
dednickmzanetti: ping08:40
dednickmzanetti: i'm getting strange results from the unitytestcase::findChild function.08:41
dednickI added a console log to print the array each loop. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8112553/ ever seen something like that?08:41
dednickmzanetti: find invisible seems to work though08:42
mzanettidednick: maybe a loop in some item.children?08:42
mzanettidednick: is this your recursive qml hack?08:42
dednickmzanetti: it is, but same if i remove it08:46
mzanettidednick: well, no, I haven't seen that before...08:47
mzanettidednick: let me know if you need me to have a closer look. right now I can't tell much08:47
dednickmzanetti: hm. it is the children var though. if i remove that it works08:48
dednickmzanetti: it's a model08:48
mzanettidednick: ah, so you have a var named children?08:49
dednickmzanetti: yes08:49
mzanettidednick: ok... findChild() does item.children08:49
mzanettidednick: the qml parent mechanism works through a variable named children08:49
dednickmzanetti: ah. doh08:49
mzanettiso you might not want to use that name08:49
dednickheh. yeah :)08:50
Cimitsdgeos, can you merge scope settings? https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/category_view_invisible_in_preview_mode/+merge/23184409:08
Cimitsdgeos, as well as adding tests09:08
tsdgeosCimi: eh?09:09
Cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/scope-settings09:09
tsdgeoswhich test do you want me to add?09:09
Cimitsdgeos, that it turns visible :)09:09
Cimitsdgeos, just add a visibility check in openPreview/closePreview and settings09:10
Cimitsdgeos, one liner09:10
Saviqtsdgeos, looks like you forgot a prerequisite, too, since silo 16 didn't land yet09:11
Saviqand won't, until Daniel shows up :|09:11
tsdgeosnah i just had a polluted "clean" unity809:11
tsdgeosfor some reason09:11
tsdgeosCimi: not going to merge it for now09:11
Saviq*or* I strip the qtmir changes out from the silo...09:11
Saviqmaybe that's more productive actually09:11
tsdgeosCimi: i'm in my world of trying to make stuff a bit faster, will care of merging when it's merged :D09:12
tsdgeosCimi: i'll add a test, good idea09:13
Cimitsdgeos, if you don't merge scope settings I will have conflicts09:20
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tsdgeoswell, let's just get scope settings merged first hten09:22
tsdgeosand i will have conflicts09:22
tsdgeosmaking the thing non visible09:28
tsdgeoschanges its content height09:28
tsdgeosand stuff breaks09:28
tsdgeosthat is totally unpredicted09:28
Saviqgreyback, bad news in the morning... had to pull qtmir changes from the silo - most probably lifecycle broke trusted prompts09:28
Saviqgreyback, landing just unity8 changes now, will recreate the silo with qtmir back after that09:29
greybackSaviq: ok09:29
SaviqCimi, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/header-customizations/+merge/230719/comments/56435309:58
SaviqCimi, had a thought... for the bottom part of the divider highlight10:00
SaviqCimi, we could have a shader for one pixel and stretch that10:00
CimiSaviq, what's the advantage?10:01
SaviqCimi, I've not a good idea how to come up with the right colour for it...10:02
SaviqCimi, without introducing nasty apis10:02
SaviqCimi, but let me try that first10:02
CimiSaviq, the current color is not right?10:02
SaviqCimi, it is10:02
SaviqCimi, but not when there's departments10:02
CimiSaviq, I stop you, shading one pixel is too risky, we need more samples10:02
CimiSaviq, what if we have one bg image with some details there (or a origami efect or whatever)10:03
SaviqCimi, well, that only depends whether we want to support the highlight to be non-uniform10:03
CimiSaviq, it might make the shader change10:03
Cimiyou see the highlight changing color10:03
SaviqCimi, well, with the *other* solution, I only go for a flat colour too10:04
CimiSaviq, but this does not change10:05
SaviqCimi, it doesn't look at the image at all, either10:05
SaviqCimi, so what colour do I come up with then?10:05
CimiSaviq, either you sample more than 1 pixel, like 1gu10:06
Cimiat least10:06
SaviqCimi, you know well that that's just as prone to failure as anything else10:06
SaviqCimi, what if that one gu at the top left is black10:06
CimiSaviq, so again, this is broken10:07
SaviqCimi, but just next to it something starts happening10:07
CimiSaviq, that's why is not a big improvement over the current solution10:07
SaviqCimi, yeah, so what then? full shader for just that stupid highlight?10:07
CimiSaviq, so let's leave as it is :)10:07
SaviqCimi, it can't be left as is10:08
CimiSaviq, or just sample 1gu in the middle10:08
SaviqCimi, I need to do *something*10:08
Cimiahah ok10:08
SaviqCimi, and either I support an image or not10:08
SaviqCimi, if I don't, I might as well just sample the top 1 px (or find out the top color from the background definition)10:08
SaviqCimi, if I do, it needs to be a full shader10:09
SaviqCimi, truth be told, if it *is* an image, maybe we just require the highlight to be built into it?10:09
Saviqand just not do anything10:09
SaviqCimi, I think that might really be the best thing to do10:10
CimiSaviq, we want a solution that we can port to the sdk10:11
SaviqCimi, not here we don't necessarily10:11
SaviqCimi, that navigation thing does not exist in the sdk10:11
SaviqCimi, and if it did, we don't know if it would support images anyway10:11
SaviqCimi, *and* if it did, if you wanted an image, just highlight it yourself10:12
SaviqCimi, it's not like we're that flexible in the SDK10:12
SaviqCimi, ah dammit, it's just freakin' 4 pixels high or something10:14
SaviqCimi, you are a bastard for forcing me to do this :P10:14
CimiSaviq, I like you being perfectionist :)10:14
SaviqCimi, *I'm* not, not really, I wanted a compromise :P10:15
mzanettioh... only 19 approved branches10:21
mzanettiseems a review a day just moves the queue to another place :D10:21
mzanettizbenjamin: hey, regarding this: https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/unity8/scope-url/+merge/23174910:23
zbenjaminmzanetti: yes10:24
mzanettizbenjamin: is performQuery really what you want?10:24
zbenjaminmzanetti: thats what Saviq told me to use10:24
mzanettiin other words, does this what you want?10:24
zbenjaminmzanetti: well when it shows the scope , it does10:25
zbenjaminmzanetti: i could not test it because it crashes unity, Saviq told me to upload the branch so he can have a look10:25
mzanettiah ok10:26
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that should be what he wants, wasn't able to get on it yet10:27
mzanettiI would have expected to call goToScope()10:28
mzanettibut I realize that might not work for non-favorite scopes10:28
tsdgeossoooo, i just discovered we should not make height depend on visible, otherwise when you hide a whole root because you don't want to show it10:29
tsdgeosthe inner parts get all the sizes changed and you get lots of updates for no reason10:30
tsdgeosyou were trying to save rendering and suddently all your nodes moved around10:30
Saviqtsdgeos, ugh10:30
tsdgeosand we do that a lot :D10:30
SaviqCimi, ok, task for you: find out a shader line I need to use to calculate the highlight color :P10:46
CimiSaviq, the line where the shader needs to be? :)10:51
Cimithe pixels under the divider?10:51
SaviqCimi, no, the actual shader code10:52
CimiSaviq, same thing we have now10:52
SaviqCimi, there is no .lighter() in glsl10:52
CimiSaviq, lighter is an algorithm10:52
SaviqCimi, yes, find it10:52
SaviqCimi, find out how do I, in shader code, do .lighter(1.2)10:52
CimiSaviq, convert to HSL10:54
CimiSaviq, multiply s and l for that argument10:54
CimiSaviq, IIRC10:54
SaviqCimi, there is no .convertToHsl in gsls10:55
CimiSaviq, which colorspace we have?10:55
CimiSaviq, frb?10:55
SaviqCimi, rgb10:55
Cimiok we need to convert to hsl10:55
SaviqCimi, and .lighter in Qt does hsv, and v * argument10:55
SaviqCimi, nothing with s10:55
Cimiyou can do hsv then10:55
CimiSaviq, changing saturation as well is cool10:56
anpokbetter fake with a lightness vector in rgb10:56
Saviqanpok, yeah, howto? :)10:58
CimiSaviq, or http://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/lighten-darken-color/10:58
anpok1.2 is a lightness factor?10:59
anpokor increas in luminosity11:00
Saviqanpok, that's what .v gets multiplied by11:00
Saviqanpok, in hsv that is11:00
anpokfragcolor * mat4(1,0,0,0.2126,0,1,0,0.7152,0,0,1,0.0722,0,0,0,1)*1.2; would be my guess.11:03
anpok+ additional fiddling on the vector, gamma correction,...11:04
anpokthe other way around ofc11:04
* anpok hides in shame11:04
Saviqanpok, yeah, that became green/yellow from black :)11:07
Saviqanpok, but you have to bear with me here, I've no idea what I'm doing :)11:07
Saviqbregma, hey, you around?11:11
Saviqgreyback, did you manage to get a unity8 desktop session on your machine in the end?11:12
greybackSaviq: yes, I've had it working some time now11:12
greybackwhenver it lets me log in ofc11:13
Saviqgreyback, could you test silo 16 (`citrain host-upgrade 16`) for bugs #1350878 and #1353041 ?11:13
ubot5bug 1353041 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Logging out of the Unity8 desktop preview session hangs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135304111:13
ubot5bug 1350878 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "lockscreen doesn't properly unlock on desktop when a password is set" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135087811:13
greybackSaviq: on it11:13
Saviqgreyback, thank youse11:13
anpokare special qt libs necessary to run unity8 on desktop? (GL vs GLESv2)11:15
greybackanpok: nothing special no11:16
facundobatistahola Saviq :)11:21
tsdgeosSaviq: who wrote the "just run with "QSG_VISUALIZE=batches" and scroll in the dash. You see lots of colours and they change on scroll - which means Qt has to re-batch them each frame, which is very slow. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1350863" part ?11:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1350863 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "UbuntuShape incompatible with Qt Scenegraph renderer batching strategy" [High,Fix released]11:22
Saviqanpok, so, pointers on how to make the lighting happen? You saying "gamma correction of course" didn't really register ;)11:22
Saviqtsdgeos, greyback11:22
SaviqI think11:22
greybacktsdgeos: yes it was I *big reveal*11:23
tsdgeosgreyback: i don't see it happening11:23
greybacktsdgeos: it was fixed11:23
tsdgeosright i should read what ubot5 says11:24
greybacktsdgeos: you can still see a bit of it in the dash today, but for other reasons I suspect11:25
tsdgeosgreyback: it's because the "dash overview thing in the bottom" changes opacity11:25
tsdgeoscausing the scene graph to rebuild itself11:25
greybacktsdgeos: yes that would do it, but you see it even just scrolling around. (this was me trying 3 weeks ago though, it may have improved)11:26
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tsdgeosgreyback: the "dash overview thing in the bottom" changes opacity while scrolling11:27
tsdgeosi.e. it deppends if your oon top or not to show itself or not11:27
greybacktsdgeos: ah I see. I would've expected that to be in a separate batch though, it shouldn't cause the whole SG to be rebatched11:27
tsdgeosit does11:28
tsdgeosgreyback: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8113535/11:28
greybackso it appears.11:30
anpokSaviq: fragcolor.r += fragcolor.r*0.21*lightness_factor; fragcolor.g += fragcolor.g*0.72*lightness_factor; fragcolor.b += fragcolor.b*0.07*lightness_factor;11:32
Saviqanpok, thanks!11:33
anpokSaviq: with gamma I meant removing gamma correction before applying the ligthness and reappling it afterwards11:33
anpoknot sure how to do that efficient in ges11:33
anpokfactor is maybe the wrong word .. btw it is rather a lightness translation .. means 0 is no change..11:34
Saviqanpok, ok thanks11:35
tsdgeosSaviq: do you remember the things that broke here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8113598/11:36
Saviqtsdgeos, the sizes were not calculated right11:38
Saviqtsdgeos, because if invisible, text wasn't laid out11:38
tsdgeoswhich may be fixed in my "don't use visible to calculate size" thing?11:38
tsdgeosi've made it non visible now and can''t find any issue11:38
tsdgeoswas it obvious everywhere?11:38
tsdgeoslet me try it in an unpatched one11:40
* tsdgeos slot sometimes11:40
tsdgeosslot -> slow11:41
tsdgeosoh yes it breaks11:41
CimiSaviq, tsdgeos I have an issue with test Card11:47
Cimithe variables title, art, etc etc11:47
Cimiinside the testcase11:47
Cimithey don't get updated quick enough when I change index11:47
Saviqtsdgeos, well, the calculations were wrong is all11:47
SaviqCimi, all the other tests seem to manage?11:48
Cimiso at the beginning of a new iteration of a test, I might have the old title item11:48
CimiSaviq, all other tests seem not to use those11:48
Saviqtsdgeos, not sure the test actually covered this issue11:48
CimiSaviq, I started having this issue using GRID_UNIT_PX different than 811:49
Cimimzanetti, is waitForRendering enough?11:49
mzanettiCimi: hmm... isn't that already there?11:50
Cimimzanetti, it was11:50
Cimimzanetti, not helping11:50
Cimia wait(50) helps11:50
mzanettiCimi: not happy with wait(50)11:50
CimiI tried deactivating the loader at the end of a test11:50
Cimino joy11:50
mzanettiCimi: right... you could set the vars to null in cleanup()11:51
mzanettiCimi: then set them again in init()11:51
Saviqzbenjamin, did the url dispatcher work for you on desktop?11:51
zbenjaminSaviq: i tried only on the phone11:52
Saviqzbenjamin, k11:52
Cimimzanetti, not helps11:52
Cimimzanetti, there is also cardTool in between11:52
Cimimzanetti, giving the sourceComponent to the loader11:53
Cimiin few words, this testCase is asking for races11:53
Saviqzbenjamin, hmm I wonder how it even got to your dash... unity8-dash isn't an u-a-l-launched application... so not sure how url dispatcher could get to it :/11:56
* Saviq thinks we need to make it an u-a-l launched one...11:58
zbenjaminSaviq: ok, did it not happen for you at all?12:00
Saviqzbenjamin, yeah, url dispatcher just throws stuff around and fails, it never reaches unity8-dash12:00
Saviqzbenjamin, from dbus-monitor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8113738/12:02
Saviqzbenjamin, it tries to launch unity8-dash as an app under u-a-l and that fails12:02
zbenjaminSaviq: ok :/12:03
Saviqzbenjamin, I'll have a chat with tedg today how to clear this up12:03
zbenjaminSaviq: so its not so trivial after all..12:03
zbenjaminSaviq: ok thx very much for helping with this12:03
Saviqzbenjamin, it should be possible to make unity8-dash being wrapped with u-a-l, which would also give us lifecycle for it12:03
zbenjaminSaviq: yes, sounds perfect to me12:04
Saviqwonder why it does fail actually12:04
kgunn+1 on landing just the unity8 stuffs12:09
kgunn...and i was really suspicious of that pin lock12:09
Saviqgreyback, any feedback on desktop silo 16 yet?12:12
greybackSaviq: my test machine is a bit on the slow side, it's almost finished updating12:13
Saviqgreyback, ah12:13
Saviqkgunn, yeah, but I was almost sure we did the same for ap tests that we do for ./run.sh, obviously not, but should be an easy fix12:15
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SaviqCimi, merge prerequisite into scope settings please, there's conflicts or at least --weave is required12:39
Saviq*or* there's simply a conflict12:39
* tedg is confused, why is URL dispatcher touching the dash?12:43
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah there's still something wrong12:43
tedgSaviq, ^12:43
Saviqtedg, because we want it to support scope:// urls12:44
tedgHmm, yeah, we can't use the standard mechanisms for that.12:44
Saviqtedg, well, we could, if unity8-dash would be ual-launched12:45
tedgSaviq, Yeah, but that's a bad idea :-)12:45
Saviqtedg, why?12:45
Saviqtedg, it's just an app these days, only special thing about it is that it starts automagically and respawns12:45
tedgBecause UAL does a bunch of stuff that you don't need and doesn't do a bunch of stuff you want. Setting up environments vs. respawn12:46
Saviqtedg, right, so that is what I wanted to talk to you about ;)12:46
tedgI guess if respawn is the only feature you care about, you could do that manually.12:47
Saviqtedg, or have a task on application APP_ID=unity8-dash stopped ;)12:48
Saviqtedg, that would start it up again12:48
Saviqand on unity8 started12:48
Saviqtedg, so, problem is that we have NoDisplay=true12:48
Saviqtedg, that seems to make application-legacy unhappy :/12:48
tedgYes, because that means it's not an application :-)12:49
tedgI guess what I don't like is that I like the idea that "application" means something. It's not just "process". I worry about blurring that definition.12:50
tedgApplication means it has an icon in the apps-scope, means it shows up on the launcher, etc.12:50
Saviqtedg, could application be a wrapper around process then? ;)12:50
tedgIt is, and the process manager is Upstart.12:51
tedgSo that's why it feels more right for me to have the dash be an Upstart job.12:51
Saviqtedg, ok then, how do we hook up url-dispatcher to the non-application dash then?12:51
Wellarkmzanetti: I trying to get to the pin unlock dialog still later today12:51
* Saviq wanted lifecycle, too :/12:51
tedgI think that we special case the scope URL.12:51
Wellarkalthough I've been up for 29h straight, so let's see how it goes12:52
SaviqChrisTownsend, oh, just the man I wanted to see12:55
tedgSaviq, I think the idea that an "application" is wrapper around a process just gave me a slide for my presentation in two weeks on confinement :-)12:55
SaviqChrisTownsend, care to test out silo 16 for unity8 on desktop (log in and log out mostly)?12:55
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Hey, yeah, sure I can do that.12:56
tedgSaviq, So I guess I'm undecided, I definitely see your point, but I like the idea of application being smaller.12:56
Saviqtedg, so the only thing that I see as not possible right now12:57
Saviqtedg, is to launch an app that has NoDisplay=true, which I'm not sure I agree with12:57
greybackSaviq: both bugs are fixed12:57
Saviqtedg, we have a launcher for the media player in dash apps12:57
greybackSaviq: the desktop session ones12:57
Saviqgreyback, awesome, thanks12:57
Saviqtedg, which is useless, 'cause just says "you didn't pass a file, I'm done"12:58
tedgSaviq, Yes, media player is an interesting case, because it, for instance shows up on the launcher, what if you pin it there?12:58
Saviqtedg, sure, you pinned it there, doesn't mean it should be *listed* as an app12:58
tedgSaviq, It seems to me "if it's an app, it should be an app" so it needs to fix that experience or become a trusted prompt session over the app playing the video.12:58
Saviqtedg, right, or part of the app simply12:59
Saviqtedg, as I said, "I'm not sure"12:59
tedgThe problem, of course, with me talking about this is then you can easily ask "what is an application then?" and that's harder to answer :-)13:00
ChrisTownsendSaviq: greyback: Regarding desktop logout, there is still the issue where it kicks you back to the Unity8 Greeter, but that is a separate issue.13:00
greybackChrisTownsend: yep I reproduced that13:00
SaviqChrisTownsend, so long as you *can* log in and out, we're in a much better place than we were ;)13:00
greybackChrisTownsend: I guessed it was some upstart job mis-behaviour13:01
ChrisTownsendSaviq: greyback: If I add some pre/post-stop upstart directives that were originally in the unity8-desktop-session upstart stuff, then logout works.  But I'm not sure if those break the phone.13:01
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Exactly!13:01
SaviqChrisTownsend, well, there is not a "log out" option on the phone13:01
SaviqChrisTownsend, so unity8 basically never gets stopped there13:01
SaviqChrisTownsend, so from a first glance it looks like it could just be there13:02
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Oh, well then, I'll propose a fix and you guys can ack/nack it.13:02
SaviqChrisTownsend, *but*, I must say I dislike the idea of unity8's post-stop job stopping the session13:02
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Yeah, it seems kind of hack-y.13:02
SaviqChrisTownsend, I'd think this is something that should happen by unity8 asking logind or lightdm or something13:02
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Right13:03
SaviqChrisTownsend, but I've not a good idea still what's the real relationship between all those13:03
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Regarding the logout issue, once this new Unity8 lands, I'll enter a new bug, then we can go from there.13:07
SaviqChrisTownsend, yup13:07
Saviqtedg, ok then, special handling, can we just use UriHandler as everything else does?13:08
Saviqtedg, or does it not work without APP_ID or so?13:08
Saviq(we can get it an APP_ID, too)13:08
tedgSaviq, Yeah, no the appid processing is only in URL Dispatcher.13:08
ChrisTownsendSaviq: Ok, login/logout work now with package from the silo.13:08
tedgSaviq, Do you want it send via the FD.o interface on DBus?13:08
tedgSaviq, It'd be easier for me if it could register for a well known name.13:09
Saviqtedg, could do, although that means *we* need to do more work ;)13:09
Saviqtedg, and well, UriHandler registers itself anyway, since it's a singleton?13:09
Saviqtedg, maybe we could make UriHandler accept a path/name as property?13:10
CimiSaviq, there's conflicts where?13:10
tedgSaviq, I believe so, on /$(appid)13:10
SaviqCimi, nowhere13:10
CimiSaviq, dash overview is in trunk13:10
SaviqCimi, ignore13:10
CimiSaviq, I merged trunk13:10
tedgSaviq, Uhm, probably not good since we don't want most apps registering names, confinement doesn't allow it.13:10
tedgSaviq, If anywhere in the app you register for a name, everything gets it.13:11
Saviqtedg, can be hidden api ;)13:11
SaviqCimi, yeah, wrong ordering of branches in the train13:11
* tedg prefers non-existant over hidden :-)13:11
SaviqCimi, everything's good13:11
Saviqtedg, same as with NoDisplay=true eh?13:11
tedgSaviq, Yeah, that's such a BS thing to put in the file.13:12
Saviqtedg, ok, we'll have to come up with a name for you13:14
Saviqtedg, or you can come up with one for us (well, we have com.canonical.UnityDash already, so that probably won't change13:15
tedgSaviq, Oh, if you've got that already I can probably just use that.13:16
tedgSaviq, See, no work for you ;-)13:16
Saviqtedg, and UriHandler will just work still?13:16
tedgSaviq, I believe so, you only get a name per-connection. So as long as you don't have multiple dbus connections it's fine.13:16
tedg(or that they're using the same one)13:16
Saviqtedg, ok coolz, /me has no idea about dbus paths, names, interfaces, whatnots13:17
Saviqtedg, we just need to make sure to keep it, as when we do move to urls, we could've just dropped that name, but won't, in that case13:17
tedgSaviq, So then what is the appid you're giving to UriHandler ?13:20
Saviqtedg, you tell me :)13:20
tedgSaviq, "saviq-rocks"13:20
Saviqtedg, where does it take it from?13:20
tedgSaviq, I'm not sure, that's the "Qt Magic" part for me :-)13:20
Saviqtedg, in any case, it should be unity8-dash13:21
tedgI think that loicm did that work.13:21
* tedg tries to remember13:22
Saviqtedg, that's what we get under ~/.cache/ for example13:22
Saviqas our writable cache dir13:22
Saviqso that must be it13:22
tedgProbably the same13:22
tedgSaviq, So then for the URL format you're looking for "scope:///foo" or should there be more/less restrictions?13:22
Saviqtedg, or rather scope://.+ probably13:23
Saviqas an empty scope://...13:23
Saviqwell, it can just focus the dash is all13:23
Saviqtedg, so I'm fine with either scope://.+ or .*13:23
tedgSaviq, The problem with "//" vs "///" is that then the text has to match domain name rules, is that okay?13:23
Saviqtedg, yes13:24
Saviqtedg, the first part is fqdn-like always13:24
tedgWe should call it "unity8-" it seems like the second dash is just being repetitive.13:25
* tedg thinks this might have to go into kenvandine_'s "Great Naming Strategies by Ted" book.13:27
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Cimimzanetti, can I add a wait? :)13:49
Saviqgreyback, I'm adding lp:~vanvugt/qtmir/support-non-usr-includes to the silo, too?13:50
greybackSaviq: go for it13:51
tsdgeospstolowski: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-scopes-shell/resetMeansCountChanged/+merge/23189814:08
tsdgeosi spent a while trying to figure out what was wrong in my code to realize for once it wasn't me :D14:09
Cimimzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/811453214:09
CimiI know is ugly14:09
Cimiworks though14:09
mzanettino way :D14:09
Cimimzanetti, listen I have no other freaking idea!14:09
CimiI am accepting suggestions if you want :D14:10
CimiI even tried putting a tryCompareFunction waiting for title to change14:10
Cimiit's a freaking test, we cannot spend hours on it...14:10
tsdgeoslooks uncool though14:11
anpokhm i get a runtime_error exception when I start unity8-dash manually14:11
anpokit says:14:11
anpokorg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X1114:12
tsdgeosanpok: manually in pc or phone?14:12
Cimitsdgeos, you mean that fix?14:12
Saviqdandrader, unity8 from silo 16 is almost released now, should I build the new silo with lifecycle already or wait for something you've in store?14:12
tsdgeosCimi: yep14:13
dandraderSaviq, kgunn, fixed the prompt surfaces in the lifecycle branch. it was a dead-simple one-liner http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/lifecycle/revision/1159 \o/14:13
anpokpc in qemu/kvm with unity8 running - started by lightdm14:13
dandraderSaviq, right on time :)14:13
Cimimzanetti, it might not be the mapping14:13
Cimimzanetti, it can be the rendering14:13
anpokbyt deactivated unity8-dash as it seems to crash in mesa, which is what I want to debug14:13
Cimitsdgeos, it might be slow rendering too14:13
tsdgeosCimi: i'm sure a waitForRendering or similar can help14:14
Cimitsdgeos, I have one14:14
mzanettitsdgeos: its a bit odd indeed14:14
Cimimzanetti, ouch14:14
MacSlowCimi, even I got rid of all such hacks in the qmltests for notifications14:14
kgunndandrader: woo hoo14:14
Cimimzanetti, make xvfbtestCard works14:14
mzanettitsdgeos: GRID_UNIT_PX=16 make tryCard14:14
Cimimzanetti, well, he needs my branch...14:15
mzanettiah right14:15
tsdgeosmzanetti: on master?14:15
tsdgeosah :D14:15
Cimitsdgeos, lp:~cimi/unity8/overlay-right-padding14:15
mzanettitsdgeos: there is a waitForRendering(card) in there already14:15
Cimimzanetti, works with xvfbtest14:15
Cimimzanetti, not with normal one14:15
mzanettiCimi: yeah.. because the rendering is slower, so the waitForRendering does its job there14:16
Saviqdandrader, awesome14:18
Saviqgreyback, I talked to sil about the staging approach we discussed yesterday14:19
mzanettiCimi: waitForRendering(selector)14:19
Saviqgreyback, he's on board, anything you wanted to add maybe?14:19
mzanettiCimi: yeah... that makes it work here14:20
mzanettiCimi: that waits until the selector has finished updating stuff14:20
Cimimzanetti, wil try14:20
mzanettiCimi: the waitForRendering(card) passes before the selector starts modifying the card14:21
mzanettiCimi: so first do a waitForRendering(selector), and then a waitForRendering(card)14:21
mzanettiand then we're good14:21
Cimimzanetti, we want to update them everywhere maybe14:21
mzanettiCimi: very likey14:21
mzanettiCimi: you might want to try if we can do the waitForRendering(selector) already inside selector.updateAreas() or similar14:22
tsdgeosCimi: mzanetti: GRID_UNIT_PX=16 make testCard works for me in that branch :D14:22
Cimitsdgeos, you have a slow pc :P14:22
mzanettisize doesn't always matter :P14:23
tsdgeosat most sometimes fails at14:23
tsdgeosbackground.color = data.tag;14:23
greybackSaviq: not at the moment. Good to hear he likes it14:23
tsdgeosbut that's not where it fails for you no?14:23
tsdgeosor is it?14:23
mzanettino... its in test_paddings14:24
tsdgeoscan't help then ;)14:25
Cimimzanetti, your pc is too slow14:25
Cimimzanetti, mine fails also waiting the selector :P14:25
tsdgeosbranches merged \o/14:25
mzanettiaw man14:25
mzanettimaybe we want to put Saviq on the case then :D14:25
Cimisaviq is wasting time on a pixel because of me14:26
* Cimi runs14:26
* Saviq ignores14:27
CimiSaviq, seriously14:28
mzanettiSaviq: well, testCard has some issues indeed. the way its written its actually surprising it passes14:28
CimiSaviq, if you have ideas...14:28
CimiSaviq, mumble14:28
anpokah had to set DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS properly14:30
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Cimithis works though http://paste.ubuntu.com/8114781/14:40
mzanettiCimi: +1 from me if this works14:42
Cimimzanetti, works on my pc...14:42
Cimimzanetti, should not add any issue14:42
mzanettiCimi: can you push it so I can try here?14:42
Cimimzanetti, pushed14:43
mzanettiCimi: +114:43
Cimimzanetti, you can approve then :)14:44
mzanettiCimi: yep, on it14:45
CimiSaviq, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-empty-attributes/+merge/231076 ?14:45
SaviqCimi, yes, and that's kind-of expected14:50
SaviqCimi, basically the first row decides on column width14:50
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SaviqCimi, so because in testData[4] the first row has an empty last column, the second row can't fit the attribute there14:51
SaviqCimi, it's a chicken'n'egg problem, because we're eliding as well14:51
SaviqCimi, so it'd be a loop of optimizing the column widths14:52
CimiSaviq, is this correct though?14:52
Cimidoesn't seem right to me14:52
CimiSaviq, empty attributes break the design14:52
SaviqCimi, you'd never put an empty attribute above a non-empty one though14:53
Cimiso what's the point of supporting them?14:53
SaviqCimi, because that already breaks the visual14:53
SaviqCimi, but you *would* want to put one under the other14:53
SaviqCimi, which means that you need to have 4 in total, N°2 and 4 empty14:53
CimiSaviq, so you want to have 1st and 3rd, but not 1st and 4th?14:53
Saviq2nd and 4th14:53
SaviqCimi, I know it's not ideal, it gets the job done though, and we'll have to revisit the rules for laying them out for sure14:54
SaviqCimi, because it's not good enough now14:54
SaviqCimi, we might end up putting them in separate RowLayouts instead of a GridLayout, that would end up with uneven centering though14:55
CimiSaviq, so shall I approve it despite this issue?14:55
SaviqCimi, yes, it's an expected caveat14:55
SaviqCimi, I'll put an explanation in the MP14:55
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CimiSaviq, header customisation is fine or you working on the shader?15:00
CimiSaviq, I'd still do it separate15:00
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SaviqCimi, header one is good15:08
SaviqCimi, it's alt_nav that needs the shader15:08
CimiSaviq, ok we can approve then15:08
CimiSaviq, why that?15:08
SaviqCimi, because before alt_nav there's no background on the nav bar15:08
Cimimzanetti, top approving? https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/overlay-right-padding/+merge/23158615:10
mzanettiCimi: wanted to wait for jenkins15:10
mzanettiCimi: but ok... approved it15:10
mzanettiCimi: if jenkins fails on it, please unapprove and fix that15:11
tsdgeosit's sad, there's no way of getting the same rendering you get with width/height when you set sourceSize15:21
tsdgeosyou can get something that is arguably better15:21
Cimitsdgeos, what?15:24
tsdgeosCimi: get this15:25
Cimitsdgeos, setting sourceSize reduces quality?15:25
tsdgeoschanges quality :D15:25
tsdgeosCimi: and http://i.imgur.com/PPz8LWI.jpg as sobrenatural.jpg15:25
tsdgeosnot tell me which is the best from the 1215:26
tsdgeosSaviq: ↑↑↑15:26
Cimitsdgeos, 1st row second15:28
Cimiquite comparable with 4th and 6th15:28
tsdgeossecond row 1st?15:28
tsdgeosthat one is horrible :D15:29
Cimi1st row15:29
Cimithe second on the 1st row15:29
tsdgeosthat's the best15:29
tsdgeoswe are shoing 4th of 2nd row15:29
tsdgeosat the moment15:29
tsdgeoswhich is "more crisp"15:29
tsdgeossad thing is i can't emulate that one when setting sourcesize15:30
Cimitsdgeos, what is difference with mipmap and smooth?15:30
tsdgeosthat is the one without source size15:30
tsdgeosmipmap is "more" smooth :D15:30
Cimitsdgeos, it is too crisp that one imho15:30
Cimiit looks pixelated15:31
tsdgeosyeah i can hardly see the difference between smooth and non smooth15:31
tsdgeoswhen not setting source size15:32
tsdgeosi.e. 2nd row 4th vs 6th15:32
Cimitsdgeos, maybe it depends on the fact is zoomed in or out15:32
tsdgeosmay be15:32
tsdgeosso i guess we should go for first row15:35
tsdgeoswhich is with sourcesize so uses less memory15:35
tsdgeosor not15:37
tsdgeosthe crispness helps sometimes...15:38
tsdgeoslet me show you another one15:38
tsdgeosor not...15:40
Saviqtsdgeos, it'd help if I knew which image is which ;)15:42
Saviqtsdgeos, should've went with GridLayout ;)15:42
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tsdgeosSaviq: why? just tell me which one you think it looks better15:43
tsdgeoslooking at the code is cheating15:43
Saviqtsdgeos, ah15:43
Saviqtsdgeos, I didn't know what you're after15:43
Saviqtsdgeos, so which one looks best of all of those?15:43
tsdgeosi can tell you what they are15:43
tsdgeosin groups of 415:43
tsdgeosmimap=true, normal, smooth=false15:44
Saviqtsdgeos, top row 215:44
Saviqtsdgeos, is what I think's best15:44
tsdgeosand then it's sourceSize both directions, best direction, no source size and bad direction15:44
tsdgeosstarting from top left15:44
tsdgeosSaviq: yep, but that's with mipmap15:44
Saviqtop 4 is almost the same15:44
tsdgeosso i'm going with top 415:44
CimiSaviq, same here15:44
Cimidifference between 2 and 4 is mipmap vs smooth15:45
Cimimipmap is better15:45
tsdgeosand slower :D15:46
tsdgeosi'm trying to make things faster15:46
tsdgeosnot slower ;)15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, so top 4 is without sourceSize?15:46
tsdgeosno, bottom 4 is without sourceSize15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, ah good15:46
tsdgeostop 4 is with source size only in the width direction15:46
tsdgeosi.e sourceSize: Qt.size(100, 0)15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, right, if only we knew which direction is better without loading the image ;)15:47
Cimiwe need to detect aspect ratio15:47
Saviqthat's what I miss in Image actually15:47
Saviqto say sourceSize: 'best, dammit!'15:48
Saviqyou know whether you're cropping or stretching or whatnot15:48
Saviqjust do the work!15:48
Saviqkgunn, dandrader, greyback, stuff's building in silo 415:48
dandraderSaviq, ok15:49
Saviqit will get into a dependency wait due to unity-api being there late15:49
Saviqand I'll upload qtmir-gles in a moment15:49
tsdgeosSaviq: one option is setting sourceSize when sourceSize changes the first time15:49
tsdgeosit's a bit hacky but should work, no?15:50
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Saviqtsdgeos, yes, and means loading the image twice15:50
tsdgeosSaviq: loading it where15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-image.html#sourceSize-prop15:51
SaviqNote: Changing this property dynamically causes the image source to be reloaded, potentially even from the network, if it is not in the disk cache.15:51
CimiSaviq, but we know the card type, no?15:51
tsdgeosfrom disk15:51
tsdgeosthat's a given15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, or network15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, well, not necessarily15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, "For some formats (currently only JPEG), the whole image will never actually be loaded into memory."15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, it could just read the header15:51
Saviqtsdgeos, and straight away determine what side it should load at15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, but that'd have to happen in QQuickImage15:52
Saviqor QImageBase or whatever does the loading15:52
tsdgeosSaviq: right, which means we either live with big images or implement taht in Qt itself15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, guess what my vote would be ;)15:53
Saviqbut we haven't hired that person yet :D15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, apart from loading, the other thing is actually scaling the image, takes CPU15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, which is why I wanted bug #122499815:54
ubot5bug 1224998 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Cache preview and thumbnail images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122499815:54
tsdgeoswell, someone is doing the scaling now too15:54
Saviqbut didn't happen yet15:54
tsdgeosor maybe it's just textture scaling15:54
tsdgeosand that's why it looks different15:54
Saviqtsdgeos, if no sourcesize, it's GPU that's scaling15:54
tsdgeosright, kind of makes sense15:55
Saviqtsdgeos, so the least bad way I think we can deal without digging in Qt15:55
Saviqtsdgeos, is do what you said15:55
Saviqtsdgeos, but keep the image invisible until that happens15:55
tsdgeosstill reloads twice15:55
Saviqbut at least doesn't upload15:55
tsdgeoswhich given how bad network/disk can be on the phone15:55
tsdgeosi'm not sure it's a good idea15:56
Saviqtsdgeos, I don't think disk is the problem15:56
Saviqtsdgeos, we'd have all kinds of issues if IO was the reason15:56
tsdgeoswell io is usually slow on phones15:57
tsdgeosi mean not the case to make everything slow15:57
tsdgeosbut you don't want to abuse it15:57
seb128unity8 segfaults on start on my desktop since the update I just did (was working earlier today using the ppa 16 before it landed)16:00
seb128segfault in QJSValue, qtmir surfaceAboutToBeCreatedCallback from libUnityLauncher16:00
seb128Saviq, do you know if that's a known issue?16:00
seb128bregma, ^16:00
Saviqseb128, where did you update from?16:01
seb128Saviq, standard utopic16:01
Saviqseb128, not possible, that symbol's not there yet16:02
seb128I get the lockscreen but blank16:02
seb128maybe I failed to disable the ppa?16:02
Saviqseb128, likely you have qtmir newer than in distro16:02
Saviqcome back!16:03
seb128I've 21.1-0ubuntu1, wonder from where I got that?16:03
Saviqseb128, but I'm sure Gerry will be interested in the signature of the crash16:03
Saviqseb128, silo 16 yesterday16:03
Saviqseb128, but it didn't get released16:03
seb128I see16:03
seb128it was working this morning :p16:04
Saviqseb128, because you had unity8 from the silo too16:04
seb128right, I though the silo landed earlier today16:04
Saviqseb128, yeah, without qtmir16:04
seb128but I guess that was different content16:04
Saviqseb128, had to pull16:04
seb128I see16:04
Saviqseb128, you can upgrade from silo 4 in like half an hour16:04
Saviqseb128, or downgrade to distro version16:04
seb128yeah, doing that16:05
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seb128Saviq, works after downgrading qtmir, thanks!16:05
dandraderdednick, ping16:06
Saviqseb128, still that suggests to me there's something wonky in silo 4 now, it shouldn't crash16:06
Saviqseb128, will have to verify16:06
dednickdandrader: yo16:06
seb128Saviq, I'm happy to give debug info16:06
seb128Saviq, I'm going to try the silo once it's built16:06
Saviqseb128, yeah, but that will force a unity8 bump, too16:06
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Saviqseb128, so yeah, well, you shouldn't get into a situation like you did16:07
Saviqseb128, which, btw, is weird16:07
seb128what is weird?16:07
Saviqseb128, you shouldn't have been able to upgrade unity8 without downgrading qmitr16:07
seb128why not?16:07
seb128is there a soname change?16:07
Saviqseb128, you probably have unity8-fake-env installed?16:07
dandraderdednick, should the surface in SurfaceContainer match the size of the SurfaceContainer? (hope that questions is comprehensible :) )16:07
seb128Saviq, I do indeed16:08
Saviqseb128, so that's what satisfied the dep16:08
Saviqseb128, unity8 depends on unity-application-impl-$version16:08
dandraderdednick, thinking about the prompt sessions here, as they also use SurfaceContainers16:08
Saviqseb128, and both qtmir and -fake-env provide that16:08
seb128I see16:08
dednickdandrader: prompt sessions should match size of the main surface16:08
Saviqseb128, I just wonder, did you have -fake-env installed before? can you check in apt-history whether it got upgraded or installed?16:09
dandraderdednick, hmm, ok.16:09
dednickdandrader: they take into account the margins applied on the app session16:09
dednick*app surface16:09
dednickdandrader: ie. if a app is fullscreen, it's prompt should be, and same for non-fullscreen16:10
dandraderdednick, right16:10
dandraderdednick, because currently SurfaceContainer doesn't do anything about the size of the surface it contains16:11
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah is reading the file twice16:11
dandraderdednick, so I was thinking about changing that. Making  the "contained surface" follow the size of its container16:11
dandraderbinding it16:11
tsdgeosbut one after the other, we can expect linux caches are smart enough to give it again from memory and not disk16:12
tsdgeoslet's see what happens with the internets16:12
dandraderand was wondering if it would wreak havoc to the prompt stuff. but seems not16:12
Saviqseb128, so what happened for you I think, is that you had qtmir installed at -impl-3, the unity8 you got from distro wanted -impl-2 but either you had -fake-env installed and that upgrade satisfied -impl-2, or, worse, it would install -fake-env satisfying -impl-2 instead of downgrading qtmir16:12
seb128Saviq, it got installed as part of the dist-upgrade I just did, likely to resolve the depends16:12
Saviqseb128, right, but that's just because you had qtmir at a higher version than distro16:13
dednickdandrader: what about the fullscreen stuff?16:13
Saviqseb128, otherwise it would not have installed -fake-env but upgraded qtmir16:13
Saviqso yeah, it's ~ok16:13
seb128Saviq, right16:13
Saviqseb128, on that note, I think we can drop fake-env actually16:14
dednickdandrader: i did that when i first did prompts, and it screwed up the sizing of spread items when they were transformed.16:14
Saviqit would mean you can't run it under x11... but it's way past being easy to run under x11 anyway...16:14
dandraderdednick, the lifecycle branch changed things quite a lot16:14
Saviqor, well, useful16:14
dednickdandrader: mk.16:14
dednickdandrader: i'm changing things up again as well.16:14
dednickdandrader: we're probably going to conflict massively16:15
dednicksurfaces are no longer on applications.16:15
dandraderdednick, yeah, but this time you're the one that's gonna have to rebase :D16:15
dandraderif all goes well and silo 4 lands, that is16:16
tsdgeosi can't find the syscalls qt does to download from the interwebs16:16
tsdgeosany other suggestion?16:17
tsdgeoswireshark it?16:17
Saviqtsdgeos, remember it's caching it16:17
tsdgeosSaviq: is it?16:18
Saviqtsdgeos, ~/.cache/unity8-dash/network16:18
tsdgeosSaviq: not my dummy qml16:18
Saviqtsdgeos, right, no ;)16:18
tsdgeosyes, does the download twice16:19
tsdgeosgood thing we are caching then :D16:19
tsdgeosok, this would be the code http://paste.ubuntu.com/8115422/16:20
tsdgeoswill see how integrate it into the card on monday16:20
* tsdgeos waves16:21
dandraderdednick,  "surfaces are no longer on applications." You mean there's no ApplicationInfo::surface?16:23
dednickdandrader: nope16:23
dandraderin your branches16:23
dandraderdednick,  oh, that big. How do you match an app with its surface now?16:24
dednickdandrader: Application::session16:24
CimiSaviq, scope settings? :)16:24
SaviqCimi, next week16:24
dednickdandrader: and sessions have a surface + child sessions16:25
dandraderdednick, hmm. ok16:26
dednickdandrader: aka. a prompt-in-a-prompt16:26
dednickin a application16:26
dednickin a dream16:26
dednickin a taco bell16:26
dandraderI sense it's gonna be trio of big fat patches (unity-api, unity8, qtmir) like with lifecycle...16:26
dednickthe unity-api doesnt seem to know anything about surfaces at the moment.16:27
dednickit's all add-ons from qtmir at the mo16:28
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anpokis there a known issue with physical keyboards in side stage appilcations?16:46
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rcspamhi all, my script : http://pastebin.com/9TrZi9NL18:06
rcspamI dont understand why 'launcher.set_property("urgent", True)' line 20 doesn't work. Is it a bug? I'm on ubuntu 12.04, thanx!18:07
rcspamif it is before 'the line 19's if', it works !! Why not in the 'if' !18:09
Saviqrcspam, it looks like you're looking more for python support rather than here18:52
Saviqrcspam, but from a quick look, you shouldn't do len(line) == 0 (which, btw can be just "if line")18:52
Saviqrcspam, you should rather catch EOF18:53
rcspamSaviq: ok i agree what you say about if line..., but the script works and there are no error given bye the interpretor, if  i put a 'print something" after 'if' condition, it works, the only thing that doent work is 'launcher.set_property("urgent", True)'19:10
rcspamSaviq: i ve replaced 'len(line) == 0' by 'not line', it works well but "urgent" doesnt "knocked at the door" ;)19:13
anpokhm what could be missing from my installation when unity8 dash from the archive does not show the apps scope?19:21
anpok(pc desktop)19:21
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rcspamSaviq, Do you know, where find python unity chanel or list, where post my ask ?19:25
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