
seb128good morning desktopers07:23
willcookehey seb12807:23
seb128hey robert_ancell07:23
seb128hey willcooke07:23
pittibonjour seb12807:24
seb128lut pitti, ça va bien ?07:24
pittiseb128: oui, merci -- mais j'attends avec impatience le weekend, pour que je peux dormir :)07:26
seb128pitti, moi c'est pareil !07:26
robert_ancellseb128, hello07:26
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?07:26
robert_ancellseb128, good, yourself?07:26
seb128I'm good thanks07:26
seb128robert_ancell, what are you working on those days? ;-)07:26
robert_ancellI hope you are all enjoying a beer at the present like I am :)07:26
pittieww, beer in the morning! :-)07:27
robert_ancellseb128, lightdm, mps, u-s-d07:27
seb128friday evening for the lucky ones!07:27
robert_ancellwill cycle back to gtk-mir next week and see if I can make anymore headway on that07:27
seb128the utopic version works less nicely than the demo we had in Malta here07:28
seb128could be due to Mir07:28
seb128like I can't type in gedit07:28
seb128nor open menus07:28
robert_ancellyeah, the goalposts might have moved07:29
robert_ancellMalta was a pretty tuned hack07:29
RAOFThe things that bumped GTK support from the front of my queue are almost resolved, and the groundwork for it has already been merged.07:30
willcookeDoes anyone know if the session unlock issue is going to get a fix on the Desktop Next image any time soon?07:31
RAOFSo Mir might be more able to support GTK better in the not too distant future.07:31
robert_ancellRAOF, yay!07:31
seb128willcooke, it should be fixed with https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-016/ you can opt in to try it07:31
willcookethx seb12807:32
seb128RAOF, nice07:32
seb128robert_ancell, btw did you see that Laney had issues with your u-s-d/gnome-desktop changes?07:32
robert_ancellseb128, yes, I've only started looking at them, hopefully will resolve early next week07:32
robert_ancellI don't think they07:32
robert_ancell're a big problem, just some detail to track down07:33
seb128things is that ff was yesterday07:33
seb128but well, I guess we can get an exception for that landing07:34
seb128(the Ubuntu GNOME team really want the updated gnome-desktop in)07:34
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, I figured it's not worth rushing07:36
seb128right, still might be good to put high on the todolist07:36
robert_ancellfirst thing next wekk07:36
robert_ancellseb128, anything else high prio?07:39
seb128not that I can think about, no07:39
seb128GTK Mir ;-)07:39
robert_ancellseb128, oh, we can land the idle part of the u-s-d mp right?07:39
robert_ancellI had a look at doing the process myself but we seemed to be in TRAINWRECK0 or something07:40
willcookeok, I give up.  What changed in sshd config in Utopic? Why can't I just ssh in?07:42
seb128ssh in what?07:43
willcookeI want to ssh in to my touchscreen laptop to add that ppa07:43
seb128robert_ancell, u-s-d, isn't that what laney had symbol conflict issues with?07:43
seb128willcooke, hum, unsure, the phone config stuff changes but desktop shouldn't07:43
robert_ancellseb128, with the RandR stuff, but not the Idle stuff afaik.07:44
robert_ancellLaney, confirm?07:44
seb128robert_ancell, saw https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-settings-daemon/xrandr/+merge/224548/comments/561618 ?07:46
seb128next comment as well on the same mr07:47
robert_ancellseb128, ah, he's tried the other branch there I guess07:47
willcookehrm.  I removed and re-added ssh, now it works.  I'll try and recreate and open a bug07:47
willcookeseb128, it works, it works, it works!!!  Woohoo!07:51
seb128yeah \o/07:55
willcookehey larsu - shall we have our weekly meeting?08:00
larsuwillcooke: I was just about to write the same :)08:00
willcookeseb128, I will be in and out a bit today.  I'm still coughing a lot and might go back to bed for a few hours08:20
seb128willcooke, ok, get better!08:22
seb128is that still the same cold since China?08:23
seb128or did you just got another one after getting over the first one?.08:23
willcookeseb128, different one.  I was getting over the China one on the last day there.  Then I got home and my son had a cough, we took him to the Dr's and they said he had tonsillitis and not to let him cough on you.08:24
willcookebut he's six08:24
willcookeso he doesnt cover his mouth when he coughs08:24
willcooke(despite me telling him to)08:24
willcookeand now I have the same thing :(08:25
willcookeis Google calendar down for anyone else?08:25
seb128calendar is working for me08:25
willcookepopey, is Gcal working for you?08:25
willcooke(assuming Laney is on the road)08:26
seb128(yeah, he should be)08:26
popeywillcooke: yes.08:34
willcookeyes = broken popey ?08:35
willcooke*broken, popey08:35
popey09:25:57 < willcooke> popey, is Gcal working for you?08:36
popey09:34:40 < popey> willcooke: yes.08:36
popeyno, no, no, no, no.... yes.08:36
willcookewell darn.08:37
willcookewhy isnt it working for me08:37
willcookemaybe some new cookies08:37
popeyHave you tried rebooting?08:37
willcookeand now it works08:38
willcookeclear cookies08:38
seb128popey, rebooting? it's not win95 here08:39
willcookeSo, the Inspiron 313708:40
willcookeI don't like the keyboard08:40
willcookeand I don't like the glossy screen08:40
willcookebut I *love* it08:40
willcookethe laptop is really nice.  Quite fast with an SSD, U8 works nicely08:40
seb128do they make touch screens which are not glossy?08:41
willcookegood point08:41
seb128or does touch need to be glass that is glossy by definition?08:41
larsuit doesn't have to be, but they need more robust surfaces for touch08:41
larsuso they usually go with something glassy08:41
larsualso, most people prefer the look08:41
seb128do they have non glassy surfaces that work and are cheap enough?08:42
willcookeyou can get not glossy glass, e.g. in picture frames you can get non-reflective glass, but it costs $$$$$$$08:42
willcookeand is also witch craft08:42
larsuah - they also use those for glasses, right?08:43
willcookeahh, yes - good point08:43
popeyseb128: it's a joke ☻08:47
popey(there is a UK situation comedy involving computer helpdesk workers who use 'have you tried rebooting' as their first suggestion every time)08:48
seb128popey, oh, the it crowd08:48
seb128didrocks showed me some episods08:48
* ochosi always wondered if an it girl was part of an it crowd08:50
willcookeseb128, FYI Monday is a public holiday in the UK09:02
seb128willcooke, ok, enjoy it!09:02
tjaaltonis there a capplet for fonts anymore?09:14
tjaaltonfont scaling in utopic seems regressed09:14
tjaaltonor maybe the default font size just got bumped?09:18
seb128nothing should have changed, and no there is no capplet since GNOME309:19
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tjaaltoni have a test system with a 3200x1800 panel, and with default scaling things look tiny09:21
tjaaltonso I had it bumped to 1.5 so that dash icons are bigger and font readable09:21
tjaaltonbut now after upgrade the fonts  got even bigger09:22
seb128weird, we didn't change much in the gnome and unity stacks09:22
seb128bregma might know about the issue09:23
tjaaltonthe capplet icon size didn't change, but the captions did so the text doesn't fit under the icon09:23
tjaaltonbut I guess those icons don't scale09:24
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bregmatjaalton, that weird font scaling problem is caused by *something* setting the Large Text accessibility option when the Gnome text scaling factor is increased -- and we haven't identified the culprit yet11:42
bregmayou can turn it off again in the control center then roll the dice the next time you start a new session11:42
seb128bregma, that something is likely the settings daemon11:42
seb128or unity11:42
tjaaltonbregma: ah, ok11:43
seb128nothing else play with settings on session start11:43
tjaaltongood to know11:43
bregmait's not Unity, but there's definitely a race during startup because sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes the text starts out OK and then suddenly jumps bigger11:45
bregmait's the last scaling bug we know about that hasn't been fixed yet11:46
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qenghocyphermox: bonjour!  Verify this please?  https://code.launchpad.net/~cmiller/ubuntu/utopic/urfkill/lp1357576-segv-formatstring/+merge/23189714:04
cyphermoxI fail14:05
qenghocyphermox: I'm kind of alarmed the "hardening wrapper"  bit didn't raise an compilation error at that.  :\14:06
cyphermoxhardening-wrapper is something that needs to go from this package too; there are other ways14:07
cyphermoxso, looks good; with the only exception that we could also just remove the patch14:07
cyphermoxdo you need me to sponsor it or can you upload it?14:08
qenghocyphermox: please sponsor.14:08
cyphermoxqengho: I added the change for hardening; I'm uploading as soon as sbuild returns14:29
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