
wxlanarkhos: you're talking about kernel recompilation.00:01
wxlanarkhos: assuming it's not already configured00:02
wxlgrep CONFIG_PM_DEBUG /boot/config-`uname -r`00:02
anarkhosim reading this https://01.org/linuxgraphics/documentation/how-debug-suspend-resume-issues-000:02
anarkhosb. Suspend/resume by skipping BIOS:00:02
anarkhosstep 100:02
wxli get CONFIG_PM_DEBUG=y00:02
wxlso that's what you want00:02
anarkhosgrep CONFIG_PM_DEBUG /boot/config-`uname -r`                   <--- that will give me information?00:03
anarkhoswhat is the sign enveloping uname -r?00:04
anarkhosnot ". not '00:04
wxllook for ~00:04
anarkhosthere i reckon00:04
anarkhosyou said `00:04
wxlthey're on the same key00:05
wxlshift` = ~00:05
anarkhosconfig-`uname -r`00:05
wxl`command` is the same as $(command)00:05
wxlit means "insert the result of command here"00:05
wxlso if i did this:00:06
wxlecho `echo hello`00:06
wxlit would respond:00:06
wxlthat's a stupid example admittedly XD00:06
anarkhoswhy look for ~?00:06
wxlbecause shift` = ~00:06
wxlif you can't find ` you could probably find ~00:07
anarkhosi find both00:07
wxlin any case it looks like you found it00:07
anarkhosill try: grep CONFIG_PM_DEBUG /boot/config-`uname -r`00:07
wxlgrep is search utility00:07
wxluname prints system information, with -r giving you the kernel release00:08
anarkhosok, same output here00:08
anarkhosso all good then00:08
wxlin /boot are files that start with config- and end with the kernel release00:08
wxlso it's kind of like saying "look for CONFIG_PM_DEBUG in the config file for my current kernel, which lives in /boot"00:09
wxlyou need a command line 101 class :)00:09
anarkhosyeah well, im (re-)learning, slowly but steadily00:09
anarkhosbut ive never been extremely good00:09
anarkhosok on to step two00:10
wxlit helps to actually learn it rather than just typing in commands00:10
anarkhos"echo core/processors/devices > /sys/power/pm_test" gives "write error: invalid argument"00:12
wxlyou need to do that as root00:13
anarkhosi changed the permissions of /sys/power/pm_test00:13
* wxl facepalms00:13
wxllike i said, you need to learn the command line :)00:13
anarkhosjust preceding the command with "sudo" doesn't suffice00:14
anarkhosno reason to facepalm. either i change the permissions/enable the root account, or i just don't try this task at all00:14
wxlyou can also do echo core/processors/devices | sudo tee /sys/power/pm_test00:14
wxlyou could sudo su and just become root00:15
wxllike i said, you need to learn the command line :D00:15
Unit193sudo -i00:15
anarkhosi thought about sudo su actually00:15
anarkhosyeah i read about that Unit19300:15
anarkhosill reverse the permissions change and activate the root account00:16
anarkhossame error when run as root too. ill try wxl's modified command00:18
anarkhosok, one step further00:19
anarkhosthe echo worked, but still:00:19
anarkhos"tee: /sys/power/pm_test: invalid argument"00:20
wxlworks for me00:21
* wxl shrugs00:21
anarkhoswhat's tee?00:22
wxl!info tee00:22
ubottuPackage tee does not exist in trusty00:22
wxl!search tee00:22
ubottuFound: kde-#ubuntu-fi, oneiric, 11.04, appreciate, slangasek*, bunnies*, 11.10, volunteers, maverick, natty and 1 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=tee00:22
wxlno no no00:22
wxlooh we should create a !man factoid Unit19300:23
Unit193wxl: I have an alias.00:23
wxlUnit193: make a factoid now.00:23
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/00:24
wxl!man man00:24
anarkhos"In computing, tee is a command in command-line interpreters (shells) using standard streams which reads standard input and writes it to both standard output and one or more files, effectively duplicating its input"00:25
wxlread: echo00:25
anarkhosmight it be that the guide is referring to a command that is slightly different on lubuntu?00:38
anarkhoshmm, im in run-level 200:42
anarkhosthe guide suggests level 3 if there's no difference between suspendbehaviour in the graphics environment or text mode00:42
anarkhosbut still the same invalid argument error00:43
anarkhosare there other drivers than "gma500_gfx" i could try for the intel gma500 card?02:00
holsteinanarkhos: i like to test with the vesa driver to isolate the driver02:20
holsteinso, you have tried the vesa driver?02:21
anarkhosno, im not sure how to do it02:21
anarkhosah this one02:22
holsteini just put the xorg.conf im place and test.. i dont bother with addressing the geometry, unless, this is a machine where using the vesa driver is an option02:22
anarkhosi read a lot about it, but i dont recall... i dont think i actually tested it02:22
holsteinanarkhos: its the "fail safe" driver.. its nice to, as i say, remove the driver from the equation. otherwise, you can use it to determine what else *is* the issue02:23
anarkhosyes, if the problem persists with the vesa driver, gma 500 is cleared of responsibility02:24
anarkhosill try it right now,  let me turn on the netbook again02:25
holsteinwell the gma is anyways, since it never promised, offically, to work with linux02:26
holsteinbut, it could be the problematic issue you are encountering02:26
holsteinfor me, on older hardware, doenst bother me to use a vesa driver02:27
holsteini mean, the only other viable option is windows xp.. and its not an option02:28
anarkhosof course, there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X1102:33
holsteinanarkhos: correct02:33
anarkhosill just copy xorg.conf to that location02:33
holsteinanarkhos: thats why i say, put the one in linked in place02:33
anarkhoswith the content from the page you gave02:34
anarkhosreboot then02:37
anarkhosnormally i boot into run-level 202:38
anarkhosis that an issue?02:39
anarkhoslooking at lsmod, it seems like gma500 is loaded now too02:40
holsteinanarkhos: i run "lspci -v"02:40
anarkhos"kernel driver in use: gma500"02:41
holsteinanarkhos: ok.. then, you didnt get it right02:41
holsteinanarkhos: hmmm indeed02:41
anarkhosxorg.conf is in /etc/X1102:41
anarkhoswith the content copied from the linked page02:42
holsteinits not a fix. its a troubleshooting step02:42
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:43
anarkhosi suppose simply putting xorg.conf in there doesn't stop the gma500 driver from being loaded02:43
holsteinanarkhos: yes.. it specifies the graphics to use the vesa driver02:43
anarkhosive tried nomodeset before02:43
anarkhosno difference02:43
anarkhosi could try to blacklist gma500*02:44
holsteinanarkhos: i would just be sure you know how to undo that from a live CD or the recovery kernel, since its not necessary02:44
anarkhosnot necessary...02:45
anarkhosbut the gma500 driver loaded now too02:45
anarkhoseven with the xorg.conf file02:45
holsteinsure. so, try it. im saying, now how to revert, since im saying thats not the issue, and that could blacklist the only module that is working02:45
anarkhosthen i will not try this right now02:46
holsteinanarkhos: it didnt load "too".. i think it only did what it always did, due to misconfiguration02:46
anarkhosi followed the instructions02:46
holsteini dont think you have properly implemented the vesa driver. but, its not a fix.. so i would just move on02:46
anarkhosthen the instructions maybe aren't valid for my lubuntu environment02:47
holsteinanarkhos: nope. they are. thats what works for me02:47
holsteinanarkhos: regardless, try the blacklist if you like. and just move on02:47
anarkhosso what have i forgotten? i created a xorg.conf file, copied the content from the linked page, placed it in /etc/X11 and rebooted02:47
holsteinthis is not something you need to get hung up on. it will be trying *many* things that gets you where you need to be, if possible02:47
holsteinanarkhos: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:48
holsteinshould open the file..02:48
anarkhosit does02:48
anarkhoswith contents corresponding to the linked page02:49
holsteinnot sure what to say, friend, besides, delete it and move on02:49
anarkhosim trying it03:04
anarkhosand that was probably a mistake03:05
holsteintrying what? blacklist?03:06
holsteinyeah, i said it was a bad idea.. and to make sure you know how to revert03:06
anarkhosi think i fixed it03:14
anarkhostrying to reboot03:14
anarkhosyes. back to normal03:15
anarkhosso then i still don't know how to switch between graphics drivers03:15
anarkhosthanks for the assistance holstein. see you03:21
AscavasaionI read somewhere that the admin permissions (group) has been phased out, what is the new group used to give a normal user permissions to allow them to mount devices, open network manager, etc.?05:32
wxlAscavasaion: adm05:59
Ascavasaionwxl: thyank you... I am already a member of adm :(06:01
wxlAscavasaion: if it helps i'm a member of adm cdrom sudo audio dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare libvirtd06:06
wxlthe latter two are likely of little value to you06:06
Ascavasaionwxl: I am already a member of those :(06:10
wxlAscavasaion: are you in sudoers?06:11
AscavasaionGoing to reboot.06:14
switchtehbeatcan anyone help me? I've restored my bios to factory default, it's saying I have "windows boot manager" and it doesn't show grub, just boots to windows. I click my hdd from f11 sata and it boots to lubuntu? what have I done wrong?08:38
testdrswitchtehbeat: check bios-option from what harddisk to boot - maybe you had it in previous version set to second hd and after reset it uses the default first08:40
switchtehbeatI only have 1 hdd but 2 partitions08:41
switchtehbeatwhat does a live cd mean?08:43
testdrswitchtehbeat: then check other bios-options - there is one setting the boot activity from something other what you select in the f11-boot-device-selection08:43
switchtehbeattestdr, what does a live cd mean?08:44
testdrswitchtehbeat: i dont answer "funny" questions - you did read the download-info about the ubuntu-live-version?08:45
switchtehbeat??? no08:45
switchtehbeatplus it's lubuntu not ubuntu08:45
testdrswitchtehbeat: from where did you get the iso-image and burnt it?08:45
testdrand gone - why they do not read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu  and the link there to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_CD08:51
SamwiseGamgeeI got this link from the ##hardware channel: they say it will solve my encryption problem, but will these command lines work with the new, 14.04 versions of ubuntu?  http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu/09:01
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: are you using lubuntu09:49
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: really, you where using xubuntu an hour ago09:50
SamwiseGamgeeyes, I posted sth about an hour ago09:50
ikoniaright so are you using xubuntu or lubuntu09:51
SamwiseGamgeeI am not using xubuntu09:51
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: can you please show me the output of the command "sudo dpkg -l lubuntu-desktop"09:51
ikoniasorry "sudo dpkg -l | grep lubuntu-desktop"09:52
SamwiseGamgeeI am not using lubuntu09:53
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: ok so stop telling lies09:53
ikonia@mark #lubuntu SamwiseGamgee once again telling lies that he is using lubuntu to get support in the wrong channel09:53
SamwiseGamgeeI am using xubuntu 14.0409:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:53
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you've been warned 3 times about telling lies09:53
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: this is not the channel to get support09:53
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: why do you persist in telling lies09:53
ikoniayou'll end up getting banned in this channel too09:54
SamwiseGamgeeI never told anyone I use lubuntu,  I have been using xubuntu 14.04 for months now09:55
ikonia10:49 < ikonia> SamwiseGamgee: are you using lubuntu09:55
ikonia10:50 < SamwiseGamgee> yes09:55
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you just told me less than 4 minutes ago in a channel you where using lubuntu09:56
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: so again - stop telling lies09:56
SamwiseGamgeewhich channel?09:56
ikonia@mark #lubuntu SamwiseGamgee continuing to tell lies09:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:57
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: this one,09:57
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you just said it in this channel less than 4 minutes ago09:57
ikonia10:51 < SamwiseGamgee> I am not using xubuntu09:57
ikoniaI can now only assume you are trolling this channel09:57
ikoniaas you are clearly unable to be truthful or you are trying to misslead people on purpose09:57
SamwiseGamgeeI am using xubuntu 14.04, and I never ever installed lubuntu, I am certain of this09:57
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: I know09:58
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: I asked you if you where using lubuntu and you said "yes"09:58
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you then said "I am not using xubuntu"09:58
ikonianow you are saying the total opposite after I caught you telling lies again09:58
switchtehbeatI sorted it, my bios was booting from "legacy" instead of ufi/uefi, no idea what that means but grub is there now for windows and lubuntu :)10:17
ikoniadoes the lubuntu install detect/configure a efi boot setup ?10:18
ikoniasorry the lubuntu installer10:20
switchtehbeatno idea10:20
testdrswitchtehbeat: cause you logged out, this posting again: why they do not read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu  and the link there to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_CD10:37
=== gatis__ is now known as Gatis
STHGOMi want to have google chrome running in wine15:20
holsteinSTHGOM: sure.. get the windows .exe version and run it in wine.. though, i suggest the native linux version that google provides15:21
holsteinthere is literally no reason to use the windows version..15:21
STHGOMim trying to run roblox on lubuntu15:22
holsteinSTHGOM: ask them for a native linux version15:23
holsteinotherwise, you install "wine", and what i do is just run "wine /path/to/*.exe" and try the windows software15:23
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:24
holsteinSTHGOM: there will be no avenue of support for it, since, they release for an operating system you are not using, and wine cant support the code they make15:24
holsteinnot sure why you are laughing.. i really feel the "best" way for you to get support and performance is for them to support the operating system you are using.. if you have not asked, i wouldnt assume it to me completely futile..15:25
STHGOMi felt stupid so i laughed15:26
holsteinSTHGOM: oh.. nah, you shouldnt feel stupid..15:26
holsteini thought you were laughing about the idea of them releasing a linux version.. which can actually be laughable. but, more and more companies and developers are coming around to supporting linux15:27
STHGOMso who do i ask?15:27
STHGOMjust on #roblox?15:27
anarkhosholstein: ive found some other ways (xforcevesa boot code) of using the vesa driver, and also "fbdev". then there's the possibility of using recovery mode to explore the xorg.conf file that is created. what do you think about this?15:27
holsteinSTHGOM: well, i wouldnt expect to casually email "support@roblox" and get a *tar.bin right back.. but, i would look for a contact, and just let them know your intentions, and that you would like linux support15:28
holsteinSTHGOM: otherwise, im not sure what the deal is with it15:28
holsteini go to http://www.roblox.com/ and it loads15:28
holsteinSTHGOM: why are you not using it in the native chrome on linux?15:29
STHGOMi am15:29
STHGOMi tried to install the windows roblox with wine15:29
holsteinSTHGOM: it looks like a website, and not an application that requires windows in anyway15:29
holsteinSTHGOM: what windows roblox? is it not a website?15:29
STHGOMthe program15:29
holsteinSTHGOM: ok.. you can try it in wine..15:30
holsteinhttps://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=9392 for example15:30
holsteinanarkhos: you shouldnt need the xorg.conf15:31
holsteinanarkhos: i would literally boot using the vesa driver, and test whatever you are trying to test.. if the driver has no effect on whatever that is, then, you can assume rather safely the driver is not the issue15:31
anarkhosholstein: yeah i booted into recovery mode, root shell now and there is no xorg.conf15:33
holsteinanarkhos: sure.. there shouldnt be one15:34
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia15:34
holsteinanarkhos: there is never one anymore.. its deprecated.. you put one in place it you want one.. but, the other kernel modes you are finding are allowing you to test with the vesa driver15:34
anarkhosyes. the current problem is to make the gma500 not load and simultaneously make vesa or fbdev successfully load. maybe the problem yesterday was that i created a xorg.conf15:35
holsteini would literally spend about 20 minutes testing the vesa driver, then move on.. this is *not* a fix. its not something to add extra issues onto your plate about15:35
anarkhosholstein: if you want you could in the meantime have a look at tzsch.webs.com/dmesg.txt for a closer look at the errors related to the power button and ACPI15:36
anarkhoshowever, ive tried many possible solutions relating to that - all without any success15:36
holsteinanarkhos: how did the power button respond in xubuntu live?15:37
anarkhossame... no reaction whatsoever. and it's lubuntu, not xubuntu15:37
holsteinanarkhos: i tell you, you literally could be the *only* person with that particular hardware profile using lubuntu15:37
holsteinanarkhos: *xubuntu*. how did xubuntu react live? did you try it?15:38
holsteinanarkhos: im asking becuase different services are loaded by default.. did you actualy try xubuntu? or main ubuntu?15:38
holsteinanarkhos: i like to do that as also as an easy troubleshooting step15:38
anarkhosno, i wanted to try lubuntu because i read a review of small distros that could fit acer netbooks and lubuntu did very well there15:39
holsteinanarkhos: as im saying, you wont likely read much helpful, since you can literally be the *only* person with that particular hardare running lubuntu.. you could have hardware rev's different from anyone else runnig it15:39
holsteinanarkhos: sure.. and you *should* try lubuntu.. and use it.. but, you can learn from trying the other live CD's helpful informationg.. like, "is the power button going to do what im tryhing to do in linux"15:40
holsteinanarkhos: if it works in xubuntu, then you can look and see what is supporting that funcitonality and add it to lubuntu15:40
holsteinanarkhos: could be a simple change in something that is designed to be "light" in lxde-lubuntu that you need15:40
anarkhosok, ill have a look at xubuntu, i hope there's enough space on the usb15:42
holsteinanarkhos: xubuntu and lubuntu *are* ubuntu.. so, anything that is happening in xubuntu or main ubuntu is possible in lubuntu15:43
holstein*if* the hardware switches work there, you can learn how to support them..15:43
holsteinanarkhos: with *any* hardware like that, you can have a specific model#.. but, the company promised windows support.. so, if (and this is quite likely) they change the chips, they dont have to say they changed the chips.. they just have to do what they promised, which is, release a windows driver for the hardware15:44
holsteinso, you can be the *only* person with that *exact* hardware running lubuntu15:44
holsteini think it will be a very proactive approach that helps you find a "fix".. especially since nothing is broken15:45
anarkhosyou don't incidentally... no, nevermind that'd drain bandwidth15:45
holsteingetting in the larger ubuntu community for a bit doesnt hurt either, becuase its larger.. and since its all ubuntu, anything from there is relevant in lubuntu15:46
anarkhoshow big is the xubuntu iso?15:47
holsteinanarkhos: AFAIK, its larger than a CD15:47
holsteinanarkhos: again, friend.. this is not a fix.. so, dont get too caught up in it15:47
holsteinanarkhos: i would again, literally take a 20 minute period of my life, and try xubuntu live on the hardware.. if i hit too many barriers, i move on.. its not a fix15:48
anarkhoswell it's not too much hassle. i do these experiments often15:48
anarkhos953mb is the capacity of the USB stick on which lubuntu is at the moment15:49
anarkhosthe other USB i think has lower capacity15:49
anarkhos503 mb the other usb15:50
anarkhoshow about... xubuntu in virtualbox on the netbook with the hardware in question?15:50
anarkhosalso, what is the correct way of using xforcevesa? just "xforcevesa" or "xforcevesa=xforcevesa"?15:51
anarkhosive seen both suggested15:52
anarkhosi imagine something like just "xforcevesa" or maybe "xforcevesa nomodeset"15:52
anarkhos" The Xubuntu 13.04 image size is approximately 800 MB." - that will just about work on one of the USBs15:55
holsteinanarkhos: VM wont pass what you are testing through15:57
anarkhoshmm, regardless of vbox settings?15:57
holsteinanarkhos: im not sure the "correct" way, friend.. i just use the link i gave, and make my own xorg.conf15:57
holsteinanarkhos: correct.. VM will *not* work for your tests..15:57
anarkhosmaking my own xorg.conf did not work. if i blacklist gma500, the boot process stops. if i don't blacklist gma500, the latter is loaded and xorg.conf ostensibly ignored15:58
holsteinanarkhos: ok15:59
holsteinanarkhos: what exactly is the issue? the power button isnt doing what?15:59
holsteini have never used the power button in lubuntu.. it just doenst work, and i dont bother using it15:59
anarkhosnot causing a resume after suspend16:00
anarkhoshave a look at the dmesg errors: http://tzsch.webs.com/dmesg.txt16:00
anarkhosthe power button itself works16:00
anarkhosif i press it, i get some alternatives: reboot, shutdown, suspend etc.16:00
anarkhosit's only resume that fails16:00
anarkhoseverything else related to power seems fine16:01
holsteini dont read the dmesg and learn anything16:01
holsteini test with live CD's and other kernels.. and remove variables.. what works, and why? and how.. what doenst, and how do i add what worked to it.. etc16:01
holsteinim not a "read the code and interpret" kind of guy16:01
holsteinyou can try the main #ubuntu channel with that dmesg16:02
holsteinor, any mailing list for support.. though, i would still check a xubuntu live CD and see if it works "out of the box"..16:02
anarkhosholstein: are you able to find pm-quirks in the repositores?16:15
anarkhosfrom the debian wiki: "A very notable change is that HAL is phased out. If you still have the hal package installed, you should remove it or it will interference with pm-utils during suspend"16:20
anarkhosthere is a folder called /usr/shared/hal in lubuntu16:20
STHGOMwonder if that'll do it16:23
holstein!info pm-quirks16:24
ubottuPackage pm-quirks does not exist in trusty16:24
holsteinanarkhos: i would just test for all of that with live CD's..16:24
anarkhosgoddamn... even with "xforcevesa" and "nomodeset" as kernel boot options, lspci -v returns "kernel driver in use: gma500"16:28
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:29
holsteinanarkhos: please, stop worrying about the vesa driver.. i really dont think its related16:29
anarkhosallright, ill focus more on xubuntu, but first ill take a break i think16:30
anarkhosthanks for the assistance16:30
STHGOManarkhos: I was thinking that by running a windows version of chrome through wine i would get past this: http://www.roblox.com/install/unsupported.aspx16:52
junkais apparmor enabled by default?19:21
HairyFotrjunka: it is for some apps... run sudo aa-status and see which are in enforce mode19:25
junkawhat does it mean that an app is in enforce mode19:28
junkaor confine19:28
junkadefined rather19:28
holsteinjunka: what is the overall goal?19:29
junkaholstein, restrict every program19:35
holsteinjunka: you might consider just reading up on security.. hardening, etc.. https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening for example19:39
junkaholstein, is there a reason apparmor-profiles is not installed?19:41
GatisFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.19:49
talsamonhello , is there any way to start synergy before login (synergy-channel says they had no answer) - works normal on commandline, but if I try to start before login with a init.d-script it is segfaulting19:51
holsteinGatis: please observe the /topic, and use the offtopic channels for chat. thanks19:52
junkaholstein, i did not understand anything from that link :319:52
holsteintalsamon: sure.. though, i havent tried it firsthand since before 12.0419:52
holsteinjunka: sure.. its not trivial what you are asking to do..19:52
talsamonholstein, do you remember which runlevel i should start it19:53
talsamonholstein, defaults ?19:53
holsteintalsamon: i just added a start command19:53
junkaholstein, i read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/AppArmorProfiles and it says that its installed by default, but its not installed on my system19:54
holsteinjunka: lubuntu is using lxde.. the "l" is for light.. they may choose not to ship things that main ubuntu ships with19:55
holsteinjunka: if you want to use it, feel free and install it, and confirm that it is runniing19:55
junkaok holstein thanks19:56
holstein!Info apparmor-profiles19:56
holstein!info apparmor-profiles19:57
ubottuapparmor-profiles (source: apparmor): Profiles for AppArmor Security policies. In component main, is extra. Version 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu5 (trusty), package size 32 kB, installed size 282 kB19:57
anarkhosholstein: im about to try ubuntu 12 now. gonna format the usb and add ubuntu to it22:46
anarkhosubuntu seems more problematic than lubuntu. when i move the cursor, it is as if im drawing. also, the screen is messed up23:12
anarkhosmaybe i can access the command-line and explore it from there23:13
anarkhosholstein: there's news: on the live usb with normal ubuntu, the computer wakes up after suspend, but the screen is black. also, as mentioned already, the screen is a total mess in general. X is unmanagable, but the command-line is fine23:17

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