ping you11:40
seb128gatox, do you still plan to resume work on the updates panel? I was pondering reworking the UI to use a Column rather than anchors, that would make easier to resolve some of the UI issues, but I don't want to conflict work11:40
seb128gatox, oh, about settings I guess? ;-)11:41
gatoxseb128, i was about to ask you if someone else is working in updates... because i'm still with some tasks of pay... and eveytime i think i'm done, a new task appear :P so i don't know for sure when i'm going to be able to look into that11:41
seb128gatox, ok, I'm going to start on the UI reshuffle then11:42
gatoxseb128, so..... go ahead... and if at some point i can go back to updates... i'll start a fresh branch for whatever11:42
seb128gatox, I might also change the widget for list items to be a column11:42
seb128gatox, it would be nice if you could finish your work on the battery check though11:42
gatoxseb128, yes... but i haven't have the time for that :S11:43
seb128what is missing?11:43
gatoxseb128, it was having issues with QtSettings not working properly on the n4... just that... and i tried to look at the battery plugin to see if i could use that... but i think it doesn't provide the proper info that updates need to check (but this last part is not necessary if QtSettings works in the phone)11:45
seb128QtSystems you mean, right?11:46
gatoxseb128, yes, sorry.... that11:46
seb128I guess I can try to have a look to that as well, if I'm done with the UI changes and you are still busy with the pay work by then11:47
gatoxseb128, if QtSystems is working now on the phone (that it should), the branch is ready11:47
seb128gatox, ok, let me try it11:47
seb128RAOF, 2.41 is an unstable serie, that's not a bugfix update ;-)11:49
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
pittidesrt_: hey Ryan, how are you?13:03
pittidesrt_: would you mind wrapping a systemd-shim 7 tarball?13:03
pittidesrt_: I fixed a few small bugs, and we could package that properly instead of the debian/patches mess that we have ATM13:04
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?13:04
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und dir?13:04
seb128auch gut, danke ;-)13:05
seb128hey kenvandine13:05
kenvandinehey seb12813:05
pittihey kenvandine13:05
pittikenvandine: ooh -- you are someone who could review/approve https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/notify-osd/fix-autopkgtest/+merge/219293 (which is trivial and has been lingering for 3 months)13:06
pittikenvandine: *batting eyelashes*13:06
seb128pitti, done13:07
seb128pitti, feel free to do a land for it (or I can do one for you if you want)13:08
seb128speaking of landing13:08
seb128kenvandine, I would like to do an u-s-s one today, we have a few nice fixes there13:08
seb128do you have anything else you want to get lined up for it?13:08
kenvandineseb128, planning to13:08
pittiseb128: if it's not too much trouble for you? landing process has changed 5 times since my training, and I haven't actually done any13:08
kenvandineseb128, i think so13:08
seb128pitti, k, doing it13:08
kenvandinei need to check fixes from jgdx first13:08
pittiseb128: or, if you have a pointer to docs and some minutes to hand-hold me, I'm also willing to learn13:09
seb128kenvandine, you handle the landing for u-s-s then?13:09
seb128pitti, that works too13:09
kenvandineseb128, will do13:11
seb128pitti, I don't know if there is documentation on how to do landings :/13:11
seb128pitti, but it's basically "add a line to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain" (which is self explanatory mostly)13:12
seb128pitti, then drive things from http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/13:12
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:13
seb128pitti, want to do the notify-osd one together?13:13
pittiseb128: sure, thanks!13:13
pittiseb128: who is the "lander"?13:13
seb128pitti, you13:13
seb128whoever does the landing/clicking on buttons13:14
seb128pitti, you can skip comments if you don't have any13:14
seb128pitti, I don't think notify-osd has a testplan, you can write something like "restart an unity desktop session and check that notifications are still working"13:15
pittiseb128: you can see me typing?13:15
seb128pitti, not typing, but once you validate an entry I see it13:15
seb128I also see on which one you are13:15
pittiseb128: I'm adding line 3613:15
pittiseb128: "QA signoff needed" -> ?13:15
seb128pitti, so you don't need qa signoff for a small change like that13:15
seb128that's usually when you have disruptive changes and want QA to run the tests for you as well13:16
pittiseb128: MP following guidelines -> which guidelines?13:16
pittiit has a commit message, signoff from jenkins, but not much else13:16
seb128the ones for the projects, I don't think notify-osd has somes13:16
seb128just put "yes" ;-)13:16
pittiseb128: ok, let me quickly re-run this, as it's already three months old13:17
seb128pitti, do you have access to the "landing team tools" menu on the gdoc page?13:17
pittiseb128: sorry, can't see where this is?13:18
seb128pitti, if you have it, after "help" in the gdoc menubar13:18
pittiseb128: sorry, are we talkign about the landing sheet here?13:18
seb128but that might be a group where sil2100 needs to add you (from memory)13:19
seb128since sil2100 is away for a while I can do that action for you now, and we can have him adding you when he's back13:19
pitti"Find" doesn't find anything related to "Help" except comments from unity8 landingd13:20
pittimeh, the tests fail now13:21
pittiyay for stalling test fixes for 3 months13:21
pittiit's still a correct change of course, but apparently not sufficient any more13:21
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/landing.png13:21
seb128pitti, easier to explain with a screenshot :p13:22
pittiseb128: ah, I do have that13:22
seb128pitti, you have "assign to silo" in it?13:22
seb128so you have access13:22
seb128but need to fix the mp first13:23
willcookelooky what I got:  https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/--AZ0v-MtSIg/U_NQrbVIIxI/AAAAAAAAH0Y/j65hOUlBvAo/w1207-h905-no/IMG_0626.JPG13:28
seb128willcooke, nice13:29
willcookeFirst things first, take it apart13:29
seb128you got a new disk to put in there?13:29
willcookeyeah, bought a cheapo 64GB SS13:30
seb128that's going to make the machine nicer to user13:30
willcookeSo far, I'm loving the form factor and the touch screen13:30
seb128yeah, that laptop is quite nice13:31
seb128not too heavy, nice materials13:32
seb128you also easily get used to tap the screen to click on buttons ;-)13:32
seb128pitti, sorry about the mp status change spam, tried to get the ui to display the current revision as approved, I think I got it13:36
pittiseb128: ok, fixed now, MP updated and tested in both failing (for showing the log) and succeeding case; I set "testing pass" to Yes now13:37
pittiseb128: thanks13:37
seb128pitti, ok, so now you can go to the gdoc, select your line and use the landing tool -> assign to silo item13:38
pittiseb128: I suppose request ID and assigned silo get auto-generated?13:38
pitti"This app needs authorization to run.13:38
pittiok, it didn't complain13:39
pittibut also didn't apparently do anything to my line13:39
Laneyblerk, why doesn't this monitor turn on?13:39
seb128pitti, the sync takes some time, did it open a jenkins page or something?13:40
davmor2willcooke: ahhhhh my eyes kill it, kill it with fire ;)   Nice laptop though you might need to improve the os a bit though :)13:40
pittiseb128: no, just the google auth, then got me back to the gdoc13:40
seb128pitti, hum, can you try again?13:40
Laneythe first auth often doesn't work13:40
Laneythe first operation after authenticating*13:40
pittiseb128: ah, now I get a box "Reconfigure row 36 in an Existing Silo"13:40
seb128pitti, oh, so it probably worked previous time13:41
willcookedavmor2, :DD13:41
pittiseb128: ack, after "Proceed" now I got a jenkins page13:41
willcookedavmor2, it's ok, the back is off now13:41
pittiseb128: I'm on https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/13:41
seb128pitti, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/1465/console13:41
seb128pitti, suggest it went wrong13:41
seb128pitti, did you pick "assign silo"?13:41
pittiseb128: yes, but pehaps it conflicted with the previous failed one?13:42
pittiwhat Laney said13:42
seb128pitti, that's weird, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/ has no recent job before the failing one13:42
seb128pitti, delete the request id and try again?13:43
pitti"Assign row 36 to a New Silo"13:43
pittiah, that sounds better13:43
pitti" Assign a silo with preproduction CI Train code. "13:43
pittido I want that?13:43
seb128where is that option?13:44
seb128don't change any default13:44
seb128just click through?13:44
pittiseb128: http://picpaste.com/silo.png13:45
seb128just click the blue label13:45
seb128you got silo 01813:45
seb128pitti, you can use http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=notify now13:46
seb128pitti, go there and click "build"13:46
pittiseb128: ah, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/ updated now13:46
seb128pitti, that brings you to a jenkins page, no box to check, just click the button13:46
pittiseb128: OOI, where do I get that link?13:47
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=notify13:47
seb128pitti, you have a row with red labels13:47
seb128those are links13:47
seb128018 ppa ...13:47
seb128"Build" in that line13:47
seb128pitti, good, now you need to wait for the build to be done, switch the "testing" case in the gdoc to yes and then you can click "publish" to upload to distro13:48
* Laney cries13:48
seb128pitti, then "clean" once it migrated in release13:48
pittiseb128: ack13:48
pittiseb128: merci beaucoup pour ton aide !13:48
seb128Laney, what's the issue?13:48
seb128pitti, de rien !13:48
Laneydead monitor13:49
Laneytried swapping kettle lead, no luck13:50
* Laney flips the desk13:50
willcookeLaney, got a big TV you could use for now?13:50
LaneyI have two monitors anyway13:51
Laneybut that is inhumane :P13:51
willcookeHow old is it?13:51
LaneyI would say 6-7 years13:52
willcookeLaney, it had a good innings :)13:52
Laney"it had a good life"13:52
davmor2Laney: if you can't answer that straight away it's too old :D13:52
* Laney steals davmor2's gear13:52
Laneyyou're away from home anyway :D13:52
davmor2No I'm not13:53
Laneyoh shit /me runs13:53
* davmor2 ties Laney to a chair and reads Vogon Poetry to him for hours13:54
* Laney exits through the airlock13:55
* willcooke is running out of limbs.13:56
willcookeHow am going to operate my digital watch now?13:56
attente_hey Laney, what's the right way to conditionally install a file based on debian v. ubuntu?13:58
ogra_willcooke, get rid of it ... use an ubuntu phone13:58
Laneyhello attente_13:58
Laneyyou can test dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu in debian/rules13:58
* willcooke still thinks digital watches are a pretty neat idea13:58
LaneyI would try to avoid doing this if you can though13:58
davmor2ogra_: it's a watch, willcooke will probably want to tell the time on it13:58
ogra_davmor2, details :P13:59
attente_Laney, sorry, can't figure out a way around it :(13:59
willcookesheeeesh.  Startup disk creator is not good13:59
* popey hugs his Casio F-91W13:59
ogra_willcooke, but digital watches are so big ! http://www.jogis-roehrenbude.de/Leserbriefe/Bruegmann-Digital-Roehren-Clock/Digital-Roehrenuhr.htm14:00
willcookeoooh!  Filth :)14:00
davmor2ogra_: a pretty important detail to be fair ;)14:01
ogra_heh, just a small one14:02
willcookegoing to reboot14:03
willcookestart up disk creator hosed my machine14:06
willcookescrew this14:09
willcookeI'm using dd14:10
davmor2willcooke: what did you do?14:10
willcooketried to use it14:10
ogra_yeah, dont do that :P14:10
willcookeevery time I try and erase a USB HDD it falls over and leaves loads of umount processes running14:11
willcookethen it moans about dbus timeouts14:11
seb128yeah, usb-creator is buggy :/14:11
willcookeand how :D14:11
willcookenow I have defunt umount processes14:12
willcookeso I will reboot again and then just use dd14:12
Laneytry "Disks" first14:14
LaneyI would like to spend some time on usb-creator14:14
ogra_just drop it and write a UI for dd :)14:14
seb128disks works fine14:15
seb128and we preinstall it14:15
seb128that's what I usually use to put isos on usb keys14:15
ogra_oh, as dd fronted ?14:15
* ogra_ didnt know it can do that 14:15
willcookeseb128, Laney - use "restore an image" in disks?14:16
qenghorobru: What arch are you using? Is it utopic?14:16
desrt_pitti: i'll do that today14:17
seb128pitti, you can publish notify-osd if you want14:17
willcookehere we go again14:20
willcookemaybe this free USB keyring I got is the problem :)14:22
willcookegnome-disks[2776]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fa6abfdef7f sp 00007fff9da2ce70 error 4 in libgio-2.0.so.0.4000.0[7fa6abeff000+16b000]14:24
willcookereplaced the USB stick with a branded one, and now we're getting somewhere14:25
willcookedisks ftw14:25
willcookemuch easier14:26
ogra_we should make the startup-disk-creator just open disks at the right page ;)14:26
seb128pitti, seems like Mirv published it for you14:26
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pittiseb128: je suis retour à maison maintenant14:30
pittiseb128: ah, good; thanks Mirv, I was about to give them a quick test on my laptop, but so much the better :)14:30
seb128even better, Mirv is taking the blame for clicking the button if it's buggy :p14:31
willcookeseb128, who is in charge of the installer?  When it's asking me to connect to a wifi AP it's listed the APs in alphabetical order, I think it would be better in signal strength order (appreciate that's easier said than done, but I can at least ask(14:31
seb128willcooke, nobody14:31
seb128xnox was sort of the maintainer14:32
seb128but he left Canonical recently14:32
Laneythe new xnox, who doesn't exist yet14:32
seb128not sure anyone else got put in charge14:32
LaneyI'd file a bug on ubiquity14:32
willcookegood plan, thx seb12814:32
Mirvpitti: it shouldn't be marked as "Testing done" if testing is still underway :)14:32
seb128I wouldn't be surprised if that was already known/filed, check launchpad before filing it14:32
Laneymaybe even exists14:32
Laneysearch first14:32
Laney(HIGH FIVE!)14:32
* willcooke searches14:32
* Laney goes to review & upload dbus14:32
pittiMirv: I tested a local build; sorry about that, my first landing for a fair while14:33
Laneyyeah pre-feature-freeze crack14:33
pittiLaney: new major version?14:33
Laneyyou want to review instead?14:33
pittiLaney: I faintly seem to remember having tested that a bit, but I can't remember any more what held it up14:33
seb128Laney, I'm running it for a day on my i386 utopic, wfm14:33
Laneydunno, I've been running it for a few days and it seems good here14:33
pittiLaney: nah, got enough to do; if you tested it and desktop and phone works, pump it in14:34
pittiLaney: I got my today's share of blame with util-linux already :)14:34
pittiseb128: bah, corner-case architecture only :-P14:34
seb128pitti, yeah, somebody needs to test those ;-)14:34
Laneyseb128: do you still install new systems with i386?14:35
pittiseb128: so wrt "Simple mass-change: Mark universe packages for langpacks:", perhaps I should use my new landing sk1llz to do a few of those :014:35
willcookeubiquity must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers.14:36
willcookesurely I'm doing something wrong here14:36
seb128pitti, you could ;-)14:37
seb128pitti, no, I don't use i386 for new systems, but I'm having the same laptop for 5 years and didn't reinstall :-)14:37
pittiseb128: DFTT :)14:38
seb128pitti, but I tried to install an i386 iso (I had that one on disk since it matches my arch) on the touch laptop I got for testing, and that was a fail14:38
Laneywillcooke: they probably use Ubuntu bugs instead of project bugs14:38
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
seb128pitti, it took me like an hour to understand why the machine was not seeing the boot device, apparently it just ignores i386, worked when I put an amd64 iso on the usb stick14:38
willcookeah, yes - thanks Laney14:39
seb128willcooke, Laney: indeed they do14:39
Laneyit's fairly common14:39
pittiseb128: wow; so indeed good to test them14:39
Laneytrying efi boot I guess14:40
seb128yeah, I didn't know it couldn't fallback/work with i386 images though14:40
seb128I tried all the bios options to disable secure boot, etc14:40
seb128none gave me a working boot14:40
* Laney has ordered http://www.dell.com/ed/business/p/dell-u2414h/pd14:41
desrt_RAOF: hey... you're tracking GMutex issues?14:42
=== desrt_ is now known as desrt
pittiseb128: mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/address-book-app/use-langpack/+merge/231381 ?14:47
seb128pitti, approved14:48
pittiseb128: so I wait for jenkins' blessing on the MP, then land this, right?14:48
seb128pitti, yes14:48
=== om26er is now known as om26er|away
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/indicator-location/use-langpack/+merge/231385 (boooring)14:53
seb128pitti, approved14:53
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
Sweetsharkthunderbolt and lightning weery weery frightening!14:56
pittiGalileo Galileo!14:56
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/indicator-network/use-langpack/+merge/23138614:57
seb128pitti, done14:57
pittiseb128: sorry for the boredom; but I asked for this two months ago, time to finish this..14:57
seb128pitti, don't worry!14:58
Sweetsharkpitti: magnifico o o o o!14:58
* pitti misses the apt-get source, fix, dput turnaround..14:58
pittiSweetshark: I'm just a poor boy, from a poor family14:58
pitti♩ ♪ ♫14:58
pittiSweetshark: argh, I screwed up14:58
pittiSweetshark: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me14:59
Sweetsharkpitti: He's just a poor boy from a poor family!14:59
Sweetsharkpitti: now that we have proven our orchestration skills we should move to the cloud team.15:00
pittiMirv: so, I really don't want to do a full MP for just adding X-Ubuntu-Langpack for unity8; I wonder whether we can slip this into any existing MP?15:02
pittiMirv: or whether I could just commit that to lp:unity8 so that it gets into the next upload?15:03
pitti(but I think we considered this already, and for some reason staging stuff into trunks doesn't work)15:03
Mirvpitti: just get the MP to be part of whatever Saviq is landing next15:05
Mirvespecially if he still would allow that change to eg. landing-017 on line 2015:06
Mirv(since it reqs a rebuild)15:06
pittiMirv: ah, so add it to an existing line in the sheet?15:06
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubuntu-system-settings/use-langpack/+merge/231387 (that took a bit to build)15:07
willcookeseb128, I installed desktop next from an ISO I downloaded yesterday, then apt-get upgraded15:08
willcookeseb128, now I get the normal login screen, login, then nothing15:08
willcookeseb128, when you have some time can you talk me through what I should be doing?  (Or point me at some docs? - I can write some if none exist)15:08
Mirvpitti: yes, but you need to get an ack from Saviq whether he's ok in adding it to that particular landing at this point. then a reconfigure of the silo is needed, and a rebuild.15:09
seb128Laney, I won :p15:09
pittiLaney: :)15:09
seb128willcooke, what do you mean "nothing"? did you wait for a bit for the session to load?15:09
willcookeseb128, yeah waited some minutes.  I did have the U8 welcome (right edge blurb) but it wouldnt do anything, now I just get a black screen.  I'm doing a dist-upgrade atm, seems like there are more updates15:10
seb128Laney, or seems like I won the comment and you had the status ;-)15:10
seb128willcooke, k, try rebooting, I didn't try the first run wizard for a while15:11
willcookeseb128, ack15:11
willcookeseb128, ok, dist-upgrade seems to have helped, I have the first run wizard again15:14
pittikenvandine: would you mind folding https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubuntu-system-settings/use-langpack/+merge/231387 into your current system-stetings landing?15:15
willcookeseb128, so now I have logged in to the first light-dm(?) screen, and I get the U8 greeter.  I log in there, and nothing seems to happen.  Is this because that fix hasn't made it in to the build yet?15:16
pittiseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity8/use-langpack/+merge/231390 and https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/mediaplayer-app/use-langpack/+merge/231392 (still says "updating", but the diff is there now)15:17
seb128willcooke, correct15:17
seb128pitti, I'm not really a commiter on those projects, maybe get kenvandine or Saviq to ack those? I'm fine comment acking but I would prefer somebody from the project to change the status15:18
pittiseb128: ah, sure15:18
willcookeseb128, cool.  I shall wait :)  BTW - is your touch pad for the pointer mega sensitive?  Mine always wants to move to the left whenever my finger is on it15:18
pittiSaviq: would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity8/use-langpack/+merge/231390 (trivial mass-change) and folding it into your current unity8 landing?15:18
seb128willcooke, touchpad is ok for me (I think)15:18
Saviqpitti, yeah, will do, I assume there's no way for me to test this actually works?15:19
willcookeseb128, last question for now:  how do I switch back to the GUI?  I can't do ctrl-alt-f7 any more15:19
seb128willcooke, f815:19
pittiSaviq: I built the packages locally; if you install pkgbinarymangler in your build schroot and enable it in /etc/pkgbinarymangler/striptranslations.conf, you'll get a _translations.tar.gz built, and the .debs don't have *.mo files15:19
pittiSaviq: (that's how the distro builders are configured)15:20
Saviqpitti, oh will check it out then15:20
pittiSaviq: you can also just let the PPA build them and look at the .debs and the .changes of course (might be easier)15:20
Saviqpitti, yup, will do, thanks15:20
pittiSaviq: we do that stripping for thousands of packages, it's a simple mass-change15:20
pitti(and have done so since 2005 or so, it's well understood)15:21
Saviqpitti, yeah yeah, I know15:21
pittiSaviq: cheers! (I don't want to do a full landing just for this, would be an utter resource waste)15:21
kenvandinepitti, sure, i'll add that to the current uss landing15:21
pittikenvandine: cheers!15:21
Saviqpitti, of course, we'll take care of it15:22
pitti7 branches to go..15:22
pittioh, we don't do friends-app any more, right?15:23
pittiseb128: "Jenkins Fixed - utopic-adt-notify-osd 36" \o/15:25
seb128pitti, nice!15:26
robruqengho, amd64, utopic. yeah15:28
qenghorobru: thanks.15:28
seb128kenvandine, is bug #1358789 something you were looking at? I think you mentioned it before enabling the gps switch15:28
ubot5bug 1358789 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "gps and wifi on battery page is out of sync with notification pull down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135878915:28
robruqengho, you're welcome15:29
kenvandineseb128, that's something charles is working on... i think15:29
kenvandinebasically uss is now doing the right thing15:29
seb128charles, ^ correct?15:29
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
kenvandinebut there's a bug in either the indicator or location-service that's making it get out of sync15:29
willcookeAlrighty - it's that time again folks... weekly meeting.15:30
willcookeRoll call:15:30
kenvandinecharles, please confirm15:30
willcookeIn alphabetical order15:30
charlesseb128, kenvandine, actually I suspect it's in the gui glue between the service and u-s-s15:30
kenvandinecharles, the action group?15:31
kenvandinewe can take this outside to keep the meeting going :)15:31
seb128kenvandine, yeah, let's move to e.g -touch15:31
seb128willcooke, going to list the alphabetical order, or do we need to remember the list? ;-)15:32
willcookeseb128, just working it out... one sec....15:32
willcookeattente_, (brookswarner), desrt, (dgadomski), FJKong, happyaron, Laney, larsu, qengho, seb128, Sweetshark, tkamppeter15:33
willcookewho'd I miss?15:33
pittiseb128: "Migration: All packages are in destination15:34
pittiYou can Merge and Clean now."15:34
pittiseb128: if I click on "clean", will that merge automatically, or how is that done?15:34
seb128willcooke, I think the list is good15:34
willcookethanks seb12815:34
seb128pitti, it opens a jenkins page and if you click build it does it yes15:34
willcookeOK, attente_ - lay it on us....15:35
larsunew world order?!15:35
willcookelarsu, :)  mixing it up.15:35
desrtlarsu: and seb not in charge15:35
desrtseems alphabetical....15:35
attente_fcitx transition... blocked on fcitx MIR15:36
willcookeok, attente_ seb128  - do we want to talk about fcitx in 14.10 now?15:37
seb128we can do it a bit15:37
willcookeor save it for the end after the status updates15:37
seb128attente_, hey15:37
seb128let's do it now, but not enter into too much details15:38
pittiseb128: cheers! and finally http://paste.ubuntu.com/8089827/, then I'll stop bugging you *hug*15:38
willcookeSo, my summary:15:38
seb128pitti, ;-) (sorry, meeting ongoing)15:38
LaneyI need to make a phone call, will try to notice + paste15:38
attente_yeah, so about the fcitx MIR, is that going to be ready in time?15:38
willcookeI'm worried we don't have enough time to get everything we need ready in time for feature freeze.  I think rushing it in is generally a bad idea15:39
seb128not likely, I doubt anyone is going to pick on the MIRs before didrocks is back15:39
seb128attente_, we were discussed that earlier with willcooke and were sort of thinking we should land the support for fcitx but not install it by default/enable it for Chinese this cycle15:40
desrtattente_: don't worry... LTS+1 is always the release that people skip over anyway :)15:40
seb128attente_, we can get a FFe to build indicator/u-s-d with fcitx when the MIR is approved15:40
seb128that would be a middle ground15:40
seb128willcooke, ^ correct summary?15:40
willcookeseb128, yes15:40
seb128attente_, wdyt?15:41
willcookeI spoke to a16g (Anthony) and he's happy with that approach15:41
attente_it's more than that... it's also u-c-c, im-config15:41
seb128well, add those to the list15:41
seb128that was not meant a full components summary15:41
attente_a lot of FFe's...15:42
seb128just a "let's land the support with a ffe, don't change defaults"15:42
seb128that would be 1 FFe?15:42
seb128"enable fcitx support in desktop"15:42
seb1281 bug, even if it impacts several sources15:42
attente_so no to updating im-config for a chinese default?15:42
seb128no change to defaults15:42
seb128just landing the support15:42
seb128and we can do the change next cycle15:42
attente_think it's more important what happyaron things about that...15:42
seb128well, as willcooke said, he talked to Anthony who said they are ok if we don't switch default this cycle15:43
attente_but are you sure that meant not default overall?15:43
seb128you seem like unhappy with that option?15:43
attente_it's ok. let's just make sure there's no confusion on both sides15:45
seb128right, willcooke is checking with everyone to make sure it's ok15:45
seb128that's the approach we would suggest15:45
willcookeI'm happy they understand the approach we're taking in Beijing15:45
seb128imho we put us under too much pressure if we change default now, especially with all the MIR work not done yet15:45
attente_what we talked about there was to leave the default alone except for chinese locale, no?15:46
seb128but we didn't think about the MIR15:46
seb128especially not about it having that stack of components to promote15:46
seb128that's why willcooke checked with Anthony if a change of plan would be ok15:47
seb128seems it is15:47
attente_ok, understood15:47
attente_thanks guys15:47
seb128thanks attente_ ;-)15:47
seb128willcooke, I think we can move on from the topic?15:47
seb128we can discuss after meeting if more is needed15:47
willcookethanks guys.  Sorry we won't get everything we wanted in, but it's just too late IMHO.  Let's not put ourselves in trouble15:48
willcookeok, moving on15:48
willcookedesrt, welcome back.  Anything to report?15:48
desrtspent most of yesterday sorting through the backlog of pings, mails, bugs15:49
desrtdid a couple of minor patches15:49
desrttoday i'm fighting with Laney over what to do about all of the deprecation notices for gobject properties we have15:49
desrtwill do a couple more glib patches as well15:49
desrtand have a systemd-shim release to do15:49
desrtthat's about all15:49
willcookecool, thanks desrt -  we have a 1:1 on Friday, but ping me if you need anything in the meantime15:50
desrtabout that.....15:51
desrti'm on a flight to debconf on friday :)15:51
willcookemoving on to Laney (since FJKong and happyaron are afk)15:51
desrtwe seem to have some very bad luck here :p15:51
FJKongok, my turn now :)15:51
FJKonglast week , only bug fixing for sogou input method on the final RC version. good news it has been released just few hours ago, yeah!15:51
FJKongalso help QA for bug confirming and testing15:51
willcookedesrt, arse.  Ok, I'll move it15:51
willcookewoot - congrats FJKong15:52
seb128FJKong, well done!15:52
FJKongam I too fast of pasting?15:52
* Laney is being terrorised by a wasp15:52
willcookenah, it's fine FJKong - you were marked as away last time I checked, so I thought you might be afk15:53
willcookenow, if Laney is still alive, we can move to him.  Laney, you want more time?  We can come back around to you15:53
Laneygot it out15:53
FJKongfine for me, night birds15:53
Laneypuny creature15:53
Laney• Poke about content-hub NBS which was causing desktop-next image failures15:53
Laney• Update & sync glib, fix some boo boos15:53
Laney• Update gst-plugins-good1.015:53
Laney• Update -bad, platform-api was broken, fix that, push to ppa, need to get tested on phone before uploading.15:53
Laney• Review gnome-desktop/u-c-c/u-s-d MRs, still buggy15:53
Laney• Port u-s-s to upower 0.99, find a bug in a dbusmock template, fix that15:53
Laney• Reupload webkitgtk for trusty15:54
Laney• Merge pcre315:54
Laney• Update clutter, folks, sync harfbuzz, pango15:54
Laney• Patch pilot15:54
Laney• Seed (packageset) gardening, mainly for server15:54
Laneyalso just uploaded dbus, which is causing predictable excitement for phone people :-)15:54
* Laney stares at ogra15:54
ogra_yeah, you made us all panic with that changelog15:55
ogra_shouldnt have used -v !15:55
Laneyyou shouldn't count lines of things15:55
Laneydiff from 1.6.18-0ubuntu10 to 1.8.6-1ubuntu1 (373.5 KiB)15:55
Laneythis is better15:55
FJKongmaybe I need run tail -1000 to check the irc log15:55
SweetsharkLaney: is that tiny diff allowed to go out alone at night?15:56
ogra_yes, but no drinking yet15:56
* Laney sweats lifting it and then looks over to see Sweetshark spinning libreoffice on one finger15:56
ogra_and it has to be back at eleven15:56
willcookethanks Laney.  On to larsu, also welcome back!  Anything to report?15:57
larsuhey, I just got back today, so not a lot of news yet15:58
Sweetsharkone looks cool spinning a handgranade by the pin on one finger just until one fumbles ...15:58
larsuwent through backlog of the last two weeks and responded to a couple of mails / bugs15:58
ogra_Sweetshark, pessimist15:58
larsumade gtk-3-12 compile again15:58
larsustarted looking into a theming bug that yorba jim filed15:58
larsutheming \o/15:58
larsuI think that's about it for today15:59
seb128larsu, wb ;-)15:59
willcookelarsu, thanks.  We have our 1:1 on Friday morning, so we can catch up then as well15:59
willcookeqengho, how goes Chromium?  Still causing you annoyances?15:59
larsuwillcooke: yep. And I'll finally be able to make it this Friday :)16:00
qenghowillcooke: it's looking more promising.16:00
qengho* Fixing i386 crasher on U. Wasn't SSE support. Wasn't tcmalloc. Not new build-dep I've confirmed that g++ 4.9 makes crashing code in the javascript and rendering engines. I'm forcing use of 4.8 in U for now.16:00
qengho* No change on mir support.16:00
willcookethanks qengho.  Let me know if you need some more support on that one.16:01
qenghoI'll need testing. It's arriving in my ppa now.16:01
willcookeqengho, can I test in a VM?  Happy to spin up a few machines16:02
seb128I can test on i38616:02
* seb128 waits for that fix for a week 16:02
willcookeok, seb128 - over to you16:03
seb128• opt-ed in for the fcitx testing ppa, played a bit with it trying to configure and use keyboard layouts and input methods, some UI glitches but it mostly works16:04
seb128• tried the new dbus which is in the sponsoring queue, looks good16:04
seb128• sponsored libreoffice updates/bugfixes16:04
seb128• some fighting with desktop-next to be able to log back into unity8-desktop sessions (due to bug #1350878)16:04
ubot5bug 1350878 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "lockscreen doesn't properly unlock on desktop when a password is set" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135087816:04
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings for touch16:04
seb128∘ looked a bit to the "battery plugin use cpu after idle" issue, seems to be an lower system/upower issue generating lot of updates16:04
seb128∘ debugged layout issues in the updates panel, workarounded one that turned out to be a toolkit bug (filed report with testcase)16:04
seb128∘ worked on several changes in the same panel, but after spending some time fixing corner cases, decided that it would easier to rework the layout to use a column rather than anchors, going to work on that next16:04
seb128∘ reviews of some of the merge requests submitted during the week16:04
seb128• usual share of bugs triaging and desktop discussions16:04
seb128 16:04
seb128that's it for this week (also had a swap afternoon from the trip to China on thursday)16:05
Laneynice bullets16:05
seb128thanks ;-)16:05
qenghoCompose, hyphen, period == ·16:05
seb128the ones I used are just copy from tomboy, the white one are the next indentation format16:06
willcookethanks seb128, Sweetshark.. thanks for the report from your trip.  Anything else to report here?16:06
Sweetsharko 4.3.0 is in utopic \o/16:07
Sweetsharko only minor b0rkage around -base/-base-drivers on this usually tricky first-in-the-cycle-upload *cough*16:07
Sweetsharko bug 1357700 fix commited, testing upgrade paths right now (1/2)16:07
ubot5bug 1357700 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-base 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libjdbclo.so', which is also in package libreoffice-base-drivers 1:4.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135770016:07
Sweetsharko various bug triage on lp and fdo16:07
Sweetsharko fixed ftbfs for libixion on ppc64el (bug 1358365)16:07
ubot5bug 1358365 in libixion (Ubuntu) "FTBFS on ppc64el" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135836516:07
Sweetsharko usual TDF/LibreOffice calls/coordination: ESC, QA call, Board call ...16:07
Sweetsharko closing off some old MIRs (bug 1276252)16:07
ubot5bug 1276252 in fonts-crosextra-carlito (Ubuntu) "[MIR] Caladea and Carlito fonts, essential fallback fonts" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127625216:07
Sweetsharko organized LibreOffice conference travel and prepare for the talks (first week of Sept. in Bern)16:07
Sweetsharko creating docker/saltstack-foo to integrate Ubuntu CI/testing better in upstream infra right now16:07
Sweetsharko last week: on sick leave16:07
Sweetsharko week before: in Montevideo at Antel/Avanza, talked about LibreOffice http://tv.vera.com.uy/video/8406 and some enduser suppport16:07
Sweetsharko <- nice ASCII bullets16:07
willcookethanks Sweetshark, you've been pretty busy eh?!16:08
willcookeok, over to tkamppeter - how's did the house move go?16:09
tkamppeter- OpenPrinting Summit16:10
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Temporarily added ippusbxd (Support for IPP-over-USB printers) to the cups-filters Ubuntu package to get it in before FF of Utopic. Proper Debian/Ubuntu packaging for ippusbxd (as its own project) will come later.16:10
tkamppeter- Mentoring of GSoC students, finalizing the projects16:10
tkamppeter- Bugs.16:10
willcookewoot - glad you got ipp over usb in, that will be a nice new feature16:10
tkamppeter- One week away from the new home due to the Summit in Toronto, but still had a lot to do, internet through TV cable working well.16:10
tkamppeterYes, as every year I am getting the GSoC projects into the fall (X.10) edition of Ubuntu.16:11
willcookeOK, let's move to Any Other Business then....16:12
tkamppeterI now only need to apply the patches for udev-config-printer (system-config-printer package) and all is in. Then I need to buy an appropriate printer and test, still two months for testing and bug fixing.16:12
LaneyI wonder how many printers tkamppeter has16:13
willcookeHe sells them on eBay and uses the money to fund the purchase of his new house16:13
tkamppeterLaney, currently 8, I think max was 15.16:13
Laneyyou should implement parallel printing16:14
Laneywillcooke: any sprint news?16:15
willcookemishravikas was asking how he could get involved in contributing to the desktop, but I don't think he(?) is around, maybe he'll be back another day16:15
tkamppeterwillcooke, no, I have sold some which were broken, but a broken gives only 10-15 EUR, if you pay 10-15 EUR a month you will not even able to pay the interest of the apartment credit of that month.16:15
willcooketkamppeter, :D16:15
willcookeLaney, nothing more that a proposed date.  I'll let you know more as soon as I hear it16:16
tkamppeterSelling broken printers is mainly to have no cost with proper disposal and to simply be able to bring them to the next post office to get rid of them.16:16
willcookeanyone have anything else, or shall we wrap?16:17
seb128seems like we can wrap there?16:18
willcookeoh, seb128 - turns out my vtty switch problems were because you have to hold down the fn button to make the f keys do f key stuff, rather than the alternate action (turn off wifi, etc)16:19
seb128oh, right16:19
willcookeok, meeting over.  Thanks folks, see you all next time... o/16:19
seb128sorry I didn't think about mentioning that16:19
seb128thanks willcooke!16:19
Laneyseb128: dbus needs new review if you feel like it16:27
seb128Laney, upload first, review then? ;-)16:28
Laneyit is in there16:29
seb128Laney, oooh, you mean binNEW review?16:31
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
Laneys/new/NEW/ if that helps :P16:31
seb128I though you mean code review16:31
seb128yeah, sorry, didn't get that a first16:31
seb128Laney, NEWed ;-)16:33
seb128thanks for helping getting that in16:34
LaneyI mainly wanted to get the new dbus-run-session utility16:37
seb128what does that do?16:38
seb128oh, it has a manpage16:38
Laneyit's like a less crap version of dbus-launch16:39
Laneydoesn't leave stray dbus-daemons around16:39
desrtLaney: so... on the topic of the deprecations16:43
desrtyou want to rip out the DEPRECATED tag on some of the more obnoxious warnings from gtk (ezk: the GtkSettings ones) and otherwise leave the warnings enabled for other things?16:43
Laneydesrt: I feel like I'd prefer that, yeah - what do you think?16:45
desrti usually think that i want to make seb happy :)16:46
desrtthe question comes about what benefit we'll gain from having these warnings on ubuntu16:46
desrti guess not a lot of upstream development is happening on ubuntu these days, so we're probably indeed just spamming our own users with this stuff16:47
desrtand not helping the people who write the software at all16:47
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
LaneyI dunno, I wouldn't like to make a call like that16:48
Laney"debugging information is for fedora users"16:48
desrtwell, honestly, it's mostly for jhbuild users16:48
desrti wouldn't care too much if fedora did the same patching16:49
desrt(although clearly more upstream gtk devs are using fedora)16:49
Laneyjhbuild can pass configure flags, yes?16:50
desrti know where you're going, and this is a conversation we've had before.... :)16:50
desrtsome people also build out of git for themselves16:51
desrtlike me...16:51
Laneyso the defaults should be for ... users or developers?16:51
desrti'd sooner add a --enable-we-have-a-product-to-ship-here16:51
desrtdevelopers, for sure16:51
desrtbecause "real users" have a distro between them and the upstream16:51
desrtat the end of the day, i think we need to take a decision about what is right for our (ubuntu) users16:52
Laneysounds like you want to recommend distros turn these warnings off16:52
desrtand i think seb might be totally right on this point16:52
desrtfedora is a different distribution with a substantially different composition to their userbase16:52
desrti also honestly believe that this is a one-cycle affair16:53
desrtand i'm also happier about a one character(!) patch instead of a many-lines one that removes a bunch of flags from a bunch of files16:53
Sweetsharkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/utopic/4.3.0/libreoffice_4.3.0-3ubuntu2_source.changes <- upgrades pass smoketest, please sponsor16:54
desrtplus... according to today's news ( http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2dxik3/future_of_gnome_and_gtk_when_whole_world_is/ ) nobody outside of gnome is developing gtk apps anyway :)16:55
Sweetsharkdesrt: well if its on reddit, it has to be the truth obviously.16:56
Sweetshark<- eod16:56
desrtSweetshark: enjoy a mate for me :p16:56
Sweetsharkdesrt: aye ;)16:56
Laneydesrt: lemme think about it17:02
LaneyI'll be uploading the new glib tomorrow ...17:02
LaneyI'm offski, got a birthday party to go to17:03
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seb128Sweetshark, k17:50
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qenghorobru: Will you please test a chromium in my PPA for that crasher?  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage19:06
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
robruqengho, yes!19:24
robruqengho, put that on the bug, too, eh? there was another guy claiming to be affected by the same thing19:24
qenghorobru: if it works for you, I'll just release it.  I don't want regular joes using that PPA.19:27
robruqengho, ok just installing now19:27
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desrtpitti: did the release just now19:54
willcookehey robert_ancell20:00
robert_ancellwillcooke, hi20:00
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qenghorobru: well?20:24
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
robruqengho, seems fine briefly. I don't know how to reproduce the crash though, gimme a couple days with it20:25
qenghoI would like a upload sponsor for chromium to U, please.  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-chromium-builds/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+packages   v 36.0.1985.143-0ubuntu1~pkg104220:27
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
robert_ancellpopey, what display manager does Ubuntu Mate use?20:55
popeyrobert_ancell: lightdm20:57
popeyoh hang on20:58
popeyrobert_ancell: yes, lightdm ☻20:58
robert_ancellcool. Is it working well?20:59
popeynouveau retro ☻20:59
=== mjohnson151 is now known as mjohnson15
RAOFdesrt: Not tracking as such, but noticed a couple of regressions.22:25
RAOFdesrt: I'll poke further into Do to see what's actually going wrong there.22:26
desrtRAOF: thanks22:37
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