
huwshimirick_h__, hatch: Changes are up! https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/49800:12
rick_h__huwshimi: you split on -, but the template doesn't have a - in the class?00:21
rick_h__huwshimi: commented to be more clear00:22
huwshimirick_h__: The class gets prebuilt in the render step: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/498/files#diff-9dcc1a3a6fc72b434afc0c7c14ec9556R10800:23
huwshimirick_h__: So you end up with classes such as moreMenuItem-0, moreMenuItem-1 etc.00:24
rick_h__huwshimi: ah, gotcha00:24
rick_h__huwshimi: cool, missed it thanks00:24
rick_h__huwshimi: comment on a test but looks good apart from that00:24
huwshimirick_h__: Great, I'll take a look00:24
rick_h__huwshimi: thanks for the updates!00:25
huwshimirick_h__: No problems!00:25
huwshimirick_h__: Like this? https://github.com/huwshimi/juju-gui/commit/f252894d6ce4c2763444f7ae4242b8e1a32380e000:29
huwshimirick_h__: I have to duck out for a minute to do my tax, but if that last change is all good is it time for a rebase and a shipit?00:38
hatchhuwshimi:  I'm back, did you need any reviews or anything?01:42
huwshimihatch: You could do a final check over the changes I made this morning ( the callback stuff)01:53
hatchsure I'm just doing homework now heh01:54
hatchhuwshimi:  one comment01:57
hatchI was going to comment on some of the label stuff as a joke but I thought you might throw your computer across the room01:57
huwshimihatch: I would have gone over to your house02:05
huwshimihatch: shipit?02:07
rick_h__luca: <3 nice round of bugs thanks11:16
lucarick_h__: hehe no problem.11:24
* frankban lunches12:31
=== uru_ is now known as urulama
hatchmornin all13:48
rick_h__sssshhhhhh hatch :P13:49
hatchoh did I break the silence? 13:49
hatchwell serves ya'll right!!!! Should be all millin about n'such13:49
hatchluca:  you were busy :) 14:03
hatchgood bug reports14:03
lucahehe, morning hatch 14:03
hatchthe inspector health bar was interesting14:07
hatchI'm not sure where that went14:07
lucahatch: lol14:07
hatchI created a card, it must be a styling issue14:07
lucahatch: nice14:07
* hatch starts countdown until kadams54 timesout 14:12
kadams54I'm actually at a friend's house today :-)14:12
jrwren_I just loled at 'bad wolf' in the quickstart tests.14:20
jcsackettjrwren_: "bad wolf" is all over.14:24
jcsackettas it should be. :p14:25
jrwren_this scares me.14:25
hatchI feel left out, I've never understood "Bad wolf"14:25
jrwren_hatch: its a Doctor Who thing.14:25
jrwren_hatch: its really very silly.14:26
hatchOhh I've never watched enough DW to really catch the jokes14:26
hatchI've been meaning to14:26
hatchbuuuuut such is life14:26
jrwren_hatch: Its television.14:27
urulamahatch: yes, you have to exterminate all free time.14:28
urulama(doing it Dalek voice)14:28
hatchmy problem with tv is that I now have sports and activities for all kinds of weather, and hacking for times when I am feeling lazy....sooooo yeah14:28
jrwren_that does not sound like a problem with tv... a solution maybe.14:32
hatchhaha true14:35
hatchbut I still pay that damn $60/mo for basic cable 14:35
hatchbecause wasting money is fun!14:36
jrwren_So cancel?14:43
kadams54That's the great myth about cutting the cord…14:46
kadams54Who needs TV? We've got Netflix! Except Netflix comes via cable…14:46
hatchyeah we could save about $50 but cutting out cable but there is always the one show...14:48
hatchI just wish I could buy them online for a reasonable price14:48
hatchsome are available on itunes and some are available on streaming from the proviers....but neither of those are very attractive when it costs you 50% of the monthly fee for one show14:51
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews for https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/79 (charmstore/golang). Anyone? thanks!14:51
hatchI'll review it but my review probably counts as a -1 :) I should really get more involved in that side14:52
frankbanhatch: appreciated14:53
frankbanurulama, jrwren_ ^^14:53
urulamafrankban: looking14:54
urulamafrankban: but i'll probably finish in the evening14:54
hatchI have to say I am not a fan of the no-line-limit in golang scripts14:54
frankbanhatch: +114:55
frankbanhatch: but when in Rome...14:55
hatch...visit the Panthenon?14:55
hatchjrwren_:  yeah like requiring a newline at 80char or 120char14:56
jrwren_I follow 79 columns in any language in which I write.14:56
jrwren_hatch: I'm not a fan either.14:56
jrwren_sometimes gofmt makes it difficult to wrap where I want :(14:56
frankbanhatch: :-)14:56
hatchyeah gofmt makes my code look like garbage lol, I'm THAT guy who disagrees with gofmt :D14:57
rick_h__hatch: +114:57
jrwren_I feel you just have to learn to get along with go fmt14:57
hatchjrwren_:  well, with any linter really :)14:57
hatchgofmt is just.....well.....14:58
Makyojujugui call in 214:58
frankbanhatch: it's still better than our js linter IMHO14:58
hatchfrankban:  haha, well as long as you stay away from chaining it's ok14:58
frankbanhatch: I only hate column indentation in structs, which makes me also unhappy when reviewing code14:59
hatchohh I like that :)14:59
rick_h__antdillon: jcsackett standup15:00
jcsackettalready on. :p15:00
jcsackettwas on before you were, dude. :p15:00
bacsorry rick_h__ i missed all of the license management discussion15:13
hatchw00t http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2014/08/phantomjs-2-and-javascript-goodies.html15:17
hatchmobile in Belgum http://www.belgacom.be/en/id_t_px_max/personal/products-and-services/proximus-telephony/paygo-max.html?tabnav=115:29
urulamahatch: wth! my ears!15:30
urulamahatch: add WARNING to such links, please :)15:30
rick_h__bac: let me know if you get a good connection and want the low-down15:31
rick_h__bac: basically: make sure any new 3rd party libs have a license, look for those during reviews where someone adds a 3rd party dep15:31
hatchurulama:  hahaha that's rick_h__'s friday theme song15:31
bacrick_h__: yeah, i figured that would be the outcome.  thanks.15:32
rick_h__what is my friday theme song?15:32
hatchsee the youtube link15:32
rick_h__wtf, how did you get to this from me?15:33
rick_h__or anything I said15:33
jrwren_I prefer the starcraft 2 spoof.15:33
rick_h__OMG this is awful15:34
rick_h__maybe that's the comparison you were looking for15:34
hatchI vote that you find a wig and a convertible 15:34
bachatch: wow the belgian pay/go is uncheap15:34
jrwren_rick_h__: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzq2O54LLIw  much better.15:34
hatchbac only marginally more than three I think15:34
hatchin the uk15:34
rick_h__hatch: unlimited data on three though15:35
bachatch: but with three you got unlimited data.  is there a plan on that site i missed?15:35
bacyeah, what rick_h__ siad15:35
hatchjrwren_:  hahahaha this is awesome15:36
jrwren_hatch: you follow sc2?15:36
hatchjrwren_:  I used to be into it but it's been a while 15:37
hatchafter a while I hit my skill limit and would just get owned in every match15:37
jrwren_hatch: big even in Detroit this weekend. I have tix. I'm going this evening :)15:37
hatchso I kind of lost interest 15:37
hatchoh cool :)15:37
hatchjrwren_:  I've always thought the APM's were a little ridiculous, you don't need to click every damn tile on the way to where you want it to go just to get your APM up :) 15:40
jrwren_hatch: I never bothered with that. I've been told its a means of practice so that you can micro at those speeds when needed.15:41
hatchalso a means to carpel tunnel15:41
=== urulama is now known as uru-afk
jrwren_frankban: updated https://code.launchpad.net/~evarlast/juju-quickstart/which-juju/+merge/227238 and https://codereview.appspot.com/13277004316:47
* rick_h__ runs for lunch16:49
kadams54We've got a CI build that's been running for 16 hours… http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui/1668/16:57
hatchheh nice16:57
hatchkill it16:57
kadams54I can kill it, but I suspect subsequent builds will fail16:57
kadams54And they are16:58
kadams54There's a hung thread that's hanging onto a port16:58
hatchsay what?16:59
kadams54strike that… the last two failures seem to be legit16:59
hatchthat's not to say it WONT break heh16:59
kadams54We'll see… if this build makes it to the selenium tests, I bet it fails.16:59
kadams54Same thing happened to me earlier in the week and Rick had to kick something on the server.17:00
hatchyeah it doesn't kill the pending server17:01
hatchrick_h__: can you kill the server in ci?17:01
hatchkadams54:  you might as well kill all the runs17:01
rick_h__hatch: sure thing17:04
hatchrick_h__:  before you run away could you put instructions on what to do in this case?17:05
hatchI'll set up my machine for it, I just don't want to end up with CI down for a week heh17:05
rick_h__hatch: killed17:05
hatchthanks ^ kadams54 17:06
rick_h__who has ssh on there, jcsackett ?17:06
rick_h__bac: but he's out next week as well I think17:06
rick_h__oh, bac is around yay17:06
hatchrick_h__:  I thought the keys were in the wiki? 17:06
rick_h__hatch: not the ssh keys, those have to be added17:07
rick_h__bac: and jcsackett I think can add keys and ssh in17:07
hatchoh ok sounds good17:07
rick_h__but all I do is 'ssh ubuntu@ci.jujugui.org' and then run 'ps' and look for the server and 'sudo kill XXXXX'17:07
hatchoh ok simple enough thanks17:08
hatchjcsackett:  hey are you around?17:35
frankbanjrwren_: reviewed17:38
frankbandone for the day, have a great weekend all!17:38
rick_h__have fun frankban 17:38
jrwren_frankban: thanks. Have a great weekend.17:38
rick_h__ok, I'm out jujugui, have a good time and catch you all later17:46
kadams54Have a good time rick_h__!17:46
hatchcya rick_h__ enjoy your holiday17:52
jcsacketthatch: i am around now.18:18
jcsacketthatch: have been for a bit, actually, but i am bad about checking for hilights when i get back from lunch. :p18:19
hatchjcsackett:  hey sorry18:36
hatchthe area I'm working on will likely conflict with the stuff you are doing18:36
hatchdo you have anything I can look at yet?18:36
hatchif not no problem I'll just bench what I have until yours lands18:50
jcsacketthatch: what are you poking at?19:10
jcsacketti can push up one thing, and then the only other thing to beware of is not touching _onUnitChange in machine view panel.19:11
jcsacketti *think*19:11

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