
=== doko_ is now known as doko
pittican we ignore orafce's test failure ("badtest"), to unblock the perl transition?08:53
pitti3.0.7 added new tests which uncovered a crash on i38608:53
araHello #release08:53
pittiI reported it upstream (https://github.com/orafce/orafce/issues/15), but we don't want to hold back 3.0.7 as it's not really a regression08:53
pittiLaney: ^ if you could do an override?08:53
araWho is in charge of moving 12.04.4 and 14.04.0 to old-releases?08:53
dokodid somebody overwrite kde autopkg tests? suddenly everything migrated08:58
dokoI think we should ignore the mysql-5.5 issue too08:59
pittidoko: yes, ScottK added two overrides a few days ago09:02
ScottKI just added one more.09:03
=== Trevinho|holiday is now known as Trevinho
NoskcajIs it possible to force a package to build arch:all on amd64? infernal is amd64 only,  but won't migrate because it tries to build the "all" part on i38609:21
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods|lunch
Sarvattanyone know whats going on with intel-vaapi-driver on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html ? says out of date on arches its never built on15:26
Sarvattah it built on those arches in precise15:27
=== pete-woods|lunch is now known as pete-woods
=== robru is now known as robru|lunch
=== robru|lunch is now known as robru

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