[00:01] ali1234: what about UDP streaming without a buffer? [00:01] that would probably be faster [00:01] it still buffers [00:02] oh [00:02] maybe a way to shorten the buffer time [00:02] it may work better [00:02] you'll have to experiment :) [00:02] you'll also need to find a good codec that android can play reasonably fast [00:03] i think this idea has legs though [00:03] i mean if onlive can do it, we should be able to do it too [00:03] mxplayer on android is fairly decent at playing video on android [00:03] sorry, you're streaming, brain is fried with lack of sleep [00:03] the delay might simply be introduced by encoding [00:04] in which case figuring out how to use mjpeg with the mpjpeg mux will probably help [00:04] cos mjpeg is fast [00:04] though best results would come from gpu accelerated encoding [00:04] ali1234: have you noticed the errors it spews out when using mjpeg? [00:07] yes, you can't put mjpeg in a program stream [00:07] you have to use mux=mpjpeg, but i can't get it to work [00:07] that's all i know [00:07] D: [00:07] http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch03.html [00:07] what about using h264? [00:08] afaik that's the same as mpeg4 [00:08] ah, so latency and buffering [00:08] yes, you will need to really tweak the options to get it fast [00:09] yea, I am just looking through that link, there seems to be some buffer-size options [00:09] you could also investigate what steamOS does [00:10] with the streaming stuff [00:10] indeed [00:10] someone has probably reverse engineered it by now [00:10] this might also be a good question for #vlc [00:10] imagine if they added the streaming client to the android steam client... that would be killer [00:10] also, you could just use it [00:10] indeed [00:50] I need season 3 of continuum now [00:50] I'm hooked [00:51] i just finished s2 too! [00:51] pretty mad final episode huh O_O [00:51] heck yeah [00:51] it's like the writers woke up [00:52] indeed, they decided: let's fudge with everything [00:52] did you happen to look up whether s3 has finished airing yet? [00:52] htf can they leave cameron in a box?! [00:52] I think it has [00:52] haha, yeah they're like pets [00:53] and the bloke cop (I can never remember his name and definitely can't spell it) turning up at theseus'!?! [00:53] that blew my mind [00:54] bad Betty. [00:54] she was in Stargate Universe! :) [00:54] looks like showcase has finished airing s3 [00:55] \o/ [00:56] if you live in the states you can stream it off showcase.ca [00:56] * diddledan ponders whether to activate a vpn [00:57] ;) [01:00] netflix in the uk only got s2 a week ago so I don't expect them to get rights to s3 for another 6 months at least [01:00] you are a far too scrupulous individual sir [01:00] heh [01:01] I've nearly got the second half of s3 downloaded but I'm missing 8,9,10 and 1-5 [01:17] * zmoylan-pi is watching real genius [01:18] what's that? [01:19] an ancient geeky film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089886/ [01:21] hmm Remmina RDP client is quite good [01:22] used it when i first started with my pi. it would occasionly crash for no reason i could find. [01:22] how rude! [01:23] i have ubuntu on a guys breakfast room PC, he called up this morning because he wanted to RDP to his office PC from the other side of the house whilst looking after his baby son [01:23] i don't mind crashes as long as i can track down why and eliminate the problems [01:23] i was too bleary eyed and unfamiliar to suggest how to connect to it :> will have to sort that tomorrow [01:23] and you can rdp from an android tablet if you really really want. [01:24] but it's not fun [01:27] now if you can get remote desktop from a baby monitor you'd sew up the geeky parents market :-) [01:31] hah [01:31] actually a friends gf at the pub quiz tonight was saying how she wants to buy a new phone, ditch her current iPhone 4 [01:31] but she needs to be able to see change tracking in MS word docs, so was thinking she'd have to get a Windows phone [01:32] so i pulled my phone out and demo'd RDP'ing home over HSPA ;) [01:32] i thought ms office worked best on iphone these days? [01:32] not sure on that one [01:32] the winphone version was slightly behind as they have bugger all market share [01:33] * zmoylan-pi goes to check... [01:33] where would you look? the office mobile page wasn't hugely detailed on feature set [01:37] and the words office is so generic as to be useless in search terms. feckin ms naming system ::mutter mutter:: [01:37] ali1234: I did some testing with teamviewer that seems to work reasonably well, https://home.azelphur.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=6d032c8c2d9af6ab3106c7264d7749dd [01:37] I will have to stab at vlc some more soon [01:52] that took too long to find. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/05/first_ios_now_android_to_get_fondleslab_office_ahead_of_windows/ [01:57] zmoylan-pi: hehe, ty [01:58] now i'm sure when the winphone gets out it'll be extra wonderful but till then [01:59] and having played with wince 1,2,3, pocket pc 95, 97, winmobile 5,6,6.5 and winphone 7 i'd advise to steer clear of winphone [02:01] haha, absolutely [02:01] i had an HTC Touch Diamond, kinda felt like being at the beginning of the final slog to a true smartphone [02:01] i like to call it the "partially educated phone" [02:06] and the old classic 101 reasons not to buy a winphone http://my-symbian.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44034 [02:38] daftykins, first ep of s3 is wow [02:38] * diddledan just fini [02:38] :D [03:29] that's another series I need to watch - defiance - I saw the first couple on sky but then promptly forgot [07:00] morning all [07:14] morning [07:16] morning SuperMatt :) [07:29] It's home time now right? [07:35] SuperMatt: not quite :D [07:36] dang it [07:37] SuperMatt: it's early, have you been at work awhile? [07:37] no [07:37] just got here [07:41] lol hope you're not getting disheartened about your job already ;) [07:45] morning boys and girls. [07:48] mornig brobostigon [07:48] morning MooDoo [07:50] MooDoo: weeeeell, I really do enjoy what we do here, but there are issues - namely staffing levels do not match ticket volumes === msm is now known as Guest45777 === zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi [08:06] SuperMatt: aint that the issue everywhere? It certainly was in my last job in support [08:09] very true, but even though we're already breaking, we have quite a large number of people on holiday too [08:10] yeah holidays can be a problem, but you can only do what you can do :D [08:12] SuperMatt: you're fanatical, you can deal with it :D [08:12] sure, I do understand that, but I just would have liked some management forethought to, y'know, prevent this level of absense [08:12] SuperMatt: lol there's your issue there, thinking management think ;) lol [08:15] yes yes, I know [08:18] it's august, everyone buggers off on holiday in august [08:19] except, it seems, my customers [08:20] SuperMatt: you'll be fine :D the job is everything you've wanted so crack on a do your best lol [08:20] well now you get indundated with their problems as the people who normally keep things going there are also on holliers [08:22] yeah but if it's a well run setup, you can take over other ppeoples tickets so it shouldn't be a problem [08:22] 'where's the any key?' :-/ [08:23] my cup holder is broken ;) [cdrom] [08:24] just got the strangest bout of spam. they appear to be using a pdf file as their wordlist for names. so I have senders such as "Steven endobj" and "Veronica %PDF-1.5" [08:26] when spammers can't be bothered to make fake names... [08:44] Good morning all; happy World Mosquito Day! :-D [08:44] ... [08:44] what's happy about mosquitos? [08:45] that's exactly what I was going to ask [08:45] my thinks exactly [08:51] I'm sure the mosquitos that don't get swatted are quite happy. [08:51] Also, we know about the link between mosquitos and malaria transmission - that's surely worth celebrating. :) [09:05] the DH Mosquito was a great plane [09:06] mosquitos!? where?! http://bugasalt.com/ [09:09] it's the praise the mosquito got from goering that makes it funnier http://www.tommcmahon.net/2010/10/hermann-goering-on-the-de-havilland-mosquito-the-most-versatile-plane-of-world-war-two-that-was-made.html [09:10] i have a pic somewhere of the mossie goign under the eiffel tower [09:11] i saw a video of the version where they mounted the recoilless field gun for submarine hunting been tested [09:11] Morning. === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [09:20] mornings popey [09:29] morning popey knightwise [09:34] JamesTait: that reminds me of a joke [09:38] JamesTait: Man put up an ad $100,000 to the man who can guarantee something that will kill 100% of mosquitos. Scientists beavered away and got to 87% but no further, the day before the guy travels a boy hands him a bag, sir this is guaranteed to kill 100% of the mosquitos you use it on. [09:40] JamesTait: The man hands over the $100,000 and the boy races off, The man opens the bag an inside is an ornate box, He opens the box and inside are two big metal plates. Under those are instructions, Place mosquito on plate a squash with plate b [09:41] guarantee 100% dead [09:54] Foolproof [09:55] Profit! [09:58] i want the auto laser gizmo they demonstrated a few years back. zap the little sods [10:19] I like the ones that look like a cross between a tennis racket, and an electric fence [10:20] i did see a giant fly swatter 1 metre long and capable of winging an albatross [10:21] and i got a spring powered pistol that fires a 3" circular disk at passing flies which is fun [10:24] these things - http://amzn.com/B008G4AFDY [10:38] I saw one at my sisters and wondered why it needed to be electric [10:39] Because the impact of a wire at that kind of speed would be lethal, but I see the bit about "fruit flies" now [10:39] nah flies have so little mass that they just bounce off it otherwise [10:42] you can't discount the entertainment value either ;) [10:49] SuperMatt: think i'm with you right now, time to go home? lol [10:53] http://bugasalt.com/ is what you want for fly killing [10:56] that doesn't look like it'd be fair on the roomba [10:57] keeps the roomba employed [10:57] although I expect flies tend not to be at ground level when shot [10:58] yeah, there's just that pesky gravity stuff. the salt has to go somewhere [11:41] shauno: how does a roomba work on carpet? [11:41] is it any good? [11:42] haven't tried yet, I don't have any carpet [11:42] I would of thought it would depend on the length of the carpet. [11:42] oh. [11:42] that was part of the reason I got it - all hardwood & no stairs seemed like the ideal playground for it [11:42] well yes, it's dependant on that, I just assumed that since you silly britons tend to have on average a carpet, maybe shauno'd have an average pill length carpet. [11:44] yeah, I got a weird place. wood on the floors, wood on the ceilings .. [11:45] sounds... scandinavian [11:50] or they live in a shipping crate :-) [11:51] hmmm . its a paradox, but a windows pro tablet makes for the perfect chromebook [11:52] and ks pretty spiffy to use as a linux thin client [11:52] the new cheap windows notachromebooks look interesting too and as cheap [11:52] I wish! I have "housing boom" housing. a shipping crate would have been better built [11:53] it amazes me that the prefab housing built after wwii is still knocking around with few problems but modern housing falls apart before your toaster [11:54] literally. I have windows that don't fit the frames, with kitchen-towels tucked in to keep the wind out [11:55] wtf? really? [11:55] the backdoor opens properly when it's sunny. if it's cold, it requires a wrench. [11:55] polyurethane foam [11:55] for the windows [11:55] (I also have the cheapest rent in town .. go figure) [11:57] you might want to be careful making house in uk ireland windproof, if it's on granite radon gas needs a breeze to disperse it === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:01] join #oggcastplanet [12:01] * zmoylan-pi doesn't wonder where knightwise is off too :-) [12:02] sowwy [12:03] :p [12:03] at least it wasn't a password [12:03] touchscreen keyboard.. [12:04] lol [12:49] Any recommendations for the laptop of a road warrior? Getting a new job and I guess I'll be needing one. [12:49] awilkins: what you doing ? [12:50] MooDoo, "Technical Architect" which will mean a certain amount of visiting customers and getting their requirements [12:50] For the healthcare market ; going to work for Nant Health [12:50] Cancer informatics, that kind of stuff. Lots of integration things I think. [12:51] awilkins: congrats :D [12:51] Ta :-) feet were getting a little leaden in my current position [12:52] I like the Lenovo that is my current issue laptop [12:52] So I will probably get something from their range [12:52] awilkins: yeah that's why I moved too. [12:53] An old colleague who works for them now headhunted me, which is always flattering [12:53] and they got a bonus? [12:53] Dunno [12:54] Can't get him drunk and ask, he's a hindu [12:54] that probably rules out dragging them over hot coals too... :-p [12:55] Only if he cracks under the pressure of spa therapy :-) [12:55] awilkins: kinda what happened to me lol [12:57] awilkins: ooo never thought of getting my new boss ratted as a thank you lol must try it [13:51] did the UK economy have a massive crash in 2007-2008? I am seeing GBP value going up so much then from 1.5 to 1.15 [13:51] http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=EUR&view=10Y [13:52] 1.52 to 1.05 actually. [14:11] Erm : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007%E2%80%9308 [14:14] tl;dr the whole world did === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [14:22] The GBP probably suffered greatly because we have more idiot bankers per Square Mile. [14:28] Yeah, Europe/Holland suffered a lot too, but the EUR-currency went up a lot I guess. [14:51] interesting - http://www.phonearena.com/news/With-the-same-battery-HTC-One-M8-for-Windows-listed-to-have-nearly-double-the-battery-life-of-the-One-M8-for-Android_id59571 [14:52] also, nexus 6 specs leak. another gargantuphone. 5.2" screen [14:52] http://www.phonearena.com/news/Motorola-Shamu-aka-Nexus-6-full-specs-leak-5.2-QHD-screen-Snapdragon-805-and-Android-L_id59287 [14:53] shamu? [15:02] drussell: because it has no apps? ☻ [15:02] er, oops [15:02] ignore me ☻ [15:04] popey: consider it done :o) [15:04] haha [15:06] Good morning peeps :) [15:07] moin [15:42] what is a decent unzip program for mac that supports passwords? [15:43] 7zip ? [15:44] http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/19139/ez7z [15:45] alsa has to be gui and downloadable from a trustworthy website [15:45] Bah, GUIs [15:45] Doesn't OSX have a supplied archive program with a GUI? [15:45] yes but it doesn't support password protected zip files [15:45] 'the unarchiver' works really well. just don't get it from the appstore because sandboxing and archiving is a bad combination (it's free either way) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [17:49] god damn [17:49] in a queue again with student loan co [17:50] every time i ring [17:52] paid mine off \o/ [17:52] nicely done. [17:52] yea so i have [17:53] overpaid infact [17:53] so need to send april-july payslip and p60 and get them to refund [17:53] but i dunno where im supposed to send to or if i can email [17:53] do they just continue to collect until the EOY? [17:53] yep [17:53] wtf [17:53] till next april starts [17:54] yea [17:54] im gona overpay significantly [17:54] basically u have to phone them and say you think yuve paid it off [17:54] then send copies of payslips/p60 and they credit your overpayment within 21 days [17:54] crazy [17:54] they shouldnt have the ability to overcharge you [17:55] totally barmy scenario..the statement you get where it says you owe £1000 or whatever..thats the same as the see on the screens at stident loan co say 8months later..they dont seem to update like say a normal loan would [17:55] and instead all the payments u make get taken off it in one go at the end of the year [17:55] very odd [17:55] yeah it only updates annually [17:55] yep [17:55] stupid eh [17:55] not exactly normal [17:56] i spent ages getting accewss to my account online only to find its useless..it showed the same as the statement from a year prior [17:56] the problem is whilst the money is collected by HMRC monthly on your paycheque via PAYE, the payments are made by HMRC to SLC annually [17:56] 2mins 30 more and il hang up..i only bother queuing for 10mins a time [17:56] so they only know your balance *accurately* once a year [17:56] the rest of the year is estimated [17:56] total nonsense no directhex ? [17:57] i don't make the rules [17:58] i know:P [17:58] wel [17:58] i last checked in march [17:59] lets ee how i did.. [17:59] got through just before i hung up:D [18:01] gotta love that i have to reset it everytime i login [18:02] oh goodie, it still hasnt got 2014 data [18:10] clearly it's a life ambition of mine to pay off my student loan asap. [18:10] gona be another year i suspect, though i'm only paying via HMRC. i guess technically it'd be beneficial to pay it off early === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away === Hornet- is now known as Hornet [21:17] http://www.hotforsecurity.com/blog/chrome-web-browser-toughens-up-blocking-deceptive-downloads-9956.html [21:21] and.. keep digging that hole microsoft. http://www.hotforsecurity.com/blog/some-windows-7-pcs-bricked-by-microsoft-after-faulty-patch-tuesday-update-9945.html [21:58] hah nice diddledan [21:58] nice ms updated [21:58] :D [21:58] *updates [22:56] https://fsf.org/blogs/community/gnu-hackers-discover-hacienda-government-surveillance-and-give-us-a-way-to-fight-back [23:22] any1 online? [23:22] hi [23:22] what is best irc app for ubuntu?