
LucasBThello people04:02
LucasBTon my ubuntu gnome, I can not install extensions extensions.gnome.org site, it triggers the installation, but when I recharge the page, the extension is not installed and does not return me any error. What can it be?04:04
LucasBTcan help me?04:04
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LinDolhi all10:15
LinDoldarkxst, do you know "Super + Left, Right " shortcut key?11:01
darkxstLinDol, yes, tho I don't use it! I have 3 monitors ;)11:10
LinDolbe application in 1st monitor, how do i move to be in 3rd monitor using <Super + Right> key11:13
darkxstit won't11:14
LinDolin my case, just move to right side in 1st monitor.11:14
LinDolin correct ?11:14
darkxstyes, its meant to half-maximise11:14
LinDolis correct?11:14
darkxstthere is no keybinding for moving windows between monitors11:14
LinDoli got it,11:15
LinDolso, how do i move to be in 3rd monitor?11:16
darkxstthat I guess is one thing I had on windows 15 years ago11:16
darkxst(was via a 3rd party app though)11:16
LinDolwindows is great11:16
LinDoljust kidding. ;)11:16
darkxstgood old Matrox G40011:16
darkxstI think they were the first multi-head consumer gpu's11:17
darkxstway back around 1998!11:18
LinDolum.. :)11:18
darkxstLinDol, my first GPU was some fancy ega 16 colour thing ;)11:24
LinDolwhen do you get it?11:24
darkxstwhen I was 10!11:25
LinDolbefore 14 years?11:25
LinDolin 2000 ?11:25
darkxst10 years before the G40011:28
LinDoli am searching 'G400' in ebay. all result is guiter.11:29
darkxstI don't know exactly but sometime late 80's, it was all XT then11:30
darkxststuff that would be destroyed by a R.PI!11:30
LinDoli know ega 16 color.11:30
LinDolbecause, when i was 10 year, my grand parent got a 80286/AT computer11:31
LinDolsorry, i amd old.11:33
* darkxst old too11:40
LinDoli read a document "gnome keyboardShortcuts" on gnome wiki, "Super + Left, Right" shortcut is just tiled left and tiled right.11:43
darkxstLinDol, yup11:44
LinDolbut i found "Put Windows" in gnome extensions11:44
LinDoldarkxst, thank you :)11:44
* darkxst avoids extensions, usually running git master so never they work11:45
kronusCould anyone help me with a memory problem with gnome-shell?15:41
newsHi, why people should install Ubuntu Gnome rather than installing ubuntu (Unity) and then the gnome-shell package please ?18:51
newsIt seems pretty the same for me...18:51
smittixHi all, has anyone experienced any problems booting after installing the latest nvidia drivers?19:15
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