
rick_h__having fun yet?00:40
cmaloneyPutting together an already late episode of OMC00:56
cmaloneySo in a way, yeah.00:56
rick_h__did the student evals00:57
cmaloneyAh, cool.00:58
rick_h__not much to it in this one00:58
cmaloneyRawk! \m/01:11
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/H1gHhA - Desktop Convergence Plans Survey01:25
cmaloneyNot sure I like the direction01:37
rick_h__holy crap, for your "it's a small world" moment of the day https://twitter.com/chcholman/status/50190609313696972901:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/eXRDhM - Twitter / chcholman: Woah, used to live on the street ...01:46
cmaloneyrick_h__: You should check out Imagekind02:20
cmaloneyThey do good work02:20
* brousch cries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25394139/saving-files-in-the-same-directory12:09
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/bbxOT9 - python - Saving Files in the Same Directory - Stack Overflow12:09
rick_h__morning and yay I get to go to CHC tonight!12:33
jrwren_cmaloney: which direction do you dislike?12:51
jrwren_cmaloney: click packages?12:52
rick_h__jcastro: thanks goodness you obeyed the signs and didn't jump in13:02
cmaloneyGood morning13:15
cmaloneyjrwren_: I fear Mir will mess up games and the clipboard for X-based applications13:16
cmaloneyStuff like SDL need to run flawlessly.13:16
jrwren_cmaloney: oh, is THAT all? ;p13:16
cmaloneyI also fear having two separate package installs13:17
cmaloneymuch like the mess of Tablet vs Desktop under Windows.13:17
cmaloneyand the sandboxing causing similar issues that we ran into under SELinux where shit breaks because someone didn't flip a bit13:18
cmaloneyThat's three architectural changes that as a desktop user will "change how I use Ubuntu". ;)13:18
cmaloneyNote: they're not bad changes overall, but I can see the desktop side of Ubuntu getting hosed.13:19
jrwren_cmaloney: hosed more than it already is? ;]13:20
cmaloneyAbout the only thing that I didn't care for under 14.04 was the online suggestions13:21
cmaloneyand that can be easily turned off13:21
cmaloneyAnd yes, I agree that X is a dog's breakfast and needs changing13:21
jrwren_I wonder if kubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu will not use Xorg.13:21
cmaloneybut Mir needs stringent backward compatability.13:21
cmaloneyand not just "well, Qt and GTK work, so we're good"13:22
jrwren_I actually don't agree. IMO all the X extensions ruined X. I want my network transparency back!13:22
jrwren_cmaloney: port XLib to Mir ?13:22
cmaloneyjrwren_: Yeah, I'm a huge fan of X network transparancy but I like my extensions. :)13:22
jrwren_I'd rather an xlib layer be a last resort. Native to whatever display is the best.13:23
guy__Greetings from exotic Lapeer, Michigan.  I've never used IRC before.  Excuse any breaches of etiquette.13:30
jrwren_guy__: greetings!13:30
jrwren_guy__: welcome from Ann Arbor.13:30
rick_h__guy__: heh, lived in lapeer for many years back in the day13:31
jrwren_guy__: My first use of IRC was 19 years ago, so no worries. :)13:31
guy__Ann Arbor - ahh....the cradle of civilization.13:31
guy__I think pot was legal there in 1943.13:32
cmaloneyguy__: Hello from ~Royal Oak13:32
rick_h__graduated from east, and now I feel old realizing how long ago that was13:32
guy__Wow, Rick........we're old neighbors...13:32
jrwren_rick_h__: 20 year reunion coming up.13:32
rick_h__jrwren_: hah, I couldn't remember the names of 3 people I graduated with13:33
guy__Cool.....  I'm so old we hold our reunions at Sunset Hills Cemetary13:33
cmaloney20 year reuinion, How quaint. :)13:33
guy__Hello Royal Oak.....13:34
guy__Dead serious - I think I installed IRC on Windows about 15 years ago....used it once or something.13:34
guy__I'm 62 going on 12........STILL tinkering.13:35
jrwren_I shall now address you as pops.13:35
jrwren_:)  j/k13:35
guy__Thta's fine - I keep telling my wife it "smells like old people in here..." - then I realize it's US.13:35
guy__I refuse to grow up.13:36
guy__I'm dry walling our house, and playing with all sorts of Linux distros - doin' okay for 62.13:37
guy__And I'm cheating - I threw a spare hard drive in the PC and installed something called PinguyOS - the launch thing for this was on the desktop, so, here I am....13:38
jrwren_PinguyOS eh?13:39
guy__Yeah - it's got a beautiful desktop but it's kinda sluggish....13:39
guy__Comes with a mountain of software out of the box......13:39
guy__debian based.13:40
jrwren_That was is new to me. Its interesting.13:40
guy__I had never heard of the thing - watched a YouTube video and a guy was talking about it....13:40
guy__I compiled web and mail servers on the thing...most of the packages from scratch.  I got it all working.... just a hobby.13:41
guy__Running from PingOS (well, temporarily probably): http://www.guysjoint.com13:42
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/mM8UgT - Guysjoint.com | Just one more idiot with a web site…..running from Ubuntu 12.0413:42
guy__Gotta sand drywall - you guys solve the world's problems......13:43
guy__and hurry up.13:43
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho14:35
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Run Straight Down by Warren Zevon on The Electric Werewolf Strikes Again14:35
wollfgerIs that a real album?14:47
=== wollfger is now known as wolfger
cmaloneyNot sure. I have the single that I got from the radio station in college.15:25
mrgoodcatwarren zevon ftw15:43
mrgoodcatshould make a remix of sweet home alabama called sweet home illinois and use the werewolves of london original recording for the backround music15:49
rick_h__jcastro: dude that video thing is great18:19
rick_h__that's so cool how that whip that up18:19
brouschquick sqlalchemy question. I want to access the object this foreign key is linked to https://github.com/brousch/WaznexServer/blob/master/waznexserver/models.py#L9718:21
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/rZli9o - WaznexServer/models.py at master · brousch/WaznexServer · GitHub18:21
brouschI get the id, but can't figure out how to get the object18:22
rick_h__ugh, who named the column fk_grid_item?18:23
rick_h__brousch: you need to build a relation to it18:23
brouschI named it that probably 4 years ago18:23
brouschyeah, it sucks18:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/At7ajw - Bookie/auth.py at develop · bookieio/Bookie · GitHub18:23
brouschsaying it's a foreignkey does not establish a relationship?18:24
rick_h__brousch: no, it's the background data needed to create a relationship18:24
rick_h__brousch: but you need more data to build/define it18:24
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/OQX5GY - Relationship Configuration — SQLAlchemy 0.9 Documentation18:24
rick_h__brousch: ^18:24
brouschI was just looking there18:25
rick_h__notice the child = relationship("Child")18:25
rick_h__that line is how you access the child through the Parent18:25
rick_h__and that uses the fact that the FK is defined to help build that18:25
rick_h__brousch: so you just need to add a line18:25
rick_h__grid_item = Relation(GridItem)18:26
rick_h__then you can GridCell.grid_item.filename18:26
jcastrorick_h__, what video thing?18:33
rick_h__jcastro: on G+ the boat18:33
jcastrooh yeah, heh18:33
brouschrick_h__: u da man18:35
brouschI'm working on http://talks.barcampgr.org/18:36
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/SI0WE2 - BarCampGR Session Grid18:36
brouschI use it once a year, so there's always some tweaking to get it up to date and running18:36
rick_h__brousch: gotcha, glad to be of help18:37
rick_h__glad I still remember any python :P18:37
rick_h__jcastro: yea, love you and Jill front row. You guys are front row folks18:38
brouschrick_h__: :(18:40
jcastroheh yeah, I mean, why go if you can't get in the front row?18:41
jrwren_pywhat? ;]18:42
cmaloney(no, I'mn not googling that.)18:52
jrwren_its not the gtk or gl lib?18:54
wolfgercmaloney: chicken18:58
cmaloneySorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of me pecking in the yard.19:32

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